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The sequence of the N-terminal 69 residues of heavy chain from a homogeneous rabbit antibody to type III pneumococcal polysaccharide was determined. The sequence is similar to that found in heavy chains of normal pooled rabbit immunoglobulins of the same allotype Aa1. Two regions of the homogeneous heavy chain (residues 35-46 and 62-69) are very similar to corresponding regions of heavy chains from rabbit Aa2 immunoglobulin, as well as from mouse, guinea-pig and human immunoglobulins. In contrast, residues 47-62 appear to be variable. Comparison in this section with another homogeneous anti-pneumococcal antibody (Strosberg et al., 1972) of related specificity and of the same allotype indicates sequence variation in at least three positions. An antibody to group C streptococcal carbohydrate of allotype Aa2 (Fleischman, 1971) differs by five amino acids in the same region of the heavy chain. Sequence variability between these three antibodies does not occur in homologous positions within this variable section. Allotype-related sequences could not be identified in section 34-65.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the light chain from a specifically purified rabbit (No. 2717) anti-p-azobenzoate antibody preparation (b4 allotype) of restricted heterogeneity has been determined. This light chain is composed of 216 residues, including seven half-cystine residues located at positions 23, 80, 88, 134, 171, 194 and 216. Three intrachain disulfide bonds appear to be present in contrast to only two disulfide bonds as has been so far described for Bence Jones protein and light chains of human and mouse. This light chain was sequenced by isolating the tryptic peptides, sequencing the peptides and establishing their order within the molecule. Unambiguous identification of the overlaps was achieved by taking into account the partially characterized tryptic peptides from citraconic anhydride-treated light chains and chymotryptic and peptic peptides from digests of both untreated and citraconylated light chains. Comparison of this amino acid sequence with the amino acid sequence of the car?ylterminal half of the b4 light chains from unimmunized rabbits reveals differences at positions 165, 166, 169 and 176 indicating the existence of more than one sequence in the b4 “constant” region. There is substantial sequence homology between the variable half of 2717 light chain and human Bence Jones protein. Indeed, 46 positions in the V region (42%) are occupied by the same residues in this light chain and in human subgroup VκIII.  相似文献   

J Novotn?  M N Margolies 《Biochemistry》1983,22(5):1153-1158
A hybridoma cell line (26-10) derived from the A/J strain of mice secretes an immunoglobulin (IgG2a-k) which binds digoxin with an association constant of 1.2 nM. Such high-affinity antibodies have been utilized in clinical radioimmunoassays as well as in the reversal of toxicity due to excess digoxin. The amino acid sequence of the light chain variable region of this antibody was derived by automated sequencing of the following: the intact chain; a fragment beginning C terminal to the tryptophan residue 40, obtained by cleavage with iodosobenzoic acid; a fragment beginning C terminal to arginine residue 82, obtained by trypsin cleavage on the completely reduced, alkylated, and succinylated chain. Difficulties which had previously prevented the automated Edman sequencing of this chain (and, presumably, similar ones of the same subgroup) were overcome by increasing the duration of the cleavage step at proline residues 8 and 12. The sequences of the first two hypervariable and framework regions of this chain are virtually identical with those of the dinitrophenol- and menadione-binding myeloma light chain MOPC 460 (95% homology). This anti-digoxin hybridoma from the A/J strain makes use of a Vk gene which is similar to that utilized by some BALB/c 2,4-dinitrophenol-binding myelomas.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence of rabbit skeletal muscle myosin light chain kinase   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The amino acid sequence of the amino-terminal, 235-residue segment of rabbit skeletal muscle myosin light chain kinase has been determined. Together with the carboxyl-terminal segment previously described [Takio, K., Blumenthal, D. K., Edelman, A. M., Walsh, K. A., Krebs, E. G., & Titani, K. (1985) Biochemistry 24, 6028], the present work completes the 603-residue sequence of this protein. The amino-terminal segment that has been analyzed herein corresponds to a domain reported to be of highly asymmetrical shape and as yet unknown function. Secondary structure calculations failed to provide any evidence of alpha-helix or beta-structures, but polyproline II like helical structure is possible. Sequence analysis indicates the presence of approximately equal quantities of two isoforms differing in a single amino acid replacement. Unexpected difficulties were encountered in the present sequence analysis due to the presence of acid-labile Asp-Pro bonds and to five separable variants of a blocked 21-residue amino-terminal peptide, arising from rearrangement at an Asn-Gly bond.  相似文献   

Rabbit light chain 3315, prepared from a homogeneous antipneumococcal antibody, was subjected to hydrolysis by pepsin without prior reduction and alkylation of the intrachain disulfide bonds. Gel filtration of the hydrolysate on Sephadex G-10, G-15, and G-25 and ion exchange chromatography on SP-Sephadex yielded several disulfide bridge peptides. These were fully reduced and alkulated and sequenced by Edman degradation. The peptides were located in the light chain sequence determined in independent studies from our laboratory. The half-cystine residues in this KB rabbit chain are located at positions 23, 80, 88, 134, 171, 194, and 214. The extra disulfide bridge extends between residues 80 and 171, thus joining the variable and constant domains. This is consistent with x-ray diffraction crystallographic studies showing that the corresponding residues in human light chains are separated by a distance compatible with disulfide bond formation.  相似文献   

The variable domain (VL) of allotype b4 light chains of rabbit IgG was isolated from both nonimmune heterogeneous IgG and a homogeneous antibody directed against type III pneumococcal polysaccharide. Light chains were first isolated and then cleaved under mild acidic conditions between residues 109 and 110. Reduction with dithiothreitol in guanidine hydrochloride cleaved both intradomain disulfide bridges as well as the interdomain disulfide bridge joining the variable and constant domain. The sulfhydryl groups were protected after reduction by p-chloromercuribenzoate. VL was isolated from this mixture of variable and constant domains by affinity chromatography, utilizing sheep antibodies directed against a peptide including residues 110--211 from nonimmune IgG light chain. The isolated VL domain was identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and automated Edman degradation. VL from a homogeneous antibody was treated with dithiothreitol to remove p-chloromercuribenzoate, reoxidized, and recombined with homologous heavy chain. The binding of this recombinant to type III pneumococcal polysaccharide was identical with that of the light-chain--heavy-chain recombinant.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of a 368-residue segment at the carboxyl-terminus of rabbit skeletal muscle myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) has been determined. The sequence was derived primarily from analysis of two complementary sets of fragments obtained by cleavage at methionyl and arginyl bonds in S-carboxymethylated MLCK. The segment included a 360-residue fragment produced by limited tryptic digestion of MLCK. This fragment was both catalytically active and dependent on Ca2+-calmodulin. Unique structural features of MLCK have been identified, and a likely calmodulin interaction site is suggested. Sequence comparisons of MLCK to other protein kinases indicate close structural relationships in spite of marked differences in physicochemical properties, enzymatic characteristics, and regulatory response among these enzymes.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the scallop myosin essential light chain (SELC) was determined from analysis of the intact, S-carboxymethylated protein and peptides produced by cleavage at its four methionine residues by cyanogen bromide digestion and at its six arginine residues by citraconylation and tryptic digestion. SELC contains 156 amino acid residues, including three cysteines, four tyrosines, one tryptophan, two histidines, and an unblocked amino-terminal proline. The protein has a calculated Mr of 17,616. SELC is an acidic protein, with a net charge of 18- at physiological pH. Comparative analysis reveals four homologous domains (I-IV), which arose by reduplication of a gene for a small, ancestral calcium binding protein. Each domain has a helix-loop-helix structure, with all the ligands for calcium binding located within a 12-residue segment that spans the loop and the first turn of the following helix. Potential calcium binding sequences were found in the ancestral sites III (residues 94-105) and IV (residues 132-143). Mutations in critical positions in domains I and II seem to preclude the possibility of calcium binding in the amino-terminal half of SELC. An unexpected third potential calcium binding segment (at residues 119-130, predicted to be in helical conformation) was found in domain IV. A reactive thiol group (Cys-78) that is involved in binding of regulatory light chains was tentatively located in an extended "linker region", which connects the two halves of the molecule.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence of porcine spleen cathepsin D light chain   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The complete amino acid sequence of the light chain of cathepsin D from porcine spleen has been determined. The light chain consists of a single polypeptide chain with 97 amino acid residues. The sequence is: (formula; see text) The molecular weight of the light chain was calculated from this sequence to be 10,548 (without carbohydrates). A single disulfide bond links two half-cystine residues between positions 46 and 53. A cysteine residue is located at position 27. The light chain sequence is extensively homologous to the NH2-terminal sequence of other aspartyl proteases. It shows a 59% identity with the sequence of mouse submaxillary gland renin and a 49% identity with that of porcine pepsin. A single glycosylation site is located at residue 70 of the cathepsin D light chain. This site corresponds to position 67 of pepsin by homology. The active site aspartyl residue, corresponding to Asp-32 of pepsin, is located at residue 33 in the cathepsin D light chain.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the regulatory light chain of mantle muscle myosin from squid (Todarodes pacificus) was determined by conventional methods. It was: xA-E-E-A-P-R-R-V-K-L-S-Q-R-Q-M-Q-E-L-K-E-A-F-T-M-I-D-Q-D-R-D-G-F-I-G-M- E-D-L-K-D-M-F-S-S-L-G-R-V-P-P-D-D-E-L-N-A-M-L-K-E-C-P-G-Q-L-N-F-T- A-F-L-T-L-F-G-E-K-V-S-G-T-D-P-E-D-A-L-R-N-A-F-S-M-F-D-E-D-G-Q-G-F-I-P- E-D-Y-L-K-D-L-L-E-N-M-G-D-N-F-S-K-E-E-I-K-N-V-W-K-D-A-P-L-K-N-K-Q-F- N-Y-N-K-M-V-D-I-K-G-K-A-E-D-E-D. The alpha-amino group of this light chain was blocked, and a typical calcium-binding structure was recognized at the sequence of residue 26 to residue 37, like those in other myosin regulatory light chains.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequences of peptides containing the phosphorylation site of bovine cardiac myosin light chain (L2) were determined. The site was localized to a serine residue in the tentative amino terminus of the light chain and is homologous to phosphorylation sites in other myosin light chains. Phosphorylation of bovine cardiac light chain by chicken gizzard myosin light chain kinase was Ca2+-calmodulin dependent. Kinetic data gave a Km of 107; microM and a Vmax of 23.6 mumol min-1 mg-1. In contrast to what has been observed with smooth muscle light chains, neither the phosphorylation site fragment of the cardiac light chain nor a synthetic tetradecapeptide containing the phosphorylation site were effectively phosphorylated by the chicken gizzard kinase. Phosphorylation of cardiac myosin light chains by chicken gizzard myosin light chain kinase, therefore, requires other regions of the light chain in addition to a phosphate acceptor site.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of acylphosphatase from rabbit skeletal muscle has been elucidated by automatic Edman degradation of peptides obtained from staphylococcal protease and trypsin digestions. The enzyme consisted of a single polypeptide chain of 98 amino acid residues, lacking only histidine. Its amino (N)-terminus was blocked by an acetyl group. The presented sequence of rabbit muscle enzyme was compared with those of equine and porcine muscle enzymes. There were four unique replacements, i.e., Arg-4, Asp-28, Arg-31, and Glu-56 in the sequences of both equine and porcine muscle enzymes were replaced by Gly, Gly, Lys, and Asp, respectively, in that of rabbit muscle enzyme. Extensive structural homology was observed among the three enzymes.  相似文献   

We have established a new method for preparing Physarum myosin whose actin-activated ATPase activity is inhibited by micromolar levels of Ca2+. This Ca2+-inhibition is mediated by the Ca2+ binding to the myosin rather than by the Ca2+-dependent modification of the phosphorylated state of the myosin (Kohama, K., and Kendrick-Jones, J. (1986) J. Biochem. (Tokyo) 99, 1433-1446). Ca2+-binding light chain (CaLC) has been suggested to be primary importance in this Ca2+ inhibition (Kohama, K., Takano-Ohmuro, H., Tanaka, T., Yamaguchi, T., and Kohama, T. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 8022-8027). The amino acid sequence of CaLC was determined; it was composed of 147 amino acid residues and the N terminus was acetylated. The molecular weight was calculated to be 16,131. The homology of CaLC in the amino acid sequence with 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) light chain and alkali light chain of skeletal muscle myosin were rather low, i.e., 25% and 30%, respectively. Interestingly, however, the CaLC sequence was 40% homologous with brain calmodulin. This amino acid sequence was confirmed by sequencing the cloned phage DNA accommodating cDNA coding CaLC. Northern and Southern blot analysis indicated that 0.8-kilobase pair mRNA was transcribed from a single CaLC gene. This is the first report on the amino acid sequence of myosin light chain of lower eukaryotes and nucleotide sequence of its mRNA.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence of the light chain of a mouse myeloma protein (MOPC-315)   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  

The amino acid sequence of a rabbit immunoglobulin light chain of allotype b5 has been nearly completed. A comparison of its structure with that of light chains of allotypes b4, b6, and b9 confirms that the constant regions of these various kappa chains differ by 20-35%. The substitutions are clustered in parts of the second half of the chain, and the b5 form bears more resemblance to the b6 chain than to any other, in good agreement with previous serological data. The analysis of the variable region reveals the existence of certain allotype-associated residues which have also been reported in other b5 chains, but not in proteins of the other allotypes. An examination of the rabbit light chain sequences between positions 96 and 107 suggests that this portion of the chain may be encoded separately by a joining "J" DNA segment, as has been described previously for murine and human immunoglobulins. In the rabbit, however, these J kappa regions appear to differ from one allotype to another. Together with the extensive variations of the constant regions, these data suggest that the rabbit kappa gene organization more closely resembles the murine gamma system (four different C gamma genes each flanked by its J segment) than the murine kappa system (a single C kappa gene).  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the N-terminal 108 residues of the B chain of subcomponent C1q of the first component of human complement was determined. The B chain has a blocked N-terminal amino acid, which was judged to be 5-oxopyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid. A collagen-like region of 84 residues was found, which started at position B-6, and all of the six hydroxylysine residues and 12 hydroxyproline residues present in the chain were found in this region. Four of the six hydroxylysine residues may be glycosylated. The repeating nature of the collagen-like region is broken at position B-9, where alanine is found in a position where glycine would be expected. The exact position of the interchain disulphide bond joining the A and B chains of human subcomponent C1q was shown to be between residues A4 and B4.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the V (variable) region of the heavy (H) chain of rabbit antibody BS-1, raised against type III pneumococcal vaccine, is reported. Together with the sequence data of the V region of the light (L) chain previously determined [Jaton (1974a) Biochem. J. 141, 1-13], the present work completes the analysis of the V domain of the homogeneous antibody BS-1. The V domains (VL + VH regions) of this antibody are compared with those of two other anti-(type III) pneumococcal antibodies BS-5 and K-25 [Jaton (1975) Biochem. J. 147, 235-247]. Except for the second hypervariable section of the L chains, these antibodies have very different sequences in the hypervariable segments of the V domains. Within the third hypervariable region of the H chain, each antibody has a different length: BS-1 is three amino acids shorter than K-25 and two amino acids shorter than BS-5. When the sequences in that section are aligned for maximal homology, only two residues, glycine-97 and leucine-101, are common to the three antibodies. On the basis of the amino acid sequences of these three anti-pneumococcal antibodies, the results do not support the concept of a simple correlation between primary structure in the hypervariable sections (known to determine the shape of the combining site) and antigen-binding specificity.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence of rabbit apolipoprotein E   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The complete amino acid sequence of rabbit apolipoprotein E (apoE) was determined by generating three sets of peptides using cyanogen bromide, endoproteinase AspN, and Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease to cleave the protein. Through twenty cycles of sequence analysis on the whole protein, glutamic acid was identified as the N-terminal residue of rabbit apoE; the C-terminus of the protein was identified as glutamine. Based on the sequence of 294 amino acid residues determined by protein structure analysis, the molecular weight of rabbit apoE was determined to be 33,684. The protein sequence differed from the cDNA inferred sequence in 19 positions, only one of which could be attributed to microheterogeneity. The corrected amino acid sequence of rabbit apoE shares 80% homology with the human apoE sequence, 4% greater homology than that inferred from the cDNA sequence. The great similarity in the amino acid sequences of human and rabbit apoE suggests that their physical and physiological properties may also be similar. This homology and the relative ease with which apoE is isolated from rabbit plasma make it possible to conduct some in vitro experiments with the rabbit apoprotein that would have direct relevance to human apoE, but would be difficult or impossible with the human counterpart because of the quantity of protein required.  相似文献   

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