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Defecation in the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi is a stereotyped sequence of effector responses that occur with a regular ultradian rhythm. Here I used video microscopy to describe new features and correct previous reports of the gastrovascular system during and between defecations. Contrary to the scientific literature, individuals defecated through only one of the two anal canals which possesses the only anal pore. The anal pore was not visible as a permanent structure as depicted in textbooks, but appeared at defecation and disappeared afterward. Time intervals between repeated defecations in individual animals depended on body size, ranging from ~10 min in small larvae to ~1 hr in large adults. Differential interference contrast microscopy revealed that both the opening and closing of the anal pore resembled a reversible ring of tissue fusion between apposed endodermal and ectodermal layers at the aboral end. Individuals of M. leidyi thus appear to have an intermittent anus and therefore an intermittent through‐gut that reoccur at regular intervals. The temporality of a visible anal pore in M. leidyi is novel, and may shed light on the evolution of a permanent anus and through‐gut in animals. In addition, mirror image dimorphism of the diagonal anal complex occurs in larval ctenophores but not in adults, indicating developmental flexibility in diagonal symmetry of the anal complex.  相似文献   

Moss  Anthony G. 《Hydrobiologia》2004,530(1-3):155-162

The ctenophores Beroë cucumis and Pleurobrachia pileus exhibit rapid stoppage of comb plate beating, without accompanying muscular contraction, in response to an orally applied mechanical stimulus. This phenomenon, termed ‘primary inhibition’ by Göthlin, was re-examined by high-speed video microscopy and intracellular recording. The most remarkable features of this event were that (1) inhibition was associated with only one or two comb plates in the row, (2) inhibition occurred nearly anywhere in the ciliary beat cycle, (3) the inhibited plate acted as a mechanical blockade to the propagation of additional metachronal waves, and (4) a single depolarizing post-synaptic potential occurred nearly simultaneously with comb plate inhibition. B. cucumis and P. pileus have evolved a neurally controlled behavior to rapidly stop comb plate metachrony.


The work presents the findings of the laboratory and in situ studies of ctenophore Pleurobrachia pileus O.F. Müller, 1776 which have shown that this species has bioluminescent properties. These organisms were considered non-luminous before. P. pileus bioluminescence was studied on board RV Professor Vodyanitsky during its 116th voyage. Sampling live organisms was preceded by probing with the Salpa MA+ probe to register the daily maximum glow in redoxcline, which in this zone was recorded, as a rule, in the depth range of 60–70 m, where dense clusters of P. pileus were formed at that time. The samples of ctenophores were taken by a Bogorov–Rass plankton net. After the net was closed, it was lifted to the surface at a speed of 0.4–0.5 m s−1. It was shown that only at a temperature not exceeding 14°C, the P. pileus remained alive for 2–3 days. The data provided indicate that the temperature above 14°C is close to the maximum permissible for P. pileus; therefore, chemical and mechanical stimulation experiments were carried out at this temperature (14°C) to agitate ctenophores luminescence. Though, the nature of their signal was significantly different. The total percentage of luminous organisms from the entire catch was 32.43%, which unequivocally proves that P. pileus glows and makes a significant contribution to the intensity of the glow at great depths in redoxcline.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. Die Populationsdynamik der tentaculaten CtenophorePleurobrachia pileus Fabr. 1780 wurde in den Jahren 1966 bis 1968 bei Helgoland untersucht.2. Die in der hydrographisch komplizierten Deutschen Bucht ablaufende Populationsdynamik konnte durch die punktförmige Probennahme und die sie ergänzenden Messungen nur annäherungsweise erfaßt werden.3. Der Jahresgang vonP. pileus zeichnet sich im Untersuchungsgebiet aus durch einen in allen Untersuchungsjahren übereinstimmenden Abundanzanstieg unter Zunahme junger Individuen von März bis Mai. Im Juni wurden die höchsten Abundanzwerte ermittelt; der Rückgang der Population erfolgt anschließend sehr schnell bis zum völligen Fehlen vonP. pileus in den Planktonfängen vor Helgoland.4. In den Jahren 1966 und 1968, alsPleurobrachia pileus eine Abundanz von etwa 10 Individuen pro m3 erreichte, fehlte sie im Spätsommer völlig. 1967, als ihre maximale Abundanz 1–2 Individuen pro m3 betrug, war sie im Spätsommer und Herbst regelmäßig bis häufig im Plankton vertreten.5. Der mittlere Körperdurchmesser der gefangenenP. pileus ist im Winter größer als im Sommer. Gegen Ende des Winters zeigen einzelne Individuen Reduktionserscheinungen an den Lokomotionsorganen.6. Die Tiefenverteilung vonP. pileus zeigt ganzjährig eine Präferenz der bodennahen Wasserschichten, die durch Seegangseinwirkungen anscheinend gefördert wird.7. Die Massenentwicklung vonP. pileus im Frühjahr folgt der Frühjahrsblüte des Phytoplanktons und dem daran gebundenen Auftreten von Copepoden und Evertebratenlarven.8. Der Populationsrückgang wird maßgeblich durchBeroe gracilis verursacht. Deren Population ist somit für die Populationsdynamik vonP. pileus der einflußreichste biotische Faktor.9. DaBeroe gracilis Nahrungsspezialist ist, bilden beide Arten ein Regelsystem, das bei hoher Abundanz vonP. pileus wirksam wird.10.Bolinopsis infundibulum undBeroe cucumis, die synchron im gleichen Gebiet als ökologisches Regelsystem verwandter Struktur vertreten sind, haben nur einen geringen direkten Einfluß auf die Populationsdynamik vonPleurobrachia pileus undBeroe gracilis.11. Die Konsequenzen der Abhängigkeit des Auftretens vonBeroe gracilis vonP. pileus werden diskutiert.
Ecological investigtions onPleurobrachia pileus. 1. Field studies
The tentaculate ctenophorePleurobrachia pileus Fabr. belongs to the most abundant holoplanktonic zooplankters of the German Bight (North Sea). Its population dynamics have been studied from May 1966 to August 1968. Samples were taken mainly near the island Helgoland; hence the survey on population dynamics, which depend upon the complicated hydrographical conditions of the German Bight, is quite limited. Plankton samples were taken either as surface hauls in turbulent water, or as Hensen vertical hauls or horizontal hauls with the Knüppelnetz. In all three years the annual cycle ofP. pileus reveals a characteristic population increase from March to the end of May, followed by a steep population decrease. Maximum abundances varied from about 20 individuals per m3 to about 1 individual per m3. The population increase corresponds to the spring plankton bloom. The decrease is mainly due to the influence ofBeroe gracilis, whose population dynamics were also studied, as well as those ofBolinopsis infundibulum andBeroe cucumis. IfP. pileus andB. gracilis were abundant in spring,P. pileus could not be found during the subsequent summer, but reappeared in autumn and winter. In 1967, whenP. pileus andB. gracilis were less abundant, representatives could be caught throughout the following months. The population dynamics ofPleurobrachia pileus andBeroe gracilis, as well as ofBolinopsis infundibulum andBeroe cucumis, provide examples of ecological feedback systems.

Knowledge of how energetic parameters relate to fluctuating factors in the natural habitat is necessary when evaluating the role of gelatinous zooplankton in the carbon flow of coastal waters. In laboratory experiments, we assessed feeding, respiration and growth of the ctenophore, Pleurobrachia pileus, and constructed carbon budgets. Clearance rates (F, l d−1) of laboratory-reared Acartia tonsa as prey increased as a function of ctenophore polar length (L, mm) as F = 0.17L 1.9. For ctenophores larger than about 11 mm, clearance rate was depressed in containers of 30–50 l volume. Clearance rates on field-collected prey were highest on the copepod, Centropages typicus, intermediate on the cladoceran, Evadne nordmanni and low on the copepods, Acartia clausi and Temora longicornis. Specific growth rates of 8–10 mm P. pileus increased with increasing prey concentrations to a maximum of 0.09 d−1 attained at prey carbon densities of 40 and 100 μg C l−1 of Artemia salina and A. tonsa, respectively. Weight-specific respiration rates increased hyperbolically with prey concentration. From experiments in which growth, ingestion and respiration were measured simultaneously, a carbon budget was constructed for individuals growing at maximum rates; from the measured parameters, the assimilation efficiency and net growth efficiency were estimated to be 22 and 37%, respectively. We conclude that the predation rates of P. pileus depend on ctenophore size, prey species, prey density and experimental container volume. Because the specific growth rates, respiration, assimilation and net growth efficiencies all were affected by food availability, knowledge of the ambient prey field is critical when evaluating the role of P. pileus in the carbon flow in coastal waters.  相似文献   

We investigated whether phosphorus limitations of primary producers propagate upwards through the food web, not only to the primary consumer level but also onto the secondary consumers’ level. A tri-trophic food chain was used to assess the effects of phosphorus-limited phytoplankton (the cryptophyte Rhodomonas salina) on herbivorous zooplankters (the copepod Acartia tonsa) and finally on zooplanktivores (the ctenophore Pleurobrachia pileus). The algae were cultured in phosphorus-replete and phosphorus-limited media before being fed to two groups of copepods. The copepods in turn were fed to the top predator, P. pileus, in a mixture resulting in a phosphorus-gradient, ranging from copepods having received only phosphorus-replete algae to copepods reared solely on phosphorus-limited algae. The C:P ratio of the algae varied significantly between the two treatments, resulting in higher C:P ratios for those copepods feeding on phosphorus-limited algae, albeit with a significance of 0.07. The differences in the feeding environment of the copepods could be followed to Pleurobrachia pileus. Contrary to our expectations, we found that phosphorus-limited copepods represented a higher quality food source for P. pileus, as shown by the better condition (expressed as nucleic acid content) of the ctenophore. This could possibly be explained by the rather high C:P ratios of ctenophores, their resulting low phosphorus demand and relative insensitivity to P deficiency. This might potentially be an additional explanation for the observed increasing abundances of gelatinous zooplankton in our increasingly phosphorus-limited coastal seas.  相似文献   

This survey examined the association between the hyperiid amphipod Hyperoche martinezii and ctenophores off the Argentinian coast (38°08′17″S, 57°31′18″W) through the evaluation of seasonality, prevalence and intensity of infection during an annual cycle. Medusae were also examined but only the ctenophores Mnemiopsis leidyi, Pleurobrachia pileus and Beroe ovata showed this association during the austral mid-spring to mid-summer. A total of 502 hyperiids were obtained; most (422 individuals) were larval stages, 53 juveniles and 27 adults. Mnemiopsis leidyi had the highest number of hyperiids with 98.6%, followed by P. pileus (0.80%), and B. ovata (0.60%). Total prevalence was 2.0 and intensity of infection ranged between 1 and 17 hyperiids per ctenophore. The host with highest prevalence was B. ovata (4.54), followed by M. leidyi (3.76) and P. pileus (0.1). Prevalence values had some correlations with the increase in the total length of B. ovata (r?=?0.480, P?=?0.006) and M. leidyi (r?=?0.501, P?B. ovata (r?=?0.425, P?=?0.017). The hyperiid was found in different parts of the host body: larval stages were found in the canal close to the subtentacular comb row and the stomodeum, whereas juvenile/adult stages were observed with a resting posture on the external surface of the ctenophores. The known geographic distribution of H. martinezii was extended; this finding represents the addition of three new hosts for this hyperiid.  相似文献   

Ciliary organelles play important roles in many of the locomotory and sensory functions of ctenophores. This paper reviews published work on the physiology and behavior of ciliary-based feeding in Pleurobrachia pileus and presents recent preliminary work on the conduction pathway controlling this behavior. The feeding response can now be described in terms of specific physiological events at most levels of organization.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. Die tentakulate CtenophorePleurobrachia pileus Fabr. wurde im Laboratorium kultiviert und ökologischen Experimenten unterworfen. Als Kultur- und Experimentiergefäße dienten der Planktonkreisel, der Phytoplanktonkreisel und die Doppelküvette.2. Individuen vonP. pileus (15 mm Körperdurchmesser) legten in einem Zeitraum von 14 Tagen bis zu 7000 Eier ab; die kleinsten sexuell aktiven Individuen maßen 5,5 mm.3. Versuche zur Temperaturtoleranz zeigten, daßP. pileus Temperaturen von –1° bis 26° C erträgt; die extremsten tolerierten Salzgehalte lagen bei 12 bzw. 45 S; beide Werte stellen keine absolute Toleranzgrenze dar.4. Der Einfluß der Umgebungstemperatur auf die Entwicklungsgeschwindigkeit der Ctenophoreneier, die Nahrungsaufnahme- und Wachstumsrate wurde im Temperaturbereich von 6° bis 20° C untersucht. Innerhalb dieses Bereiches entwickelte sichP. pileus normal, zeigte jedoch deutlich abgestufte Reaktionen auf die unterschiedlichen Temperaturen.5. Künstlich erzeugter Seegang bewirkt beiP. pileus eine Veränderung der Tiefenverteilung; die Ctenophore weicht der Oberflächenturbulenz aus.6. Das Fangverhalten der Ctenophore wird auch von hohem Sestongehalt des Hälterungswassers nur wenig gestört. Aktiv schwimmende Organismen werden bevorzugt gefangen. Treibsand kann zur Schädigung vonP. pileus führen. Eisenhydroxidflocken und andere industrielle Abfallstoffe störten die Ctenophore nur wenig bei der Nahrungsaufnahme.7. Die Wechselbeziehungen zwischenP. pileus und anderen Holoplanktonten sind teilweise sehr kompliziert. Für die verschiedenen Altersstufen der Ctenophore können z. B. adulte Copepoden nacheinander Feinde und Nahrungsorganismen sein.8. Von den Formen des Meroplanktons sind besonders einige Scyphomedusen als Feinde vonP. pileus von Bedeutung. Die Larven vieler benthonischer Evertebraten tragen zur Ernährung insbesondere junger Individuen vonP. pileus bei. Fischlarven werden besonders dann vonP. pileus gefressen, wenn sie aktiv schwimmen.9. Bodenlebende Fische und das vagile Makrobenthos sind zum Teil Feinde vonP. pileus; Cyclopterus lumpus frißt die Ctenophore begierig;Eupagurus bernhardus zeigt ein speziell für den Fang vonP. pileus geeignetes Verhalten.10. Ein Modell zur Beschreibung der interpopulativen Relationen zwischenP. pileus und ihren Nachbarpopulationen wird als Mittel zur Ökosystemanalyse vorgeschlagen.
Ecological investigations onPleurobrachia pileus 2. Laboratory investigations
The tentaculate ctenophorePleurobrachia pileus Fabr. is one of the most abundant holoplanktonic invertebrates of the German Bight (North Sea). It has been successfully cultivated under laboratory conditions at Helgoland. Additional information was obtained on reproduction and relationships to abiotic and biotic environmental factors.P. pileus tolerated temperatures from –1° to 26° C, and salinities from 12 to 45 S; in both cases the lower and upper limits may not represent the ultimate tolerance maximum. Temperature effects on rates of embryonic development, feeding, and growth were studied, as well as the interaction of turbulence and high seston content of sea water and their effects upon the behaviour of the ctenophore.P. pileus selects certain swimming organisms from a variety of possible food sources; it is well adapted to a life in detritus-rich habitats. Planktonic, nectonic and benthonic organisms have been used for testing interrelations toP. pileus. The patterns of these interrelationships are discussed.

Over the past several decades, global warming has been linked to shifts in the distributions and abundances of species. In the southern North Sea, temperatures have increased in the last three decades and this will likely have consequences on the seasonality of marine organisms living in the area. Ctenophores such as Beroe gracilis and Pleurobrachia pileus could be particularly affected by changes in their own phenology and that of their prey, thus causing shifts in ecosystem function. Despite their global relevance and their potentially deleterious effect on the fishing industry, only a few long‐term records of ctenophore abundance exist, and most of these records are semiquantitative in nature. Therefore, our knowledge of the influence of environmental factors on their population development is presently very limited. In this study, the long‐term abundance dynamics of B. gracilis, P. pileus and their food calanoid copepods were analysed for a highly temporally resolved time series in the German Bight at Helgoland Roads. Special attention was focused on the response of these organisms to climate warming. Bayesian statistics showed that the phenology of the two ctenophores shifted in a step‐like mode in the year 1987/1988 to permanent earlier appearances. The seasonal change in the population blooms of P. pileus and B. gracilis correlated remarkably well with a step‐like increase in winter and spring sea surface temperatures of the southern North Sea. Possible explanations for the changes observed in these organisms include higher reproductive rates, increased winter survival rates or both. Interannual variations in ctenophore abundances correlated best with the interannual changes in spring temperatures, although the impact of temperature on B. gracilis appeared less pronounced. The changes in copepods abundance were not consistent with changes in P. pileus and B. gracilis. P. pileus showed longer periods of high abundance after the permanent seasonal advancement. These longer periods were correlated with a decline in the average autumn abundance of copepods. Changes in the phenology of these organisms raise the concerns on the declining state of fish stocks, which could potentially be exacerbated by gelatinous zooplankton outbreaks. These conditions may ultimately lead to trophic dead ends by channelling the flow of energy away from higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

The electron microscopy cytochemical data have been obtained on compartmentalization of a secondary messenger, inositol (1,4,5)-triphosphate (InsP3), in receptor cells of different modalities in representatives of early multicellular animals, ctenophores Bero cucumis and coelenterates, scyphomedusas Cyanea arctica. In the gravitation mechanoreceptor cells of the ctenophores and medusas, the inositol-containing compartments were revealed predominantly in cilia and stereocilia. The presence of uniformly distributed discrete granules of the precipitate of the enzymatic cytochemical reaction product in the light-sensitive lamellar structures of photoreceptor cells of ctenophores is discussed in the connection with the possible existence of peculiar rhodopsin–inositol complexes participating in photoreceptor processes. The peculiarities of compartmentalization of the precipitate in photo- and gravitation mechanoreceptor cells allow considering InsP3 as one of the components that that are able to contribute to development of mechanisms of modality in the ciliary receptor cells of ancient multicellular animals.  相似文献   

 In Craterostigmus tasmanianus, first results of the cellular organization of anal organs within the ’ano-genital’ capsule are presented. Each valve of the ’ano-genital’ capsule bears four pore fields ventrally, each of them consisting of several pore openings of the anal organs. The pores lead into a cuticle-lined pore channel, the base of which is surrounded by a single-layered epithelium that is composed of three different cell types. The main epithelium consists of radially arranged transport-active cells surrounded by exocrine cells, and the cells of the pore channel. The cells of the transporting epithelium show deep invaginations of the apical and basal cell surfaces and plasmalemma-mitochondrial complexes. These cells are covered by a specialized cuticle with a prominent subcuticle. Exocrine glands secrete a mucous layer on the cuticle of the main epithelium. The type of anal organ present in Craterostigmus tasmanianus shows similarities to coxal and anal organs found in other Pleurostigmophora in the chilopods. The possible function of the anal organs in uptaking water vapour is discussed. It is appropriate to call the organs within the ’ano-genital’ capsule of Craterostigmus tasmanianus ”anal organs”, as components of the genital segments are not involved. Accepted: 17 November 1996  相似文献   

The genus Balechina (=subgenus Pachydinium) was established for heterotrophic gymnodinioid dinoflagellates with a thick cell covering. The type species, B. pachydermata (=Gymnodinium pachyderm‐atum), showed numerous fine longitudinal striae, whereas B. coerulea (=G. coeruleum) showed ~24 prominent longitudinal surface ridges or furrows and a distinctive blue pigmentation. We have investigated the morphology and molecular phylogeny of these taxa and the species Gymnodinium cucumis, G. lira and G. amphora from the western Mediterranean, Brazil and Japan. Sudden contractions at the cingulum level were seen in B. pachydermata, which also showed a high morphological variability which included morphotypes that have been described as Amphidinium vasculum, G. amphora, G. dogielii and G. gracile sensu Kofoid and Swezy. Molecular phylogeny based on small subunit rRNA gene sequences revealed that Balechina coerulea, G. cucumis and G. lira formed a clade distantly related to the clade of the type species, B. pachydermata, and G. amphora. We propose the new genus Cucumeridinium for the species with longitudinal ridges and a circular apical groove (Cucumeridinium coeruleum comb. nov., C. lira comb. nov. and C. cucumis comb. nov.), and Gymnodinium canus and G. costatum are considered synonyms of C. coeruleum. The genus Balechina remains for the species with a double‐layer cell covering, bossed surface with fine striae, and an elongated elliptical apical groove. At present, the genus is monotypic containing only B. pachydermata.  相似文献   


In Tetrahymena thermophila, the ultradian rhythm of tyrosine aminotransferase activity was investigated under free‐running conditions. The rhythm persisted in the presence of 1 mM emetine, although the drug efficiently inhibited both protein synthesis and cell division. Also 250 mM hydroxyurea, which suppressed cell growth to a high degree, did not prevent the rhythm. These data support the concept of an ultradian oscillator working independently of translation and being not a consequence of the “cell cycle”;, although under normal physiological conditions the rhythm of tyrosine aminotransferase is accompanied by and equiperiodic with the rhythm of cell division, both in the ultradian and circadian growth modes.  相似文献   

The diet of the spiny dogfish in northern and central Patagonian waters was studied from the by-catch of the bottom trawling fisheries directed to Argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi and Argentine red shrimp Pleoticus muelleri between 1996 and 1998. Food habits were analyzed in relation to sex and maturity of sharks. Also, the relationship between diet and abundance of the main prey was explored. Intraspecific diet comparisons were performed. Differences in diet were found between immature individuals, mature males, and mature females. The Argentine shortfin squid Illex argentinus, the Argentine hake and ctenophores Pleurobrachia pileus were the most important prey for the spiny dogfish. Immature and small individuals were pelagic predators. After sexual maturity, the spiny dogfish shifted its diet. Mature and large individuals tended to reduce the consumption of ctenophores, and increase the consumption of demersal and benthic species. Previous diet studies on the spiny dogfish in 1984–1985 and 1994 indicated that the Argentine hake was the most important prey. In the present study, carried out in 1998, squid was the most important prey, followed by the hake. This diet change was related to the major decrease of hake due to overfishing and the increase of squid abundance between 1994 and 1999.  相似文献   

Summary Long term continuous plankton measurements at Helgoland (North Sea) have provided a set of data which could be used for ecological functional analysis with respect to prey predator theory. Local dynamics display trophic feedback between selected populations. Phytoplankton, small copepods, Noctiluca miliaris, Pleurobrachia pileus and Beroe gracilis conform with theoretical assumptions. The functional relationships are less significant in averaged population dynamics compared with single ear processes. The local prey-predator cycles are to be understood as population waves travelling through German Bight. Such population waves over an area of 18 000 km2 have been investigated and are displayed for the above given zooplankton populations as computer graphics and analysed in their progression for the population of P. pileus.  相似文献   

To protect tissues from damaging effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS), organisms possess enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant systems. Cytosolic-enzyme catalase (CAT) is a component of the antioxidant defence system that reduces hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to water (H2O). The aim of this study was to assess the variation of antioxidant enzyme CAT activity in brain, kidney and liver of adult male mice according to tissue-specific and temporal patterns within a 24-h period (12:12 L/D). The CAT activity was assayed at 4-h intervals. The Cosinor test programme was used to detect and confirm the best corresponding rhythm. In liver, the circadian rhythm of CAT was associated with ultradian components. The prominent circadian rhythm (with a period τ = 24 h) showed a peak located at the middle of the dark phase, more precisely  17 HALO (Hours After Light Onset). In kidney, only a circadian rhythm of CAT was validated with a peak time located at  17 HALO. However, in brain, the time pattern of CAT activity showed two peak times at  1 and  17 HALO, illustrating the existence of an ultradian rhythm (with a period τ = 12 h). The results showed significant organ differences with the highest activity in liver, compared with kidney (− 89%) and brain (− 98%). This might be related to several factors such as their respective physiological function, the risk of exposure to oxidative damage and the balance between synthesis and degradation of proteins during “normal metabolism”. Moreover, CAT activity revealed differences in time-related changes across a 24-h period that were more obvious in peak levels between the three tissues.  相似文献   

During tissue development, the morphogenesis of epithelial sheets is regulated by many factors, including mechanical force, although the underlying mechanisms remain largely unknown. In the pharyngeal region of the vertebrate embryo, endodermal epithelium is reiteratively folded outward to form pharyngeal pouches, making partitions between the pharyngeal arches. Ripply3, encoding a member of the Ripply family of adaptor proteins, is required for the pouch formation posterior to the 2nd pharyngeal pouch. In this study, we found that the expression of mouse Ripply3 was specifically activated in accordance with the bending of the endodermal epithelium during the pouch formation. In Ripply3‐deficient embryos, a continuous monolayer of the endodermal epithelium was not maintained posterior to the 2nd pharyngeal pouch. Corresponding to the endodermal region of the deformed epithelium, the activated form of Integrin β1, which was localized at the basal side of the epithelial cells in the wild‐type embryos, was not persistently observed in the mutants. On the other hand, cell proliferation and apoptotic cell death in the endoderm were not obviously affected by the Ripply3 deficiency. Significantly, Ripply3 expressed in cultured cells was found to be preferentially accumulated in the focal adhesions, which are Integrin‐mediated adhesive contact sites transmitting mechanical force between the extracellular matrix and attached cells. Furthermore, Ripply3 promoted the maturation of focal adhesions in these cells. Thus, Ripply3 appears to have been activated to enhance the connection between the extracellular matrix and endodermal epithelial cells, as a mechanism to resist the mechanical stress generated during the bending of the epithelial sheets.  相似文献   

Specimens of Pleurobrachia pileus Müller from Galway Bay,western Ireland, were found to be parasitised by three trematodes,one isopod and one nematode. Among these, the trematode, Opechonabacillaris Molin and didymozoid larvae were the most abundant,infecting over 17% of the Pleurobrachia population. Peak infectionwas during the summer of each year when >40% of P. - pileuswere parasitised. Serious infection was found to be either accompaniedor followed by a sharp decline in the abundance of the ctenophore.A close, but negative, correlation was established between theabundance of P. pileus and the percentage of parasitic infection.The percentage of infection in larger P. pileus was higher thanin small specimens. No parasites were detected from P. pileus1 mm or less in length.  相似文献   

As soon as they hatch, gallinaceous chicks follow broody hens. This matriarchal unit presents a temporal organization of activity. The ontogeny of this ultradian rhythm of activity was followed in Japanese quail during their first 3 weeks of life. Under controlled laboratory conditions, 12 groups of four chicks were recorded using an activity monitoring system. They were observed between the ages of 2 and 17 days. Chicks in groups presented an ultradian rhythm of activity, with a period that increased significantly from 14.3 ± 1.4 minutes when chicks were 2 days old to 26.0 ± 1.9 minutes when they were 16 days old. The increase of ultradian periodicity was particularly pronounced during their first and third weeks of life. Finally, the ultradian period was correlated positively with body weight of the chicks. (Chronobiology International, 17(6), 767–776, 2000)  相似文献   

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