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The relationships of prolactin (PRL) and LH messenger (m) RNA to serum and pituitary content were determined for turkey hens at different phases of the reproductive cycle. In the nonphotostimulated, reproductively inactive hen, serum and pituitary PRL content and pituitary PRL mRNA levels were low. All three PRL values rose after photostimulation and peaked during the incubation phase. Relative to nonphotostimulated hens, hyperprolactinemic incubating hens showed 220-, 11-, and 57-fold increases in serum PRL, pituitary PRL content, and pituitary PRL mRNA levels, respectively. These peak levels declined 80-, 3-, and 6-fold, respectively, in photorefractory hens. In contrast to PRL levels, serum LH, pituitary LH, and pituitary LH beta-subunit mRNA levels did not change as dramatically. Serum LH showed no significant changes for the different reproductive phases. Pituitary LH peaked after photostimulation and declined to its lowest level in incubating hens. Pituitary LH-beta mRNA abundance was highest in photostimulated and laying hens and lowest in incubating and photorefractory hens. These results demonstrate that the abundance of LH-beta and PRL mRNA shows an inverse relationship in photostimulated/laying and incubating turkey hens.  相似文献   

J S Massa  D E Blask 《Life sciences》1990,46(13):909-916
The purpose of this study was to observe the molecular dynamics of pituitary prolactin (PRL) gene expression during the estrous cycle of the Golden Syrian hamster. PRL messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) levels, PRL synthesis (3H-PRL in the incubation media or incubated pituitary after a 3 hr incubation with 3H-leucine), and radioimmunoassayable (RIA) PRL (in the incubation media or incubated pituitary after the 3 hr incubation) were measured in the morning (0930-1100 hr) on each day of the cycle. We observed that all of these PRL indices declined or did not change from Day 2 to Day 3 of the cycle. From Day 3 to Day 4 (proestrus), however, PRL mRNA levels increased 33-38% and media 3H-PRL increased 32-42%, while there were no significant changes in pituitary 3H-PRL, or RIA-PRL in the media or pituitary. From Day 4 to Day 1 (estrus) there was a reciprocal change in the levels of 3H-PRL in the pituitary vs. the media, with the former increasing 37-50% and the latter decreasing 25-32%. Pituitary RIA-PRL also increased 45-64% from Day 4 to Day 1 while media RIA-PRL did not change. These data are consistent with the following hypothesis: On the morning of proestrus (Day 4) in the hamster, PRL mRNA levels are elevated compared to those on Day 3, signaling an increase in PRL synthesis. This newly synthesized PRL is shunted into a "readily releasable" pool on the morning of Day 4 (contributing to the afternoon surge of serum PRL), and into a "preferentially stored" pool by the morning of Day 1 (for release in response to cervical stimulation and use as a luteotrophin to maintain early pregnancy should fertilization occur).  相似文献   

Data are controversial concerning the time when PRL-synthesizing cells are detected for the first time in the rat pituitary. Using a very sensitive immunocytochemical technique, we could visualize only a few PRL cells before day 10 after birth. At that time, pituitary PRL was still 200 times less abundant than in the adult (on a tissue weight basis) whereas PRL mRNA per mg total RNA was only 80 times lower than in the adult. However, by in situ hybridization, we could demonstrate the presence of PRL mRNA in cells from fetal day 18 on. We have also followed the expression of GH gene in rat pituitary cells during development. In contrast to results obtained with PRL cells, quantitative analysis of cDNA probe hybridization to GH mRNA correlated well with measurements of immunostained cells. We found that PRL was released in the blood from fetal day 19 onwards. Thus, at that time PRL is synthesized and secreted but not stored. We therefore measured brain dopamine levels, and the data support the idea that the rise in dopamine levels after birth contributes to PRL storage. We confirmed in vitro that newborn pituitary cells can store PRL when cultured in the presence of dopamine.  相似文献   

Thyroidectomized rats were used to study the effects of a single injection of T3 on pituitary mRNA synthesis and hormone secretion. T3 was injected ip at doses of 0, 0.2, 1, or 5 micrograms/100 g body weight, and and animals were killed 24 h later. T3 caused a significant decrease in serum TSH, but caused no significant change in either serum GH or PRL. Pituitary mRNA was quantified by slot blot hybridization with cDNA probes specific for alpha-TSH, beta-TSH, PRL, and GH. We found that both the alpha and beta mRNA subunits decreased, that PRL mRNA remained relatively unchanged, and that GH mRNA increased with increasing T3 dose. The data show that a single dose of T3 can profoundly influence mRNA levels in the anterior pituitary; the lowest dose of T3 caused maximum inhibition of alpha-TSH mRNA while beta-TSH mRNA declined further in a dose-dependent manner.  相似文献   

FSH levels begin to rise 3-5 days after male Siberian hamsters are transferred from inhibitory short photoperiods to stimulatory long photoperiods. In contrast, LH levels do not increase for several weeks. This differential pattern of FSH and LH secretion represents one of the most profound in vivo examples of differential regulation of the gonadotropins. The present study was undertaken to characterize the molecular mechanisms controlling differential FSH and LH synthesis and secretion in photostimulated Siberian hamsters. First, we cloned species-specific cDNAs for the three gonadotropin subunits: the common alpha subunit and the unique FSHbeta and LHbeta subunits. All three subunits share high nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequence identity with the orthologous cDNAs from rats. We then used these new molecular probes to examine the gonadotropin subunit mRNA levels from pituitaries of short-day male hamsters transferred to long days for 2, 5, 7, 10, 15, or 20 days. Short-day (SD) and long-day (LD) controls remained in short and long days, respectively, from the time of weaning. We measured serum FSH and LH levels by RIA. FSHbeta, LHbeta, and alpha subunit mRNA levels were measured from individual pituitaries using a microlysate ribonuclease protection assay. Serum FSH and pituitary FSHbeta mRNA levels changed similarly following long-day transfer. Both were significantly elevated after five long days (2.3- and 3.6-fold, respectively; P < 0.02) and declined thereafter, but they remained above SD control values through 20 long days. Alpha subunit mRNA levels also increased significantly relative to SD control values (maximum 2-fold increase after seven long days; P < 0.03), although to a lesser extent than FSHbeta. Neither serum LH nor pituitary LHbeta mRNA levels changed significantly following long-day transfer. The results indicate that long-day-associated increases in serum FSH levels in Siberian hamsters reflect an underlying increase in pituitary FSHbeta and alpha subunit mRNA accumulation.  相似文献   

To examine the changes in secretion of growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) with reference to their osmoregulatory roles, changes in pituitary mRNA levels and plasma concentrations of these hormones were examined during seawater adaptation in silvery juveniles (smolts) and precociously mature males (dark parr) of amago salmon (Oncorhynchus rhodurus). Transfer to seawater increased plasma sodium levels in both smolts and dark parr. Smolts adjusted their plasma sodium to the level associated with seawater-adaptation (165 mEq/liter) within 3 days, whereas no adjustment was seen in dark parr; the latter failed to survive in seawater for more than 3 days. In smolts, plasma GH levels increased significantly 1 day after transfer, whereas there was no significant change in dark parr. An increase in GH mRNA levels was observed in smolts in association with increased plasma GH, whereas there was no change in dark parr. In contrast, a reduction in plasma PRL levels was consistently observed in both smolts and dark parr after transfer to seawater. However, there was no significant change in PRL mRNA levels in either smolts or dark parr. These results suggest that both gene expression and release of GH are activated by seawater transfer only in smolts with adequate seawater adaptability, whereas PRL gene expression is decreased after seawater transfer regardless of seawater adaptability.  相似文献   

By the use of the favoured models defining mRNA synthesis and half-life from the preceding paper (Hunt, 1974) and the known content of globin in a reticulocyte it is possible to estimate the absolute rate of mRNA and globin synthesis and the mRNA and globin content in each type of erythroid cell. The best model requires an mRNA-synthetic rate of 3000 molecules per h/cell. This rate compares favourably with the estimated chain-extension rate of 43 nucleotides/s in Escherichia coli (Manor et al., 1969) provided that the four alpha- and beta-chain cistrons per cell are transcribed by polymerases spaced 50 nucleotide base pairs apart. Similar calculations can be made for erythropoiesis in the chick embryo, where cell times and relative globin content at each mitosis have been measured (Campbell et al., 1971), but where no reliable estimates of mRNA half-life have been made. In this case it was estimated that a constant rate of mRNA synthesis at 10000 molecules per h/cell through six cell divisions is necessary if the mRNA half-life is 15h; after the sixth mitosis the mRNA synthesis would stop and its half-life would increase to approx. 20h. If an mRNA half-life of 4.5h is used, the synthesis rate through the six mitoses would be 21000 molecules per h/cell, ceasing at the sixth mitosis, when the half-life would need to increase to 25h. The chain-elongation rate for the four alpha- and beta-globin cistrons per cell would be 1-2 times higher than in E. coli and would either require a greater rate, polymerases spaced between 25 and 50 nucleotide base pairs apart on the DNA, or limited gene replication. These possibilities are discussed in the light of the low values found for globin cistron multiplicity in ducks and mice.  相似文献   

Immunoreactive prolactin (ir-PRL) in rat brain has been consistently documented. However, the identity of this ir-PRL is controversial. Ir-PRL is defined by its ability to bind to PRL antibodies. All previous studies of brain ir-PRL have used polyclonal antibodies, at least one of which apparently crossreacts with a portion of the proopiomelanocortin molecule. To begin to define the epitopes comprising ir-PRL in the brain, we utilized two monoclonal antibodies (MAb) that recognize pituitary PRL in a variety of species, including rat. Immunocytochemistry was performed on rat brains and pituitary glands using two monoclonal and one polyclonal PRL antibody. Although both MAb immunostained lactotrophs of the rat pituitary gland, neither antibody immunostained cell bodies or neuronal processes in the brain. However, the polyclonal antiserum immunostained lactotrophs and a system of neuronal cell bodies and processes in the brain. Thus, epitopes found in pituitary PRL from several species are not found in ir-PRL in rat brain.  相似文献   

Depletion of pituitary prolactin (PRL) and PRL release into culture medium were simultaneously examined over a 3.5- to 4.0-hr incubation period from anterior pituitary fragments obtained from Fischer-344 or Wistar-Furth female rats treated with estrogen for 5 days, in pituitary tumors induced by 8 weeks of diethylstilbestrol (DES) treatment in Fischer-344 rats and in MtTW15 pituitary tumors transplanted subcutaneously in Wistar-Furth rats for 4 weeks. Our objective was to determine if the event known as transformation, which we define as a loss in the tissue PRL content without a corresponding and equivalent increase in the medium PRL content, occurs in rat pituitary tumors. Our results indicated that transformation did not occur in vitro in rat anterior pituitary tumors induced in Fischer-344 rats by DES treatment but was present in pituitaries from Fischer-344 rats treated for 5 days with estrogen, which served as controls. We also observed in vitro transformation in the anterior pituitary of Wistar-Furth rats treated with estrogen for 5 days (controls) and in the pituitaries of Wistar-Furth rats inoculated with the MtTW15 tumor for 4 weeks, but not in the MtTW15 tumor itself. Although transformation was present in both Fischer-344 and Wistar-Furth rats treated acutely with estrogen the timing of the transformation was delayed 1-2 hr in the Fischer-344 rats compared with Wistar-Furth females. We concluded that transformation does not precede release of prolactin in rat pituitary tumors and that in normal pituitaries the mechanisms of transformation are induced differently between the strains of rats examined.  相似文献   

Prolactin (PRL) mRNA concentrations were assessed by nucleic acid hybridization assays in pituitaries of ewes representing the defined stages of the ovine estrous cycle. Concomitantly, pituitary and serum PRL concentrations were measured in these ewes using radioimmunoassays. It was observed that PRL serum, pituitary and mRNA concentrations tended to increase near the time of the gonadotropin preovulatory surge, particularly between 24 hrs before behavioral estrus to 5 hours after estrus. However, the changes in PRL mRNA, serum and pituitary concentrations were shown not to be statistically significant. These data suggest that PRL production during the sheep estrous cycle is maintained without dramatic changes in synthesis or secretion.  相似文献   

Prolactin (PRL) secretion by monolayer cultures of turkey anterior pituitary cells was significantly increased (up to 44-fold) by vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), arginine vasotocin (AVT), and by an extract of turkey hypothalami (HE). Several other neuropeptides (including thyrotropin-releasing hormone) and neurotransmitters were ineffective in influencing PRL secretion at doses up to 10(-6) M. The dynamic PRL response to HE and VIP was studied using superfused pituitary cells attached to microcarrier beads. HE, administered in 30-min pulses, resulted in a significant, dose-related increase in PRL secretion from a basal secretion rate of 2.32 ng/min/10(7) cells to a peak secretion rate of 127.13 ng/min/10(7) cells at the highest dose of HE tested (1 mg tissue-equivalent weight/ml). VIP significantly increased PRL secretion at all doses studied (from 10(-10) to 10(-6) M), with 10(-8) M VIP producing a response similar to that observed with 1 mg/ml HE. A highly significant (P less than 0.001) linear relationship was demonstrated between the log-dose of VIP administered and peak PRL secretion rate. These studies suggest that VIP, but not TRH, may be a physiological stimulus for PRL release in the turkey.  相似文献   

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