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发现并描述产自中国东北黑龙江的寄蝇科1新种,牡丹江新寄蝇Neoemdenia mudanjiangensis Hou et Zhang sp.nov.,给出了该属分种检索表。新种模式标本保存在沈阳师范大学昆虫标本馆(SYNU)。  相似文献   

The musculature of male genitalia was studied hitherto only in two species of Tephritidae, one species of Platystomatidae, one species of Pallopteridae, and three species of Ulidiidae of the superfamily Tephritoidea. The split of the hypandrium from one structure into three (the hypandrium and two lateral sclerites) is traced. The hypandrial origin of the lateral sclerites of the hypandrial complex is shown based on the localization of muscle attachment sites. The subepandrial origin of the inner lobes of the surstyli is also confirmed.  相似文献   

The complete mitogenome of the horse stomach bot fly Gasterophilus pecorum (Fabricius) and a near-complete mitogenome of Wohlfahrt''s wound myiasis fly Wohlfahrtia magnifica (Schiner) were sequenced. The mitogenomes contain the typical 37 mitogenes found in metazoans, organized in the same order and orientation as in other cyclorrhaphan Diptera. Phylogenetic analyses of mitogenomes from 38 calyptrate taxa with and without two non-calyptrate outgroups were performed using Bayesian Inference and Maximum Likelihood. Three sub-analyses were performed on the concatenated data: (1) not partitioned; (2) partitioned by gene; (3) 3rd codon positions of protein-coding genes omitted. We estimated the contribution of each of the mitochondrial genes for phylogenetic analysis, as well as the effect of some popular methodologies on calyptrate phylogeny reconstruction. In the favoured trees, the Oestroidea are nested within the muscoid grade. Relationships at the family level within Oestroidea are (remaining Calliphoridae (Sarcophagidae (Oestridae, Pollenia + Tachinidae))). Our mito-phylogenetic reconstruction of the Calyptratae presents the most extensive taxon coverage so far, and the risk of long-branch attraction is reduced by an appropriate selection of outgroups. We find that in the Calyptratae the ND2, ND5, ND1, COIII, and COI genes are more phylogenetically informative compared with other mitochondrial protein-coding genes. Our study provides evidence that data partitioning and the inclusion of conserved tRNA genes have little influence on calyptrate phylogeny reconstruction, and that the 3rd codon positions of protein-coding genes are not saturated and therefore should be included.  相似文献   

珠峰寄蝇属(双翅目:寄蝇科)隶属寄蝇亚科埃内寄蝇族,本文记述中国西部新疆阿尔泰山该属 1 新种:裸眼珠峰寄蝇 Everestiomyia nudioculata Zhang sp.nov..  相似文献   

The females of the spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) hunt spiders to provision their larvae. The genital structures of pompilid females are modified in a sting that is used for paralyzing the prey (spiders) and defense. The skeleto‐muscular structure of the sting apparatus of a typical representative of the family (Cryptocheilus versicolor) is examined. The shape of sclerites, their relative positions and articulations are described. Some morphological adaptations are described for the first time. The wide anal arc of the tergum IX provides a stiff support for the muscles that move the valvulae. The resilin structures in the areas of articulation support the work of muscles and in some cases replace them. The 1st valvulae form a venom duct along their entire length, which provides the delivery of the venom to a specific point. An unpaired flap in the venom duct provides a dose of venom in the sting. This mechanism probably enhances the speed and accuracy of the wasp's sting movements. Functions of muscles and interactions of the structures of the sting apparatus of C. versicolor are discussed.  相似文献   

Faunistic records for 139 tachinid species from southwestern Turkey (Mu?la province and adjacent Ayd?n, Burdur, Denizli and Antalya provinces) are given. Another 17 species of the study area are known only from published records. The known fauna of Tachinidae of southwestern Turkey thus comprises 156 species. Zoogeographic analysis of the study area revealed that tachinids belong to 29 chorological categories, divided into two supergroups: 122 species (78.2%) are more eurybiontic, and also distributed in northern parts of the Palaearctic region (19 chorological categories belong here), whereas 34 species (21.8%) are distinctly thermophilic, and have a southern type of distribution (10 chorological categories are distinguished). Altogether, 52 species (33.3%) are recorded for the first time from Turkey.  相似文献   

Since 1984, Anopheles (Kerteszia) lepidotus has been considered amosquito species that is involved in the transmission of malaria in Colombia, afterhaving been incriminated as such with epidemiological evidence from a malariaoutbreak in Cunday-Villarrica, Tolima. Subsequent morphological analyses of femalescaptured in the same place and at the time of the outbreak showed that the speciesresponsible for the transmission was not An. lepidotus, but ratherAnopheles pholidotus. However, the associated morphologicalstages and DNA sequences of An. pholidotus from the foci ofCunday-Villarrica had not been analysed. Using samples that were caught recently fromthe outbreak region, the purpose of this study was to provide updated and additionalinformation by analysing the morphology of female mosquitoes, the genitalia of malemosquitoes and fourth instar larvae of An. pholidotus, which wasconfirmed with DNA sequences of cytochrome oxidase I and rDNA internal transcribedspacer. A total of 1,596 adult females were collected in addition to 37 larvalcollections in bromeliads. Furthermore, 141 adult females, which were captured fromthe same area in the years 1981-1982, were analysed morphologically. Ninety-five DNAsequences were analysed for this study. Morphological and molecular analyses showedthat the species present in this region corresponds to An.pholidotus. Given the absence of An. lepidotus, even inrecent years, we consider that the species of mosquitoes that was previouslyincriminated as the malaria vector during the outbreak was indeed An.pholidotus, thus ending the controversy.  相似文献   

The male postabdomen and the internal parts of the male genital system of Bibio marci (Bibionomorpha) were examined and reconstructed 3‐dimensionally. Several features differ from the presumptive dipteran groundplan. The bases of the gonopods are fused with each other and with tergite IX. The penis is not tube‐shaped and only sclerotized on the ventral side. The vasa deferentia are S‐shaped, and two pairs of accessory glands are present. In contrast to these characteristics, the arrangement of the internal parts is probably close to the ancestral condition. With its specific shape, the penis is well suited for the transfer of a spermatophore. The dorsal sclerite of the copulatory organ probably represents the medially fused parameres. A cladistic analysis of 27 characters of the postabdomen yielded two most parsimonious trees, with the strict consensus as follows: Nannochoristidae (outgroup) + (Culicidae [Culicomorpha] + ((Nymphomyiidae + (Tipulidae + Trichoceridae)) + (Tabanidae [Brachycera] + (Bibionidae, Anisopodidae, Axymyiidae [Bibionomorpha])))). Potential synapomorphies of Bibionomorpha (including Axymyiidae) and Brachycera are the fusion of sternum IX with the gonocoxites, the fusion of the parameres forming the dorsal sclerite and the presence of an entire series of postabdominal muscles (M4, M20, M23, M26, M27, M31, M35 and M37). The results of the analysis are preliminary as it is based on a single‐character system with a limited taxon sampling. However, the main result – a clade Bibionomorpha + Brachycera – is fully compatible with current hypotheses on dipteran phylogeny.  相似文献   

Dexiosoma Rondani is a small Old World genus belonging to the Microphthalmini (Tachininae) and parasitic on larvae of Scarabaeidae, and collected in the weeds. In this study Dexiosoma is newly recorded from China, one new species, D. nigricornis sp. nov. from Sichuan, Yunnan and Xizang (Tibet) is described, and D. caninum (Fabricius) from Liaoning and Jilin, China is newly recorded and briefly redescribed, and a key to the five species (males) of Dexiosoma is provided. The specimens of two identified species are housed in the collection of Shenyang Normal University.  相似文献   

中国新记录属——颊寄蝇属分类研究(双翅目:寄蝇科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
颊寄蝇属Dexiosoma属于寄蝇亚科、Microphthalmini族,该属种类均栖息于草丛中,寄生于土壤中金龟子科幼虫;其外形特征是侧颜宽,具淡色毛,单眼鬃缺,触角芒羽状,后背中鬃3,足黄,前足基节前内侧大部具倒伏的小毛。已知4种颊寄蝇中,3种分布东洋区,1种分布古北区。本文研究了产自上述两动物地理区的颊寄蝇属标本和文献,首次发现该属在我国分布,记述了采自四川,云南和西藏的1新种,暗角颊寄蝇Dexiosoma nigricornis;简述了分布辽宁和吉林的中国新记录种,灰颊寄蝇D.caninum(Fabricius)的主要特征;编制了本属5种雄性检索表;研究标本均保存在沈阳师范大学昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

Japanese species of the genus Chaetopleurophora are reviewed. All belong to the C. erythronota group. The following three species from Japan are described: C. rhomboidea sp. nov., C. pygidialis Schmitz and C. dividua sp. nov. The male and female genitalia are studied and further examples of unique characters of the genus including asymmetric features are added. The male aedeagus of the genus is illustrated for the first time. The aedeagus of the species treated in this study consists of only two components, the inner core plate and the outer jacket plate. The jacket plate wraps sinistrally around the core plate. The combination of the core plate and the jacket plate forms complex, asymmetric features of the aedeagus in the Phoridae. The structure around the genital opening in the female genitalia protrudes posteriorly under the segment IX + X, and shows asymmetric features in C. rhomboidea sp. nov. with a bilaterally different degree of sclerotization, shifted genital opening to the right side and a membranous ribbon just on the left side. In addition, C. dividua sp. nov. is different from most of the species in the C. erythronota group, and very closely related to C. multiseriata (known in North America) in the male and female genitalia, wing venation and bristle formation on the scutellum. It is suggested that C. dividua sp. nov. forms a monophyletic group with C. multiseriata and the related species.  相似文献   

The morphology of the male terminalia of 16 species belonging to 12 tribes of Larentiinae was studied; for 12 species and 4 tribes it was done for the first time. No clear diagnosis of Larentiinae based on the features of the male genital musculature can be given since the apomorphic position of M1, M4, and M7 muscles may originate independently in different tribes. The primitive Larentiinae retain the pattern of genital musculature plesiomorphic for Geometridae. Muscles M11 (Melanthiini: Anticollix sparsata) and M22 (Asthenini: Euchoeca nebulata and Hydrelia flammeolaria) are described for the first time for the family Geometridae.  相似文献   

Detailed structure of the male genitalia of Anevrina is described. Hitherto unknown morphological characters of the internal sclerites relating to the epandrium and hypandrium are illustrated and elucidated. The subepandrial sclerite + bacilliform sclerites are distinctly modified, and the typical subepandrial sclerite is not recognizable. The right base of the medially shifted right surstylus is not connected to the posterior margin of the epandrium, and is directly supported by a robust bacilliform sclerite. The robust bacilliform sclerites are greatly developed inside the epandrium, and extended to three clasping components, the left surstylus, the medially shifted right surstylus and a pair of clasping lobes on the posteroventral margin of the right side of the epandrium. The upper lobe of a pair of clasping lobes on the right side of the epandrium is considered to originally have been situated on the left side and subsequently shifted to the right side. The plesiomorphic state of the clasping components relative to Anevrina is thought to be symmetrically four, comprising both the left and right surstyli and the posterior edge of both sides of the epandrium, indicating that the amazing phenomenon of cross-shifting of the clasping components has occurred in Anevrina. A cladogram generated based on the genitalic characters observed in this study shows sister groups within Anevrina, namely an Anevrina urbana-group comprised of A. urbana, A. setigera, A. olympiae, A. variabilis, A. thoracica, and an Anevrina unispinosa-group comprised of A. unispinosa, A. curvinervis, A. luggeri and A. macateei.  相似文献   

Phlebotomus papatasi ( Scopoli, 1786 ) (Diptera: Psychodidae) is a major vector of Leishmania major (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae), a causative agent of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis. Morphological characters of sand fly genitalia are key indicators for species identification. Various anomalies affecting male genitalia have been previously described. We take advantage of a large sand flies survey conducted in 32 stations in Central and Southern Morocco to systematically quantify the prevalence and spatial distribution of malformations affecting the genitalia of P. papatasi. Among 597 examined males, 122 were abnormal (20.4%). Malformations were widespread and largely concerned the number of spines in the lateral lobes and in the styles. Asymmetrical anomalies in lateral lobes were common. Correspondence analysis of our results highlighted the symmetrical anomalies observed in the lateral lobes, and abnormal styles of the male genitalia were found to be associated with environmental disturbances since they were prevalent in sewage dumps.  相似文献   

【目的】明确阿蚊Armigeres雌蚊尾器在分类鉴定中的价值。【方法】依据在云南长期采集的标本, 观察了我国阿蚊属Armigeres正式记录的16种雌蚊尾器构造, 对雌蚊尾器的形态进行了系统描述和分类研究。【结果】编制两个亚属和16种阿蚊的雌蚊尾器分类检索表。【结论】每一种雌蚊尾器与雄蚊尾器一样, 都具有种的固定的特征, 是种的重要分类依据。  相似文献   

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