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白洋淀东亚飞蝗持续大发生浅析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
任春光 《昆虫知识》2001,38(2):128-130
进入 90年代以来 ,白洋淀蝗区东亚飞蝗Locustamigratoriamanilensis(Meyen)持续大发生 4次 ,是50年来十分罕见的。究其原因 ,主要受白洋淀水位变化的影响 ,其中 8月水位的高低直接影响翌年夏蝗发生程度 ,其次是生态环境和气候条件等因素的影响。  相似文献   

Because of the scarcity of polymorphic genetic markers available in locust species, only a few population genetics studies have been carried out on this taxon. We isolated and characterized 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the pest locust Locusta migratoria capito, and described experimental conditions for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) multiplexing and simultaneously genotyping these loci. The number of alleles per locus ranged from six to 25, and the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.431 to 0.957. Results of cross‐taxon amplification tests are reported in six other Locusta migratoria subspecies, six species of the Oedipodinae subfamily and two other pest locust species.  相似文献   

Abstract The aggregation components from fecal volatiles of the oriental migratory locust, Locusta migratoria manilensis were identified with gas chromatographic/electroantennographic detector (GC‐EAD), GC‐MS (mass spectrometry) analyses and behavioral bioassays. Both last instar nymphs and adults of the oriental migratory locust have similar aggregation pheromones in their volatiles. A total of 11 electrophysiologically active compounds, namely, hexanal, cyclohexanol, heptanal, phenol, 2,5‐dimethyl‐pyrazine, benzyl alcohol, benzaldehyde, guaiacol, nonanal, 2,6,6‐trimethyl‐2‐cyclohexene‐1,4‐dione and decyl aldehyde were identified in the fecal volatiles of 2‐day‐old immature adult male locusts. Only hexanal, nonanal, benzaldehyde, cyclohexanol and 2,5‐dimethyl‐pyrazine elicited significant aggregation responses in immature 2‐day‐old adult males. However, adult males had significantly lower behavioral responses to synthetics of five single compounds than the blend of cyclohexanol, 2,5‐dimethyl‐pyrazine, benzaldehyde, nonanal, hexanal in ratios of 100: 100: 2: 60: 30 in the range of 30–60 μg/mL. We propose that it is the blend of these five compounds that plays a key role in eliciting and sustaining aggregation in gregarious oriental migratory locusts. These results also showed that the aggregation pheromones of the oriental migratory locust are significantly different from those found in the desert locust.  相似文献   

蝗虫微孢子虫病对东亚飞蝗聚集行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石旺鹏  张龙  闫跃英  严毓骅 《生态学报》2003,23(9):1924-1928
采用行为生测法和触角电位法研究了感染蝗虫微孢子虫病的东亚飞蝗对其聚集信息素粗提物的行为反应。在第3龄时部分蝗虫每头接种10^6个蝗虫微孢子虫,与健虫同一条件下饲养。用二氯甲烷从健康蝗虫的粪便、体表或卵囊中抽提聚集信息素,粗提物经纯化和浓缩后保存于冰柜中待用。结果表明,感病飞蝗对其信息素的感受能力下降,聚集行为反应减弱。行为生物测定发现,微孢子虫病对第4龄雌性蝗虫和第5龄蝗虫的聚集行为有明显的抑制作用,而对第4龄雄蝗的影响较小;总的看来,信息素粗提物对感病雄蝗和高龄蝗虫的作用分别高于对感病雌蝗和低龄蝗虫的作用。触角电位(EAG)测定表明,感染了微孢子虫病的东亚飞蝗蝗蝻和成虫,对其信息素粗提物的敏感性降低,且对不同来源的聚集信息素的电生理反应不同,其中对从雄性成熟蝗虫、第4龄蝗蝻及第5龄病虫的粪便中抽提制备的信息素粗提物、第4龄蝗蝻粪便挥发物、第4龄蝗蝻活虫体表挥发物的电生理反应显著下降;但对第5龄雌蝗和第5龄散居型蝗虫的粪便抽提物的电生理活性,病健虫无明显差异。此研究结果证明,施用微孢子虫治蝗时,微孢子虫对蝗虫的聚集行为有明显的影响,为微孢子虫的控害机理提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

Leporinus macrocephalus is a species endemic to the Paraguay River basin and an important fishery resource, as well as a valuable species in aquaculture programs. A total of eight polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized. A population survey was conducted involving 45 specimens whereby a large number of alleles (range 5–17 among loci), a highly observed (0.1667–0.6129) and an expected (0.6967–0.9448) heterozygosity was detected, indicating its usefulness in population genetics studies. Cross‐species amplification was successful in eight Characiformes species.  相似文献   

东亚飞蝗行为和形态型变的判定指标   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过田间、室外罩笼、室内行为测试等一系列实验,研究了东亚飞蝗群居型和散居型之间的行为和形态差异。确立了东亚飞蝗不同生态型个体的形态和行为指标.结果表明,雌雄散居型蝗蝻每分钟的跳跃次数均在1.4以下,转向次数分别在1.3和1.4以下;雌雄群居型蝗蝻每分钟的跳跃次数均在1.6以上,转向次数分别在1.6和1.5以上.群居型蝗虫的跳跃次数、转向次数显著高于散居型蝗虫。所以跳跃次数、转向次数可作为东亚飞蝗行为型变判定指标.在同型不同性别的蝗虫之间行为型变指标没有显著差异.F/C值可作为4龄以上东亚飞蝗的形态型变判定指标。而E/F值可作为东亚飞蝗成虫的形态型变判定指标.两型的F/C值都随龄期的增长而增加,且同龄期雄虫F/C均大于雌虫F/C.F/C、E/F值在不同型态和同型不同性别间均存在极显著差异.因此,确定两型形态型变标准时应将雌、雄虫分开,即雌性和雄性散居型第4、5龄及成虫的F/C值分别大于2.5、2.8、3.3和2.6、2.9、3.5;雌性和雄性群居型第4、5龄及成虫的F/C值分别小于2.5、2.7、3.1和2.5、2.8、3.3.成虫的E/F值也可以作为成蝗形态型变的判断指标.  相似文献   

The susceptibilities to three organophosphate (OP) insecticides (malathion, chlorpyrifos, and phoxim), responses to three metabolic synergists [triphenyl phosphate (TPP), piperonyl butoxide (PBO), and diethyl maleate (DEM)], activities of major detoxification enzymes [general esterases (ESTs), glutathione S-transferases (GSTs), and cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (P450s)], and sensitivity of the target enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were compared between a laboratory-susceptible strain (LS) and a field-resistant population (FR) of the oriental migratory locust, Locusta migratoria manilensis (Meyen). The FR was significantly resistant to malathion (57.5-fold), but marginally resistant to chlorpyrifos (5.4) and phoxim (2.9). The malathion resistance of the FR was significantly diminished by TPP (synergism ratio: 16.2) and DEM (3.3), but was unchanged by PBO. In contrast, none of these synergists significantly affected the toxicity of malathion in the LS. Biochemical studies indicated that EST and GST activities in the FR were 2.1- to 3.2-fold and 1.2- to 2.0-fold, respectively, higher than those in the LS, but there was no significant difference in P450 activity between the LS and FR. Furthermore, AChE from the FR showed 4.0-fold higher activity but was 3.2-, 2.2-, and 1.1-fold less sensitive to inhibition by malaoxon, chlorpyrifos-oxon, and phoxim, respectively, than that from the LS. All these results clearly indicated that the observed malathion resistance in the FR was conferred by multiple mechanisms, including increased detoxification by ESTs and GSTs, and increased activity and reduced sensitivity of AChE to OP inhibition.  相似文献   

白洋淀蝗区东亚飞蝗的分布与土壤的关系研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
从土壤的质地、含水量、pH值和含盐量等方面 ,研究了白洋淀东亚飞蝗Locustamigratoriamanilensis(Meyen)蝗区的土壤状况 ;并结合实地考察的样点处蝗虫密度情况 ,研究了蝗虫不同密度区土壤之间的差异。结果表明 ,研究区蝗虫密度在 3 0头 m2 以上的地区 ,土壤质地为粉砂壤土 ,土壤pH值为7 2 6~ 8 1 2 ,土壤含盐量为 0 0 67%~ 0 2 0 7%。粉砂壤土中 ,砂粒含量较多、粗粉粒含量较少的地方 ,是东亚飞蝗比较理想的生存与活动场所 ;土壤含水量偏高、呈弱碱性的地方 ,适于东亚飞蝗的生存和活动。在研究区 ,土壤含盐量差异对东亚飞蝗的密度分布没有明显的影响。  相似文献   

河北省南大港农场2002年夏蝗发生特点及原因浅析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
进入 90年代以来 ,南大港蝗区东亚飞蝗Locustamigratoriamanilensis(Meyen)大发生 6次 ,2 0 0 1年夏秋蝗发生面积达 2 6万hm2 ,5龄蝗蝻最高密度为 1 0 0 0 0头 m2 。 2 0 0 2年形势更为严峻 ,仅夏蝗发生面积超过 2万hm2 ;分别造成 1 3 0 0hm2 和 2 70 0hm2 的芦苇被吃成光杆和被啃食的严重破叶。出土时间早、孵化时间长、龄期悬殊大是今年夏蝗发生的主要特点。主要原因是去年越冬卵块基数大 ,其次是受气候条件和农业环境的影响  相似文献   

Because of the scarcity of polymorphic genetic markers, only a few genetic studies on the population structure of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, have been carried out. We isolated and characterized nine polymorphic dinucleotide microsatellite loci. These markers were evaluated using individuals from Niger and Senegal. Seven of these microsatellite markers are also applicable to the nongregarious subspecies Schistocerca gregaria flaviventris. Cross‐species applicability was limited to one of the loci in the sister species S. americana and in the locust Locusta migratoria.  相似文献   

对东亚飞蝗山西临猗和永济2个地理种群的酯酶特性进行了比较研究.非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳图谱显示:以a-乙酸萘酯为底物染色,2个东亚飞蝗种群谱带差别不明显.但是,酯酶动力学研究结果表明:以a-乙酸萘酯和α-丁酸萘酯为底物时,永济种群的酯酶活性分别是临猗种群的1.81倍和1.20倍.永济种群酯酶活性的增高可能与非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳图谱显示出较临猗种群多出的酶带有关.体外酯酶抑制动力学研究表明:永济和临猗2种群所含酯酶大都为B型酯酶,其含量分别为84.94%和91.47%.永济种群对对氧磷的耐受性要高于临猗种群,我们推测可能与2种群马拉硫磷使用背景不同有关.  相似文献   

东亚飞蝗耐高温能力及其体温调节行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
岳梅  雷仲仁  朱彬洲  姚君明 《昆虫学报》2009,52(10):1103-1109
为明确东亚飞蝗Locusta migratoria manilensis的耐高温能力和体温调节行为, 采用高温饲养、提供辐射热源和风力等方法, 对东亚飞蝗各发育期的高温耐受能力、体温(body temperature, Tb)与环境温度(air temperature, Ta)和辐射温度(radiant temperature, Tr)的关系、飞蝗对辐射热的选择行为、体温升高速率以及辐射角度和风力对体温的影响进行了研究。结果表明: 东亚飞蝗44℃下饲养, LT90 最长为326.4 h; 50℃下, LT90可达20.6 h。无辐射热条件下, Tb随Ta的上升而升高, 当Ta升至32℃, 蝗虫出现体温调节行为; Ta以0.5℃/min速率上升时, 出现体温波动的个体数占试虫总数的53.7%, Tb平均波动温差为1.15℃, 平均波动时间为5.2 min, Tb平均波动起始温度为47.2℃, 成虫致死时间略长于若虫。有辐射热条件下, 随笼顶辐射温度的逐渐升高, 飞蝗趋向选择温度相对较低的笼底, 试虫体温调节较无辐射热条件下强; 辐射角度和风力均对飞蝗的体温有显著影响。结果显示东亚飞蝗对高温的耐受能力较强, 并且具有明显的体温调节行为, 可调节体温达到最佳生理状态。  相似文献   

Summary The tympanal organ of the migratory locust acquires its definitive form during larval development. All the receptor cells (90–100) are present in the 1st instar, whereas the differentiation of the tympanum and the cuticular structures it bears proceeds in steps from one instar to the next. The elevated process is the earliest such structure to appear (2nd instar); it is followed by the pyriform vesicle (3rd instar) and folded body (4th instar). The styliform body first appears in the imago. Although the typical arrangement of the receptor cells is already discernible in the 1st instar, some of the attachment sites change during development, the final configuration appearing only in the imago.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ka 498/2)  相似文献   

Abstract:  The effect of Nosema locustae infection on the aggregation behaviour of the oriental migratory locust, Locusta migratoria manilensis , was studied using a two-choice arena olfactometer and electroantennography (EAG). Infected locusts had low antennal sensitivity and aggregation responses to faecal extracts and to locust body volatiles. Infected fifth instar nymphs had significantly lower aggregation index than the uninfected nymphs, although with fourth instars the effect on aggregation behaviour only occurred in infected females. With regard to antennal receptor sensitivity, infected adult locusts had significantly lower EAG amplitudes in response to extracts from faeces of the adult males. The effect was most pronounced in female locusts. In contrast, there was no significant difference in the EAG responses between the fifth instar male and female nymphs. Further analysis revealed that EAG responses of fifth instar nymphs and adults infected with N. locustae to the faecal extract and volatiles from fifth instar solitary-reared nymphs were not significantly affected. In contrast, infected nymphs and adults had remarkably low EAG amplitudes for the remaining stimuli.  相似文献   

贺艳萍  刘新  马恩波 《生态学报》2005,25(2):203-209
黄骅和平山是中国河北省两个不同的蝗区,这两个蝗区的生态特征有很大的不同。黄骅位于河北平原,靠近渤海湾.属于滨海蝗区,蝗区植被以芦苇为主,是我国东亚飞蝗重点防治地区;平山位于河北和山西交界处,仍属于山区,蝗区位于岗南水库库区,属于滨湖蝗区,植被以稗草为主,并兼有玉米、豆类等农作物,为了保护岗南水库水质不受污染,该蝗区很少进行防治。对采自这两个蝗区东亚飞蝗的两种代谢酶:酯酶和谷胱甘肽S-转移酶进行了比较研究。用对氧磷、马拉氧磷、西维因及毒扁豆碱等4种抑制剂对这两个种群飞蝗的酯酶进行体外抑制实验,结果表明,这两个种群的大部分酯酶属于B-型。在雌性飞蝗中、用α-NA,αNB和β-NA3种酯酶底物测定酯酶活性,黄骅种群比平山种群的酯酶活性分别高1.63、1.66和1.70倍.雄性中则分别高1.12、1.41和1.27倍。对两个种群酯酶活性频率分布进行比较,黄骅种群中酯酶活性高的个体数远大于平山种群。两个种群酶活性的差异与马拉硫磷半致死剂量(LD50)的差异很相近,这提示酯酶活性的提高在东亚飞蝗对马拉硫磷的抗性中起一定的作用。酯酶活性频率分布显示出东亚飞蝗黄骅种群比平山种群具有较高的马拉硫磷抗性发展趋势.其抗性发展速度较平山种群快。然而,黄骅种群谷胱甘肽S-转移酶活性略低于平山种群,因此推测,谷胱甘肽S-转移酶活性与这两个东亚飞蝗种群对马拉硫磷的抗性无明显相关。  相似文献   

对东亚飞蝗山西临猗和永济2个地理种群的酯酶特性进行了比较研究。非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电 泳图谱显示:以α-乙酸萘酯为底物染色,2个东亚飞蝗种群谱带差别不明显。但是,酯酶动力 学研究结果表明:以α-乙酸萘酯和α-丁酸萘酯为底物时,永济种群的酯酶活性分别是临猗 种群的1.81倍和1.20倍。永济种群酯酶活性的增高可能与非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳图谱显 示出较临猗种群多出的酶带有关。体外酯酶抑制动力学研究表明:永济和临猗2种群所含酯酶大 都为B型酯酶,其含量分别为84.94%和91.47%。永济种群对对氧磷的耐受性要高于临猗种群 ,我们推测可能与2种群马拉硫磷使用背景不同有关。  相似文献   

Fifteen novel microsatellite primer pairs are presented for Lesquerella fendleri, which were developed from seven dinucleotide, five trinucleotide and three tetranucleotide microsatellite DNA loci. These loci were characterized for 40 individuals from 24 localities throughout the species range. The number of alleles observed per locus ranged from three to 16, the observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.175 to 0.750, and the polymorphic information content ranged from 0.218 to 0.889. Cross‐species transferability tested on nine species of Lesquerella and one species of the related genus Physaria indicates that these primer pairs may be useful for population genetic studies of other species in Lesquerella and possibly other closely related genera.  相似文献   

沿海蝗区东亚飞蝗产卵选择的适应性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以沿海蝗区南大港水库为研究区域,通过2年野外调查旨在掌握东亚飞蝗Locustamigratoriamanilensis(Meyen)产卵场所的选择。结果表明,飞蝗产卵适宜的植被覆盖度、土壤含盐量和土壤5cm含水量分别为0~30%、0.09%~1.99%和10.0%~20.0%,当植被覆盖度>70%,土壤含水量>30%或含盐量>3%时,不再适合飞蝗产卵。土壤有机质和pH值不是影响飞蝗产卵选择的主要因素。与20世纪50年代的研究结果相比,飞蝗产卵时对土壤含水量和含盐量的耐受范围拓宽,对环境的适应能力增强。  相似文献   

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