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The evolutionary history of the Mexican sierras has been shaped by various geological and climatic events over the past several million years. The relative impacts of these historical events on diversification in highland taxa, however, remain largely uncertain owing to a paucity of studies on broadly‐distributed montane species. We investigated the origins of genetic diversification in widely‐distributed endemic alligator lizards in the genus Barisia to help develop a better understanding of the complex processes structuring biological diversity in the Mexican highlands. We estimated lineage divergence dates and the diversification rate from mitochondrial DNA sequences, and combined divergence dates with reconstructions of ancestral geographical ranges to track lineage diversification across geography through time. Based on our results, we inferred ten geographically structured, well supported mitochondrial lineages within Barisia. Diversification of a widely‐distributed ancestor appears tied to the formation of the Trans‐Mexican Volcanic Belt across central Mexico during the Miocene and Pliocene. The formation of filter barriers such as major river drainages may have later subdivided lineages. The results of the present study provide additional support for the increasing number of studies that suggest Neogene events heavily impacted genetic diversification in widespread montane taxa. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 382–394.  相似文献   

Epiphytes are ecologically important components of tropical forests worldwide and yet they have been underrepresented in studies of reproductive biology. Given the presumed ephemeral nature of their substrates, and the importance of dispersal and colonization, epiphytes might be expected to undergo substantial inbreeding to ensure reproductive success, as in weedy terrestrial plants. While there is some evidence for inbreeding in epiphytic angiosperms, the only previous studies of fern epiphytes indicate that they are predominantly outcrossing. The present study reports on the genetic diversity and breeding system of six members of the Neotropical epiphytic fern genus Pleopeltis (Polypodiaceae). A survey of isozyme variability using starch gel electrophoresis revealed high population levels of polymorphism (P = 0.62), allelic diversity (A = 2.3), and individual heterozygosity (Ho = 0.181), but little differentiation among conspecific populations (I 3 0.98; Gst = 0.048), and high interpopulational gene flow rates (Nm > 1). In addition, there was no indication of homozygote excess within populations that might indicate a history of selfing in these ferns: populations generally conformed to Hardy-Weinberg expected genotype frequencies, and both Wright's inbreeding coefficient (Fis) and Holsinger's intragametophytic selfing rates approached zero. Possible mechanisms limiting inbreeding in these ferns include antheridiogen activity and high levels of genetic load that would lead to inbreeding depression upon selfing.  相似文献   

To establish a basis for future taxonomic revisions and to infer the evolutionary traits of Trichomanes s.l. , one of two large filmy fern genera, molecular phylogenetic analyses were conducted using chloroplast rbcL sequences. Sampling covered most of the global distribution range of this genus throughout the tropical and temperate zones, as well as all taxonomically significant species by the addition of 51 samples principally from Asia. The evolution of eight selected characters, which were adopted as taxonomic keys and/or putatively reflect morphological regression, was optimized on the retrieved most parsimonious rbcL trees, together with new observations on the stem anatomy of 45 species. The eight robust clades retrieved within Trichomanes in the rbcL phylogeny conflict with the existing classifications. Our results also suggest that the cup-shaped sorus, the primary diagnostic character of the genus, appears in parallel in the Hymenophyllum lineage, as demonstrated by Pleuromanes (typified by Trichomanes pallidum ) included in the lineage. The suggestion that the regressive character states are homoplastic apomorphies in the evolution of the frond size, stem thickness, root system, and stem anatomy (stele and cortex) probably illustrates a strong tendency towards adaptive evolutionary transition in Trichomanes . © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 1–27.  相似文献   

Trypanorhynch tapeworms (Platyhelminthes: Cestoda) are among the most diverse and abundant groups of metazoan parasites of elasmobranchs and are a ubiquitous part of the marine food webs that include these apex predators. Here we present a comprehensive analysis of their phylogeny, character evolution and host associations based on 10 years of sampling effort, including representatives of 12 of 15 and 44 of 66 currently recognized trypanorhynch families and genera, respectively. Using a combination of ssrDNA and lsrDNA (Domains 1-3) for 79 and 80 taxa, respectively, we maintain one-to-one correspondence between molecules and morphology by scoring 45 characters from the same specimens used for sequencing, and provide museum vouchers for this material. Host associations are examined through likelihood-based ancestral character state reconstructions (ACSRs) and by estimating dates of divergence using strict and relaxed molecular clock models in a Bayesian context. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference analyses of rDNA produced well-resolved and strongly supported trees in which the trypanorhynchs formed two primary lineages and were monophyletic with respect to the diphyllidean outgroup taxa. These lineages showed marked differences in their rates of divergence which in turn resulted in differing support and stability characteristics within the lineages. Mapping of morphological characters onto the tree resulting from combined analysis of rDNA showed most traits to be highly plastic, including some previously considered of key taxonomic importance such as underlying symmetries in tentacular armature. The resulting tree was found to be congruent with the most recent morphologically based superfamily designations in the order, providing support for four proposed superfamilies, but not for the Tentacularioidea and Eutetrarhynchoidea. ACSRs based on the combined analysis of rDNA estimated the original hosts of the two primary parasite lineages to be alternatively rajiform batoids and carcharhiniform sharks. This fundamental split provides independent support for rejecting the notion that rays are derived sharks, and thus supports the most recent molecular phylogenies of the Neoselachii. Beyond the basal split between shark- and ray-inhabiting lineages, no pattern was found to suggest that the trypanorhynchs have closely tracked the evolutionary histories of these host lineages, but instead, it appears that host-switching has been common and that the subsequent evolution of the parasites has been ecologically driven primarily through overlap in the niches of their shark and ray hosts. Using a relaxed molecular clock model calibrated by means of host fossil data, the ray-inhabiting lineage is estimated to have diversified around the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary, whereas the shark-inhabiting lineage is estimated to have diversified later, in the Middle Cretaceous. Although the large error associated with the estimated divergence dates prevents robust conclusions from being drawn, the dates are nevertheless found to be consistent in a relative sense with the origins of their major hosts groups. The erection and definition of the suborders Trypanobatoida and Trypanoselachoida, for the major clades of trypanorhynchs parasitizing primarily rays and sharks, respectively, is proposed for the two primary lineages recovered here.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history and classification of epiphyllous cryptogams are still poorly known. Leptolejeunea is a largely epiphyllous pantropical liverwort genus with about 25 species characterized by deeply bilobed underleaves, elliptic to narrowly obovate leaf lobes, the presence of ocelli, and vegetative reproduction by cladia. Sequences of three chloroplast regions (rbcL, trnL‐F, psbA) and the nuclear ribosomal ITS region were obtained for 66 accessions of Leptolejeunea and six outgroup species to explore the phylogeny, divergence times, and ancestral areas of this genus. The phylogeny was estimated using maximum‐likelihood and Bayesian inference approaches, and divergence times were estimated with a Bayesian relaxed clock method. Leptolejeunea likely originated in Asia or the Neotropics within a time interval from the Early Eocene to the Late Cretaceous (67.9 Ma, 95% highest posterior density [HPD]: 47.9–93.7). Diversification of the crown group initiated in the Eocene or early Oligocene (38.4 Ma, 95% HPD: 27.2–52.6). Most species clades were established in the Miocene. Leptolejeunea epiphylla and L. schiffneri originated in Asia and colonized African islands during the Plio‐Pleistocene. Accessions of supposedly pantropical species are placed in different main clades. Several monophyletic morphospecies exhibit considerable sequence variation related to a geographical pattern. The clear geographic structure of the Leptolejeunea crown group points to evolutionary processes including rare long‐distance dispersal and subsequent speciation. Leptolejeunea may have benefitted from the large‐scale distribution of humid tropical angiosperm forests in the Eocene.  相似文献   

Although climatic niche conservatism has been assumed by a large number of studies focused on climatic niche evolution, there are examples of climatic niche diversification and adaptation to changing climates. In this article, we reconstruct a climatic niche of scaly tree ferns (Cyatheaceae) using a rigorous analytical procedure which combines climatic niche modelling with reconstruction of continuous characters given a phylogenetic hypothesis. To estimate the limits to climatic niches of species, we used climate envelope modelling and ordination. Ancestral climatic niches of species were reconstructed by maximum likelihood and least‐squares analyses. We observed a trend towards niche conservatism with occasional events of niche transformations in scaly tree ferns. We discuss the implications of our study with respect to the potential and limitations for applications of niche modelling to evolutionary studies. We suggest that future studies of evolution of climatic niches could be considerably improved by employing approaches enabling reconstruction of continuous response to climatic gradients. Further progress may also be achieved by exploring models of character evolution other than the Brownian motion model. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 165 , 1–19.  相似文献   

To test hypotheses explaining variation in elaborate male colouration across closely related species groups, ancestral‐state reconstructions and tests of phylogenetic signal and correlated evolution were used to examine the evolution of male body and fin colouration in a group of sexually dichromatic stream fishes known as darters (Percidae: Etheostomatinae). The presence or absence of red–orange and blue–green male colour traits were scored across six body regions in 99 darter species using a recently estimated amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) phylogeny for comparative analyses. Ancestral‐state reconstructions infer the most recent common ancestor of darters to lack red–orange colour and possess blue–green colour on different body regions, suggesting variation between species is due to independent gains of red–orange and losses of blue–green. Colour traits exhibit substantial phylogenetic signal and are highly correlated across body regions. Comparative analyses were repeated using an alternative phylogenetic hypothesis based on one mitochondrial and two nuclear genes, yielding similar results to analyses based on the AFLP phylogeny. Red–orange colouration in darters appears to be derived; whereas, blue–green appears to be ancestral, which suggests that different selection mechanisms may be acting on these two colour classes in darters.  相似文献   

云南高黎贡山地区野生蕨类植物药用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对云南高黎贡山地区的民间访谈和集市药摊调查,总结出主要的药用蕨类植物85种,分属27科,44属。本文介绍该地区17种常见药用蕨类植物的药用功效,并整理出85种主要药用蕨类植物的初步名录。  相似文献   

Darters (Percidae: Etheostomatinae), a species‐rich group of North American freshwater fishes, vary in the presence of a premaxillary fraenum, a strip of skin that connects the premaxillary bones to the snout, and it is hypothesized that this trait is a trophic adaptation to particular substrata. Ancestral state reconstructions and analyses of phylogenetic associations between presence of the premaxillary fraenum and preferred stream substratum were conducted in a clade of closely related darters (snubnose darters and allies) that vary in morphology and habitat preferences. The most recent common ancestor of this clade was inferred to possess a fraenum and to inhabit rocky substrata, consistent with previous hypotheses, but a significant correlation between fraenum presence and substratum type across the phylogeny was not found.  相似文献   

Species of Osmanthus are economically important ornamental trees, yet information regarding their plastid genomes (plastomes) have rarely been reported, thus hindering taxonomic and evolutionary studies of this small but enigmatic genus. Here, we performed comparative genomics and evolutionary analyses on plastomes of 16 of the 28 currently accepted species, with 11 plastomes newly sequenced. Phylogenetic studies identified four main lineages within the genus that are here designated the: “Caucasian Osmanthus” (corresponding to O. decorus), “Siphosmanthus” (corresponding to O. sect. Siphosmanthus), “O. serrulatus + O. yunnanensis,” and “Core Osmanthus: (corresponding to O. sect. Osmanthus + O. sect. Linocieroides). Molecular clock analysis suggested that Osmanthus split from its sister clade c. 15.83 Ma. The estimated crown ages of the lineages were the following: genus Osmanthus at 12.66 Ma; “Siphosmanthus” clade at 5.85 Ma; “O. serrulatus + O. yunnanensis” at 4.89 Ma; and “Core Osmanthus: clade at 6.2 Ma. Ancestral state reconstructions and trait mapping showed that ancestors of Osmanthus were spring flowering and originated at lower elevations. Phylogenetic principal component analysis clearly distinguished spring‐flowering species from autumn‐flowering species, suggesting that flowering time differentiation is related to the difference in ecological niches. Nucleotide substitution rates of 80 common genes showed slow evolutionary pace and low nucleotide variations, all genes being subjected to purifying selection.  相似文献   

We investigated sperm cells and spermatophores of four species of Old World freshwater crabs belonging to three different genera of the subfamily Potaminae (family Potamidae). Characters previously believed to be apomorphic for the potamid subfamily Potamiscinae were also found to occur in the Potaminae. To infer the morphological ancestral character state combination of the Potamidae, ancestral character state analysis of four different sperm traits was performed, based on a 16S rDNA phylogeny of the investigated species. Comparing molecular phylogeny and character state distribution, several cases of convergent evolution could be identified. The densely packed, coenospermic spermatophores and the occurrence of a ‘tongue‐and‐groove’ connection between operculum and acrosomal zones are probably apomorphies for the whole Potamidae. The spermatozoa of Socotrapotamon socotrense show several unique characters. We also analysed the evolution of acrosome size. The sperm cells of the Potamidae and their sister‐group Gecarcinucidae only slightly overlap in acrosome size. Within the investigated species, the ‘East Asia’ subclade (subfamily Potamiscinae) developed significantly larger acrosomes than the subfamily Potaminae. Our results suggest that the use of brachyuran acrosome morphology for phylogenetic inference at the family level is strongly affected by small sample size, and by convergent character evolution. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010.  相似文献   

We explore the phylogeny of the polygrammoid ferns using nucleotide sequences derived from three plastid loci for each of 98 selected species. Our analyses recovered four major monophyletic lineages: the loxogrammoids, two clades consisting of taxa restricted to the Old World, and a largely neotropical clade that also includes the pantropical Grammitidaceae. The loxogrammoid lineage diverges first and is sister to a large clade comprising the three remaining species-rich lineages. One paleotropical clade includes the drynarioid and selligueoid ferns, whereas the second paleotropical clade includes the platycerioids, lepisoroids, microsoroids, and their relatives. The grammitids nest within the neotropical clade, although the sister taxon of this circum-tropic, epiphytic group remains ambiguous. Microsorum and Polypodium, as traditionally defined, were recovered as polyphyletic. The relatively short branch lengths of the deepest clades contrast with the long branch lengths leading to the terminal groups. This suggests that the polygrammoid ferns arose through an old, rapid radiation. Our analysis also reveals that the rate of substitution in the grammitids is remarkably higher relative to other polygrammoids. Disparities in substitution rate may be correlated with one or more features characterizing grammitids, including species richness, chlorophyllous spores, and an extended gametophytic phase.  相似文献   

The Nes subgroup of the Gobiosomatini (Teleostei: Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) is an ecologically diverse clade of fishes endemic to the tropical western Atlantic and eastern Pacific oceans. It has been suggested that morphological characters in gobies tend to evolve via reduction and loss associated with miniaturization, and this, coupled with the parallel evolution of adaptations to similar microhabitats, may lead to homoplasy and ultimately obscure our ability to discern phylogenetic relationships using morphological characters alone. This may be particularly true for the Nes subgroup of gobies, where several genera that are diagnosed by ‘reductive characters’ have been shown to be polyphyletic. Here we present the most comprehensive phylogeny to date of the Nes subgroup using mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data. We then evaluate the congruence between the distribution of morphological characters and our molecular tree using maximum‐likelihood ancestral state reconstruction, and test for phylogenetic signal in characters using Pagel's λ tree transformations (Nature, 401 , 1999 and 877). Our results indicate that all of the characters previously used to diagnose genera of the Nes subgroup display some degree of homoplasy with respect to our molecular tree; however, many characters display considerable phylogenetic signal and thus may be useful in diagnosing genera when used in combination with other characters. We present a new classification for the group in which all genera are monophyletic and in most cases diagnosed by combinations of morphological characters. The new classification includes four new genera and nine new species described here, many of which were collected from rarely sampled deep Caribbean reefs using manned submersibles. The group now contains 38 species in the genera Carrigobius gen. nov., Chriolepis, Eleotrica, Gobulus, Gymneleotris, Nes, Paedovaricus gen. nov., Pinnichthys gen. nov., Psilotris, and Varicus. Lastly, we provide a key to all named species of the Nes subgroup along with photographs and illustrations to aid in identification.  相似文献   

Most of life is extinct, so incorporating some fossil evidence into analyses of macroevolution is typically seen as necessary to understand the diversification of life and patterns of morphological evolution. Here we test the effects of inclusion of fossils in a study of the body size evolution of afrotherian mammals, a clade that includes the elephants, sea cows and elephant shrews. We find that the inclusion of fossil tips has little impact on analyses of body mass evolution; from a small ancestral size (approx. 100 g), there is a shift in rate and an increase in mass leading to the larger-bodied Paenungulata and Tubulidentata, regardless of whether fossils are included or excluded from analyses. For Afrotheria, the inclusion of fossils and morphological character data affect phylogenetic topology, but these differences have little impact upon patterns of body mass evolution and these body mass evolutionary patterns are consistent with the fossil record. The largest differences between our analyses result from the evolutionary model, not the addition of fossils. For some clades, extant-only analyses may be reliable to reconstruct body mass evolution, but the addition of fossils and careful model selection is likely to increase confidence and accuracy of reconstructed macroevolutionary patterns.  相似文献   

Scaptomyza is a highly diversified genus in the family Drosophilidae, having undergone an explosive radiation, along with the Hawaiian‐endemic genus Idiomyia in the Hawaiian Islands: about 60% of 269 Scaptomyza species so far described are endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. Two hypotheses have been proposed for the origin and diversification of Hawaiian drosophilids. One is the “single Hawaiian origin” hypothesis: Scaptomyza and Idiomyia diverged from a single common ancestor that had once colonized the Hawaiian Islands, and then non‐Hawaiian Scaptomyza migrated back to continents. The other is the “multiple origins” hypothesis: Hawaiian Scaptomyza and Idiomyia derived from different ancestors that independently colonized the Hawaiian Islands. A key issue for testing these two hypotheses is to clarify the phylogenetic relationships between Hawaiian and non‐Hawaiian species in Scaptomyza. Toward this goal, we sampled additional non‐Hawaiian Scaptomyza species, particularly in the Old World, and determined the nucleotide sequences of four mitochondrial and seven nuclear genes for these species. Combining these sequence data with published data for 79 species, we reconstructed the phylogeny and estimated ancestral distributions and divergence times. In the resulting phylogenetic trees, non‐Hawaiian Scaptomyza species were interspersed in two Hawaiian clades. From a reconstruction of ancestral biogeography, we inferred that Idiomyia and Scaptomyza diverged outside the Hawaiian Islands and then independently colonized the Hawaiian Islands, twice in Scaptomyza, thus supporting the “multiple origins” hypothesis.  相似文献   

Web-building spiders are formidable predators, yet assassin bugs in the Emesine Complex (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Emesinae, Saicinae, and Visayanocorinae) prey on spiders. The Emesine Complex comprises >1000 species and these web-associated predatory strategies may have driven their diversification. However, lack of natural history data and a robust phylogenetic framework currently preclude tests of this hypothesis. We combine Sanger (207 taxa, 3865 bp) and high-throughput sequencing data (15 taxa, 381 loci) to generate the first taxon- and data-rich phylogeny for this group. We discover rampant paraphyly among subfamilies and tribes, necessitating revisions to the classification. We use ancestral character state reconstructions for 40 morphological characters to identify diagnostic features for a revised classification. Our new classification treats Saicinae Stål and Visayanocorinae Miller as junior synonyms of Emesinae Amyot and Serville, synonymizes the emesine tribes Ploiariolini Van Duzee and Metapterini Stål with Emesini Amyot and Serville, and recognises six tribes within Emesinae (Collartidini Wygodzinsky, Emesini, Leistarchini Stål, Oncerotrachelini trib.n. , Saicini Stål stat.n. , and Visayanocorini Miller stat.n. ). We show that a pretarsal structure putatively involved in web-associated behaviours evolved in the last common ancestor of Emesini, the most species-rich clade within Emesinae, suggesting that web-associations could be widespread in Emesinae.  相似文献   

The dinoflagellate genus Coolia, which contains potentially toxic species, is an important component of epiphytic assemblages in marine ecosystems. The morphology of C. malayensis has been illustrated from strains isolated in Asia and Oceania. In this study, strains of C. malayensis isolated from the Caribbean Sea in Puerto Rico, and for the first time from the South Atlantic Ocean in Brazil, were investigated by light, epifluorescence and scanning electron microscopies. No significant morphological differences between these new strains and other geographically distant strains of C. malayensis were observed. In the LSU rDNA phylogeny, the C. malayensis sequences from Brazil and Puerto Rico branched within the clade of strains from Oceania and Asia. The recently described species C. santacroce branched as a sister group of C. monotis, and C. palmyrensis was basal to the combined group of C. monotis/C. malayensis/C. santacroce. A tentative undescribed species from Florida and New Zealand branched as a sister group of C. malayensis. Our results confirm that C. malayensis showed a cosmopolitan distribution in tropical to subtropical waters, while the type species C. monotis remains endemic for the Mediterranean Sea and the temperate North Atlantic.  相似文献   

The present study comprises an analysis of six different scoring schemes and eight different types of analytic methods aiming to investigate the evolution of a continuous character (i.e. corolla tube length) in Lithospermum L. (Boraginaceae). Corolla tube length in the genus is quite variable, ranging from 1 mm to 75 mm, and the length of the corolla tube has implications for pollination biology, such as longer corolla tubes (> 25 mm in length) being pollinated by hummingbirds or moths. In general, the various methods resolve similar ancestral character states; however, different states are reconstructed at nodes in which the descendants greatly differ in corolla tube length. Additionally, it is suggested that all of the variation of a continuous character should be included in analyses, and this may necessitate multiple analyses with different partitions of the data. The various analyses provide evidence that two maximum parsimony methods, linear parsimony and the TNT method, minimize the number of different rates of evolution. In Lithospermum, six origins of corolla tubes > 20 mm in length are resolved, and these origins occurred at two different times periods: (1) in the shadow of hummingbird diversification in North America (approximately 6–8 Mya) and (2) more recently (approximately 1–1.5 MyA). Four substantial decreases in corolla tube length also are reconstructed, and these may be associated with the origin of self‐pollination. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ??, ??–??.  相似文献   

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