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In plants capable of both self-fertilization and outcrossing, the selfing rate depends on the proportion of self pollen in pollen loads and on the relative postpollination success of self pollen in siring offspring. While the composition of pollen loads is subject to unpredictable variation, paternity success of self vs. outcross pollen following pollen deposition may be controlled by maternal plants. This study examined postpollination paternity success in Clarkia gracilis ssp. sonomensis, in which deposition of self pollen is common. Pure loads of self and outcross pollen produced similar numbers of mature seeds, but equal mixtures of self and outcross pollen yielded more than three times as many outcrossed offspring as selfed offspring. The finding that the paternity success of self pollen depends on whether it is in competition with outcross pollen helps to explain an earlier finding that the selfing rate in experimental populations was highest when pollinator activity was lowest. Cryptic self-incompatibility allows paternity by self pollen when outcross pollen is unavailable.  相似文献   

The majority of flowering plants rely on animals as pollen vectors. Thus, plant mating systems and pollen dispersal are strongly influenced by pollinator behaviour. In Australian sexually deceptive orchids pollinated by male thynnine wasps, outcrossing and extensive pollen flow is predicted due to floral deception, which minimizes multiple flower visitations within patches, and the movement of pollinators under mate‐search rather than foraging behaviours. This hypothesis was tested using microsatellite markers to reconstruct and infer paternity in two clonal, self‐compatible orchids. Offspring from naturally pollinated Chiloglottis valida and C. aff. jeanesii were acquired through symbiotic culture of seeds collected over three seasons. In both species, outcrossing was extensive (tm = 0.924–1.00) despite clone sizes up to 11 m wide. The median pollen flow distance based on paternity for both taxa combined was 14.5 m (n = 18, range 0–69 m), being larger than typically found by paternity analyses in other herbaceous plants. Unexpectedly for orchids, some capsules were sired by more than one father, with an average of 1.35 pollen donors per fruit. This is the first genetic confirmation of polyandry in orchid capsules. Further, we report a possible link between multiple paternity and increased seed fitness. Together, these results demonstrate that deceptive pollination by mate‐searching wasps enhances offspring fitness by promoting both outcrossing and within‐fruit paternal diversity.  相似文献   

In plants, selfing and outcrossing may be affected by maternal mate choice and competition among pollen and zygotes. To evaluate this in Silene nutans, we pollinated plants with mixtures of (1) self‐ and outcross pollen and (2) pollen from within a population and from another population. Pollen fitness and zygote survival was estimated from the zygote survival and paternity of seeds. Self pollen had a lower fitness than outcross pollen, and selfed zygotes were less likely, or as likely, to develop into seeds. Hybrid zygotes survived as frequently or more than local zygotes, and pollen from one of the populations fertilized most ovules in both populations. Our results thus indicate strong maternal discrimination against selfing, whereas the success of outbreeding seems mostly affected by divergent pollen performance. The implications for the evolution of maternal mate choice are discussed.  相似文献   

Female multiple mating has been extensively studied to understand how nonobvious benefits, generally thought to be of genetic nature, could overcome heavy costs such as an increased risk of infection during mating. However, the impact of infection itself on multiple mating has rarely been addressed. The interaction between the bacterium Wolbachia and its terrestrial crustacean host, Armadillidium vulgare, is a relevant model to investigate this question. In this association, Wolbachia is able to turn genetic males into functional females (i.e. feminization), thereby distorting the sex ratio and decreasing the number of available males at the population scale. Moreover, in A. vulgare, females have been shown to mate multiply under laboratory conditions and males prefer uninfected females over infected ones. Additionally, different Wolbachia strains are known to infect A. vulgare and these strains differ in their transmission rate and virulence. All these elements suggest a potential impact of different Wolbachia strains on multiple mating. To investigate this assumption, we collected gravid females in a wild A. vulgare population harbouring both uninfected females and females infected with one of two different Wolbachia strains (wVulM and wVulC) and performed paternity analyses on the obtained broods using microsatellite markers. We demonstrate that (i) multiple paternity is common in this wild population of A. vulgare, with a mean number of fathers of 4.48 ± 1.24 per brood and (ii) females infected with wVulC produced broods with a lower multiple paternity level compared with females infected with wVulM and uninfected ones. This work improves our knowledge of the impact of infections on reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

Spatial separation of male and female reproductive structures (herkogamy) is a widespread floral trait that has traditionally been viewed as an adaptation that reduces the likelihood of self‐pollination. Here we propose that increased herkogamy may also influence another important aspect of plant mating: the diversity of pollen donors siring seeds within fruits. We test this hypothesis in Narcissus longispathus, a wild daffodil species with extensive variation in anther–stigma separation. To study the morphological basis of variation in herkogamy, floral measurements were undertaken in 16 populations of N. longispathus. We then quantified multilocus outcrossing rates and the correlation of outcrossed paternity in three of these populations sampled over several years. Mating system estimates were calculated for each population and year, and also separately for groups of plants that differed markedly in herkogamy within each population and year. In N. longispathus herkogamy was much more variable than other floral traits, and was more closely related to style length than to anther position. Averaged across populations and years, plants with high herkogamy had similar outcrossing rates (0.683) to plants with intermediate (0.648) or low herkogamy (0.590). However, a significant linear trend was found for correlation of outcrossed paternity, which increased monotonically from high herkogamy (0.221), through intermediate herkogamy (0.303) to low herkogamy (0.463) plants. The diversity of pollen donors siring seeds of high herkogamy Narcissus flowers was thus consistently greater than the diversity of pollen donors siring seeds of low herkogamy flowers. Results of this study contribute to the emerging consensus that floral traits can simultaneously influence several aspects of plant mating system in complex ways, thus extending the traditional focus centred exclusively on patterns and relative importance of self‐ and cross‐fertilisation.  相似文献   

The occurrence and extent of multiple paternity is an important component of variation in plant mating dynamics. However, links between pollinator activity and multiple paternity are generally lacking, especially for plant species that attract functionally diverse floral visitors. In this study, we separated the influence of two functionally distinct floral visitors (hawkmoths and solitary bees) and characterized their impacts on multiple paternity in a self‐incompatible, annual forb, Oenothera harringtonii (Onagraceae). We also situated pollinator‐mediated effects in a spatial context by linking variation in multiple paternity to variation in plant spatial isolation. We documented pronounced differences in the number of paternal sires as function of pollinator identity: on average, the primary pollinator (hawkmoths) facilitated mating with nearly twice as many pollen donors relative to the secondary pollinator (solitary bees). This effect was consistent for both isolated and nonisolated individuals, but spatial isolation imposed pronounced reductions on multiple paternity regardless of pollinator identity. Considering that pollinator abundance and pollen dispersal distance did not vary significantly with pollinator identity, we attribute variation in realized mating dynamics primarily to differences in pollinator morphology and behaviour as opposed to pollinator abundance or mating incompatibility arising from underlying spatial genetic structure. Our findings demonstrate that functionally distinct pollinators can have strongly divergent effects on polyandry in plants and further suggest that both pollinator identity and spatial heterogeneity have important roles in plant mating dynamics.  相似文献   

We performed mixed pollinations, involving self vs. within- or between-population pollen, and used starch gel electrophoresis to assay 2,210 progeny to detect pollen competition in Turnera ulmifolia. Within populations there was no evidence for a competitive advantage to outcross pollen. Between populations a marked advantage to self pollen occurred for most populations, and the extent of this competitive advantage was correlated with increasing morphological divergence of the outcross pollen donor population. A comparison of rates of ovule abortion revealed that the biased paternity ratios cannot be the result of ovule abortion alone, and that pollen competition must be the major contributing factor. We suggest that reproductive divergence among the populations, perhaps through adaptation to different pollinators or through the evolution of increased selling, has resulted in the evolution of reproductive isolation through pollen competition.  相似文献   

The relationship between the number of open flowers and pollen transfer to stigmas was estimated in three insect-pollinated species (Cynoglossum officinale, Echium vulgare and Oenothera erythrocepala) in 1995 and 1996, using fluorescent dye as a pollen analogue. Dye was applied to an equal number of flowers on a small, a medium and a large individual and its pattern of dispersal to stigmas of conspecifics in local populations was observed. In Cynoglossum officinale and in Echium vulgare large individuals tended to receive more visits per flower. In Oenothera erythrocepala no difference in number of visits per flower was found between small and large individuals. Geitonogamous pollination clearly occurred in all species. In Cynoglossum officinale large individuals transferred more pollen per flower within the same plant (geitonogamy) and an equal or a slightly smaller amount between plants, compared to small individuals. As a result total pollen transfer per flower increased in both years with increasing flower number. In Echium vulgare and in Oenothera erythrocepala large individuals transferred more pollen per flower within the plant (pollen discounting), but a significantly lower amount per flower to other individuals in the populations compared to small individuals. For both these species, there is no difference in total pollen transfer between small and large individuals. In general, the male fitness curve, as estimated by pollen transfer, is a decelerating function of flower number. We discuss this in relation to optimal sex-allocation and the pollen donation hypothesis.  相似文献   

We experimentally examined the effects of pollen composition on progeny fitness in the self-compatible, annual plant Chamaecrista fasciculata. Plants were hand-pollinated with single- and mixed-donor pollen loads and with various combinations of self- and outcross pollen. For outcrosses, pollen was obtained from two plants at each of two different distances within the same subpopulation as the female parent. Seedlings from all crosses were planted back into the maternal site. For single-donor crosses, seed weight, progeny fruit production, and overall relative fitness were significantly higher for outcross, as compared to self-treatments, but we found no significant differences among outcross sources. For all fitness components, the value observed for crosses derived from mixed loads was intermediate between the values for the singledonor crosses that comprised the mixed load. In a parallel experiment, an analysis of seed paternity of progeny which resulted from pollen mixtures of self- and outcross pollen showed random paternity in two maternal families, and significant excess of outcross in one family. Our results demonstrate that mixed pollen loads do not confer a fitness advantage to the maternal plant in this species, and that the fitness observed for progeny derived from mixed loads is generally consistent with a hypothesis of random paternity.  相似文献   

Most heterostylous plants possess a reciprocal arrangement of stigmas and anthers (reciprocal herkogamy), heteromorphic self‐incompatibility, and ancillary polymorphisms of pollen and stigmas. The topographical complementarity hypothesis proposes that ancillary polymorphisms function in the rejection of incompatible pollen thus promoting disassortative pollination. Here, we test this hypothesis by investigating patterns of pollen transfer and capture in populations of dimorphic Armeria maritima and A. pubigera and distylous Limonium vulgare (Plumbaginaceae), and by studying pollen adherence and germination patterns in A. maritima following controlled hand‐pollinations. Armeria lacks reciprocal herkogamy allowing the evaluation of the extent to which ancillary polymorphisms affect the composition of pollen loads. We compared the amounts of compatible and incompatible pollen on stigmas in natural populations and calculated the proficiencies of pollen transfer for each mating type. We detected disassortative pollination in each species, and mating types did not differ in compatible pollen capture, although cob stigmas captured more incompatible pollen. Controlled hand‐pollinations revealed the failure of incompatible pollen to adhere and germinate on stigmas. Our results provided evidence that, while structural in nature, pollen‐stigma dimorphisms are tightly associated with heteromorphic incompatibility and likely function to promote disassortative pollination, especially in the absence of reciprocal herkogamy.  相似文献   

Plants of Polemonium viscosum are strongly self-incompatible, yet have floral features that enforce spatial and temporal separation of pollen and stigma presentation. In this study, we address the widely held view that such barriers to selfing are maintained because they reduce interference by self pollen in performance of outcross grains. In the first year of the study we found that 24 hr precedence of self pollen on the stigma (24S), reduced outcross pollen germination by 32%, and seed set by 40% in flowers of P. viscosum. In the second year significant negative effects of self pollen on compatible pollen germination were seen when self pollen was applied four hours before (4S) or immediately prior (S×) to outcross pollen. Surprisingly, however, in the second year of study, seed set was not reduced with as much as 50% inhibition of compatible pollen germination. Results suggest that by interfering with normal functioning of outcross grains, incompatible self pollen can increase pollen limitation in P. viscosum. Reduction in seed production as a result of this phenomenon should select for displacement of pollen presentation from stigma receptivity.  相似文献   

  • Breeding systems of plants determine their reliance on pollinators and ability to produce seeds following self‐pollination. Self‐sterility, where ovules that are penetrated by self‐pollen tubes that do not develop into seeds, is usually considered to represent either a system of late‐acting self‐incompatibility or strong early inbreeding depression. Importantly, it can lead to impaired female function through ovule or seed discounting when stigmas receive mixtures of self and cross pollen, unless cross pollen is able to reach the ovary ahead of self pollen (‘prepotency’). Self‐sterility associated with ovule penetration by self‐pollen tubes appears to be widespread among the Amaryllidaceae.
  • We tested for self‐sterility in three Cyrtanthus species – C. contractus, C. ventricosus and C. mackenii – by means of controlled hand‐pollination experiments. To determine the growth rates and frequency of ovule penetration by self‐ versus cross‐pollen tubes, we used fluorescence microscopy to examine flowers of C. contractus harvested 24, 48 and 72 h after pollination, in conjunction with a novel method of processing these images digitally. To test the potential for ovule discounting (loss of cross‐fertilisation opportunities when ovules are disabled by self‐pollination), we pollinated flowers of C. contractus and C. mackenii with mixtures of self‐ and cross pollen.
  • We recorded full self‐sterility for C. contractus and C. ventricosus, and partial self‐sterility for C. mackenii. In C. contractus, we found no differences in the growth rates of self‐ and cross‐pollen tubes, nor in the proportions of ovules penetrated by self‐ and cross‐pollen tubes. In this species, seed set was depressed (relative to cross‐pollinated controls) when flowers received a mixture of self and cross pollen, but this was not the case for C. mackenii.
  • These results reveal variation in breeding systems among Cyrtanthus species and highlight the potential for gender conflict in self‐sterile species in which ovules are penetrated and disabled by pollen tubes from self pollen.

Traditionally, annual colonising species are expected to have high rates of self‐fertilisation, although recent theoretical and empirical studies have shown that cross‐fertilisation can be selected for under heterogeneous pollination environments. Solanum rostratum is a self‐compatible annual herb that colonises disturbed habitats. Despite the lack of physiological mechanisms to prevent self‐fertilisation, pollen transfer between individuals is expected to be favoured because of its complex floral morphology. In previous studies of S. rostratum it has been shown that anther dimorphism within flowers results in precise pollen placement on the pollinator's body, and the presence of mirror‐image floral morphs within plants promotes outcrossing in experimental arrays. However, the mating system of natural populations of S. rostratum has never been assessed, and thus whether it is predominantly selfing or outcrossing remains unknown. We hypothesise that floral and inflorescence morphology of S. rostratum should facilitate cross‐fertilisation, making it a predominantly outcrossing despite its lack of a self‐incompatibility system. To test this hypothesis, we estimated outcrossing rates by genotyping 700 individuals at 13 microsatellite loci, sampled from four populations across a 690‐km transect in the species' native range. We found that populations had mean outcrossing rates of 0.70 ± 0.03, with multiple sires contributing to paternity of each progeny array (average effective number of sires = 8.97 ± 0.57). This indicates that natural populations S. rostratum have relatively high levels of outcrossing, probably facilitated by its floral and inflorescence morphology. We speculate that partial selfing in this species may be an unavoidable consequence of displaying multiple flowers at the same time (geitonogamy), as well as the result of self‐pollen transfer by illegitimate visitors.  相似文献   

We assessed the utility of codominant allozyme markers for paternity analysis in natural populations of Ophiopogon xylorrhizus (Liliaceae s. l.) by means of likelihood‐based approach. In the three independent natural stands of 46 individual plants with 354 seeds of O. xylorrhizus (Liliaceae s. l), we assigned 319 seeds to a single individual with the highest LOD score. Among these, 179 seeds had a significant D‐value. An individual (acting either as female or male) mateds with an average of one other individual on average to reproduce, except when it self‐pollinated. If an individual that neither donated pollen to other individuals nor selfed, being strictly a pollen acceptor, the number of offspring produced was half that produced by as many offspring as individuals which both provided and accepted pollen (4.1 vs. 9.5). Significant positive relationships were found in all the three stands between the number of self‐pollen an individual produced and the number of seeds that individual set. Male outcrossing reproductive success was unevenly varied, both in amount and spatial location. The individuals located in the centre of the stand and the individuals closest to each other had higher male outcrossing reproductive success than those at the edge of the stand. Male selfing reproductive success showed a similar pattern, with an even distribution of female reproductive output. Most mating events were took place within 20 m. The distance between mates mirrored the active ranges of pollinators, and shaped the fine‐scale population spatial genetic spatial structure. The results indicate that selfing assures reproductive success in O. xylorrhizus.  相似文献   

There has been a proliferation of studies, in a variety of taxa, that have detected sex-linked or cytoplasmic genes that enhance their own transmission via sex-ratio distortion. One of the most important parameters influencing the dynamics of these elements is the magnitude of their transmission advantage. In many systems, the mechanism of sex-ratio distortion is to abort X- or Y-bearing gametes. With this mechanism, the transmission advantage associated with sex-ratio distortion is diminished when the production of male gametes limits offspring production or when competition among the gametes of different males is intense. In this study, we analyzed the outcome of pollen competition between males that produced different sex ratios in the dioecious plant, Silene alba, and estimated how the sex-ratio bias influenced the transmission properties of the sex chromosomes. We varied the intensity of pollen competition by controlling the quantity of pollen used in crosses and used a combination of single-male pollinations and pollen mixtures to evaluate the effects of multiple paternity. Paternity in pollen mixtures was estimated using allozymes. Sex-ratio bias was directly influenced by the quantity of pollen, but the magnitude of this effect was small. The relative performance of pollen from different males varied substantially, especially when there was multiple paternity. Specifically, males with biased sex ratios sired far fewer offspring of either sex in pollen mixtures. In crosses involving single males, however, these “sex-ratio” males produced the same number of offspring as other males, so the female bias caused a significant transmission advantage for X-linked genes. X-linked genes could enhance their transmission via sex-ratio distortion in Silene populations, but the magnitude of this transmission advantage will depend on the ecological circumstances that influence the opportunity for multiple paternity.  相似文献   

Tapiscia sinensis, a rare endemic woody plant with both male and hermaphrodite individuals, is distributed in southern China. Whether T. sinensis is functionally androdioecious is unknown. In this study, we compare the male fitness between male and hermaphrodite individuals and perform pollination experiments in different habitats, identify the ability of actual siring of pollen from hermaphrodites and males under natural pollination, and discuss the evolution and maintenance of androdioecy in T. sinensis. Research suggests that flowers and fruits grow synchronously on hermaphrodite plants of T. sinensis from April to June. The males of T. sinensis had more than twice the genetic contribution of hermaphrodites through their male function and the fruit set from male pollination and cross‐pollination was the highest in all of the treatments, whereas that from self‐pollination was the lowest. Additionally, paternity analysis showed that the hermaphroditic pollen could result in siring success under natural pollination. The results showed that T. sinensis is a functionally androdioecious tree, that male individuals might evolve from a hermaphroditic ancestor and that the synchronous growth of flowers and fruit in hermaphrodites might facilitate the evolution and maintenance of androdioecy in T. sinensis.  相似文献   

There is discussion over whether pollen limitation exerts selection on floral traits to increase floral display or selects for traits that promote autonomous self‐fertilization. Some studies have indicated that pollen limitation does not mediate selection on traits associated with either pollinator attraction or self‐fertilization. Primula tibetica is an inconspicuous cross‐fertilized plant that may suffer from pollen limitation. We conducted a selection analysis on P. tibetica to investigate whether pollen limitation results in selection for an increased floral display in case the evolution of autonomous self‐fertilization has been difficult for this plant. The self‐ and intra‐morph incompatibility features, the capacity for autonomous self‐fertilization, and the magnitude of pollen limitation were examined through hand‐pollination experiments. In 2016, we applied selection analysis on the flowering time, corolla width, stalk height, flower tube length, and flower number in P. tibetica by tagging 76 open‐pollinated plants and 37 hand‐pollinated plants in the field. Our results demonstrated that P. tibetica was strictly self‐ and intra‐morph incompatible. Moreover, the study population underwent severe pollen limitation during the 2016 flowering season. The selection gradients were found to be significantly positive for flowering time, flower number, and corolla width, and marginally significant for the stalk height. Pollinator‐mediated selection was found to be significant on the flower number and corolla width, and marginally significant on stalk height. Our results indicate that the increased floral display may be a vital strategy for small distylous species that have faced difficulty in evolving autonomous self‐fertilization.  相似文献   

The self‐incompatibility (SI) response occurs widely in flowering plants as a means of preventing self‐fertilization. In these self/non‐self discrimination systems, plant pistils reject self or genetically related pollen. In the Solanaceae, Plantaginaceae and Rosaceae, pistil‐secreted S‐RNases enter the pollen tube and function as cytotoxins to specifically arrest self‐pollen tube growth. Recent studies have revealed that the S‐locus F‐box (SLF) protein controls the pollen expression of SI in these families. However, the precise role of SLF remains largely unknown. Here we report that PhSSK1 (Petunia hybrida SLF‐interacting Skp1‐like1), an equivalent of AhSSK1 of Antirrhinum hispanicum, is expressed specifically in pollen and acts as an adaptor in an SCF(Skp1‐Cullin1‐F‐box)SLF complex, indicating that this pollen‐specific SSK1‐SLF interaction occurs in both Petunia and Antirrhinum, two species from the Solanaceae and Plantaginaceae, respectively. Substantial reduction of PhSSK1 in pollen reduced cross‐pollen compatibility (CPC) in the S‐RNase‐based SI response, suggesting that the pollen S determinant contributes to inhibiting rather than protecting the S‐RNase activity, at least in solanaceous plants. Furthermore, our results provide an example that a specific Skp1‐like protein other than the known conserved ones can be recruited into a canonical SCF complex as an adaptor.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal variation in mating patterns is poorly known in wind‐pollinated plant species. Here, we analysed mating patterns of the wind‐pollinated dioecious shrub Pistacia lentiscus by genotyping 904 seeds from 30 mother plants with eight microsatellite markers in a high‐density population in two consecutive flowering seasons. We found significant differences in some mating system estimates between years, particularly in the levels of correlated paternity. Overall, within‐mothers correlated paternity was higher in 2007 than in 2006 (rpWM = 0.085 and 0.030), which translated into an effective number of fathers (Nep) of 11.8 and 33.6 respectively. Using a smoothing interpolation technique, we show that the effective pollen cloud was spatially structured in patches of high‐ and low‐genetic diversity, which do not remain constant from year to year. In 2006, the among‐mothers correlated paternity (rpAM) showed no trend with distance, suggesting no restriction of pollen dispersal. However, in 2007, rpAM was greater than zero at short distances, revealing the existence of small‐scale patterns of pollen dispersal. The fact that the studied seasons were climatically homogeneous during the flowering time suggested that the observed differences might be ascribed to between‐year phenological variation of individuals in the studied population or other (unknown) factors. Numerical simulations, based on the real data set, indicated that the clumping of males and decreasing plant density, which is related to different types of pollen limitation, greatly increase correlated mating in this wind‐pollinated species, which is of relevance under the frame of the continuous anthropogenic habitat disturbance suffered by Mediterranean ecosystems.  相似文献   

It is essential to understand the patterns of pollen dispersal in remnant vegetation occupying highly disturbed landscapes in order to provide sustainable management options and to inform restoration programs. Direct and indirect methods of paternity analysis were used to detect genetic contamination via inter‐subspecific pollen dispersal from a planted stand of nonlocal Acacia saligna ssp. saligna (ms) into remnant roadside patches of local A. saligna ssp. lindleyi (ms). Genetic contamination was detected in 25.5% (indirect paternity assignment) to 32% (direct paternity assignment) of ssp. lindleyi progeny and occurred over a distance of 1.6 km. The results support studies that suggest genetic continuity is maintained by high levels of pollen dispersal in temperate entomophilous species. The results also indicate that patchily distributed remnant populations may be exposed to substantial amounts of genetic contamination from large‐scale restoration with native taxa in the highly fragmented agricultural landscape of southern Western Australia. Management practices to reduce the risk of genetic contamination are considered.  相似文献   

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