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城市生活废水用于产油微藻培养   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
将废水与产油微藻培养结合起来,可以实现废水的无害化处理,还可为微藻的培养提供营养组分和大量水源。利用高产油栅藻,以城市生活废水为水源,在气泡柱式光反应器中,考察了添加不同营养组分对栅藻细胞的生长、生物质产量、总脂含量以及氮磷的去除情况的影响。结果表明:生活废水非常适合于产油微藻的培养,利用生活废水进行微藻培养中,仅需补充添加无机氮、无机磷、柠檬酸铁铵以及微量元素。但这些营养组分的加入量对藻细胞的生长、生物量和油脂积累有重要影响。在优化的废水培养基中微藻细胞浓度可达8.0 g/L左右,远高于标准BG11培养基5.0 g/L的水平。微藻细胞对于无机氮与磷有着高的吸收能力,在废水中加入185.25 mg/L以下无机氮,16.1 mg/L以下无机磷的条件下培养3~4 d后,培养液水体中未检测到有氮磷残留。由此表明利用城市生活废水培养含油微藻可以在获得微藻油脂产品的同时实现水体的无害化处理。  相似文献   

Experimental work was carried out on nitrogen and phosphorus removal from real wastewater using a bench-scale SBR process. The phosphorus removal was stable and the phosphorus concentration remaining in the reactor was maintained within 1.5 ppm, regard-less of the addition of an external carbon source. In the case of nitrogen, an external carbon source was necessary for denitrification. The effect on denitrification with the addition of various carbon sources, such as glucose, methanol, acetate, and propionate, was also investigated. Acetate was found to be the most effective among those tested in this study. When 100 ppm (theoretical oxygen demand) of sodium acetate was added, the average rate of denitrifiaction was 2.73 mg NO3-N (g MLSS)−1 h−1, which wasca. 4 times higher than that with the addition of 200 ppm of methanol. The phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations were both maintained within 1.5 ppm by the addition of an appropriate amount of a carbon source during a long-term operation of the SBR. The mathematical modeling was performed using Monod kinetics, other microbial kinetics, mass balances, and stoichiometry. The modeling was found to be useful for predicting the SBR operation and optimizing the HRT.  相似文献   

Municipal wastewater (WW), if not properly remediated, poses a threat to the environment and human health by carrying significant loads of nutrients and pathogens. These contaminants pollute rivers, lakes, and natural reservoirs where they cause eutrophication and pathogen-mediated diseases. However, the high nutrient content of WW makes it an ideal environment for remediation with microalgae that require high nutrient concentrations for growth and are not susceptible to toxins and pathogens. Given that an appropriate algal strain is used for remediation, the incurred biomass can be refined for the production of biofuel. Four microalgal species (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Chlorella sp., Parachlorella kessleri-I, and Nannochloropsis gaditana) were screened for efficient phycoremediation of municipal WW and potential use for biodiesel production. Among the four strains tested, P. kessleri-I showed the highest growth rate and biomass production in 100% WW. It efficiently removed all major nutrients with a removal rate of up to 98% for phosphate after 10 days of growth in 100% municipal WW collected from Delhi. The growth of P. kessleri-I in WW resulted in a 50% increase of biomass and a 115% increase of lipid yield in comparison to growth in control media. The Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME), and fuel properties of lipids isolated from cells grown in WW complied with international standards. The present study provides evidence that the green alga P. kessleri-I effectively remediates municipal WW and can be used to produce biodiesel.  相似文献   

Hydraulic characteristics of biological wastewater treatment systems were shown to affect bacterial state distributions and system performance through mathematical simulations. The term "state" is used here to mean the microbial storage product and biomass content of a bacterium. The traditional approach to simulating biological treatment processes assumes "lumped" (average) states, rather than accounting for variable states across bacterial populations. Distributed states were previously suggested as critical to enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR), but the factors that cause distributed states were not evaluated. A primary driver for distributed state development is variable hydraulic experiences of bacteria as they cycle through completely mixed reactors, and so process characteristics that affect hydraulics were hypothesized to affect state distributions. Two design characteristics affecting system hydraulics were evaluated using a new distributed state simulation program (DisSimulator 1.0): total hydraulic residence time (HRT) and numbers of reactors in series. Distributed predictions consistently predicted worse EBPR performance than did the lumped approach. Increasing HRTs (with constant solids retention times) tended to increase state distributions, to increase the differences between lumped and distributed simulation predictions, and to decrease predicted EBPR performance. As the numbers of reactors in series increased, distributed predictions tended to converge with lumped simulation predictions. Distributed simulations tended to predict a greater benefit to using reactors in series than did lumped simulations. This work provides guidance for new strategies to improve EBPR by minimizing state distributions. The targeted hydraulic characteristics may be more important to EBPR than previously recognized due to their effects on distributed states.  相似文献   

Aspects of the phosphorus cycle in Hartbeespoort Dam (South Africa)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The role of biotic processes in a warm, monomictic, hypertrophic African impoundment (Hartbeespoort Dam) is examined using 32P radiobioassays. Phosphorus demand is assessed by phosphorus turnover times, alkaline phosphatase activity, cellular phosphorus status and the phosphorus deficiency index. Long turnover times indicative of an enriched system were recorded, ranging from 9 h to 1992 h, with no evidence of phosphorus stress being present. These turnover times support the hypothesis that the phosphorus cycle in Hartbeespoort Dam is dominated by the algal community which is shown to play an important role in phosphorus cycling within the water column. However, hydrological processes remain the driving force in phosphorus seasonality in the lake.  相似文献   

Microalgae biofuel production can be feasible when a second function is added, such as wastewater treatment. Microalgae differ in uptake of phosphorus (P) and growth, making top performer identification fundamental. The objective of this screen was to identify dual‐purpose candidates capable of high rates of P removal and growth. Three freshwater – Chlorella sp., Monoraphidium minutum sp., and Scenedesmus sp. – and three marine – Nannochloropsis sp., N. limnetica sp., and Tetraselmis suecica sp. – species were batch cultured in 250 mL flasks over 16 days to quantitate total phosphorus (TP) removal and growth as a function of P loads (control, and 5, 10, and 15 mg L?1 enrichment of control). Experimental design used 100 μmol m?2 s?1 of light, a light/dark cycle of 14/10 h, and no CO2 enrichment. Phosphorus uptake was dependent on species, duration of exposure, and treatment, with significant interaction effects. Growth was dependant on species and treatment. Not all species showed increased P removal with increasing P addition, and no species demonstrated higher growth. Nannochloropsis sp and N. limnetica sp. performed poorly across all treatments. Two dual‐purpose candidates were identified. At the 10 mg L?1 treatment Monoraphidium minutum sp. removed 67.1% (6.66 mg L?1 ± 0.60 SE) of TP at day 8, 79.3% (7.86 mg L?1 ± 0.28 SE) at day 16, and biomass accumulation of 0.63 g L?1 ± 0.06 SE at day 16. At the same treatment Tetraselmis suecica sp. removed 79.4% (6.98 mg L?1 ± 0.24 SE) TP at day 8, 83.0% (7.30 mg L?1 ± 0.60 SE) at day 16, and biomass of 0.55 g L?1 ± 0.02 SE at day 16. These species merit further study using high‐density wastewater cultures and lipid profiling to assess suitability for a nutrient removal and biomass/biofuel production scheme.  相似文献   

Land disposal of poultry litter is an environmental concern often associated to excess phosphorus (P) in soils and potential water pollution in regions with intense poultry production. Although poultry litter can be moved off the farm and traded as fertilizer, its transportation becomes less economical with increasing distances from the farm. Thus, new litter management alternatives are needed to reduce the environmental impact of P litter application to land. This paper summarizes established and emerging alternative technologies in the U.S. that facilitate handling, concentration, and transporting of litter P. Furthermore, it examines the potential integration of technologies into poultry litter management systems that could reduce poultry litter volume and increase P content in litter byproducts. The adoption of alternative technologies may encourage new opportunities to produce bio-energy, fertilizer, and other valuable P byproducts from poultry litter while reducing environmental impact and promoting sustainable poultry production.  相似文献   


Alum sludge, which is a waste product from a potable water treatment process, was tested as an inexpensive alternate adsorbent for phosphorus in wastewater. The sludge was composed dominantly of sand size aggregates, and could remain stable in aqueous media. The majority of reactive Al in alum sludge was present as an amorphous phase, and seemed to be the major absorbent for P. The batch sorption test showed that the removal of P was influenced by the solubility of Al, Fe and organic carbon depending on pH condition. The acidic condition favored the removal of P, and there was a side effect in the P removal process such as dissolution of Al and organic C at acidic (pH < 4) and alkaline (pH < 8) conditions. The pH range from 4 to 6 was effective for all inorganic and organic phosphates with a low solubility of Al and organic C. The maximum adsorption capacity of alum sludge was calculated as 25,000 mg/kg for orthophosphate, and followed the order: orthophosphate > pyrophosphate > triphosphate > organic phosphate (adenosin). From the column test with a 30 mg/L orthophosphate solution at a flow rate of 3.0 ml/min, the alum sludge removed P to less than 1.0 mg/L over 250 pore volumes at initial pH 4, and 200 pore volumes at initial pH 5, respectively.  相似文献   

A reduction in external phosphorus loading since 1984 to Loosdrecht lakes system by the dephosphorization of the inlet water, yielded only minor effects in Lake Loosdrecht. This reduction measure turned out to have decreased the loading only by a factor of two. A conceptual model was constructed based on laboratory measurements to describe phosphorus flow in the lake ecosystem for the summer of 1987. The role of zooplankton and fish was more important in phosphorus recycling than diffusion at the sediment-water interface. The input and output of phosphorus of the lake were at equilibrium and therefore, further reduction in external loading was needed for recovery. The results of the conceptual model agreed well with the output of the mathematical model PCLOOS. Additional measures such as dredging, flushing, chemomanipulation, or biomanipulation would be ineffective at the present level of external loading. Only a significant further reduction in external input will restore Lake Loosdrecht's water quality over a long period of time.  相似文献   

In Northern Ireland, phosphorus enrichment of lakes due to agriculture is a significant problem. Heavy metal exports from landfill sites, often located on water-logged land, are also of concern. Locally available laterite, a low grade bauxite which is rich in iron and aluminium, is used in acid solution with subsequent precipitation to remove phosphorus and heavy metals at several sewage treatment works. Constructed wetlands offer an attractive alternative to conventional waste water treatment in certain circumstances but removal of phosphorus is strongly dependent on the bed medium. Calcium-, iron- and aluminium-rich solid media are recommended. A brief introduction to the use and cost-effectiveness of constructed wetlands (CWs) in treating a range of effluents is given. This study, using both laboratory tests and pilot-scale constructed wetlands, reports the effectiveness of granular laterite in removing phosphorus and heavy metals from landfill leachate. Initial laboratory studies have shown that laterite is capable of 99% removal of phosphorus from solution. A pilot-scale experimental CW containing laterite achieved 96% removal of phosphorus. This removal is much greater than that reported in other systems. Initial removals of aluminium and iron by pilot-scale CWs have been up to 85% and 98% respectively. Percolating columns of laterite reduced Cd, Cr and Pb to undetectable concentrations. Possible application of this low cost, low technology, visually unobtrusive yet efficient system to rural areas with dispersed point sources of pollution is discussed.  相似文献   

藻类胞外聚合物(extracellular polymeric substances, EPS)是一种复杂的高分子聚合物,主要由多糖、蛋白质等物质组成。由于EPS具有独特的结构、大的比表面积及含有大量官能团等物理-化学特性,使其在污水处理及微藻生物质的絮凝回收等方面都有着非常重要的作用。本文系统介绍了EPS的组成及特性,重点论述了影响藻类EPS产生的生物因素及非生物因素,如光照、营养盐、pH及温度等,并对EPS在污水处理及生物絮凝方面的应用进行了总结。对藻类EPS产生机制及机理的深入研究有望为微藻提供更广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

In enhanced biological phosphorus removal processes, activated sludge microorganisms accumulate large quantities of polyphosphate (polyP). It was discovered that nearly all of the polyP could be released from activated sludge simply by heating it at 70 degrees C for about 1 h. The chain length of released polyP ranged from 100 to 200 phosphate (P(i)) residues. The addition of CaCl(2) precipitated approximately 75% of the total phosphorus without pH adjustment. The formed precipitate contained more P and less Ca than typical natural phosphorite deposits. Hence, in combination with enhanced biological phosphorus removal, the present method has potential for the development of a simple process for recovering phosphorus in a reusable form from wastewater.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2014,49(12):2249-2257
Microalgal growth and ammonium removal in a P-free medium have been studied in two batch photobioreactors seeded with a mixed microalgal culture and operated for 46 days. A significant amount of ammonium (106 mg NH4-Nl−1) was removed in a P-free medium, showing that microalgal growth and phosphorus uptake are independent processes. The ammonium removal rate decreased during the experiment, partly due to a decrease in the cellular phosphorus content. After a single phosphate addition in the medium of one of the reactors, intracellular phosphorus content of the corresponding microalgal culture rapidly increased, and so did the ammonium removal rate. These results show how the amount of phosphorus internally stored affects the ammonium removal rate. A mathematical model was proposed to reproduce these observations. The kinetic expression for microalgae growth includes a Monod term and a Hill's function to represent the effect of ammonium and stored polyphosphate concentrations, respectively. The proposed model accurately reproduced the experimental data (r = 0.952, P-value <0.01).  相似文献   


Microalgae are a dynamic biological resource with various biotechnological applications. During recent times, the scope of this application has expanded to include: nutritional health foods, pharmaceuticals, agricultural and industrial products, environmental remediation and bioenergy production. At the same time, the methods and technologies to bioprocess microalgae for the intended applications have also evolved. However, there are still significant developments needed to reach the full potential of microalgae. The presented review discusses current methodologies to improve the effectiveness of algal feedstocks by bioprocessing them innovatively with cost-effective and environmentally sustainable techniques for their applications in therapeutics and bioresource management. The first section discusses the diversity of microalgae and its applications. In following sections, bioprocessing microalgae for their applications in therapeutics focusing on the efficacy of algae-mediated metallic nanoparticles against microbial infections and cancer is discussed. In addition, a discussion on bioresource management to produce value-added products for bioenergy and bioresource conservation elaborated the potential of microalgae as a biological reservoir to resolve the energy crisis for the modern world.  相似文献   


Microalgae have enormous potential as feedstock for biofuel production compared with other sources, due to their high areal productivity, relatively low environmental impact, and low impact on food security. However, high production costs are the major limitation for commercialization of algal biofuels. Strategies to maximize biomass and lipid production are crucial for improving the economics of using microalgae for biofuels. Selection of suitable algal strains, preferably from indigenous habitats, and further improvement of those ‘platform strains’ using mutagenesis and genetic engineering approaches are desirable. Conventional approaches to improve biomass and lipid productivity of microalgae mainly involve manipulation of nutritional (e.g. nitrogen and phosphorus) and environmental (e.g. temperature, light and salinity) factors. Approaches such as the addition of phytohormones, genetic and metabolic engineering, and co-cultivation of microalgae with yeasts and bacteria are more recent strategies to enhance biomass and lipid productivity of microalgae. Improvement in culture systems and the use of a hybrid system (i.e. a combination of open ponds and photobioreactors) is another strategy to optimize algal biomass and lipid production. In addition, the use of low-cost substrates such as agri-industrial wastewater for the cultivation of microalgae will be a smart strategy to reduce production costs. Such systems not only generate high algal biomass and lipid productivity, but are also useful for bioremediation of wastewater and bioremoval of waste CO2. The aim of this review is to highlight the advances in the use of various strategies to enhance production of algal biomass and lipids for biofuel feedstock.  相似文献   

Removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater by two green microalgae (Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus rubescens) was investigated using a novel method of algal cell immobilization, the twin-layer system. In the twin-layer system, microalgae are immobilized by self-adhesion on a wet, microporous, ultrathin substrate (the substrate layer). Subtending the substrate layer, a second layer, consisting of a macroporous fibrous tissue (the source layer), provides the growth medium. Twin-layers effectively separate microalgae from the bulk of their growth medium, yet allow diffusion of nutrients. In the twin-layer system, algae remain 100% immobilized, which compares favourably with gel entrapment methods for cell immobilization. Both microalgae removed nitrate efficiently from municipal wastewater. Using secondary, synthetic wastewater, the two algae also removed phosphate, ammonium and nitrate to less than 10% of their initial concentration within 9 days. It is concluded that immobilization of C. vulgaris and S. rubescens on twin-layers is an effective means to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus levels in wastewater.  相似文献   

The ammonia and phosphorus removal efficiencies of the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus dimorphus, during biotreatment of secondary effluent from an agroindustrial wastewater of a dairy industry and pig farming, were evaluated. The microalgae were isolated from a wastewater stabilization pond near Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia. Batch cultures were made using both species in 4-1 cylindrical glass bioreactors each containing 2l of culture. Chlorella vulgaris was also cultivated on wastewater in a triangular bioreactor. Three 216-h experimental cycles were run for each microalga and in each bioreactor. In the cylindrical bioreactor, S. dimorphus was more efficient in removing ammonia than C. vulgaris. However, the final efficiency of both microalgae at the end of each cycle was similar. Both microalgae removed phosphorus from the wastewater to the same extent in a cylindrical bioreactor. Using C. vulgaris, the triangular bioreactor was superior for removing ammonia and the cylindrical bioreactor was superior for removing phosphorus. This study shows the potential of using these microalgae to reduce the environmental pollution of heavily contaminated agroindustrial waters currently disposed of untreated into the waterways and streams of tropical Colombia.  相似文献   

The role that microorganisms play in the biological removal of phosphate from wastewater streams has received sustained interest since its initial observation over 30 years ago. Recent advances in 'omic'-based approaches have greatly advanced our knowledge in this field and facilitated a refinement of existing enhanced biological phosphate removal (EBPR) models, which were primarily based on culture-dependent approaches that had predominantly been used to investigate the process. This minireview will focus on the recent advances made in our overall understanding of the EBPR process resulting from the use of 'omic'-based methodologies.  相似文献   

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