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We have identified a novel gene designated CsV03-3 from Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck that encodes a 50 amino acid polypeptide with a predicted molecular mass of 5.4 kDa and a pI of 3.7. CsV03-3 expression is up-regulated by application of methyl jasmonate, salicylic acid, and abscisic acid as well as by abiotic stress and insect herbivory. CsV03-3 belongs to a small gene family consisting of at least three other closely related members (CsV03-1, CsV03-2, and CsV03-4) whose expression is also responsive to phytohormone application and abiotic stress. Sequence similarity searches of the public databases were unsuccessful in finding sequence homologs to CsV03-3 or any CsV03 family member; however, structural prediction models coupled with model comparison to Protein Data Bank folds indicated that the predicted polypeptide encoded by CsV03-3 has structural similarity to proteins with nucleic acid binding activity. Gel mobility shift assays performed on recombinant CsV03-3 protein demonstrated active binding with dsDNA and, to a lesser extent, ssDNA. Based on the phytohormone-inducible expression patterns, the ability to bind nucleic acids, and the lack of significant sequence homology to public databases, we propose that CsV03-3 and its related homologs defines a new class of nucleic acid binding proteins that are responsive to defense and stress signaling in woody perennials.  相似文献   

Salt stress and abscisic acid (ABA) induce accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in plant cells. ROS not only act as second messengers for the activation of salt-stress responses, but also have deleterious effects on plant growth due to their cytotoxicity. Therefore, the timing and degree of activation of ROS-producing or ROS-scavenging enzymes must be tightly regulated under salt-stress conditions. We identified a novel locus of Arabidopsis, designated itn1 (increased tolerance to NaCl1), whose disruption leads to increased salt-stress tolerance in vegetative tissues. ITN1 encodes a transmembrane protein with an ankyrin-repeat motif that has been implicated in diverse cellular processes such as signal transduction. Comparative microarray analysis between wild-type and the itn1 mutant revealed that induction of genes encoding the ROS-producing NADPH oxidases (RBOHC and RBOHD) under salt-stress conditions was suppressed in the mutant. This suppression was accompanied by a corresponding reduction in ROS accumulation. The ABA-induced expression of RBOHC and RBOHD was also suppressed in the mutant, as was the case for RD29A, an ABA-inducible marker gene. However, the ABA-induced expression of another marker gene, RD22, was not impaired in the mutant. These results suggest that the itn1 mutation partially impairs ABA signaling pathways, possibly leading to the reduction in ROS accumulation under salt-stress conditions. We discuss the possible mechanisms underlying the salt-tolerant phenotype of the itn1 mutant.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades are universal signal transduction modules that play essential roles in plant growth, development and stress response. MAPK kinases (MAPKKs), which link MAPKs and MAPKK kinases (MAPKKKs), are integral in mediating various stress responses in plants. However, to date few data about the roles of poplar MAPKKs in stress signal transduction are available. In this study, we performed a systemic analysis of poplar MAPKK gene family expression profiles in response to several abiotic stresses and stress-associated hormones. Furthermore, Populus trichocarpa MAPKK4 (PtMKK4) was chosen for functional characterization. Transgenic analysis showed that overexpression of the PtMKK4 gene remarkably enhanced drought stress tolerance in the transgenic poplar plants. The PtMKK4-overexpressing plants also exhibited much lower levels of H2O2 and higher antioxidant enzyme activity after exposure to drought stress compared to the wide type lines. Besides, some drought marker genes including PtP5CS, PtSUS3, PtLTP3 and PtDREB8 exhibited higher expression levels in the transgenic lines than in the wide type under drought conditions. This study provided valuable information for understanding the putative functions of poplar MAPKKs involved in important signaling pathways under different stress conditions.  相似文献   

The plant enzyme 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase (4CL) is part of a family of adenylate-forming enzymes present in all organisms. Analysis of genome sequences shows the presence of '4CL-like' enzymes in plants and other organisms, but their evolutionary relationships and functions remain largely unknown. 4CL and 4CL-like genes were identified by BLAST searches in Arabidopsis, Populus, rice, Physcomitrella, Chlamydomonas and microbial genomes. Evolutionary relationships were inferred by phylogenetic analysis of aligned amino acid sequences. Expression patterns of a conserved set of Arabidopsis and poplar 4CL-like acyl-CoA synthetase (ACS) genes were assayed. The conserved ACS genes form a land plant-specific class. Angiosperm ACS genes grouped into five clades, each of which contained representatives in three fully sequenced genomes. Expression analysis revealed conserved developmental and stress-induced expression patterns of Arabidopsis and poplar genes in some clades. Evolution of plant ACS enzymes occurred early in land plants. Differential gene expansion of angiosperm ACS clades has occurred in some lineages. Evolutionary and gene expression data, combined with in vitro and limited in vivo protein function data, suggest that angiosperm ACS enzymes play conserved roles in octadecanoid and fatty acid metabolism, and play roles in organ development, for example in anthers.  相似文献   

We describe here the isolation and characterization of OsiSAP8, a member of stress Associated protein (SAP) gene family from rice characterized by the presence of A20 and AN1 type Zinc finger domains. OsiSAP8 is a multiple stress inducible gene, induced by various stresses, namely heat, cold, salt, desiccation, submergence, wounding, heavy metals as well as stress hormone Abscisic acid. OsiSAP8 protein fused to GFP was localized towards the periphery of the cells in the epidermal cells of infiltrated Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. Yeast two hybrid analysis revealed that A20 and AN1 type zinc-finger domains of OsiSAP8 interact with each other. Overexpression of the gene in both transgenic tobacco and rice conferred tolerance to salt, drought and cold stress at seed germination/seedling stage as reflected by percentage of germination and gain in fresh weight after stress recovery. Transgenic rice plants were tolerant to salt and drought during anthesis stage without any yield penalty as compared to unstressed transgenic plants. OsiSAP8 is deposited in the Genbank with the Accession number AY345599.  相似文献   

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