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Photosynthetic eukaryotes have a critical role as the main producers in most ecosystems of the biosphere. The ongoing environmental metabarcoding revolution opens the perspective for holistic ecosystems biological studies of these organisms, in particular the unicellular microalgae that often lack distinctive morphological characters and have complex life cycles. To interpret environmental sequences, metabarcoding necessarily relies on taxonomically curated databases containing reference sequences of the targeted gene (or barcode) from identified organisms. To date, no such reference framework exists for photosynthetic eukaryotes. In this study, we built the PhytoREF database that contains 6490 plastidial 16S rDNA reference sequences that originate from a large diversity of eukaryotes representing all known major photosynthetic lineages. We compiled 3333 amplicon sequences available from public databases and 879 sequences extracted from plastidial genomes, and generated 411 novel sequences from cultured marine microalgal strains belonging to different eukaryotic lineages. A total of 1867 environmental Sanger 16S rDNA sequences were also included in the database. Stringent quality filtering and a phylogeny‐based taxonomic classification were applied for each 16S rDNA sequence. The database mainly focuses on marine microalgae, but sequences from land plants (representing half of the PhytoREF sequences) and freshwater taxa were also included to broaden the applicability of PhytoREF to different aquatic and terrestrial habitats. PhytoREF, accessible via a web interface ( http://phytoref.fr ), is a new resource in molecular ecology to foster the discovery, assessment and monitoring of the diversity of photosynthetic eukaryotes using high‐throughput sequencing.  相似文献   

Dinoflagellates are a heterogeneous group of protists present in all aquatic ecosystems where they occupy various ecological niches. They play a major role as primary producers, but many species are mixotrophic or heterotrophic. Environmental metabarcoding based on high‐throughput sequencing is increasingly applied to assess diversity and abundance of planktonic organisms, and reference databases are definitely needed to taxonomically assign the huge number of sequences. We provide an updated 18S rRNA reference database of dinoflagellates: dinoref . Sequences were downloaded from genbank and filtered based on stringent quality criteria. All sequences were taxonomically curated, classified taking into account classical morphotaxonomic studies and molecular phylogenies, and linked to a series of metadata. dinoref includes 1,671 sequences representing 149 genera and 422 species. The taxonomic assignation of 468 sequences was revised. The largest number of sequences belongs to Gonyaulacales and Suessiales that include toxic and symbiotic species. dinoref provides an opportunity to test the level of taxonomic resolution of different 18S barcode markers based on a large number of sequences and species. As an example, when only the V4 region is considered, 374 of the 422 species included in dinoref can still be unambiguously identified. Clustering the V4 sequences at 98% similarity, a threshold that is commonly applied in metabarcoding studies, resulted in a considerable underestimation of species diversity.  相似文献   

Next‐generation sequencing technologies give access to large sets of data, which are extremely useful in the study of microbial diversity based on 16S rRNA gene. However, the production of such large data sets is not only marred by technical biases and sequencing noise but also increases computation time and disc space use. To improve the accuracy of OTU predictions and overcome both computations, storage and noise issues, recent studies and tools suggested removing all single reads and low abundant OTUs, considering them as noise. Although the effect of applying an OTU abundance threshold on α‐ and β‐diversity has been well documented, the consequences of removing single reads have been poorly studied. Here, we test the effect of singleton read filtering (SRF) on microbial community composition using in silico simulated data sets as well as sequencing data from synthetic and real communities displaying different levels of diversity and abundance profiles. Scalability to large data sets is also assessed using a complete MiSeq run. We show that SRF drastically reduces the chimera content and computational time, enabling the analysis of a complete MiSeq run in just a few minutes. Moreover, SRF accurately determines the actual community diversity: the differences in α‐ and β‐community diversity obtained with SRF and standard procedures are much smaller than the intrinsic variability of technical and biological replicates.  相似文献   

16S rRNA基因在微生物生态学中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
16S rRNA(Small subunit ribosomal RNA)基因是对原核微生物进行系统进化分类研究时最常用的分子标志物(Biomarker),广泛应用于微生物生态学研究中。近些年来随着高通量测序技术及数据分析方法等的不断进步,大量基于16S rRNA基因的研究使得微生物生态学得到了快速发展,然而使用16S rRNA基因作为分子标志物时也存在诸多问题,比如水平基因转移、多拷贝的异质性、基因扩增效率的差异、数据分析方法的选择等,这些问题影响了微生物群落组成和多样性分析时的准确性。对当前使用16S rRNA基因分析微生物群落组成和多样性的进展情况做一总结,重点讨论当前存在的主要问题以及各种分析方法的发展,尤其是与高通量测序技术有关的实验和数据处理问题。  相似文献   

蜜蜂和熊蜂是重要的传粉昆虫, 对农业生产及生态平衡的维持具有重要作用。近年来, 研究发现蜜蜂及熊蜂肠道内含有大量微生物, 其组成简单、特异。正常的肠道微生物群落对蜜蜂的生长、激素调节、致病菌抵抗等具有重要作用。随着高通量测序的发展, 研究者们也可快速获得传粉蜂肠道微生物组成, 这给生物多样性和物种保护及蜂类健康等的研究带来了便捷。但是由于蜜蜂和熊蜂肠道微生物群落均由特殊菌种组成, 目前的细菌16S rRNA数据库无法对其进行准确的分类, 并且部分东方蜜蜂(Apis cerana)特有的肠道微生物菌种缺乏16S rRNA序列信息。本文从来源于5个不同省份的东方蜜蜂肠道中分离得到在东方蜜蜂中普遍含有的Apibacter菌属纯菌, 获取其全长16S rRNA序列, 并对目前蜜蜂和熊蜂肠道的5个核心菌种的分类进行了综述, 对其分类和命名进行了修正。根据蜜蜂肠道微生物的明确分类, 在目前常用的SILVA细菌分类数据库基础之上对其进行了命名及分类优化, 并加入东方蜜蜂中普遍含有的Apibacter序列, 从而获得了优化数据库Bee Gut Microbiota-Database (BGM-Db)。通过1组东方蜜峰及1组西方蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)的肠道菌群高通量测序结果, 分析不同数据库的表现, 我们发现相比于SILVA和Ribosomal Database Project (RDP), BGM-Db对蜜蜂肠道16S rRNA高通量测序短序列实现了菌种级别的分类, 分辨率更高。  相似文献   

The sequences of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene of 16 Oedipodidae species were amplified and sequenced. All sequences were aligned and analyzed and the phylogenetic relationships were inferred. The properties of 16S gene in Oedipodidae showed typical patterns of many insects such as a high A+T content and variable distance-dependent transition/transversion ratios. The 0.2 weight for sites of loops may be advisable for phylogeny reconstruction using the maximum parsimony method. The phylogenetic analysis results do not support the current subfamily classification systems of Oedipodidae. Bryodemellinae and Bryodeminae are closely related and should be merged as one subfamily. The status of Oedipodinae and Locustinae is also problematic.  相似文献   

Microbial community profiling using 16S rRNA gene sequences requires accurate taxonomy assignments. ‘Universal'' primers target conserved sequences and amplify sequences from many taxa, but they provide variable coverage of different environments, and regions of the rRNA gene differ in taxonomic informativeness—especially when high-throughput short-read sequencing technologies (for example, 454 and Illumina) are used. We introduce a new evaluation procedure that provides an improved measure of expected taxonomic precision when classifying environmental sequence reads from a given primer. Applying this measure to thousands of combinations of primers and read lengths, simulating single-ended and paired-end sequencing, reveals that these choices greatly affect taxonomic informativeness. The most informative sequence region may differ by environment, partly due to variable coverage of different environments in reference databases. Using our Rtax method of classifying paired-end reads, we found that paired-end sequencing provides substantial benefit in some environments including human gut, but not in others. Optimal primer choice for short reads totaling 96 nt provides 82–100% of the confident genus classifications available from longer reads.  相似文献   

We evaluated the impact of the base analogue inosine substituted at the 3'-terminus of broad-range 16S rRNA gene primers on the recovery of microbial diversity using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and clonal analysis. Oral plaque biofilms from 10 individuals were tested with modified and unmodified primer pairs. Besides a core overlap of shared terminal restriction fragments (T-RFs), each primer system provided unique information on the occurrence of T-RFs, with a higher number generally displayed with inosine primers. All clones sequenced were at least 99% identical to publicly available full-length sequences. Analysis of the corresponding primer-binding sites showed that most sequence types were 100% complementary to the unmodified primers so that the characteristic of inosine to bind with all four nucleotides was not crucial for the observed increase in microbial richness. Instead, differences in community compositions were correlated with the identity of the nearest-neighbor 3' of the primer-targeting region. By influencing the thermal stability of primer hybridization, this position may play a previously unrecognized role in biased amplification of 16S rRNA gene sequences. In conclusion, the combined use of inosine and unmodified primers enables the complementary retrieval of 16S rRNA gene types, thereby expanding the observed diversity of complex microbial communities.  相似文献   

基于16S rRNA基因测序分析微生物群落多样性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
微生物群落多样性的研究对于挖掘微生物资源,探索微生物群落功能,阐明微生物群落与生境间的关系具有重要意义。随着宏基因组概念的提出以及测序技术的快速发展,16S rRNA基因测序在微生物群落多样性的研究中已被广泛应用。文中系统地介绍了16S rRNA基因测序分析流程中的四个重要环节,包括测序平台与扩增区的选择、测序数据预处理以及多样性分析方法,就其面临的问题与挑战进行了探讨并对未来的研究方向进行了展望,以期为微生物群落多样性相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Coastal microbial mats are small-scale and largely closed ecosystems in which a plethora of different functional groups of microorganisms are responsible for the biogeochemical cycling of the elements. Coastal microbial mats play an important role in coastal protection and morphodynamics through stabilization of the sediments and by initiating the development of salt-marshes. Little is known about the bacterial and especially archaeal diversity and how it contributes to the ecological functioning of coastal microbial mats. Here, we analyzed three different types of coastal microbial mats that are located along a tidal gradient and can be characterized as marine (ST2), brackish (ST3) and freshwater (ST3) systems. The mats were sampled during three different seasons and subjected to massive parallel tag sequencing of the V6 region of the 16S rRNA genes of Bacteria and Archaea. Sequence analysis revealed that the mats are among the most diverse marine ecosystems studied so far and consist of several novel taxonomic levels ranging from classes to species. The diversity between the different mat types was far more pronounced than the changes between the different seasons at one location. The archaeal community for these mats have not been studied before and revealed a strong reaction on a short period of draught during summer resulting in a massive increase in halobacterial sequences, whereas the bacterial community was barely affected. We concluded that the community composition and the microbial diversity were intrinsic of the mat type and depend on the location along the tidal gradient indicating a relation with salinity.  相似文献   

Genes encoding 16S rRNA were sequenced from 16 species of Staphylococcus. Sequence analysis highlighted a potential Staph. aureus -specific region and a complementary oligonucleotide probe was synthesized and its specificity tested. Northern blotting indicated molecular specificity, and dot blots to RNA from Staph. aureus, Staph. capitis, Staph. caprae, Staph. carnosus, Staph. caseolyticus, Staph. cohnii, Staph. epidermidis, Staph. gallinarum, Staph. haemolyticus, Staph. hominis, Staph. hyicus, Staph. saprophyticus, Staph. sciuri, Staph. simulans, Staph. warneri and Staph. xylosus indicated species-specificity.  相似文献   

为了了解普通耕地土壤(Nor-1)和受砷及硫酸盐污染土壤(Sul-1)中的细菌组成和多样性差异,对2个不同土壤样品直接提取总DNA,通过PCR扩增16S rRNA基因并建立文库,对文库克隆进行核糖体DNA扩增片段酶切分析(ARDRA)和测序,构建系统进化树。从Nor-1土壤样品中测序获得23个16S rRNA基因序列,分析序列系统发育关系表明,共包含Acidobacteria(12.3%,8/65)、Actinobacteria(3.1%,2/65)、Firmicutes(21.5%,14/65)、Nitrospira(3.1%,2/65)和Proteobacteria(60%,39/65)等5个不同细菌门。而从Sul-1土壤样品中测序获得19个16S rRNA基因序列,分析序列系统发育关系表明,共包含Firmicutes(29.5%,13/44)和Proteobacteria(70.5%,31/44)等2个不同细菌门。结果表明,受高浓度的砷和硫酸盐的影响,Sul-1土壤中细菌群落结构相较于普通耕地土壤(Nor-1)发生了明显的改变,多样性明显下降,但有大量具有较强的污染物降解能力的不动杆菌(Acinetobacter)相关序列在Sul-1土壤细菌群落中被发现。  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of the species belonging to the genus Myxococcus were elucidated based on the sequences of 16S rRNA genes and 16S-23S rRNA gene internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions. The Myxococcus species were consequently classified into four distinct groups. The type strain of Myxococcus coralloides occupied an independent position (Group 1); it has been recently reclassified as Corallococcus coralloides. Group 2 comprised the type strains of both Myxococcus virescens and Myxococcus xanthus, and some strains assigned to Myxococcus flavescens. The type strain of M. flavescens was contained in Group 3 along with the strains of Myxococcus fulvus. Group 4 included the strains belonging to C. coralloides, M. fulvus, and M. stipitatus. The type strain of M. fulvus that was allocated outside Group 4 in the 16S rRNA gene tree belonged to Group 3 in the ITS tree. These results strongly suggest that the morphological characteristics of Myxococcus species are not consistent with the phylogenetic relationships. The Myxococcus species must therefore be redefined according to the phylogenetic relationships revealed in this study.  相似文献   

To clarify the phylogenetic relationships and species status of Pneumocystis, the 5.8S rRNA gene and the internal transcribed spacers (ITS, 1 and 2) of Pneumocystis rRNA derived from rat, gerbil and human were amplified, cloned and sequenced. The genetic distance matrix of six Pneumocystis species compared with other fungi like Taphrina and Saccharomyces indicated that the Pneumocystis genus contained multiple species including Pneumocystis from gerbil. The phylogenetic tree also showed that Pneumocystis from human and monkey formed one group and four rodent Pneumocystis formed another group. Among the four members, Pneumocystis wakefieldiae was most closely related to Pneumocystis murina and Pneumocystis carinii, and was least related to gerbil Pneumocystis.  相似文献   

16S rRNA gene analysis is the most convenient and robust method for microbiome studies. Inaccurate taxonomic assignment of bacterial strains could have deleterious effects as all downstream analyses rely heavily on the accurate assessment of microbial taxonomy. The use of mock communities to check the reliability of the results has been suggested. However, often the mock communities used in most of the studies represent only a small fraction of taxa and are used mostly as validation of sequencing run to estimate sequencing artifacts. Moreover, a large number of databases and tools available for classification and taxonomic assignment of the 16S rRNA gene make it challenging to select the best-suited method for a particular dataset. In the present study, we used authentic and validly published 16S rRNA gene type strain sequences (full length, V3-V4 region) and analyzed them using a widely used QIIME pipeline along with different parameters of OTU clustering and QIIME compatible databases. Data Analysis Measures (DAM) revealed a high discrepancy in ratifying the taxonomy at different taxonomic hierarchies. Beta diversity analysis showed clear segregation of different DAMs. Limited differences were observed in reference data set analysis using partial (V3-V4) and full-length 16S rRNA gene sequences, which signify the reliability of partial 16S rRNA gene sequences in microbiome studies. Our analysis also highlights common discrepancies observed at various taxonomic levels using various methods and databases.  相似文献   

Gaining meaningful insights into bacterial communities associated with animal hosts requires the provision of high-quality nucleic acids. Although many studies have compared DNA extraction methods for samples with low bacterial biomass (e.g. water) or specific PCR inhibitors (e.g. plants), DNA extraction bias in samples without inherent technical constraint (e.g. animal samples) has received little attention. Furthermore, there is an urgent need to identify a DNA extraction methods in a high-throughput format that decreases the cost and time for processing large numbers of samples. We here evaluated five DNA extraction protocols, using silica membrane-based spin columns and a 96-well microplate format and based on either mechanical or enzymatic lysis or a combination of both, using three bacterial mock communities and Illumina sequencing of the V4 region of the 16SrRNA gene. Our results showed that none of the DNA extraction methods fully eliminated bias associated with unequal lysis efficiencies. However, we identified a DNA extraction method with a lower bias for each mock community standard. Of these methods, those including an enzymatic lysis showed biases specific to some bacteria. Altogether, these results again demonstrate the importance of DNA extraction standardization to be able to compare the microbiome results of different samples. In this attempt, we advise for the use of the 96-well DNeasy Blood and Tissue kit (Qiagen) with a zirconia bead-beating procedure, which optimizes altogether the cost, handling time and bacteria-specific effects associated with enzymatic lysis.  相似文献   

【目的】小毛瓢虫属Scymnus Kugelann昆虫主要捕食蚜虫、蚧虫等害虫,是一类经济上重要的天敌昆虫。目前针对小毛瓢虫属的系统发育研究尚属空白,亚属之间的系统演化关系尚不明确,为了建立合理的分类系统,亟需对小毛瓢虫属的亲缘关系进行研究和探讨。【方法】以华南农业大学馆藏的小毛瓢虫属5亚属共44种为研究对象,采用PCR技术对12S, 16S和28S rRNA基因的部分序列进行扩增;运用MEGA 7.0分析了小毛瓢虫属内12S, 16S和28S rRNA基因的碱基组成,基于K2P模型计算了小毛瓢虫属44种的种间遗传距离;采用最大似然法(maximum-likelihood, ML)和贝叶斯推断法(Bayesian-inference, BI)构建该属的系统发育树。【结果】扩增获得小毛瓢虫属44种的12S rRNA基因序列平均长度为356 bp, 16S rRNA基因序列平均长度为351 bp, 28S rRNA基因序列平均长度为315 bp;序列分析表明,12S rRNA基因的A, T, G和C平均含量分别为38.8%, 43.5%, 11.9%和5.8%, 16S rRNA基因的A, T, G和C平均含量分别为37.6%, 40.3%, 14.4%和7.7%, 28S rRNA基因的A, T, G和C平均含量分别为26.7%, 18.3%, 31.4%和23.5%;基于联合序列分析的种间遗传距离为0.004~0.276,平均遗传距离为0.115。系统发育分析结果表明,小毛瓢虫属为单系起源,而小毛瓢虫亚属Scymnus(Scymnus) Kugelann、毛瓢虫亚属Scymnus(Neopullus) Sasaji、小瓢虫亚属Scymnus(Pullus) Mulsant和拟小瓢虫亚属Scymnus(Parapullus) Yang均为并系起源。【结论】基于12S, 16S和28S rRNA基因序列的小毛瓢虫属系统发育分析显示传统的形态学分类体系与基于分子数据分析的结果部分不一致,这表明应该对该属内各亚属的鉴别特征进行全面检视,筛选并确立各亚属的形态指标,同时也表明该属内的亚属分类单元需重新厘定。  相似文献   

The conifers, which traditionally comprise seven families, are the largest and most diverse group of living gymnosperms. Efforts to systematize this diversity without a cladistic phylogenetic framework have often resulted in the segregation of certain genera and/or families from the conifers. In order to understand better the relationships between the families, we performed cladistic analyses using a new data set obtained from 28S rRNA gene sequences. These analyses strongly support the monophyly of conifers including Taxaceae. Within the conifers, the Pinaceae are the first to diverge, being the sister group of the rest of conifers. A recently discovered Australian genus Wollemia is confirmed to be a natural member of the Araucariaceae. The Taxaceae are nested within the conifer clade, being the most closely related to the Cephalotaxaceae. The Taxodiaceae and Cupressaceae together form a monophyletic group. Sciadopitys should be considered as constituting a separate family. These relationships are consistent with previous cladistic analyses of morphological and molecular (18S rRNA, rbcL) data. Furthermore, the well-supported clade linking the Araucariaceae and Podocarpaceae, which has not been previously reported, suggests that the common ancestor of these families, both having the greatest diversity in the Southern Hemisphere, inhabited Gondwanaland.  相似文献   

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