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We tested artificial diets for rearing the coconut hispine beetle, Brontispa longissima, a serious invasive pest of coconut (Cocos nucifera) in Southeast Asia. We examined three artificial diets that were identical except for their agar content. The survival rate from hatching to adult emergence was 26.0% when beetles were reared on a ‘soft diet’ (20 g/l agar), 16.0% on a ‘hard diet’ (40 g/l agar), and 41.0% on a ‘mixed diet’, in which the hard diet was used for the first instar and the soft diet for later instars. Females raised as larvae on the mixed diet and then as adults on the soft diet laid few eggs, which did not hatch. However, females reared on the mixed diet as larvae and then on fresh leaves as adults consistently laid eggs that hatched. We then examined the suitability of B. longissima larvae reared on the mixed diet as hosts for the larval parasitoid Asecodes hispinarum, a specialist parasitoid of this beetle. Of the oviposited hosts, 75.0% became mummified and 41.7% produced adult wasps. These results indicate that the mixed diet may be useful for rearing B. longissima larvae as hosts for the rearing of A. hispinarum.  相似文献   


The larval parasitoid Asecodes hispinarum Bou?ek has been used to control the coconut hispine beetle, Brontispa longissima (Gestro) in Vietnam. Although A. hispinarum has succeeded in suppressing B. longissima in southern Vietnam, biocontrol has not succeeded in central Vietnam. One factor underlying this failure might be the high temperature during the hot season. In the present work, we examined whether A. hispinarum parasitises the beetles within the range of temperatures that occur during the hot season in central Vietnam and we evaluated the potential use of the pupal parasitoid Tetrastichus brontispae Ferrière. Development of the beetle and two parasitoids was investigated at two constant temperatures (28 and 30°C) and at fluctuating temperatures from 25 to 35°C (corresponding to temperatures during the hot season in central Vietnam). B. longissima reached adulthood in all the temperature treatments. More than 70% of A. hispinarum emerged from hosts at 28°C, but none emerged at 30°C or under fluctuating temperature conditions, indicating that A. hispinarum cannot be used as a biological control agent in central Vietnam. However, T. brontispae could reproduce the next generation at all temperatures. These results suggest that T. brontispae is a potential agent for continuous biological control of B. longissima in central Vietnam.  相似文献   

The gregarious endoparasitoids Tetrastichus brontispae Ferrière is one of the important natural enemies of the coconut hispine beetle Brontispa longissima (Gestro), a serious invasive pest on coconut palm plants (Cocos nucifera L.) in Southeast Asia. Development at different temperatures, effect of host and female ages, effect of food and oviposition frequency and superparasitism were investigated in the laboratory. Females were allowed only one attack against one host in all experiments. The wasp developed in a host between 19 and 30°C, whilst no wasp completed its immature development at 16 and 31°C. Host and female ages affected parasitisation. Parasitoid emergence was high on day 0 and day 1 pupal hosts, and younger females produced more offspring than older females. The longevity of the female was affected not only by food supply, but also by oviposition frequency. The female survived longer when oviposition frequency was low. However, the total number of hosts parasitised by the female during her lifetime did not differ at different oviposition frequencies. In superparasitism, although the percentage of adult emergence and body size of offspring decreased with an increasing number of attacks per host, a host parasitised by up to four females could produce parasitoid offspring.  相似文献   

The coconut hispine beetle Brontispa longissima (Gestro) supposedly originated in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. It is a serious invasive pest of the coconut palm Cocos nucifera L. in Southeast and East Asia. In Japan, it has established itself using Satakentia liukiuensis (Hatushima) H.E. Moore as a main host on Ishigaki and Iriomote Islands where C. nucifera is rare. To assess the probability of further establishment of B. longissima in novel habitats where C. nucifera and S. liukiuensis are not available, we examined the suitability of four common palm species in Japan for oviposition and immature development of B. longissima: Chrysalidocarpus lutescens (Bory) H. Wendl., Phoenix roebelenii O'Brien, S. liukiuensis and Washingtonia filifera (Linden ex André) H. Wendl. When seedlings of the four palm species were placed in pots in an experimental field on Ishigaki Island, all four species were inhabited and infested by wild B. longissima adults. Oviposition and immature development were observed on P. roebelenii and S. liukiuensis but not on C. lutescens and W. filifera. When field‐collected adults were released into mesh bags enclosing the potted seedlings, they oviposited on all four species. The eggs developed into adults on P. roebelenii, S. liukiuensis and W. filifera. On C. lutescens, however, hatched larvae died during the first or second instar.  相似文献   

Brontispa longissima is a serious pest of the coconut palm Cocos nucifera, presumed to have originated in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. It recently invaded Southeast and East Asia, where outbreaks have been reported. Mitochondrial DNA analysis reveals two cryptic species in B. longissima: one is distributed over a wide area including Asia and the Pacific region (the Asian clade) and the other in a limited area in the Pacific region (the Pacific clade). Recent invasions and outbreaks have been reported only from the area where the Asian clade has been found, suggesting that this clade has become a pest in Asia. To infer if the Asian clade has the ability to establish, spread and outbreak in novel habitats more effectively than the Pacific clade, we compared life‐history traits between the two populations of different clades. The net reproduction rate (R0) was 130.0 and 94.0, the mean length of a generation (T) was 57.7 and 54.7 days, and the intrinsic rate of natural increase (r) was 0.084 and 0.083 per day for the population from Ishigaki Island, Japan (ISH) (the Asian clade) and for the population from Papua New Guinea (PNG) (the Pacific clade), respectively. Although the difference in r was little, the simulated population growth showed that the ISH population can be 1.6 times larger than that of the PNG after ten generations. The rapid population growth of the Asian clade would be partly responsible for its establishment, spread and frequent outbreaks in Asia.  相似文献   

The coconut hispine beetle, Brontispa longissima, is a serious invasive pest of coconut palm (Cocos nucifera) in Southeast Asia and the Pacific region. Recently, however, it has been reported that on Ishigaki Island, Japan, where C. nucifera is rare, the endemic palm Satakentia liukiuensis serves as a regular host. To explore this phenomenon, we examined the preferences of the beetle for the two palm hosts by choice tests and measurements of feeding amount using four different groups: naïve adults obtained from a colony reared on C. nucifera (NC); naïve adults from a colony reared on S. liukiuensis (NS); wild adults collected on C. nucifera on Ishigaki Island (WC); and wild adults collected on S. liukiuensis on Ishigaki Island (WS). Both NC and NS consumed significantly more C. nucifera leaves than S. liukiuensis leaves and were observed more often on the leaves of C. nucifera. These results suggest that B. longissima has an innate preference for C. nucifera. In contrast, field‐collected adults (WC, WS) initially showed preferences for the species on which they were collected, but after exposure to the other host plant for 2 weeks, their preferences for that host increased. These results suggest that the feeding experience of B. longissima adults affected their subsequent host preferences. This flexible host preference may have facilitated the beetle’s successful establishment in novel Japanese habitats where the original host plant was rare.  相似文献   

The coconut hispine beetle Brontispa longissima has been causing serious damage to the coconut palm Cocos nucifera in the Pacific, and Southeast and East Asia. This beetle also attacks Satakentia liukiuensis, an endemic palm on Ishigaki and Iriomote Islands, Japan. To assess the potential impact of B. longissima on S. liukiuensis, we examined the development period, survival rate, egg production and body size of B. longissima on S. liukiuensis at 22–31°C and consumption of S. liukiuensis leaf at 28°C. We also examined these life history traits on C. nucifera at 28°C to compare with those on S. liukiuensis. Brontispa longissima completed their development and reproduced on S. liukiuensis at 22–30°C. Linear regression analysis was used to estimate the effective cumulative temperature (k) as 891.2 degree‐days, and the lower developmental threshold as 13.3°C. On the basis of these values and monthly average temperatures on Ishigaki Island, it was estimated that B. longissima has four generations per year on the island. Satakentia liukiuensis was less suitable for B. longissima than C. nucifera in terms of immature survival, development time, resultant adult size and reproduction. The low quality of S. liukiuensis as a host‐plant may prevent the outbreak of B. longissima, which has not occurred yet on Ishigaki and Iriomote Islands.  相似文献   

刘奎  林健荣  符悦冠  彭正强  金启安 《昆虫学报》2008,51(10):1011-1016
为了测明椰扁甲啮小蜂Tetrastichus brontispae寄生对寄主椰心叶甲Brontispa longissima蛹的血细胞和体液免疫反应的影响,开展了椰扁甲啮小蜂寄生对椰心叶甲蛹血细胞数量和延展性、血淋巴酚氧化酶活性、血淋巴黑化百分率和血细胞凝集素活性等影响的研究。结果表明:与同期未被寄生蛹相比,寄生蛹血细胞总量在寄生后2 d显著降低,但寄生后4 d显著升高; 寄生蛹的浆血细胞延展率在寄生后2 d显著降低,寄生后4 d显著升高;寄生蛹的血淋巴黑化百分率在寄生后0.5~2 d较高,寄生后3~4 d降低直至为0;寄生蛹的血淋巴酚氧化酶活性在寄生后0.5 d,1 d和4 d时显著升高;寄生蛹的血凝素活性在寄生后2 d较高,寄生后1 d和4 d较低。结果说明椰扁甲啮小蜂寄生使寄主椰心叶甲蛹血细胞和体液免疫反应呈现不规律的变化。  相似文献   

The coconut hispine beetle, Brontispa longissima (Gestro) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is a serious pest of coconut palm. In this study, we developed an artificial diet for B. longissima so that the beetle could be used as a host for rearing two of its parasitoids, Asecodes hispinarum Boucek (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and Tetrastichus brontispae Ferrière (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). The new artificial diet represents an improvement of our previous diet, which we used as a control. When beetle larvae were reared on the new diet, which contains cysteine but not cellulose powder and has twice as much coconut leaf powder as in the control, the adult emergence was 71% (approximately 2 times that in the control). We also examined the suitability of beetles fed on the new diet as hosts for the larval parasitoid A. hispinarum and the pupal parasitoid T. brontispae. The percentage of wasps that emerged from hosts that were fed the new diet was higher than that from the control-fed hosts. The new diet allowed both A. hispinarum and T. brontispae to produce adult wasps of the next generation, whereas the control only allowed T. brontispae to produce the next generation. These results suggest that the new diet is suitable for B. longissima and will facilitate mass-rearing of A. hispinarum and T. brontispae.  相似文献   

In Latin America, the diapriid Coptera haywardi (Ogloblin) attacks the pupae of tephritid fruit flies. Anastrepha spp. are among its natural hosts, but in the laboratory it also develops in the exotic Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). Field cage tests demonstrated that C. haywardi could locate and parasitize Mediterranean fruit fly pupae under seminatural conditions as found in a Guatemalan coffee plantation. A mean of 18.3% of the pupae buried artificially at depths of 5 mm were parasitized by C. haywardi, while those buried at 15 mm suffered 3.2% parasitism. In a laboratory experiment, larvae that buried themselves to pupate were not significantly more likely to be parasitized than artificially buried pupae, although they may have left a physical or chemical trail that betrayed their presence. Thus, the artificial burial of pupae is unlikely to grossly underestimate C. haywardi efficacy in the field. Another field cage test found that mortality levels due to unsuccessful parasitoid attacks were similar to those resulting from successful parasitism. Thus, the actual effect of a mass-release might be considerably greater than that suggested from parasitism data alone. The results are considered sufficiently positive to encourage further testing of C. haywardi as a biological control agent of the Mediterranean fruit fly.  相似文献   

椰心叶甲[Brontispa longissima(Gestro)]是椰子的重要害虫,近年来,该虫在海南岛发生普遍,椰子受害严重。由于椰心叶甲受到自然界中某些致病微生物的侵袭,在受害的椰子树心叶上常可发现椰心叶甲僵虫,并发现大部分僵虫表面长出了霉菌,本研究的目的在于从椰心叶甲僵虫表面的霉菌中分离出绿僵菌,并对分离菌株进行鉴定和致病性测定。从僵虫表面刮下孢子或菌丝体,置于绿僵菌选择性培养基(DOA)上培养,挑出真菌菌落,经纯化后,进行生物学特性、菌落生长速率及产孢量的测定,并从PPDA、OMA、VSA和PDA中筛选菌落生长及产孢最适培养基,同时对所分离的菌株进行对椰心叶甲的致病性测定。结果表明,所有分离菌株均鉴定为金龟子绿僵菌[Metarhizium anisopliae(Metschnikoff)],PPDA是菌落生长及产孢的最适培养基,大多数菌株对椰心叶甲有较强的致病力。选取强毒菌株MA4在田间进行防治效果的初步测定,结果表明,该菌株能显著降低椰心叶甲成虫的虫口密度。这些金龟子绿僵菌菌株是首次从海南的椰心叶甲僵虫中分离到的昆虫病原真菌,该菌对海南的椰心叶甲具有很好的生防潜能。  相似文献   

Effects of conditioned media prepared from cell lines derived from 11 insect species (six families, three orders) on the in vitro growth and development of the egg parasitoid Edovum puttleri were investigated. The parasitoid exhibited significantly different responses to the various insect cell line‐conditioned media that were incorporated into the artificial diets. When cell lines were derived from embryos, higher percentages of 3rd instars and prepupae were observed than when cell lines were derived from fat body or ovaries. Medium conditioned with cell line IPLB‐CPB2 derived from the embryos of the Colorado potato beetle produced the best result. Preconditioning time was important. In general, 5 days of preconditioning appeared to be optimal. The growth‐ and development‐promoting effect may have resulted from growth factors or growth‐supporting factors produced/ released by the insect cell lines into the culture medium. Upon storage at 0–4°C for 7–14 days, the ability of cell line‐conditioned medium to promote development beyond the second instar was greatly reduced (approximately 10–55%). Our studies demonstrated that to support the in vitro growth and development of E. puttleri, insect hemolymph could be successfully replaced with insect cell line‐conditioned medium. These findings should facilitate the development of a cost‐effective mass‐rearing system for E. puttleri and/or other parasitoids. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 40:173–182, 1999. Published 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.  相似文献   

The coconut hispine beetle, Brontispa longissima (Gestro), supposedly originated from Papua New Guinea and Indonesia but has recently invaded Southeast and East Asian countries where it has been causing serious damage to Cocos nucifera L. This insect also occurs on the Southwest Islands off Kyushu Island in Japan. To evaluate the potential northward range expansion of this insect in Japan, we investigated its cold tolerance at 0, 5, and 10 °C (egg, larva, pupa, and adult), 13 °C (adult), and 15 °C (egg and hatched larva). At 15 °C, few eggs hatched, and the larvae that hatched died within a few days of hatching. At 13 °C, Ltime95 was estimated to be 23 days for adults, with the most cold-tolerant developmental stage at 10 °C. At all developmental stages, Ltime95 of B. longissima was estimated to be 19 days at 10 °C, 8 days at 5 °C, and 5 days at 0 °C, suggesting the cold tolerance of this beetle is very low. Considering average daily temperatures, it is unlikely that B. longissima can establish itself north of Amami-Oshima Island, located in the far south off the main island of Japan.  相似文献   

The control of the maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais in brown rice was estimated by using a reduviid bug, Amphibolus venator, and a pteromalid wasp, Theocolax elegans. Results showed that the simultaneous release of both species of natural enemies could enhance biological control compared with the release of either species alone.  相似文献   

This paper describes a comparative analysis of the suitability of three artificial diets for the development of the cherry bark tortrix (CBT), Enarmonia formosana Scopoli (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), to simplify the rearing process for this species and its potential classical biological control agents. The three diets tested included (1) a pinto bean-based diet modified specifically for the CBT, (2) the diet for codling moth, Cydia pomonella Linnaeus (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), and (3) the Singh general-purpose diet. Survival from first instar to the pupal stage was very low on the pinto bean, codling moth, and Singh general-purpose diets (29, 0, and 0%, respectively). Survival was consistently greater, yet still low, for larvae that were reared through the first instar on bark and subsequently transferred to the codling moth or Singh general-purpose diets (5 and 32%, respectively). In comparison, larvae started on the pinto bean diet as second instars had a survival rate of 90%, only slightly below that of sibling larvae from the cherry bark control group (100%). Larval development time was fastest on cherry bark (36±2?days), differing significantly from that on the pinto bean diet (started as first instars: 58±2?days; started as second instars: 46±2?days), but not from the development time of larvae on the Singh general-purpose diet (44±3?days). Pupal weights were greatest for specimens from the Singh general-purpose diet (14.9±0.5?mg) and lowest for those from the pinto bean diet (started as first instar: 12.3±0.6?mg; started as second instar: 12.1±0.4?mg). Pupal weights from cherry bark were intermediate (13.5±0.6?mg). Early mortality, resulting primarily from rejection of the diet, remains to be the critical impediment in CBT rearing. It is therefore suggested that a phagostimulant from cherry bark be identified and included in an artificial diet shown to be nutritionally suitable, such as the Singh general-purpose diet or the pinto bean diet.  相似文献   

Xylotrechus arvicola (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is an important pest in vineyards (Vitis vinifera) in the main Iberian wine‐producing regions. Larvae were reared with Semi‐Synthetic Iglesias (SSI) diet over 27 months and two generations in the laboratory. Larval mortality was highest during the first (49.49 %) and second (9.38 %) month of rearing, increasing to 50.52 % during the first month if F2 reared larvae were obtained from an F1 adult female obtained in laboratory. The diet had sufficient nutrients to enable the pest to complete its life cycle within nine months, with F1 larval viability ranging from 23.49 % to 27.97 % and F2 larval viability reduced to 2.07 %. However, the diet did not allow for the completion of additional life cycles and generations (F3, F4,…). Larval mortality increased as the months of rearing (66.13 %, 69.51 % and 89.50 %) and generations (59.10 % and 76.93 % in F1 and F2, respectively) progressed in the laboratory. The larva–adult period of females obtained in the laboratory was longer than for males. In the laboratory, the life cycle was shortened in relation to the life cycle in the field because larvae did not require a cold period to break diapause and start pupation. This indicates that X. arvicola has the potential to complete its life cycle inside grape wood in vineyards of wine‐producing regions with warmer winters.  相似文献   

Water-logged soil could be a major factor affecting populations of the ragwort biological control agent, Longitarsus flavicornis, in Australia. Survival of L. flavicornis larvae in potted ragwort plants after inundation with water for up to 264h (11days) was compared to larval survival in control plants not exposed to inundation. Probit analysis indicated that 35.6% mortality of the larval population occurred after 24h inundation and 50.4% after 72h. As high mortality was recorded at periods of inundation known to occur in the field, it is concluded that winter flooding is likely to be detrimental to populations of L. flavicornis.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to investigate the effect of desiccation on the survival of eggs of Longitarsus flavicornis. Eclosion of L. flavicornis eggs in laboratory trials decreased with increasing desiccation time between 0 days (93% hatching) and 42 days (no egg hatching) at 50±2% relative humidity and 23±2°C. Probit analysis indicated that 25, 50 and 99% mortality of L. flavicornis eggs occurred after 5.7, 9.3 and 50.4 days desiccation, respectively. Egg development varied between a minimum of 8 days at 7 days desiccation to a maximum of 15 days at 28 days desiccation. Hatching span did not differ between treatments with all eggs hatching within 12 days of each other. A relative humidity of 88–100% was measured under ragwort rosettes in non-drought field conditions. This would be expected to facilitate successful egg eclosion. However, the occurrence of summer drought could be detrimental to egg survival.  相似文献   

空心莲子草叶甲室内大量繁殖研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为了大量繁殖供环境释放的空心莲子草叶甲Agasicles hygrophila以实现空心莲子草区域减灾, 我们探索出室内大量饲养与繁殖空心莲子草叶甲的方法与流程, 包括用叶片法或苗水培法孵化卵粒、用盒养法饲养各龄幼虫与成虫并供成虫产卵、用栽培活苗笼养法化蛹羽化。在室内成虫终日均能取食、交配、产卵, 产卵前期约4~5 d, 产卵高峰期在羽化后第7~24 天, 每雌平均产卵21.08块, 约570粒。盒养法叶片平均可着卵4.28块, 叶背与叶面着卵量相近; 笼养法叶片平均着卵为1.46块, 卵主要产于叶背。盒养法与笼养法得到的卵孵化率分别为94.02%与92.50%。空心莲子草叶甲除化蛹需在栽培活苗上完成外, 各龄幼虫与成虫均可用离体新鲜苗盒养法密集饲养。初孵1龄幼虫转株(叶)期、3龄老熟幼虫转化蛹苗期是室内大量饲养与繁殖空心莲子草叶甲的关键时期, 高密度成功饲养与繁殖空心莲子草叶甲的最适化蛹接虫量是每株8头, 产卵期雌虫的最适密度是每株5头。  相似文献   

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