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Abstract. Details of the life cycle of freshwater nematomorphs (gordiids) remain unclear. Free-living aquatic larval gordiids must make a critical transition from an epibenthic aquatic environment to terrestrial hosts. In order to identify potential hosts capable of bridging this ecological gap, the specificity of paratenic hosts of three common species of North American gordiids was investigated. All three species were characterized by an identical infection pattern: low host specificity. Gordiids were able to encyst within annelids, mollusks, crustaceans, insects and a vertebrate. Three species of putative host (a turbellarian, a water mite, and a mosquito larva) were not infected with any of the gordiid species. Internal defense reactions (IDR) and feeding behaviors are implicated as preventing infection in these species. Several of the other host species produced either an IDR or an immune reaction to the cysts, although reactions to the cysts were highly variable between species. In most species, IDR did not cause noticeable harm to the encysted larvae. It is proposed that although many species are easily infected with gordiid cysts, most do not act as natural paratenic hosts. For some of these host groups, especially snails, a role as reservoir host is suggested. Of all hosts included in this study, aquatic insects were identified as the hosts likely responsible for spanning the ecological gap and acting as true hosts for gordiids.  相似文献   

Nematomorpha, horsehair or Gordian worms, include about 300 freshwater species in 22 genera (Gordiida) and 5 marine species in 1 marine genus (Nectonema). They are parasitic in arthropods during their juvenile stage. In the present study, the used gordian worm was found in the feces of a dog (5-month old, male) in July 2014. Following the worm analysis using light and scanning electron microscopes, the morphological classification was re-evaluated with molecular analysis. The worm was determined to be a male worm having a bi-lobed tail and had male gonads in cross sections. It was identified as Gordius sp. (Nematomorpha: Gordiidae) based on the characteristic morphologies of cross sections and areole on the cuticle. DNA analysis on 18S rRNA partial sequence arrangements was also carried out, and the gordiid worm was assumed to be close to the genus Gordius based on a phylogenic tree analysis.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to describe 2 human cases infected by the horsehair worm, Parachordodes sp., in Japan. Two gordiid worms were collected in the vomit and excreta of an 80-year-old woman in November 2009 in Kyoto city, and in the mouth of 1-year-old boy in December 2009 in Nara city, Japan, respectively. Both worms were males having bifurcated posterior ends and male gonads in cross sectional specimens. They were identified as Parachordodes sp. (Nematomorpha: Chordodidae) based on the characteristic morphologies of cross sections and areoles in the cuticle. DNA analysis on 18S rRNA partial sequence arrangements was also carried out and both worms were assumed to be close to the genus Paragordionus based on tree analysis, and far from Gordius sp. which has already been reported in humans in Japan. DNA sequencing of the Parachordodes worm does not appear on the database; therefore, more information on the gene sequences of the genus Parachordodes from humans, animals, or intermediates is required.  相似文献   

Hairworms (nematomorpha) alter the behaviour of their insect hosts, making them commit 'suicide' by jumping into an aquatic environment required by the adult parasite for the continuation of its life cycle. To explore the physiological and neuronal basis of this behavioural manipulation, we first performed a biochemical study to quantify different neurotransmitters or neuromodulators (monoamines and amino acids) in the brain of crickets (Nemobius sylvestris) uninfected and infected by the hairworm Paragordius tricuspidatus. We also analysed several polyamines and amino-acids having no known neuromodulatory function. The presence/absence of the parasite explained the largest part of the variation in compound concentrations, with infected individuals displaying on average lower concentrations than uninfected individuals. However, for three amino acids (taurine, valine and tyrosine), a significant part of the variation was also correlated with the manipulative process. In order to compare neurogenesis between infected and uninfected crickets, we also performed a histological study on mushroom bodies in the cricket's brain. The mitotic index exhibited a two-fold increase in infected crickets as compared with uninfected crickets. This is the first study to document changes in the brain of insects infected by nematomorphs.  相似文献   


Encysted larval horsehair worms (Phylum Nematomorpha) were recovered from the tissues of upland bullies (Gobiomorphus breviceps) and a galaxiid (Galaxias vulgaris) from the Seaward River, Canterbury. The cysts were mostly in the alimentary submucosa. A few occurred in the liver. An adult digenean fluke (Coitocaecum sp.), parasitic within the gut of a bully, also contained nematomorph larvae in its tissues. It is suggested that the fish became infected by eating nematomorph larvae or egg strings.  相似文献   

The ability of chick-embryo proline hydroxylase to hydroxylate [(14)C]proline-labelled procollagen was investigated between 23 degrees and 37 degrees C. The amount of hydroxy[(14)C]proline that could be formed increased sharply between 26 degrees and 30 degrees C. This corresponded to the temperature interval in which the [(14)C]procollagen substrate was thermally denatured, and the results therefore indicate that only denatured molecules can be hydroxylated.  相似文献   

The family Aporocotylidae is recognized as having the widest intermediate host usage in the Digenea. Currently, intermediate host groups are clearly correlated with definitive host groups; all known life cycles of marine teleost-infecting aporocotylids involve polychaetes, those of freshwater teleost-infecting aporocotylids involve gastropods, and those of chondrichthyan-infecting aporocotylids involve bivalves. Here we report the life cycle for a marine elopomorph-infecting species, Elopicola bristowi Orélis-Ribeiro & Bullard in Orélis-Ribeiro, Halanych, Dang, Bakenhaster, Arias & Bullard, 2017, as infecting a bivalve, Anadara trapezia (Deshayes) (Arcidae), as the intermediate host in Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. The cercaria of E. bristowi has a prominent finfold, distinct anterior and posterior widenings of the oesophagus, a tail with symmetrical furcae with finfolds, and develops in elongate to oval sporocysts. We also report molecular data for an unmatched aporocotylid cercaria from another bivalve, Megapitaria squalida (G. B. Sowerby I) (Veneridae), from the Gulf of California, Mexico, and six unmatched cercariae from a gastropod, Posticobia brazieri (E. A. Smith) (Tateidae), from freshwater systems of south-east Queensland, Australia. Phylogenetic analyses demonstrate the presence of six strongly-supported lineages within the Aporocotylidae, including one of elopomorph-infecting genera, Elopicola Bullard, 2014 and Paracardicoloides Martin, 1974, now shown to use both gastropods and bivalves as intermediate hosts. Of a likely 14 aporocotylid species reported from bivalves, six are now genetically characterised. The cercarial morphology of these six species demonstrates a clear distinction between those that infect chondrichthyans and those that infect elopomorphs; chondrichthyan-infecting aporocotylids have cercariae with asymmetrical furcae that lack finfolds and develop in spherical sporocysts whereas those of elopomorph-infecting aporocotylids have symmetrical furcae with finfolds and develop in elongate sporocysts. This morphological correlation allows predictions of the host-based lineage to which the unsequenced species belong. The Aporocotylidae is proving exceptional in is propensity for major switches in intermediate host use, with the most parsimonious interpretation of intermediate host distribution implying a minimum of three host switches within the family.  相似文献   

The spore stage of Haplosporidium nelsoni , the ascetosporan parasite causing multinucleated sphere unknown (MSX) disease in oysters, Crassostrea virginica , has been reported so rarely (≥0.01% of infected oysters) that a second host has been postulated. However, recent intensive sampling of young (≥1 year) oysters in Delaware Bay, U.S. suggests that spore formation occurs regularly in this group and that spores are produced in at least 75–85% of all infections reaching the advanced stage. Sporulation was seasonal, occurring over two to three weeks in late June/early July and again in late summer/early fall. Our data indicate that sporulation by H. nelsoni in oysters is more common than previously suspected, occurring in a segment of the host population that may not have been sufficiently sampled in the past, and that a direct life cycle should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, a vector of citrus huanglongbing, is now present in all citrus‐producing states in the USA and Mexico. In addition to citrus, the insect can reproduce on several other plant species in the Rutaceae family; orange jasmine (Murraya spp.) and curry leaf (Bergera koenigii) are among its preferred hosts. There are several indigenous Rutaceae species in North America, and some are popular ornamentals. A study was therefore initiated to determine the suitability of some of these plants for feeding and development of the psyllid in choice and no‐choice experiments. D. citri was found to reproduce successfully on Choisya ternata, C. arizonica and Helietta parvifolia in no‐choice tests, but preferentially selected orange jasmine and curry leaf for feeding and reproduction, in choice tests. On Amyris madrensis, A. texana and Zanthoxylum fagara, adult psyllids laid eggs which hatched, but no successful nymphal development was recorded beyond the first instars. No oviposition was recorded on Esenbeckia berlandieri, Ptelea trifoliata and Casimiroa tetrameria, although adult psyllids were able to survive on these species for several days. Results showed that C. ternata, C. arizonica and H. parvifolia can serve host plants of D. citri and this constitutes the first report of these plants serving as host for D. citri. The findings of the present study suggest that native rutaceous host plants can serve as host plants and thus affect D. citri population dynamics and the epidemiology of Huanglongbing, the deadly citrus greening disease whose pathogen is vectored by D. citri. Thus, area‐wide management of this pest also should target these riparian habitats where these host plants are present with D. citri biological control agents for sustainable management of this pest.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Leishmania parasites, which afflict 12 million people in 88 countries, exist as promastigotes transmitted by insect vectors and as amastigotes residing in mammalian macrophages. Promastigote cells arranged in rosettes have also been described but universally disregarded as a distinct stage in the life cycle. We present evidence that only rosettes of Leishmania major promastigotes express cell surface poly‐α2,8 N‐acetyl neuraminic acid (PSA) and PSA containing de‐N‐acetyl neuraminic acid (NeuPSA). Expression of rosette‐specific PSA antigens was mosaic, with individual promastigotes expressing PSA, NeuPSA or both. A 50 kDa protein was detected by Western blot analysis of a detergent‐insoluble cell fraction with both PSA and NeuPSA‐reactive antibodies. Frequencies of rosette formation as well as cell surface PSA/NeuPSA expression were temperature dependent. Rosettes also engaged in an unusual swarming behavior, congregating into extended clusters. Distinct structures resembling cellular fusion bodies were formed in and released from rosettes. The results indicate that rosettes are an unrecognized stage in the life cycle of Leishmania. We hypothesize that rosettes initiate mating in Leishmania during which PSA/NeuPSA expression plays an important role. Recognizing rosettes as a distinct form of the Leishmania life cycle opens new possibilities for treatment or prevention of disease and, possibly, in vitro genetic recombination without passage of cells through insect vectors.  相似文献   

Some species of the aphid genus Nipponaphis (Nipponaphidini) form green, globular or fig‐shaped galls on the evergreen Distylium racemosum, their primary host. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of aphid samples collected from both their galls and secondary hosts indicated the occurrence of four species in Japan: N. distychii, N. distyliicola, N. loochooensis and N. machilicola. The four species could also be discriminated from one another in morphology. The name N. litseae turned out to be a junior synonym of N. distychii. Galls formed by N. machilicola are reported for the first time in this paper. The life cycles of the four species are briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

In a Utah canyon, the aphid Pemphigus betae shows both a complex life cycle, with alternation between a gall-forming phase on cottonwood leaves and a root-feeding phase on herbs, and a simple life cycle, with year-round residence on roots. In order to determine the extent of clonal variation in life cycle, experiments using multiple sublines of individual clones were carried out in the laboratory and in the field. Previous studies suggested that both genetic and environmental factors underlie life cycle differences among subpopulations of aphids from different sites and different life cycle phases. The current study is the first assessment of clonal variation in propensity for host alternation within a natural population of aphids. In the laboratory experiment, clones showed highly significant differences in reproductive rates and in production of the host-alternating migrants. In agreement with previous findings, clones originating from lineages that had alternated to cotton-wood hosts in the previous year had lower average density and produced more migrants than clones originating from lineages that had remained on roots during the previous year. In order to ascertain how clonal variation and site-specific environmental factors affect life cycle variation under natural conditions, clones from laboratory cultures were used to establish experimental colonies at two elevational sites within the canyon. Production of the host-alternating migrants was affected strongly by clone-x-site interaction and was affected slightly by site. Results from both experiments indicate that loss of host alternation in P. betae could be effected through genetic change, environmental change, or both.  相似文献   

The complete life cycle of Amblyospora campbelli (Kellen and Wills, 1962) (Microsporida: Amblyosporidae) requires a two-host system involving the mosquito host, Culiseta incidens (Thomson), and an obligatory intermediate copepod host. The parasite has dimorphic spore development producing meiospores (haploid condition) and binucleated spores (diploid condition), either as an exclusive infection or simultaneously (within females only). This is the 1st known report of concurrent spore development within an adult mosquito host, and, therefore, shows the Amblyospora campbelli system to be uniquely different from other Amblyospora spp. cycles previously described. The significance of dimorphic spore development is discussed. In females, diplokaryotic meronts may invade oenocytes, causing a benign-type of infection. A blood-meal is required to initiate sporulation of the binucleate spore. The binucleate spore contains the sporoplasm involved in transovarial transmission. A 2nd sporulation sequence, primarily in adipose tissue, may involve both males and females. In this sequence, repeated merogonic division greatly increased the density of diplokaryotic meronts and generally involved most of the body of the host. Production of meiospores, unlike that for the binucleate spore, appeared to be spontaneous (i.e. no obligatory blood meal). Survivorship of male and female larval mosquitoes was nearly equal. Adult females spread the parasite in three ways: transovarial, transovum, and by meiospore deposition.  相似文献   

The Janetschek method is a variation of the simple frequency method and therefore subject to the same limitations. Instars can only be reliably determined by these methods if development within the population is known to be homogeneous. The number of nymphal instars proposed by Kondratieff and Voshell (1980) for an overwintering population of Stenonema modestum in the North Anna River of Virginia is not substantiated. These authors estimated a total of 14–15 nymphal instars using the simple frequency and Janetschek methods. A reexamination of their paper indicates that the development of this 5. modestum population is quite variable and therefore not amenable to successful instar determination using the simple frequency, Janetschek or any other indirect instar determination method. Indirect instar determination methods cannot be considered reliable in determining the number of instars of Ephemeroptera because of the developmental variability characteristic of most, if not all, mayfly species.  相似文献   

Alboglossiphonia polypompholyx spends most of its life cycle endoparasitic in the mantle cavity of the snail Bulinus truncatus — possibly its only host. Adult A. polypompholyx leaves the snail about one month before the commencement of egg-laying. Hatching occurred after about 15 d and after brooding on the venter of the parent for 7–10 d, the young briefly become free-living before entering the mantle cavity of B. truncatus. Within the mantle cavity, A. polypompholyx feeds and grows for 16–20 weeks before leaving the snail as adults. In the field and in laboratory experiments, adult leeches left the snails in August/September and January with cocoons produced in October/November and February/March, respectively. Free-living adult leeches do not feed and die 1–2 months after the cessation of brooding.  相似文献   


The aim of this work was to determine whether the neurogenic mechanisms which trigger LH release during the critical period in the afternoon of proestrus could be revealed during the diestrous period of the cycle.  相似文献   

Limnodrilus claparedeanus with its high productivity is the most numerous tubificid species in the Tsimlyansk Reservoir. As a result of frequent reproduction, young worms are abundant in the population. Individuals mature in a short time and are able to lay cocoons nine weeks after hatching. The number of embryos in the cocoons varies from one to twenty-six, thirteen being most frequent. The young worms mature rapidly and early reproduction results in an increase in the population in autumn.  相似文献   

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