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The microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a model organism whose whole genome has been sequenced. Although considered a cosmopolitan species, only eastern North American isolates of C. reinhardtii were available before 2010, when new Japanese isolates were reported. In the study describing the new Japanese isolates, zygote formation between Japanese and North American strains was shown, but germination was not demonstrated. In this study, the germination of intercontinental hybrid zygotes was examined using wild‐type Japanese strains and mutant American strains that cannot utilize nitrate. Several clonal progeny strains were established, and the progeny strains were screened based on mating type and nitrate utilization to confirm their hybrid nature. The establishment of four intercontinental hybrid strains with different phenotypic combinations was confirmed by sequencing mating type‐specific and nitrate reductase‐related genes. The potential for hybrid formation between Japanese and North American strains suggests the existence of a worldwide mating population of C. reinhardtii.  相似文献   

The activity of periplasmic arylsulfatase (Ars), which catalyzes the cleavage of sulfate from aromatic sulfur compounds, was detected in cells acclimated to the sulfate-deficient conditions in a unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard, but not in Chlorella, Scenedesmus, Dunaliella and Porphyridium. Upon the transfer of cells to sulfate-deficient autotrophic media under high-CO2 conditions, the induction of Ars was observed only in the light, but not in the light with dichlorophenyldimethylurea (DCMU) nor in the dark. However, Ars was induced in the light with DCMU or in the dark when acetate was present as an organic carbon source, but not citrate. Under similar high-CO2 conditions, high-CO2 requiring mutants of cia-3 and cia-5, whose photosynthetic activities are greatly limited under low CO2, showed much lower level of Ars activities than wild type cells. Under Iow-CO2 conditions the induction of Ars was greatly suppressed even in wild type and no induction was observed in both mutants. These results suggest that the stimulation of photosynthetic or respiratory carbon metabolism are necessary for the induction of Ars. In contrast, the induction of periplasmic carbonic anhydrase (CA) which was synthesized de novo specifically under CO2-limited conditions was strongly suppressed by the addition of organic carbon sources, such as acetate and citrate. When cells are subjected to CO2-limitation and sulfate-deficiency simultaneously, the induction of CA was initiated immediately, while that of Ars was initiated following the completion of CA induction with an about 4-h lag. When the concentration of CO2 was suddenly lowered during the induction of Ars, the induction of Ars ceased quickly, and the induction of CA was initiated instead. From these results the induction of CA was suggested to have priority over that of Ars under the dual stress of CO2, and sulfate-deprivation.  相似文献   

It has been known that arginine is used as the basic amino acid in the a-subunit of cytochrome b_(559)(Cyt b_(559)) excepthistidine. However, previous studies have focused on the function of histidine in the activities of photosystem (PS) II andthere are no reports regarding the structural and/or functional roles of arginine in PSII complexes. In the present study,two arginine (R18) mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii were constructed using site-directed mutagenesis, in whichR18 was replaced by glutamic acid (E) and glycine (G). The results show that the oxygen evolution of the PSII complexin the R18G and R18E mutants was approximately 60% of wild-type (WT) levels and that, after irradiation at high lightintensity, oxygen evolution for the PSII of mutants was reduced to zero compared with 40% in WT cells. The efficiency oflight capture by PSII (F_v/F_m) of R18G and R18E mutants was approximately 42%-46% that of WT cells. Furthermore, levelsof the a-subunit of Cyt b_(559) and PsbO proteins were reduced in thylakoid membranes compared with WT. Overall, thesedata suggest that R18 plays a significant role in helping Cyt b_559 maintain the structure of the PSII complex and its activity,although it is not directly bound to the heme group.  相似文献   

The freshwater microalga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard, was cultured under 350 and 700 ppmv CO2 to determine the impact of doubled atmospheric CO2 concentration on its growth and photosynthesis. No significant difference was observed in the specific growth rate, photosynthetic efficiency, maximal net photo‐synthetic rate and light‐saturating point between the low and high CO2 cultures. Both the low‐ and high‐CO2‐grown cells showed reduced light‐dependent O2 evolution rate and photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) owing to photoinhibition when exposed to high photon flux density. However, high‐CO2‐grown cells were less photoinhibited, and showed better recovery in dim light or darkness during the initial period of the recovery process.  相似文献   

IFT46是纤毛内运输蛋白IFT复合物B(IFT-B)的一个重要组分,对于纤毛的组装、运动和感知发挥着重要作用。为深入研究IFT46的作用机制,利用ift46基因全序列分别构建了带有GST和MBP标签的原核表达载体p GEX-2T-ift46和p MAL-C2X-ift46,并转入大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)诱导表达,以15%SDS-PAGE鉴定,分别获得了分子量为70、86 k Da的重组GST/MBP-IFT46融合蛋白。将亲和纯化的GST-IFT46融合蛋白(纯度95%以上)免疫新西兰大白兔,采集第5次免疫后血清用ELISA测定效价为1∶256 000。抗血清依次经Protein A和固定在MBP-IFT46纯化后,用Western blotting和免疫荧光检测抗体特异性,结果表明制备的多克隆抗体能很好地识别莱茵衣藻中的IFT46,而且发现IFT46绝大部分定位在纤毛基体,极少部分沿纤毛呈点状分布,为继续开展IFT46在肥胖症、糖尿病、多囊肾病等纤毛相关疾病中作用机制的研究奠定了重要基础。  相似文献   

With the ongoing differential disruption of the biogeochemical cycles of major elements that are essential for all life (carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus), organisms are increasingly faced with a heterogenous supply of these elements in nature. Given that photosynthetic primary producers form the base of aquatic food webs, impacts of changed elemental supply on these organisms are particularly important. One way that phytoplankton cope with the differential availability of nutrients is through physiological changes, resulting in plasticity in macromolecular and elemental biomass composition. Here, we assessed how the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii adjusts its macromolecular (e.g., carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins) and elemental (C, N, and P) biomass pools in response to changes in growth rate and the modification of resources (nutrients and light). We observed that Chlamydomonas exhibits considerable plasticity in elemental composition (e.g., molar ratios ranging from 124 to 971 for C:P, 4.5 to 25.9 for C:N, and 15.1 to 61.2 for N:P) under all tested conditions, pointing to the adaptive potential of Chlamydomonas in a changing environment. Exposure to low light modified the elemental and macromolecular composition of cells differently than limitation by nutrients. These observed differences, with potential consequences for higher trophic levels, included smaller cells, shifts in C:N and C:P ratios (due to proportionally greater N and P contents), and differential allocation of C among macromolecular pools (proportionally more lipids than carbohydrates) with different energetic value. However, substantial pools of N and P remained unaccounted for, especially at fast growth, indicating accumulation of N and P in forms we did not measure.  相似文献   

The development of techniques allowing the unattended collection of RNA from cell samples at room temperature makes practical accurate and facile monitoring of circadian rhythms in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The utility of these methods was demonstrated by collecting RNA samples for three days from cells maintained in continuous darkness. Every hour, cells were automatically collected and lysed with buffer containing SDS and proteinase K. Samples were maintained at room temperature with little or no evidence of degradation of RNA. Strong, non-damping circadian rhythms of cab mRNA abundance were measured. Free-running rhythms of about 24 h were measured from cultures maintained at 16, 20, 25 and 30 °C, thus demonstrating temperature compensation of circadian period. Simultaneous collections from cultures previously entrained to 12 h light/12 h dark cycles of opposite phase displayed circadian rhythms of cab mRNA abundance that were in phase with their previous entraining light cycles. Thus, this result suggests that the measured circadian rhythms of cab mRNA abundance was not an artifact of the collection procedure.  相似文献   

In order to broaden our understanding of the eukaryotic CO2-concentrating mechanism the occurrence and localization of a thylakoid-associated carbonic anhydrase (EC were studied in the green algae Tetraedron minimum and Chlamydomonas noctigama. Both algae induce a CO2-concentrating mechanism when grown under limiting CO2 conditions. Using mass-spectrometric measurements of 18O exchange from doubly labelled CO2, the presence of a thylakoid-associated carbonic anhydrase was confirmed for both species. From purified thylakoid membranes, photosystem I (PSI), photosystem II (PSII) and the light-harvesting complex of the photosynthetic apparatus were isolated by mild detergent gel. The protein fractions were identified by 77 K fluorescence spectroscopy and immunological studies. A polypeptide was found to immunoreact with an antibody raised against thylakoid carbonic anhydrase (CAH3) from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. It was found that this polypeptide was mainly associated with PSII, although a certain proportion was also connected to light harvesting complex II. This was confirmed by activity measurements of carbonic anhydrase in isolated bands extracted from the mild detergent gel. The thylakoid carbonic anhydrase isolated from T. minimum had an isoelectric point between 5.4 and 4.8. Together the results are consistent with the hypothesis that thylakoid carbonic anhydrase resides within the lumen where it is associated with the PSII complex. Received: 13 May 2000 / Accepted: 16 August 2000  相似文献   

The role of extracellular carbonic anhydrase (CAex) for dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) accumulation in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was investigated. It was found that when algal cells were bubbled with ambient air, cell-wall-less mutant cells exhibited the same high photosynthetic affinity for CO2 as wild-type cells despite a 10 times lower activity of CAex. It was also found that the affinity for CO2 was further increased when the total DIC concentration of the algal medium was reduced from that in equilibrium with ambient air to even lower levels. This increased affinity was not correlated with any further increase in the CAex activity. Dextran-bound sulfonamide (DBS. 100 μM bound ligand) completely inhibited the activity of CAex in intact, low-DIC grown, wild-type cells, while photosynthesis at <2 μM CO2(aq) proceeded at a far greater rate than could be maintained by CO2 supplied from the spontaneous dehydration of HCO?3. DBS-inhibition of CAex, during the induction of the DIC-accumulating mechanism in previously high-DIC grown cells, only caused a 50% inhibition of photosynthesis at 10 μM CO2(aq) after 1 h of low-DIC acclimation. It was also shown that 50 μM acetazolamide (AZ) inhibited photosynthesis at low DIC concentrations to a relatively higher degree than DBS, suggesting that AZ inhibited intracellular CA as well. Taken together, these results suggest that low-DIC grown cells of C. reinhardtii have the ability to transport HCO?3 across the plasma membrane in addition to the CAex-mediated, facilitated diffusion and/or transport of CO2. It is also suggested that the relative importance of these two fluxes (CO2 or HCO?3) is dependent on the growth and experimental conditions. Facilitated CO2 uptake seems to be most prevalent, supported by HCO?3-transport under more or less extreme situations, such as a reduction of CO2 to extremely low concentrations, leakage of CAex to the medium as in cultures of cell-wall-less mutant cells or when the activity of CAex has been artificially inhibited.  相似文献   

Camera traps (CTs), used in conjunction with capture–mark–recapture analyses (CMR; photo‐CMR), are a valuable tool for estimating abundances of rare and elusive wildlife. However, a critical requirement of photo‐CMR is that individuals are identifiable in CT images (photo‐ID). Thus, photo‐CMR is generally limited to species with conspicuous pelage patterns (e.g., stripes or spots) using lateral‐view images from CTs stationed along travel paths. Pumas (Puma concolor) are an elusive species for which CTs are highly effective at collecting image data, but their suitability to photo‐ID is controversial due to their lack of pelage markings. For a wide range of taxa, facial features are useful for photo‐ID, but this method has generally been limited to images collected with traditional handheld cameras. Here, we evaluate the feasibility of using puma facial features for photo‐ID in a CT framework. We consider two issues: (1) the ability to capture puma facial images using CTs, and (2) whether facial images improve human ability to photo‐ID pumas. We tested a novel CT accessory that used light and sound to attract the attention of pumas, thereby collecting face images for use in photo‐ID. Face captures rates increased at CTs that included the accessory (n = 208, χ 2 = 43.23, p ≤ .001). To evaluate if puma faces improve photo‐ID, we measured the inter‐rater agreement of 5 independent assessments of photo‐ID for 16 of our puma face capture events. Agreement was moderate to good (Fleiss’ kappa = 0.54, 95% CI = 0.48–0.60), and was 92.90% greater than a previously published kappa using conventional CT methods. This study is the first time that such a technique has been used for photo‐ID, and we believe a promising demonstration of how photo‐ID may be feasible for an elusive but unmarked species.  相似文献   

A model is presented which quantifies a possible role for the carbonic anhydrase in the mitochondrial matrix of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii which incorporates the observation that the expression of this enzyme is increased under growth conditions in which the expression of the carbon dioxide-concentrating mechanism is increased. It is assumed that the inorganic carbon enters the cytosol from the medium, and leaves the cytosol to the plastids, as HCO3 and that there is negligible carbonic anhydrase activity in the cytosol. The role of the mitochondrial carbonic anhydrase is suggested to be the conversion to HCO3 of the CO2 produced in the mitochondria in the light from tricarboxylic acid cycle activity and from decarboxylation of glycine in any photorespiratory carbon oxidation cycle activity which is not suppressed by the carbon concentrating mechanism. If there is a HCO3 channel in the inner mitochondrial membrane then almost all of the inorganic carbon leaves the mitochondria as HCO3, thus limiting the potential for CO2 leakage through the plasmalemma. This mechanism could increase inorganic C supply to ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase by some 10% at the energetic expense of less than 1% of the total ATP generation by plastids plus mitochondria.  相似文献   

In the present study, three new strains of the rare volvocalean green alga Lobomonas were isolated from field‐collected samples, one from Sardinia (Italy) and two from Argentina, and comparatively studied. The Sardinian and one of the Argentinian strains were identified as Lobomonas francei, the type species of the genus, whereas the second Argentinian strain corresponded to L. panduriformis. Two additional nominal species of Lobomonas from culture collections (L. rostrata and L. sphaerica) were included in the analysis and shown to be morphologically and molecularly identical to the L. francei strains. The presence, number, and shapes of cell wall lobes, the diagnostic criterion of Lobomonas, were shown to be highly variable depending on the chemical composition of the culture medium used. The analyses by SEM gave evidence that the cell wall lobes in Lobomonas originate at the junctions of adjacent cell wall plates by extrusion of gelatinous material. The four L. francei strains had identical nrRNA gene sequences and differed by only one or two substitutions in the ITS1 + ITS2 sequences. In the phylogenetic analyses, L. francei and L. panduriformis were sister taxa; however, another nominal Lobomonas species (L. monstruosa) did not belong to this genus. Lobomonas, together with taxa designated as Vitreochlamys, Tetraspora, and Paulschulzia, formed a monophyletic group that in the combined analyses was sister to the “Chlamydomonas/Volvox‐clade.” Based on these results, Lobomonas was revised, the diagnosis of the type species emended, a lectotype and an epitype designated, and several taxa synonymized with the type species.  相似文献   

Thirty-five corticioid collections from the Canary Islands and Azores Archipelago were examined morphologically and subjected to molecular phylogenetic analysis. These specimens, almost all collected on endemic and/or xerophilic vegetation, were similar in morphological and ecological characteristics to Hypochnicium prosopidis from the Sonoran Desert (Arizona, USA) and Hyphoderma amoenum. Thirty-seven new ITS nrDNA sequences from these specimens, including the nomenclatural type of the above-mentioned species, were obtained and aligned with homologous sequences from GenBank. These collections were distributed in two strongly supported monophyletic clades. However, similar patterns of morphological variability shared by specimens included in both clades and their differences with related species suggest that they should be described as a single new species. Therefore Hyphoderma macaronesicum is proposed. Studies will be required to test, in a more robust multilocus genealogical framework, whether these populations constitute two cryptic species or whether they are the same taxon. The position of Hypochnicium prosopidis in the resolved tree and its morphological characters suggest that it should be included in Hyphoderma and the new combination Hyphoderma prosopidis is proposed.  相似文献   

Five F1 hybrid strains were established from rare survivors in intergroup crosses between three closely related mating groups (A, B and H) of the Closterium ehrenbergii Meneghini ex Ralfs species complex. Cell sizes of these five strains studied under our standard culture conditions were compared to those of their parental stains and also to the total range of cell-size variation in each mating group. All five F1 strains were larger in mean cell width than their parental strains. In cell length, three of them were larger than, one was the same as, and the other was intermediate between their parental strains. Their cell sizes were always larger than the range of their respective smaller parental mating group and three of them were larger than the range of their respective larger parental mating group.  相似文献   

The two closely related noctuid moths Spodoptera latifascia and S. descoinsi have been found in sympatry in some parts of French Guiana. They differ by i) ecological preferences, ii) some anatomical features of the genital tract, iii) the relative amounts of the two main components of the female pheromonal blend, and iv) the temporal pattern of sexual behaviour. Viable and fertile interspecific hybrids can be obtained in the laboratory, thus permitting a genetic study of some of these traits. The anatomical differences cause perturbations in mating efficiency. Experimental results show that these differences are hereditarily transmitted, but their exact mode of inheritance remains unknown. The timing of initiation of female calling activity is very likely to be under polygenic control. Conclusive evidence showed that a pair of major autosomal alleles determined the pheromone composition. Moreover, some of the data suggest that the descoinsi allele would become lethal in certain mosaic latifascia/descoinsi genomic environments. The ecological factor is likely to be the major component of reproductive isolation between the two species in natural conditions. However in contact zones, the differences in pheromone composition and in timing of sexual activity are probably involved in preventing interspecific hybridization. Two speciation scenarios are proposed, both sympatric. In one of them, the primary event would be a fragmentation of the tropical forest followed by disruptive selection associated with habitat diversification. In the other, the speciation process might have been initiated by the occurrence of mutations acting on the pheromone mediated mate recognition system.  相似文献   

A simple enzyme mixture containing 2% Cellulase Onozuka R–10 and1% Macerozyme R–10 prepared in deionised water supplemented with 3% NaCland 1 mM CaCl2 was developed for isolating rapidlyprotoplasts from different species of Monostroma,Enteromorpha and Ulva. The yield fordifferent species of Monostroma ranged from 9.6 ×106 to 10.2 × 106 cells g–1f. wt thallus, and forEnteromorpha from 3.48 × 106 to 11.7× 106 cells g–1 f. wt and forUlva from 4.58 × 106 to 26.8 ×106 cells g–1 f. wt. The overallregeneration rate of the protoplasts isolated was usually > 90% and showednormal morphogenesis. The method yields rapid mass production of viableprotoplasts with high regeneration rates.  相似文献   

The morphology of the pyrenoid and the physiology of the CO2-concentrating mechanism (CCM) were investigated in Chlamydomonas (Cd.) mutabilis Gerloff UTEX 578, Cd. radiata Deason et Bold UTEX 966, Cd. augustae Skuja UTEX 1969, Cd. macrostellata Lund SAG 72.81, Cd. bipapillata Bourrelly SAG 11-47, and Chloromonas (Cr.) insignis Gerloff et Ettl NIES-447, all of which are closely related phylogenetically to the pyrenoid-less strains of Chloromonas. In the chloroplasts of Cd. mutabilis UTEX 578, Cd. radiata UTEX 966, Cd. augustae UTEX 1969, and Cd. macrostellata SAG 72.81, a typical, spheroidal, electron-dense pyrenoid matrix surrounded by starch granules was present, and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco; EC molecules were highly concentrated in the pyrenoid matrix. On the other hand, while the pyrenoid matrix of Cr. insignis NIES-447 was electron-dense that of Cd. bipapillata SAG 11-47 was not, and neither was surrounded by starch granules. The pyrenoid matrices of these two species exhibited a higher concentration of Rubisco molecules than the thylakoid region (thylakoid and stroma) of the chloroplasts; however, the densities of Rubisco molecules in these pyrenoid matrices were low compared with those of the other four Chlamydomonas strains examined in this study and that of Cd. reinhardtii Dangeard. In all six strains examined, the presence of the CCM was indicated by relatively high photosynthetic affinities for CO2 (low values of K0.5(CO2)). However, differences in the inorganic carbon (Ci) pools were recognized in relation to the differences in pyrenoid morphology among the strains. In the typical pyrenoid-containing strains. Cd. mutabilis UTEX 578 and Cd. radiata UTEX 966, the ratio of internal to external inorganic carbon was about 20, while in Cr. insignis NIES-447 and Cd. bipapillata SAG 11-47 the ratio was only 2–3 similar to the two pyrenoid-less, CCM-containing strains of Chloromonas previously examined (E. Morita et al., 1998, Planta 204: 269–276). It is thus speculated that the presence of typical pyrenoids with a high concentration of Rubisco molecules is related to the formation of large Ci pools in the CCM. Detailed phylogenetic relationships among these Chlamydomonas/Chloromonas strains and the pyrenoid-less Chloromonas strains previously investigated were inferred based on the sequence of rbcL, the gene for the large subunit of Rubisco. Two monophyletic groups were resolved with high bootstrap values. Based on the tree topology resolved, it was inferred that loss of the typical pyrenoids accompanied by a decrease in intracellular Ci pools might have taken place independently in the two groups. Received: 21 August 1998 / Accepted: 30 November 1998  相似文献   

The genus Curcuma L. is commonly used as spices, medicines, dyes and ornamentals. Owing to its economic significance and lack of clear‐cut morphological differences between species, this genus is an ideal case for developing DNA barcodes. In this study, four chloroplast DNA regions (matK, rbcL, trnH‐psbA and trnL‐F) and one nuclear region (ITS2) were generated for 44 Curcuma species and five species from closely related genera, represented by 96 samples. PCR amplification success rate, intra‐ and inter‐specific genetic distance variation and the correct identification percentage were taken into account to assess candidate barcode regions. PCR and sequence success rate were high in matK (89.7%), rbcL (100%), trnH‐psbA (100%), trnL‐F (95.7%) and ITS2 (82.6%) regions. The results further showed that four candidate chloroplast barcoding regions (matK, rbcL, trnH‐psbA and trnL‐F) yield no barcode gaps, indicating that the genus Curcuma represents a challenging group for DNA barcoding. The ITS2 region presented large interspecific variation and provided the highest correct identification rates (46.7%) based on BLASTClust method among the five regions. However, the ITS2 only provided 7.9% based on NJ tree method. An increase in discriminatory power needs the development of more variable markers.  相似文献   

The comparative pollination biology of a population of Primula beesiana,a population of P.bulleyana,and an overlapping population of these two species in Yulong Shan,Yunnan Province,China,was studied in 2004 and 2005.The results indicate that both P.beesiana and P.bulleyana are typical heterostylous and obligate outcrossing species;the main pollinators of the two species were bees and butterflies.At the sites of all three populations,the main pollinating visitors of the two species showed preference for one...  相似文献   

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