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Ovarian function in ewes at the onset of the breeding season   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Transrectal ultrasonography of ovaries was performed each day, during the expected transition from anoestrus to the breeding season (mid-August to early October), in six Western white-faced cross-bred ewes, to record ovarian antral follicles > or = 3 mm in size and luteal structures. Jugular blood samples were collected daily for radioimmunoassay (RIA) of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), oestradiol and progesterone. The first ovulation of the breeding season was followed by the full-length oestrous cycle in all ewes studied. Prior to the ovulation, all ewes exhibited a distinct increase in circulating concentrations of progesterone, yet no corpora lutea (CL) were detected and luteinized unovulated follicles were detected in only three ewes. Secretion of FSH was not affected by the cessation of anoestrus and peaks of episodic FSH fluctuations were associated with the emergence of ovarian follicular waves (follicles growing from 3 to > or = 5 mm). During the 17 days prior to the first ovulation of the breeding season, there were no apparent changes in the pattern of emergence of follicular waves. Mean daily numbers of small antral follicles (not growing beyond 3 mm in diameter) declined (P < 0.05) after the first ovulation. The ovulation rate, maximal total and mean luteal volumes and maximal serum progesterone concentrations, but not mean diameters of ovulatory follicles, were ostensibly lower during the first oestrous cycle of the breeding season compared with the mid-breeding season of Western white-faced ewes. Oestradiol secretion by ovarian follicles appeared to be fully restored, compared with anoestrous ewes, but it was not synchronized with the growth of the largest antral follicles of waves until after the beginning of the first oestrous cycle. An increase in progesterone secretion preceding the first ovulation of the breeding season does not result, as previously suggested, from the ovulation of immature ovarian follicles and short-lived CL, but progesterone may be produced by luteinized unovulated follicles and/or interstitial tissue of unknown origin. This increase in serum concentrations of progesterone does not alter the pattern of follicular wave development, hence it seems to be important mainly for inducing oestrous behaviour, synchronizing it with the preovulatory surge of luteinizing hormone (LH), and preventing premature luteolysis during the ensuing luteal phase. Progesterone may also enhance ovarian follicular responsiveness to circulating gonadotropins through a local mechanism.  相似文献   

Transrectal ovarian ultrasonography was conducted in six Western white-faced ewes for 35 days from the last oestrus of the breeding season, to record the number and size of all ovarian follicles > or = 3 mm in diameter and luteal structures. Blood samples were collected once a day for estimation of serum concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), oestradiol and progesterone. Each ewe had five follicular waves (follicles growing from 3 to > or = 5 mm in diameter) over the scanning period. The duration of the growth phase of the largest ovarian follicles did not differ (P > 0.05) between waves, but follicular static and regressing phases decreased significantly (P < 0.05) after the decline in serum progesterone concentrations at the end of the last luteal phase of the breeding season. The intervals between the five follicular waves were: 9.2+/-0.4, 5.2+/-0.7, 8.3+/-0.8 and 5.8+/-0.7 days; the two shorter intervals differed (P < 0.05) from the two longer intervals. Using the cycle-detection program, rhythmic increases in serum FSH concentrations were detected in all ewes; the amplitude, duration and periodicity of FSH fluctuations did not vary (P > 0.05) throughout the period of study. The number of identified FSH peaks (7.8+/-0.5 peaks per ewe, per scanning period) was greater (P < 0.05) than the number of emerging follicular waves. Serum concentrations of oestradiol remained low (< or = 1 pg/ml) on most days, in five out of the six ewes studied, and sporadic elevations in oestradiol secretion above the non-detectable level were not associated with the emergence of follicular waves. The ovulation rate was lower than that seen during the middle portion of the breeding season (November-December) in white-faced ewes but the transitional ewes had larger corpora lutea (CL). Maximal serum concentrations of progesterone appeared to be lower and the plateau phase of progesterone secretion appeared to be shorter during the last luteal phase of the ovulatory season in comparison to the mid-breeding season of Western white-faced ewes. During the transition into anoestrus in ewes, the endogenous rhythm of FSH release is remarkably robust but the pattern of emergence of sequential follicular waves is dissociated from FSH and oestradiol secretion. Luteal progesterone secretion is suppressed because of fewer ovulations and diminished total luteal volume, but it may also result from diminished gonadotropic support. These season-related alterations in the normal pattern of ovine ovarian cycles appear to be due to reduction in ovarian responsiveness to gonadotropins and/or attenuation in secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) occurring at the onset of the anovulatory season in ewes.  相似文献   

Two experiments involving crossbred ewes which lambed during the breeding season were performed to determine whether: (a) the interval to first postpartum ovulation could be reduced by weaning or mastectomy; (b) there are differences in luteal structure and luteinizing hormone (LH) receptor concentration between first postpartum corpora lutea induced with GnRH and normal cycling corpora lutea and (c) pretreatment of postpartum ewes with progesterone would affect luteal LH receptor concentration and luteal phase serum progesterone concentration.In experiment I, the mean interval (±SEM) to the first postpartum ovulation was 22.3 ± 1.1 days and was not significantly altered by weaning or mastectomy. More than half of the ewes had small, short-lived peaks of serum progesterone associated with short-lived corpora lutea prior to the normal luteal phase rise of serum progesterone. In experiment II, 2 h after GnRH injection on day 18 postpartum, serum LH concentrations were higher in ewes which received progesterone treatment on days 13 and 14 than in control ewes. Progesterone treatment did not affect mean corpus luteum weight (157 mg) or concentration of LH receptors (0.95 fmol/mg) in first postpartum corpora lutea, but progesterone-treated ewes had significantly higher endogenous serum progesterone concentrations on days 21–24. GnRH-induced corpora lutea from postpartum ewes were lighter in weight, paler in color, had lower LH receptor concentrations and had a more regressed histological appearance than corpora lutea of a similar age from normal, cycling ewes.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine if "clamping" ewes onto a 12L:12D photoperiod resulted in expression of circannual rhythms of reproductive activity. On 24 February, 1986, two groups of 6 yearling ewes each were placed in isolated adjacent photochambers under a 12L:12D photoperiod and controlled temperature. Six control ewes were kept outdoors. Blood samples taken thrice weekly were analyzed for progesterone. Data from Days 0-1056 are reported. The mean number of cycles by control and 12L:12D ewes did not differ (32.8 +/- 1.7 vs. 29.7 +/- 4.0). The ranges were 27-39 vs. 4-51, respectively. Ten 12L:12D ewes started cycling coincidentally or later than the controls, and then cycled either regularly or irregularly throughout the study. Two of the 12L:12D ewes cycled continuously. The mean number of cycles during the period 15 April-15 August (anestrus) in Years 1, 2, and 3 were 0.7, 0.7, 0.2 for controls versus 0.3, 5.1, and 4.5 for 12L:12D ewes. The mean number of cycles during the period 15 September-15 January (breeding season) in Years 1, 2, and 3 were 7.3, 7.7, and 7.3 for controls versus 2.8, 4.8, and 4.0 for 12L:12D ewes. All controls showed distinct, alternating annual periods of anestrus and ovarian cycles whereas only two 12L:12D ewes showed a similar pattern. Estrous cycles were distributed nonrandomly in all controls and in 2 ewes exposed to 12L:12D. In the 12L:12D ewes, melatonin concentrations rose immediately after the lights-off and fell immediately after on. Lengths of the luteal phases of the cycles did not differ between groups. In summary, estrous cycles of most ewes clamped on a 12L:12D photoperiod occurred throughout the year at variable intervals rather than in distinct breeding seasons.  相似文献   

In ewes at the 1st, 2nd or 4th oestrous cycle after unilateral ovariectomy, the ovulation rate remained constant at 1.5 in the control (sham-operated) ewes, but increased from 1.3 to 2.0 in unilaterally ovariectomized ewes. In control ewes, the proportion of preantral follicles declined significantly (P less than 0.05) with each oestrous cycle while the antral follicles increased as the breeding season progressed (P less than 0.05). In contrast, after unilateral ovariectomy, the proportion of preantral and antral follicles remained constant throughout the cycles studied. The rate of atresia of antral follicles, especially those from small size classes, decreased significantly after one cycle of unilateral ovariectomy (P less than 0.05). Larger antral follicles had a different rate of atresia as the breeding season advanced. It is concluded that unilateral ovariectomy acutely decreased the rate of atresia and maintained the within-ovary equilibrium between preantral and antral follicles which otherwise would have decreased due to the depletion of preantral follicles with the advance of the breeding season.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to elucidate the mechanism(s) involved in stress-induced subfertility by examining the effect of 4 h transport on surge and pulsatile LH secretion in intact ewes and ovariectomized ewes treated with steroids to induce an artificial follicular phase (model ewes). Transport caused a greater delay in the onset of the LH surge in nine intact ewes than it did in ten ovariectomized ewes (intact: 41.0 +/- 0.9 h versus 48.3 +/- 0.8 h, P < 0.02; ovariectomized model: 40.8 +/- 0.6 h versus 42.6 +/- 0.5 h, P < 0.02). Disruption of the hypothalamus-pituitary endocrine balance in intact ewes may have reduced gonadotrophin stimulation of follicular oestradiol production which had an additional effect on the LH surge mechanism. In the ovariectomized model ewes, this effect was masked by the exogenous supply of oestradiol. However, in these model ewes, there was a greater suppression of maximum LH surge concentrations (intact controls: 29 +/- 4 ng ml-1 versus intact transported 22 +/- 5 ng ml-1, P < 0.02; ovariectomized model controls: 35 +/- 7 ng ml-1 versus model transported 15 +/- 2 ng ml-1, P < 0.02). Subsequent exposure to progesterone for 12 days resulted in the resumption of a normal LH profile in the next follicular phase, indicating that acute stress leads to a temporary endocrine lesion. In four intact ewes transported in the mid-follicular phase, there was a suppression of LH pulse amplitude (0.9 +/- 0.3 versus 0.3 +/- 0.02 ng ml-1, P < 0.05) but a statistically significant effect on pulse frequency was not observed (2.0 +/- 0.4 versus 1.7 +/- 0.6 pulses per 2 h). In conclusion, activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis by transport in the follicular phase of intact ewes interrupts surge secretion of LH, possibly by interference with LH pulsatility and, hence, follicular oestradiol production. This disruption of gonadotrophin secretion will have a major impact on fertility.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to find out whether daily LH secretion in ewes may be modulated by melatonin during the breeding season, when the secretion of both hormones is raised. Patterns of plasma LH were determined in luteal-phase ewes infused intracerebroventricularly (icv.) with Ringer-Locke solution (control) and with melatonin (100 microg/100 microl/h). Response in LH secretion to melatonin was also defined in ovariectomized (OVX) ewes without and after estradiol treatment (OVX+E2). Basal LH concentrations by themselves did not differ significantly before, during and after both control and melatonin infusions in intact, luteal-phase ewes. However, single significant (P<0.05) increases in LH concentration were noted during the early dark phase in the control and 1h after start of infusion in melatonin treated ewes. In both OVX and OVX+E2 ewes, melatonin decreased significantly (P<0.01, P<0.05, respectively) mean plasma LH concentrations as compared to the levels noted before the infusions. In OVX+E2 ewes, a single significant (P<0.05) increase in LH occurred 1h after start of melatonin treatment, similarly as in luteal-phase ewes. No significant differences in the frequencies of LH pulses before, during and after melatonin infusion were found in all treatments groups. In conclusion, melatonin may exert a modulatory effect on daily LH secretion in ewes during the breeding season, stimulating the release of this gonadotropin in the presence of estradiol feedback and inhibiting it during steroid deprivation. Thus, estradiol seems to be positively linked with the action of melatonin on reproductive activity in ewes.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine whether factors affecting pregnancy rate out-of-season are associated more with transcervical artificial insemination (T-AI) procedures or with the reproductive state of the ewe. Twenty Finncross ewes were treated with progesterone sponges, and at sponge removal (0 h) 10 ewes were treated with eCG. Blood samples were collected for LH and progesterone analyses, and follicular development was monitored using ultrasonography. Ewes were inseminated from 48 to 52 h with 200 million motile frozen-thawed spermatozoa. The incidence of estrus, LH surges and ovulation was greater (P < 0.01) and intervals to these responses were shorter (P < 0.01) in the eCG-treated ewes. The number of follicles > 5 mm was higher (P < 0.05) in eCG-treated than control ewes. Progesterone concentrations increased and remained elevated through Day 19 in 7 eCG-treated and in 1 control ewe, and these ewes were pregnant based upon ultrasonographic examination. The results demonstrate that the T-AI technique using frozen-thawed semen produces a relatively high (70%) pregnancy rate out-of-season. The pregnancy rate was found to reflect primarily the reproductive condition of the ewe.  相似文献   

To characterize the changes in LH pulse frequency during the transition to breeding season. LH pulse patterns and serum progesterone profiles were determined in 8 intact ewes from mid-anoestrus to the early breeding season. Overall, 8 increases in LH pulse frequency were observed and these were restricted to 5 ewes. Of the 8 increases, 7 occurred during the 4 weeks before the first cycle, 5 of them within 1 week after a pulse frequency typical of anoestrus (0-2 per 8 h). Six of them occurred less than 1 week before either a full-length luteal phase (n = 2) or a 1-3-day increment in progesterone (n = 4). Seven of these brief progesterone increases were observed in 6 ewes, 5 of them immediately preceding the first full-length luteal phase. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the seasonal decrease in response to oestradiol negative feedback at the beginning of the breeding season causes an increase in GnRH, and thereby LH pulse frequency. In addition, they demonstrate that the first increase in tonic LH secretion occurs in less than 1 week and, in most ewes, initiates either the first full-length cycle or a transient increase in progesterone, the latter occurring more often.  相似文献   

Application of the ram effect during the breeding season has been previously disregarded because the ewe reproductive axis is powerfully inhibited by luteal phase progesterone concentrations. However, anovulatory ewes treated with exogenous progestagens respond to ram introduction with an increase in LH concentrations. We therefore tested whether cyclic ewes would respond to ram introduction with an increase in pulsatile LH secretion at all stages of the estrous cycle. We did two experiments using genotypes native to temperate or Mediterranean regions. In Experiment 1 (UK), 12 randomly cycling, North of England Mule ewes were introduced to rams midway through a frequent blood-sampling regime. Ewes in the early (EL; n=3) [corrected] and late luteal (LL; n=6) phase responded to ram introduction with an increase in LH pulse frequency and mean and basal concentration [corrected] of LH (at least P<0.05). In Experiment 2 (Australia), the cycles of 32 Merino ewes were synchronised using intravaginal progestagen pessaries. Pessary insertion was staggered to produce eight ewes at each stage of the estrous cycle: follicular (F), early luteal (EL), mid-luteal (ML) and late luteal (LL). In all stages of the cycle, ewes responded to ram introduction with an increase in LH pulse frequency (P<0.01); EL, ML and LL ewes also had an increase in mean LH concentration (P<0.05). In conclusion, ram introduction to cyclic ewes stimulated an increase in pulsatile LH secretion, independent of ewe genotype or stage of the estrous cycle.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to examine the impact of several climate variables on the pregnancy rate after cervical artificial insemination (AI) of Rasa Aragonesa ewes. Data were derived from 8,977 inseminations in 76 well-managed flocks performed during the first month of the breeding season (July to October). The following data were recorded for each animal: farm, year, month of AI, parity, lambing–treatment interval, inseminating ram, AI technician, and climatic variables such as mean, maximum and minimum temperature, mean and maximum relative humidity, rainfall, and mean and maximum temperature–humidity index (THI) for each day from day 12 before AI to day 14 post-AI. Means were furthermore calculated for the following periods around AI (day 0): ?12 to 0, ?2 to 0, AI day, 0 to 2, and 0 to 14. Logistic regression analysis indicated that the likelihood of pregnancy decreased when maximum temperature in the 2 days prior to AI was higher than 30 °C (by a factor of 0.81). Fertility was also lower for primiparous ewes and in multiparous ewes with more than five previous parturitions. Other factors with significant impact on fertility were flock, technician, inseminating ram, and a lambing–AI interval longer than 240 days. It was concluded that the 2 days prior to AI seems to be the period when heat stress had the greatest impact on pregnancy rate in Rasa Aragonesa ewes.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the effects of ram exposure during the breeding season, in combination with progestagen treatment on estrus synchronization, fertility the LH surge and ovulation in ewes. Experiment 1 was subdivided into experiments 1a and 1b. In all experiments cross-bred ewes were treated with an intravaginal sponge for 12-14 days and three days before sponge withdrawal ewes were divided into control (no further treatment; n=191, 103 and 50 for experiments 1a, 1b and 2, respectively) or ram exposed (three mature rams per 50 ewes were introduced; +Ram; n=187, 99 and 49 for experiments 1a, 1b and 2, respectively). At sponge withdrawal ewes in Experiments 1a and 2 received 500 IU eCG and rams were removed from all the +Ram groups. In Experiments 1a and 1b, raddled, entire rams were introduced to ewes 48 h after sponge withdrawal. The timing of mating was recorded and ewes were maintained until lambing. In Experiment 2, estrus behavior was determined every 4 h and the time of the LH surge and ovulation were determined from a subset of 10 ewes per group. In Experiment 1a, less +Ram ewes were bred by 48 h after ram introduction (control 98% versus +Ram 89%, P<0.001) and in Experiments 1a and 1b 14% fewer (P<0.05) of the ewes bred in the first 3 h after ram introduction lambed to that service. In Experiment 1a, ram exposed ewes had a lower litter size than control ewes (1.93+/-0.06 versus 1.70+/-0.06 lambs per ewe; P<0.05). In Experiment 2, rams advanced (P<0.05) estrus, the LH surge and ovulation by 2-6 h compared with control ewes. We speculate that exposure of ewes to rams increased LH secretion and that this in turn increased follicle development and the production of oestradiol that led to a more rapid onset of estrus, the LH surge and ovulation compared to control ewes. Unexpectedly, ewes that were bred had lower fertility in the +Ram groups than control groups.  相似文献   

The effects of melengestrol acetate (MGA) and P.G. 600 on ewe fertility outside the natural breeding season were evaluated. Rambouillet ewes were assigned to one of four groups: (1) control (C; n=92); (2) PG600 (n=86); (3) MGA (n=99); and (4) MGA+PG600 (n=92). A pellet with or without MGA (0.3mg/ewe/d) was fed at 0.15kg/ewe/d for 7d. On the last day of pellet feeding, ewes were given either saline or 5mL of P.G. 600 i.m. (400IU equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) and 200IU human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)). Ultrasonography was performed between Days 20 and 25 of gestation for ewes that were mated during the first 6 d of the breeding period from the MGA (n=15) and MGA+PG600 (n=8) groups, and the number of luteal structures and embryos were counted. During the first 6d of the breeding period, MGA increased (P<0.05) the percentage of ewes that mated and conceived when compared to C and PG600 (24.2% vs. 3.3% and 10.5%, respectively). Relative to MGA, the mean (+/-S.E.M.) number of luteal structures per ewe was enhanced (P<0.03) in MGA+PG600 (1.53+/-0.13 vs. 2.38+/-0.42, respectively), however as pregnancy progressed, the number of embryos (1.5+/-0.13 vs. 1.8+/-0.16, respectively) and lambs born (1.3+/-0.15 vs. 1.5+/-0.27, respectively) did not differ. Treatment with MGA reduced (P<0.01) the interval from ram introduction to lambing relative to groups that did not receive MGA (168+/-0.8d vs. 171+/-0.6d, respectively). In conclusion, treatment with MGA increased the percentage of ewes conceiving early in the breeding period. Although P.G. 600 increased the number of luteal structures present per ewe, it did not significantly enhance ewe prolificacy.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the extent to which refractoriness to short daylength is involved in the onset of anoestrus in Rambouillet x Dorset ewes. Ovary-intact ewes (N = 36) were exposed to ambient photoperiod (C) or to a photoperiod equal to the winter solstice (S) beginning on 21 December 1986 and continuing until 21 April 1987. Samples of serum were obtained at weekly intervals and assayed for progesterone to assess ovarian activity, and for prolactin to assess response to photoperiod treatment. In addition, ovariectomized (ovx) ewes with implants containing oestradiol were housed with C(Covx) and S (Sovx) ewes (N = 4 per treatment). The concentration of LH was determined in serum collected biweekly from all ovariectomized ewes throughout the treatment period as an index of reproductive status. Time-trends for concentrations of LH differed (P less than 0.005) for ewes in Groups Covx and Sovx with LH decreasing on the order of about 8-fold in Group Covx through the treatment period, while not changing appreciably in Group Sovx. Intact ewes in both treatments began to become anoestrous by the 9th week of treatment (about the last week in February). However, fewer Group S than Group C ewes were anoestrous at 13 and 14 weeks of treatment (P = 0.09). Time-trends for concentrations of prolactin also differed for the Group C and S ewes (P less than 0.005), probably reflecting the divergence in duration of photoperiod between the two treatments by the end of the study.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study was designed to see if giving exogenous oestradiol, during the follicular phase of the oestrous cycle of intact ewes, during the breeding season or transition into anoestrus, would alter the occurrence, timing or magnitude of the preovulatory surge of secretion of luteinising hormone (LH) or follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). During the breeding season and the time of transition, separate groups of ewes were infused (intravenously) with either saline (30 ml h−1; n = 6) or oestradiol in saline (n = 6) for 30 h. Infusion started 12 h after removal of progestin-containing intravaginal sponges that had been in place for 12 days. The initial dose of oestradiol was 0.02 μg h−1; this was doubled every 4 h for 20 h, followed by every 5 h up to 30 h, to reach a maximum of 1.5 μg h−1. Following progestin removal during the breeding season, peak serum concentrations of oestradiol in control ewes were 10.31 ± 1.04 pg ml−1, at 49.60 ± 3.40 h after progestin removal. There was no obvious peak during transition, but at a time after progestin removal equivalent to the time of the oestradiol peak in ewes at mid breeding season, oestradiol concentrations were 6.70 ± 1.14 pg ml−1 in ewes in transition (P < 0.05). In oestradiol treated ewes, peak serum oestradiol concentrations (24.8 ± 2.1 pg ml−1) and time to peak (41.00 ± 0.05 h) did not differ between seasons (P > 0.05). During the breeding season, all six control ewes and four of six ewes given oestradiol showed oestrus with LH and FSH surges. The two ewes not showing oestrus did not respond to oestrus synchronisation and had persistently high serum concentrations of progesterone. During transition, three of six control ewes showed oestrus but only two had LH and FSH surges; all oestradiol treated ewes showed oestrus and gonadotrophin surges (P < 0.05). The timing and magnitude of LH and FSH surges did not vary with treatment or season. In blood samples collected every 12 min for 6 h, from 12 h after the start of oestradiol infusion, mean serum concentrations of LH and LH pulse frequency were lower in control ewes during transition than during mid breeding season (P < 0.05). Oestradiol treatment resulted in lower mean serum concentrations of LH in season and lower LH pulse frequency in transition (P < 0.05). We concluded that enhancing the height of the preovulatory peak in serum concentrations of oestradiol during the breeding season did not alter the timing or the magnitude of the preovulatory surge of LH and FSH secretion and that at transition into anoestrus, oestradiol can induce oestrus and the surge release of LH and FSH as effectively as during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Fukui Y  Roberts EM 《Theriogenology》1981,16(1):105-117
Two experiments were conducted to compare estrous response to three doses (8, 16 and 24 mg) of prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF(2alpha)) administered by intramuscular injection to ewes between day 6 and 12 of the estrous cycle (Experiment I) and to ewes on unknown days of the estrous cycle during four different stages of the breeding season (Experiment II). In experiment I, a total of 41 ewes were treated with PGF(2alpha). The injection of 24 mg PGF(2alpha) resulted in a higher proportion of ewes exhibiting estrus (13 14 , 92.9%) within 5 days after treatment as compared to the other two doses (2 12 and 10 15 , for 8 and 16 mg PGF(2alpha), respectively). However, there was no significant difference for the proportion between 16 mg and 24 mg PGF(2alpha). In experiment II, PGF(2alpha) was given to ewes on the 3rd of February (early breeding season), the 28th of February (mid-early breeding season), the 10th of April (mid breeding season) and the 27th of May (late breeding season). These was a significant difference for the proportion of ewes exhibiting estrus between the early breeding season and the other three seasons (P < 0.05) but not for ewes ovulating. Throughout the breeding season, 16 mg PGF(2alpha) appeared to be slightly better than the other two doses (8 and 24 mg) although there was no overall difference in the estrous responses to treatment among the three doses. However, a significant difference in the proportion of ewes ovulating was found among the three doses of PGF(2alpha) (P < 0.05). Especially, 16 mg PGF(2alpha) was significantly superior to 8 mg (P < 0.01) and 24 mg (P < 0.05). It was considered that there was a complicated relationship between the doses of PGF(2alpha) and the stages of the breeding season for induction of estrus and ovulation in the ewe.  相似文献   

This study compared the affect of short-term and continuous exposure to rams during the transition between anoestrus and the breeding season on the distribution of mating and subsequent lambing. Further, within ewes continuously exposed to rams we investigated the effect of replacing these rams every 17 days with 'novel' rams. During August (late anoestrus, Northern Hemisphere), multiparous, North of England mule ewes were allocated to one of four groups: SVR ewes were exposed to vasectomised rams for 24h on Day 0 (short term; n=109), RVR ewes were exposed to vasectomised rams for 24h on Days 0, 17 and 34 (short term; n=113); PVR ewes were exposed to vasectomised rams on Day 0 and remained with the same rams for the duration of the pre-mating period (continuous; n=104); NVR ewes were continuously exposed to vasectomised rams from Day 0 with the rams replaced with 'novel' rams every 17 days (continuous; n=113). Blood samples were collected from a subset of ewes (n=22 per group) to monitor progesterone. On Day 50, harnessed, entire rams were introduced for mating and raddle marks recorded daily for the first 17 days. The median date of mating occurred 1 day earlier in NVR ewes than PVR ewes (P<0.05). A synchrony score calculated from the blood sampled ewes showed that the distribution of mating was more synchronised in PVR and NVR ewes than SVR and RVR ewes (P<0.001). PVR and NVR ewes had an earlier onset of cyclic activity than RVR ewes (P<0.01). However, only NVR ewes differed from SVR ewes in this variable (P<0.05). Within ewes lambing to first service, the median date of lambing of PVR, NVR and SVR ewes occurred at least 2 days earlier than RVR ewes (at least P<0.05). Further, PVR and NVR ewes had a more compact distribution of lambing than SVR and RVR ewes (P<0.05) and lambing was more compact in NVR ewes than PVR ewes (P<0.05). In conclusion, ewes in continuous contact with rams prior to mating had a more synchronised distribution of mating and lambing than ewes given only short-term exposure to rams. This distribution of mating in continuous ram exposed ewes can be further enhanced by periodic exposure to novel rams.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Many birds undergo bare part color changes during the breeding season. Most investigators have focused on color as a signal of individual quality. An alternative, but not exclusive, function of bare part color may be signaling readiness to breed, especially in colonial, asynchronous breeders. White Ibises ( Eudocimus albus ) are colonial waterbirds that show vivid bare part colors on their bills and legs during reproduction. We quantified bill and leg colors to describe color changes and their possible relationship to reproductive status during the breeding season of White Ibises in the Florida Everglades from 1998 to 2001. We also examined the correlation between bare part colors and circulating concentrations of sex steroids to understand the factors that regulate bare part colors. During the display stage, male and female ibises developed dark pink bills and scarlet legs. As the breeding season progressed, bills and legs faded and developed a muted pink hue. The bare part colors of female ibises were correlated with testosterone concentrations, but those of male ibises were not correlated with any hormones. A discriminant function analysis based on principal component scores (representing variation in saturation and hue) and the amount of black on the bill successfully classified ibis reproductive stage 94% of the time. The use of bare part colors to determine reproductive status may be useful for studying reproduction in colonially nesting birds, where access to breeding sites can be difficult and potential for researcher disturbance is high.  相似文献   

The olfactory behavior of a captive population of crowned lemurs (Lemur coronatus)was studied during their annual breeding season in order to investigate its possible role in the fine-tuning of mating synchrony after photoperiodic initiation of reproductive activity. The frequencies of five stereotyped olfactory behavior patterns were recorded in four male-female groups during 315 1-hr observation sessions between October and March. The mean total scent-marking frequency of all males was positively correlated with their mean testicular size. Male anogenital-, head-, and allomarking frequencies decreased during the breeding season, whereas hand-marking frequencies remained constant. Male head-marking increased significantly in the 5 days preceding female vaginal estrus. Furthermore, males responded to many female scents by olfactory investigation and/or overmarking, whereas females never showed an observable behavioral response to male scent marks. The marking frequencies of two females did not change significantly during the breeding season, while those of two others decreased significantly. These results suggest qualitative changes of female scents during estrus and a less important role of male scents in intersexual communication in the context of reproduction than previously thought.  相似文献   

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