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Dangerous prey and daring predators: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
How foragers balance risks during foraging is a central focus of optimal foraging studies. While diverse theoretical and empirical work has revealed how foragers should and do manage food and safety from predators, little attention has been given to the risks posed by dangerous prey. This is a potentially important oversight because risk of injury can give rise to foraging costs similar to those arising from the risk of predation, and with similar consequences. Here, we synthesize the literature on how foragers manage risks associated with dangerous prey and adapt previous theory to make the first steps towards a framework for future studies. Though rarely documented, it appears that in some systems predators are frequently injured while hunting and risk of injury can be an important foraging cost. Fitness costs of foraging injuries, which can be fatal, likely vary widely but have rarely been studied and should be the subject of future research. Like other types of risk‐taking behaviour, it appears that there is individual variation in the willingness to take risks, which can be driven by social factors, experience and foraging abilities, or differences in body condition. Because of ongoing modifications to natural communities, including changes in prey availability and relative abundance as well as the introduction of potentially dangerous prey to numerous ecosystems, understanding the prevalence and consequences of hunting dangerous prey should be a priority for behavioural ecologists.  相似文献   

As a prerequisite for models of foraging behaviour of the whelk, Morula marginalba Blainville (Muricidae), the effects of variation in density of prey on the rate of feeding of the predator were examined in field conditions for three coexisting species of prey. Densities of prey used were those at which the prey, two limpets and a barnacle, occurred naturally in the rocky intertidal habitat.Large limpets, Cellana tramoserica (Sowerby) can resist attacks by predatory gastropods by raising the mantle over the outside of the shell. These experiments showed that no C. tramoserica were killed by Morula marginalba even at very great densities and with no alternative prey present. For the small limpet Patelloida latistrigata (Angas), one of the whelk's most highly preferred prey, juveniles were eaten 1.4 times as fast as adults. Fitting the random predator equation gave greater attack coefficients and shorter handling times for juvenile than adult limpets.Sizes of both predator and prey affected rates of eating barnacles, Tesseropora rosea (Krauss), but not in a simple way. Whelks of 15-mm aperture length ate adult barnacles 4.2 times faster than did 12-mm whelks, but there was no significant difference in the rates at which the two sizes of snail ate juvenile barnacles.Rates of feeding on T. rosea and Patelloida latistrigata increased significantly with prey density. These results form a basis for including the density of prey in models of spatial dispersion of the predatory gastropod Morula marginalba.  相似文献   

When a three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus encountered prey simultaneously the probability of hanging and the median pursuit time were greater than when prey were encountered sequentially. During simultaneous prey encounter fish did not choose to attack the more profitable prey but instead the nearer prey was handled first except when the difference between the two prey sizes was large. No difference was found in the level of total energetic intake by the fish regardless of prey size pairing. Fish that handled and ate the first prey of a pair in <5 s attacked the second prey with a high probability of success, demonstrating an opportunistic feeding strategy. Importantly however, the fish did not choose to maximize long term energy intake rate by eating both prey, but rather short-term considerations over the course of feeding took precedence. With an empty stomach, the probability of a fish eating ( P eat) the first prey handled was high regardless of prey size. As stomach fullness increased, the P eat the first prey handled decreased if it was the larger prey. Hence, the fish were unselective when the stomach was empty but thereafter there was a shift in preference towards the smaller prey. The decision of which prey to attack and eat appeared to be based on short-term energy considerations and the level of stomach fullness. This study demonstrates that feeding on a short-term scale is a crucial factor to take account of when analysing fish feeding during simultaneous prey encounter.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted with two predatory fishes, Lagodon rhomboides (Linnaeus) and Syngnathus floridae (Jordan & Gilbert), to determine if prey selection was a result of predator preference or prey accessibility. Prey consisted of two species of caridean shrimp, Tozeuma carolinense (Kingsley) and Hippolyte zostericola (Smith), that commonly inhabit seagrass meadows. Natural diets of both predators revealed that selection ofTozeuma and Hippolyte was not related to their field densities. My experiments demonstrated that natural prey selection was a consequence of prey accessibility, not predator preference. Experiments examining the role of prey size in predator preference revealed that large individuals were significantly preferred over small individuals. Observations of prey behavior indicated that prey motion affected predator choice. These results suggest that predator preference was primarily determined by prey visibility and that the combined effects of prey size and motion contributed to the visibility of these prey.  相似文献   

Predator feeding rates (described by their functional response) must saturate at high prey densities. Although thousands of manipulative functional response experiments show feeding rate saturation at high densities under controlled conditions, it remains unclear how saturated feeding rates are at natural prey densities. The general degree of feeding rate saturation has important implications for the processes determining feeding rates and how they respond to changes in prey density. To address this, we linked two databases—one of functional response parameters and one on mass–abundance scaling—through prey mass to calculate a feeding rate saturation index. We find that: (1) feeding rates may commonly be unsaturated and (2) the degree of saturation varies with predator and prey taxonomic identities and body sizes, habitat, interaction dimension and temperature. These results reshape our conceptualisation of predator–prey interactions in nature and suggest new research on the ecological and evolutionary implications of unsaturated feeding rates.  相似文献   

The prey-location behaviour of larvae of Episyrphus balteatus DeG. (Dipt.: Syrphidae) was investigated in two different experimental set-ups. First instar larvae exhibited directed search over short distances, guided by olfactory cues from aphids, but not from honeydew. However, second and third instars did not respond to aphid-plant-complex odours in a 4-arm-olfactometer. Aphid extracts, honeydew and sucrose were found to be feeding stimulants for the larvae. The oviposition behaviour of female syrphids was investigated in a series of two-choice experiments: females were able to evaluate aphid numbers and adjust oviposition rates accordingly, with higher prey numbers eliciting increased oviposition, even when the aphids were removed at the start of the experiment. The presence of conspecific syrphid larvae did not inhibit oviposition when the females were deprived of suitable oviposition sides before the experiments were conducted.  相似文献   

The feeding behaviour of the Talek clan of spotted hyaenas in the Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya, was monitored continuously for 7 years. Talek hyaenas adapted to large temporal variations in prey abundance by being opportunistic predators. During the first half of the year, the hyaenas fed on resident ungulates, and their diet consisted mainly of topi and Thomson's gazelles. Upon arrival of the migratory herds of wildebeest and zebra from the Serengeti, Talek hyaenas switched to feeding on the wildebeest which provided them with a superabundance of food for about 3 months. After the migratory animals returned to the Serengeti, Talek hyaenas experienced a period of reduced prey abundance due to the temporary dispersion of resident ungulates. At this time hyaenas hunted the few remaining wildebeest, and also increased their use of the remaining resident animals. Although Talek hyaenas were generally opportunistic in their feeding behaviour, they did exhibit clear dietary preference for larger prey species, particularly wildebeest. Finally, carrion comprised only 5% of the biomass consumed by Talek hyaenas, the lowest proportion of carrion in the diet of any Crocuta population studied to date.  相似文献   

We model a chemostat containing an age-structured predator and its prey using a linear function for the uptake of substrate by the prey and two different functional responses (linear and Monod) for the consumption of prey by the predator. Limit cycles (LCs) caused by the predator's age structure arise at Hopf bifurcations at low values of the chemostat dilution rate for both model cases. In addition, LCs caused by the predator–prey interaction arise for the case with the Monod functional response. At low dilution rates in the Monod case, the age structure causes cycling at lower values of the inflowing resource concentration and conversely prevents cycling at higher values of the inflowing resource concentration. The results shed light on a similar model by Fussmann et al. [G. Fussmann, S. Ellner, K. Shertzer, and N. Hairston, Crossing the Hopf bifurcation in a live predator–prey system, Science 290 (2000), pp. 1358–1360.], which correctly predicted conditions for the onset of cycling in a chemostat containing an age-structured rotifer population feeding on algal prey.  相似文献   

1. In order to understand the relative importance of prey quality and mobility in indirect interactions among alternative prey that are mediated by a shared natural enemy, the nutritional quality of two common prey for a generalist insect predator along with the predator's relative preference for these prey was determined. 2. Eggs of the corn earworm Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were nutritionally superior to pea aphids Acyrthosiphum pisum (Homoptera: Aphididae) as prey for big‐eyed bugs Geocoris punctipes (Heteroptera: Geocoridae). Big‐eyed bugs survived four times as long when fed corn earworm eggs than when fed pea aphids. Furthermore, only big‐eyed bugs fed corn earworm eggs completed development and reached adulthood. 3. In two separate choice experiments, however, big‐eyed bugs consistently attacked the nutritionally inferior prey, pea aphids, more frequently than the nutritionally superior prey, corn earworm eggs. 4. Prey mobility, not prey nutritional quality, seems to be the most important criterion used by big‐eyed bugs to select prey. Big‐eyed bugs attacked mobile aphids preferentially when given a choice between mobile and immobilised aphids. 5. Prey behaviour also mediated indirect interactions between these two prey species. The presence of mobile pea aphids as alternative prey benefited corn earworms indirectly by reducing the consumption of corn earworm eggs by big‐eyed bugs. The presence of immobilised pea aphids, however, did not benefit corn earworms indirectly because the consumption of corn earworm eggs by big‐eyed bugs was not reduced when they were present. 6. These results suggest that the prey preferences of generalist insect predators mediate indirect interactions among prey species and ultimately affect the population dynamics of the predator and prey species. Understanding the prey preferences of generalist insect predators is essential to predict accurately the efficacy of these insects as biological control agents.  相似文献   

Avian predators readily learn to associate the warning coloration of aposematic prey with the toxic effects of ingesting them, but they do not necessarily exclude aposematic prey from their diets. By eating aposematic prey ‘educated’ predators are thought to be trading-off the benefits of gaining nutrients with the costs of eating toxins. However, while we know that the toxin content of aposematic prey affects the foraging decisions made by avian predators, the extent to which the nutritional content of toxic prey affects predators'' decisions to eat them remains to be tested. Here, we show that European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) increase their intake of a toxic prey type when the nutritional content is artificially increased, and decrease their intake when nutritional enrichment is ceased. This clearly demonstrates that birds can detect the nutritional content of toxic prey by post-ingestive feedback, and use this information in their foraging decisions, raising new perspectives on the evolution of prey defences. Nutritional differences between individuals could result in equally toxic prey being unequally predated, and might explain why some species undergo ontogenetic shifts in defence strategies. Furthermore, the nutritional value of prey will likely have a significant impact on the evolutionary dynamics of mimicry systems.  相似文献   

The oviposition responses of Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) to the soft scale Eupulvinaria hydrangeae (Steinweden) (Homoptera: Coccidae) and to the mealybug Planococcus citri (Risso) (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) have been compared in the laboratory. The females delay oviposition and withhold mature eggs in their lateral oviducts in the absence of wax filaments produced by the prey (only present in the ovisac of E. hydrangeae, present in all stages of P. citri). Contact chemical cues perceived by females when probing the wax filaments with their mouthparts are the signals inducing the search for oviposition sites. The second step is under the control of the ovipositor by which females locate confined sites to lay eggs. This oviposition behaviour could have a considerable impact on the prey exploitation strategy of this important biocontrol agent and might help to understand its apparent ineffectiveness in situations of low prey density.  相似文献   

Costs of plant defences to herbivores have been extensively studied, but costs of chemical defences to carnivores are less well understood. We examine the costs to Australian keelback snakes (Tropidonophis mairii, Gray 1841) of consuming cane toads (Bufo[Rhinella]marinus Linnaeus 1758). Cane toads (an invasive species in Australia) are highly toxic. Although keelbacks can consume toads without dying (unlike most Australian snakes), we show that cane toads are poor quality prey for keelbacks. Toads are of low net nutritional value, take longer to consume than do native frogs and reduce the snake's locomotor performance for up to 6 h after ingestion of a meal. These latter effects may increase a snake's vulnerability to predation. Nutritional content of vertebrate prey is not the only factor driving the evolution of foraging behaviour; other more subtle costs, such as risk of predation, may be widespread.  相似文献   

I staged replicate encounters between unrestrained lizards andsnakes in outdoor enclosures to examine size-dependent predationwithin the common garden skink (Lampropholis guichenoti). Yellow-facedwhip snakes (Demansia psammophis) forage widely for activeprey and most often consumed large skinks, whereas death adders(Acanthophis antarcticus) ambush active prey and most oftenconsumed small skinks. Small-eyed snakes (Rhinoplocephalusnigrescens) forage widely for inactive prey and consumed bothsmall and large skinks equally often. Differential predationmay reflect active choice by the predator, differential preyvulnerability, or both. To test for active choice, I presentedforaging snakes with an inert small lizard versus an inertlarge lizard. They did not actively select lizards of a particularbody size. To test for differential prey vulnerability, I quantifiedvariation between small and large lizards in behavior thatis important for determining the outcome of predator—prey interactions. Snakes did not differentiate between integumentarychemicals from small and large lizards. Large lizards tendto flee from approaching predators, thereby eliciting attackby the visually oriented whip snakes. Small lizards were moremobile than large lizards and therefore more likely to passby sedentary death adders. Additionally, small skinks were more effectively lured by this sit-and-wait species and less likelyto avoid its first capture attempt. In contrast, overnightretreat site selection (not body size) determined a lizard'schances of being detected by small-eyed snakes. Patterns ofsize-dependent predation by elapid snakes may arise not becauseof active choice but as a function of species-specific predatortactics and prey behavior.  相似文献   

1. Antipredator behaviour by the facultative planktivorous fish species roach (Rutilus rutilus), perch (Perca fluviatilis) and rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus) was studied in a multi‐year whole‐lake experiment to evaluate species‐specific behavioural and numerical responses to the stocking of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca), a predator with different foraging behaviour than the resident predators large perch (P. fluviatilis) and pike (Esox lucius). 2. Behavioural responses to pikeperch varied greatly during the night, ranging from reduced activity (roach and small perch) and a shift in habitat (roach), to no change in the habitat use and activity of rudd. The differing responses of the different planktivorous prey species highlight the potential variation in behavioural response to predation risk from species of similar vulnerability. 3. These differences had profound effects on fitness; the density of species that exhibited an antipredator response declined only slightly (roach) or even increased (small perch), whereas the density of the species that did not exhibit an antipredator response (rudd) decreased dramatically (by more than 80%). 4. The maladaptive behaviour of rudd can be explained by a ‘behavioural syndrome’, i.e. the interdependence of behaviours expressed in different contexts (feeding activity, antipredator) across different situations (different densities of predators). 5. Our study extends previous studies, that have typically been limited to more controlled situations, by illustrating the variability in intensity of phenotypic responses to predators, and the consequences for population density, in a large whole‐lake setting.  相似文献   

  1. The influence of predator cues on the behaviour of prey is well supported in the literature; however, a clear understanding of how predator cues affect prey in variable environmental conditions and over longer time scales is needed to better understand the underlying mechanisms. Here, we measure how predator odors affect herbivore colonization, abundance, oviposition, and plant damage across two growing seasons.
  2. The study system consisted of Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Colorado potato beetle) as prey, and the aggregation pheromone of live Podisus maculiventris (spined soldier bug) as the predator cue in a potato field.
  3. In 2016, the amount of feeding damage by early beetle colonists was lower in predator odor-treated plots, reducing plant damage by 22%. Larval abundance was also reduced in treated plots in 2016. Beetle abundance and damage in 2017 was similar in the treatment and control plots. Two mechanisms were investigated to better understand why prey response to the predator odor treatment weakened over the first season, including changes in predator odor cue strength and prey habituation. Predator odor cue strength emerged as a likely explanation, as dispensers, which released a synthetic predator pheromone over the entire season, reduced the probability of finding damage more consistently than the live predator treatment.
  4. These results suggest that temporal patterns of predator cue release and strength may drive prey response across the season, underscoring the importance of cue release-rate and consistency in both species interactions and for the future application of modifying insect behaviour using non-consumptive effects in agricultural systems.

Analysis of predator–prey interactions is a core concept of animal ecology, explaining structure and dynamics of animal food webs. Measuring the functional response, i.e. the intake rate of a consumer as a function of prey density, is a powerful method to predict the strength of trophic links and assess motives of prey choice, particularly in arthropod communities. However, due to their reductionist set‐up, functional responses, which are based on laboratory feeding experiments, may not display field conditions, possibly leading to skewed results. Here, we tested the validity of functional responses of centipede predators and their prey by comparing them with empirical gut content data from field‐collected predators. Our predator–prey system included lithobiid and geophilomorph centipedes, abundant and widespread predators of forest soils and their soil‐dwelling prey. First, we calculated the body size‐dependent functional responses of centipedes using a published functional response model in which we included natural prey abundances and animal body masses. This allowed us to calculate relative proportions of specific prey taxa in the centipede diet. In a second step, we screened field‐collected centipedes for DNA of eight abundant soil‐living prey taxa and estimated their body size‐dependent proportion of feeding events. We subsequently compared empirical data for each of the eight prey taxa, on proportional feeding events with functional response‐derived data on prey proportions expected in the gut, showing that both approaches significantly correlate in five out of eight predator–prey links for lithobiid centipedes but only in one case for geophilomorph centipedes. Our findings suggest that purely allometric functional response models, which are based on predator–prey body size ratios are too simple to explain predator–prey interactions in a complex system such as soil. We therefore stress that specific prey traits, such as defence mechanisms, must be considered for accurate predictions.  相似文献   

Control or removal of undesired biofilms has frequently been found to be quite difficult. In addition to biocidal or antibiotic chemicals or materials designed to prevent biofouling, biological control agents appear to be promising. Reports of bacterial predators eradicating biofilms or eliminating pathogens motivate a more systematic screening of biofilm-eliminating bacterial predators. Unfortunately, the analysis of the eradication process is demanding. In the present study, chip-calorimetry was applied to monitor the elimination of Pseudomonas sp. biofilms by Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus. The method uses metabolic heat as a real-time parameter for biofilm activity. The method is non-invasive, fast and convenient due to real-time data acquisition. In addition, heat-production data can reveal information about the energetics of the predator–prey interaction. The calorimetric results were validated by confocal laser scanning microscopy. The approach described may be useful for the screening of biofilm susceptibility to different predators.  相似文献   

Prey size and species selection of pikeperch Sander lucioperca and Volga pikeperch Sander volgensis were investigated in relation to predator size in the shallow Lake Balaton, Hungary. Although their gape sizes were similar, S. lucioperca shifted to piscivory earlier and consumed fewer, but larger, prey than S. volgensis. Prey species preference of the two piscivores also differed. A bimodal prey size distribution resulted in a reclining sigmoid curve for the life span predator size to prey size relationship with inflexion points between 266 and 284 mm predator standard length (L(S) ) in S. lucioperca. In S. volgensis, as well as in S. lucioperca L(S) ≤ 350 mm, prey size increased monotonically with predator L(S) , following a power trend for all prey size variables. Prey depth to predator L(S) relationship varied significantly with prey species and prey number in both piscivores, and prey depth tended to be smaller in predators consuming more than one prey. Both predator species characteristically selected less active, benthic prey fishes in spite of their spiny fin rays, and small- and mid-sized predators selected for small prey. Relatively large prey were also eaten, however, especially by the smallest and largest S. lucioperca.  相似文献   

Under natural conditions, generalist predatory insects have to cope with a variety of potential prey species that are not all equally suitable. Under these circumstances, learning may be adaptive if it allows adjustment to variations in resource quality and availability. Under laboratory conditions, we examined the learning ability and memory in the prey selection process of larvae of the predatory coccinellid Coleomegilla maculata ssp. lengi Timberlake (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Using choice tests, we studied prey rejection behaviour of C. maculata fourth instars towards prey of different quality and we also tested the influence of hunger and prior experience with other food types on the prey rejection behaviour of coccinellid larvae. Coleomegilla maculata larvae gradually changed their behaviour and rejected low‐quality hosts more frequently, whereas high‐quality hosts were nearly always accepted. After 48 h, the learned behaviour appeared to be partially forgotten. Hunger and experience with other food types prior to the test had little effect on the gradual change of behaviour but the quality of the food ingested influenced the initial level of prey rejection. Our results demonstrate that (1) C. maculata larvae can adjust their prey selection behaviour with experience to reject progressively less suitable prey, and (2) previous experience with other prey types can influence their initial preference.  相似文献   

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