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In eukaryotic cells, DNA is tightly packed with the help of histone proteins into chromatin. Chromatin architecture can be modified by various post‐translational modifications of histone proteins. For almost 60 years now, studies on histone lysine acetylation have unraveled the contribution of this acylation to an open chromatin state with increased DNA accessibility, permissive for gene expression. Additional complexity emerged from the discovery of other types of histone lysine acylations. The acyl group donors are products of cellular metabolism, and distinct histone acylations can link the metabolic state of a cell with chromatin architecture and contribute to cellular adaptation through changes in gene expression. Currently, various technical challenges limit our full understanding of the actual impact of most histone acylations on chromatin dynamics and of their biological relevance. In this review, we summarize the state of the art and provide an overview of approaches to overcome these challenges. We further discuss the concept of subnuclear metabolic niches that could regulate local CoA availability and thus couple cellular metabolisms with the epigenome.  相似文献   

植物体内磷脂代谢和信号转导   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
章文华  王学敏 《生命科学》2000,12(3):100-104
磷脂不但作为细胞结构的重要组成部分,其代谢产物主料可作为人信号分子,这一推断日益受到人们重视,并为越来越多的实验所证实。本文综述磷脂酶类、磷酸肌醇激酶及其代谢产物参与的植物细胞内的信号转导,阐述它们与植物激素和钙信使系统的关系。  相似文献   

The membrane trafficking system is important for compartmentalization of the biosynthesis pathway and secretion of deoxynivalenol (DON) mycotoxin (a virulence factor) in Fusarium graminearum. Flippases are transmembrane lipid transporters and mediate a number of essential physiological steps of membrane trafficking, including vesicle budding, charging, and protein diffusion within the membrane. However, the roles of flippases in secondary metabolism remain unknown in filamentous fungi. Herein, we identified five flippases (FgDnfA, FgDnfB, FgDnfC1, FgDnfC2, and FgDnfD) in F. graminearum and established their specific and redundant functions in the development and pathogenicity of this phytopathogenic fungus. Our results demonstrate that FgDnfA is critical for normal vegetative growth while the other flippases are dispensable. FgDnfA and FgDnfD were found crucial for the fungal pathogenesis, and a remarkable reduction in DON production was observed in ΔFgDNFA and ΔFgDNFD. Deletion of the FgDNFB gene increased DON production to about 30 times that produced by the wild type. Further analysis showed that FgDnfA and FgDnfD have positive roles in the regulation of trichothecene (TRI) genes (TRI1, TRI4, TRI5, TRI6, TRI12, and TRI101) expression and toxisome reorganization, while FgDnfB acts as a negative regulator of DON synthesis. In addition, FgDnfB and FgDnfD have redundant functions in the regulation of phosphatidylcholine transport, and double deletion of FgDNFB and FgDNFD showed serious defects in fungal development, DON synthesis, and virulence. Collectively, our findings reveal the distinct and specific functions of flippase family members in F. graminearum and principally demonstrate that FgDnfA, FgDnfD, and FgDnfB have specific spatiotemporal roles during toxisome biogenesis.  相似文献   

It is uncertain whether the same ecological forces that structure plant and animal communities also shape microbial communities, especially those residing in soil. We sought to uncover the relative importance of present-day environmental characteristics, climatic variation, and historical contingencies in shaping soil actinobacterial communities in a long-term chronosequence. Actinobacteria communities were characterized in surface soil samples from four replicate forest stands with nearly identical edaphic and ecological properties, which range from 9500 to 14,000 years following glacial retreat in Michigan. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) profiles and clone libraries of the actinobacterial 16S rRNA gene were constructed in each site for phenetic and phylogenetic analysis to determine whether dispersal limitation occurred following glacial retreat, or if community composition was determined by environmental heterogeneity. At every level of examination, actinobacterial community composition most closely correlated with distance, a surrogate for time, than with biogeochemical, plant community, or climatic characteristics. Despite correlation with leaf litter C:N and annual temperature, the significant and consistent relationship of biological communities with time since glacial retreat provides evidence that dispersal limitation is an ecological force structuring actinobacterial communities in soil over long periods of time.  相似文献   

Lu S  Li L 《植物学报(英文版)》2008,50(7):778-785
Carotenoids are Indispensable to plants and play a critical role in human nutrition and health. Significant progress has been made in our understanding of carotenoid metabolism in plants. The biosynthetic pathway has been extensively studied.Nearly all the genes encoding the biosynthetic enzymes have been isolated and characterized from various organisms. In recent years, there is an increasing body of work on the signaling pathways and plastid development, which might provide global control of carotenoid biosynthesis and accumulation. Herein, we will highlight recent progress on the biosynthesis,regulation, and metabolic engineering of carotenoids in plants, as well as the future research towards elucidating the regulatory mechanisms and metabolic network that control carotenoid metabolism.  相似文献   

Yeast cells growing in the presence of glucose or a related rapidly-fermented sugar differ strongly in a variety of physiological properties compared to cells growing in the absence of glucose. Part of these differences appear to be caused by the protein kinase A (PKA) and related signal transduction pathways. Addition of glucose to cells previously deprived of glucose triggers cAMP accumulation, which is apparently mediated by the Gpr1-Gpa2 G-protein coupled receptor system. However, the resulting effect on PKA-controlled properties is only transient when there is no complete growth medium present. When an essential nutrient is lacking, the cells arrest in the stationary phase G0. At the same time they acquire all characteristics of cells with low PKA activity, even if there is ample glucose present. When the essential nutrient is added again, a similar PKA-dependent protein phosphorylation cascade is triggered as observed after addition of glucose to glucose-deprived cells, but which is not cAMP-mediated. Because the pathway involved requires a fermentable carbon source and a complete growth medium, at least for its sustained activation, it has been called “fermentable growth medium (FGM)-induced pathway.”  相似文献   

宋晓丹  张园  邹祥 《微生物学报》2018,58(10):1691-1700
TOR(target of rapamycin)是一类进化上保守的丝氨酸/苏氨酸(Ser/Thr)蛋白激酶,是真核细胞响应环境信号调控生长和代谢的关键因子。真菌TOR信号途径在营养、压力环境等刺激下,通过核糖体生物合成、营养物质摄入及代谢等过程调节维持胞内稳态。本文主要综述了酵母细胞TOR及TOR复合物的结构,以及近年来真菌TORC1蛋白在不同营养环境、压力等条件下对细胞生长与自噬、代谢以及胁迫生理响应等生命活动的调控机制进展及未来发展方向,为真菌TOR调控生长和代谢产物提供新思路。  相似文献   

Adenosine 3':5' cyclic monophosphate seems to regulate antibiotic biosynthesis and secondary metabolism in tylosin-producing cultures of Streptomyces fradiae C373.1. A dose-dependent response is observed by exogenous additions of dibutyryl cyclic AMP (cAMP), and is related to the nutritional status of the culture. Addition of cAMP to cultures growing in nutritionally lean media caused higher cumulative antibiotic tigers and some cellular differentiation compared with the control. In nutritionally rich media, a qualitatively different behavior resulted: an almost instantaneous shift toward secondary metabolism occurred. The response is characterized by extensive cellular differentiation with little growth and only a trace of antibiotic production. The possible role of cyclic AMP n the regulation of tylosin biosynthesis and secondary metabolism and its relation to specific nutrient limitations in synthetic, defined media in Streptomyces fradiae is discussed. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

潘园园  刘钢 《遗传》2018,40(10):874-887
在目前已知的具有生物活性的微生物次级代谢物中约有50%是由丝状真菌产生的,其中包括人们所熟知的青霉素、环孢菌素A以及洛伐他汀等。鉴于丝状真菌次级代谢物在农业、医药和工业上的重要价值,它们的生物合成及其分子调控一直备受关注。丝状真菌次级代谢物的生物合成是一个复杂的过程,一般涉及多步酶学反应,该过程往往受到不同水平的调控。深入了解丝状真菌次级代谢的分子调控机制,可以为其产量的提高、新骨架化合物的发掘以及隐性次级代谢物的激活奠定重要的理论基础。本文以丝状真菌次级代谢分子调控为主线,重点介绍近40年来我国科研工作者在该领域取得的研究进展,并对这一领域未来的发展进行展望。  相似文献   

Echinoderm sperm use cyclic nucleotides (CNs) as essential second messengers to locate and swim towards the egg. Sea urchin sperm constitute a rich source of membrane-bound guanylyl cyclase (mGC), which was first cloned from sea urchin testis by the group of David Garbers. His group also identified speract, the first sperm-activating peptide (SAP) to be isolated from the egg investment (or egg jelly). This decapeptide stimulates sperm mGC causing a fast transient increase in cGMP that triggers an orchestrated set of physiological responses including: changes in: membrane potential, intracellular pH (pHi), intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)]i) and cAMP levels. Evidence from several groups indicated that cGMP activation of a K(+) selective channel was the first ion permeability change in the signaling cascade induced by SAPs, and recently the candidate gene was finally identified. Each of the 4 repeated, 6 trans-membrane segments of this channel contains a cyclic nucleotide binding domain. Together they comprise a single polypeptide chain like voltage-gated Na(+) or Ca(2+) channels. This new type of channel, named tetraKCNG, appears to belong to the exclusive club of novel protein families expressed only in sperm and its progenitors. SAPs also induce fluctuations in flagellar [Ca(2+)]i that correlate with changes in flagellar form and regulate sperm trajectory. The motility changes depend on [Ca(2+)]i influx through specific Ca(2+) channels and not on the overall [Ca(2+)]i in the sperm flagellum. All cilia and flagella have a conserved axonemal structure and thus understanding how Ca(2+) regulates cilia and flagella beating is a fundamental question.  相似文献   

RGS与G蛋白信号转导的调节   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
RGSs(regulators of G-protein signaling)是最近发现的G-蛋白信号转导的负调节子,大部分RGSs通过GAPs(GTPase activating proteins)方式发挥作用,RGS的作用具有高度特异性,在体内受到严密的调节。对RGS的深入研究有利于对信号转导调节的了解。  相似文献   

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