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Due to the increasing prevalence of Dinophysis spp. and their toxins on every US coast in recent years, the need to identify and monitor for problematic Dinophysis populations has become apparent. Here, we present morphological analyses, using light and scanning electron microscopy, and rDNA sequence analysis, using a ~2-kb sequence of ribosomal ITS1, 5.8S, ITS2, and LSU DNA, of Dinophysis collected in mid-Atlantic estuarine and coastal waters from Virginia to New Jersey to better characterize local populations. In addition, we analyzed for diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) toxins in water and shellfish samples collected during blooms using liquid-chromatography tandem mass spectrometry and an in vitro protein phosphatase inhibition assay and compared this data to a toxin profile generated from a mid-Atlantic Dinophysis culture. Three distinct morphospecies were documented in mid-Atlantic surface waters: D. acuminata, D. norvegica, and a “small Dinophysis sp.” that was morphologically distinct based on multivariate analysis of morphometric data but was genetically consistent with D. acuminata. While mid-Atlantic D. acuminata could not be distinguished from the other species in the D. acuminata-complex (D. ovum from the Gulf of Mexico and D. sacculus from the western Mediterranean Sea) using the molecular markers chosen, it could be distinguished based on morphometrics. Okadaic acid, dinophysistoxin 1, and pectenotoxin 2 were found in filtered water and shellfish samples during Dinophysis blooms in the mid-Atlantic region, as well as in a locally isolated D. acuminata culture. However, DSP toxins exceeded regulatory guidance concentrations only a few times during the study period and only in noncommercial shellfish samples.  相似文献   

Food vacuoles were found in one species of pho‐totrophic Dinophysis, Dinophysis fortii Pavillard, collected in Okkirai Bay. Under transmission electron microscopy, almost 70% of observed food vacuoles were characterized by membranous profiles and contained large numbers of mitochondria. The mitochondria in the food vacuole had different morphologies from those in the D. fortii cytoplasm. This indicates that these vacuoles are not autolytic accumulation bodies, but ‘true’ food vacuoles. Identification of the origin of the contents failed, but the existence of large amounts of foreign mitochondria implies that the contents in the vacuoles were derived from eukaryotic prey. Other than the observation of the food vacuoles, bacterial cells were observed in the flagellar canal. Because the flagellar canal and connecting pusule sacs had been reported to relate to macromolecule uptake, the prey organisms of D. fortii were assumed to be both eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms.  相似文献   

The mouse bioassay for diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) toxins had been used as the official method in Japan and also used in the world. In this study, hypothermia, one of the symptoms observed in mice after inoculation with DSP toxins, were characterized. Lethal and sublethal doses of okadaic acid (OA), a representative component of DSP toxins, were inoculated intraperitoneally into mice. Body-temperature changes over time were measured by an electronic thermometer or monitored by an infrared camera. Drastic hypothermia (<30°C in some mice) was observed in a few hours after administration of a lethal dose of OA. Dose-dependency was clearly seen between doses of OA inoculated and body-temperature decrease. Drastic hypothermia was also detected by using an infrared camera. These results suggest that hypothermia could be used as an index for the humane endpoint in experimental animal toxicological studies.  相似文献   

Diarrhetic shellfish toxins (DSTs) are produced by the marine dinoflagellate, Dinophysis, as well as select species of benthic Prorocentrum. The DSTs can bioaccumulate in shellfish and cause gastrointestinal illness when humans consume high levels of this toxin. Although not routinely monitored throughout the U.S., recent studies in Washington, Texas, and New York suggest DSTs may be widespread throughout U.S. coastal waters. This study describes a four-year time series (2013–2016) of Dinophysis concentration and DST level in California mussels (Mytilus californianus) from Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf (SCMW) in Monterey Bay, California. Results show a maximum Dinophysis concentration of 9404 cells/L during this study and suggest Dinophysis persists as a member of the background phytoplankton community throughout the year. In California mussels, DSTs were found at persistent low levels throughout the course of this study, and exceeded the FDA guidance level of 160 ng/g 19 out of 192 weeks sampled. Concentrations of Dinophysis alone are a positive but weak predictor of DST level in California mussels, and basic environmental variables (temperature, salinity, and nutrients) do not sufficiently explain variation in Dinophysis concentration at SCMW. This study demonstrates that Dinophysis in Monterey Bay are producing DSTs that accumulate in local shellfish throughout the year, occasionally reaching levels of concern.  相似文献   

Paralytic shellfish poisoning toxin profiles of dinoflagellate cultures of Gymnodinium catenatum Graham from the Yellow and South Seas in Korea were investigated by high performance liquid chromatography fluorometric detection. Strains from the Yellow Sea had predominantly carbamate toxins, while strains from Sujeongri and Chindong in the South Sea contained the N‐sulfocarbamoyl toxins, Cl,2, as major components including the presence of GTX5 and dcSTX in some strains. Toxin profiles from St. Deukryang Bay strains (South Sea) showed both characteristics of those in the South Sea and those in the Yellow Sea. Thirty strains could be divided into three groups based on cluster analysis of toxin compositions. Group I (Yellow Sea strains) was distinguished from Group II (Sujeongri and Chindong strains) by the absence of GTX5 and dcSTX. Group III comprised Deukryang Bay strains. In conclusion, the Yellow Sea and the South Sea were found to have different dinoflagellate populations with different toxin compositions.  相似文献   

Chan LL  Hodgkiss IJ  Lam PK  Wan JM  Chou HN  Lum JH  Lo MG  Mak AS  Sit WH  Lo SC 《Proteomics》2005,5(6):1580-1593
Contamination of shellfish with paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins (PST) produced by toxic harmful algal blooms (HABs) have been negatively affecting the shellfish and aquaculture industries worldwide. Therefore, accurate and early identification of toxic phytoplankton species is crucial in HABs surveillance programs that allow fish-farmers to take appropriate preventive measures in shellfish harvesting and other aquaculture activities to overcome the negative impacts of HABs on human health. The identification of toxic dinoflagellates present in the water is currently a time-consuming operation since it requires skillful taxonomists and toxicologists equipped with optical and scanning electron microscopes as well as sophisticated equipment, for example, high-performance liquid chromotography-fluorescence detection. In this paper, a two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE)-based proteomic approach was applied to discriminate between toxic and nontoxic strains of Alexandrium minutum. Variation in morphological features between toxic and nontoxic strains was minimal and not significant. Also, variation in 2-DE protein patterns within either toxic or nontoxic strains was low, but pronounced differences were detected between toxic and nontoxic strains. The most notable differences between these strains were several abundant proteins with pIs ranging from 4.8 to 5.3 and apparent molecular masses between 17.5 and 21.5 kDa. Groups of proteins, namely NT1, NT2, NT3, and NT4, were consistently found in all nontoxic strains, while T1 and T2 were prominent in the toxic strains. These specific protein spots characteristic for toxic and nontoxic strains remained clearly distinguishable irrespective of the various growth conditions tested. Therefore, they have the potential to serve as "taxonomic markers" to distinguish toxic and nontoxic strains within A. minutum. Initial studies revealed that the expression pattern of T1 was tightly correlated to toxin biosynthesis in the examined alga and may be used to serve as a potential toxin indicator.  相似文献   

Harmful algal bloom (HAB) is a proliferation of algae, which naturally produce biotoxins and cause harmful effects to humans, the environment and organisms associated with it. Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) was reported for the first time in Kuantan Port, Pahang, Malaysia, in November 2013, followed by a second episode in August 2014. The toxicity level reported during the second event was as high as 3500 μg of STX equiv./100 g shellfish. Ten people were hospitalized with PSP symptoms after consuming contaminated shellfish. This study was conducted at Kuantan Port to identify the organisms responsible for these events. Water samples were collected monthly for a period of 12 months beginning in September 2014. HAB species were identified based on their morphology using light and fluorescence microscopes, and their classification was supported by molecular evidence based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences. Monthly cell abundance of Alexandrium tamiyavanichii was measured at four sampling stations. Toxin production by three strains isolated from the area was determined using HPLC. Our results revealed the presence of several HAB species, including the PSP‐producing species A . tamiyavanichii . The highest cell density of A . tamiyavanichii was 840 cells L?1. The presence of GTX components was detected in these strains. However, other toxin components could not be determined. This study reported, for the first time, the presence of PSP‐producing A . tamiyavanichii on the Pahang coast of east Peninsular Malaysia and confirmed that the PSP events in Kuantan Port were attributable to this species. The presence of this species further indicates that several safety measures need to be considered to safeguard public health, particularly in Pahang coastal waters.  相似文献   

Members of the Amoebophrya ceratii complex are endoparasitic dinoflagellates that parasitize a number of their dinoflagellate relatives, including toxic and/or harmful algal bloom-forming species. Despite many studies on the occurrence, prevalence, biology and molecular phylogeny of Amoebophrya spp., little attention has been given to toxin dynamics of host population following parasitism. Using Amoebophrya sp. infecting the paralytic shellfish toxin (PSP)-producing dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense, we addressed the following questions: (1) does parasitism by Amoebophrya sp. alter toxin content and toxin profiles of the dinoflagellate A. fundyense over the infection cycle? and (2) do parasite dinospores produced at the end of the infection cycle retain host toxins and thus potentially act as a vector to convey PSP toxin through the marine microbial food-web? Toxin time-course experiments showed that the PSP toxin contents did not vary significantly over the infection cycle, but mean toxin content for infected cultures was significantly higher than that for uninfected cultures. Host toxins were not detected in the free-living, dinospore stage of the parasite. Therefore, our results indicate that Amoebophrya sp. does not function as a vector for transferring PSP toxins to higher trophic levels. Rather, Amoebophrya infections appear to play an important role in maintaining healthy ecosystems by transforming potent toxins-producing dinoflagellates into non-toxic dinospores, representing “edible food” for consumers of the marine microbial food-web during toxic algal bloom event.  相似文献   

The Makah Tribe of Neah Bay, Washington, has historically relied on the subsistence harvest of coastal seafood, including shellfish, which remains an important cultural and ceremonial resource. Tribal legend describes visitors from other tribes that died from eating shellfish collected on Makah lands. These deaths were believed to be caused by paralytic shellfish poisoning, a human illness caused by ingestion of shellfish contaminated with saxitoxins, which are produced by toxin-producing marine dinoflagellates on which the shellfish feed. These paralytic shellfish toxins include saxitoxin, a potent Na+ channel antagonist that binds to the pore region of voltage gated Na+ channels. Amino acid mutations in the Na+ channel pore have been demonstrated to confer resistance to saxitoxin in softshell clam populations exposed to paralytic shellfish toxins present in their environment. Because of the notion of resistance to paralytic shellfish toxins, the study aimed to determine if a resistance strategy was possible in humans with historical exposure to toxins in shellfish. We collected, extracted and purified DNA from buccal swabs of 83 volunteer Makah tribal members and sequenced the skeletal muscle Na+ channel (Nav1.4) at nine loci to characterize potential mutations in the relevant saxitoxin binding regions. No mutations of these specific regions were identified after comparison to a reference sequence. This study suggests that any resistance of Makah tribal members to saxitoxin, if present, is not a function of Nav1.4 modification, but may be due to mutations in neuronal or cardiac sodium channels, or some other mechanism unrelated to sodium channel function.  相似文献   

Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning has been a recurrent problem along the Brittany coast (France) since 1983. Okadaic acid (O.A.), the main toxin detected in mussels, is generally associated with the presence ofDinophysis cells in sea water. We report here the results of okadaic acid analyses by high performance liquid chromatography, on planktonic samples collected during the summer of 1991.D. sacculus, the majorDinophysis species, throughout this period, showed low okadaic acid content in raw extract, whereas toxic levels were 3- to 12-fold higher in sorted samples than in raw ones. A maximum O.A. concentration of 29.6 pg cell-1 was found inD. sacculus/D. cf. acuminata extract. Similarly, higher O.A. levels were noted in raw samples when these two species were associated. Generally speaking, variations in raw samples were similar to those in sorted samples. Nevertheless, whenD. rotundata reached a concentration equal to that ofD. sacculus in sorted samples, the O.A. level was lower.  相似文献   

To reconsider whether toxin profile could be used as a marker for populations from different geographical areas, clonal isolates of the toxic dinoflagellates Alexandrium tamarense (Lebour) Balech and Alexandrium catenella (Whedon et Kofoid) Balech from Ofunato Bay (Iwate Prefecture), Atsumi Bay (Aichi Prefecture), Tanabe Bay (Wakayama Prefecture), Harima‐Nada (Kagawa Prefecture), Uranouchi Bay (Kochi Prefecture), Hiroshima Bay (Hiroshima Prefecture) and Yamakawa Bay (Kagoshima Prefecture), which were identified on the basis of morphotaxonomy, immunological and molecular biological techniques, were subjected to analysis of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins by high performance liquid chromatography‐fluorometric method. All the isolates except A. tamarense OF152 from Ofunato Bay contained mainly N‐sulfocarbamoyl toxins (C1 +2) with various amounts of derivatives, and a typical north‐to‐south trend of decreasing toxicity was observed. In both A. tamarense and A. catenella, toxin profiles were rather constant within a geographical area and divergent among different geographical areas. The toxin profiles of A. tamarense from Harima‐Nada were well conserved among different bloom years. Toxin profile showed that isolates of A. tamarense from Ofunato Bay, A. tamarense from Harima‐Nada isolated in 1988 and A. catenella from Uranouchi Bay were heterogeneous. However, only two or three groups of isolates with different toxin profiles were observed in a geographical region, suggesting that several representative isolates express the genotype in a given region. These observations confirmed that toxin composition could be used as a marker to discriminate different geographical populations of these species.  相似文献   

沿岸海域富营养化与赤潮发生的关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
徐宁  段舜山  李爱芬  刘振乾 《生态学报》2005,25(7):1782-1787
综述了赤潮的发生与沿岸海域富营养化的关系。近几十年来,人类活动使得天然水体的富营养化进程大大加速。营养负荷的增加与高生物量水华的增多相联系。控制营养输入后,浮游植物生物量或有害藻类水华事件也相应减少。营养的组成与浮游植物的种类组成及水华的形成有密切联系。有机营养对有害藻类水华的促进作用受到关注。营养输入时机影响浮游植物种间竞争的结果,因而对浮游植物的群落演替具有深远影响。由于浮游植物存在生理差异,因而对营养加富的反应因种而异。营养在调控某些有毒藻类的毒素产量方面也发挥着重要作用。此外,营养输入与藻类水华之间存在复杂的间接联系。当然,营养状况并非浮游植物群落演替的唯一决定因素。研究结果提示,控制营养输入、减缓水域富营养化是减少有害藻类水华发生的有效途径,而深入研究典型有害藻类的营养生理对策则为防治并最终消除有害藻类水华提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

山东海域赤潮灾害特征及预警报管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
掌握赤潮灾害时空分布规律是科学设计赤潮监控方案、提高防灾管理效率的基础和依据。本文统计分析了1990—2010年间山东海域的76次赤潮灾害事件数据。结果表明:赤潮灾害频率显著地分为4个波段,且峰值呈递增趋势;灾害面积呈现周期性倒U型曲线变化;每年的5—10月是赤潮灾害的多发期,其中,8月的灾害次数和灾害面积均占全年总数的30%以上;灾害空间分布集中在莱州湾海域、青岛近海、庙岛群岛的北隍城海域,烟台四十里湾的赤潮灾害最频繁;夜光藻(Noctiluca scintillans)和球型棕囊藻(Phaeocystis globosa)引发的赤潮灾害面积最高,夜光藻和红色裸甲藻(Gymnodinium sanguineum)致灾次数最多。本文从赤潮监测与信息采集、赤潮预报方法以及赤潮灾害预警报管理机制3个方面分析总结了山东海域赤潮灾害预警报业务化管理现状,结合山东海域赤潮灾害特征和预警报管理实践,提出了以控制污染和修复生态环境为根本的赤潮防控建议。  相似文献   

A.M. Cox  D.H. Shull  R.A. Horner   《Harmful algae》2008,7(4):379-388
The magnitude of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins in shellfish and the geographical scope of shellfish closures in Puget Sound have increased in recent decades. PSP, monitored by the Washington Department of Health, has spread from Sequim Bay in the 1950s into central Puget Sound in the 1970s and throughout Puget Sound by the 1990s. Alexandrium catenella, the species responsible for PSP toxins, produces a benthic resting cyst that, upon germinating, can seed blooms. This study examined whether there is a relationship between profiles of cysts in the sediment and temporal variation in PSP in shellfish and if the history of the toxin's southward expansion through Puget Sound can be seen in the cyst record. To address this question, sediment cores were collected from three Puget Sound basins, Sequim Bay, Penn Cove, and Carr Inlet, and cyst profiles were determined. Activities of 210Pb were fitted to a depth-dependent diagenetic model to date the sediment cores and determine mixing and sediment-accumulation rates. In order to compare historical variation in PSP with cyst profiles that have been altered by bioturbation, a depth and time-dependent diagenetic model was then used to predict vertical profiles of cysts that would occur under the assumption that cyst deposition rates are proportional to PSP concentration in shellfish measured over several decades at each site. The cyst profiles predicted by the model were compared to measured cyst profiles. These comparisons suggested that Alexandrium blooms and resulting PSP concentration in shellfish are more closely linked to cyst germination and deposition at some stations than at others. Sequim Bay had relatively large numbers of cysts and it is likely that the persistent toxicity here is the result of recurrent seeding from the cyst bed. Penn Cove and Carr Inlet had few cysts despite occasional blooms, suggesting that blooms are transported into those areas, perhaps from other sites of cyst germination. Sequim Bay and Penn Cove had cysts from top to bottom of the cores so it was not possible to determine the date when cysts were first introduced into these bays, but it is likely that A. catenella has been in Penn Cove since at least 1955 or for about two decades before the WDOH PSP toxicity data would indicate. The cyst profile in Carr Inlet suggested a first appearance date of 1985 that is consistent with the first appearance of PSP in shellfish in 1988.  相似文献   

This review summarizes the present state of knowledge regarding the toxic, bloom-forming cyanobacterium, Microcystis, with a specific focus on its geographic distribution, toxins, genomics, phylogeny, and ecology. A global analysis found documentation suggesting geographic expansion of Microcystis, with recorded blooms in at least 108 countries, 79 of which have also reported the hepatatoxin microcystin. The production of microcystins (originally “Fast-Death Factor”) by Microcystis and factors that control synthesis of this toxin are reviewed, as well as the putative ecophysiological roles of this metabolite. Molecular biological analyses have provided significant insight into the ecology and physiology of Microcystis, as well as revealed the highly dynamic, and potentially unstable, nature of its genome. A genetic sequence analysis of 27 Microcystis species, including 15 complete/draft genomes are presented. Using the strictest biological definition of what constitutes a bacterial species, these analyses indicate that all Microcystis species warrant placement into the same species complex since the average nucleotide identity values were above 95%, 16S rRNA nucleotide identity scores exceeded 99%, and DNA–DNA hybridization was consistently greater than 70%. The review further provides evidence from around the globe for the key role that both nitrogen and phosphorus play in controlling Microcystis bloom dynamics, and the effect of elevated temperature on bloom intensification. Finally, highlighted is the ability of Microcystis assemblages to minimize their mortality losses by resisting grazing by zooplankton and bivalves, as well as viral lysis, and discuss factors facilitating assemblage resilience.  相似文献   

The toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium ostenfeldii is the only bioluminescent bloom-forming phytoplankton in coastal waters of the Baltic Sea. We analysed partial luciferase gene (lcf) sequences and bioluminescence production in Baltic A. ostenfeldii bloom populations to assess the distribution and consistency of the trait in the Baltic Sea, and to evaluate applications for early detection of toxic blooms. Lcf was consistently present in 61 Baltic Sea A. ostenfeldii strains isolated from six separate bloom sites. All Baltic Sea strains except one produced bioluminescence. In contrast, the presence of lcf and the ability to produce bioluminescence did vary among strains from other parts of Europe. In phylogenetic analyses, lcf sequences of Baltic Sea strains clustered separately from North Sea strains, but variation between Baltic Sea strains was not sufficient to distinguish between bloom populations. Clustering of the lcf marker was similar to internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences with differences being minor and limited to the lowest hierarchical clusters, indicating a similar rate of evolution of the two genes. In relation to monitoring, the consistent presence of lcf and close coupling of lcf with bioluminescence suggests that bioluminescence can be used to reliably monitor toxic bloom-forming A. ostenfeldii in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation in diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP)-type toxins was followed in the epibiotic community and in shellfish between 41° and 44°N in coastal waters of the northwest Atlantic during a 2-year period. Low levels of okadaic-acid equivalents were detected at all stations in the <90 μm fraction of the collected epibiota as measured by the protein phosphatase inhibition assay, but only 3.5% of the samples had values greater than 100 ng (g dry weight of epibiota)−1. No seasonal pattern could be detected due to differences in intensity, duration and timing of toxin content in the epibiota between the 2 years and between stations. Nevertheless, the concentration of DSP-type toxins in the epibiota correlated weakly but significantly with the abundance of Prorocentrum lima, when data from all stations were considered. A very limited toxin uptake by shellfish was measured at only one station in October and November 2001 and in June and July 2002 at times of maximum cell concentration of P. lima in the epibiota. Toxin levels in shellfish remained well below regulatory limits that would have required quarantine or bans on harvesting. Results from our 2-year survey suggest that, at this time, the threat of DSP events appears minimal. However, the presence of a known toxin producer and its demonstrated ingestion by shellfish would argue for further studies to better understand conditions leading to DSP outbreaks generated by an epiphytic dinoflagellate.  相似文献   

The marine dinoflagellate genus Alexandrium includes a number of species that produce potent neurotoxins responsible for paralytic shellfish poisoning, which in humans may cause muscular paralysis, neurological symptoms and, in extreme cases, death. Because of the genetic diversity of different genera and species, molecular tools may help to detect the presence of target microorganisms in marine field samples. Here we employed a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) method for the rapid and simple detection of toxic Alexandrium species. A set of four primers were designed based upon the conserved region of the 5.8S rRNA gene of members of the genus Alexandrium . Using this detection system, toxic Alexandrium genes were amplified and visualized as a ladder-like pattern of bands on agarose gels under isothermal condition within 60 min. The LAMP amplicons were also directly visualized by eye in the reaction tube by the addition of SYBR Green I. This LAMP assay was 10-fold more sensitive than a conventional PCR method with a detection limit of 5 cells per tube when targeting DNA from Alexandrium minutum . The LAMP assay reported here indicates the potential usefulness of the technique as a valuable simple, rapid alternative procedure for the detection of target toxic Alexandrium species during coastal water monitoring.  相似文献   

The sea area adjacent to the Changjiang River estuary is the most notable region for harmful algal blooms (HABs1) in China as both diatom and dinoflagellate blooms have been recorded in this region. Affected by the Changjiang diluted water (CDW2) and currents from the open ocean (i.e., Taiwan warm current, TWC3), the environmental conditions in the coastal waters adjacent to the Changjiang River estuary are quite complex. To obtain a better understanding of the mechanisms of HABs in this region, analyses based on field investigation data collected by the National Basic Research Priority Program (CEOHAB I4) were performed using principle component analysis (PCA5), multiple regression analysis (MRA6) and path analysis (PA7). The results suggested that phosphate and silicate are the major factors that directly affect the diatom bloom, while dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN8), temperature and turbidity are the factors that influence the dinoflagellate bloom. CDW and the TWC have different roles in affecting the two types of algal blooms. CDW, which has a high concentration of nitrate and silicate, is essential for the diatom bloom, while the intrusion of the TWC (mainly Kuroshio subsurface water that is rich in phosphate at the bottom) is critical for the maintenance of the dinoflagellate bloom. The results of this study offer a better understanding of the mechanisms of HABs in the East China Sea.  相似文献   

Recent molecular phylogenetic studies of Gambierdiscus species flagged several new species and genotypes, thus leading to revitalizing its systematics. The inter-relationships of clades revealed by the primary sequence information of nuclear ribosomal genes (rDNA), however, can sometimes be equivocal, and therefore, in this study, the taxonomic status of a ribotype, Gambierdiscus sp. type 6, was evaluated using specimens collected from the original locality, Marakei Island, Republic of Kiribati; and specimens found in Rawa Island, Peninsular Malaysia, were further used for comparison. Morphologically, the ribotype cells resembled G. scabrosus, G. belizeanus, G. balechii, G. cheloniae and G. lapillus in thecal ornamentation, where the thecal surfaces are reticulate-foveated, but differed from G. scabrosus by its hatchet-shaped Plate 2′, and G. belizeanus by the asymmetrical Plate 3′. To identify the phylogenetic relationship of this ribotype, a large dataset of the large subunit (LSU) and small subunit (SSU) rDNAs were compiled, and performed comprehensive analyses, using Bayesian-inference, maximum-parsimony, and maximum-likelihood, for the latter two incorporating the sequence-structure information of the SSU rDNA. Both the LSU and SSU rDNA phylogenetic trees displayed an identical topology and supported the hypothesis that the relationship between Gambierdiscus sp. type 6 and G. balechii was monophyletic. As a result, the taxonomic status of Gambierdiscus sp. type 6 was revised, and assigned as Gambierdiscus balechii. Toxicity analysis using neuroblastoma N2A assay confirmed that the Central Pacific strains were toxic, ranging from 1.1 to 19.9 fg P-CTX-1 eq cell−1, but no toxicity was detected in a Western Pacific strain. This suggested that the species might be one of the species contributing to the high incidence rate of ciguatera fish poisoning in Marakei Island.  相似文献   

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