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Nuclear localization of the tight junction protein ZO-2 in epithelial cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The tight junction constitutes the major barrier to solute and water flow through the paracellular space of epithelia and endothelia. It is formed by transmembrane proteins and submembranous molecules such as the MAGUKs ZOs. We have previously found that several MAGUKs, including those of the tight (ZO-1, ZO-2, and ZO-3) and septate junction (tamou and Dlg), contain one or two nuclear sorting signals located at their first PDZ and GK domains. Now we show that these proteins also contain a nuclear export signal and focus our study on the nuclear membrane shuttling of ZO-2. In sparse cultures this molecule concentrates at the nucleus in clusters, where it partially colocalizes with splicing factor SC35. Nuclear staining diminishes as the monolayer acquires confluence through a process sensitive to the nuclear export inhibitor leptomycin B. Nuclear localization can be induced by impairing cell-cell contacts, by mechanical injury. ZO-2 that shuttles from the cell periphery into the nucleus is not newly synthesized but originates from a preexistent pool. The movement of this protein is mediated by the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

The tight junction (TJ) protein ZO-2 changes its subcellular distribution according to the state of confluency of the culture. Thus in confluent monolayers, it localizes at the TJ region whereas in sparse cultures it concentrates at the nucleus. The canine sequence of ZO-2 displays four putative nuclear export signals (NES), two at the second PDZ domain (NES-0 and NES-1) and the rest at the GK region (NES-2 and NES-3). The functionality of NES-0 and NES-3 was unknown, hence here we have explored it with a nuclear export assay, injecting into the nucleus of MDCK cells peptides corresponding to the ZO-2 NES sequences chemically coupled to ovalbumin. We show that both NES-0 and NES-3 are functional and sensitive to leptomycin B. We also demonstrate that NES-1, previously characterized as a non functional NES, is rendered capable of nuclear export upon the acquisition of a negative charge at its Ser369 residue. Experiments performed injecting at the nucleus WT and mutated ZO-2-GST fusion proteins revealed the need of both NES-0 and NES-1, and NES-2 and NES-3 for attaining an efficient nuclear exit of the respective amino and middle segments of ZO-2. Moreover, the transfection of MDCK cells with full-length ZO-2 revealed that the mutation of any of the NES present in the molecule was sufficient to induce nuclear accumulation of the protein.  相似文献   

Recent evidence points to a multifunctional role of ZO-2, the tight junction protein of the MAGUK (membrane-associated guanylate kinase-like) family. Though ZO-2 has been found in cell types lacking tight junction structures, such as vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC), little is known about ZO-2 function in these cells. We provide evidence that ZO-2 mediates specific homotypic cell-to-cell contacts between VSMC. Using mass spectrometry we found that ZO-2 is associated with the non-receptor tyrosine kinase Jak1. By generating specific ZO-2 constructs we further found that the N-terminal fragment of ZO-2 molecule is responsible for this interaction. Adenovirus-based expression of Jak1 inactive mutant demonstrated that Jak1 mediates ZO-2 tyrosine phosphorylation. By means of RNA silencing, expression of Jak1 mutant form and fluorescently labeled ZO-2 fusion protein we further specified that active Jak1, but not Jak1 inactive mutant, mediates ZO-2 localization to the sites of intercellular contacts. We identified the urokinase receptor uPAR as a pre-requisite for these cellular events. Functional requirement of the revealed signaling complex for VSMC network formation was confirmed in experiments using Matrigel and in contraction assay. Our findings imply involvement of the ZO-2 tight junction independent signaling complex containing Jak1 and uPAR in VSMC intercellular communications. This mechanism may contribute to vascular remodeling in occlusive cardiovascular diseases and in arteriogenesis.  相似文献   

ZO-2 is a tight junction (TJ) protein that shuttles between the plasma membrane and the nucleus. ZO-2 contains several protein binding sites that allow it to function as a scaffold that clusters integral, adaptor and signaling proteins. To gain insight into the role of ZO-2 in epithelial cells, ZO-2 was silenced in MDCK cells with small interference RNA (siRNA). ZO-2 silencing triggered: (A) changes in the gate function of the TJ, determined by an increase in dextran flow through the paracellular route of mature monolayers and achievement of lower transepithelial electrical resistance values upon TJ de novo formation; (B) changes in the fence function of the TJ manifested by a non-polarized distribution of E-cadherin on the plasma membrane; (C) altered expression of TJ and adherens junction proteins, determined by a decreased amount of occludin and E-cadherin in mature monolayers and a delayed arrival to the plasma membrane of ZO-1, occludin and E-cadherin during a calcium switch assay; and (D) an atypical monolayer architecture characterized by the appearance of widened intercellular spaces, multistratification of regions in the culture and an altered pattern of actin at the cellular borders.  相似文献   

c-Src is a non-receptor tyrosine kinase involved in regulating cell proliferation, cell migration and cell invasion and is tightly controlled by reversible phosphorylation on regulatory sites and through protein-protein interactions. The interaction of c-Src with PDZ proteins was recently identified as novel mechanism to restrict c-Src function. The objective of this study was to identify and characterise PDZ proteins that interact with c-Src to control its activity. By PDZ domain array screen, we identified the interaction of c-Src with the PDZ protein Membrane Protein Palmitoylated 2 (MPP2), a member of the Membrane-Associated Guanylate Kinase (MAGUK) family, to which also the Discs large (Dlg) tumour suppressor protein belongs. The function of MPP2 has not been established and the functional significance of the MPP2 c-Src interaction is not known. We found that in non-transformed breast epithelial MCF-10A cells, endogenous MPP2 associated with the cytoskeleton in filamentous structures, which partially co-localised with microtubules and c-Src. MPP2 and c-Src interacted in cells, where c-Src kinase activity promoted increased interaction of c-Src with MPP2. We furthermore found that MPP2 was able to negatively regulate c-Src kinase activity in cells, suggesting that the functional significance of the MPP2-c-Src interaction is to restrict Src activity. Consequently, the c-Src-dependent disorganisation of the cortical actin cytoskeleton of epithelial cells expressing c-Src was suppressed by MPP2. In conclusion we demonstrate here that MPP2 interacts with c-Src in cells to control c-Src activity and morphological function.  相似文献   

Haematogenous spread is a key step in the development of Acanthamoeba granulomatous encephalitis, however it is not clear how circulating amoebae cross the blood–brain barrier to enter the CNS to produce disease. Using the primary human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMEC), which constitute the blood–brain barrier, here it is shown that Acanthamoeba abolishes the HBMEC transendothelial electrical resistance. Using traversal assays, it was observed that Acanthamoeba crosses the HBMEC monolayers. The primary interactions of Acanthamoeba with the HBMEC resulted in increased protein tyrosine phosphorylations and the activation of RhoA, suggesting host–parasite cross-talk. Furthermore, Western blot assays revealed that Acanthamoeba degraded occludin and zonula occludens-1 proteins in a Rho kinase-dependent manner. Overall, these findings suggest that Acanthamoeba affects the integrity of the monolayer and traverses the HBMEC by targeting the tight junction proteins.  相似文献   

In stratified squamous epithelia constituent proteins of tight junctions (TJs) are not restricted to the zonula occludens-related structures of the uppermost living cell layer such as the stratum granulosum of the epidermis but TJ membrane proteins such as occludin and certain members of the claudin family as well as TJ plaque proteins, notably cingulin and protein ZO-1, have also been identified by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy in more basal layers where they form special cell-cell-connecting structures such as the "lamellated" and the "sandwich" junctions. In the present study, we describe another TJ protein-containing structure, the very small puncta occludentia ("stud junctions"), as the smallest identifiable TJ-like unit that occurs in most, perhaps all strata. We have also determined the specific distributions of TJ proteins in the cell layers of squamous cell metaplasias of the human bronchial tract. Moreover, we show that the occludin-related tetraspanin protein tricellulin-alpha connects and seals the membranes of adjacent "three corner" cell structures of the uppermost layer in keratinocytes growing in culture. We hypothesize the possible occurrence of tricellulin-beta in more basal cell layers of keratinocyte cultures and the general occurrence of different tricellulin splice forms in stratified epithelia in situ, and discuss the possible functions of TJ proteins in stratified epithelia and tumors derived therefrom.  相似文献   

Development of tight junctions and cell polarity in epithelial cells requires a complex cellular machinery to execute an internal program in response to ambient cues. Tight junctions, a product of this machinery, can act as gates of the paracellular pathway, fences that keep the identity of plasma membrane domains, bridges that communicate neighboring cells. The polarization internal program and machinery are conserved in yeast, worms, flies and mammals, and in cell types as different as epithelia, neurons and lymphocytes. Polarization and tight junctions are dynamic features that change during development, in response to physiological and pharmacological challenges and in pathological situations like infection.  相似文献   

The effect of the uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation, FCCP (carbonylcyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone), on the tight junction of Madin-Darby canine kidney cells was examined. FCCP induced an abrupt decrease in the transepithelial electrical resistance of the confluent monolayers over a period of 20 s. When FCCP was withdrawn from the incubation medium, the monolayer resistance recovered to close to the original level in less than 2 h. Staining of the tight junction-associated protein ZO-1 showed that the changes in transepithelial electrical resistance were accompanied by a diffusing of the protein away from cell peripheries and a reconcentration to the tight junction areas following resistance recovery. Intracellular pH was decreased by FCCP on a similar time-scale with no obvious changes in ATP levels over this time-course. These data suggest that the uncoupler FCCP has a profound effect on tight junction permeability and cellular distribution of the tight junction protein ZO-1 in the epithelial cells and that it probably acts by breaking down proton gradients and altering intracellular pH.  相似文献   

The polarization of hepatocytes involves formation of functionally distinct sinusoidal (basolateral) and bile canalicular (apical) plasma membrane domains that are separated by tight junctions. Although various molecular mechanisms and signaling cascades including polarity complex proteins may contribute to bile canalicular formation in hepatocytes, the role of tight junction proteins in bile canalicular formation remains unclear. To investigate the role of the integral tight junction protein claudin-2 in bile canalicular formation, we depleted claudin-2 expression by siRNA in the polarized hepatic cell line WIF-B9 after treatment with or without phenobarbital. When WIF-B9 cells were treated with phenobarbital, claudin-2 expression and tight junction strands were markedly increased together with induction of canalicular formation with a biliary secretion function. Knockdown of claudin-2 prevented bile canalicular formation after treatment with or without phenobarbital. Furthermore, knockdown of claudin-2 caused a change from a hepatic polarized phenotype to a simple polarized phenotype, together with upregulation of pLKB1, pMAPK, pAkt and pp38 MAPK, but not pMLC, PTEN or cdc42, and an increase of intracellular vacuoles, which were present before bile canalicular formation. These results suggest that claudin-2 may affect not only the bile canalicular seal but also bile canalicular formation.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1988,107(6):2389-2399
Using the monoclonal antibody R26.4, we have previously identified a approximately 225-kD peripheral membrane protein, named ZO-1, that is uniquely associated with the tight junction (zonula occludens) in a variety of epithelia including the Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) epithelial cell line (Stevenson, B. R., J. D. Siliciano, M. S. Mooseker, and D. A. Goodenough. 1986. J. Cell Biol. 103:755-766). In this study we have analyzed the effects of cell-cell contact and extracellular calcium on the localization and the solubility of ZO-1. In confluent monolayers under normal calcium conditions, ZO-1 immunoreactivity is found exclusively at the plasma membrane in the region of the junctional complex. If MDCK cells are maintained in spinner culture under low calcium conditions, ZO-1 is diffusely organized within the cytoplasm. After the plating of suspension cells at high cell density in medium with normal calcium concentrations, ZO-1 becomes localized to the plasma membrane at sites of cell-cell contact within 5 h in a process that is independent of de novo protein synthesis. However, if suspension cells are plated at high density in low calcium medium or if suspension cells are plated at low cell density in normal calcium growth medium, ZO-1 remains diffusely organized. ZO-1 localization also becomes diffuse in monolayers that have been established in normal calcium medium and then subsequently switched into low calcium medium. These results suggest that both extracellular calcium and cell-cell contact are necessary for normal localization of ZO-1 to the plasma membrane. An analysis of the solubility properties of ZO-1 from suspension cells and monolayers revealed that high salt, nonionic detergent, and a buffer containing chelators were somewhat more effective at solubilizing ZO-1 from suspension cells than from monolayers.  相似文献   

MAGI-1, a member of the MAGUK family of proteins, is shown to be rapidly cleaved during Fas-induced apoptosis in mouse 3T3 A31 cells, and in UV irradiation- and staurosporine-induced apoptosis in HaCaT cells. This generates a 97 kDa N-terminal fragment that dissociates from the cell membrane; a process that is largely prevented in the presence of the caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-fmk. In addition, we show that in vitro translated radiolabelled MAGI-1 is efficiently cleaved into 97 kDa and 68 kDa fragments by caspases-3 and -7 at physiological concentrations and mutating the MAGI-1 Asp761 to Ala completely abolished the caspase-induced cleavage. Moreover, in HaCaT cells overexpressing the MAGI-1 Asp761Ala mutant the disruption of cell-cell contacts was delayed during apoptosis, whereas other caspase-dependent processes such as nuclear condensation were not affected, suggesting that cell detachment is parallel to them. Thus, MAGI-1 cleavage appears to be an important step in the disassembly of cell-cell contacts during apoptosis.  相似文献   

The effects of the sensory neurotransmitter substance P on the expression of tight junction proteins and on barrier function in human corneal epithelial cells were investigated. The expression of ZO-1, but not that of occludin or claudin-1, was increased by substance P in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. This effect was inhibited by the NK-1 receptor antagonist GR82334 and by KN62, an inhibitor of Ca2+- and calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II. Substance P also increased the transepithelial electrical resistance of a cell monolayer in a manner sensitive to GR82334. Substance P may therefore play a role in maintenance of tight junctions in the corneal epithelium.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid hormones stimulate adherens and tight junction formation in Con8 mammary epithelial tumor cells through a multistep process in which the membrane organization of structural apical junction proteins and tight junction sealing is controlled by specific signal transduction components. We have previously shown that dexamethasone stimulation of apical junction formation requires down-regulation of the small GTPase RhoA. Here we identified Rnd3/RhoE, a GTPase-deficient Rho family member and RhoA antagonist, as a key regulator of apical junction dynamics. Exogenously expressed Rnd3/RhoE co-localized with actin at the cell periphery and induced the localization of the adherens junction protein beta-catenin and the tight junction protein ZO-1 to sites of cell-cell contact, and led to the formation of highly sealed tight junctions. Treatment with glucocorticoids was not required to achieve complete apical junction remodeling. Consistent with Rnd3/RhoE acting as an antagonist of RhoA, expression of Rnd3/RhoE rescued the disruptive effects of constitutively active RhoA on apical junction organization. Our results demonstrate a new role for the Rho family member Rnd3/RhoE in regulating the assembly of the apical junction complex and tight junction sealing.  相似文献   

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