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The present study was designed to develop methods to study the production and release of monocytes from the bone marrow using the thymidine analog 5'-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU). Dividing monocytes in bone marrow were labeled with BrdU (MOBrdU), and their release into the blood and disappearance from the circulation were monitored using a double immunostaining method. The first MOBrdU appeared in the circulation 4 h after labeling with BrdU and peaked at 18 h when 34.3 +/- 5.8% of monocytes were labeled. The calculated transit time of monocytes through bone marrow was 38.1 +/- 3.1 h in control rabbits with a half-life (T1/2) of 12.7 h. Instillation of Streptococcus pneumoniae into the lung accelerated the release of monocytes from bone marrow (peak at 10 h) and shortened their bone marrow transit time (27.1 +/- 1.8 vs. 22.6 +/- 0.6, vehicle vs. pneumonia; P < 0.05). We conclude that this nonradioisotope method provides a novel way to monitor monocyte kinetics and confirmed previous reports that a focal pneumonia shortens monocyte marrow transit and increases their release into the circulation.  相似文献   

New analogs of dUMP, dTMP and 5-fluoro-dUMP, including the corresponding 5'-thiophosphates (dUMPS, dTMPS and FdUMPS), 5'-dithiophosphates (dUMPS2, dTMPS2 and FdUMPS2), 5'-H-phosphonates (dUMP-H, dTMP-H and FdUMP-H) and 5'-S-thiosulfates (dUSSO3, dTSSO3 and FdUSSO3), have been synthesized and their interactions studied with highly purified mammalian thymidylate synthase. dUMPS and dUMPS2 proved to be good substrates, and dTMPS and dTMPS2 classic competitive inhibitors, only slightly weaker than dTMP. Their 5-fluoro congeners behaved as potent, slow-binding inhibitors. By contrast, the corresponding 5'-H-phosphonates and 5'-S-thiosulfates displayed weak activities, only FdUMP-H and FdUSSO3 exhibiting significant interactions with the enzyme, as weak competitive slow-binding inhibitors versus dUMR The pH-dependence of enzyme time-independent inhibition by FdUMP and FdUMPS was found to correlate with the difference in pKa values of the phosphate and thiophosphate groups, the profile of FdUMPS being shifted (approximately 1 pH unit) toward lower pH values, so that binding of dUMP and its analogs is limited by the phosphate secondary hydroxyl ionization. Hence, together with the effects of 5'-H-phosphonate and 5'-S-thiosulfate substituents, the much weaker interactions of the nucleotide analogs (3-5 orders of magnitude lower than for the parent 5'-phosphates) with the enzyme is further evidence that the enzyme's active center prefers the dianionic phosphate group for optimum binding.  相似文献   

Inflammation accelerates polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) release from the bone marrow, and these PMNs are implicated in inappropriate tissue injury. We have previously developed a method using 5'-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) to study PMN kinetics using an immunocytochemical grading system of PMN on cytospin slides. The aim of this study was to develop a flow cytometric method to quantify the number of positively stained PMN and grade the intensity of staining for the transit time calculation of PMN through the marrow. Dividing myeloid progenitors in the marrow of rabbits were labeled with a pulse dosage of intravenous BrdU. BrdU-labeled PMN (PMNBrdU) were detected in the circulation using a FITC-conjugated anti-BrdU monoclonal antibody. The PMNBrdU were assigned to five groups according to their FITC intensity, and the transit times of PMN at different stages of development in the marrow were calculated. Results were compared using parallel immunocytochemical analysis of the same samples. In control animals, PMNBrdU in the circulation peaked at 72 h after BrdU labeling with 36.0% of PMN labeled. In normal rabbits, the transit times of PMN through the mitotic pool (49.5 ± 4.2 h) and maturation pool (65.5 ± 3.1 h) correlated well with immunocytochemical analysis and previously published values. Using this method, we demonstrated that exposure to air pollution particles accelerates the release of PMNBrdU from the marrow. We conclude that a flow cytometric approach for identifying BrdU-labeled leukocytes provides an objective and accurate method for studying leukocyte kinetics and behavior. polymolphonuclear neutrophil; flow cytometry; transit time  相似文献   

We have used quantitative DNase I footprinting and UV-melting studies to examine the formation of DNA triplexes in which the third strand thymines have been replaced by 5-propargylamino-dU (UP). The intra-molecular triplex A6-L-T6-L-(UP)5T (L = two octanediol residues) shows a single UV-melting transition which is >20 degrees higher than that of the parent triplex A6-L-T6-L-T6at pH 5.5. Although a single transition is observed at all pHs, the melting temperature (Tm) of the modified oligonucleotide decreases at higher pHs, consistent with the requirement for protonation of the amino group. A similar intramolecular triplex with a longer overhanging duplex shows two melting transitions, the lower of which is stabilised by substitution of T by UP, in a pH dependent fashion. Triplex stability increases by approximately 12 K for each T to UP substitution. Quantitative footprinting studies have examined the interaction of three UP-containing 9mer oligonucleotides with the different portions of the 17mer sequence 5'-AGGAAGAGAAAAAAGAA. At pH 5.0, the UP-containing oligo-nucleotides footprint to much lower concentrations than their T-containing counterparts. In particular (UP)6CUPT binds approximately 1000-fold more tightly than the unmodified oligonucleotide T6CTT. Oligonucleotides containing fewer UP residues are stabilised to a lesser extent. The affinity of these modified third strands decreases at higher pHs. These results demonstrate that the stability of DNA triplexes can be dramatically increased by using positively charged analogues of thymine.  相似文献   

We report herein the synthesis and the in vitro antileishmanial evaluation of 5-substituted-2'-deoxyuridine nucleosides. The most active compound against Leishmania donovani promastigotes was Thia-dU (3a) with an IC50 =3 microM. This compound exhibited the same activity as zidovudine (3'-azido-2'-deoxythymidine) used as nucleoside reference compound. Considering the cytotoxicity of synthetic compounds on peritoneal murine macrophages, the most toxic compound was MeThio-dU (3d) with a MTC at 10 microM. Only Methia-dU (3b) was active against intramacrophagic amastigotes with an IC50 =6.5 microM. This latter can now be evaluated in vivo, for further investigations through structure-based drug design.  相似文献   

The incorporation of the thymidine analogue 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine and its detection by a specific monoclonal antibody, is proving a valuable tool in the study of cell kinetics and proliferation. To date, however, its use has been largely restricted to the light microscope level. The fixatives and processing required do not preserve the cellular ultrastructure. This paper details an immunohistochemical procedure which retains both structural details and preserves sufficient antigenicity for the use of the monoclonal at the electron microscopical level.  相似文献   

The effect of 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine (FdUrd) on [methyl-H] thymidine incorporation by bacterioplankton populations in subtropical freshwater, estuarine, and oceanic environments was examined. In estuarine waters, intracellular isotope dilution was inhibited by FdUrd, which enabled us to estimate both intracellular and extracellular isotope dilution. In 2 of 10 cases, extracellular isotope dilution was significant. At low concentrations of [methyl-H]thymidine or [6-H]thymidine, FdUrd completely inhibited incorporation of radioactivity into protein and RNA. At high concentrations of [H]thymidine, however, FdUrd had little effect on labeling patterns. The dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors amethopterin and trimethoprim had no effect on macromolecular labeling patterns. These results suggest that thymidylate synthase is not involved in nonspecific labeling and that FdUrd inhibits nonspecific labeling by blocking some other enzyme involved in thymidine catabolism. In oligotrophic oceanic and freshwater samples, FdUrd did not inhibit intracellular isotope dilution or [H]thymidine labeling of protein and RNA, but caused some inhibition of [H]thymidine incorporation into DNA. The ability of FdUrd to inhibit nonspecific macromolecular labeling during [H]thymidine incorporation was significantly correlated (r = 0.84) with total thymidine incorporation (in picomoles per liter per hour). The results are discussed in terms of applications of FdUrd to routine bacterial production measurements and the general assumptions of [H]thymidine incorporation.  相似文献   

In an earlier study, De Winter and Herdewijn (J. Med. Chem. 1996, 37, 4727-4737) studied the binding of various 5-substituted 2'-deoxyuridine substrates to thymidine kinase of herpes simplex virus type-1. They used a computational procedure that achieves good correlation with experimentally determined IC50 values. We applied an alternative procedure to the same deoxyuridine substrates, using only three readily calculated quantities-the binding energy, the molecular surface area, and a flexibility factor. Our simplified method achieves the same degree of correlation with the IC50 values as did the earlier procedure. We then applied this procedure to examine the binding of various 5-substituted pyrimidine 1,5-anhydrohexitol substrates to thymidine kinase.  相似文献   

5-Trifluoromethyl-2'-deoxyuridine (CF3dUrd) is incorporated into the DNA of mammalian cells in culture. We have synthesized oligonucleotides that allows site specific introduction of CF3dUrd residue into synthetic DNA oligonucleotide. We described here the utilization of these oligonucleotides as template for in vitro DNA synthesis. When CF3dUrd residue located at an internucleotide site in the template, the chain elongation was partially arrested one nucleotide after or before the CF3dUrd residue of template using Escherichia coli polymerase I (Klenow fragment) or human polymerase alpha (pol alpha). These results suggested that a mechanism of antitumor activity of CF3dUrd is inhibition of DNA replication.  相似文献   

The experimental FTIR and FT-Raman spectra of 5-chloro-2'-deoxyuridine have been assigned on the basis of normal coordinate analyses, in the light of observed and calculated wavenumbers and isotopic shifts. The results indicate that virtually all normal modes of IDU involve some degree of vibrational coupling between the chlorouracil base and the deoxyribose moiety.  相似文献   

The kinetics of 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine (FdUrd) and 5-fluorouracil (FUra) disposition after bolus intravenous injection were determined in anesthetized rhesus and cynomolgus monkeys. FdUrd disappearance from plasma was an apparent triexponential process with average half-lives of 0.5, 2, and 8 min; FUra disappearance was biphasic with average half-lives of 2 and 13 min. After FdUrd injection, FUra reached peak plasma concentrations of 15-30% of the initial FdUrd concentrations within 3 min, and then disappeared more slowly than FdUrd. Total FdUrd clearance fell from 105 to 73 to 56 ml/kg/min as the dose increased from 10 to 20 to 40 mg/kg. Metabolic clearance was about 85% of total clearance and fell similarly with increasing dosage. Total and metabolic FUra clearances were about 30% of FdUrd values at an equimolar dose. Renal FdUrd clearance exceeded glomerular filtration rate and was decreased by probenecid, indicating tubular secretion; renal FUra clearance was close to glomerular filtration rate. There was no apparent correlation between dose and renal clearance or volume of distribution. It was concluded that FdUrd, like FUra, is eliminated primarily by a dose-dependent process. The metabolic basis of the dose-dependent kinetics remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The carbocyclic analogue of (E)-5-(2-bromovinyl)-2'-deoxyuridine, C-BVDU, is a very potent and selective anti-herpes-virus compound. In order to synthesize and study the properties of a DNA that contains C-BVDU, the 5'-triphosphate, C-BVDUTP was prepared and evaluated as a potential substrate of the E. coli Klenow DNA polymerase enzyme. Although C-BVDUTP proved to be a very poor substrate also of this enzyme, it could be incorporated up to 3.6% into the synthetic DNA, poly(dA-dT, C-BVDU). This level of substitution decreased significantly the template activity for DNA and RNA polymerases, as compared to that of poly(dA-dT).  相似文献   

Thymidine phosphorylase (TP) catalyzes the cleavage of thymidine into thymine and 2-deoxy-α-d-ribose-1-phosphate. Elevated activity of TP prevents apoptosis, and induces angiogenesis which ultimately leads to tumor growth and metastasis. Critical role of TP in cancer progression makes it a valid target in anti-cancer research. Discovery of small molecules as TP inhibitors is vigorously pursued in cancer therapy. In the present study, we functionalized thymidine as benzoyl ester to synthesize compounds 316. In vitro evaluation of thymidine esters for their thymidine phosphorylase inhibition activity was subsequently carried out. Compounds 4, 10, 14, and 15 showed good activities with lower IC50 values than the standard, 7-deazaxanthine (IC50 = 41.0 ± 1.63 μM). Among them, compound 14 showed five folds higher activity (IC50 = 7.5 ± 0.8 μM), while 4 (IC50 = 18.5 ± 1.0 μM) and 10 (IC50 = 18.8 ± 1.2 μM) showed two folds higher activity than the standard. Compound 15 showed slightly better activity (IC50 = 33.3 ± 1.5 μM) to the standard. Potent compounds were further subjected to kinetic and molecular docking studies to identify their mode of inhibition, and to study their interactions with the protein at atomic level, respectively. All active compounds were non-cytotoxic to mouse fibroblast 3T3 cell line. These results identify thymidine esters as substrate analogue (substrate-like) inhibitors of angiogenic enzyme thymidine phosphorylase for further studies.  相似文献   

Serum levels of 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine in cancer treated patients were measured by gas chromatography mass spectrometry under chemical ionization conditions; 1-(2-deoxy-beta-D-lyxofuranosyl)-5-fluorouracil (3'-epi-5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine) was used as an internal standard. The drug and internal standard were quantitatively isolated from the serum sample by a mini-column anion exchange method and the extract permethylated using potassium-tert-butoxide in dimethylsulphoxide and methyl iodide. The derivatized nucleosides were then re-extracted from the reaction mixture and analysed on a glass capillary column coated with Superox-4. The column was coupled directly to the chemical ionization source of the mass spectrometer; NH3 was used as the reagent gas. The gas chromatographic effluent was monitored at m/z 289, the [MH]+ ion of the N,O-permethyl derivatives of 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine and the internal standard. Recovery of 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine from serum in the 0-1 microgram ml-1 concentration range averaged 93 +/- 2% (SD); a linear detector response was observed up to 50 ng 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine ml-1. At the 10 ng ml-1 level, a within-run assay precision of 10% (CV) (n = 5) was found, while a detection limit of about 1 ng 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine ml-1 of serum was attained. The method was applied to the measurement of disappearance curves of 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine in the serum of treated patients.  相似文献   

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