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Cladistic analysis of Medusozoa and cnidarian evolution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. A cladistic analysis of 87 morphological and life history characters of medusozoan cnidarians, rooted with Anthozoa, results in the phylogenetic hypothesis (Anthozoa (Hydrozoa (Scyphozoa (Staurozoa, Cubozoa)))). Staurozoa is a new class of Cnidaria consisting of Stauromedusae and the fossil group Conulatae. Scyphozoa is redefined as including those medusozoans characterized by strobilation and ephyrae (Coronatae, Semaeostomeae, and Rhizostomeae). Within Hydrozoa, Limnomedusae is identified as either the earliest diverging hydrozoan lineage or as the basal group of either Trachylina (Actinulida (Trachymedusae (Narcomedusae, Laingiomedusae))) or Hydroidolina (Leptothecata (Siphonophorae, Anthoathecata)). Cladistic results are highly congruent with recently published phylogenetic analyses based on 18S molecular characters. We propose a phylogenetic classification of Medusozoa that is consistent with phylogenetic hypotheses based on our cladistic results, as well as those derived from 18S analyses. Optimization of the characters presented in this analysis are used to discuss evolutionary scenarios. The ancestral cnidarian probably had a sessile biradial polyp as an adult form. The medusa is inferred to be a synapomorphy of Medusozoa. However, the ancestral process (metamorphosis of the apical region of the polyp or lateral budding involving an entocodon) could not be inferred unequivocally. Similarly, character states for sense organs and nervous systems could not be inferred for the ancestral medusoid of Medusozoa.  相似文献   


Cnidarians are known to undergo reverse development as a survival mechanism against adverse environmental conditions. Polyp bail-out consists in the polyps’ detachment from the mother colony due to stressful conditions, followed by a complete tissue and cells rearrangement and in some cases in a regression into a simple, ciliated form. Here we describe a massive polyp bail-out event occurred in the mesophotic black coral Antipathella subpinnata in reared conditions. This is the first report of a bail-out event in this species providing new insights into the life cycle and ecology of black corals.


Cnidarians are phylogenetically located near the base of the ‘tree of animals’, and their early evolution had a profound impact on the rise of bilaterians. However, the early diversity and phylogeny of this ‘lowly’ metazoan clade has hitherto been enigmatic. Fortunately, cnidarian fossils from the early Cambrian could provide key insights into their evolutionary history. Here, based on a scrutiny of the purported hyolith Burithes yunnanensis Hou et al. from the early Cambrian Chengjiang biota in South China, we reveal that this species shows characters distinct from those typical of hyoliths, not least a funnel-shaped gastrovascular system with a single opening, a whorl of tentacles surrounding the mouth, and the lack of an operculum. These characters suggest a great deviation from the original definition of the genus Burithes, and a closer affinity with cnidarians. We therefore reassign the material to a new genus: Palaeoconotuba. Bayesian inference of phylogeny based on new anatomical traits identifies a new clade, including Palaeoconotuba and Cambrorhytium, as a stem group of sessile medusozoan cnidarians that are united by the synapomorphies of developing an organic conical theca and a funnel-like gastrovascular system. This study unveils a stem lineage of medusozoans that evolved a lifelong conical theca in the early Cambrian.  相似文献   

The Cambrian Fortunian fossil embryos exhibit embryonic development of ancient animals and hence have important bearings on evolutionary developmental biology. They have radial symmetry, and may be early representatives of cnidarians. Here we report new material of three-dimensionally phosphatized fossil embryos from the Fortunian Kuanchuanpu Formation and coeval strata in northern Sichuan and southern Shaanxi provinces, South China. The new material includes previously reported fossil embryos assignable to Pseudooides prima with biradial symmetry or pseudo-hexaradial symmetry, Quadrapyrgites quadratacris with tetraradial symmetry, and Olivooides multisulcatus with pentaradial symmetry. Additionally, we recovered two new types of fossil embryos, i.e., Embryo I with hexaradial symmetry and Embryo II with octaradial symmetry, and they are tentatively suggested to represent new cnidarians. In contrast to the diverse radial symmetry of the Fortunian cnidarians, modern cnidarians exhibit stable tetraradial symmetry in medusozoans, biradial symmetry in anthozoans, and bilateral symmetry in siphonophores (Hydrozoa). The current study supports the view that the tetraradial symmetry of modern medusozoans is a surviving remnant of their Fortunian relatives.  相似文献   

The benthic polyp phase of Medusozoa (Staurozoa, Cubozoa, Scyphozoa, and Hydrozoa) has endoskeletal or exoskeletal support systems, but their composition, development, and evolution is poorly known. In this contribution the variation in synthesis, structure, and function of the medusozoan exoskeleton was examined. In addition, an evolutionary hypothesis for its origin and diversification is proposed for both extinct and extant medusozoans. We also critically reviewed the literature and included data from our own histological and microstructural analyses of some groups. Chitin is a characteristic component of exoskeleton in Medusozoa, functioning as support, protection, and a reserve for various ions and inorganic and organic molecules, which may persuade biomineralization, resulting in rigid biomineralized exoskeletons. Skeletogenesis in Medusozoa dates back to the Ediacaran, when potentially synergetic biotic, abiotic, and physiological processes resulted in development of rigid structures that became the exoskeleton. Of the many types of exoskeletons that evolved, the corneous (chitin‐protein) exoskeleton predominates today in polyps of medusozoans, with its greatest variation and complexity in the polyps of Hydroidolina. A new type of bilayered exoskeleton in which there is an exosarc complementing the perisarc construction is here described.  相似文献   

The tetraradial or pentaradial fossil embryos and related hatched individuals from the early Cambrian Kuanchuanpu Formation are of great interest for understanding the early evolution of medusozoans. The phylogenetic and evolutionary significance of their external and internal characters (e.g. manubrium, tentacles, septa and claustra) is still controversial. Here we describe a new pentamerous medusozoan, Hanagyroia orientalis gen. et sp. nov., characterized by five well-developed perradial oral lips around a remarkably large manubrium, a conspicuous equatorial groove, and five short interradial pairs of extensile tentacles at the bell margin. Internally, five broad and stout interradial septa join horizontally to form the claustra. Hanagyroia orientalis lacks the frenula, apertural lappet and velarium seen in coeval microfossils and extant cubozoans. Although H. orientalis resembles extant coronate scyphozoans in its round medusa-like bell margin and equatorial groove, cladistic analysis suggests close affinity with cubozoans. Hanagyroia may represent an intermediate morphological type between scyphozoans and cubozoans. The well-developed oral lips and paired short strong tentacles of Hanagyroia suggest direct development.  相似文献   

A newly compiled data set of nearly complete sequences of the large subunit of the nuclear ribosome (LSU or 28S) sampled from 31 diverse medusozoans greatly clarifies the phylogenetic history of Cnidaria. These data have substantial power to discern among many of the competing hypotheses of relationship derived from prior work. Moreover, LSU data provide strong support at key nodes that were equivocal based on other molecular markers. Combining LSU sequences with those of the small subunit of the nuclear ribosome (SSU or 18S), we present a detailed working hypothesis of medusozoan relationships and discuss character evolution within this diverse clade. Stauromedusae, comprising the benthic, so-called stalked jellyfish, appears to be the sister group of all other medusozoans, implying that the free-swimming medusa stage, the motor nerve net, and statocysts of ecto-endodermal origin are features derived within Medusozoa. Cubozoans, which have had uncertain phylogenetic affinities since the elucidation of their life cycles, form a clade-named Acraspeda-with the scyphozoan groups Coronatae, Rhizostomeae, and Semaeostomeae. The polyps of both cubozoans and hydrozoans appear to be secondarily simplified. Hydrozoa is comprised by two well-supported clades, Trachylina and Hydroidolina. The position of Limnomedusae within Trachylina indicates that the ancestral hydrozoan had a biphasic life cycle and that the medusa was formed via an entocodon. Recently hypothesized homologies between the entocodon and bilaterian mesoderm are therefore suspect. Laingiomedusae, which has often been viewed as a close ally of the trachyline group Narcomedusae, is instead shown to be unambiguously a member of Hydroidolina. The important model organisms of the Hydra species complex are part of a clade, Aplanulata, with other hydrozoans possessing direct development not involving a ciliated planula stage. Finally, applying phylogenetic mixture models to our data proved to be of little additional value over a more traditional phylogenetic approach involving explicit hypothesis testing and bootstrap analyses under multiple optimality criteria. [18S; 28S; Cubozoa; Hydrozoa; medusa; molecular systematics; polyp; Scyphozoa; Staurozoa.].  相似文献   

To investigate the evolution of cnidarian life cycles, data from the small subunit of the ribosome are used to derive a phylogenetic hypothesis for Medusozoa. These data indicate that Cnidaria is monophyletic and composed of Anthozoa and Medusozoa. While Cubozoa and Hydrozoa are well supported clades, Scyphozoa appears to be paraphyletic. Stauromedusae is possibly the sister group of either Cubozoa or all other medusozoans. The phylogenetic results suggest that: the polyp probably preceded the medusa in the evolution of Cnidaria; within Hydrozoa, medusa development involving the entocodon is ancestral; within Trachylina, the polyp was lost and subsequently regained in the parasitic narcomedusans; within Siphonophorae, the float originated prior to swimming bells; stauromedusans are not likely to be descended from ancestors that produced medusae by strobilation; and cubozoan polyps are simplified from those of their ancestors, which possessed polyps with gastric septa and four mesogleal muscle bands and peristomial pits.  相似文献   

Serially arranged sets of eight septa‐like structures occur in the basal part of phosphatic tubes of Sphenothallus from the early Ordovician (early Floian) Fenxiang Formation in Hubei Province of China. They are similar in shape, location and number, to cusps in chitinous tubes of extant coronate scyphozoan polyps, which supports the widely accepted cnidarian affinity of this problematic fossil. However, unlike the recent Medusozoa, the tubes of Sphenothallus are flattened at later stages of development, showing biradial symmetry. Moreover, the septa (cusps) in Sphenothallus are obliquely arranged, which introduces a bilateral component to the tube symmetry. This makes Sphenothallus similar to the Early Cambrian Paiutitubulites, having similar septa but with even more apparent bilateral disposition. Biradial symmetry also characterizes the Early Cambrian tubular fossil Hexaconularia, showing a similarity to the conulariids. However, instead of being strictly tetraradial like conulariids, Hexaconularia shows hexaradial symmetry superimposed on the biradial one. A conulariid with a smooth test showing signs of the ‘origami’ plicated closure of the aperture found in the Fenxiang Formation supports the idea that tetraradial symmetry of conulariids resulted from geometrical constrains connected with this kind of closure. Its minute basal attachment surface makes it likely that the holdfasts characterizing Sphenothallus and advanced conulariids are secondary features. This concurs with the lack of any such holdfast in the earliest Cambrian Torellella, as well as in the possibly related Olivooides and Quadrapyrgites. Bilaterally arranged internal structures in polyps representing probably the oldest medusozoans support the suggestions based on developmental evidence that the ancestor of cnidarians also was a bilaterally symmetrical animal. This is one more example of fossil data that strictly fit the molecular phylogenetic evidence but not necessarily morphology‐based zoological interpretations.  相似文献   

Hominoid cranial evolution is characterized by substantial phenotypic diversity, yet the cause of this variability has rarely been explored. Quantitative genetic techniques for investigating evolutionary processes underlying morphological divergence are dependent on the availability of good ancestral models, a problem in hominoids where the fossil record is fragmentary and poorly understood. Here, we use a maximum likelihood approach based on a Brownian motion model of evolutionary change to estimate nested hypothetical ancestral forms from 15 extant hominoid taxa. These ancestors were then used to calculate rates of evolution along each branch of a phylogenetic tree using Lande's generalized genetic distance. Our results show that hominoid cranial evolution is characterized by strong stabilizing selection. Only two instances of directional selection were detected; the divergence of Homo from its last common ancestor with Pan, and the divergence of the lesser apes from their last common ancestor with the great apes. In these two cases, selection gradients reconstructed to identify the specific traits undergoing selection indicated that selection on basicranial flexion, cranial vault expansion, and facial retraction characterizes the divergence of Homo, whereas the divergence of the lesser apes was defined by selection on neurocranial size reduction.  相似文献   

The fungiid Heliofungia actiniformis is one of the most popular coral species in the Indonesian aquarium trade, yet information on the biology of this species is limited. H. actiniformis growth rates, population size–frequency distributions and the seasonality of recruitment rates were measured at three replicate sites in the Spermonde Archipelago, South Sulawesi. Growth and population models were applied to estimate coral ages, mortality rates and the size of maximum yield. Growth decreased linearly with polyp size. High numbers of attached polyps budded from clusters of stalks attached to the reef, with each cluster originating from the settlement of a sexually produced larva. Neither the settlement of sexual recruits, nor their asexual budding, showed seasonality. The overall population structure reflected the high mortality rates of young, attached polyps (Z = 0.5–0.6 yr−1), and the much lower mortalities of free-living individuals (Z = 0.05–0.08 yr−1). There were no statistically significant differences in overall mortality rates and the age–frequency distributions of polyps aged 0–15 years between the sites. Differences in the abundance of large H. actiniformis polyps at the three replicate sites were correlated with percent cover of coral rubble. The application of the Beverton and Holt model revealed the highest biomass per H. actiniformis recruit was 12 cm, corresponding to a polyp age of 20 years.  相似文献   

Centrin (= caltractin) is a ubiquitous, cytoskeletal protein which is a member of the EF-hand superfamily of calcium-binding proteins. A centrin-coding cDNA was isolated and characterized from the prasinophyte green alga Scherffelia dubia. Centrin PCR amplification primers were used to isolate partial, homologous cDNA sequences from the green algae Tetraselmis striata and Spermatozopsis similis. Annealing analyses suggested that centrin is a single-copy-coding region in T. striata and S. similis and other green algae studied. Centrin-coding regions from S. dubia, S. similis and T. striata encode four colinear EF-hand domains which putatively bind calcium. Phylogenetic analyses, including homologous sequences from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and the land plant Atriplex nummularia, demonstrate that the domains of centrins are congruent and arose from the two-fold duplication of an ancestral EF hand with Domains 1+3 and Domains 2+4 clustering. The domains of centrins are also congruent with those of calmodulins demonstrating that, like calmodulin, centrin is an ancient protein which arose within the ancestor of all eukaryotes via gene duplication. Phylogenetic relationships inferred from centrin-coding region comparisons mirror results of small subunit ribosomal RNA sequence analyses suggesting that centrin-coding regions are useful evolutionary markers within the green algae.  相似文献   

Oryzomyini is the richest tribe among the Sigmodontine rodents, encompassing 32 living and extinct genera and including an increasing number of recently described species and genera. Some Oryzomyini are tetralophodont showing a reduction in the number of molar folds to four, while most taxa in this tribe retain the plesiomorphic pentalophodont state. We applied phylogenetic methods, molecular dating techniques and ancestral area analyses to members of an oryzomyini clade informally named ‘D’ in former studies and included related fossil tetralophodont forms. Based on 98 morphological characters and sequences of five gene fragments, we found that the tetralophodont condition is paraphyletic. Among living taxa, Pseudoryzomys is sister to Holochilus, and Lundomys is derived from a basal divergence. A clade formed by living Holochilus and the fossils Noronhomys and Carletonomys is sister to Holochilus primigenus, making Holochilus paraphyletic. Therefore, we describe a new genus that accommodates the fossil H. primigenus. Because trans‐Andean taxa currently share a common ancestor with taxa of cis‐Adean distribution, the northern Andes uplift may have worked as a postdispersal barrier. The tetralophodont lineages diverged during the Pliocene from a cis‐Andean ancestor, and the Great Plains in South America may have favoured the diversification of tetralophodont forms adapted to open habitats during the Pliocene.  相似文献   

Origin and evolution of animal life cycles   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The ‘origin of larvae’ has been widely discussed over the years, almost invariably with the tacit understanding that larvae are secondary specializations of early stages in a holobenthic life cycle. Considerations of the origin and early radiation of the metazoan phyla have led to the conclusion that the ancestral animal (= metazoan) was a holopelagic organism, and that pelago-benthic life cycles evolved when adult stages of holopelagic ancestors became benthic, thereby changing their life style, including their feeding biology. The literature on the larval development and phylogeny of animal phyla is reviewed in an attempt to infer the ancestral life cycles of the major animal groups. The quite detailed understanding of larval evolution in some echinoderms indicates that ciliary filter-feeding was ancestral within the phylum, and that planktotrophy has been lost in many clades. Similarly, recent studies of the developmental biology of ascidians have demonstrated that a larval structure, such as the tail of the tadpole larva, can easily be lost, viz. through a change in only one gene. Conversely, the evolution of complex structures, such as the ciliary bands of trochophore larvae, must involve numerous genes and numerous adaptations. The following steps of early metazoan evolution have been inferred from the review. The holopelagic ancestor, blastaea, probably consisted mainly of choanocytes, which were the feeding organs of the organism. Sponges may have evolved when blastaea-like organisms settled and became reorganized with the choanocytes in collar chambers. The eumetazoan ancestor was probably the gastraea, as suggested previously by Haeckel. It was holopelagic and digestion of captured particles took place in the archenteron. Cnidarians and ctenophores are living representatives of this type of organization. The cnidarians have become pelago-benthic with the addition of a sessile, adult polyp stage; the pelagic gastraea-like planula larva is retained in almost all major groups, but only anthozoans have feeding larvae. Within the Bilateria, two major lines of evolution can be recognized: Protostomia and Deuterostomia. In protostomes, trochophores or similar types are found in most spiralian phyla; trochophore-like ciliary bands are found in some rotifers, whereas all other aschelminths lack ciliated larvae. It seems probable that the trochophore was the larval type of the ancestral, pelago-benthic spiralian and possible that it was ancestral in all protostomes. Most of the non-chordate deuterostome phyla have ciliary filter-feeding larvae of the dipleurula type, and this strongly indicates that the ancestral deuterostome had this type of larva.  相似文献   

Herring  Peter J. 《Hydrobiologia》1991,216(1):573-579
The luminous responses to electrical stimulation of isolated polyps of 4 deep-water anthozoans are described. All show facilitatory responses and summation at stimulus frequencies > 2 s–1. The responses of the gorgonian Acanella arbuscula comprise a slow summation of weak individual flashes. It is suggested that there is no fundamental difference between deep and shallow species, nor between the responses of scyphozoans, such as Pelagia and Atolla, and anthozoans, such as those described here. Both facilitated and decremental responses can be obtained from each of the 2 groups and the complexity of in vivo responses may be as much a reflection of selective pressures on the neural pathways as on the bioluminescent systems themselves.  相似文献   

Aim To test alternative biogeographic hypotheses related to the diversification of a montane mammal (Zapus hudsonius luteus) endemic to the American Southwest. Location South‐western United States. Methods We used statistical phylogeographic analyses of mitochondrial DNA (1512 bp; two genes) from 93 individuals from six geographic regions to test diversification hypotheses. Species distribution models of climate and fossil records were integrated to assess contemporary and historical distributions and barriers to gene flow. We calculated dates of divergence and examined historical demography using coalescent simulations. Results We documented monophyly of Z. h. luteus represented by 19 segregated haplotypes. Predicted current distribution generally coincided with known localities, while predicted paleodistributions suggested that this lineage was widespread throughout lower elevations of the American Southwest and on the Edwards Plateau (as documented by the fossil record). Population size did not change substantially during a westward shift in range that occurred in the last 100 k generations. Results supported fragmentation of a common ancestor during the Holocene as the most plausible explanation for genetic structure. Main conclusions Monophyletic Z. h. luteus reflects fragmentation of a common ancestor with recent (Holocene) upslope colonization of disjunct montane areas. We refute the hypotheses of in situ divergence or origins from a Colorado Piedmont ancestor. Instead, westward colonization from the Edwards Plateau during the Wisconsin followed by Holocene fragmentation, which serves as a generalized biogeographic hypothesis for species associated with mesic graminoid habitats in the American Southwest. Further exploration of these signatures using independent nuclear DNA is warranted. Key conservation implications are (1) Z. h. luteus is a monophyletic lineage on an independent evolutionary trajectory; (2) Z. h. luteus shared a recent common ancestor with Z. h. pallidus (not Z. h. preblei); (3) mtDNA does not reflect recent population declines; and (4) coalescent simulations and species distribution models reflect Holocene fragmentation.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the Malagasy endemic, Tina striata Radlk. (Sapindaceae). The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 6 (N = 28 individuals). Polymorphic information content ranged from 0.132 to 0.767 and observed heterozygosity from 0.154 to 0.800. These markers will be valuable in estimating outcrossing rates and genetic variation in populations of T. striata, and aid in the conservation of populations of T. striata and other closely related species in the Malagasy Sapindaceae.  相似文献   

The late Pleistocene was a time of environmental change, culminating in an extinction event. Few fossil localities record a temporal series of carnivore fossil populations from this interesting interval as well as Rancho La Brea (RLB). We analysed mandibles of Smilodon fatalis from RLB using 2‐D geometric morphometrics to examine whether, and how, mandibular shape changes through time. Smilodon fatalis shows mandibular evolution with oscillations between a small, ancestral‐type morph in pits 77 (≈37 Kybp) and 2051 (≈26 Kybp), a larger, more derived morph in pits 91 (≈28 Kybp) and 61‐67 (≈13.6 Kybp), and an intermediate morph from pit 13 (≈17.7 Kybp). These oscillations end in pit 61‐67, with greatest body size, and are estimated to have its widest gape and lowest bite force. Additionally, variation is lowest in pit 61‐67, which was deposited concurrent with the Bølling–Allerød warming event, which may have important implications for the timing or conditions during the extinction event. Contra to a temporal Bergmann's rule, such rapid warming events appear to be correlated with larger, derived, morphologies whereas static, cooler, climates correlate with gracile, ancestral morphologies.  相似文献   

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