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抗生素耐药性在环境中的发展和传播对人体健康造成潜在风险。随着高通量测序技术和生物信息学方法的不断发展,宏基因组学技术被广泛应用于不同环境样本的抗生素耐药组研究。本文介绍了两种针对环境耐药组筛查的宏基因组学分析方法,总结了当前主流的生物信息学软件和数据库,并阐述了环境耐药组的风险评估框架和基于宏基因组学技术的相关实践,以期为环境耐药组的监测、风险评估和管控提供可行的路线图。  相似文献   

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have enabled the application of broad-scale sequencing in microbial biodiversity and metagenome studies. Biodiversity is usually targeted by classifying 16S ribosomal RNA genes, while metagenomic approaches target metabolic genes. However, both approaches remain isolated, as long as the taxonomic and functional information cannot be interrelated. Techniques like self-organizing maps (SOMs) have been applied to cluster metagenomes into taxon-specific bins in order to link biodiversity with functions, but have not been applied to broad-scale NGS-based metagenomics yet. Here, we provide a novel implementation, demonstrate its potential and practicability, and provide a web-based service for public usage. Evaluation with published data sets mimicking varyingly complex habitats resulted into classification specificities and sensitivities of close to 100% to above 90% from phylum to genus level for assemblies exceeding 8 kb for low and medium complexity data. When applied to five real-world metagenomes of medium complexity from direct pyrosequencing of marine subsurface waters, classifications of assemblies above 2.5 kb were in good agreement with fluorescence in situ hybridizations, indicating that biodiversity was mostly retained within the metagenomes, and confirming high classification specificities. This was validated by two protein-based classifications (PBCs) methods. SOMs were able to retrieve the relevant taxa down to the genus level, while surpassing PBCs in resolution. In order to make the approach accessible to a broad audience, we implemented a feature-rich web-based SOM application named TaxSOM, which is freely available at http://www.megx.net/toolbox/taxsom. TaxSOM can classify reads or assemblies exceeding 2.5 kb with high accuracy and thus assists in linking biodiversity and functions in metagenome studies, which is a precondition to study microbial ecology in a holistic fashion.  相似文献   

免培养法研究野生川金丝猴肠道内生细菌多样性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】了解野生川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)肠道内生细菌的组成及其多样性。【方法】提取川金丝猴肠道内生细菌总DNA,选用细菌通用引物799F和1492R对总DNA进行16S rRNA基因特异性扩增,构建川金丝猴肠道内生细菌16S rRNA基因克隆文库,对阳性克隆进行限制性内切酶片段长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)分析,并对HaeⅢ酶切带谱菌株进行测序,构建系统发育树。【结果】根据酶切带谱分析和测序结果,将随机挑取的157个阳性克隆归为27个不同的可操作分类单元(OTUs)。系统发育分析表明这些克隆序列有62.10%属于厚壁菌门(Firmicutes),其中包括梭菌属(Clostridium)、Cellulosilyticum属、Robinsoniella属、Anaerofustis属、Blautia属和Anaerovorax属,有37.90%属于未培养细菌。【结论】川金丝猴肠道内生细菌多样性丰富,并且可能存在新的分类单元。  相似文献   

In this study, PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) was applied to analyze the microbial communities in lake sediments from Lake Xuanwu, Lake Mochou in Nanjing and Lake Taihu in Wuxi. Sediment samples from seven locations in three lakes were collected and their genomic DNAs were extracted. The DNA yields of the sediments of Lake Xuanwu and Lake Mochou were high (10 μg/g), while that of sediments in Lake Taihu was relatively low. After DNA purification, the 16S rDNA genes (V3 to V5 region) were amplified and the amplified DNA fragments were separated by parallel DGGE. The DGGE profiles showed that there were five common bands in all the lake sediment samples indicating that there were similarities among the populations of microorganisms in all the lake sediments. The DGGE profiles of Lake Xuanwu and Lake Mochou were similar and about 20 types of microorganisms were identified in the sediment samples of both lakes. These results suggest that the sediment samples of these two city lakes (Xuanwu, Mochou) have similar microbial communities. However, the DGGE profiles of sediment samples in Lake Taihu were significantly different from these two lakes. Furthermore, the DGGE profiles of sediment samples in different locations in Lake Taihu were also different, suggesting that the microbial communities in Lake Taihu are more diversified than those in Lake Xuanwu and Lake Mochou. The differences in microbial diversity may be caused by the different environmental conditions, such as redox potential, pH, and the concentrations of organic matters. Seven major bands of 16S rDNA genes fragments from the DGGE profiles of sediment samples were further re-amplified and sequenced. The results of sequencing analysis indicate that five sequences shared 99%–100% homology with known sequences (Bacillus and Brevibacillus, uncultured bacteria), while the other two sequences shared 93%–96% homology with known sequences (Acinetobacter, and Bacillus). The study shows that the PCR-DGGE technique combined with sequence analysis is a feasible and efficient method for the determination of microbial communities in sediment samples. __________ Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2006, 26(11): 3610–3616 [译自: 生态学报]  相似文献   

Beneath Australia''s large, dry Nullarbor Plain lies an extensive underwater cave system, where dense microbial communities known as ‘slime curtains'' are found. These communities exist in isolation from photosynthetically derived carbon and are presumed to be chemoautotrophic. Earlier work found high levels of nitrite and nitrate in the cave waters and a high relative abundance of Nitrospirae in bacterial 16S rRNA clone libraries. This suggested that these communities may be supported by nitrite oxidation, however, details of the inorganic nitrogen cycling in these communities remained unclear. Here we report analysis of 16S rRNA amplicon and metagenomic sequence data from the Weebubbie cave slime curtain community. The microbial community is comprised of a diverse assortment of bacterial and archaeal genera, including an abundant population of Thaumarchaeota. Sufficient thaumarchaeotal sequence was recovered to enable a partial genome sequence to be assembled, which showed considerable synteny with the corresponding regions in the genome of the autotrophic ammonia oxidiser Nitrosopumilus maritimus SCM1. This partial genome sequence, contained regions with high sequence identity to the ammonia mono-oxygenase operon and carbon fixing 3-hydroxypropionate/4-hydroxybutyrate cycle genes of N. maritimus SCM1. Additionally, the community, as a whole, included genes encoding key enzymes for inorganic nitrogen transformations, including nitrification and denitrification. We propose that the Weebubbie slime curtain community represents a distinctive microbial ecosystem, in which primary productivity is due to the combined activity of archaeal ammonia-oxidisers and bacterial nitrite oxidisers.  相似文献   

Industrial symbiosis (IS), where different entities collaborate in the management of energy, utilities, materials, or services, has been identified as an approach to improve resource efficiency and circularity in industry. This article assesses the environmental performance of an IS network with firms involved in waste management, soil, surfaces, paper, lumber, and energy. The aim is to highlight the environmental performance of an IS network and pay particular attention to the improved performance for products in the IS network. Life cycle assessment is used to compare the current IS network with a reference scenario and a potential future development. The results suggest that there are significant benefits from the IS network. Large reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and abiotic resource depletion were identified. Furthermore, large reductions in local impacts, namely eutrophication and acidification impacts are illustrated. It was shown that all firms in the network benefit from the synergies involved, with a large share of the benefits stemming from the facilitated exchanges with the waste management company. The replacement of conventional products and energy streams with bio‐based counterparts from within the network is of significant importance. Finally, the results point to the importance of the facilitation of by‐product synergies, and the significant value this creates in the region, with large potential to improve the environmental performance of firms and their products.  相似文献   

Soil fungal communities are likely to be central in mediating microbial feedbacks to climate change through their effects on soil carbon (C) storage, nutrient cycling, and plant health. Plants often produce increased fine root biomass in response to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), but the responses of soil microbial communities are variable and uncertain, particularly in terms of species diversity. In this study, we describe the responses of the soil fungal community to free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) in a semiarid chaparral shrubland in Southern California (dominated by Adenomstoma fasciculatum) using large subunit rRNA gene sequencing. Community composition varied greatly over the landscape and responses to FACE were subtle, involving a few specific groups. Increased frequency of Sordariomycetes and Leotiomycetes, the latter including the Helotiales, a group that includes many dark septate endophytes known to associate positively with roots, was observed in the FACE plots. Fungal diversity, both in terms of richness and evenness, increased consistently in the FACE treatment, and was relatively high compared to other studies that used similar methods. Increases in diversity were observed across multiple phylogenetic levels, from genus to class, and were distributed broadly across fungal lineages. Diversity was also higher in samples collected close to (5 cm) plants compared to samples in canopy gaps (30 cm away from plants). Fungal biomass correlated well with soil organic matter (SOM) content, but patterns of diversity were correlated with fine root production rather than SOM. We conclude that the fungal community in this ecosystem is tightly linked to plant fine root production, and that future changes in the fungal community in response to elevated CO2 and other climatic changes will be primarily driven by changes in plant belowground allocation. Potential feedbacks mediated by soil fungi, such as soil C sequestration, nutrient cycling, and pathogenesis, are discussed.  相似文献   

PCR-DGGE方法分析原油储层微生物群落结构及种群多样性   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
使用基于 16 S r DNA的 PCR- DGGE(变性梯度凝胶电泳 )图谱分析结合条带割胶回收 DNA进行序列分析 ,对新疆克拉玛依油田一中区注水井 (12 # 9- 11)和与该注水井相应的两个采油井 (12 # 9- 9S、13# 11- 8)井口样品微生物群落的多样性进行了比较并鉴定了部分群落成员。 DGGE图谱聚类分析表明注水井与两油井微生物群落的相似性分别为 30 %和 2 0 % ,而两油井间微生物群落结构的相似性为 5 4 %。DGGE图谱中优势条带序列分析表明注水井样品和油井样品中的优势菌群为未培养的环境微生物 ,它们与数据库中 α、γ、δ、ε变形杆菌 (Proteobacteria)和拟杆菌 (Bacteroidetes)有很近的亲缘关系。 DGGE与分子克隆相结合的分子生物学方法在研究微生物提高原油采收率 (MEOR)机理 ,以及指导 MEOR在油田生产中的应用有着重要的意义  相似文献   

A multienzyme metabolic assembly for human glucose metabolism, namely the glucosome, has been previously demonstrated to partition glucose flux between glycolysis and building block biosynthesis in an assembly size-dependent manner. Among three different sizes of glucosome assemblies, we have shown that large-sized glucosomes are functionally associated with the promotion of serine biosynthesis in the presence of epidermal growth factor (EGF). However, due to multifunctional roles of EGF in signaling pathways, it is unclear which EGF-mediated signaling pathways promote these large glucosome assemblies in cancer cells. In this study, we used Luminex multiplexing assays and high-content single-cell imaging to demonstrate that EGF triggers temporal activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2) in Hs578T cells. Subsequently, we found that treatments with a pharmacological inhibitor of ERK1/2, SCH772984, or short-hairpin RNAs targeting ERK1/2 promote the dissociation of large-sized assemblies to medium-sized assemblies in Hs578T cells. In addition, our Western blot analyses revealed that EGF treatment does not increase the expression levels of enzymes that are involved in both glucose metabolism and serine biosynthesis. The observed spatial transition of glucosome assemblies between large and medium sizes appears to be mediated by the degree of dynamic partitioning of glucosome enzymes without changing their expression levels. Collectively, our study demonstrates that EGF–ERK1/2 signaling pathways play an important role in the upregulation of large-sized glucosomes in cancer cells, thus functionally governing the promotion of glycolysis-derived serine biosynthesis.  相似文献   

杀虫剂类POPs对土壤中微生物群落多样性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
农药类持久性有机污染物(POPs)如DDT和HCH在我国2 0世纪5 0年代到80年代曾广泛使用,在停止使用2 0 a后,在土壤中仍然可以检测到DDT和HCH的残留。利用BIOL OG微平板研究土壤微生物群落功能多样性,意在反映有机氯杀虫剂类POPs对土壤微生物群落多样性的影响。结果表明,加了HCH后土壤微生物群落的颜色平均变化值(AWCD)的变化速度和最终能达到的AWCD值要高于空白土壤,并且随着农药浓度的加大,AWCD值的变化速率也越来越快,最终能达到的最大值也呈比例增大。加了DDT后的土壤与空白土壤的AWCD变化速度和程度相差不大。方差分析结果表明:空白土壤、HCH0 .5mg/kg、HCH1.5 mg/kg各处理间土壤的AWCD值有显著性差异(p<0 .0 1) ,空白土壤、DDT0 .5 m g/kg、DDT1.5 m g/kg各处理间土壤的AWCD值达不到显著性差异的水平(p>0 .0 5 ) ,表层土壤的AWCD值要高于第2层土壤(p<0 .0 1)。从多样性指数的变化来看,当加入到土壤中的DDT和HCH含量稍低时,微生物会利用农药为碳源进行分解作用,从而刺激了微生物的生长,这时表现出丰富度、均匀性和多样性都呈增长趋势。但当农药的浓度进一步加大时,反而会抑制某些种的微生物生长,另外一些种则对加入到土壤中的农药有一定的耐受性,从而表现出群落的均匀性下降,而丰富度升高。在相同施用浓  相似文献   

丙型病毒性肝炎(hepatitis C virus,HCV)慢性感染及肝前体细胞向肝癌干细胞分化是原发性肝癌(hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)的重要致病因素。且Wnt信号参与维持肝癌干细胞特性,但HCV能否通过活化Wnt信号诱导肝前体细胞向肝癌干细胞分化尚不清楚。本室研究发现,在HCV core诱导分化的肝前体细胞中,HCV core抑制成熟肝细胞标志物Alb、CK18的表达,糖原储存能力显著下降(P<0.05),且上调肝癌干细胞标志物EpCAM、CD133、CD44等表达。另外,HCV core增强β-联蛋白活性及表达水平,促使β-联蛋白向核内聚集,上调其下游靶基因EpCAM、细胞周期蛋白D1、C-myc的表达,沉默β-联蛋白后,Wnt/β-catenin通路其下游靶基因表达明显受到抑制,糖原储存能力部分恢复,荧光共聚焦显示HCV core与β-联蛋白在细胞核内存在共定位。因此,HCV core可能与β-联蛋白相互作用,直接活化Wnt/β-catenin通路,上调其下游靶基因EpCAM等表达,诱导肝前体细胞向肝癌干细胞分化。  相似文献   

We present a life cycle assessment (LCA) of the operation of Casey Station in Antarctica. The LCA included quantifying material and energy flows, modeling of elementary flows, and subsequent environmental impacts. Environmental impacts were dominated by emissions associated with freight operations and electricity cogeneration. A participatory design approach was used to identify options to reduce environmental impacts, which included improving freight efficiency, reducing the temperature setpoint of the living quarters, and installing alternative energy systems. These options were then assessed using LCA, and have the potential to reduce environmental impacts by between 2% and 19.1%, depending on the environmental indicator.  相似文献   

Summary Many related species and strains of common wheat were compared by matching differences among their mitochondrial genomes with their parent nuclear genomes. We examined three species of Aegilops, section Sitopsis (Ae. bicornis, Ae. sharonensis, and Ae. speltoides), emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccoides, T. dicoccum, and T. durum), common wheat (T. spelta, T. aestivum, and T. compaction), and timopheevi wheat (T. araraticum, T. timopheevi, and T. zhukovskyi). A single source of the cytoplasm was used in all the species, except Ae. speltoides (two sources), T. araraticum (two), and T. aestivum (three). Following restriction endonuclease analyses, the mitochondrial genomes were found to comprise seven types, and a dendrogram showing their genetic relatedness was constructed, based upon the percentage of common restriction fragments. MtDNAs from T. dicoccum, T. durum, T. aestivum, and T. compactum yielded identical restriction fragment patterns; these differed from T. dicoccoides and T. spelta mtDNAs in only 2.3% of their fragments. The fragment patterns of T. timopheevi and T. zhukovskyi were identical, and these differed from T. araraticum mtDNA by only one fragment. In both the emmer-dinkel and timopheevi groups, mitochondrial genome differentiation is evident, suggesting a diphyletic origin of each group. MtDNAs from four accessions of the Sitopsis species of Aegilops differ greatly from one another, but those of Ae. bicornis, Ae. sharonensis, and Ae. searsii, belonging to the same subsection Emarginata, are relatively similar. MtDNAs of timopheevi species are identical, or nearly so, to those of Ae. speltoides accession (09), suggesting that the latter was the cytoplasm donor to the former, polyploid group. The origin of this polyploid group seems to be rather recent in that the diploid and polyploid species possess nearly identical mitochondrial genomes. We cannot determine, with precision, the cytoplasm donor to the emmer-dinkel group. However, our results do suggest that mitochondrial DNAs show larger evolutionary divergence than do the ctDNAs from these same strains.Contribution no. 507 from the Laboratory of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Japan  相似文献   

In this study, the genetic diversity of 51 cultivars in the primary core collection of peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) was evaluated by using simple sequence repeats (SSRs). The phylogenetic relationships and the evolutionary history among different cultivars were determined on the basis of SSR data. Twenty-two polymorphic SSR primer pairs were selected, and a total of 111 alleles were identified in the 51 cultivars, with an average of 5 alleles per locus. According to traditional Chinese classification of peach cultivars, the 51 cultivars in the peach primary core collection belong to six variety groups. The SSR analysis revealed that the levels of the genetic diversity within each variety group were ranked as Sweet peach 〉 Crisp peach 〉 Flat peach 〉 Nectarine 〉 Honey Peach 〉 Yellow fleshed peach. The genetic diversity among the Chinese cultivars was higher than that among the introduced cultivars. Cluster analysis by the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averaging (UPGMA) placed the 51 cultivars into five linkage clusters. Cultivar members from the same variety group were distributed in different UPGMA clusters and some members from different variety groups were placed under the same cluster. Different variety groups could not be differentiated in accordance with SSR markers. The SSR analysis revealed rich genetic diversity in the peach primary core collection, representative of genetic resources of peach.  相似文献   

The gas hydrate-bearing structure—mud volcano Kedr-1 (Lake Baikal, southern basin)—is located near the coal-bearing sediments of the Tankhoy formation of Oligocene–Miocene age and can be an ideal source of gas-saturated fluid. A significant amount of siderite minerals (FeCO3) were collected from sediments at depths ranging from 0.5 to 327 cm below the lake floor (cmblf). An important feature of these carbonate minerals is the extremely strong enrichment in the heavy 13C isotope, reaching values of +33.3‰ VPDB. The δ13C of the siderite minerals, as well as their morphology and elemental composition, and the δ13CDIC of the co-existing pore water, differed across layers of the core, which implies at least two generations of siderite formation. Here, we leverage mineralogical and geochemical data with 16S rRNA data from the microbial communities in sediments surrounding layers containing siderite minerals. Statistical data reveal the formation of three clusters of microbial communities based on taxonomical composition, key taxa among bacteria and archaea, and environmental parameters. Diversity and richness estimators decrease with sediment depth, with several similar prevailing clades located at the bottom of the core. Most of the taxa in the deep sediments could be associated with putative metabolisms involving organotrophic fermentation (Bathyarchaeia, Caldatribacteriota, and Chloroflexota). Various groups of methanogens (Methanoregulaceae, Methanosaetaceae, and Methanomassiliicoccales) and methanotrophic (Methanoperedenaceae) archaea are present in the sediment at variable relative abundances throughout the sampled depth. Based on the physicochemical characteristics of the sediment, carbon isotope analysis of carbonate minerals and DIC, and phylogenetic analysis of individual taxa and their metabolic potential, we present several models for subsurface siderite precipitation in Lake Baikal sediments.  相似文献   

The life cycle environmental profile of energy‐consuming products is dominated by the products’ use stage. Variation in real‐world product use can therefore yield large differences in the results of life cycle assessment (LCA). Adequate characterization of input parameters is paramount for uncertainty quantification and has been a challenge to wider adoption of the LCA method. After emphasis in recent years on methodological development, data development has become the primary focus again. Pervasive sensing presents the opportunity to collect rich data sets and improve profiling of use‐stage parameters. Illustrating a data‐driven approach, we examine energy use in domestic cooling systems, focusing on climate change as the impact category. Specific objectives were to examine: (1) how characterization of the use stage by different probability distributions and (2) how characterizing data aggregated at successively higher granularity affects LCA modeling results and the uncertainty in output. Appliance‐level electricity data were sourced from domestic residences for 3 years. Use‐stage variables were propagated in a stochastic model and analyses simulated by Monte Carlo procedure. Although distribution choice did not necessarily significantly impact the estimated output, there were differences in the estimated uncertainty. Characterization of use‐stage power consumption in the model at successively higher data granularity reduced the output uncertainty with diminishing returns. Results therefore justify the collection of high granularity data sets representing the life cycle use stage of high‐energy products. The availability of such data through proliferation of pervasive sensing presents increasing opportunities to better characterize data and increase confidence in results of LCA.  相似文献   

In recent years, diabetes and obesity have become a major problem in global health care because of changes in lifestyle, food habits, and age-related metabolic disorders. Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common diseases, affecting millions of people worldwide. Currently, herbal drugs are used to control obesity and diabetes. The present study investigates the anti-obesity, antidiabetic, and antioxidant activities of Samanea saman leaf extract. A methanolic extract of S. saman leaves was prepared by a maceration method. The S. saman leaf extract was studied for its inhibitory effect on glucose utilization using specific in vitro procedures to analyze its antioxidant, anti-obesity, and antidiabetic activities via different assays, such as α-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibition assay, glucose uptake by yeast cells, nonenzymatic glycosylation assay followed by glucose diffusion assay. The outcome of the study showed that the methanolic extract strongly inhibited the pancreatic lipase, α-amylase, and glucosidase activities, compared with the standard drug. The results showed that the extract possessed considerable antioxidant and antidiabetic activities, and further studies are needed to confirm the results using an in vivo model. Thus, it is proposed that S. saman can be used as a therapeutic agent.  相似文献   

基于核密度估算的路网格局与景观破碎化分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
道路网络的发展是导致区域景观破碎化程度加剧的重要因素,如何定量表征道路网络特征及其破碎化效应是道路生态学的一个关键科学问题。本研究以珠江三角洲核心区为案例,采用核密度估算(KDE)结合道路密度指数方法,探讨了区域路网格局及其对景观破碎化的影响。结果表明:KDE法能有效识别和提取高密度路网热点区域;道路密度指数分析显示,道路密度与景观破碎化之间存在较强的相关性;道路密度与KDE法结合能突破传统基于行政边界计算道路密度的局限,为研究路网特征及其景观破碎化程度提供了一个很好的量化工具。  相似文献   

For many viruses, RNA is the holder of genetic information and serves as the template for both replication and translation. While host and viral proteins play important roles in viral decision‐making, the extent to which viral RNA (vRNA) actively participates in translation and replication might be surprising. Here, the focus is on flaviviruses, which include common human scourges such as dengue, West Nile, and Zika viruses, from an RNA‐centric viewpoint. In reviewing more recent findings, an attempt is made to fill knowledge gaps and revisit some canonical views of vRNA structures involved in replication. In particular, alternative views are offered on the nature of the flaviviral promoter and genome cyclization, and the feasibility of refining in vitro‐derived models with modern RNA probing and sequencing methods is pointed out. By tracing vRNA structures from translation through encapsidation, a dynamic molecule closely involved in the self‐regulation of viral replication is revealed.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)工厂化繁育系统内发生细菌性玻化症(shrimp postlarva bacterial vitrified syndrome,BVS)时期可培养微生物的菌群特征以及优势病原菌的遗传多样性。【方法】采用细菌体外培养方法结合基因测序技术对不同育苗阶段的亲虾、受精卵、无节幼体、蚤状幼体、糠虾幼体、仔虾,及其育苗池水和饵料内可培养细菌菌群的组成与结构特征进行研究,并通过多位点序列分析(multilocus sequence analysis,MLSA)方法解析病原菌的遗传多样性。【结果】系统内分离纯化的526株具有典型形态差异和群落优势的细菌分属于4门5纲16目24科38属113种。在纲水平上γ-变形菌纲(Gammaproteobacteria)丰度最高,共453株,占总分离株的86.1%;在属水平上弧菌属(Vibrio)丰度最高,共369株,占总分离株的70.2%;在种水平上,溶藻弧菌(Vibrio alginolyticus)为最优势种,共112株,占总分离株的21.3%,并且分布于整个繁育系统,在饵料中具有最高丰度。多元关联分析表明,随着对虾幼体的发育,饵料对幼体体内可培养细菌的菌群结构影响逐渐增加。对112株潜在溶藻弧菌的MLSA分析表明,其中100株菌株进一步确认为溶藻弧菌。进一步利用MLSA构建系统发育树分析其遗传多样性发现,100株溶藻弧菌分为9个簇,分离自同类样品的菌株广泛分布在不同的簇中。【结论】在BVS发生时期,凡纳滨对虾工厂化繁育系统中具有丰富的可培养微生物种类。对虾幼体发育过程中,饵料对幼体体内可培养细菌的菌群结构具有重要影响。溶藻弧菌为凡纳滨对虾工厂化繁育系统中的优势弧菌,分布于整个繁育系统,且具有丰富的遗传多样性。本研究为解析对虾繁育系统可培养微生物演替规律提供了数据支撑,也为对虾苗期病原防控和健康养殖提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

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