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Prairie dogs have declined by 98% throughout their range in the grasslands of North America. Translocations have been used as a conservation tool to reestablish colonies of this keystone species and to mitigate human–wildlife conflict. Understanding the behavioral responses of prairie dogs to translocation is of utmost importance to enhance the persistence of the species and for species that depend on them, including the critically endangered black-footed ferret. In 2017 and 2018, we translocated 658 black-tailed prairie dogs on the Lower Brule Indian Reservation in central South Dakota, USA, a black-footed ferret recovery site. Here, we describe and evaluate the effectiveness of translocating prairie dogs into augered burrows and soft-released within presumed coteries to reestablish colonies in previously occupied habitat. We released prairie dogs implanted with passive integrated transponders (PIT tags) and conducted recapture events approximately 1-month and 1-year post-release. We hypothesized that these methods would result in a successful translocation and that prairie dogs released as coteries would remain close to where they were released because of their highly social structure. In support of these methods leading to a successful translocation, 69% of marked individuals was captured 1-month post-release, and 39% was captured 1-year post-release. Furthermore, considerable recruitment was observed with 495 unmarked juveniles captured during the 1-year post-release trapping event, and the reestablished colony had more than doubled in the area by 2021. Contrary to our hypothesis, yet to our knowledge a novel finding, there was greater initial movement within the colony 1-month post-release than expected based on recapture locations compared with the published average territory size; however, 1 year after release, most recaptured individuals were captured within the expected territory size when compared to capture locations 1-month post-release. This research demonstrates that while translocating prairie dogs may be socially disruptive initially, it is an important conservation tool.  相似文献   

White fronted bee-eaters (Merops bullockoides) live in extended family clans that aggregate to roost and nest in large colonies. Members of a given clan also share a common foraging territory, spatially segregated from the colony, to which they commute daily. The size of this foraging territory is positively related to clan size. Clan foraging territories are divided into a number of loosely overlapping foraging home ranges (FHRs), each occupied by an individual or mated pair of birds. Bee-eaters feed solitarily, flycatching to snap up large insects from widely dispersed perches. Each bird tolerates intrusion on its FHR by various members of its own clan, but aggressively excludes individuals belonging to other clans. Birds defend only their own FHR; however, because of the high amount of FHR overlap, the result is a loose form of group defense of the larger clan feeding area. For this reason we refer to the system as one of clan foraging territories. Birds occupying clan foraging territories located more than 1.5 to 2 km from a colony temporarily abandoned them while feeding nestlings. At such times, these birds provisioned their young by foraging near the colony. Birds that abandoned territories foraged less efficiently, provisioned nestlings at a lower rate, and had lower breeding success than did birds that continued use of their foraging territories. A model is developed relating territory abandonment to the energetics of central place foraging. Bee-eaters typically shift colony locations between successive breeding seasons. Foraging territory locations, in contrast, remain largely stable, resulting in large and unpredictable changes in the quality of any given foraging territory across years (quality being defined as distance from the currently active nesting colony). When a pair bond forms in bee-eaters, one member typically remains in its natal clan while the other moves into the clan of its partner. At this time, the new pair also establishes its own FHR, generally located within or on the periphery of the clan foraging territory of the natal member. The result of this settlement pattern is that white fronted bee-eaters live their lives spatially surrounded by members of their natal or their matrimonial clan. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of both mutualistic and nepotistic interactions among clan members. Such benefits include shared territory defense, enhanced security against predation, and maintenance of close social bonds with potential helpers. We hypothesize that the adaptive value of clan foraging territories lies in long-term familiarity with a foraging area. Such familiarity was demonstrated to lead to improved foraging efficiency and hypothesized to provide both increased security from predation and a more accurate means of monitoring temporal changes in environmental quality. The system of clan foraging territories found in white fronted bee-eaters differs from the all-purpose group territories of most other cooperative breeders studied to date in two important ways. First, foraging territories were not limiting in the sense of restricting dispersal and “forcing” offspring to remain with their natal clans. Unoccupied areas of seemingly suitable habitat were present throughout the study area at all times. Birds also showed no tendency to expand their boundaries or move into areas vacated when neighboring clans decreased in size or died off. Second, breeding status and foraging territory ownership are not linked in Merops bullockoides. All pairs defended foraging areas, yet only about 3/4 of them bred in any given year. This percentage did not differ significantly between pairs occupying high quality foraging territories (located near the active nesting colony) and pairs forced to abandon low quality foraging territories located more distantly. We conclude that foraging territories are not a critical ecological constraining factor for white fronted bee-eaters in Kenya.  相似文献   

Birds that arrive and breed early often have higher reproductive success than late individuals, either as a consequence of timing‐specific advantages (the timing hypothesis) or because these individuals and/or their resources are of higher quality (the quality hypothesis). In this study, we examined the potential influence of several factors affecting reproductive success by experimentally delaying breeding of early‐arriving male American redstarts Setophaga ruticilla, a species for which early male arrival is strongly related to increased reproductive success. Our manipulation involved the capture, holding, and release of males following pairing and territory establishment, resulting in the majority of subjects (67%) losing their initial mate (47%) or mate and territory (20%) and forcing them to start over approximately 12 d after their initial arrival. Males forced to start over (i.e. those losing their first territory and/or mate) did not experience any decrease in body condition, nor did their reproductive behaviour differ from that of early‐arriving control males. We found that naturally early‐arriving but experimentally manipulated males suffered reduced fledging success in comparison to early‐arriving males that bred early or late, but equivalent success in comparison to males that arrived and bred late. Based on our results, we propose that the relationship between early arrival and higher reproductive success in this species is mediated not simply by individual male quality or absolute arrival timing alone, but rather some other aspect of resource quality is likely important. We discuss and present evidence for two alternative explanations under the quality hypothesis: female quality and territory quality. To our knowledge, our study is the first to investigate the effects of experimentally delaying male breeding time, strengthening previous correlational evidence for resource quality as a potentially important selective agent driving early arrival in migratory birds.  相似文献   

S. F. EDEN 《Ibis》1989,131(1):141-153
The social behaviour of non-breeding individuals in a colour-marked population of Magpies was studied. In early autumn most non-breeders began to forage in a common area, the 'Non-breeding Flock Area'. A few individuals remained on their natal territories away from the flock area as solitary non-breeders. Most non-breeders were first-year birds, but some were second years or adults which no longer held a territory. Birds foraged in groups, their food intake rate differing with both group size and location. It appeared that the area in which birds foraged had a significant effect on food intake rate; foraging groups tended to form at sites rich in food. There was a dominance hierarchy amongst non-breeders; an individual's foraging behaviour, survivorship and chances of breeding were status dependent, with subordinates feeding less in groups and being less likely to survive and breed. Solitary individuals' chances of breeding were similar to those of high status birds, although their survivorship to breeding age may have been lower. Non-breeding Magpies are compared with non-breeders of other species and the factors which may influence their social behaviour are discussed. It is suggested that remaining as a solitary non-breeder is a viable alternative to becoming a low-status flock member for some birds.  相似文献   

Vincenzo Penteriani 《Ibis》2003,145(3):E127-E135
Vocal displays are supposed to be an honest signal of the phenotypic and genetic quality of individuals and their territory. Moreover, signal interactions are nearly always associated with individuals in aggregations, and their function could in part be explained as social behaviour. Conspecific density has been shown to be a particularly strong proximate and ultimate factor acting on several individual/population features; thus, it may be expected to affect vocal behaviour too. Here, I investigate the hypothesis that, in long‐lived, territorial species, density affects the vocal displays of mated males, masking their honesty as a possible signal of male/territory quality. Each month I listened to the dusk calls of 17 breeding male Eurasian Eagle Owls Bubo bubo during their prelaying period. Nine males bred in a low‐density situation, the other eight in a high‐density one. Conspecific density was found to affect the honesty of call features as signals of male and/or territory quality. The call display as a reliable predictor of male fitness measured as productivity persisted only in situations of high breeding owl density, where male–male competition was stronger. Accommodation of call activity allows individuals to minimize the costs of aggressive calling by adjusting the territoriality threshold to local conditions. The results of this study emphasize the importance, when investigating the evolution and maintenance of honest territorial or sexual signals, of considering the environmental and social context experienced by the individual, thereby corroborating the idea that male–male competition contributes to the maintenance of honest signalling.  相似文献   

Woodland birds of 20 species were captured in mist-nets in winter (September to February) and summer (April—August) and scored for whether or not they made distress calls while being handled. Birds of only two species showed significant tendencies to be consistent in calling or failing to call when recaptured, but most species had weak trends in. the same direction. Some species changed seasonally in the tendency to call, but there was no general pattern. In winter, but not summer, the incidence of calling was correlated across species with an index of the number of conspecifics likely to hear the call, but there was no comparable correlation with variations within species. In the long-tailed tit, calling was associated with struggling, and with eyelid colour, which reflects a bird's mood. This implies that calling may be directed at a captor as well as at flock companions.  相似文献   

When territorial male song sparrows are captured and removed from their territories, previously unmated and nonterritorial males will take over those vacant territories within 12-72 hr. Plasma levels of testosterone are elevated in these replacement males as well as in their neighbors. Since the latter already have territories, it is suggested that the agonistic interactions over territory boundaries, or behavioral stimuli from challenging males, rather than ownership of a territory per se, stimulates secretion of testosterone. To test this hypothesis further, male song sparrows were challenged by experimental simulation of a territorial intrusion. This procedure involved placing a caged male song sparrow in the center of the subject's territory and playing tape recorded conspecific song through an adjacent speaker. Responding males were then captured at intervals after onset of the intrusion. Plasma levels of testosterone were significantly higher in males exposed to experimental territorial intrusion than they were in controls, supporting the hypothesis that behavioral stimuli emanating from an intruding male can act as supplementary information stimulating secretion of testosterone.  相似文献   

Julian G. Greenwood 《Ibis》2003,145(3):513-513
Vocal displays are supposed to be an honest signal of the phenotypic and genetic quality of individuals and their territory. Moreover, signal interactions are nearly always associated with individuals in aggregations, and their function could in part be explained as social behaviour. Conspecific density has been shown to be a particularly strong proximate and ultimate factor acting on several individual/population features; thus, it may be expected to affect vocal behaviour too. Here, I investigate the hypothesis that, in long-lived, territorial species, density affects the vocal displays of mated males, masking their honesty as a possible signal of male/territory quality. Each month I listened to the dusk calls of 17 breeding male Eurasian Eagle Owls Bubo bubo during their prelaying period. Nine males bred in a low-density situation, the other eight in a high-density one. Conspecific density was found to affect the honesty of call features as signals of male and/or territory quality. The call display as a reliable predictor of male fitness measured as productivity persisted only in situations of high breeding owl density, where male–male competition was stronger. Accommodation of call activity allows individuals to minimize the costs of aggressive calling by adjusting the territoriality threshold to local conditions. The results of this study emphasize the importance, when investigating the evolution and maintenance of honest territorial or sexual signals, of considering the environmental and social context experienced by the individual, thereby corroborating the idea that male–male competition contributes to the maintenance of honest signalling.  相似文献   

The question why different host individuals within a population differ with respect to infection resistance is of fundamental importance for understanding the mechanisms of parasite-mediated selection. We addressed this question by infecting wild-caught captive male greenfinches with intestinal coccidian parasites originating either from single or multiple hosts. Birds with naturally low pre-experimental infection retained their low infection status also after reinfection with multiple strains, indicating that natural infection intensities confer information about the phenotypic ability of individuals to resist novel strains. Exposure to novel strains did not result in protective immunity against the subsequent infection with the same strains. Infection with multiple strains resulted in greater virulence than single-strain infection, indicating that parasites originating from different host individuals are genetically diverse. Our experiment thus demonstrates the validity of important but rarely tested assumptions of many models of parasite-mediated selection in a wild bird species and its common parasite.  相似文献   

The bulk ore carrier Apollo Sea sank near Dassen Island, South Africa, on 20 June 1994 during a period of winter storms. Approximately 10 000 African (Jackass) Penguins Spheniscus demersus were oiled, collected and transported to the SANCCOB rescue centre; 5213 were released after cleaning, 4076 with flipper bands. We believe that most of the penguins oiled during this incident reached an island or the mainland alive, and that there was no mass mortality in the wild at the time of the oil spill. Birds from all parts of the breeding range were oiled, but most were from Robben and Dassen Islands. The overwhelming majority of released birds made the transition from the rescue centre to the wild successfully; 2652 had been resighted at breeding colonies within two years of their release; the cumulative number of birds was increasing steadily and an asymptote had not been reached by August 1996. There was a wide dispersal of released penguins, with recoveries and resightings over 1800 km of coastline between Algoa Bay and Walvis Bay.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus, a diadromous species of fish, relies on innately discerned odours, including pheromones, to locate riverine spawning habitat. Migratory, sexually immature P. marinus were captured as they entered streams flowing into the Great Lakes, and their olfactory systems were occluded or not by injecting either innocuous dental impression material or a saline control into their nasopores. Animals were then released back into lakes or streams and their recapture rates in stream traps noted. When released into Lake Huron, P. marinus with intact (functional) olfactory systems were very successful in locating rivers (recapture rates ranged up to 65%), while animals with occluded nasopores were virtually unable to do so and had recapture rates five to 20 times lower than intact animals. With few exceptions, intact fish entered the stream closest to their release point within a few days, irrespective of where they had been originally captured; their ability to locate streams is apparently innate and well developed. In contrast, when released within streams, both intact and occluded P. marinus successfully swam upstream to traps for several days although the ability of the former exceeded that of the latter after this period. Migratory P. marinus rely heavily on olfactory cues, of which a larval pheromone is presumably one, to locate river mouths and to a lesser extent to promote upstream movement within rivers.  相似文献   

Individuals of some species differentiate each other on the basis of the acoustic features of their vocalizations, and this can be used in individual‐based population monitoring studies. No research has tested for the effectiveness of individual marking through voice recognition as compared to traditional monitoring methods relying on physical marks. We compared voice recognition and physical marking using the Dupont's lark Chersophilus duponti as a study species. This bird needs to be attracted with playback in order to be seen (or captured). We first demonstrated that the territorial calls from a sample of banded males were individually distinctive and constant over time by means of discriminant function analysis, which correctly classified 100% of marked males. Then, we applied similarity techniques on call spectrotemporal features to define a threshold value of similarity within banded individuals, to be combined with qualitative spectrogram inspection for the classification of all recorded birds. Eventually, we compared the voice and the capture samples, to test for differences in relation to re‐location rate, territory fidelity and dispersal movements both within and between years. Voice recognition was less time‐consuming than capture‐recapture method in the field, but it was useless for monitoring yearlings in call development stage. The two methods provided the same results in terms of territory fidelity and dispersal movements, but differed in re‐location rates, which were significantly greater in the case of voice recognition method. By means of physical captures we possibly trapped a large sample of young and silent floaters, with low probability of recapture or recording. This mismatch between methods could bias the estimates of annual survival, which strongly depend on re‐location rates. We suggest considering the two methods as complementary rather than alternatives for monitoring populations. Each technique offers unique information, and the two sources should be combined to provide correction factors that would eventually sharpen our knowledge on bird population ecology.  相似文献   

山西五台山地区褐马鸡的再引入   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Brown eared-pheasant Crossoptilon mantchuricum is endemic to China, and mainly occurs in Luliang Mountains of Shanxi, Xiaowntai of Hebei and Huanglong of Shaanxi. Reintroduction of Brown eared pheasant was carried out from April to December in 2000. According to the criterions of release site selection in Guidelines for Reintroductions of IUCN, and habitat selection of Brown eared pheasant, Kuantan forestry in Wutaishan Mountains of Shanxi Province was selected as the release site. Of the 8 released individuals, 5 wild individuals were captured in winter in Luyashan Nature Reserve of Shanxi Province, and 3 were offsprings of captive-reared individuals. Transmitters were attached when the 8 individuals were released. Overall, 6 individuals survived for at least 1 month, and the longest time for survival was 155 days, except that one was confirmed as having been killed by a raptor on the second day and one was lost on the eighth day after release. All moved away from the release site after release and established stable home ranges in different sites after 10 days, respectively. In early May, the individuals again dispersed to establish new home ranges. The wandering distance and days of the captive individuals were longer and the home range size were larger than that of the wild birds,which resulted from the weak adaptability to new habitat for the captive individuals, such as recognizing and fetching food. For wild individuals, the second wandering distance was longer than the first. We believe the difference was related to looking for partners. After wandering, individuals established stable home ranges in different sites [Acta Zoologica Sinica 50 (1): 126-132, 2004].  相似文献   

We report movements exhibited by adults of Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) from patches of native forests into apple orchards in Southern Brazil. Two mark-release-recapture experiments were conducted using wild flies. Released flies behaved as wild unmarked flies, and periods of peak captures of marked adults coincided with those of unmarked ones. In the first experiment (December 94), out of 2154 released adults, 7.1% were recaptured from day 2 through day 20 after release. Captures peaked from day 7–9 after release. Most marked flies (94.7%) were trapped within 200 m of the release point but eight adults (seven females and one male) were captured in traps placed in an apple orchard, 400–800 m from the release point. The vegetation found between forest and orchard consisted of pastures and annual crops. In the second experiment (January 95), a total of 3284 flies was released in an area where native host plants were abundant and located at ca. 900 m from an apple orchard. In all, 37.1% of marked flies were captured, 99.0% of them at a distance of less than 200 m from the release point. Four adults were captured in an apple orchard, 7 to 24 days after release. They may have reached the orchard through a large and continuous area of native forest. Our results unequivocally demonstrate that A. fraterculus adults are able to disperse from native forests where they originate and invade apple orchards, probably foraging for food and oviposition sites.  相似文献   

Social status can be reflected in many aspects of an individual’s behaviour and ecology, including habitat use and conspecific interactions. In territorial species where at least two social groups – breeding birds and non‐territorial floaters – are recognized, the diverse tasks associated with territorial ownership can lead territory holders to behave differently from the non‐territorial part of the population. Territory holders defend their breeding area and reproduce, whereas floating individuals are dispersing and lead a more transient life, during which they do not show any territorial behaviour even when settling in a more or less fixed area (known as the stop phase). As social interactions are based on visual and vocal cues, the use of specific sites for sending and/or receiving signals can be a crucial choice in an animal’s life. By analysing the post‐site selection of Eagle Owl Bubo bubo breeders and floaters during their nocturnal activity, we found that: (1) territory holders selected more visible and dominant posts than non‐territorial floaters; (2) the choice of posts made by floating individuals did not differ between the wandering and stop phases of dispersal; and (3) floating females intruded more frequently than floating males within a breeder’s home‐range. These findings highlight the fact that two social strategies are possible within the same species, depending on an individual’s social status and its related tasks. Breeders could take advantage of visible locations to declare their status as territory holders, whereas floaters could benefit from a more secretive life to wander unnoticed among occupied territories. This secretive life would help floaters to reduce the risks associated with conspecific aggression. Finally, the greater occurrence of floating females within breeders’ home‐ranges can be explained by the fact that female incursions in a breeder’s home‐range are less risky than male intrusions.  相似文献   

Wildlife agencies face difficult situations when orphaned or injured American black bear (Ursus americanus) cubs (<12 months old) or yearlings (≥12 and <24 months old) are captured. One option is bear rehabilitation, the care and feeding of cubs or yearlings in a semi-natural environment, followed by release. Unfortunately, the survival and movements of bears released from rehabilitation facilities are often poorly documented and the ultimate reasons for success or failure poorly understood. Our goal was to assess survival and post-release conflict of orphaned bear cubs and yearlings following release from a rehabilitation facility, Appalachian Bear Rescue (ABR), in Townsend, Tennessee, USA, from 2015–2016. We predicted that rehabilitated bears would survive at similar rates, die from similar causes, and engage in similar conflict behavior to wild conspecifics. We equipped 42 black bear cubs and yearlings from ABR with global positioning system-collars and released them in Great Smoky Mountains National Park or Cherokee National Forest, Tennessee and North Carolina, USA. Estimated annual survival using known-fate methods for all released bears was 0.93 ± 0.06 [SE]). Survival for 13 bears released as cubs was 0.64 ± 0.14, whereas none of the bears released as yearlings died within 1 year after release (n = 29). Survival of rehabilitated bears was similar to or higher than published rates for wild conspecifics. Three of 42 bears (7.1%) released from ABR engaged in conflict behavior up to 1 year following release, and those had spent time involved in conflict behavior with their mothers (e.g., approaching humans) prior to being orphaned. Despite not having the typical post-natal experience with their mothers, the bears in our study appeared to behave and survive similarly to their wild conspecifics. Rehabilitation is effective for managing orphaned or injured bears. Best survival occurred for bears released as yearlings; however, managers can maximize cub survival through fall releases when plentiful wild foods are available. © 2019 The Authors. The Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Erik Matthysen 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):206-213
Postnuptial moult was studied in three consecutive years in a small population of Nuthatches. Fourteen to 25 individuals were captured in active moult each year with an average of 2.1 captures per bird per season. The total duration of moult was estimated as 88 days. Secondary moult was completed a few days after the end of primary moult. Primary moult rate was maximal at the beginning of moult, because many feathers were then growing simultaneously. Individual differences in the timing of moult were small, with a maximal spread of 21 days, and there was little variation between years. No differences in moult were found between sexes or age classes. Birds with failed broods moulted before successful breeders and early breeding females before late breeders. Duration and timing of moult are compared with other resident passerine species. A hypothesis based on summer territorial behaviour is put forward to explain the high degree of synchronization within the population and the relation between breeding and moulting.  相似文献   

Flock-forming passerines often use plumage characteristics to signal their social dominance. While the benefits to signal dominance seem obvious, costs associated with status signalling are ambiguous. The social control hypothesis predicts that individuals of high social status – with large badges – are involved in more social interactions with individuals of similar badge size. Cheaters are therefore exposed to increased risk of fighting with high quality individuals and the costs associated with enhanced fights with dominant males are supposed to outweigh the benefits of cheating. We tested the social control hypothesis in male house sparrows ( Passer domesticus ), by observing social interactions in captive flocks and determining dominance relationships. Two low status individuals within each flock had the size of their badge experimentally increased and the interactions involving experimental and control birds were recorded. We also assessed the potential physiological cost of cheating in terms of enhanced levels of the stress hormone, corticosterone. Dominance was significantly positively correlated with badge size, but not with other morphological traits. We found little support for the social control hypothesis. Birds did not have significantly more interactions with individuals of similar badge size, before the manipulation. Similarly, after the experimental increase in badge size, experimental birds did not tend to have more encounters with large-badged males. Experimental birds with enlarged badges won more fights compared with prior to the manipulation, suggesting that badge size is used as a signal of social dominance even in small and stable flocks. Finally, corticosterone levels in the blood did not increase significantly after the manipulation of badge size, suggesting that there is no measurable cost, resulting from stress, in cheaters.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to test whether melatonin plays a role in sun-compass orientation of homing pigeons. Birds were kept for a period of time in dim continuous light (LL) or in artificial light-dark (LD) cycles and then released under the sun from unfamiliar sites. Control birds in dim LL were oriented homeward in all cases. Birds with melatonin implants in LD were capable of a correct use of the sun compass at release. Birds with melatonin implants in dim LL, on the contrary, performed very poorly in orientation. The present results demonstrate for the first time that melatonin is involved in the control of the circadian rhythms underlying sun-compass orientation in birds.  相似文献   

为开发针对大规模样本、低通量位点的单核苷酸多态性(Single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP)分型技术,研究依据虹鳟高通量SNP芯片检测鲑科4个属不同物种群体样本的结果,筛选获得了96个高质量共享多态性位点,应用Fluidigm 96.96微流控动态芯片平台,构建了用于鲑科物种增殖放流个体识别的SNP分型系统。以细鳞鲑为例评估芯片分型结果可靠性,分型成功率为98.63%,与Affymetrix高通量芯片分型一致性达到97.92%。基于该芯片分型结果,使用CERVUS 3.0.7软件对96尾细鳞鲑子代样本及其候选亲本和干扰亲本进行亲权鉴定,结果能够准确重现复杂家系的真实系谱,在用于单亲本亲权鉴定时,第一亲本非排除率(Nonexclusion probability for first parent, NE-1P)为4.362×10–4,用于双亲本亲权鉴定时,双亲非排除率(Nonexclusion probability for parent pair, NE-PP)为6.538×10–12,完全满足增殖放流回捕个体分...  相似文献   

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