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Specific 3H-naloxone binding with isolated rat enterocytes has been demonstrated. This binding was selectively inhibited by different opiates and proved to be irreversible, temperature-dependent and sodium azide-sensitive. The presence of naloxone binding sites on enterocytes indicates a possible involvement of opiates in the regulation of enterocyte functions.  相似文献   

Isolated enterocytes from rat small intestine were characterized for their specific binding of epidermal growth factor (EGF). Intestinal epithelial cells were isolated at 4 degrees C to minimize the loss of receptor sites during the isolation procedure. 125I-labelled EGF binding to enterocytes from adult rats was found to be specific, saturable, temperature dependent and trypsin sensitive. Binding performed in the presence of a lysosomotropic agent (NH4Cl) increased the time required to reach maximal binding at 25 degrees C. NH4Cl had no significant effect on the time-course of EGF binding at 4 degrees C and 37 degrees C. A Scatchard plot showed a curvilinear relationship indicating that EGF binds to enterocytes with more than one binding site. Developmentally, enterocytes from fetuses and pups showed characteristic temperature dependence and trypsin sensitivity, but with different levels of binding to EGF. Specific EGF binding was demonstrably higher in enterocytes from small intestine of term fetuses. EGF binding to isolated enterocytes declined rapidly after birth, and the level stayed fairly constant thereafter. Pretreatment of enterocytes from fetal intestine with mature rat milk led to a dose-dependent decrease in EGF binding. These results suggest the presence of endogenous milk factors that modify EGF binding and account for, at least partly, the observed rapid decrease of EGF binding after birth.  相似文献   

Permeability properties of isolated enterocytes from rat small intestine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Metabolic and permeability properties of enterocytes isolated by treatment of rat small intestine with hyaluronidase or EDTA were compared. No significant difference was observed in the ability of the two types of cell to produce lactate from glucose. However, while cells obtained with hyaluronidase accumulate alpha-methylglucoside, cells obtained with EDTA were unable to accumulate the sugar above the medium concentrations. When resuspended in a medium designed to resemble the intracellular medium, potentiometric measurements showed that cells obtained with hyaluronidase released Ca2+ to the medium while cells obtained with EDTA accumulated it. Using 45Ca transport assays, this was shown to be an ATP-dependent process, the accumulated 45Ca being totally released by the addition of the ionophore A23187. When cells obtained with EDTA were resuspended in a medium containing concentrations of free Ca2+ higher that 10 microM, the uptake was partially inhibited by sodium orthovanadate and also by oligomycin and antimycin. At free Ca2+ concentrations lower than 1 microM, the accumulation was inhibited up to 87% by sodium orthovanadate while mitochondrial inhibitors inhibited only 5%. Thus, it appears that during their preparation cells obtained with hyaluronidase retain their integrity while cells obtained with EDTA become permeable to Ca2+ and other ions. The usefulness of both types of preparation in metabolic and transport studies is discussed.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic pH (pHi) was determined in isolated rat intestinal cells with four methods. The pHi of cells in physiological saline buffered with Hepes (pH 7.3) at 37 degrees C was close to 7.0. The most reliable method, using the fluorescent pH indicator 2',7'-bis(carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF), furnished a mean value of 7.03 +/- 0.05 (n = 42). The buffering capacity of intestinal cells determined with this fluorescent indicator was 62 +/- 5 mmol.l-1.pH-1. The mechanism governing the control of cytoplasmic pH was also investigated with BCECF, varying the Na+ concentration inside and outside the cells. When intestinal cells were suspended in a sodium-free medium in the presence or absence of ouabain, they became acidified. The process was reversed when Na+ was added to the incubation medium. An identical phenomenon occurred when the cells were artificially acidified with NH4Cl. Additional experiments led to the conclusion that isolated rat intestinal cells have an Na+/H+ exchanger independent of Cl- and inhibited by amiloride. This exchanger plays an important but not exclusive role in the control of pHi. The presence of other exchangers and the high buffering power of the cells explains the high stability of pHi noted in this study.  相似文献   

Summary The specific binding of [3H]corticosterone to hepatocytes is a nonsaturable, reversible and temperature-dependent process. The binding to liver purified plasma membrane fraction is also specific, reversible and temperature dependent but it is saturable. Two types of independent and equivalent binding sites have been determined from hepatocytes. One of them has high affinity and low binding capacity (K D=8.8nm andB max=1477 fmol/mg protein) and the other one has low affinity and high binding capacity (K D=91nm andB max=9015 fmol/mg). In plasma membrane only one type of binding site has been characterized (K D=11.2nm andB max=1982 fmol/mg). As it can be deduced from displacement data obtained in hepatocytes and plasma membrane the high affinity binding sites are different from the glucocorticoid, progesterone nuclear receptors and the Na+,K+-ATPase digitalis receptor. Probably it is of the same nature that the one determinate for [3H]cortisol and [3H]corticosterone in mouse liver plasma membrane. Beta-and alpha-adrenergic antagonists as propranolol and phentolamine did not affect [3H]corticosterone binding to hepatocytes and plasma membranes; therefore, these binding sites are independent of adrenergic receptors. The binding sites in hepatocytes and plasma membranes are not exclusive for corticosterone but other steroids are also bound with very different affinities.  相似文献   

It was found that 3':5'-AMP is bound by rat liver mitochondria with an affinity which corresponds to a physiological concentration of the nucleotide and a low capacity. The bound 3':5'-AMP rapidly dissociates upon dilution of mitochondrial suspensions. This finding points to the existence in mitochondria of a 3':5'-AMP receptor protein. The putative biological role of this protein is discussed.  相似文献   

Some key properties of the binding of [3H]nitrendipine, an analogue of the 1,4-dihydropyridine, nifedipine, to a plasma membrane enriched microsomal fraction from the rat liver are described. Specific binding was saturable, linear with protein concentration, and reversible. The apparent equilibrium dissociation constant, KD, was 4.20 +/- 0.22 nM and the maximum density of binding, Bmax, was 3.02 +/- 0.17 pmol/mg of protein determined from Scatchard analysis of binding at 10 degrees C. Inhibition of binding was specific for dihydropyridines with competitive inhibition being noted with nifedipine and 4-chloronifedipine, as well as BAY K-8644, a calcium channel agonist. A biphasic displacement curve was recorded for methoxy verapamil (D-600), and a triphasic competition curve with lanthanum (La3+), and diltiazem demonstrated competitive kinetics. The high affinity binding site for nitrendipine in the liver, although having some similar properties to those sites described in skeletal muscle, would appear to be distinctive with respect to its unique sensitivity to D-600 and diltiazem. We speculate that this binding site may represent a Ca2+ channel responsible for regulating Ca2+ influx and hepatic glycogenolysis.  相似文献   

Summary The experiments reported here evaluate the capability of isolated intestinal epithelial cells to accomplish net H+ transport in response to imposed ion gradients. In most cases, the membrane potential was kept constant by means of a K+ plus valinomycin voltage clamp in order to prevent electrical coupling of ion fluxes. Net H+ flux across the cellular membrane was examined at pH 6.0 (the physiological lumenal pH) and at pH 7.4 using methylamine distribution or recordings of changes in media pH. Results from both techniques suggest that the cells have an Na+/H+ exchange system in the plasma membrane that is capable of rapid and sustained changes in intracellular pH in response to an imposed Na+ gradient. The kinetics of the Na+/H+ exchange reaction at pH 6.0 [K t for Na+=57mm,V max=42 mmol H+/liter 3OMG (3-O-methylglucose) space/min] are dramatically different from those at pH 7.4 (K t for Na+=15mm,V max=1.7 mmol H+/liter 3OMG space/min). Experiments involving imposed K+ gradients suggest that these cells have negligible K+/H+ exchange capability. They exhibit limited but measurable H+ conductance. Anion exchange for base equivalents was not detected in experiments performed in media nominally free of bicarbonate.  相似文献   

The specific binding of IgG to jejunal brush borders was greatest at acidic pH, at neutral pH no specific binding occurred. Specific binding declined with age-no specific binding occurred in borders from 20-and 24-day-old animals. There was no specific binding of IgG to borders from ileal enterocytes. Human transferrin and bovine serum albumin did not bind specifically to borders. The affinity of binding (-Ka) and the receptors site numbers per border estimated for rat IgG were 18.64 X 10(6) M-1 to 3.53 X 10(6) sites; for human IgG, 25.06 X 10(6) M-1 to 3.30 X 10(6) sites; for bovine IgG, 10.48 X 10(6) M-1 to 2.11 X 10(6) sites and for sheep IgG, 7.26 X 10(6) M-1 to 2.34 X 10(6) sites.  相似文献   

Specific binding of 3H-estradiol to rat prostate nuclear matrix   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Specific estradiol binding activities can be demonstrated in nuclear matrix preparations obtained from intact rat prostate nuclei. Some of the characteristics of these in vitro binding activities to intranuclear components are presented and compared to those exhibited by purified nuclear fractions. Examination of the effects of exposure to castration and testosterone on the number of nuclear matrix binding sites revealed that the quantity and quality (Type) of receptors was modified. Furthermore, these changes are prevented when protein synthesis was inhibited.  相似文献   

The effect of inhibitors of respiration (NaN3 and DNP), glycolysis (2DG, IAA and NaF) and the microtubular-microfilament system (colchicine and cytochalasin B) on the uptake of rat immunoglobulin G (IgG) by enterocytes isolated from the neonatal rat gut has been assessed. After a 1 hour incubation, NaN3, and DNP had significantly reduced IgG uptake by between 32% and 35% of the control, IAA and 2DG were less effective and NaF, colchicine and cytochalasin B had no effect at all. The findings show that IgG is internalised by isolated enterocytes in vitro and that this internalisation is under metabolic control, that inhibitors of respiration are more effective in blocking uptake than inhibitors of glycolysis.  相似文献   

The inhibition of two human cytosolic carbonic anhydrase (hCA, EC isozymes I and II, with a series of phenol derivatives was investigated by using the esterase assay, with 4-nitrophenyl acetate as substrate. 2,6-Dimethylphenol, 2,6-diisopropylphenol (propofol), 2,6-di-t-butylphenol, butylated hydroxytoluene, butylated hydroxyanisole, vanillin, guaiacol, di(2,6-dimethylphenol), di(2,6-diisopropylphenol), di(2,6-di-t-butylphenol), and acetazolamide showed KI values in the range of 37.5–274.5 μM for hCA I and of 0.29–113.5 μM against hCA II, respectively. All these phenols were non-competitive inhibitors with 4-nitrophenylacetate as substrate. Some antioxidant phenol derivatives investigated here showed effective hCA II inhibitory effects, in the same range as the clinically used sulfonamide acetazolamide, and might be used as leads for generating enzyme inhibitors possibly targeting other CA isoforms which have not been yet assayed for their interactions with such agents.  相似文献   

The influence of antioxidant from hindered phenols (U-18) on a hypoxic neurodestructive effect in mouse hippocampal cell cultures was studied. Morphological and biochemical quantitative analysis of neuronal damage showed that U-18 attenuates nerve cell death resultant from 6-7-hour hypoxia and subsequent 12-hour posthypoxic reoxygenation. This antidestructive action of U-18 was observed upon its introduction in nutrient medium both before and immediately after hypoxic period. Thus, our results suggest that peroxidant reactions play a pivotal role in hypoxic neuronal injury and probably participate in this neurodestructive process mainly during posthypoxic reoxygenation period.  相似文献   

BAY k 8644 is a member of a new class of drugs that directly activates Ca2+ channels. This 1,4-dihydropyridine was found to bind to both high and low affinity sites on rabbit ventricular microsomes and guinea pig brain synaptosomes. The dissociation constant obtained from Scatchard analysis with [3H]BAY k 8644 was 2 to 3 nM for the high affinity binding site, and the estimated maximal number of binding sites was 0.8 and 0.4 pmol/mg protein for heart and brain membranes, respectively, at 15 degrees C. Competition between nitrendipine and [3H]BAY k 8644 indicated a common high affinity binding site for Ca2+ channel activators and antagonists. The results suggest that the 1,4-dihydropyridine Ca2+ channel antagonists do not act as simple channel plugs.  相似文献   

The binding of 3H-labelled drug molecules to membranes of living cells gives rise to photon emission from tryptophan residues at proteinaceous binding sites. This phenomenon, called condensed phase radioluminescence, has been used to measure non-invasively the kinetics of [3H]nitrendipine binding and dissociation on the same samples of cultured beating cardiac myocytes. Signal arose only from bound drug molecules. Binding was monoexponential (tau = 5.5 min) as was dissociation (14.3 min). Preincubating cells with non-radioactive nifedipine reduced the amplitude and rate of [3H]nitrendipine but not of [3H]dihydroalprenolol binding. The potential uses of this phenomenon are discussed.  相似文献   

The specific binding of Leu-enkephalin and the stimulatory effect of the peptide on cAMP accumulation have been assessed in isolated enterocytes of guinea pig. The binding was reversible as well as time and temperature dependent. Two classes of binding sites could be defined: a class with a relatively high affinity (Kd = 0.7 microM) that represented 1% of total binding capacity, and another class with low affinity (Kd = 55.5 microM). The stimulation of cAMP accumulation was also shown to depend on time and temperature and was potentiated by a phosphodiesterase inhibitor. Half-maximal stimulation of cAMP accumulation was observed at 119 microM and maximal stimulation (27-fold basal level) at 300 microM Leu-enkephalin. Both steps of the interaction were not modified by Na+ but exhibited a high specificity since modification in the structure of Leu-enkephalin resulted in an important loss of binding affinity and stimulatory activity.  相似文献   

T Honoré  M Nielsen  C Braestrup 《Life sciences》1984,35(22):2257-2267
Specific binding of the BZ-receptor ligand 3H-DMCM to rat cortical membranes was dramatically enhanced by preincubation of the homogenate with 0.1 mM silver (Ag+) nitrate. The binding was completely inhibited by midazolam. Nevertheless, the pharmacological specificity of the Ag+-enhanced 3H-DMCM binding was different from that of BZ-receptors. Furthermore, the Bmax value, the regional distribution and the molecular target size determined by radiation inactivation analysis of the Ag+-enhanced binding site were different from those of BZ-receptors. The results indicate that Ag+-enhanced 3H-DMCM binding represent a high affinity metal complex formation between 3H-DMCM and an unknown brain specific protein of approximately 100,000 daltons molecular weight.  相似文献   

A tripeptide analogue of N-acetylglucosaminyl-(beta 1-4)-N-acetylmuramyl dipeptide (GMDP) which contains C-terminal Lys residue (GMDP-Lys) was prepared. Its reaction with N-hydroxysuccinimidyl 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propionate (BH) followed by iodination gave the 125I-labelled derivative with specific activity ca. 2000 Ci/mmol. This compound was shown to bind specifically with rat brain membranes, dissociation constant Kd = 3.1 +/- 0.9 nM, binding capacity Bmax = 11.0 +/- 12 fmol/mg protein. Binding was inhibited by the non-radioactive iodinated derivative, unmodified GMDP-Lys and GMDP. Thus, the specific binding of immunoactive myramyl peptides with brain has been demonstrated for the first time.  相似文献   

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