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Using light and electron microscopy, the diatom species Aulacoseira islandica (O. Müll.) Sim. was examined with special emphasis on the following characteristics: structure of the valve areolae, heterovalvy, and distribution of the rimoportulae. The mantle and valve face areolae were pores containing volate occlusions. However, observations only using transmission electron microscopy may result in an incomplete interpretation because of the fragility of the dissected system of volae. Relief valves with a stepped mantle and intaglio valves with a plain mantle occurred. Another form of heterovalvy resulted from the formation of separation valves. Linking valves had spatulate spines while separation valves bore tapering spines. In Aulacoseira, the rimoportulae usually occurred near the “Ringleiste.” The presence of several rimoportulae on the mantle was one of the most striking features in Aulacoseira islandica.  相似文献   

Coscinodiscus radiatus Ehrenb. and Thalassiosira eccentrica (Ehrenb.) Cleve were grown in a silicate-limited chemostat at silicate concentrations below 1 μg-atoms · l?1. The resulting abnormal valves of C. radiatus lacked a thickened ring around the foramina; their pore membranes were thinner and their loculi shallower than those in normal cells. Abnormal valves of T. eccentrica had a fasciculate areolae pattern; they lacked a silica covering over the foramina and some tangential areolae walls. Neither abnormal valve could be termed a new species.  相似文献   

Resting spores of Thalassiosira scotia Fryx. et Hoban were abundant in phytoplankton net hauls collected from the Scotia Sea south of South Georgia in December 1981. Primary valves are distinguished from secondary valves by the presence of marginal striae with rounded, shoelike protrusions, villi surrounding marginal areolae and marginal striae, greater numbers of central strutted processes, and differences in structure of occluded processes. Densities of marginal strutted processes also tend to differ, though ranges overlap. Thalassiosira scotia is most closely related to T. antarctica, differing from that taxon by having coarser areolation, heavier silicification, and more prominent occluded processes. Rudimentary valves of T. scotia differ from those of T. antarctica.  相似文献   

Valves of S. niagarae var. niagarae Ehr. and S. niagarae var. magnifica Fricke from geographically dispersed sediment and plankton collections were observed by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (LM and SEM). Measurements made by LM can be arranged so that means and ranges of diameter, areolar density, or strial density intergrade from one population into the next. Mean diameter is negatively related to increasing areolar and strial densities. No unique features observable by SEM distinguish the two described varieties. Thus, S. niagarae var. magnifica, having large diameter valves with low areolar and strial densities, may represent one end of a trend in overall variation in S. niagarae. At the opposite extreme are the populations with small valves and high areolar densities which are often erroneously referred to as S. astraea. Type material of S. niagarae lies intermediate to these forms. Three populations considered in this study have distinct morphological characteristics. Valves from Yellowstone Lake sediments have spine placements distinctly different from valves of all other populations. Specimens from Lake Superior have nearly flat central areas. Ribs of valves from Grand Traverse Bay (Lake Michigan) are covered with granules.  相似文献   

The morphology and ontogenetic allometric trends of a rare diatom Fragilaria heidenii Østrup and the morphologically related Staurosira tabellaria (W. Smith) Leuduger-Fortmorel were compared using conventional and semilandmark-based geometric morphometric analyses. Fragilaria heidenii was studied in detail by light and electron microscopy using type material and recent samples from Lake Ladoga and Lake Ilmen (north-western Russia). The taxon is transferred into the genus Staurosira Ehrenberg as Staurosira inflata comb. nov. on the basis of its valve morphology. This taxon is characterized by the absence of rimoportulae, lack of perforated copulae, spines located on the interstriae, internal vola occlusion in the areolae and the features of the areolae and apical pore fields. Conventional morphometric analysis showed considerable overlapping of S. inflata and S. tabellaria in their frustule characteristics such as length, width, length-to-width ratio and striae density. Moreover, at later stages of the vegetative life cycle, S. inflata has a tendency to resemble S. tabellaria by its valve outline that makes it difficult to separate these two taxa. The geometric morphometric analysis revealed two shape groups corresponding to S. inflata and S. tabellaria that were separated by a clear gap. Semilandmarks representing shape of the middle part of the valve were primarily responsible for discrimination between species. Apart from differences in valve shapes, S. inflata and S. tabellaria also differed significantly in their ontogenetic allometric trajectories. Overall, our results demonstrate that the semilandmark-based geometric morphometrics is sensitive enough to distinguish species by their outlines, when traditional morphometric parameters are not able to discriminate them with confidence.  相似文献   

We observed sexual reproduction in a clonal culture of Stephanodiscus niagarae Ehrenb. and used light and scanning electron microscopy to absent flagellated male cells, auxospore growth, initial valve structure and production, and subsequent daughter cell division. Free auxospores were spherical and nonsiliceous throughout growth, producing hemispherical initial valves devoid of spines and with nonfasciculate striae. Pregametangial cells averaged 43% of the diameter of the daughter cell population and were 1/9 the biovolume of initial, cells. This paper is the first confirmed report of sexual reproduction in S. niagarae, although it appears that specimens of Actinocyclus niagarae H. L. Smith, described from Lake Erie in 1878, are actually initial valves of S. niagarae.  相似文献   

This paper describes the perizonium and initial valve formation in Navicula cuspidata Kütz., based on light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations. The perizonium consists of concentric over-lapping bands, laid down sequentially at the tips of the expanding biconical auxospore during its elongation. The central perizonial band has fimbriate edges and is considerably more rigid than the more distal bands. During auxospore elongation and the band secretion, the chloroplasts continuously oscillate between the two ends of the cell; this oscillation ceases once the elongation is complete. The initial valves, formed within the perizonium, are molded into the basically biconical shape of the perizonium except for a central flattening of each valve face. In contrast to the raphes in gametangial and vegetative valves which are surrounded by a smooth axial area, the raphes in initial valves lie within a raised ridge running along the apical axis of the valve. The regular pattern of apically oriented ridges on the outer surface of vegetative valves is also lacking on initial valves. Comparison of pore–pore spacing within striae of gametangial valves, initial values and post-initial valves (first division and vegetative cells) reveals that the pore–pore distance within striae is conserved at all sexual stages. However, the distance between striae is considerably larger in initial valves than in gametangial and post-initial valves. Vegetative interstriae spacing as well as the planar morphology of the valve face is regained at the first division of the initial cell. This suggests that the spacing between striae is dependent on the sexual stage of the cell during valve formation (i.e. not directly dependent on the cell size) and can be altered independently of the pore–pore spacing.  相似文献   

Diatom taxa in India were first documented by Ehrenberg and subsequently many studies have focused on the Western Ghats and Himalayan mountains while other regional environments were rarely explored. In the current study, the freshwater environs of the saline Lonar Crater Lake were investigated and two new Nitzschia species have been described. Nitzschia kociolekii sp. nov. and Nitzschia tripudio sp. nov. were sampled from bird feeding ponds associated with Lonar Lake. The morphological characters of the new species are similar to N. amphibia and N. frustulum but differ in terms of striae pattern, polymorphic areolae development, fibula and stria density. In addition, larger specimens of N. williamsii, a recently described taxon from Bangalore wetlands of Peninsular India, were found in a waterfalls flowing into Lonar Lake. All three taxa are freshwater diatoms and are possibly endemic to Peninsular India.  相似文献   

Eighteen clones, selected over three seasons for resistance to Afternaria solani, were evaluated in San Ramon, Peru (warm tropics), to determine their general combining ability for resistance to the diseases, earliness and yield per plant, using a North Carolina design II. Six susceptible and six resistant varieties were included as controls. Narrow sense heritability (h2) and genetic components of the variance were estimated, both for the North Carolina design II population, and for the advanced clones and resistant controls. Outstanding parents for the transmission of resistance were the clones C85.003, C85.008, C85.009, C85.051 and C85.144. Narrow sense heritability in the North Carolina design II population was 0.44, while in the population of the advanced clones and resistant controls h2 was 0.31. The increased levels of resistance found and the rapid reduction, after selection, of the heritability values from about 0.7–0.8 in the starting population of the CIP breeding programme (Mendoza, Martin & Brandolini, 1987a), linked to a decrease in the additive variation, suggest a good breeding efficiency. The introduction of new resistant genotypes and the use of recurrent selection with progeny testing might further enhance the high levels of resistance to A. solani in this population.  相似文献   

Based on epilithic diatom samples collected from the rocky littoral zone of Lake Malawi (102 diatom taxa belonging to 34 genera were listed in the Supporting Information) we proposed the transfer of three taxa to new genera. Afrocymbella brunii (Fricke) comb. nov. was transferred from Gomphonema because of its dorsiventral valve and its transapically elongated dorsal stigma. Afrocymbella rossii (Kociolek & Stoermer) comb. nov. was also transferred from Gomphocymbella, which is actually a synonym of Gomphonema. Aulacoseira euareolata (O.Müller) comb. nov. et nom. nov. was transferred from Melosira because of the presence of linking spines and mantle areolae, and its specific epithet was replaced because of homonymy with Aulacoseira areolata Moisseeva.  相似文献   

A new freshwater diatom, Afrocymbella barkeri Cocquyt & Ryken sp. nov., is described from Lake Challa, a deep and unproductive crater lake near Mt Kilimanjaro in equatorial East Africa, based on light and electron microscopic observations. This tropical diatom is a representative of the rather small genus Afrocymbella with only 12 known species and with a distribution restricted to the African Rift. Taxa belonging to this genus are heteropolar and characterized by dorsiventral valves curved along the pervalvar axis and the presence of small pseudosepta and septa on the open girdle bands. Afrocymbella barkeri was common only towards the end of the dry and windy season corresponding to northern hemisphere summer, when deep water-column mixing caused upwelling of nutrient-rich water from the hypolimnion. This taxon was observed free living in the water column during mixing, but the presence of a small apical pore field at the foot pole, along with some cells with mucilage stalks, suggests that its primary habitat probably involves attachment to a substrate.  相似文献   

Navicula mutica (Kütz.) var. mutica was isolated from the air, cloned on agar, cultured in soil-water bottle, and studied with transmission and scanning electron micros-ropy. The frustules were lanceolate to ovoid with rounded apices, with the apical axis 8.5 ± 3.2 μ and the trans-apical and the transapical axis 3.6 ± 0.6 μm. Striae were composed of two or three puncta, and the mantle bore a single row of puncta aligned with the striae. The ends of the raphe turned away from an isolated punctual in the central area of the valve. The mantle puncta and one or two of the valve-face puncta in each stria opened into a series of transapical grooves in the interior of the valve, the grooves contributing to the appearance of striae in the light microscope. The interior of the mantle also possessed a pair of longitudinal grooves, discontinuous at the apices of the valves. An undulate advalvar margin of the valvocopula likely articulates along the interior longitudinal groove of the mantle. The projections of the undulate margin are perhaps positioned between the transapical grooves and along the longitudinal groove between the dentiform structures formed by the intersection of the double-grooved system. The girdle bands each had two (occasionally three) rows of pores. The pleurae margins were straight and not undulate.  相似文献   

The overall goal of this study was to characterize the age, growth, condition, and total catch of lake sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens in a remnant population associated with a Lake Michigan, USA tributary. Lake sturgeon were captured (2008–2013) using large‐mesh (25.4 and 30.5 cm) and small‐mesh (6.4 and 7.6 cm) gill netting in Muskegon Lake (which connects the Muskegon River to Lake Michigan), and adults were captured with boat electrofishing in the Muskegon River. A total of 268 unique lake sturgeon (24.8–191.0 cm total length; <0.1–59.5 kg weight) were captured. Of these, 180 fish were aged using pectoral fin rays, representing 27 age cohorts and a mean age of 7.6 years. The weight–length relationship for lake sturgeon was log10 (W) = 3.446·log10 (L) ? 6.163 and the von Bertalanffy growth model was = 180.719 [1?e?0.093(+ 0.902)], where W was wet weight (kg), L was total length (cm), and t was age (years). Mean growth rate of juveniles (ages 3–6) recaptured in successive years was 8.6 cm/year and 558 g/year. Annual catch of adults during the spawning migration suggested that the number of spawners each year was low (i.e., probably <50 individuals in most years). Natural reproduction appeared to be occurring given the catch of juvenile lake sturgeon in Muskegon Lake. However, recovery of this remnant population is uncertain given the population age structure and low rate of adult recruitment during the study.  相似文献   

Two clones of Pinnularia brebissonii (Kütz.) Rabh. var. brebissonii were established and maintained in logarithmic phase of growth. Initial length of the cells was 37 μm. As cell division occurred, the mean length of cells in each population decreased as predicted by the MacDonald-Pfitzer hypothesis; however, the decrease in mean length was not uniform throughout the growth period. This nonuniformity is probably caused by nonrandom division of cells in the population or by a changing increment of size reduction due to division. The initial increment of size reduction was calculated as 0.7 μm/division. The smallest, cells observed were 8 μm long. As cells decrease in length, cell volume decreases and the proportion of cells with aberrant valve structure increases. More than 90% of the valves were abnormal in a population with mean length of 14 μm. The abnormalities of structure involved the raphe, the central area and the striae.  相似文献   

Frustules of a clonal culture of Melosira roeseana Rabenh. were examined with light and scanning electron microscopy. Vegetative valves in the post-auxospore (full size) stage exhibit a larger width/length ratio than those in the pre-auxospore (size-reduced) stage. Cells form chains by linking spines of adjacent valves which occur at the periphery of the valve face-mantle junction. Three or jour large pores occur at the center of the valve face, with the diameter of each pore tapering from the inner to the outer valve surface; these pores are often occluded by siliceous processes. Features of M. roeseana, not shown previously for Melosira, include a “stepped” mantle, on only one of the two valves resulting from the same cell division, flattened processes attached to short siliceous stalks on the valve face, disk-like processes on the mantle, and an open girdle band with up to eight antiligulae. Siliceous scales on the surface of the initial cell are remnants of the auxospore wall. The epivalve of the initial cell is larger in diameter than the hypovalve, and both valves lack linking spines and a step on the valve surface. The initial, cell epicingulum consists of only two bands; the hypocingulum has up to seven. Initial cells with four or more hypocingular bands divide to form new post-auxospore filaments. Melosira roeseana should not be included in the genus Melosira as it is presently defined by the type species, M. nurnmuloides C. Ag. Major differences include irregular linking spines, a closed pseudoloculate valve construction, and labiate processes on the valve face and mantle of M. nummuloides, compared with well-defined linking spines, a valve constructed of a basal siliceous layer perforated by poroid areolae, and labiate processes lacking on the valve of M. roeseana.  相似文献   

Minidiscus trioculatus, M. comicus and M. chilensis are new records for China, and M. subtilis, is a new species. They differ from Thalassiosira species by their strutted processes and one single labiate process being distant from valve margin and they differ from each other by their areola patterns on valves and distribution patterns of strutted processes and the labiate process. A key to the species of Minidiscus is given. Minidiscus subtilis Gao, Cheng et Chin sp. nov., figs 7-8 Valves disc-shaped, slightly concave in center, weakly silicified, 3.5-5.5μm in diameter. Areola unequally radiate-striate, striae 8.5 / lμm. A narrow valve mantle without striae. Three strutted processes and a single labiate process located in the central area of the valve. Among them, one strutted process in the very center with the other two adjacent to it, forming an isometric triangle with the labiate process between the two subcentral strutted processes. Two small satellite pores in each base of the strutted processes. M. subtilis differs from M. chilensis mainly by their radiate striae continuously distributed from the valve center tothe margin.  相似文献   

Diatom species Aulacoseira pardata English & Potapova, new for the flora of Russia, has been found in the course of studying samples from Lake Frolikha (Transbaikal region) by scanning electron microscopy. Numerical morphological features of the species in the studied population differ from the type population, which indicates their greater variability. It is shown that A. pardata is distinguished from the similar species A. septentrionalis (Camburn & Charles) Genkal & Kulikovskiy by the shape of spines and shape and size of areolae on the valve mantle. Species A. septentrionalis, new for the lake, as well as for Cis-Baikal and Transbaikal regions, has also been recorded in Lake Frolikha.  相似文献   

A revision of the monoraphid pennate diatom genus Campyloneis Grunow was carried out based on LM and EM observations. The material examined originated from various herbarium collections and from extant epiphytic diatom communities on leaves of Posidonia spp. We also examined the generitype C. grevillei (Smith) Grunow and the fossil material of C. gheyselinchi Reinhold from which the author extracted the type. Our results clarified the fine structure of C. grevillei and C. gheyselinchi. Of the various varieties of C. grevillei, only the variety argus (Grunow) Cleve was retained. This differs from the nominate variety in the arrangement and shape of the areolae adjacent to the sternum of the araphid valve. The newly described taxon Campyloneis juliae De Stefano differs from all Campyloneis species in areolae ultrastructure and morphology of the valvocopulae. As for the fossil species C. gheyselinchi, the sternum valve areolae are similar to those of C. grevillei, but scarcity of frustules in the type material prohibited evaluation of its variability. For this reason we provisionally maintained its rank of species. The elaborate linking systems among the valvocopulae and valves in Campyloneis species appear to provide structural reinforcement against pressure from neighboring epiphytic diatoms and scouring of seagrass leaves.  相似文献   

A new species of Cocconeis has been found growing on the green seaweed Caulerpa racemosa (Forsskål) J. Agardh var. laete‐virens (Montagne) Weber van Bosse from Shikine Island in the Izu Islands on the Pacific coast of Japan; we propose the name Cocconeis shiki‐nensis Hid. Suzuki and describe the species by light microscopy (LM) and electron microscopy (EM). This taxon was also collected from the plastic plates used for rearing in seed production systems of the abalone Nordotis discus hannai Ino and the horned turban Turbo cornutus Solander in the Toyama Prefectural Fisheries Research Institute facing the Sea of Japan. The main morphological features of C. shikinensis are as follows. The valves are elliptic. The valve face of the raphid valve (RV) is slightly concave and that of the araphid valve (AV) is complementary to the RV and convex. The single plastid is flat, C‐shaped and elaborately lobed. The raphe on the RV is straight. The each terminal area expands to both sides along the valve margin, forming an arrowhead‐shaped, thickened hyaline area. The striae consist of small, round areolae and are radiate and uniseriate. On the AV, the striae consist of several alveoli. Each alveolus opens internally by means of a circular foramen. The valvocopula of each valve is fimbriate and open. The cingulum attached to the AV consists of three girdle bands; a valvocopula and two bands (copula and pleura), which are open and have ligulae. The relationship between C. shikinensis and similar members of the genus Cocconeis is discussed.  相似文献   

A thermophilic sulfate-reducing vibrio isolated from thermal vent water in Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming, USA is described. The gram-negative, curved rod-shaped cells averaged 0.3 m wide and 1.5 m long. They were motile by means of a single polar flagellum. Growth was observed between 40° and 70 °C with optimal growth at 65 °C. Cultures remained viable for one year at 27 °C although spore-formation was not observed. Sulfate, thiosulfate and sulfite were used as electron acceptors. Sulfur, fumarate and nitrate were not reduced. In the presence of sulfate, growth was observed only with lactate, pyruvate, hydrogen plus acetate, or formate plus acetate. Pyruvate was the only compound observed to support fermentative growth. Pyruvate and lactate were oxidized to acetate. Desulfofuscidin and c-type cytochromes were present. The G+C content was 29.5 mol%. The divergence in the 16S ribosomal RNA sequences between the new isolate and Thermodesulfobacterium commune suggests that these two thermophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria represent different genera. These two bacteria depict a lineage that branches deeply within the Bacteria domain and which is clearly distinct from previously defined phylogenetic lines of sulfate-reducing bacteria. Strain YP87 is described as the type strain of the new genus and species Thermodesulfovibrio yellowstonii. Yellowstone Lake (Wyoming, USA) is located within one of the most tectonically active regions in the world (Klump et al. 1988; Remsen et al. 1990). Hydrothermal springs, hot gas fumaroles and elevated substrata temperatures have been observed within the lake itself (e.g., Remsen et al. 1990). Hydrothermal vent waters were reported to be anoxic, high in dissolved nutrients relative to the lake water and to have temperatures in excess of 80 °C (Klump et al. 1988; Remsen et al. 1990). Sulfate concentrations averaged 380 M in vent waters and 80 M in bulk lake water (Klump et al. 1988; Remsen et al. 1990). On the basis of on these physical and chemical characteristics, and the observation (e.g., Zeikus et al. 1983) that microbial sulfate reduction is prevalent in the thermal aquatic environments of Yellowstone National Park, we hypothesized that hydrothermal vent waters in Yellowstone Lake could support the growth of thermophilic sulfate reducers.Here we describe the general characteristics of a new thermophilic sulfate reducing bacterium, Thermodesulfovibrio yellowstonii, which was isolated from hydrothermal vent water in Sedge Bay of Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming, USA. In addition, we report on the phylogenetic relationship of this new isolate with other thermophilic and mesophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria.Dedicated to the memory of Friedhelm Bak  相似文献   

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