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Indoxacarb and metaflumizone are two sodium channel blocker insecticides (SCBIs). They preferably bind to and trap sodium channels in the slow-inactivated non-conducting state, a mode of action similar to that of local anesthetics (LAs). Recently, two sodium channel mutations, F1845Y (F4i15Y) and V1848I (V4i18I), in the transmembrane segment 6 of domain IV (IVS6), were identified to be associated with indoxacarb resistance in Plutella xylostella. F4i15 is known to be critical for the action of LAs on mammalian sodium channels. Previously, mutation F4i15A in a cockroach sodium channel, BgNav1-1a, has been shown to reduce the action of lidocaine, a LA, but not the action of SCBIs. In this study, we introduced mutations F4i15Y and V4i18A/I individually into the cockroach sodium channel, BgNav1-1a, and conducted functional analysis of the three mutants in Xenopus oocytes. We found that both the F4i15Y and V4i18I mutations reduced the inhibition of sodium current by indoxacarb, DCJW (an active metabolite of indoxacarb) and metaflumizone. F4i15Y and V4i18I mutations also reduced the use-dependent block of sodium current by lidocaine. In contrast, substitution V4i18A enhanced the action metaflumizone and lidocaine. These results show that both F4i15Y and V4i18I mutations may contribute to target-site resistance to SCBIs, and provide the first molecular evidence for common amino acid determinants on insect sodium channels involved in action of SCBIs and LA.  相似文献   

Two full-length glutamate-gated chloride channel (GluCl) cDNAs, encoding GluClalpha3 and GluClbeta subunits, were cloned from ivermectin-susceptible (IVS) and -resistant (IVR) Cooperia oncophora adult worms. The IVS and IVR GluClalpha3 subunits differ at three amino acid positions, while the IVS and IVR GluClbeta subunits differ at two amino acid positions. The aim of this study was to determine whether mutations in the IVR subunits affect agonist sensitivity. The subunits were expressed singly and in combination in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Electrophysiological whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings showed that mutations in the IVR GluClalpha3 caused a modest but significant threefold loss of sensitivity to glutamate, the natural ligand for GluCl receptors. As well, a significant decrease in sensitivity to the anthelmintics ivermectin and moxidectin was observed in the IVR GluClalpha3 receptor. Mutations in the IVR GluClbeta subunit abolished glutamate sensitivity. Co-expressing the IVS GluClalpha3 and GluClbeta subunits resulted in heteromeric channels that were more sensitive to glutamate than the respective homomeric channels, demonstrating co-assembly of the subunits. In contrast, the heteromeric IVR channels were less sensitive to glutamate than the homomeric IVR GluClalpha3 channels. The heteromeric IVS channels were significantly more sensitive to glutamate than the heteromeric IVR channels. Of the three amino acids distinguishing the IVS and IVR GluClalpha3 subunits, only one of them, L256F, accounted for the differences in response between the IVS and IVR GluClalpha3 homomeric channels.  相似文献   

Diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), is one of the most destructive pests in Brassicaceae crops, such as Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L.). It is rapidly developing resistance to abamectin, the dominant insecticide utilized in controlling P. xylostella in China and other southeastern Asian countries. The target of abamectin, the alpha subunit of glutamate‐gated chloride channel (GluClα), is thought to be involved in the development of abamectin resistance in nematodes and insects. This study investigated variants of GluClα in both abamectin‐susceptible and resistant strains of P. xylostella. A comparison of the PxGluClα sequences revealed three variants, including a 63‐bp substitution, a 36‐bp deletion, and a 65‐bp insertion. The frequency of the 36‐bp deletion was much higher in the abamectin‐resistant strain compared to the susceptible strain, whereas the 63‐bp substitution and 65‐bp insertion showed no significant difference between the resistant and susceptible strains. The in vitro expression of PxGluClα (with or without the 36‐bp deletion) in Xenopus laevis (Daudin) oocytes indicated that PxGluClα with the 36‐bp deletion was less sensitive to both glutamate and abamectin compared to the wild‐type PxGluClα. These findings suggest that the variant 36‐bp deletion in PxGluClα may confer abamectin resistance in P. xylostella after continuous abamectin selection, providing new insights into the management of this pest and contributing to the development of new reagents for pest control.  相似文献   

Ivermectin (IVM) is a macrocyclic lactone that exerts antifilarial, antiparasitic, and insecticidal effects on nematodes and insects by acting on l-glutamic acid-gated chloride channels (GluCls). IVM also acts as an allosteric modulator of various other ion channels. Although the IVM binding site in the Caenorhabditis elegans GluCl was identified by X-ray crystallographic analysis, the mechanism of action of IVM in insects is not well defined. We therefore examined the action of IVM on the housefly (Musca domestica) GluCl and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-gated ion channel (GABACl). For both channels, IVM induced currents by itself, potentiated currents induced by low concentrations of agonists, and inhibited currents induced by high concentrations of agonists. Despite exerting common actions on both types of channels, GluCls were more susceptible to IVM actions than GABACls, indicating that GluCls are the primary target of IVM. Substitution of an amino acid residue in the third transmembrane segment (G312M in GluCls, and G333A and G333M in GABACls) resulted in significantly reduced levels or loss of activation, potentiation, and antagonism of the channels, indicating that these three actions result from the interaction of IVM with amino acid residues in the transmembrane intersubunit crevice.  相似文献   

Indoxacarb and metaflumizone belong to a relatively new class of sodium channel blocker insecticides (SCBIs). Due to intensive use of indoxacarb, field‐evolved indoxacarb resistance has been reported in several lepidopteran pests, including the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella, a serious pest of cruciferous crops. In particular, the BY12 population of P. xylostella, collected from Baiyun, Guangdong Province of China in 2012, was 750‐fold more resistant to indoxacarb and 70‐fold more resistant to metaflumizone compared with the susceptible Roth strain. Comparison of complementary DNA sequences encoding the sodium channel genes of Roth and BY12 revealed two point mutations (F1845Y and V1848I) in the sixth segment of domain IV of the PxNav protein in the BY population. Both mutations are located within a highly conserved sequence region that is predicted to be involved in the binding sites of local anesthetics and SCBIs based on mammalian sodium channels. A significant correlation was observed among 10 field‐collected populations between the mutant allele (Y1845 or I1848) frequencies (1.7% to 52.5%) and resistance levels to both indoxacarb (34‐ to 870‐fold) and metaflumizone (1‐ to 70‐fold). The two mutations were never found to co‐exist in the same allele of PxNav, suggesting that they arose independently. This is the first time that sodium channel mutations have been associated with high levels of resistance to SCBIs. F1845Y and V1848I are molecular markers for resistance monitoring in the diamondback moth and possibly other insect pest species.  相似文献   

符伟  魏娟  王秋丽  徐志德  孙鹰  尹丽 《昆虫知识》2012,49(2):477-481
采用浸叶法在室内测定了湖南长沙和怀化地区小菜蛾Plutella xylostella(L.)田间种群对10种药剂的敏感性。结果表明:湖南长沙和怀化地区田间小菜蛾除对丁醚脲和BT制剂仍处于敏感(抗性倍数<3)状态外,对其它8种药剂产生了不同程度的抗药性,其中以长沙地区小菜蛾田间种群对高效氯氰菊酯抗性倍数最高(抗性倍数为33.58)。长沙和怀化种群对药剂的相对毒力倍数以巴丹最低(1.20)而以多杀菌素最高(2.59)。  相似文献   

This study investigated the pharmacological profile of cyclodiene resistance in Drosophila melanogaster and the mode of action of a phenylpyrazole insecticide, JKU 0422. Toxicological studies were performed with a sucrose bait assay containing the synergist piperonyl butoxide. The Maryland strain of D. melanogaster was resistant to dieldrin, lindane, picrotoxinin, TBPS, p-CN-TBOB, and JKU 0422. In contrast, this strain was susceptible to cypermethrin and the avermectins MK-243, abamectin, and abamectin 8,9-oxide. Neurophysiological studies showed that both TBPS and JKU 0422 reversed the inhibitory action of GABA in central nerve preparations from susceptible D. melanogaster. However, the response to these compounds was attenuated in nerve preparations from the resistant Maryland strain, which indicated that the resistance was expressed at the level of the nerve. Topical toxicity bioassays with JKU 0422 on susceptible (CSMA) and cyclodiene-resistant (LPP) strains of German cockroach revealed a resistance ratio of 553-fold for this compound. These studies demonstrate that cyclodiene resistance in D. melanogaster confers broad cross resistance toward compounds thought to block the GABA-gated chloride channel in a manner similar to the cyclodienes. Moreover, the cross resistance extends to JKU 0422, and resistance to this compound is also present in a strain of cyclodiene-resistant German cockroach. These toxicological results, along with the neurophysiological studies, confirm that JKU 0422 has a mode of action that is similar to the cyclodienes and TBPS. These findings suggest that the introduction and use of new chloride channel antagonists as insecticides should be managed carefully in order to prevent the rapid development of resistance in the field. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two point mutations (F1845Y and V1848I) in the voltage-gated sodium channel gene of Plutella xylostella are involved in the target-site resistance to sodium channel blocker insecticides (SCBIs). The contribution of the individual mutations to the SCBI resistance and the associated inheritance modes is as yet unclear. Through 2 rounds of single-pair crossing and marker-assisted selection, 2 P. xylostella strains (1845Y and 1848I) bearing homozygous F1845Y or V1848I mutant alleles were successfully established from a field-collected population, and the contribution of each mutation to SCBI resistance, as well as associated inheritance patterns, was determined. When compared with the susceptible SZPS strain, each of the mutations individually conferred equally high-level resistance to indoxacarb (378 and 313 fold) and metaflumizone (734 and 674 fold), respectively. However, dominance levels of resistance to SCBIs were significantly different between the 2 resistant strains. Resistance of the 1845Y strain to indoxacarb and metaflumizone was inherited as an autosomal and incompletely dominant trait (D values ranged from 0.43 to 0.76). In contrast, that of the 1848I strain followed an autosomal but incompletely recessive to semidominant mode (D values: −0.24 to 0.09). Our findings enriched the current understanding of inheritance and mechanisms of SCBI resistance in P. xylostella, and will help develop resistance management programs for P. xylostella and other economic pests.  相似文献   

Extensive use of older generation insecticides may result in pre-existing cross-resistance to new chemical classes acting at the same target site. Phenylpyrazole insecticides block inhibitory neurotransmission in insects via their action on ligand-gated chloride channels (LGCCs). Phenylpyrazoles are broad-spectrum insecticides widely used in agriculture and domestic pest control. So far, all identified cases of target site resistance to phenylpyrazoles are based on mutations in the Rdl (Resistance to dieldrin) LGCC subunit, the major target site for cyclodiene insecticides. We examined the role that mutations in Rdl have on phenylpyrazole resistance in Drosophila melanogaster, exploring naturally occurring variation, and generating predicted resistance mutations by mutagenesis. Natural variation at the Rdl locus in inbred strains of D. melanogaster included gene duplication, and a line containing two Rdl mutations found in a highly resistant line of Drosophila simulans. These mutations had a moderate impact on survival following exposure to two phenylpyrazoles, fipronil and pyriprole. Homology modelling suggested that the Rdl chloride channel pore contains key residues for binding fipronil and pyriprole. Mutagenesis of these sites and assessment of resistance in vivo in transgenic lines showed that amino acid identity at the Ala301 site influenced resistance levels, with glycine showing greater survival than serine replacement. We confirm that point mutations at the Rdl 301 site provide moderate resistance to phenylpyrazoles in D. melanogaster. We also emphasize the beneficial aspects of testing predicted mutations in a whole organism to validate a candidate gene approach.  相似文献   

Okaramines produced by Penicillium simplicissimum AK-40 activate l-glutamate-gated chloride channels (GluCls) and thus paralyze insects. However, the okaramine binding site on insect GluCls is poorly understood. Sequence alignment shows that the equivalent of residue Leucine319 of the okaramine B sensitive Bombyx mori (B. mori) GluCl is a phenylalanine in the okaramine B insensitive B. mori γ-aminobutyric acid-gated chloride channel of the same species. This residue is located in the third transmembrane (TM3) region, a location which in a nematode GluCl is close to the ivermectin binding site. The B. mori GluCl containing the L319F mutation retained its sensitivity to l-glutamate, but responses to ivermectin were reduced and those to okaramine B were completely blocked.  相似文献   

Toc75 is postulated to form the protein translocation channel in the chloroplastic outer envelope membrane. Proteins homologous to Toc75 are present in a wide range of organisms, with the closest homologs occurring in cyanobacteria. Therefore, an endosymbiotic origin of Toc75 has been postulated. Recently, a gene encoding a paralog to Toc75 was identified in Arabidopsis and its product was named atToc75-V. In the present study, we characterized this new Toc75 paralog, and investigated extensively the relationships among Toc75 homologs from higher plants and bacteria in order to gain insights into the evolutionary origin of the chloroplastic protein translocation channel. First, we found that the native molecular weight of atToc75-V is 80 kDa and renamed it (AtOEP80) Arabidopsis thalianaouter envelope protein of 80 kDa. Second, we found that AtOEP80 and Toc75 utilize different mechanisms for their targeting to the chloroplastic envelope. Toc75 is directed with a cleavable bipartite transit peptide partly via the general import pathway, whereas AtOEP80 contains the targeting information within its mature sequence, and its targeting is independent of the general pathway. Third, we undertook phylogenetic analyses of Toc75 homologs from various organisms, and found that Toc75 and OEP80 represent two independent gene families that are most likely derived from cyanobacterial sequences. Our results suggest that Toc75 and OEP80 diverged early in the evolution of plastids from their common ancestor with modern cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Abstract The virulent Rhizobium bacteriophage RL38 did not form plaques on R.leguminosarum by phaseoli but did so at high efficiency on a derivative of that strain lacking its symbiotic plasmid pRP2JI. Other strains with large deletions in pRP2JI which removed many nod and nif genes retained resistance to RL38, showing that the gene which confers phage resistance lies elsewhere on the plasmid. Although the wild-type strain of R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli failed to plate RL38, it was possible to transduce chromosomal markers into this strain, indicating that the 'block' was not at an early stage in the infection process. Two different recombinant plasmids obtained from a clone bank of genomic DNA of R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli , which appeared to have no DNA in common, both conferred resistance to RL38. Surprisingly, the DNA cloned in each of these plasmids did not originate from pRP2JI. Therefore, several different loci both on the Sym plasmid and elsewhere on the bacterial genome can be involved in conferring resistance to this bacteriophage.  相似文献   

 The restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) clone pBLT65 is a 450-nt soybean cDNA encoding a portion of the bifunctional enzyme aspartokinase-homoserine dehydrogenase (AK-HSDH). pBLT65 maps within 3.5 cM of the i locus, conferring a pigmented seed coat, on linkage group A; hence, it is closely linked to the Rhg 4 locus conferring resistance to race 3 of the soybean cyst nematode. From this useful RFLP we developed a PCR reaction yielding polymorphic bands for use in marker-assisted breeding programs to select progeny containing the Rhg 4 allele. The polymorphic bands were sequenced to determine the cause of the polymorphisms. Using primers 548 and 563, PCR amplification of DNA from the soybean cultivar Peking (Rhg 4 ) yielded three DNA fragments, 1a (1160 bp), 1b (1146 bp) and 3 (996 bp). Amplification of DNA from the cultivar Kent (rhg 4) yielded DNA fragments 2 (1020 bp), 3 (996 bp) and 4 (960 bp). Fragments 1a, 1b, 2 and 4 were also polymorphic between the soybean lines PI 290136 and BARC-2(Rj 4 ). A segregating population of 80 F2 and F3 plants derived from the cross PI 290136×BARC-2 (Rj 4 ) was used to confirm the map position of the PCR polymorphisms near the i locus, and hence the Rhg 4 locus on linkage group A. The nucleotide sequences of fragments 1b, 3 and 4 were determined. Large and small deletions in the intronic region were responsible for the size differences of the different fragments, whereas the exon was well conserved. Received: 8 January 1998 / Accepted: 15 July 1998  相似文献   

Emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, an Asian wood-boring beetle, has devastated ash (Fraxinus spp.) trees in North American forests and landscapes since its discovery there in 2002. In this study, we collected living larvae from EAB-resistant Manchurian ash (Fraxinus mandschurica), and susceptible white (Fraxinus americana) and green (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) ash hosts, and quantified the activity and production of selected detoxification, digestive, and antioxidant enzymes. We hypothesized that differences in larval physiology could be used to infer resistance mechanisms of ash. We found no differences in cytochrome P450, glutathione-S-transferase, carboxylesterase, sulfotransferase, and tryptic BApNAase activities between larvae feeding on different hosts. Despite this, Manchurian ash-fed larvae produced a single isozyme of low electrophoretic mobility that was not produced in white or green ash-fed larvae. Additionally, larvae feeding on white and green ash produced two serine protease isozymes of high electrophoretic mobility that were not observed in Manchurian ash-fed larvae. We also found lower activity of β-glucosidase and higher activities of monoamine oxidase, ortho-quinone reductase, catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione reductase in Manchurian ash-fed larvae compared to larvae that had fed on susceptible ash. A single isozyme was detected for both catalase and superoxide dismutase in all larval groups. The activities of the quinone-protective and antioxidant enzymes are consistent with the resistance phenotype of the host species, with the highest activities measured in larvae feeding on resistant Manchurian ash. We conclude that larvae feeding on Manchurian ash could be under quinone and oxidative stress, suggesting these may be potential mechanisms of resistance of Manchurian ash to EAB larvae, and that quinone-protective and antioxidant enzymes are important counter-adaptations of larvae for dealing with these resistance mechanisms.  相似文献   

DDT inhibits Na channel inactivation and deactivation, promotes Na channel activation and reduces the resting potential of Xenopus oocytes expressing the Drosophila para Na channel. These changes are only marginally influenced by the single mutation M918T (super-kdr) but are reduced approximately 10-fold by either the single mutation L1014F (kdr) or the double mutation L1014F+M918T, both of which confer resistance to the pyrethroids permethrin and deltamethrin. We conclude that DDT binds either to or in the region of L1014 on IIS6 but only weakly to M918 on the IIS4-S5 linker, which is part of a high-affinity binding site for permethrin and deltamethrin.  相似文献   

The resistance/susceptibility of selected cattle breeds to brucellosis was evaluated in an F1 population generated by crossing animals classified as resistant (R) and susceptible (S) (R x R, R x S, S x R, S x S) based on challenges in vitro and in vivo. The association between single nucleotide polymorphisms identified in the coding region of the Slc11a1 gene and resistance/susceptibility was estimated. The trait resistance or susceptibility to brucellosis, evaluated by a challenge in vitro, showed a high heritable component in terms of additive genetic variance (h(2) = 0.54 ± 0.11). In addition, there was a significant association (p < 0.05) between the control of bacterial survival and two polymorphisms (a 3'UTR and SNP4 located in exon 10). The antibody response of animals classified as resistant to infection by Brucella abortus differed significantly (p < 0.05) from that of susceptible animals. However, there was no significant association between single nucleotide polymorphisms located in the Slc11a1 gene and the antibody response stimulated by a challenge in vivo.  相似文献   

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