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Eleven isolates of Botrytis cinerea were studied to examine the relationship between toxin production and virulence. After 5 days of incubation, screening experiments revealed significant differences in toxin production by the strains. The isolates with low toxin production were less virulent; moreover, the only toxins isolated were those corresponding to botrydial or its derivatives. In contrast, higher amounts of toxins were isolated from the more aggressive isolates. Furthermore, two classes of toxins, those with botryane skeleton and botcinolide derivatives, were detected in and isolated from all aggressive strains studied. This indicates that a synergistic action of several toxins is involved in the phytotoxicity of this phytopathogen.  相似文献   

The Str2 gene encodes a cystathionine γ‐synthase that is a key enzyme in methionine (Met) biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Met plays a critical role in protein synthesis and diverse cellular processes in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. In this study, we characterized the Str2 orthologue gene BcStr2 in Botrytis cinerea. The BcStr2 mutant was unable to grow on minimal medium (MM). In addition, conidia of the mutant were unable to germinate in water–agar medium within 15 h of incubation. Supplementation with 1 mm Met or 0.5 mg/mL homocysteine, but not 1 mm cysteine or 0.5 mg/mL glutathione, rescued the defect in mycelial growth of the BcStr2 deletion mutant. These results indicate that the enzyme encoded by BcStr2 is involved in the conversion of cysteine into homocysteine. The mutant exhibited decreased conidiation and impaired sclerotium development. In addition, the BcStr2 mutant exhibited increased sensitivity to osmotic and oxidative stresses, cell wall‐damaging agents and thermal stress. The mutant demonstrated dramatically decreased virulence on host plant tissues. All of the defects were restored by genetic complementation of the mutant with wild‐type BcStr2. Taken together, the results of this study indicate that BcStr2 plays a critical role in the regulation of various cellular processes in B. cinerea.  相似文献   

Five Botrytis cinerea endopolygalacturonase enzymes (BcPGs) were individually expressed in Pichia pastoris, purified to homogeneity and biochemically characterized. While the pH optima of the five enzymes were similar (approximately pH 4.5) the maximum activity of individual enzymes differed significantly. For hydrolysis of polygalacturonic acid (PGA), the V(max,app) ranged from 10 to 900 U mg(-1), while the K(m,app) ranged from 0.16 to 0.6 mg ml(-1). Although all BcPGs are true endopolygalacturonases, they apparently have different modes of action. PGA hydrolysis by BcPG1, BcPG2 and BcPG4 leads to the transient accumulation of oligomers with DP < 7, whereas PGA hydrolysis by BcPG3 and BcPG6 leads to the immediate accumulation of monomers and dimers. The necrotizing activity (NA) of all BcPGs was tested separately in tomato, broad bean and Arabidopsis thaliana. They showed different NAs on these plants. BcPG1 and BcPG2 possessed the strongest NA as tissue collapse was observed within 10 min after infiltration of broad bean leaves. The amino acid (aa) D192A substitution in the active site of BcPG2 not only abolished enzyme activity but also the NA, indicating that the NA is dependent on enzyme activity. Furthermore, deletion of the Bcpg2 gene in B. cinerea resulted in a strong reduction in virulence on tomato and broad bean. Primary lesion formation was delayed by approximately 24 h and the lesion expansion rate was reduced by 50-85%. These data indicate that BcPG2 is an important virulence factor for B. cinerea.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have suggested that plant/pathogen interactions are partially mediated via plant secondary metabolite production and corresponding pathogen tolerance. However, there are inconsistent reports on the ability of particular compounds to provide resistance to a pathogen. Most of these studies have focused on individual isolates of a given pathogen, suggesting that pathogens vary in their sensitivity to plant-produced toxins. We tested variability in virulence among pathogen isolates, and the impact on this by plant production of, and pathogen tolerance to, secondary metabolites. Botrytis cinerea isolates showed differing sensitivity to purified camalexin, and camalexin-sensitive isolates produced larger lesions on camalexin-deficient Arabidopsis genotypes than on the wild type. In contrast, the camalexin-insensitive isolate produced lesions of similar size on wild-type and camalexin-deficient Arabidopsis. Additional analysis with Arabidopsis secondary metabolite biosynthetic mutants suggests that Botrytis also has variable sensitivity to phenylpropanoids and glucosinolates. Furthermore, Botrytis infection generates a gradient of secondary metabolite responses emanating from the developing lesion, with the Botrytis isolate used determining the accumulation pattern. Collectively, our results indicate that Arabidopsis/Botrytis interactions are influenced at the metabolic level by variations in toxin production in the host and sensitivity in the pathogen.  相似文献   

为明确两种葡萄孢属真菌对不同百合品种叶片和花瓣的侵染能力,采用离体叶片接种法测定灰葡萄孢Botrytis cinerea和椭圆葡萄孢Botrytis elliptica对4个百合品种叶片和花瓣的侵染时间和病斑扩展速度。结果表明,供试百合花瓣接种灰葡萄孢病斑出现时间明显早于叶片,而不同品种花瓣接种椭圆葡萄孢病斑出现时间差异显著。此外,百合品种‘木门’叶片接种椭圆葡萄孢96 h后仍没有病斑出现,而花瓣接种后48 h病斑出现,说明‘木门’叶片对椭圆葡萄孢抗性较强,而花瓣较易感病。  相似文献   

Autophagy, a ubiquitous intracellular degradation process, is conserved from yeasts to humans. It serves as a major survival function during nutrient depletion stress and is crucial for correct growth and differentiation. In this study, we characterized an atg1 orthologue Bcatg1 in the necrotrophic plant pathogen Botrytis cinerea. Quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction (qRT‐PCR) assays showed that the expression of BcATG1 was up‐regulated under carbon or nitrogen starvation conditions. BcATG1 could functionally restore the survival defects of the yeast ATG1 mutant during nitrogen starvation. Deletion of BcATG1 (ΔBcatg1) inhibited autophagosome accumulation in the vacuoles of nitrogen‐starved cells. ΔBcatg1 was dramatically impaired in vegetative growth, conidiation and sclerotial formation. In addition, most conidia of ΔBcatg1 lost the capacity to form the appressorium infection structure and failed to penetrate onion epidermis. Pathogenicity assays showed that the virulence of ΔBcatg1 on different host plant tissues was drastically impaired, which was consistent with its inability to form an appressorium. Moreover, lipid droplet accumulation was significantly reduced in the conidia of ΔBcatg1, but the glycerol content was increased. All of the defects of ΔBcatg1 were complemented by re‐introduction of an intact copy of the wild‐type BcATG1 into the mutant. These results indicate that BcATG1 plays a critical role in numerous developmental processes and is essential to the pathogenesis of B. cinerea.  相似文献   

金城 《微生物学通报》2013,40(3):532-532
灰葡萄孢是一种重要的植物病原真菌,其寄主范围广泛,能危害世界上230多种双子叶植物,常给农业生产造成重大的经济损失[1-3].由灰葡萄孢引起的灰霉病是目前我国温室蔬菜生产中最主要的病害之一,一般造成全年减产20%-25%,严重时达到40%以上[4].因此,研究该病菌的致病机理对该病防治具有重要意义,并且随着灰葡萄孢基因组测序的完成,灰葡萄孢已成为发育生物学、分子植物病理学研究的模式生物之一.  相似文献   

【目的】从农杆菌介导获得的灰葡萄孢RoseBC-3的突变体库中筛选侵染垫缺失突变体菌株,并明确其相关生物学特性。【方法】将菌株接种于洋葱表皮,利用棉兰染色观察侵染垫形成情况,筛选得到一个侵染垫缺失突变体(AT19)。采用形态学方法、离体叶片接种法、钌红染色法、小麦种子幼芽生长抑制法分别对该菌株的菌落培养性状、侵染垫产生情况、致病力、产果胶酶能力以及产植物毒性代谢产物能力进行测定。【结果】筛选灰葡萄孢突变体168株,根据侵染垫形成可分为三类:快速形成侵染垫型(158株)、缓慢形成侵染垫型(9株)和侵染垫形成缺陷型(1株,AT19)。AT19在接种洋葱120 h后依然无法形成成熟侵染垫。该菌株生长较为缓慢,菌落扩展均匀,可以产生分生孢子,对烟草、草莓、蚕豆和豌豆叶片均不能致病,可以产生果胶酶和植物代谢毒性物质。【结论】突变体菌株AT19可以产生果胶酶和植物代谢毒性物质,其致病力缺失与侵染垫产生缺陷相关。研究结果为了解灰葡萄孢侵染垫形成分子机制提供基础材料。  相似文献   

Botrytis cinerea is the causative agent of grey mould on over 1000 plant species and annually causes enormous economic losses worldwide. However, the fungal factors that mediate pathogenesis of the pathogen remain largely unknown. Here, we demonstrate that a novel B. cinerea-specific pathogenicity-associated factor BcHBF1 (h yphal b ranching-related f actor 1), identified from virulence-attenuated mutant M8008 from a B. cinerea T-DNA insertion mutant library, plays an important role in hyphal branching, infection structure formation, sclerotial formation and full virulence of the pathogen. Deletion of BcHBF1 in B. cinerea did not impair radial growth of mycelia, conidiation, conidial germination, osmotic- and oxidative-stress adaptation, as well as cell wall integrity of the ∆Bchbf1 mutant strains. However, loss of BcHBF1 impaired the capability of hyphal branching, appressorium and infection cushion formation, appressorium host penetration and virulence of the pathogen. Moreover, disruption of BcHBF1 altered conidial morphology and dramatically impaired sclerotial formation of the mutant strains. Complementation of BcHBF1 completely rescued all the phenotypic defects of the ∆Bchbf1 mutants. During young hyphal branching, host penetration and early invasive growth of the pathogen, BcHBF1 expression was up-regulated, suggesting that BcHBF1 is required for these processes. Our findings provide novel insights into the fungal factor mediating pathogenesis of the grey mould fungus via regulation of its infection structure formation, host penetration and invasive hyphal branching and growth.  相似文献   

灰葡萄孢丝裂原活化蛋白激酶编码基因bmp1和bmp3的功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】植物病原真菌丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(Mitogen-activated protein kinase,MAPK)信号途径参与病菌有性生殖、细胞壁完整、菌丝侵染、致病力、胁迫响应等过程,灰葡萄孢MAPK信号途径参与病菌生长发育、致病力以及胁迫响应,但MAPK信号途径基因在灰葡萄孢中的功能尚未完全阐明,该信号途径对灰葡萄孢的生长发育和致病力的调控机制尚不明确。【目的】明确灰葡萄孢MAPK编码基因bmp1、bmp3在病菌生长发育、致病力以及氧化胁迫响应过程的功能,为进一步阐明MAPK信号途径调控灰葡萄孢生长发育和致病力的分子机制奠定基础。【方法】利用RNAi技术构建灰葡萄孢MAPK编码基因bmp1和bmp3的RNAi突变体,并以野生型BC22菌株为对照,对bmp1和bmp3基因的RNAi突变体的表型、致病力以及对氧化胁迫的敏感性进行分析。【结果】灰葡萄孢bmp1和bmp3基因的RNAi突变体其菌落形态、菌丝形态均与野生型BC22菌株没有明显差别;bmp1基因的RNAi突变体生长速率明显减慢,分生孢子产量明显降低;bmp3基因的RNAi突变体的生长速率与野生型BC22菌株没有明显差别,不能产生分生孢子。bmp1和bmp3基因的RNAi突变体在番茄果实的表面均不能产生明显的致病症状,而且不能穿透玻璃纸。bmp1基因的RNAi突变体在含有H_2O_2的培养基上受抑制的程度显著低于野生型,而在含甲萘醌的培养基上受抑制的程度显著高于野生型;bmp3基因的RNAi突变体在含有H_2O_2和甲萘醌的培养基受抑制的程度均显著高于野生型。【结论】灰葡萄孢bmp1基因正调控病菌生长、分生孢子形成、致病力和穿透能力,参与调控病菌对氧化胁迫的响应;灰葡萄孢bmp3基因正调控病菌分生孢子形成、致病力、穿透能力以及对氧化胁迫的响应。  相似文献   

Aims: In a research programme for managing diseases caused by Botryis cinerea, four isolates of the antagonistic fungus Clonostachys rosea (Cr) were obtained from different ecosystems in Brazil. We studied ecological requirements for the colonization of strawberry leaves by these isolates. Methods and Results: Temperature effects on both mycelial growth in vitro and leaf colonization by Cr were studied. At 10°C, growth on potato dextrose agar and colonization of leaf discs were poor. Optimum temperature for mycelial growth and leaf colonization was around 25°C. The isolates were applied to leaves which were exposed to 0–48 h intervals of moisture. They were also applied to leaves which remained from 0 to 36 h without wetness. All isolates efficiently colonized leaves, regardless of moisture interval or the delay to begin wetness. Although all isolates survived in green leaves of whole plants, colonization decreased throughout a 49‐day period. Conclusions: Brazilian isolates of Cr can establish and colonize strawberry leaves under a wide range of temperature and moisture conditions. Significance and Impact of the Study: It is expected that the Brazilian isolates of Cr will establish efficiently in strawberry leaves where they can compete with B. cinerea.  相似文献   

郑珩  吴梧桐 《菌物学报》2002,21(3):383-387
应用逆转录PCR(RT-PCR)技术测定脱落酸产生菌Botrytis cinerea 3-羟-3-甲基戊二酰CoA(HMG-CoA)还原酶mRNA含量,结果表明经诱变筛选得到的脱落酸高产菌HMG-CoA还原酶含量显著高于野生菌,提示HMG-CoA还原酶可能为真菌ABA生物合成的关键酶。  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】研究灰葡萄孢菌(Botrytis cinerea)基因组中T-DNA插入位点的整合模式特征。【方法】利用农杆菌(Agrobactirium tumfacience)介导法构建灰葡萄孢菌T-DNA插入突变体库。利用热不对称交错PCR(TAIL-PCR)技术对转化子中T-DNA的旁侧序列进行扩增和克隆,对获得的旁侧序列进行比对分析。【结果】T-DNA插入在灰葡萄孢菌基因组非编码区的占69%,插入在外显子的占30%。T-DNA在插入的过程中发生了碱基缺失、增加等重组现象,其中左边界(left border,LB)整合到基因组碱基缺失较少,有的保持完整,而右边界(right border,RB)及其近邻的T-DNA区域缺失碱基较多。T-DNA的插入位点还发现有额外的序列插入。【结论】对灰葡萄孢菌中插入T-DNA的整合模式的分析为开展该菌的功能基因组学奠定了基础。  相似文献   

不同营养物质对脱落酸液体发酵产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
考察了不同营养添加物及前体对脱落酸 (abscisicacid ,ABA)液体发酵的影响。在玉米粉、黄豆饼粉、燕麦、小米粉等不同营养添加物中 ,以添加玉米粉效果较好 ,产量可提高 35 .8% ;将碳源由单一的葡萄糖改变为蔗糖∶葡萄糖 =3∶2 ,可使产量提高 6 8.8% ;而在乙酸钠等二碳至五碳原子的不同前体添加物中 ,乙酸钠、丙酮酸钠、丁二酸钠、柠檬酸三钠盐等能提高脱落酸产量 ,而丙酸钙、氨基乙酸对脱落酸的生成有抑制作用 ,尤其是柠檬酸三钠盐对脱落酸产量影响最为显著 ,可使产量比对照提高 81.0 %。  相似文献   

灰葡萄孢交配型基因的分析与检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过生物信息对灰葡萄孢的MAT1‐1‐1与MAT1‐2‐1氨基酸序列进行了系统进化与结构域保守氨基酸分析,表明灰葡萄孢的交配型蛋白与核盘菌的亲源关系最近,结构域氨基酸比对结果表明该基因具有保守氨基酸的一致性与部分氨基酸的相似性。应用PCR技术检测灰葡萄孢交配型基因MAT1‐1‐1与MAT1‐2‐1,结果表明各种植区交配型菌株所占比例有较大的差异,多数种植区灰葡萄孢同时存在MAT1‐1与MAT1‐2两种交配类型,快速检测灰葡萄孢的交配型等位基因对于灰葡萄孢种群结构分析非常有意义。  相似文献   

The measurement of disease development is integral in studies on plant–microbe interactions. To address the need for a dynamic and quantitative disease evaluation, we developed PathTrack©, and used it to analyse the interaction of plants with Botrytis cinerea. PathTrack© is composed of an infection chamber, a photography unit and software that produces video files and numerical values of disease progression. We identified a previously unrecognized infection stage and determined numerical parameters of pathogenic development. Using these parameters, we identified differences in disease dynamics between seemingly similar B. cinerea pathogenicity mutants, and revealed new details on plant susceptibility to the fungus. We showed that the difference between the lesion expansion rate on leaves and colony spreading rate on artificial medium reflects the levels of the plant immune system, suggesting that this parameter can be used to quantify plant defence. Our results shed new light and reveal new details of the interaction between the model necrotrophic pathogen B. cinerea and plants. The concept that we present is universal and may be applied to facilitate the study of various types of plant–pathogen association.  相似文献   

实验室保存菌Fh对番茄灰霉病有明显的抑制作用,通过形态特征、生理生化特征进行初步鉴定归属于芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus circulans)。从质粒pUC1965中得到含有几丁质酶基因的6.5kb DNA片段,将该基因片段与大肠杆菌 枯草芽孢杆菌穿梭质粒pBE2连接,获得重组质粒pBE2-chib。将重组质粒转入芽孢杆菌Fh中获得工程菌株Fh-chib。几丁质酶基因的PCR检测和几丁质平板实验表明几丁质酶基因被成功转入,工程菌株Fh-chib的原始粗酶液几丁质酶活为4.06U/ml。与野生菌相比,Fh-chib工程菌株对番茄灰霉病(Botrytis cinerea)抑菌效果提高34.46%。  相似文献   

灰葡萄孢BC7-3菌株除草活性组分的纯化与结构鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
郑蒙  徐扩  董金皋 《微生物学报》2008,48(10):1362-1366
[目的]植物病原真菌毒素是一类重要的微生物源除草剂,本研究旨在找到一个新的具有除草活性的化合物结构.[方法]在前期薄层层析法、柱层析法和高效液相色谱法分析的基础上对灰葡萄孢诱变菌株BC7-3的代谢产物中具有除草活性的5个不同组分分别进行了液相色谱制备.[结果]本研究得到了一个纯度达99.38%对单子叶杂草马唐具有较强杀除活性的纯组分,通过对纯组分的物理性状测定并结合紫外-可见吸收光谱、红外光谱以及核磁共振波谱等分析方法鉴定化学结构为10-顺-二氢化灰霉二醛.[结论]研究的结果为微生物除草剂的创新和开发奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   

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