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The effect of an artificially induced drought was investigated in an 80-year-old sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) stand in southern Quebec. We hypothesized that leaf peroxidase activity would increase, and that leaf nutrient deficiencies typical of declining trees (K, Mg) would develop during the year following the imposition of the drought. An impermeable tarpaulin was placed on the ground at the base of the trees during the summer of 1991. Foliage and soils were sampled periodically during the summers of 1991 and 1992. The treated trees showed decreased leaf water potential and increased peroxidase activity over most of the 1991 growing season. Diameter growth was significantly reduced in 1992. Soil NO 3 - and K+ were elevated while Mn2+ was reduced under the tarpaulin treatment at various times during the 1991 growing season. Soil NO 3 - , NH 4 + , K+ and Mg2+ were elevated in the treated plots at various times during the 1992 growing season even though there was a lack of effect on foliar nutrient concentrations over the same period. Drought conditions may have reduced water and nutrient uptake without significantly affecting leaf nutrient status.  相似文献   

Nutrient imbalances of declining sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) stands in southeastern Quebec have been associated with high exchangeable Mg levels in soils relative to soil K and Ca. A greenhouse experiment was set up to test the hypothesis that the equilibrium between soil exchangeable K, Ca, and Mg ions influences the growth and nutrient status of sugar maple seedlings. Also tested was whether endomycorrhization can alter nutrient acquisition under various soil exchangeable basic cations ratios. Treatments consisted of seven ratios of soil exchangeable K, Ca, and Mg making up a total base saturation of 58%, and a soil inoculation treatment with the endomycorrhizal fungus Glomus versiforme (control and inoculated), in a complete factorial design. Sugar maple seedlings were grown for 3 months in the treated soils. Plant shoot elongation rate, dry biomass and nutrient concentrations in foliage were influenced by the various ratios of soil cations. The predicted plant biomass and foliar K concentration were highest at a soil Ca saturation of 38%, a soil K saturation of 12%, and a soil Mg saturation of 8%. Potassium concentration in foliage was dependent on the level of Ca and Mg saturation in the soil when soil K saturation was close to 12%. Foliar Ca and Mg levels were more dependent on their corresponding levels in soil than foliar K. Colonization by G. versiforme did not influence seedling growth and macronutrient uptake. The results confirm that growth and nutrition of sugar maple are negatively affected by imbalances in exchangeable basic cations in soils.  相似文献   

Although it is well accepted that cytokinins (CKs) regulate processes such as leaf senescence and stomatal conductance, data on CKs in the canopy of mature trees are lacking in the literature. Here we report the first in situ sampling for determination of CKs in mature sugar maple (Acer saccharum) canopy layers. The upper canopy showed a distinct seasonal pattern in total CK content, while the lower canopy remained relatively unchanged.This project was supported by an NSERC Discovery Grant to RJNE.  相似文献   

Differential uptake and translocation of Ca and Sr in organisms have been reported, calling into question the use of Sr to track Ca cycling in the environment. We investigated the relationship between Ca/Sr ratios in soil extracts of various strengths (H2O, NH4Cl, and NH4EDTA) and seedlings of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) grown from natural regeneration on 37 sites. Our objectives were to determine if Ca/Sr ratios in soil extracts are correlated with those in sugar maple tissues, and what soil extractant best duplicate plant tissue Ca/Sr ratios. Leaves had higher Ca/Sr ratios than stems and the extractants did not produce equal Ca/Sr ratios: H2O had the lowest Ca/Sr, and NH4EDTA the highest. The relationships between soil extract Ca/Sr ratios and leaf and stem Ca/Sr ratios were significant and linear, but the slopes differed among extractants. The lowest slope (0.45) was observed for the water extract/leaves and the highest (2.15) for the NH4EDTA extract/stem with discrimination factors ranging from 0.22 with NH4EDTA to 1.59 for water. Leaf extracts were more strongly correlated with soil Ca/Sr than stem extracts (R 2 of 0.57–0.7 vs. R 2 of 0.45–0.6, respectively). These findings support the use of Ca/Sr ratios in plants to track their source of soil Ca, but they highlight the need to calibrate the relationships for the plant tissue and soil extractant used.  相似文献   

Seedlings of yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis Britton) and sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) were grown for 2 years in mono-culture and mixed-culture and at three fertility levels. Following the second growing season, senescent leaves were analysed for N concentration, acid hydrolysable substances (AHS), and nonhydrolysable remains (NHR). A litter sub-sample was then inoculated with indigenous soil microflora, incubated 14 weeks, and mass loss was measured. Litter-N was significantly higher at medium than at poor fertility, as well as in yellow birch than in sugar maple litter. The species effect on litter-N increased with increasing fertility. At medium fertility, litter-N of sugar maple litter was lower in mixed-culture than in mono-culture. AHS, NHR as well the NHR/N ratio were significantly higher in yellow birch than in sugar maple litter. At medium fertility, the NHR/N ratio of sugar maple litter was significantly lower in mono-culture than in mixed-culture. Mass loss was significantly greater at medium and rich fertility than at poor fertility, and in yellow birch than in sugar maple litter. At poor fertility, mixed-litter decomposed at a rate comparable to yellow birch, whereas at medium and rich fertility, mixed-litter decomposed at a rate comparable to sugar maple. There was a significant positive relationship between litter-N and mass loss. A similar positive relationship between NHR and mass loss was presumed to be a species effect on decomposition. Results support the hypothesis that species × fertility and species × mixture interactions can be important determinants of litter quality and, by implication, of site nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

We evaluated the association of red coloration with senescence in sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) leaves by assessing differences in leaf retention strength and the progression of the abscission layer through the vascular bundle of green, yellow, and red leaves of 14 mature open-grown trees in October 2002. Computer image analysis confirmed visual categorization of leaves as predominantly green, yellow or red, and chemical quantification of leaf pigment concentrations verified that leaf color reflected underlying differences in leaf biochemistry. Significantly lower chlorophyll concentrations within red and yellow leaves indicated that senescence was more advanced in leaves from these color categories relative to green leaves. Among leaf types, only red leaves contained high concentrations of anthocyanins. There were significant differences in leaf retention capacity among color categories, with the petioles of green leaves being the most firmly attached to twigs, followed by red and then yellow leaves. Microscopic analysis indicated that yellow leaves had the most advanced extension of the abscission layer through the vasculature, with green and red leaves having significantly less abscission layer progression than yellow. A more limited progression of the abscission layer through vascular bundles may be evidence of delayed leaf senescence that could extend resorption of mobile leaf constituents. Together, results from this study suggest an association between leaf anthocyanin content and functional delays in senescence.  相似文献   

Small diameter (<1.0-mm) Acer saccharum Marsh roots were separated into white, brown and woody development state classes and analyzed for total N and C concentrations in April, July and October of 1988. White roots had greater concentrations of N and C than either brown or woody roots at each sampling date, and the N concentration of brown roots was consistently greater than that of woody roots. There were no temporal changes in N concentrations in any of the roots. C was slightly elevated in mid-summer in all three classes of roots. The data suggest the possible existence of an N translocation mechanism in ageing and developing fine roots. More research should be undertaken to establish the mechanisms of N loss in developing fine roots.  相似文献   

Leaf cytokinins (CKs) were profiled within four locations throughout the inner and outer layers of a mature sugar maple (Acer saccharum) canopy. Leaf CK was associated with leaf gas exchange activity and some corresponding microclimate variables. Both inner and outer layers in the upper canopy had higher concentrations of leaf CKs than the lower canopy layers and the difference was comprised primarily by riboside forms of CK. Transpiration (E) showed a similar pattern to leaf CK content, with significantly higher rates in the upper canopy. There was, however, no clear pattern discernable in stomatal conductance (gs), other than it tended to be higher in the outer canopy layers. The upper/outer canopy showed a significantly different environment than all other canopy positions with higher photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), ultra-violet light (UV-B) and leaf temperature. Simple linear regression analysis showed that the nucleotide CK group (including iPNT, cis- and trans-[9RMP]Z, [9RMP]DZ) was positively related to PAR. Exogenous applications of benzylaminopurine (BAP), showed that low concentrations of BAP reduced E and g s, and indicated that CK may help regulate stomatal aperture. The similar patterns in E and CK content suggest that CKs and leaf gas exchange are functionally connected.  相似文献   

Variation in tolerance to nutrient limitations may contribute to the differential success of sugar maple ( Acer saccharum Marsh.) and red maple ( Acer rubrum L.) on acid soils. The objectives of this study were to examine these relationships as influenced by light environment and test whether sensitivity to nutrient stress is mediated by oxidative stress. First-year sugar maple and red seedlings were grown on forest soil cores contrasting in nutrient availability under high or low light intensity. Foliar nutrition, photosynthesis, growth and antioxidant enzyme activity were assessed. Photosynthesis and growth of sugar maple were significantly lower on nutrient-poor soils and were correlated with leaf nutrient status with Ca and P having the strongest influence. For red maple, only chlorophyll content showed sensitivity to the nutrient-poor soils. High light exacerbated the negative effects of nutrient imbalances on photosynthesis and growth in sugar maple. Antioxidant enzyme activity in sugar maple was highest in seedlings growing on nutrient-poor soils and was inversely correlated with photosynthesis, Ca, P, and Mg concentrations. These results suggest that: (1) sugar maple is more sensitive to nutrient stresses associated with low pH soils than red maple; (2) high light increases sugar maple sensitivity to nutrient stress; (3) the negative effects of nutrient imbalances on sugar maple may be mediated by oxidative stress.  相似文献   

As part of a research project on the variation in life-history characteristics within a population of Plantago major L. ssp. pleiosperma, seasonal and spatial variability in the availability of macronutrients (N, P, and K) were examined on a small scale in the 0–25 cm soil depth at a primary beach plain site, embanked since 1966. On the basis of distinct differences, among other things, in plant biomass, an a priori division into three different types of microhabitat occurring in a mosaic distribution pattern was made: an overall low-lying area (subsite 1) with slightly elevated patches of 0.5 to 1.5 m in diameter (subsite 2) and rather large patches, 20 to 40 m in diameter, of sea buckthorn shrubs, with small and relatively open spots (subsite 3) in the transitional zone from lower area into scrub. All three subsite types were studied within a total area of approximately 2000 m2. Three methods of analysis were applied: an inventory survey (sampling once at the start of the growing season), an analysis of the seasonal variation (sampling at approximately monthly intervals during the period April-November), and an assessment of nitrogen mineralization potentials in the laboratory (sampling once at the beginning of the growing season). All three procedures clearly demonstrated the occurrence of differences in the availability of nutrients over very short distances, i.e. a pronounced spatial variability among subsites. Particularly the availability of N and P appeared to have increased at the subsites 2 and 3, when compared to subsite 1. This small-scale differentiation in soil properties has occurred in an essentially homogeneous parent material (e.g. in texture and carbonate content) over a period of about 20 years. Besides a spatial variability, statistically significant temporal fluctuations were observed in the availability of N, P, and K. Relative fluctuations of mineral N (as indicated by the range/mean ratio) were especially large at the subsites 2 and 3.  相似文献   

蔡昆争  骆世明  方祥 《生态学报》2006,26(6):1903-1911
研究了水稻覆膜旱作、裸地旱作、常规水作处理对根系形态、叶片水势、土壤养分、土壤微生物数量和土壤酶活性的影响。结果表明,覆膜旱作能改善水稻田间的生态环境,提高早季土壤温度1~3℃。与裸地旱作相比,覆膜旱作能增加抽穗期水稻根系的总根长、比根长,而这些指标与常规水作差别不大。在水稻抽穗期,无论是剑叶还是倒2叶的水势,均有如下趋势:水作〉覆膜旱作〉裸地旱作,但均未达到显著水平。不同处理对叶片叶绿素含量的影响在分蘖期差异不大,中后期覆膜旱作明显高于裸地旱作和常规水作,抽穗期分别增加29.44%和15.15%,成熟期则为74.4%、38.9%。覆膜旱作能显著增加水稻的有效穗数,早季和晚季产量比裸地旱作增产10.6%和12.5%,而与常规水作差别不大。与裸地旱作和常规水作相比,覆膜旱作土壤养分含量在分蘖期除了全磷、速效氮显著增加外,其他指标差异不大。而抽穗期则由于覆膜后作物对养分的消耗加大从而使土壤养分含量下降,特别是总磷、速效磷、速效钾与常规水作相比显著下降,分别降低25.9%,31.9%,16.2%。而成熟期则大多指标与常规水作相比有所下降,但未达到显著水平。与常规水作栽培相比,覆膜旱作能增加土壤微生物细菌、真菌、放线菌2.5倍,显著增加土壤过氧化氢酶和蔗糖酶的活性,而土壤脲酶活性则差异不大。土壤过氧化氢酶活性在分蘖期、抽穗期、成熟期分别增加13.8%,81.3%,17.4%,蔗糖酶活性则分别增加42.8%,28.8%和69.9%。  相似文献   

Hänninen  K.  Ohtonen  R.  Huttunen  S. 《Plant and Soil》1999,216(1-2):129-138
Legumes as ground cover are regularly planted to increase nitrogen economy of crops and to improve soil. In the present study various clover species were evaluated as vegetative ground cover in nursery field production of micropropagated red birch (Betula pubescensEhrh. f. rubraUlvinen f. nova) in two 2-year experiments. The clover species and cultivars, Trifolium pratenseL. ‘Bjursele’, T. repens L. ‘Jogeva’, T. repens L. ‘Sonja’, T. hybridum L. ‘Frida’, T. incarnatum L. ‘Opolska’, T. resupinatum L. and T. subterraneum L. were compared to grass sod Festuca rubra L. ‘Ensylva’ and to a coverless ground (control). The last one was kept weed free by hand hoeing. Birch (leaves, stems, branches and roots) and soil nutrient concentrations (N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Fe) were analysed and nutrient ratios in birch determined. The annual clovers, T. incarnatumL., T. resupinatumL. and T. subterraneumL., provided about the same nutrient status in birch as did the control. Perennial clovers and grass were strong competitors with trees. High levels of P and Mg in birch leaves relative to N concentration were typical for poorly growing seedlings. Neither annual nor perennial clovers did generally improve soil nutrient status. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Nutrient availability influences virtually every aspect of an ecosystem, and is a critical modifier of ecosystem responses to global change. Although this crucial role of nutrient availability in regulating ecosystem structure and functioning has been widely acknowledged, nutrients are still often neglected in observational and experimental synthesis studies due to difficulties in comparing the nutrient status across sites. In the current study, we explain different nutrient‐related concepts and discuss the potential of soil‐, plant‐ and remote sensing‐based metrics to compare the nutrient status across space. Based on our review and additional analyses on a dataset of European, managed temperate and boreal forests (ICP [International Co‐operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests] Forests dataset), we conclude that the use of plant‐ and remote sensing‐based metrics that rely on tissue stoichiometry is limited due to their strong dependence on species identity. The potential use of other plant‐based metrics such as Ellenberg indicator values and plant‐functional traits is also discussed. We conclude from our analyses and review that soil‐based metrics have the highest potential for successful intersite comparison of the nutrient status. As an example, we used and adjusted a soil‐based metric, previously developed for conifer forests across Sweden, against the same ICP Forests data. We suggest that this adjusted and further adaptable metric, which included the organic carbon concentration in the upper 20 cm of the soil (including the organic fermentation‐humus [FH] layer), the C:N ratio and of the FH layer, can be used as a complementary tool along with other indicators of nutrient availability, to compare the background nutrient status across temperate and boreal forests dominated by spruce, pine or beech. Future collection and provision of harmonized soil data from observational and experimental sites is crucial for further testing and adjusting the metric.  相似文献   

Near a hen house (50–600 m), vitality ofPinus sylvestris, N-, P-, K-, Ca-, Mg-contents of the needles, N-, Mg-, K-, Ca- and Al-contents in soil extracts and NH3/NH 4 + -contents of the air were determined. Damage symptoms occurred when N-immissions hit the canopy directly. In contrast no visible decline of the above ground plant could be observed if N was mainly deposited on the soil.  相似文献   

Canopy structure and light interception were measured in an 18-m tall, closed canopy deciduous forest of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) in southwestern Wisconsin, USA, and related to leaf structural characteristics, N content, and leaf photosynthetic capacity. Light attenuation in the forest occurred primarily in the upper and middle portions of the canopy. Forest stand leaf area index (LAI) and its distribution with respect to canopy height were estimated from canopy transmittance values independently verified with a combined leaf litterfall and point-intersect method. Leaf mass, N and A max per unit area (LMA, N/area and A max/area, respectively) all decreased continuously by over two-fold from the upper to lower canopy, and these traits were strongly correlated with cumulative leaf area above the leaf position in the canopy. In contrast, neither N concentration nor A max per unit mass varied significantly in relation to the vertical canopy gradient. Since leaf N concentration showed no consistent pattern with respect to canopy position, the observed vertical pattern in N/area is a direct consequence of vertical variation of LMA. N/area and LMA were strongly correlated with A max/area among different canopy positions (r2=0.81 and r2=0.66, respectively), indicating that vertical variation in area-based photosynthetic capacity can also be attributed to variation in LMA. A model of whole-canopy photosynthesis was used to show that observed or hypothetical canopy mass distributions toward higher LMA (and hence higher N/area) in the upper portions of the canopy tended to increase integrated daily canopy photosynthesis over other LMA distribution patterns. Empirical relationships between leaf and canopy-level characteristics may help resolve problems associated with scaling gas exchange measurements made at the leaf level to the individual tree crown and forest canopy-level.  相似文献   

林亚军  吴楠  张元明 《生态学报》2018,38(17):6156-6162
以古尔班通古特沙漠2016年6月意外火烧事件为背景,对比分析火烧和未火烧样地区不同土壤深度化学性质、土壤酶活性的变化特征,为全面评估火烧对温带荒漠生态系统的影响提供土壤学依据。结果表明:火烧样地和对照样地土壤养分含量和酶活性总体上均表现为上层土壤(0—5 cm)大于下层土壤(5—10 cm),仅土壤氧化酶(过氧化氢酶)活性表现为下层土壤大于上层土壤。同时,火烧和土壤深度存在交互效应,火烧对土壤特性的影响受土壤深度的限制。土壤化学性质受火烧的影响主要表现在0—5 cm土壤层,尤其是速效养分在火烧之后有显著增加趋势。火烧对5—10 cm土壤层土壤化学性质无显著影响。火烧后,硝态氮(NO3-N)含量显著下降,铵态氮(NH4-N)含量上升。土壤水解酶、氧化酶活性在火烧之后降低,具体表现为,蔗糖酶、脲酶、β-葡萄糖苷酶活性在0—5 cm和5—10 cm土壤层均极显著下降,而碱性磷酸酶活性仅在0—5 cm土壤层显著下降。过氧化氢酶活性则在5—10 cm土壤层活性显著下降。表明上层土壤水解酶活性对火烧干扰较为敏感,氧化酶活性在火烧干扰下相对稳定。从各土层土壤酶活性的变化特征来看,火烧对水解酶活性的影响随土壤深度增加而降低,而氧化酶则呈现相反的趋势。总体而言,火烧显著提高了古尔班通古特沙漠土壤速效养分的含量,降低了土壤酶活性,不同土壤酶对火烧响应的敏感程度不同。为深入评估火烧干扰对温带荒漠生态系统的影响提供一定理论依据。  相似文献   

Summary Intensive harvesting of native eucalypt forests is carried out in the Eden area in the south east coastal region of New South Wales, Australia. Soil nutrient capital and nutrient removals in forest harvesting were estimated together with potential impacts of these removals on the nutrient capital balance. Soils were anlysed from eighty sites for phosphorus fractions, including organic phosphorus fractions, and total and exchangeable cations. Based on typical forest harvesting systems, it was found that 3–4 kg phosphorus would be removed per hectare. Due to equilibrium between the various soil phosphorus components, depletion would not be solely from the more available pools. It is expected that at least four forest rotations (320 years) would be required before any detectable change would occur, within forest communities. A similar depletion estimate was calculated for the potentially most vulnerable cation, calcium. The other nutrient cations, magnesium and potassium had considerably greater reserves.  相似文献   

Established red maple (Acer rubrum L.) callus was cultured on media varying in auxin (NAA or 2,4-D) and cytokinin (BA) concentrations. Callus growth was positively affected by the presence of both an auxin and cytokinin in the medium. Optimal growth depended on the ratio of cytokinin/auxin as well as the total amount of plant growth regulators in the medium.Abbreviations (NAA) naphthaleneacetic acid - (2,4-D) 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - (BA) and 6-benzylaminopurine  相似文献   

Whole-canopy measurements of water flux were used to calculate stomatal conductance (g s ) and transpiration (E) for seedlings of western water birch (Betula occidentalis Hook.) under various soil-plant hydraulic conductances (k), evaporative driving forces (ΔN; difference in leaf-to-air molar fraction of water vapor), and soil water potentials (Ψs). As expected, g s dropped in response to decreased k or ΨS, or increased ΔN(> 0.025). Field data showed a decrease in mid-day g s with decreasing k from soil-to-petiole, with sapling and adult plants having lower values of both parameters than juveniles. Stomatal closure prevented E and Ψ from inducing xylem cavitation except during extreme soil drought when cavitation occurred in the main stem and probably roots as well. Although all decreases in g s were associated with approximately constant bulk leaf water potential (ψl), this does not logically exclude a feedback response between ΨL and g s . To test the influence of leaf versus root water status on g s , we manipulated water status of the leaf independently of the root by using a pressure chamber enclosing the seedling root system; pressurizing the chamber alters cell turgor and volume only in the shoot cells outside the chamber. Stomatal closure in response to increased ΔN, decreased k, and decreased ΨS was fully or partially reversed within 5 min of pressurizing the soil. Bulk ΨL remained constant before and after soil pressurizing because of the increase in E associated with stomatal opening. When ΔN was low (i.e., < 0.025), pressurizing the soil either had no effect on g s , or caused it to decline; and bulk ΨL increased. Increased Ψl may have caused stomatal closure via increased backpressure on the stomatal apparatus from elevated epidermal turgor. The stomatal response to soil pressurizing indicated a central role of leaf cells in sensing water stress caused by high ΔN, low k, and low ΨS. Invoking a prominent role for feedforward signalling in short-term stomatal control may be premature.  相似文献   

【背景】转基因作物可能通过根系分泌物和植株残体组成的改变对土壤酶活性和养分转化产生影响,转基因作物对土壤质量的影响是其环境安全性评价的重要方面。【方法】本研究通过田间定位试验分析了连续3a种植2种转crylAc/cpti双价抗虫基因水稻后,土壤酶活性和养分有效性等土壤质量性状的变化。【结果】在水稻各生育期内,除齐穗期转基因稻科丰8号(GM1)田的土壤酸性磷酸酶活性显著(P〈0.05)高于其受体非转基因稻明恢86(CK1)外,转基因稻GM1、GM2(Ⅱ优科丰8号)的土壤酸性磷酸酶、碱性磷酸酶和脲酶活性与对应非转基因稻CK1、CK2(Ⅱ优明恢86)间均无显著差异。同时,在水稻生长过程中,土壤pH、有机质、有效氮、有效磷和速效钾等土壤理化指标在GM1和CK1或GM2和CK2间也均无显著差异。【结论与意义】连续38种植转crylAc/cpti双价抗虫基因水稻并未改变稻田土壤中主要营养元素的有效性及其相关土壤酶活性,即短期内种植转crylAc/cpti双价抗虫基因水稻不会影响土壤酶活性和养分状况。该结果为进一步评价转基因水稻的生态风险提供了一定的依据。  相似文献   

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