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Lactobacilli and bile salt hydrolase in the murine intestinal tract   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Mice that have a complex intestinal microflora but that do not harbor lactobacilli were used to determine the contribution of lactobacilli to the total bile salt hydrolase activity in the murine intestinal tract. Bile salt hydrolase activity in the ileal contents of these mice was reduced 86% in the absence of lactobacilli and by greater than 98% in the absence of lactobacilli and enterococci compared with samples from conventional mice. Bile salt hydrolase activities were lower in ileal and cecal contents from lactobacillus-free mice colonized with enterococci than in samples from lactobacillus-free mice colonized with lactobacilli. Bile salt hydrolase activity in the duodena, jejuna, ilea, and ceca of reconstituted lactobacillus-free mice colonized by lactobacilli was similar to that in samples from the intestinal tracts of conventional mice. We conclude from these studies that lactobacilli are the main contributors to total bile salt hydrolase activity in the murine intestinal tract.  相似文献   

Distribution of indigenous lactobacilli in the gastrointestinal tracts of rats was investigated at the species level. The indigenous lactobacilli isolated from conventional rats were divided into three groups, Lactobacillus acidophilus and its related strains, L. fermentum, and L. murini. Localization of the Lactobacillus groups in the gastrointestinal tracts could be distinguished clearly based on arabinose and glucose fermentation reaction of isolates from each part of the gastrointestinal tract. Group I (L. acidophilus and the related strains) and Group II (L. fermentum) were the major populations of lactobacilli on the walls of the non-glandular part and in the contents of the stomachs of both conventional and gnotobiotic rats. Group I predominated in all the parts of the digestive tract of conventional rats, whereas Group II was in the minority in the lower part of the gastrointestinal tracts of both groups of rats. Group III (L. murini) was the predominant population of Lactobacillus in the lower part of small intestine of conventional rats and in all parts of the gastrointestinal tracts of gnotobiotic rats except for the wall of the non-glandular part of the stomach.  相似文献   

To learn the biochemical mechanisms controlling the distribution of indigenous lactobacilli in the gastrointestinal tracts of rats, the effect of pH and stomach and cecal contents on lactobacillus distribution was investigated in vitro with a mixed culture of three lactobacillus strains isolated from the rat intestine. The pH of the growth medium affected the growth of lactobacilli strongly, irrespective of the lumenal contents. Lactobacillus fermentum outnumbered L. acidophilus and L. murini at low pH (PH 4.5; average pH of stomach contents of conventional rats) but at near neutral pH (pH 6.5; average pH of cecal contents of conventional rats), the growth of L. murini was predominant with all strains. More lactic acid was formed by lactobacilli in medium consisting of stomach contents than in cecal contents medium. L. murini grew in the nondialyzable fraction of the stomach contents and L. fermentum grew in the dialyzable fraction, but L. acidophilus did not grow in either fraction. L. murini grew in the nondialyzable fraction treated with hyaluronidase. In contrast, the nondialyzable fraction treated with pronase or chondroitinase did not allow L. murini to grow at all.  相似文献   

Lactobacilli and bile salt hydrolase in the murine intestinal tract.   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Mice that have a complex intestinal microflora but that do not harbor lactobacilli were used to determine the contribution of lactobacilli to the total bile salt hydrolase activity in the murine intestinal tract. Bile salt hydrolase activity in the ileal contents of these mice was reduced 86% in the absence of lactobacilli and by greater than 98% in the absence of lactobacilli and enterococci compared with samples from conventional mice. Bile salt hydrolase activities were lower in ileal and cecal contents from lactobacillus-free mice colonized with enterococci than in samples from lactobacillus-free mice colonized with lactobacilli. Bile salt hydrolase activity in the duodena, jejuna, ilea, and ceca of reconstituted lactobacillus-free mice colonized by lactobacilli was similar to that in samples from the intestinal tracts of conventional mice. We conclude from these studies that lactobacilli are the main contributors to total bile salt hydrolase activity in the murine intestinal tract.  相似文献   

In vitro adherence of Lactobacillus strains to cell and tissue types along the chicken alimentary tract and to ileal mucus were determined. Fresh isolates from chickens adhered to the epithelium of crop and, in a strain-dependent manner, to follicle-associated epithelium and the apical surfaces of mature enterocytes of intestinal villi. No adherence to the apical surfaces of undifferentiated enterocytes, the mucus-producing goblet cells, or the ileal mucus was detected.  相似文献   

Lactobacilli in the intestinal microbiota of Swedish infants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lactobacillus colonisation was examined in 112 Swedish infants. Faecal samples obtained at 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks and at 6, 12 and 18 months of age were cultivated quantitatively on Rogosa agar. Lactobacilli were speciated by PCR and typed to the strain level by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Lactobacilli reached a peak at 6 months when 45% of the infants were colonised. L. rhamnosus and L. gasseri were the most common species in this period. Colonisation by lactobacilli in general (P < 0.01) and L. rhamnosus in particular (P < 0.05) was more common in breast-fed than in weaned infants at 6 months of age. Lactobacillus isolation reached a nadir of 17% by 12 months (P < 0.0001), but increased to 31% by 18 months of age P < 0.05). The food-related species L. paracasei, L. plantarum, L. acidophilus and L. delbrueckii dominated in this second phase. A single strain persisted for at least 3 weeks in 17% of the infants during the first 6 months, most commonly L. rhamnosus. Lactobacillus population counts in colonised infants increased from 10(6.4) cfu/g at 1 week to 10(8.8) cfu/g at 6 months, and then dropped to 10(5.4) cfu/g faeces at 12 months of age. Lactobacillus colonisation was not significantly related to delivery mode, or to presence of siblings or pets in the household. Our results suggest that certain Lactobacillus species, especially L. rhamnosus, thrive in the intestinal flora of breast-fed infants. After weaning they are replaced by other Lactobacillus species of types found in food.  相似文献   

The antioxidant capacity of the avian intestinal mucosa is potentially important in protecting the gut wall from the harmful actions of reactive oxygen species originating from the diet, mucosal metabolism and the inflammatory response to enteric microbes. To assess this capacity, we determined the total lipid-soluble and water-soluble antioxidant activities of mucosal extracts, using tissue from different parts of the intestinal tract of the chicken. The lipid-soluble antioxidants, vitamin E and carotenoids, were also measured in the same samples. Total lipid-soluble antioxidant activity was highest in mucosa from the duodenum followed by the jejunum, with much lower activities in the ileum, ceca and colon. Total water-soluble antioxidant activity of the mucosa was at least an order of magnitude greater than the lipid-soluble activity under the assay conditions and did not differ significantly among the different parts of the intestinal tract. High concentrations of vitamin E were present in the mucosa of the duodenum and jejunum, with a trend to lower levels in the ileum and ceca, and significantly less in the colon. Similarly, the mucosa of the duodenum and jejunum contained the highest concentrations of carotenoids, with much lower levels in the ileum and colon. The different isoforms of vitamin E were absorbed from the digesta by the mucosa without any major selectivity. However, the liver was greatly enriched with alpha-tocopherol over the other isoforms, indicating a high degree of discrimination by this tissue. The results indicate major differences in the relative contributions of lipid- and water-soluble antioxidants in the mucosa along the different parts of the intestinal tract, most likely reflecting the sites of vitamin E and carotenoid absorption.  相似文献   

Avian intestinal spirochetosis (AIS) results from the colonization of the ceca and colorectum of poultry by pathogenic Brachyspira species. The number of cases of AIS has increased since the 2006 European Union ban on the use of antibiotic growth promoters, which, together with emerging antimicrobial resistance in Brachyspira, has driven renewed interest in alternative intervention strategies. Probiotics have been reported as protecting livestock against infection with common enteric pathogens, and here we investigate which aspects of the biology of Brachyspira they antagonize in order to identify possible interventions against AIS. The cell-free supernatants (CFS) of two Lactobacillus strains, Lactobacillus reuteri LM1 and Lactobacillus salivarius LM2, suppressed the growth of Brachyspira pilosicoli B2904 in a pH-dependent manner. In in vitro adherence and invasion assays with HT29-16E three-dimensional (3D) cells and in a novel avian cecal in vitro organ culture (IVOC) model, the adherence and invasion of B. pilosicoli in epithelial cells were reduced significantly by the presence of lactobacilli (P < 0.001). In addition, live and heat-inactivated lactobacilli inhibited the motility of B. pilosicoli, and electron microscopic observations indicated that contact between the lactobacilli and Brachyspira was crucial in inhibiting both adherence and motility. These data suggest that motility is essential for B. pilosicoli to adhere to and invade the gut epithelium and that any interference of motility may be a useful tool for the development of control strategies.  相似文献   

The sequence selectivity of enzyme-DNA interactions was analyzed by comparing discrimination between synthetic oligonucleotides containing the canonical site GAATTC and altered DNA sequences with the EcoRI DNA methyltransferase. The specificities (kcat/KmDNA) are decreased from 5- to 23,000-fold relative to the unmodified site. For several substrates the decrease in kcat makes a disproportionate contribution to the specificity difference, suggesting that discrimination is mediated by the placement of critical catalytic residues rather than binding interactions. This is supported by our observation that specificity changes are generally not followed by changes in the stability of the methyltransferase-DNA complexes. Also, base pair substitutions near the site of methylation result in greater decreases in complex stability, suggesting that recognition and catalytic mechanisms overlap.  相似文献   

Synthetic peptides such as P60stc autophosphorylation site peptides and angiotensin are indiscriminately phosphorylated by protein tyrosine kinases. The observation has led to the general belief that protein tyrosine kinases are highly promiscuous, displaying littlein vitro site specificity. In recent years, evidence has been accumulating to indicate that such a belief requires close examination. Synthetic peptides showing high substrate activity for specific groups of protein tyrosine kinases have been obtained. Systematic modification of certain substrate peptides suggests that kinase substrate determinants reside with specific amino acid residues proximal to the target tyrosine. A number of protein kinases have been shown to be regulated by tyrosine phosphorylation at specific sites by highly specific protein tyrosine kinases. These and other selected biochemical studies that contribute to the evolving view ofin vitro substrate specificity of protein tyrosine kinases are reviewed.  相似文献   

In vitro cleavage specificity of the adenovirus type 2 proteinase   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Two in vitro proteinase assay systems were developed and used to study the peptide bond specificity and substrate specificity of the adenovirus endoproteinase. Five adenovirus precursor proteins (PVI, PVII, PVIII, 87K, 11K), all found in the virion of the ts1 mutant grown at the nonpermissive temperature, were digested by the proteinase. All, except 11K, were cleaved to their mature counterparts. Some of the proteins, particularly the 87K terminal protein, were processed via cleavage intermediates similar to those found in vivo. The data suggest that the proteinase specifically hydrolyses Gly-Ala bonds. The high specificity for the natural substrates and the failure to cleave foreign proteins suggest that cleavage activity is determined not only by primary sequence but also by other physical features of the substrate. Enzyme activity was inhibited by diisopropylfluorophosphate, showing that it is a serine proteinase.  相似文献   

Tonnage-based information requirements are specified in the proposal on the regulation on the Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals (REACH) in the European Union. The hazard assessment for toxic endpoints should be performed by using a tiered approach, i.e. as an information strategy (IS), starting with an evaluation of all of the data already available, including animal in vivo and in vitro data, and human evidence and case reports, as well as data from (Quantitative)-Structure Activity Relationships ([Q]SARs) or read-across, before any further testing is suggested. To contribute to the implementation of the REACH system, the Nordic countries launched two projects: 1) a review of currently used testing strategies, including a comparison with the REACH requirements; and 2) the development of detailed ISs for skin and eye irritation/corrosion. The review showed that the ISs and classification criteria for the selected endpoints are inconsistent in many cases. In the classification criteria, human data and in vivo test results are usually the prerequisites. Other types of information, such as data from in vitro studies, can sometimes be used, but usually as supportive evidence only. This differs from the REACH ISs, where QSARs, read-across and in vitro testing are important elements. In the other part of the project, an IS for skin and eye irritation/corrosion was proposed. The strategy was "tested" by using four high production volume (HPV) chemicals: hydrogen peroxide, methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE), trivalent chromium, and diantimony trioxide, but only MTBE and trivalent chromium are dealt with in this paper. The "test" revealed that in vivo data, human case reports and physical-chemical data were available and could be used in the evaluation. Classification could be based on the proposed IS and the existing data in all cases, except for the eye irritation/corrosion of trivalent chromium. Weight-of-evidence analysis appeared to be a useful step in the ISs proposed, and including it in the REACH strategies should be considered. For these chemicals, few in vitro and (Q)SAR data were available--more of these data would be generated, if the relevant guidance and legislation on classification were updated.  相似文献   

In vitro translation of avian myeloblastosis virus RNA.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

The distribution of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), bombesin and gastrin-cholecystokinin in the chicken was studied by radioimmunoassay of tissue extracts. VIP was present in high concentrations in colon (186 +/- 29 pmol/g), cloaca (116 +/- 27 pmol/g), jejunum (97 +/- 14 pmol/g) and pancreas (15 +/- 3 pmol/g) but not detected in lung, liver or thymus. The highest concentration of bombesin was in the proventriculus (92 +/- 13 pmol/g), negligible in remaining gut but found in brain. Gel chromatography indicated two forms of bombesin: one form eluting with bombesin-14 and the other with gastrin releasing peptide. Gastrin-like immunoreactivity was found in low levels in the gut and brain. The concentrations were higher with an antiserum which cross reacted with the carboxy terminus common to gastrin-17 and CCK compared to a gastrin specific antisera (P less than 0.01). This suggests that the carboxy terminal region has been conserved during evolution. Each distribution pattern of bombesin, VIP and gastrin CCK is different, and distinct from that found in mammals, suggesting specific roles for these peptides in birds.  相似文献   

The O2-position of thymine is a major site of base alkylation by N-nitroso-alkylating agents, and its biological relevance remains obscure. The potential significance of this DNA damage was ascertained by studying in vitro DNA replication properties of O2-ethylthymidine (O2-Et-dT) site-specifically incorporated into a 36-nucleotide template. DNA replication was initiated eight nucleotides away from the O2-Et-dT lesion by Escherichia coli polymerase I (Klenow fragment) using a 17-nucleotide primer. In the presence of 10 microM dNTP and Mg2+, O2-Et-dT blocked DNA replication predominantly (94%) 3' to O2-Et-dT, with the remainder (5%) blocked after incorporation of a nucleotide opposite O2-Et-dT (incorporation-dependent blocked product). Postlesion synthesis was negligible (less than 1%). Nucleotide incorporation opposite O2-Et-dT increased to 23% at 200 microM dNTP. Postlesion synthesis remained negligible (less than 2%). DNA sequencing revealed dA present opposite O2-Et-dT in the incorporation-dependent blocked product. Negligible postlesion synthesis suggests that incorporation of dA opposite O2-Et-dT inhibits in vitro DNA synthesis. The O2-Et-dT.dA base pair may also impede DNA synthesis in vivo, contributing to the cytotoxicity of the ethylating agents. Substitution of Mn2+ for Mg2+ enhanced nucleotide incorporation opposite O2-Et-dT and produced postlesion synthesis (16%) at 10 microM dNTP, which increased to 39% at 200 microM dNTP. DNA sequence analysis showed that while dA was present opposite O2-Et-dT in the incorporation-dependent blocked product, both dA and dT were present opposite this lesion in the postlesion synthesis product.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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