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The precursors of the F1-ATPase -subunits fromNicotiana plumbaginifolia andNeurospora crassa were imported into isolated spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaf mitochondria. Both F1 precursors were imported and processed to mature size products. No import of the mitochondrial precursor proteins into isolated intact spinach chloroplasts was seen. Moreover, the precursor of the 33 kDa protein of photosynthetic water-splitting enzyme was not imported into the leaf mitochondria. This study provides the first experimental report ofin vitro import of precursor proteins into plant mitochondria isolated from photosynthetic tissue and enables studies of protein sorting between mitochondria and chloroplasts in a system which is homologous with respect to organelles. The results suggest a high organellar specificity in the plant cell for the cytoplasmically synthesized precursor proteins.  相似文献   

Most mitochondrial matrix space proteins are synthesized as a precursor protein, and the N-terminal extension of amino acids that served as the leader sequence is removed after import by the action of a metalloprotease called mitochondrial processing peptidase (MPP). The crystal structure of MPP has been solved very recently, and it has been shown that synthetic leader peptides bind with MPP in an extended conformation. However, it is not known how MPP recognizes hundreds of leader peptides with different primary and secondary structures or when during import the leader is removed. Here we took advantage of the fact that the structure of the leader from rat liver aldehyde dehydrogenase has been determined by 2D-NMR to possess two helical portions separated by a three amino acid (RGP) linker. When the linker was deleted, the leader formed one long continuous helix that can target a protein to the matrix space but is not removed by the action of MPP. Repeats of two and three leaders were fused to the precursor protein to determine the stage of import at which processing occurs, if MPP could function as an endo peptidase, and if it would process if the cleavage site was part of a helix. Native or linker deleted constructs were used. Import into isolated yeast mitochondria or processing with recombinantly expressed MPP was performed. It was concluded that processing did not occur as the precursor was just entering the matrix space, but most likely coincided with the folding of the protein. Further, finding that hydrolysis could not take place if the processing site was part of a stable helix is consistent with the crystal structure of MPP. Lastly, it was found that MPP could function at sites as far as 108 residues from the N terminus of the precursor protein, but its ability to process decreases exponentially as the distance increases.  相似文献   

植物核编码蛋白向线粒体内的转运对于线粒体正常功能的发挥有着不可忽视的作用。目前在诸如前序列、前体蛋白加工、分子伴侣及线粒体与质体(或叶绿体)之间分选等几方面开展了许多研究。本综述以上方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

A barley gene encoding the major light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein (LHCP) has been sequenced and then expressed in vitro to produce a labelled LHCP precursor (pLHCP). When barley etiochloroplasts are incubated with this pLHCP, both labelled pLHCP and LHCP are found as integral thylakoid membrane proteins, incorporated into the major pigment-protein complex of the thylakoids. The presence of pLHCP in thylakoids and its proportion with respect to labelled LHCP depends on the developmental stage of the plastids used to study the import of pLHCP. The reduced amounts of chlorophyll in a chlorophyll b-less mutant of barley does not affect the proportion of pLHCP to LHCP found in the thylakoids when import of pLHCP into plastids isolated from the mutant plants is examined. Therefore, insufficient chlorophyll during early stages of plastid development does not seem to be responsible for their relative inefficiency in assembling pLHCP. A chase of labelled pLHCP that has been incorporated into the thylakoids of intact plastids, by further incubation of the plastids with unlabelled pLHCP, reveals that the pLHCP incorporated into the thylakoids can be processed to its mature size. Our observations strongly support the hypothesis that after import into plastids, pLHCP is inserted into thylakoids and then processed to its mature size under in vivo conditions.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli system was used to produce the human membrane proteins presenilin 1 and amyloid precursor protein and to analyse their interaction. Our data indicate that the main binding site for amyloid precursor protein is located in the N-terminal three-transmembrane segments of presenilin and not in the proposed active site containing the two conserved aspartate residues. The data also suggest the presence of an additional segment of sufficient hydrophobicity at the C-terminus of PS1 to act potentially as a transmembrane segment. The implications of these findings for the function of γ-secretase are discussed.  相似文献   

Mitochondria contain approximately 1000 different proteins, which are located in four different compartments, outer membrane, inner membrane, intermembrane space and matrix. The vast majority of these proteins has to be imported from the cytosol. Therefore, sophisticated molecular machineries have evolved that mediate protein translocation across or insertion into mitochondrial membranes and subsequent assembly into multi-subunit complexes. While the initial entry of virtually all mitochondrial proteins is mediated by the general import pore of the outer membrane, at least four different downstream pathways are dedicated to import and assembly of proteins into a specific compartment.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial precursor proteins synthesized in rabbit reticulocyte lysate (RRL) are readily imported into mitochondria, whereas the same precursors synthesized in wheat germ extract (WGE) fail to be imported. We have investigated factors that render import incompetence from WGE. A precursor that does not require addition of extramitochondrial ATP for import, the F(A)d ATP synthase subunit, is imported from WGE. Import of chimeric constructs between precursors of the F(A)d protein and alternative oxidase (AOX) with switched presequences revealed that the mature domain of the F(A)d precursor defines the import competence in WGE as only the construct containing the presequence of AOX and mature portion of F(A)d (pAOX-mF(A)d) could be imported. Import competence of F(A)d and pAOX-mF(A)d correlated with solubility of these precursors in WGE, however, solubilization of import-incompetent precursors with urea did not restore import competence. Addition of RRL to WGE-synthesized precursors did not stimulate import but addition of WGE to the RRL-synthesized precursors or to the over-expressed mitochondrial precursor derived from the F1beta ATP synthase precursor inhibited import into mitochondria. The dual-targeted glutathione reductase precursor synthesized in WGE was imported into chloroplasts, but not into mitochondria. Antibodies against the 14-3-3 guidance complex characterized for chloroplast targeting were able to immunoprecipitate all of the precursors tested except the F(A)d ATP synthase precursor. Our results point to the conclusion that the import incompetence of WGE-synthesized mitochondrial precursors is not presequence dependent and is a result of interaction of WGE inhibitory factors with the mature portion of precursor proteins.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that GTP-binding proteins can modulate mitochondrial membrane fusion and fission. Furthermore, GTP-binding proteins can regulate the binding of ribosomes to the mitochondrial membrane and may facilitate the import of proteins through contact points between inner and outer mitochondrial membranes. Mitochondrial GTP-binding proteins therefore appear to have the potential to modulate physiological function of the organelle and may also be involved in cellular processes such as cellular transformation. A beginning has been made on the characterization of mitochondrial GTP-binding proteins and the DNA sequence of one protein has become newly available. Future studies are needed to determine whether GTP-binding proteins are interacting with cell signalling molecules such as protein kinases in the mitochondria.  相似文献   

Recombinant proteins face major constraints along the plant cell secretory pathway, including proteolytic processing compromising their structural integrity. Here, we demonstrate the potential of protease inhibitors as in situ stabilizing agents for recombinant proteins migrating towards the leaf apoplast. Genomic data for Arabidopsis, rice and Nicotiana spp. were assessed to determine the relative incidence of protease families in the cell secretory pathway. Transient expression assays with the model platform Nicotiana benthamiana were then performed to test the efficiency of protease inhibitors in stabilizing proteins targeted to the apoplast. Current genomic data suggest the occurrence of proteases from several families along the secretory pathway, including A1 and A22 Asp proteases; C1A and C13 Cys proteases; and S1, S8 and S10 Ser proteases. In vitro protease assays confirmed the presence of various proteases in N. benthamiana leaves, notably pointing to the deposition of A1‐ and S1‐type activities preferentially in the apoplast. Accordingly, transient expression and secretion of the A1/S1 protease inhibitor, tomato cathepsin D inhibitor (SlCDI), negatively altered A1 and S1 protease activities in this cell compartment, while increasing the leaf apoplast protein content by ~45% and improving the accumulation of a murine diagnostic antibody, C5‐1, co‐secreted in the apoplast. SlCYS9, an inhibitor of C1A and C13 Cys proteases, had no impact on the apoplast proteases and protein content, but stabilized C5‐1 in planta, presumably upstream in the secretory pathway. These data confirm, overall, the potential of protease inhibitors for the in situ protection of recombinant proteins along the plant cell secretory pathway.  相似文献   

In vitro assays for the import of proteins by isolated pea thylakoids have been refined and optimised with respect to (a) the method of thylakoid preparation, (b) the concentration of thylakoids in the import assay, and (c) the pH and temperature of the import assay. As a result, the 23 kDa and 16 kDa proteins of the photosynthetic oxygen-evolving complex are imported with efficiencies approaching 100%; import of the third oxygen-evolving complex protein is also observed, albeit with lower efficiencies. We have also demonstrated import of three further thylakoid proteins: plastocyanin, the CFoII subunit of the ATP synthase, and the photosystem I subunit, PSI-N, using this import assay. Import of plastocyanin, PSI-N and the 33 kDa oxygen-evolving complex protein subunit requires the presence of stromal extract whereas the other three proteins are efficiently imported in the absence of added soluble proteins. Import into isolated barley thylakoids was achieved under identical assay conditions, although with somewhat lower efficiency than into pea thylakoids.  相似文献   

Many metabolic processes essential for plant viability take place in mitochondria. Therefore, mitochondrial function has to be carefully balanced in accordance with the developmental stage and metabolic requirements of the cell. One way to adapt organellar function is the alteration of protein composition. Since most mitochondrial proteins are nuclear encoded, fine-tuning of mitochondrial protein content could be achieved by the regulation of protein translocation. Here we present evidence that the import of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial proteins into plant mitochondria is influenced by calcium and calmodulin. In pea mitochondria, the calmodulin inhibitor ophiobolin A as well as the calcium ionophores A23187 and ionomycin inhibit translocation of nuclear-encoded proteins in a concentration-dependent manner, an effect that can be countered by the addition of external calmodulin or calcium, respectively. Inhibition was observed exclusively for proteins translocating into or across the inner membrane but not for proteins residing in the outer membrane or the intermembrane space. Ophiobolin A and the calcium ionophores further inhibit translocation into mitochondria with disrupted outer membranes, but their effect is not mediated via a change in the membrane potential across the inner mitochondrial membrane. Together, our results suggest that calcium/calmodulin influences the import of a subset of mitochondrial proteins at the inner membrane. Interestingly, we could not observe any influence of ophiobolin A or the calcium ionophores on protein translocation into mitochondria of yeast, indicating that the effect of calcium/calmodulin on mitochondrial protein import might be a plant-specific trait.  相似文献   

Leaf proteins, and in particular the photosynthetic proteins of plastids, are extensively degraded during senescence. Although this involves massive amounts of protein, the mechanisms responsible for chloroplast protein degradation are largely unknown. Degradation within the plastid itself is supported by the observation that chloroplasts contain active proteases, and that chloroplasts isolated from senescing leaves can cleave Rubisco to release partially digested fragments. It is less clear whether chloroplasts can complete Rubisco degradation. Chloroplastic proteases are likely involved in the breakdown of the D1 and LHCII proteins of photosystem II. Small s enescence- a ssociated v acuoles (SAVs) with high-proteolytic activity develop in senescing leaf cells, and there is evidence that SAVs contain chloroplast proteins. Thus, an extra-plastidic pathway involving SAVs might participate in the degradation of some chloroplast proteins. Plastidic and extra-plastidic pathways might cooperate in the degradation of chloroplast proteins, or they might represent alternative, redundant pathways for photosynthetic protein degradation.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes are components of virtually all eukaryotic cells. While much is known about peroxisomal matrix protein import, our understanding of how peroxisomal membrane proteins (PMPs) are targeted and inserted into the peroxisome membrane is extremely limited. Here, we show that PEX19 binds a broad spectrum of PMPs, displays saturable PMP binding, and interacts with regions of PMPs required for their targeting to peroxisomes. Furthermore, mislocalization of PEX19 to the nucleus leads to nuclear accumulation of newly synthesized PMPs. At steady state, PEX19 is bimodally distributed between the cytoplasm and peroxisome, with most of the protein in the cytoplasm. We propose that PEX19 may bind newly synthesized PMPs and facilitate their insertion into the peroxisome membrane. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that the loss of PEX19 results in degradation of PMPs and/or mislocalization of PMPs to the mitochondrion.  相似文献   

The cDNAs encoding the seed antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) fromMirabilis jalapa (Mj-AMP2) andAmaranthus caudatus (Ac-AMP2) have previously been characterized and it was found that Mj-AMP2 and Ac-AMP2 are processed from a precursor preprotein and preproprotein, respectively [De Bolleet al., Plant Mol Biol 28:713–721 (1995) and 22:1187–1190 (1993), respectively]. In order to study the processing, sorting and biological activity of these antimicrobial peptides in transgenic tobacco, four different gene constructs were made: a Mj-AMP2wild-type gene construct, a Mj-AMP2 mutant gene construct which was extended by a sequence encoding the barley lectin carboxyl-terminal propeptide, a known vacuolar targeting signal [Bednarek and Raikhel, Plant Cell 3: 1195–1206 (1991)]; an Ac-AMP2wild-type gene construct; and finally, an Ac-AMP2 mutant gene construct which was truncated in order to delete the sequence encoding the genuine carboxyl-terminal propeptide. Processing and localization analysis indicated that an isoform of Ac-AMP2 with a cleaved-off carboxyl-terminal arginine was localized in the intercellular fluid fraction of plants expressing eitherwild-type or mutant gene constructs. Mj-AMP2 was recovered extracellularly in plants transformed with Mj-AMP2wild-type gene construct, whereas an Mj-AMP2 isoform with a cleaved-off carboxyl-terminal arginine accumulated intracellularly in plants expressing the mutant precursor protein with the barley lectin propeptide. Thein vitro antifungal activity of the AMPs purified from transgenic tobacco expressing any of the four different precursor proteins was similar to that of the authentic proteins. However, none of the transgenic plants showed enhanced resistance against infection with eitherBotrytis einerea orAlternaria longipes.  相似文献   

Deposition of storage proteins   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
Plants store amino acids for longer periods in the form of specific storage proteins. These are deposited in seeds, in root and shoot tubers, in the wood and bark parenchyma of trees and in other vegetative organs. Storage proteins are protected against uncontrolled premature degradation by several mechanisms. The major one is to deposit the storage proteins into specialized membrane-bounded storage organelles, called protein bodies (PB). In the endosperm cells of maize and rice prolamins are sequestered into PBs which are derived from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Globulins, the typical storage proteins of dicotyledonous plants, and prolamins of some cereals are transported from the ER through the Golgi apparatus and then into protein storage vacuoles (PSV) which later become transformed into PBs. Sorting and targeting of storage proteins begins during their biosynthesis on membrane-bound polysomes where an N-terminal signal peptide mediates their segregation into the lumen of the ER. After cleavage of the signal peptide, the polypeptides are glycosylated and folded with the aid of chaperones. While still in the ER, disulfide bridges are formed which stabilize the structure and several polypeptides are joined to form an oligomer which has the proper conformation to be either deposited in ER-derived PB or to be further transferred to the PSV. At the trans-Golgi cisternae transport vesicles are sequestered which carry the storage proteins to the PSV. Several storage proteins are also processed after arriving in the PSVs in order to generate a conformation that is capable of final deposition. Some storage protein precursors have short N- or C-terminal targeting sequences which are detached after arrival in the PSV. Others have been shown to have internal sequence regions which could act as targeting information. In some cases positive targeting information is known to mediate sorting into the PSV whereas in other cases aggregation and membrane association seem to be major sorting mechanisms.  相似文献   

beta-Site APP-cleaving enzyme (BACE) initiates the processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) leading to the generation of beta-amyloid, the main component of Alzheimer's disease senile plaques. BACE (Asp2, memapsin 2) is a type I transmembrane aspartic protease responsible for the beta-secretase cleavage of APP producing a soluble form of the ectodomain (sAPPbeta) and the membrane-bound, carboxy-terminal intermediates C99 and C89. BACE maturation involves cysteine bridge formation, N -glycosylation and propeptide removal. We investigated variants of BACE in which the disulphide bonds of the catalytic domain spanning between Cys216/Cys420, Cys278/Cys443 and Cys330/Cys380 were removed by mutagenesis. When transfected in cultured cells, these mutants showed impaired maturation. Nevertheless, a fraction of mutated protein retained both the competence to mature as well as the activity to process APP. For the generation of a functional enzyme the conserved Cys330/Cys380 bond was the most critical, whereas the two bonds between Cys216/Cys420 and Cys278/Cys443, which are typical for the membrane-bound BACE, appeared to be less important.  相似文献   

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