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The effect of Ac copy number on the frequency and timing of germinal transposition in tobacco was investigated using the streptomycin phosphotransferase gene (SPT) as an excision marker. The activity of one and two copies of the element was compared by selecting heterozygous and homozygous progeny of transformants carrying single SPT::Ac inserts. It was observed that increasing gene copy not only increases the transposition frequency, but also occasionally alters the timing of transposition such that earlier events are obtained. The result is that some homozygous plants generate multiple streptomycin resistant progeny carrying the same transposed Ac (trAc) element. We have also investigated the effect of modification of the sequence in the region around 82 bp downstream of the polyadenylation site and 177 bp from the 3 end of the element on germinal excision frequencies. Alteration of three bases to create a BglII site at this location caused a minor decrease in germinal excision events, but insertion of four bases to create a Cla I site caused a 10-fold decrease in the transposition activity of the Ac element.  相似文献   

Summary Sequences sharing homology to the transposable element Activator (Ac) are prevalent in the maize genome. A cryptic Ac-like DNA, cAc-11, was isolated from the maize inbred line 4Co63 and sequenced. Cryptic Ac-11 has over 90% homology to known Ac sequences and contains an 11 by inverted terminal repeat flanked by an 8 by target site duplication, which are characteristics of Ac and Dissociation (Ds) transposable elements. Unlike the active Ac element, which encodes a transposase, the corresponding sequence in cAc-11 has no significant open reading frame. A 44 by tandem repeat was found at one end of cAc-11, which might be a result of aberrant transposition. The sequence data suggest that cAc-11 may represent a remnant of an Ac or a Ds element. Sequences homologous to cAc-11 can be detected in many maize inbred lines. In contrast to canonical Ac elements, cAc-11 DNA in the maize genome is hypermethylated and does not transpose even in the presence of an active Ac element.  相似文献   

Summary The mutagenic activity of the maize transposable element system Mutator can be lost by outcrossing to standard, non-Mutator lines or by repetitive intercrossing of genetically diverse Mutator lines. Lines losing Mutator mutagenic activity in either manner retain high copy numbers (10–15 per diploid genome) of the Mutator-associated Mu transposable elements. Frequent transposition of Mu1-related elements is observed only in active Mutator lines, however. The loss of Mutator activity on intercrossing is correlated with an increase in the copy number of Mu1-like elements to 40–50 per diploid genome, implying a self-encoded or self-activated negative regulator of Mu1 transposition. The outcross loss of Mutator activity is only weakly correlated with a low Mu element copy number and may be due to the loss of a positive regulatory factor encoded by a subset of Mu1-like elements. Transposition of Mu elements in active Mutator lines generates multiple new genomic positions for about half the elements each plant generation. The appearance of Mu1-like elements in these new positions is not accompanied by equally high germinal reversion frequencies, suggesting that Mu1 may commonly transpose via a DNA replicative process.  相似文献   

Summary Somaclonal variation (tissue culture-induced mutations) may result, in some instances, from the activation of transposable elements. This study was conducted to determine whether somaclonal variants in the Zea maize L. inbred line FR27rhm were associated with movement of the transposable element Activator (Ac). Ten variants, seven of which from genetic analyses fit a single recessive gene model and three which did not due to a low number of mutant plants, were selected for analysis. Total DNA from these and from uncultured FR27rhm seedlings were examined by Southern blot analysis using the internal 1.6-kb Hind III fragment derived from the cloned Ac7 element as a probe. By using a restriction endonuclease which does not cut within the element, the number and distribution of the copies of Acrelated sequences in the FR27rhm genome could be determined. From the number of bands seen in the blots, we conclude that the FR27rhm inbred contains large numbers of Ac -related sequences. However, the pattern of bands seen in the ten variants and in the uncultured seedlings were identical, indicating that there had been no movement of any of the Acrelated sequences to cause the tissue culture-induced mutations.Contribution from Department of Agronomy, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, supported by funds from the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station and Illinois Foundation Seeds  相似文献   

Summary The unstable mutant bz-x3m arose in a plant subjected to X-irradiation. The element at the bronze locus is non-autonomous and recombination data indicate that an autonomous element is tightly linked. The autonomous element has been designated Mx (mobile element induced by X-rays) and the non-autonomous element, rMx (responder to Mx). Linkage data indicate that a second Mx lies near the end of the short arm of chromosome 9; in one plant, an Mx that is unlinked was detected. Distinguishing characteristics of bz-x3m are a large window of time in endosperm development during which somatic reversions can arise and a wide range in the frequency at which they occur; these features are heritable. With increasing doses of bz-x3m and Mx, the window expands and the frequency range increases. In kernels containing the bz-x3m allele and the tightly linked Mx, breakage occurs in chromosome 9 distal to the C locus, resulting in breakage-fusion-bridge patterns for endosperm markers that lie proximal to the break. The frequency of breaks and the developmental time at which they occur exhibit the same dosage effect as the somatic reversions of the bz-x3m allele. These observations suggest that an rMx (designated rMxBr) that causes chromosome breakage is positioned distal to the C locus. At the molecular level, the bz-x3m allele is associated with a 0.5 kb increase in fragment size in DNA samples digested with BglII, EcoRI, HindIII and PstI; in germinal revertants, the fragment size returns to that of the progenitor.  相似文献   

Many of the systems currently employed for heterologous transposon tagging in plants rely on an excision assay to monitor transposon activity. We have used the streptomycin phosphotransferase (SPT) reporter system to assayAc activity inPetunia hybrida. In other species, such as tobacco orArabidopsis, excision ofAc from the SPT gene in sporogenous tissue gives rise to streptomycin-resistant seedlings in the following generation. The frequency of fully streptomycin-resistant seedlings in petunia was low (0.4%) but molecular analysis of these indicated that the actual excision frequency may be as low as 0.05%. This indicates that the SPT assay is not a reliable selection criterion for germinal excision in petunia. Extensive molecular screening for reinsertion ofAc was consistent with a low primary transposition frequency (0%–0.6%). In contrast to these findings, the progeny of confirmed germinal transpositions for three independent transformants showed frequent transposition to new sites (9.5%–17.0%). This suggests a high frequency of secondary transposition compared with primary transposition from the T-DNA. Segregation analysis indicates that the high transposition activity is closely associated with transposed copies ofAc. No evidence was found for an altered methylation state forAc following transposition. The implications of these results for heterologous transposon tagging in petunia are discussed in the context of the reliability of excision reporter systems in general.  相似文献   

Summary The maize autonomous transposable element, Activator (Ac), and the nonautonomous element Dissociation (Ds), were introduced into the tomato cultivars VF36 and VFNT Cherry by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Progeny families from 145 primary transformants were scored at the seedling stage for phenotypically variant individuals. When VF36 was transformed, 20% of families had progeny with aberrant phenotypes. The mutation frequency in VFNT Cherry transformants was lower; in this cultivar 7% of the transformants had progeny segregating for seedling mutations. The majority of the mutations showed monogenic inheritance in the R1 population, suggesting that the mutations occurred early in the transformation/regeneration process. One mutation, however, was recovered at low frequency in the R1, suggesting a late mutagenesis event. When tomato was transformed with either the Ac or Ds elements, no differences in mutation frequencies were observed. Since Ac is transpositionally active in tomato transformants while Ds is not, these numbers indicate that the mutation frequency inherent to the transformation process is higher than the mutational activity of Ac. These results demonstrate that efficient gene tagging using heterologous transposable elements will require screening for transposon-induced mutations in later generations.  相似文献   

Summary To develop a transposon tagging system in an important cereal plant, rice (Oryza sativa L.), the maize transposable element Ac (Activator) was introduced into rice protoplasts by electroporation. We employed a phenotypic assay for excision of Ac from the selectable hph gene encoding resistance to hygromycin B. Southern blot analysis of hygromycin B-resistant calli showed that the Ac element can transpose from the introduced hph gene into the rice chromosomes. Sequence analysis of several Ac excision sites in the hph gene revealed sequence alterations characteristic of the excision sites of this plant transposable element. The Ac element appears to be active during development of transgenic rice plants from calli. Moreover, hybridization patterns of different leaves from the same plant indicated that some Ac elements are stable whereas others are able to transpose further during development of leaves. The results indicate that the introduced Ac element can transpose efficiently in transgenic rice plants.  相似文献   

Summary Analyses of the multiple genomic Mu transposable elements in active Mutator lines with several C-methylation sensitive restriction enzymes indicate that Mu elements are undermodified compared with total maize nuclear DNA. Intercrossing of diverse Mutator lines leads to a discrete hypermodification of the Mu elements in a particular plant concurrent with a loss of mutagenic and transpositional potential. The modification events observed appear to be methylation of cytosine at the 5 position in the sequences 5-CG-3 and 5-CNG-3. Some potential C-methylation sites in Mu elements show a higher degree of methylation than others. Once established, the modified Mu state, like the loss of Mutator activity, is stable on outcrossing. Crosses between active Mutator lines with unmodified Mu elements and Mutator-loss lines with modified Mu elements show partial maternal dominance for the modification event. Mutator activity may also be lost thorugh outcrossing in a mechanism not associated with any detected modification events.  相似文献   

Summary Active Mutator lines of maize (Zea mays L.) are characterized by their ability to generate new mutants at a high rate and by somatic instability at Mutator-induced mutant alleles. Mutagenically active lines with fewer than ten Mu elements per diploid genome have not been observed. Alteration of Mutator activity has been shown to correlate with the state of modification of Hinfl restiction sites that lie within inverted terminal repeats of Mu elements. To determine whether active Mutator systems can be established and maintained in culture, copy number and modification state of Mu elements were investigated in embryogenic callus lines derived from F1S of crosses of active Mutator stock with the inbred lines A188 and H99. All callus lines studied maintain high Mu-element copy numbers, and more than half show a continued lack of modification at the Mu element Hinfl sites; thus, parameters associated with mutagenic activity in planta are present in some, but not all, callus lines. Mutator activity was then tested directly by restriction fragment analysis of subclonal populations from A188/Mu 2 and H99/Mu 2 embryonic cultures. Novel Mu-homologous restriction fragments occurred in 38% of the subpopulations which contained unmodified Mu elements, but not in control cultures containing modified, genetically inactive Mu elements. We conclude that Mu elements from active Mutator parents can remain transpositionally active in embryogenic cell culture. Active Mutator cell lines may be useful for the production of mutations in vitro.  相似文献   

Summary Previous experiments have revealed that the maize transposable element Activator (Ac) may become active during tissue culture. The objective of the present study was to determine whether a second transposable element, Suppressor-mutator (Spm), could also be activated in tissue culture and detected in regenerated maize plants. Approximately 500 R1 progeny of 143 regenerated plants (derived from 49 embryo cell lines) were crossed as males onto an Spm-responsive tester stock. Spm activity was observed in two R1 progeny of a single regenerated plant. This plant had been regenerated from Type II (friable embryogenic) callus of an A188 × B73 genetic background after 8 months in culture; the absence of Spm activity in four other plants regenerated from this same callus demonstrates that Spm activity was not present before culturing. Approximately 20 Spm-homologous DNA sequences were detected in each of the inbreds used to initiate the tissue cultures; it is presumed that one of these became active to give rise to Spm activity.  相似文献   

Molecular characterization of a brown midrib3 deletion mutation in maize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The caffeic acid O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene plays an important role in the synthesis of lignin. We have used the polymerase chain reaction in conjuction with genomic analysis to characterize deletion mutations of this gene in maize. In addition, we have analyzed and compared regions of the COMT gene from three distinct heterotic groups. Both PCR and Southern analysis indicate that the active wild-type COMT gene can be polymorphic. We suggest that the intron domain of at least one heterotic inbred can contribute to the alteration of the wild-type gene. In addition, multiple deletion mutations have occurred at this locus. We have found a previously uncharacterized deletion mutation in which segments of both the intron and exon have been deleted and replaced by other sequences. Precise knowledge of its sequence has allowed us to develop an assay by which we can follow this mutation in a breeding program.  相似文献   

The Ac elements present in the unstable wxm7 and wx-m9 alleles of maize trigger different patterns of Ds excision in trans. To determine whether this differential regulation is a feature of the Ac alleles themselves or is mediated by genetically distinct factors, maize plants heterozygous for the wx-m7 and wx-m9 alleles were crossed to tester strains homozygous for Ds reporter alleles. Kernels showing the variegation pattern characteristic for the Ac elements carried in the wx-m7 and wx-m9 alleles were found to be present in the ratios expected from the genetic constitution of the strains. The aleurone variegation caused by excision of the Ds reporter element and the endosperm variegation caused by excision of Ac from the wx-m7 and wx-m9 alleles themselves segregated with the original wx-m alleles. In addition, stable Wx and wx derivatives of wx-m9 that have lost Ac no longer exert any trans effect on the wx-m7 allele (and vice versa). Therefore it is concluded that the observed variegation patterns are autonomously determined by specific trans effects of the particular Ac element.  相似文献   

Little is known about variation of nucleotide insertion/deletions (indels) within species. In Arabidopsis thaliana, we investigated indel polymorphism patterns between two genome sequences and among 96 accessions at 1215 loci. Our study identified patterns in the variation of indel density, size, GC content and distribution, and a correlation between indels and substitutions. We found that the GC content in indel sequences was lower than that in non-indel sequences and that indels typically occur in regions with lower GC content. Patterns of indel frequency distribution among populations were more consistent with neutral expectation than substitution patterns. We also found that the local level of substitutions is positively correlated with indel density and negatively correlated with their distance to the closed indel, suggesting that indels play an important role in nucleotide variation.  相似文献   

The maize gene rab28 has been identified as ABA-inducible in embryos and vegetative tissues. It is also induced by water stress in young leaves. The proximal promoter region contains the conserved cis-acting element CCACGTGG (ABRE) reported for ABA induction in other plant genes. Transient expression assays in rice protoplasts indicate that a 134 bp fragment (-194 to -60 containing the ABRE) fused to a truncated cauliflower mosaic virus promoter (35S) is sufficient to confer ABA-responsiveness upon the GUS reporter gene. Gel retardation experiments indicate that nuclear proteins from tissues in which the rab28 gene is expressed can interact specifically with this 134 bp DNA fragment. Nuclear protein extracts from embryo and water-stressed leaves generate specific complexes of different electrophoretic mobility which are stable in the presence of detergent and high salt. However, by DMS footprinting the same guanine-specific contacts with the ABRE in both the embryo and leaf binding activities were detected. These results indicate that the rab28 promoter sequence CCACGTGG is a functional ABA-responsive element, and suggest that distinct regulatory factors with apparent similar affinity for the ABRE sequence may be involved in the hormone action during embryo development and in vegetative tissues subjected to osmotic stress.  相似文献   

Summary Simultaneous multiple transpositions and longterm genetic instability have been described in the ct MR2 strain of Drosophila melanogaster and its derivatives. This strain originated from a cross that was dysgenic in the P-M system. While spontaneous instability declined over 2 years, instability has been reactivated by backcross to the progenitor P element bearing strain MRh12/Cy. We show here using germline transformation that active P factor alone cannot mimic the effect of this cross, suggesting that MRh12/Cy contains some other activator. In addition, we have observed that ct + exceptional progeny arise in the F1 s well as the F2 generations. Molecular analysis of X chromosomes from some ct + progeny indicates that phenotypic reversion of the ct mutation can arise through two unrelated mechanisms.  相似文献   

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