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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Climate projections predict drier and warmer conditions in the Mediterranean basin in the next decades. The possibility of such climatic changes modifying the growth of two Mediterranean species, Erica multiflora and Globularia alypum, which are common components of Mediterranean shrublands, was assessed. METHODS: A field experiment was performed from March 1999 to March 2002 to prolong the drought period and to increase the night-time temperature in a Mediterranean shrubland, where E. multiflora and G. alypum are the dominant species. Annual growth in stem diameter and length of both species was measured and annual stem biomass production was estimated for 1999, 2000 and 2001. Plant seasonal growth was also assessed. KEY RESULTS: On average, drought treatment reduced soil moisture 22 %, and warming increased temperature by 0.7-1.6 degrees C. Erica multiflora plants in the drought treatment showed a 46 % lower annual stem elongation than controls. The decrease in water availability also reduced by 31 % the annual stem diameter increment and by 43 % the annual stem elongation of G. alypum plants. New shoot growth of G. alypum was also strongly reduced. Allometrically estimated biomass production was decreased by drought in both species. Warming treatment produced contrasting effects on the growth patterns of these species. Warmer conditions increased, on average, the stem basal diameter growth of E. multiflora plants by 35 %, raising also their estimated stem biomass production. On the contrary, plants of G. alypum in the warming treatment showed a 14 % lower annual stem growth in basal diameter and shorter new shoots in spring compared with controls. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate changes in the annual productivity of these Mediterranean shrubs under near future drier and warmer conditions. They also point to alterations in their competitive abilities, which could lead to changes in the species composition of these ecosystems in the long term.  相似文献   

Climate change, characterized by warming and precipitation variability, restricted the growth of plants in arid and semiarid areas, and various functional traits are impacted differently. Comparing responses of functional traits to warming and precipitation variability and determining critical water threshold of dominate steppe grasses from Inner Mongolia facilitates the identification and monitoring of water stress effects. A combination of warming (ambient temperature, +1.5°C and +2.0°C) and varying precipitation (?30%, ?15%, ambient, +15%, and +30%) manipulation experiments were performed on four Stipa species (S. baicalensis, S. bungeana, S. grandis, and S. breviflora) from Inner Mongolia steppe. The results showed that the functional traits of the four grasses differed in their responses to precipitation, but they shared common sensitive traits (root/shoot ratio, R/S, and specific leaf area; SLA) under ambient temperature condition. Warming increased the response of the four grasses to changing precipitation, and these differences in functional traits resulted in changes to their total biomass, with leaf area, SLA, and R/S making the largest contributions. Critical water thresholds of the four grasses were identified, and warming led to their higher optimum precipitation requirements. The four steppe grasses were able to adapt better to mild drought (summer precipitation decreased by 12%–28%) when warming 1.5°C rather than 2.0°C. These results indicated that if the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to 1.5°C will be accomplished, this will increase the probability for sustained viability of the Stipa steppes in the next 50–100 years.  相似文献   

In this paper we test a method to estimate the tree and grass vegetation cover over Australia from satellite-derived normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) time series (monthly 1981–91, ≈5 km pixels) observations. The evergreen cover is assumed to track along the base of the NDVI time series, which is assumed to be equivalent to the woody vegetation cover. The base of the NDVI time series is estimated using modifications to a classical econometric model (i.e. time series is the sum of trend, seasonal and random components). Estimates of the average evergreen component during 1982–85 and 1986–89 were generally consistent with known vegetation distributions. Changes in evergreen cover were largely restricted to the south-west and south-east of Australia. Those changes were largely the result of differences in rainfall between the two periods. The proposed method for estimating woody vegetation cover is found to be generally robust. However, there are some regions where the grass (or pasture) is mostly evergreen. Some possible refinements are proposed to handle such cases.  相似文献   

王亚林  丁忆  胡艳  陈静  范文武 《生态学报》2019,39(6):2054-2062
大量研究表明,21世纪全球气温将持续升高,干旱将不断加剧,具有超强抗旱能力的灌木在未来的区域乃至全球生态系统过程中将会发挥越来越重要的作用。灌木在我国有着广泛的分布,其总面积超过了我国陆地面积的20%。本研究旨在通过计算中国灌木生态系统的标准化降水蒸散指数(Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index, SPEI)来分析其干旱变化趋势及其对灌木生态系统植被生长的影响。结果显示,中国灌木生态系统的SPEI在1961—2013年间总体上呈显著地下降趋势,但其趋势在1992年发生了显著变化,这表明中国灌木生态系统正在持续地干旱化,并且在最近二十几年干旱化加剧。我们还分析了不同灌木生态系统EVI(Enhanced Vegetation Index, EVI)对SPEI变化的响应,结果显示不同的灌木生态系统类型对SPEI变化的响应不同。夏季,高寒荒漠灌木半灌木、温带荒漠灌木半灌木和温带落叶灌木EVI与SPEI变化显著正相关,而亚高山常绿灌木和亚热带常绿灌木EVI则与SPEI的变化显著负相关。温带落叶灌木EVI与春季SPEI变化显著正相关,但却与秋季和冬季的SPEI显著负相关。此外,亚热带常绿灌木EVI还与春季SPEI变化显著正相关。从空间上来看,北方的灌木生态系统比南方的灌木生态系统对干旱的变化更加敏感,同时,南方湿润地区的灌木在生态系统尺度也体现了较强的抗旱能力。在全球持续干旱化的大背景下,研究灌木生态系统EVI对干旱变化的响应将有助于对区域生态系统过程变化的理解。  相似文献   

青藏高原高寒草甸夏季植被特征及对模拟增温的短期响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐满厚  薛娴 《生态学报》2013,33(7):2071-2083
以青藏高原高寒草甸为研究对象,研究了草甸植被夏季生长动态特征;同时采用红外辐射器模拟增温的方法,探讨了草甸植被对增温的短期(1a)响应.结果表明:(1)高寒草甸夏季植被高度与地下生物量、总生物量相关性不显著,盖度与二者相关性极显著;高度对地上生物量影响较大(R=0.892,P<0.01),盖度对地下生物量(R=0.883,P<0.01)和总生物量(R=0.888,P<0.01)影响较大.(2)高寒草甸夏季植被地上部分和地下部分表现出不同的生长模式,地上部分近似等速生长(幂指数为1.011),地下部分则表现为异速生长(幂指数为0.459),但整体呈现异速生长(幂指数为0.473).(3)高寒草甸夏季植被地上生物量(P<0.05)在6月份较地下生物量(P>0.05)对环境更为敏感,且一年之后地上-地下生物量均呈减小趋势,这与空气温度、土壤温度和土壤水分的显著减小密切相关.(4)红外辐射器在高寒草甸的增温度效果较好,空气、地表、土壤温度都随增温幅度增强而增加;短期增温对高寒植被有正效应(T0-T1),而温度持续升高则对植被产生负效应(T1-T2);各植被指标的方差分析都未达到显著水平,表明短期增温对该植被影响不显著.  相似文献   

在江苏南京(2007-2009年)设置了全天增温(AW)、白天增温(DW)和夜间增温(NW)3种处理,研究冬小麦生长及产量构成的响应差异.结果表明:非对称性增温条件下,冬小麦的无效分蘖减少,有效分蘖增加.对照(CK)处理的无效分蘖分别是AW、DW和NW处理的2.6、1.7和3.5倍,但有效分蘖却比3个增温处理分别减少13.7%、3.2%和0.5%.AW、DW和NW处理小麦株高分别较CK提高了5.6%、4.5%和1.3%.旗叶面积分别提高了45.7%、39.4%和26.1%,开花期总绿叶面积分别提高了25.1%、29.8%和17.3%,同期绿叶比分别提高了37.7%、43.3%和38.7%.穗部性状中,AW、DW和NW处理的每穗颖花数平均比CK提高了4.1%、5.7%和1.7%,每穗实粒数分别提高了2.2%、5.3%和2.6%.AW、DW和NW处理冬小麦的粒叶比平均分别较CK降低了15.3%、8.5%和11.3%,但千粒重平均分别提高了6.9%、6.2%和11.8%,单位面积产量平均分别提高了27.0%、40.1%和18.3%.表明预期增温条件下华东地区冬小麦生产力将可能进一步提高.  相似文献   

The trajectory of tree‐growth response to climate warming may be related to attributes like tree age. However, age‐mediation of temperature sensitivity of tree growth has received little attention. This study aimed to determine how age affects tree growth in a future warmer world. In a 2‐year ecosystem warming experiment in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau of China, we explored the response of Qinghai spruce saplings at two life stages to two warming levels. Our results indicated a significant interaction between warming and age for sapling growth of Qinghai spruce. In high‐level warming scenario, the experiment increased growing season air temperatures by approximately 1.0°C and annual growing degree‐days by 38%. In response, warmed saplings lengthened the growing season by 10 days on average and increased the final shoot length to a maximum of 104% compared to control groups. Comparison of age classes revealed that old saplings exhibited significantly higher temperature sensitivity than young saplings. This performance may be caused by the differences in adaptive strategy to the asymmetric warming occurring during the whole day. Increased daytime temperature was expected to significantly enhance leaf photosynthesis, whereas lack of obvious nighttime warming would effectively restrict autotrophic respiration, thus resulting in the higher growth rate of old saplings compared with young saplings. Moreover, lack of nighttime warming rendered young saplings to be still in high stresses of freezing injury at low temperatures. These findings highlight the need for additional research on the effects of further climate anomalies on tree species during their ontogenetic processes.  相似文献   

As Earth's atmosphere accumulates carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases, Earth's climate is expected to warm and precipitation patterns will likely change. The manner in which terrestrial ecosystems respond to climatic changes will in turn affect the rate of climate change. Here we describe responses of an old‐field herbaceous community to a factorial combination of four levels of warming (up to 4 °C) and three precipitation regimes (drought, ambient and rain addition) over 2 years. Warming suppressed total production, shoot production, and species richness, but only in the drought treatment. Root production did not respond to warming, but drought stimulated the growth of deeper (> 10 cm) roots by 121% in 1 year. Warming and precipitation treatments both affected functional group composition, with C4 grasses and other annual and biennial species entering the C3 perennial‐dominated community in ambient rainfall and rain addition treatments as well as in warmed treatments. Our results suggest that, in this mesic system, expected changes in temperature or large changes in precipitation alone can alter functional composition, but they have little effect on total herbaceous plant growth. However, drought limits the capacity of the entire system to withstand warming. The relative insensitivity of our study system to climate suggests that the herbaceous component of old‐field communities will not dramatically increase production in response to warming or precipitation change, and so it is unlikely to provide either substantial increases in forage production or a meaningful negative feedback to climate change later this century.  相似文献   

通过对祁连山中部葫芦沟流域的祁连圆柏连续采集微树芯,对其形成层活动和径向生长动态进行了连续两年的监测研究。结果表明,2012年细胞壁加厚和细胞成熟阶段开始时间分别发生在6月26日和7月24日,比2013年细胞壁加厚(6月22日)和细胞成熟阶段(6月26日)开始时间分别晚5 d和28 d。2012年细胞扩大、细胞壁加厚和细胞成熟阶段结束时间分别为7月16日、8月9日和9月8日,比2013年各阶段结束时间分别晚7、28 d和24 d。2012年最大细胞分裂速率为0.33细胞/d,共形成20.9个细胞,细胞分裂速率和木质部细胞总数均高于2013年。通过与附近气象站记录的气象数据进行对比,发现祁连圆柏生长开始时间在温暖年份显著早于寒冷年份,说明祁连圆柏的径向生长开始时间与温度有关。但2013年春季和夏初的高温导致区域干旱程度加剧,使祁连圆柏生长结束时间显著早于2012年,并导致2013年的木质部细胞总量和生长速率都小于2012年。研究表明,在寒冷干旱地区,尽管升温会使生长季提前,但升温导致的干旱胁迫可能对树木的生长速率和木质部细胞总量产生重要影响。  相似文献   

Understanding how soil respiration (Rs) and its source components respond to climate warming is crucial to improve model prediction of climate‐carbon (C) feedback. We conducted a manipulation experiment by warming and clipping in a prairie dominated by invasive winter annual Bromus japonicas in Southern Great Plains, USA. Infrared radiators were used to simulate climate warming by 3 °C and clipping was used to mimic yearly hay mowing. Heterotrophic respiration (Rh) was measured inside deep collars (70 cm deep) that excluded root growth, while total soil respiration (Rs) was measured inside surface collars (2–3 cm deep). Autotrophic respiration (Ra) was calculated by subtracting Rh from Rs. During 3 years of experiment from January 2010 to December 2012, warming had no significant effect on Rs. The neutral response of Rs to warming was due to compensatory effects of warming on Rh and Ra. Warming significantly (P < 0.05) stimulated Rh but decreased Ra. Clipping only marginally (P < 0.1) increased Ra in 2010 but had no effect on Rh. There were no significant interactive effects of warming and clipping on Rs or its components. Warming stimulated annual Rh by 22.0%, but decreased annual Ra by 29.0% across the 3 years. The decreased Ra was primarily associated with the warming‐induced decline of the winter annual productivity. Across the 3 years, warming increased Rh/Rs by 29.1% but clipping did not affect Rh/Rs. Our study highlights that climate warming may have contrasting effects on Rh and Ra in association with responses of plant productivity to warming.  相似文献   

The terrestrial forest ecosystems in the northern high latitude region have been experiencing significant warming rates over several decades. These forests are considered crucial to the climate system and global carbon cycle and are particularly vulnerable to climate change. To obtain an improved estimate of the response of vegetation activity, e.g., forest greenness and tree growth, to climate change, we investigated spatiotemporal variations in two independent data sets containing the dendroecological information for this region over the past 30 years. These indices are the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI3g) and the tree‐ring width index (RWI), both of which showed significant spatial variability in past trends and responses to climate changes. These trends and responses to climate change differed significantly in the ecosystems of the circumarctic (latitude higher than 67°N) and the circumboreal forests (latitude higher and lower than 50°N and 67°N, respectively), but the way in which they differed was relatively similar in the NDVI3g and the RWI. In the circumarctic ecosystem, the climate variables of the current summer were the main climatic drivers for the positive response to the increase in temperatures showed by both the NDVI3g and the RWI indices. On the other hand, in the circumboreal forest ecosystem, the climate variables of the previous year (from summer to winter) were also important climatic drivers for both the NDVI3g and the RWI. Importantly, both indices showed that the temperatures in the previous year negatively affected the ecosystem. Although such negative responses to warming did not necessarily lead to a past negative linear trend in the NDVI3g and the RWI over the past 30 years, future climate warming could potentially cause severe reduction in forest greenness and tree growth in the circumboreal forest ecosystem.  相似文献   

Climate warming may affect reproductive isolation between sympatric sister species by modifying reproductive phenology or mate choice. This is expected to result in a latitudinal progression of hybridization in response to the shifting of environmental conditions. The fish species northern redbelly dace (Chrosomus eos) and finescale dace (C. neogaeus) display a wide sympatric distribution in North America. The asexual reproduction of their hybrids allows determining where and when hybridization occurred. The aim of this study was twofold: first, to assess whether temperature affected reproductive isolation, and second, whether the effects of climate warming resulted in a latitudinal progression of hybridization. We performed a 500 km latitudinal survey (51 sites) in southeastern Quebec (Canada) and determined the distribution of clonal hybrid lineages. Results revealed a total of 78 hybrid lineages, including 70 which originated locally. We detected a significant difference between the southern and northern range of the survey in terms of the proportion of sites harboring local hybrids (20/23 vs. 8/28 sites, respectively) and hybrid diversity (57 vs. 13 lineages, respectively). This confirmed that there was more frequent interspecific mating in the warmest sites. In the southern range, diversity of lineages and simulations suggest that hybridization first took place (>7,000 years) in sites characterized by a longer growing season, followed by northerly adjacent sites (ca. 3,500–5,000 years). Moreover, evidence of hybridization occurring in present‐day time was detected. This suggests that the current warming episode is going beyond the limits of the previous warmest period of the Holocene.  相似文献   

Different tree species growing in the same area may have different, or even contrasting growth responses to climate change. Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) and Mongolia oak (Quercus mongolica) are two crucial tree species in temperate forest ecosystems. Six tree-ring chronologies for Korean pine and Mongolia oak were developed by using the zero-signal method to explore their growth response to the recent climate warming in northeast China. Results showed that Mongolia oak radial growth was mainly limited by precipitation in the growing season, while Korean pine growth depended on temperature condition, especially monthly minimum temperature. With the latitude decrease, the relationships between Korean pine growth and monthly precipitation changed from negative to positive correlation, while the positive correlation with monthly temperature gradually weakened. In the contrary, Mongolia oak growth at the three sampling sites was significantly and positively correlated with precipitation in the growing season, while it was negatively correlated with temperature and this relationship decreased with the latitude decrease. The radial growth of Korean pine at different sites showed a clearly discrepant responses to the recent warming since 1980. Korean pine growth in the north site increased with the temperature increase, decreased in the midwest site, and almost unchanged in the southeast site. Conversely, Mongolia oak growth was less affected by the recent climate warming. Our finding suggested that tree species trait and sites are both key factors that affect the response of tree growth to climate change. In addition, the suitable distribution area of Korean pine may be moved northward with the continued global warming in the future, but Mongolia oak may not shift in the same way.  相似文献   

为了探讨全球变暖对杉木幼苗地上物候和生长的影响,在福建三明森林生态系统与全球变化研究站陈大观测点开展大气温度控制(ambient, open-top chamber)和土壤温度控制(ambient, ambient+4℃)双因子试验,设置对照、单独大气增温、单独土壤增温、大气和土壤同时增温4种处理,大气增温采用开顶箱被动式增温,土壤增温采用电缆增温。建立48个单株水平的根箱,每个根箱内种植1棵1年生2代半短侧枝杉木幼苗,于2016年开始对杉木幼苗地上物候和生长动态进行为期1年的研究。结果表明:(1)大气温度控制对杉木幼苗物候和生长具有显著影响;与无大气增温相比,大气增温使杉木幼苗顶芽膨胀、顶芽展开和顶芽新稍生长时间显著提前,树高生长季长度显著延长,杉木幼苗树高生长得到显著促进。(2)土壤温度控制对杉木幼苗的物候和生长均没有显著影响。(3)大气温度控制和土壤温度控制的交互作用对杉木幼苗生长具有显著影响,大气和土壤同时增温处理的杉木幼苗树高和侧枝生长显著大于单独大气增温处理。表明全球气候变暖可能对杉木生产力具有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

长期模拟增温对岷江冷杉幼苗生长与生物量分配的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨兵  王进闯  张远彬 《生态学报》2010,30(21):5994-6000
川西亚高山针叶林是青藏高原东部高寒林区的重要组成部分,也是研究全球变化对森林生态系统影响的重要组成。长期模拟增温对川西亚高山森林树木的生长、物质积累及其分配格局的影响至今鲜有报道。以川西亚高山针叶林优势种岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)幼苗为研究对象,采用控制环境生长室模拟增温的方法,研究了模拟增温对岷江冷杉幼苗生长、物质积累及其分配格局的影响。结果表明,模拟增温(2.2±0.2)℃处理65个月后,岷江冷杉幼苗基径、株高、单株叶面积和比叶面积(SLA)均显著增加,比叶重(LMA)显著下降。增温对岷江冷杉幼苗的茎、侧枝、叶和总生物量具有显著的促进作用,对根生物量没有显著影响。岷江冷杉幼苗的叶重比(LMR)下降、枝重比(SMR)增加、根重比(RMR)无显著变化。长期增温能显著促进岷江冷杉幼苗的生长和物质积累,改变生物量分配格局,促使叶片物质向茎转移,降低光合物质投入。  相似文献   

植被对全球变暖的响应方式及其程度问题是全球变化研究的焦点之一。利用1951~2000年的气温、降水等气候资料、1982~2000年的NOAA/AVHRR遥感数据和1951~2002年山桃始花的物候数据,分析了北京各气候参量与生态系统植被在年际和年内时间尺度上的变化规律及其关系。结果表明,北京近20年增温1.2E,增温态势显著;过去50年中,降水的年际变化小于生长季内的波动幅度。年NDVI最大值(VP)、平均值(VM)的年际变化曲线呈波动中缓慢上升的趋势,表明植被的生长状况总体上在变好或生长季在延长。VP出现日期(VPI))提前,20世纪90年代比80年代提前4.5d。山桃始花物候期的分析表明,北京1988年以后春季开始日期提前9.63d。时间尺度不同,各个气候指标对各植被指标的影响程度不同:①年际时间尺度,年均温影响VP、VM的时效为1年;月际水平上,除温度影响VM的时效为2个月外,各气候参量影响VP、VM的时效为1个月。年际尺度上,温度影响山桃始花时效为2年;月际尺度上,2、3、4月份温度影响山桃始花日期。  相似文献   

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