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锈赤扁谷盗成虫趋光行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】研究灯光诱捕技术防治锈赤扁谷盗Cryptolestes ferrugineus(Stephens)的可行性。【方法】在实验室条件下测定了锈赤扁谷盗成虫对不同光源的趋光反应。【结果】锈赤扁谷盗成虫对实验所选取的光源都有一定的趋性。在可见光中,对主波长为575 nm的光源的趋性最强,对430、495、620、530和450 nm光源的趋性依次降低。在紫外光中,对主波长为385 nm的光源的趋性显著高于对主波长为365、375和395 nm的光源;1~10日龄的锈赤扁谷盗成虫,随日龄的增加,成虫趋光性先增强后有所减弱;雌虫的趋光性高于雄虫,且交配状态会影响雌虫和雄虫的趋光性。交配会抑制雄虫的趋光性,但是交配后的雌虫的趋光性增强;短期饥饿处理和灯光经历对害虫趋光性无显著影响。【结论】锈赤扁谷盗成虫对光波长的选择偏好性证实了其灯光诱捕技术的可行性。  相似文献   

为明确适用于防治锈赤扁谷盗的植物精油种类及其用量,本试验采用拌粮密闭熏蒸法,比较23种植物精油对锈赤扁谷盗成虫熏蒸毒杀活性差异,从中筛选出作用效果较好的精油种类进行熏蒸毒力测定。通过二次筛选结果表明,大蒜与芥末精油对锈赤扁谷盗成虫具有明显的熏蒸毒杀作用。进一步的毒力测试结果表明,在24 h、48 h、72 h处理时间下,大蒜精油对锈赤扁谷盗成虫的LC_(50)值分别为0.7827、0.7222、0.6478μL/L,而芥末精油在相同处理时间条件下的LC_(50)值分别为2.7581、2.6117及2.4619μL/L,大蒜精油对锈赤扁谷盗具有更强的熏蒸毒杀活性。  相似文献   

储粮书虱Liposcelis spp.和锈赤扁谷盗Cryptolestes ferrugineus(Stephens)由于对磷化氢具有较高的抗性而成为目前粮食储藏过程最难防治的两类害虫,研究储粮防护剂和磷化氢联用对储粮书虱和锈赤扁谷盗的防治效果,对于缓解其对磷化氢的抗性以及其在实仓中综合防治具有重要的经济意义。本文用55%甲基嘧啶磷乳油和2%溴氰·甲嘧磷粉剂分别和磷化氢联用对广东、广西、安徽和河南4个不同气候条件的粮库中的书虱和锈赤扁谷盗进行防治效果的研究。结果表明,在磷化氢熏蒸粮食之前用55%甲基嘧啶磷乳油或2%溴氰·甲嘧磷粉剂处理粮面表层的粮食,在4个粮库的试验粮仓内书虱和锈赤扁谷盗的防治效果有显著差异:在北方干燥少雨的河南汤阴库防治效果最好,可达100%,其次是安徽舒城库、广西柳州库,防治效果分别为71.8%和71.9%。效果最差的是高温高湿的是广东湛江库,防治效果为50.4%。用55%甲基嘧啶磷乳油或2%溴氰·甲嘧磷粉剂和磷化氢联用对书虱和锈赤扁谷盗具有很好的防治效果,说明储粮防护剂和磷化氢联用对于储粮书虱和锈赤扁谷盗具有更好的防治效果。  相似文献   

温度对赤拟谷盗爬行和起飞活动的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李兆东  王殿轩  乔占民 《昆虫知识》2011,48(5):1437-1441
在不同温度下研究了赤拟谷盗Tribolium castaneum(Herbst)在固体物面、设定粮面、温度均匀的粮(小麦)柱和具有温度梯度粮柱内爬行扩散速度、起飞温度等.主要结果为:赤拟谷盗在17℃开始有爬行为,25℃开始有飞行行为,在15~25℃时水平爬行速度和15 ~ 20℃时竖直运动速度与温度呈显著正相关,在无障...  相似文献   

为了明确来自湖北武穴、孝感、随州3个不同地区的转cry1Ab/cry1Ac、cry2A、cry1C基因明恢63(分别命名为TT51、T2A-1和T1C-19)对赤拟谷盗Tribolium castaneumHerbst生长发育的影响,在室内以不同的转Bt基因稻谷继代饲养赤拟谷盗6代,结果表明:各处理赤拟谷盗的卵期3~4d,卵孵化率85%~100%,幼虫期22~27d,化蛹率85%~97%,蛹期6~7d,百蛹重0.25~0.31g,性比0.8~1.4,羽化率82%~97%,产卵前期5~7d。不同抗虫转基因水稻对赤拟谷盗各发育历期及生命表参数没有显著的影响,同一转基因事件,没有因为种植地区的不同造成对赤拟谷盗生长发育的差异。3种Bt蛋白在继代饲养的赤拟谷盗幼虫体内检测均呈阳性反应,但积累量很小,继代饲养后,没有发现在赤拟谷盗体内明显的累积。  相似文献   

本文利用昆虫飞行磨研究了温度和湿度变化对赤拟谷盗Tribolium castaneum(Herbst)雌、雄成虫飞行能力的影响;分别测定了23℃、26℃、29℃、32℃和35℃等5个温度,45%、65%和85%等3个湿度条件下,赤拟谷盗雌、雄成虫的飞行距离、时间和速度等反应昆虫飞行能力的参数。单次飞行距离、单次飞行时间、单次飞行速度、24 h累计飞行距离及时间分析结果表明,环境温度和湿度对赤拟谷盗雌、雄成虫的飞行能力有不同程度的影响,环境温湿度过高或过低均不利于赤拟谷盗雌、雄成虫飞行;温度为32℃时,赤拟谷盗雌成虫的单次飞行距离、飞行时间、飞行速度、24 h累计飞行距离和飞行时间分别为0.925 m、9.616 s、0.023 m/s、0.979 km和2.886 h;雄成虫的单次飞行距离、飞行时间、飞行速度、24 h累计飞行距离和飞行时间分别为0.638 m、6.035 s、0.014 m/s、0.674 km和3.175 h。在相对湿度45%、65%和85%时,雌成虫的单次飞行时间分别为6.998 s、9.616 s和6.431 s;雄成虫的单次飞行时间分别为3.163 s、6.035 s和0.208 s。飞行速度与相对湿度的关系与飞行时间相似。从飞行能力参数来看,雌虫的飞行能力优于雄虫。  相似文献   

以定虫隆汰选的抗性指数为23.78倍抗性种群(CH-R),并以上海田间种群(SH-R,对定虫隆的抗性指数为9.16倍)作为参比种群,研究小菜蛾Plutella xylostlla(L.)对定虫隆的抗性机制,结果表明:CH—R种群多功能氧化酶O-脱甲基活力比相对敏感种群(SZ-S)提高1倍,而SH-R种群多功能氧化酶O-脱甲基活力虽有所提高,但与SZ-S种群相比差异并不显著;CH-R和SH-R种群羧酸酯酶比活力均明显高于Sz-S种群,分别为SZ-S种群的4.61和2.18倍,且CH-R种群的Km仅为SZ-S种群的1/20;酸性磷酸酯酶和碱性磷酸酯酶比活力种群间无明显差异;CH-R种群的几丁质酶活力降低48%,酚氧化酶活力降低60%。说明小菜蛾对定虫隆的抗性机制具有多因子性,多功能氧化酶解毒代谢能力的提高可能是主导抗性机制之一,羧酸酯酶、几丁质酶和酚氧化酶也参与了小菜蛾对定虫隆的抗性。  相似文献   

磷化氢对赤拟谷盗成虫体内CAT和SOD活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用赤拟谷盗Tribolium castaneum(Herbst)成虫,研究PH3对其体内超氧化物岐化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性的影响。结果表明PH3熏蒸后,4种不同地理种群的成虫体内,CAT酶活性都有所降低。种群NGD1降低最多,接近57%,而NGD4则只降低了19%,NGD2和NGD3的降低都在40%左右。不同地理种群的成虫体内,SOD酶活性在熏蒸后都有所增加,种群NGD1增加幅度最大,NGD2增加幅度最小。SOD和CAT活性的变化幅度与成虫对PH3产生的抗性有关,抗性越大,酶活性变化越大。  相似文献   

为探索八角茴香的杀虫活性及其作用机理,采用密闭容器熏蒸法测定八角茴香干果的甲醇、乙酸乙酯、石油醚3种溶剂提取物对长角扁谷盗成虫的杀虫活性,及其对试虫体内乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)和谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶(GSTs)活性的影响。结果表明:3种提取物对试虫均有较强的熏杀活性,熏杀效果随着处理剂量的提高和处理时间的延长而增强,熏蒸72 h后,20.0 mg/L甲醇、乙酸乙酯、石油醚提取物对试虫的校正死亡率分别为89.93%、96.71%和91.56%,LD50分别为7.16、4.57、5.42 mg/L,以乙酸乙酯提取物的熏杀效果最好。3种提取物对试虫体内的AChE、GSTs活性均表现出明显的剂量效应和较强的时间效应,随着处理剂量的升高,对2种酶活力多数表现为抑制作用增强,而低剂量(1.25 mg/L)的甲醇提取物对AChE具有一定的诱导作用;乙酸乙酯、石油醚提取物在48 h而甲醇提取物在60 h对AChE、GSTs活性抑制作用最强;3种溶剂提取物对AChE、GSTs活性的抑制作用大小均表现为乙酸乙酯>石油醚>甲醇。提取物对酶活性的抑制作用与熏杀效果整体呈正相关,说明AChE、GSTs活性下降可能是造成试虫死亡的重要原因之一。因此,八角茴香具有潜在的杀虫应用研究价值。  相似文献   

昆虫的生长发育、抗饥饿和资源再获取能力对其生存、生殖和性选择非常重要。本文研究了营养质量对赤拟谷盗Tribolium castaneum(Herbst)生长发育、抗饥饿和资源再获取能力的影响。结果表明,三个营养处理下雄性赤拟谷盗的生长发育性状(幼虫重、发育历期、蛹重和成虫重)均存在显著性差异,在高营养质量下生长的雄性赤拟谷盗发育更快,体重更大,且各生长发育性状间存在显著性相关。营养质量对雄性赤拟谷盗成虫的抗饥饿能力没有显著影响,但对其资源再获取能力有显著影响,表现为在高营养质量下生长的雄性赤拟谷盗成虫比在低营养质量下生长的具有更高的资源再获取能力。雄性赤拟谷盗抗饥饿能力和资源再获取能力之间存在显著性相关,但是雄性赤拟谷盗抗饥饿能力和资源再获取能力除了与发育历期存在显著性相关外,与其它生长发育性状不存在显著性相关。本文还对这些实验结果的性选择意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

本研究旨在明确棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera(Hübner)几丁质合成酶1(HaCHS1)基因在不同发育时期和不同组织的表达及氟啶脲处理后对该基因表达的影响。利用RT-PCR和RACE技术克隆获得棉铃虫HaCHS1基因,HaCHS1基因全长为5247 bp,其中开放阅读框4698 bp,编码1565个氨基酸,5′非翻译区为168 bp,3′非翻译区为381 bp。预测蛋白的相对分子质量为180.7 kDa,等电点为6.50,HaCHS1具有16个跨膜螺旋和6个N-糖基化位点。RT-qPCR检测结果表明,HaCHS1基因在预蛹期表达量最低,在蛹期第1天表达量最高。HaCHS1基因在头部的表达量最高,其次是表皮,而在中肠、气管、马氏管和脂肪体中的表达量均极低。亚致死浓度(60 mg/L)氟啶脲处理后,棉铃虫HaCHS1基因呈现出“抑制-激活-再抑制”的波动。本研究将为棉铃虫HaCHS1基因功能的研究奠定基础,为基于几丁质合成途径设计新药提供科学的理论依据。  相似文献   

This paper describes the physiological mechanism of action of chlorfluazuron on testicular development and spermatogenesis when sublethal doses (LD10: 1.00 ng/larva or LD30: 3.75 ng/larva) are applied topically to the cuticle of newly moulted fifth instars of the common cutworm Spodoptera litura (F.) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). These doses disrupt the growth and development of testes by decreasing the volume and weight of testes and thickness of testes sheath as compared with that of the controls. Sublethal doses of chlorfluazuron also significantly reduce the protein content of the testis, but do not affect the carbohydrate and lipid contents in newly emerged treated males when measured in μg/mg of testis as compared with that of the controls. Additionally, such doses disrupt spermatogenesis by reducing the number and size of eupyrene and apyrene sperm bundles in the testis. Very few or no eupyrene sperm bundles are observed in vas deferens of pre‐ and newly moulted adults compared with controls. This result shows that the transfer of sperm bundles from testes to vas deferens is delayed in treated males. The effects of chlorfluazuron on testicular development and spermatogenesis is thought to be one of the factors responsible for the reduction in fecundity, fertility and hatchability caused by sublethal doses of chlorfluazuron.  相似文献   

以一个对甲氧虫酰肼具有18.5倍抗性的棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera(Hübner)种群(R)和其同源对照种群(S)为对象,研究了甲氧虫酰肼对棉铃虫生长发育的亚致死效应。结果表明,甲氧虫酰肼亚致死剂量(LC25)处理R和S种群的3龄初幼虫,对S种群幼虫的生长抑制率(37.30%)显著大于R种群(21.20%)。与空白对照处理相比,致死剂量处理R和S种群后,均表现出生长发育延缓,蛹期延长,化蛹率、羽化率、卵孵化率降低,且对S种群的影响更明显。研究结果表明亚致死剂量的甲氧虫酰肼对棉铃虫存在一定的不利影响,但对甲氧虫酰肼具有一定抗性的棉铃虫种群能够减轻这种不利影响。  相似文献   

红棕象甲发育起点温度及有效积温的测定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在室内恒温条件下,观察了不同温度对棕榈红棕象甲Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Fabricius生长发育的影响,并用直线回归法测得产卵前期、卵、幼虫、蛹和全世代的发育起点温度分别为(16.11±1.44)、(14.10±0.56)、(15.28±0.21)、(14.89±0.24)和(14.15±0.54)℃;有效积温分别为(31.86±1.65)、(748.60±15.79)、(417.94±20.80)和(1215.50±28.56)日·度。红棕象甲的各虫态和全世代发育历期随温度的升高而缩短,在测定的温度范围内,全世代发育历期与温度的关系符合指数函数:y=3343e-0.1279x。  相似文献   

Acylurea insecticides can have various effects on insect reproduction and may even interfere with haemolymph‐borne oviposition‐stimulating factors (OSFs). This study describes the effects of injecting haemolymph into females of the common cutworm, Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), the effects of chlorfluazuron on the activities of OSFs, when sublethal doses (LD10: 1.00 ng larva?1 or LD30: 3.75 ng larva?1) were applied topically to newly ecdysed fifth instars under laboratory conditions. The haemolymph of moths of varying age, sex, and mating status resulted in the following increases in oviposition rates within the first 24 h, listed in decreasing order: the haemolymph of mated females injected into mated females (56%), mated females into newly emerged virgin females (53%), virgin males into virgin females (49%), and virgin females into mated females (29%), compared with uninjected mated or virgin females. Two factors are involved in the activation of ovipositon: OSF‐I is found in virgin females, whereas OSF‐II may be formed or received by males during mating. By contrast, the haemolymph taken from chlorfluazuron‐treated adults (treated as fifth instars with sublethal doses) injected into females resulted in the following percentage decreases in oviposition rates within the first 24 h, listed in decreasing order: the haemolymph of LD10‐ and LD30‐treated virgin males injected into untreated virgin females (77 and 84%, respectively), LD10 and LD30‐treated virgin females into untreated mated females (70 and 80%, respectively), LD10 and LD30‐treated mated females into untreated mated females (61 and 69%, respectively), LD10 and LD30‐treated mated females into untreated virgin females (59 or 68%, respectively), compared with untreated ones. Hence, residual chlorfluazuron decreases the activities of OSFs by significantly decreasing the oviposition rates. Moreover, virgin females’ or males’ OSFs are more sensitive to chlorfluazuron than those of mated cutworms. Both OSFs are most likely proteins.  相似文献   

【目的】克隆朱砂叶螨Tetranychus cinnabarinus几丁质合成过程中的关键酶几丁质合成酶基因,并检测该基因在朱砂叶螨生长发育不同阶段的相对表达量。【方法】本研究采用逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)以及c DNA末端快速扩增(RACE)技术首次克隆获得朱砂叶螨几丁质合成酶基因1的全长c DNA序列(命名为Tc CHS1,Gen Bank登录号为KM242062),并使用实时荧光定量PCR技术首次检测了Tc CHS1基因在朱砂叶螨生长发育不同阶段的相对表达量。【结果】朱砂叶螨Tc CHS1基因的c DNA全长为4 881 bp,包括198 bp的5'非翻译区(5'-UTR),4 425 bp的开放阅读框(ORF),258 bp的3'非翻译区(3'-UTR),开放阅读框编码1 474个氨基酸,预测其蛋白质分子质量约为168.35 ku,理论等电点为6.26。其包含EDR和QRRRW这2个几丁质合成酶基因的标签序列。氨基酸序列同源性分析结果表明:Tc CHS1与其他昆虫该基因编码蛋白的氨基酸序列相似度在50%左右,与二斑叶螨Tetranychus urticae的氨基酸相似度最高(98%),与西方盲走螨Metaseiulus occidentalis的相似度为55%。分子系统进化的结果也表明Tc CHS1与其他昆虫的CHS1聚在一起,并且和二斑叶螨具有最近的亲缘关系。荧光定量分析表明Tc CHS1基因在朱砂叶螨生长发育的不同阶段(卵、幼螨、第1若螨、第2若螨、雌成螨和雄成螨)均有表达,在卵和雌成螨中的表达量较高,在第2若螨的表达量最低。【结论】Tc CHS1基因可能在朱砂叶螨生长发育过程中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

A comparative bioassay (choice or non-choice) was developed to evaluate the efficacy of different species of fruit trees as alternative host plants on the morphological and biological aspects of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus and also the latent effect of feeding the larvae on pupal and adult stages. Highly significant differences exist between averages of larval body weight of R. ferrugineus larvae fed on fruit trees. The lowest average of larval weight occurred in the larvae fed on the pieces of sour orange, mandarin followed by olive and lime trees. A small increase in body weight appeared in larvae fed on mango, fig and guava in comparison with those fed on date palm trees (control). The larval mortality reached the highest percentages (100%) by obligatory feeding of R. ferrugineus insects on olive, lime, sour orange and mandarin followed by mango (97%) and guava (96%) compared with control (0%), respectively. The latent effect of obligatory feeding on the larvae of R. ferrugineus was highly decreased during pupation (4%, 4% and 8%) when the insect fed on mango, guava and fig, compared with 100% pupation in the case of larvae fed on ornamental palm or date palm, respectively. Most pupae resulting from the treated larvae by R. ferrugineus failed in adult emergence especially those insects fed on olive, lime, sour orange and mandarin trees compared to untreated insects (95.6–96.2%), respectively. Data also proved that if an insect is forced to feed on a non-preferred host plant, this results in death of the insect often during the larval stage, a decrease of pupation or failure of adult emergence. These results led to the conclusion that mango, fig, and guava trees are believed to be vulnerable hosts for red weevil attack. The lowest percentage of food consumption appeared in those larvae fed on mandarin, sour orange, lime and olive trees compared with those fed on palm. The present results emphasise the need to test the efficiency of the compounds extracted from these host plants if it is considered as an insecticide or an alternative host protectant for management of the red palm weevil R. ferrugineus.  相似文献   

The number of potential annual generations of the rusty grain beetle,Cryptolestes ferrugineus, was simulated in wheat stored in granaries for all crop districts in the prairie provinces of Canada each year from 1952 to 1990 using a population dynamic model driven by ecological variables. Granary size was assumed to be 6 m in diameter. Historical data for temperatures at harvest and times when storage began were used in the simulation model. A second model, which predicted the rate of temperature change at the centre of a 6-m-diameter bulk of wheat, determined environmental parameters for the population dynamic model. (Grain moisture content was assumed constant at 14.5% wet mass basis.) The combined model shows that the initial storage temperature is the most important factor responsible for predicting the number of generations and levels of infestation ofC. ferrugineus. This finding was largely validated by historical grain storage and infestation data. For various years initial grain temperature ranged from 17.7 to 37.4 °C and harvest dates were between 1 August and 20 October. The number of generations annually in simulations based on field conditions ranged from 0.35 to 6.77 with a mean of 3.29. Three or more generations result in a severe infestation and every year at least three simulated generations were completed in some crop districts. In one year, at least three generations were completed in every crop district. Harvest temperature and date permit prediction of crop districts that will potentially have the largest populations of C.ferrugineus so that early monitoring of wheat for infestations can be targeted to areas most at risk. Cereal Research Centre Contribution No. 1660  相似文献   

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