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Within 1 or 2 decades, the reputation of membrane‐spanning α‐helices has changed dramatically. Once mostly regarded as dull membrane anchors, transmembrane domains are now recognized as major instigators of protein–protein interaction. These interactions may be of exquisite specificity in mediating assembly of stable membrane protein complexes from cognate subunits. Further, they can be reversible and regulatable by external factors to allow for dynamic changes of protein conformation in biological function. Finally, these helices are increasingly regarded as dynamic domains. These domains can move relative to each other in different functional protein conformations. In addition, small‐scale backbone fluctuations may affect their function and their impact on surrounding lipid shells. Elucidating the ways by which these intricate structural features are encoded by the amino acid sequences will be a fascinating subject of research for years to come.  相似文献   

The folding of a polypeptide from an extended state to a well-defined conformation is studied using microsecond classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and replica exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) simulations in explicit solvent and in vacuo. It is shown that the solvated peptide folds many times in the REMD simulations but only a few times in the conventional simulations. From the folding events in the classical simulations we estimate an approximate folding time of 1-2 micros. The REMD simulations allow enough sampling to deduce a detailed Gibbs free energy landscape in three dimensions. The global minimum of the energy landscape corresponds to the native state of the peptide as determined previously by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments. Starting from an extended state it takes about 50 ns before the native structure appears in the REMD simulations, about an order of magnitude faster than conventional MD. The calculated melting curve is in good qualitative agreement with experiment. In vacuo, the peptide collapses rapidly to a conformation that is substantially different from the native state in solvent.  相似文献   

The glycerol-3-phosphate transporter (GlpT) is a member of the major facilitator superfamily (MFS). GlpT is an organic phosphate/inorganic phosphate antiporter. It shares a similar fold with other MFS transporters (e.g. LacY and EmrD) consisting of 12 transmembrane (TM) helices which form two domains (each of six TM helices) surrounding a central ligand-binding cavity. The TM helices (especially the cavity-lining helices) contain a large number of proline and glycine residues, which may aid in the conformational changes believed to underline the transport mechanism. Molecular dynamics simulations in a phospholipid bilayer have been used to compare the conformational properties of the isolated TM helices with those in the intact GlpT protein. Analysis of these simulations focuses on the role of proline-induced flexibility in the TM helices. Our results are consistent with the proposed rocker switch mechanism for transport by GlpT. In particular, the simulations highlight the cavity-lining helices (H4, H5, H10 and H11) as being significantly flexible, suggesting that the transport mechanism may involve intra-helix motions in addition to pseudo-rigid body motions of the N- and C-terminal domains relative to one another.  相似文献   

NalP is an autotransporter secretory protein found in the outer membrane of Neisseria meningitidis. The crystal structure of the NalP translocator domain revealed a transmembrane β-barrel containing a central α-helix. The role of this α-helix, and of the conformational dynamics of the β-barrel pore have been studied via atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. Three simulations, each of 10 ns duration, of NalP embedded within a solvated DMPC bilayer were performed. The helix was removed from the barrel interior in one simulation. The conformational stability of the protein is similar to that of other outer membrane proteins, e.g., OmpA, in comparable simulations. The transmembrane β-barrel is stable even in the absence of the α-helix. Removal of the helix results in an influx of water into the pore region, suggesting the helix acts as a ‘plug’. Water molecules entering the resultant pore form hydrogen bonds with the barrel lining that compensate for the loss of helix-barrel hydrogen bonds. The dimensions of the pore fluctuate over the course of the simulation revealing it to be flexible, but only wide enough to allow transport of the passenger domain in an unfolded or extended conformation. The simulations help us to understand the role of the central helix in plugging the pore and in maintaining the width of the barrel, and show that the NalP monomer is sufficient for the transport of the passenger domain in an unfolded or extended conformation.  相似文献   

A refinement protocol based on physics‐based techniques established for water soluble proteins is tested for membrane protein structures. Initial structures were generated by homology modeling and sampled via molecular dynamics simulations in explicit lipid bilayer and aqueous solvent systems. Snapshots from the simulations were selected based on scoring with either knowledge‐based or implicit membrane‐based scoring functions and averaged to obtain refined models. The protocol resulted in consistent and significant refinement of the membrane protein structures similar to the performance of refinement methods for soluble proteins. Refinement success was similar between sampling in the presence of lipid bilayers and aqueous solvent but the presence of lipid bilayers may benefit the improvement of lipid‐facing residues. Scoring with knowledge‐based functions (DFIRE and RWplus) was found to be as good as scoring using implicit membrane‐based scoring functions suggesting that differences in internal packing is more important than orientations relative to the membrane during the refinement of membrane protein homology models.  相似文献   

Membrane protein function and stability has been shown to be dependent on the lipid environment. Recently, we developed a high-throughput computational approach for the prediction of membrane protein/lipid interactions. In the current study, we enhanced this approach with the addition of a new measure of the distortion caused by membrane proteins on a lipid bilayer. This is illustrated by considering the effect of lipid tail length and headgroup charge on the distortion caused by the integral membrane proteins MscS and FLAP, and by the voltage sensing domain from the channel KvAP. Changing the chain length of lipids alters the extent but not the pattern of distortion caused by MscS and FLAP; lipid headgroups distort in order to interact with very similar but not identical regions in these proteins for all bilayer widths investigated. Introducing anionic lipids into a DPPC bilayer containing the KvAP voltage sensor does not affect the extent of bilayer distortion.  相似文献   

We have investigated the structure and dynamics of three cavitand-based four-helix bundles (caviteins) by computer simulation. In these systems, designed de novo, each of the four helices contain the identical basis sequence EELLKKLEELLKKG (N1). Each cavitein consists of a rigid macrocycle (cavitand) with four aryl linkages, to each of which is connected an N1 peptide by means of a linker peptide. The three caviteins studied here differ only in the linker peptide, which consist of one, two, or three glycine residues. Previous experimental work has shown that these systems exhibit very different behavior in terms of stability and oligomerization states despite the small differences in the linker peptide. Given that to date no three-dimensional structure is available for these caviteins, we have undertaken a series of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in explicit water to try to rationalize the large differences in the experimentally observed behavior of these systems. Our results provide insight, for the first time, into why and how the cavitein with a single glycine linker forms dimers. In addition, our results indicate why although the two- and three-glycine-linked caviteins have similar stabilities, they have different native-like characteristics: the cavitein with three glycines can form a supercoiled helix, whereas the one with two glycines cannot. These findings may provide a useful guide in the rational de novo design of novel proteins with finely tunable structures and functions in the future.  相似文献   

The results of full-atom molecular dynamics simulations of the transmembrane domains (TMDs) of both native, and Glu664-mutant (either protonated or unprotonated) Neu in an explicit fully hydrated dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) lipid bilayer are presented. For the native TMD peptide, a 10.05 ns trajectory was collected, while for the mutant TMD peptides 5.05 ns trajectories were collected for each. The peptides in all three simulations display stable predominantly -helical hydrogen bonding throughout the trajectories. The only significant exception occurs near the C-terminal end of the native and unprotonated mutant TMDs just outside the level of the lipid headgroups, where -helical hydrogen bonding develops, introducing a kink in the backbone structure. However, there is no indication of the formation of a bulge within the hydrophobic region of either native or mutant peptides. Over the course of the simulation of the mutant peptide, it is found that a significant number of water molecules penetrate the hydrophobic region of the surrounding lipid molecules, effectively hydrating Glu664. If the energy cost of such water penetration is significant enough, this may be a factor in the enhanced dimerization affinity of Glu664-mutant Neu.  相似文献   

Candida antarctica lipase B (CALB), a serine protease, is involved in the hydrolysis of substrates at the aqueous lipid interface. There is a significant role played by the helices in serine proteases including acting as a flap covering the active site region. The α5 and α10 helices in the path to the active site of CALB appear to play an important role in the region. This study investigates these helices by mutational studies, docking and molecular dynamics simulations. The mutations were selected based on their proximity to the active site and their presence at the α10-helix in the path of the active site. Molecular dynamics studies reveal the flexibility, stability and hydrogen bonding ability of the α5 helix. The radius of gyration (R g) clearly showed the compactness of the structure. Docking studies show the changes occurring at the protein's binding site before and after 15 ns of simulation. Results from the study demonstrate the importance of the two helices α5 and α10 in the stability of CALB.  相似文献   

Johansson AC  Lindahl E 《Proteins》2008,70(4):1332-1344
Studies of insertion and interactions of amino acids in lipid membranes are pivotal to our understanding of membrane protein structure and function. Calculating the insertion cost as a function of transmembrane helix sequence is thus an important step towards improved membrane protein prediction and eventually drug design. Here, we present position-dependent free energies of solvation for all amino acid analogs along the membrane normal. The profiles cover the entire region from bulk water to hydrophobic core, and were produced from all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. Experimental differences corresponding to mutations and costs for entire segments match experimental data well, and in addition the profiles provide the spatial resolution currently not available from experiments. Polar side-chains largely maintain their hydration and assume quite ordered conformations, which indicates the solvation cost is mainly entropic. The cost of solvating charged side-chains is not only significantly lower than for implicit solvation models, but also close to experiments, meaning these could well maintain their protonation states inside the membrane. The single notable exception to the experimental agreement is proline, which is quite expensive to introduce in vivo despite its hydrophobicity--a difference possibly explained by kinks making it harder to insert helices in the translocon.  相似文献   

The flavivirus membrane fusion is triggered by the acid pH of the endosomes after virus endocytosis. The proposed mechanism involves changes in the protonation state of conserved histidine residues of the E protein present in the viral surface that undergoes a series of structural rearrangements that result in the fusion between the endosome and viral bilayers. We studied the pH dependence of E protein rearrangements of dengue virus type 2, used as a model, in the pH range experimented by the virus along the fusion process. We employed a low computational cost scheme to explore the behavior of the E protein by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of complete systems that include the protein, the solvent, and ions. The procedure alternates cyclically the update of the ionization states of the protein residues with common MD steps applied to the new ionization configuration. Important pH-dependent protein structure rearrangements consistent with the changes of the protonation states of conserved histidine residues were observed. The involvement of other conserved residues in the flavivirus in the rearrangements was also identified. The results show interesting correlations with a proposed model for the fusion mechanism, as well as the experimentally identified key residues, contributing to a better understanding of the structural changes in protein E that lead to the fusion process.  相似文献   

The transmembrane, bacteriochlorophyll-binding region of a bacterial light-harvesting complex, (LH2-alpha from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides) was redesigned and overexpressed in a mutant of Rb. sphaeroides lacking LH2. Bacteriochlorophyll served as internal probe for the fitness of this new region for the assembly and energy transfer function of the LH2 complex. The ability to absorb and transfer light energy is practically undisturbed by the exchange of the transmembrane segment, valine -7 to threonine +6, of LH2-alpha with a 14 residue Ala-Leu sequence. This stretch makes up the residues of the transmembrane helix that are in close contact (< or =4.5 A) with the bacteriochlorophyll molecules that are coordinated through His of both the alpha and beta-subunits. In this Ala-Leu stretch, neither alpha-His0, which binds the bacteriochlorophyll, nor the adjacent alpha-Ile-1, were replaced. Novel LH2 complexes composed of LH2-alpha with a model transmembrane sequence and a normal LH2-beta are assembled in vivo into a complex, the biochemical and spectroscopic properties of which closely resemble the native one. In contrast, the additional insertion of four residues just outside the C-terminal end of the model transmembrane helix leads to complete loss of functional antenna complex. The results suggest that light energy can be harvested and transferred efficiently by bacteriochlorophyll molecules attached to only few key residues distributed over the polypeptide, while residues at the bacteriochlorophyll-helix interface seem to be largely dispensable for the functional assembly of this membrane protein complex. This novel antenna with a simplified transmembrane domain and a built-in probe for assembly and function provides a powerful model system for investigation of the factors that contribute to the assembly of chromophores in membrane-embedded proteins.  相似文献   

Prévost M 《Biopolymers》2004,75(2):196-207
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of several nanoseconds each were used to monitor the dynamic behavior of the five crystal water molecules buried in the interior of the N-terminal domain of apolipoprotein E. These crystal water molecules are fairly well conserved in several apolipoprotein E structures, suggesting that they are not an artifact of the crystal and that they may have a structural and/or functional role for the protein. All five buried crystal water molecules leave the protein interior in the course of the longest simulations and exchange with water molecules from the bulk. The free energies of binding evaluated from the electrostatic binding free energy computed using a continuum model and estimates of the binding entropy changes represent shallow minima. The corresponding calculated residence times of the buried water molecules range from tens of picoseconds to hundreds of nanoseconds, which denote rather short times as for buried water molecules. Several water exchanges monitored in the simulations show that water molecules along the exit/entrance pathway use a relay of H bonds primarily formed with charged residues which helps either the exit or the entrance from or into the buried site. The exit/entrance of water molecules from/into the sites is permitted essentially by local motions of, at most, two side chains, indicating that, in these cases, complex correlated atomic motions are not needed to open the buried site toward the surface of the protein. This provides a possible explanation for the short residence times.  相似文献   

G-protein-coupled receptors play a crucial role in various signaling pathways and function as targets for treating a wide spectrum of diseases. Since the twentieth century, extensive research has been conducted on the Mu opioid receptor (MOR) as a drug target. We examined the MOR inactivation and activation processes using an enhanced sampling method (Gaussian accelerated molecular dynamics), the binding pocket site area method, the root mean square deviation method, and the free energy (potential of mean force) method. This study revealed two important intermediate MOR structures (intermediate and intermediate inactive), and the results suggest that the intermediate MOR structure is responsible for the selectivity of opioids.  相似文献   

We propose a new approach for force field optimizations which aims at reproducing dynamics characteristics using biomolecular MD simulations, in addition to improved prediction of motionally averaged structural properties available from experiment. As the source of experimental data for dynamics fittings, we use 13C NMR spin‐lattice relaxation times T1 of backbone and sidechain carbons, which allow to determine correlation times of both overall molecular and intramolecular motions. For structural fittings, we use motionally averaged experimental values of NMR J couplings. The proline residue and its derivative 4‐hydroxyproline with relatively simple cyclic structure and sidechain dynamics were chosen for the assessment of the new approach in this work. Initially, grid search and simplexed MD simulations identified large number of parameter sets which fit equally well experimental J couplings. Using the Arrhenius‐type relationship between the force constant and the correlation time, the available MD data for a series of parameter sets were analyzed to predict the value of the force constant that best reproduces experimental timescale of the sidechain dynamics. Verification of the new force‐field (termed as AMBER99SB‐ILDNP) against NMR J couplings and correlation times showed consistent and significant improvements compared to the original force field in reproducing both structural and dynamics properties. The results suggest that matching experimental timescales of motions together with motionally averaged characteristics is the valid approach for force field parameter optimization. Such a comprehensive approach is not restricted to cyclic residues and can be extended to other amino acid residues, as well as to the backbone. Proteins 2014; 82:195–215. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The affects of differences in amino acid sequence on the temperature stability of the three-dimensional structure of the small beta-sheet protein, rubredoxin (Rd), was revealed when a set of homology models was subjected to molecular dynamics simulations at relatively high temperatures. Models of Rd from the hyperthermophile, Pyrococcus furiosus (Pf), an organism that grows optimally at 100 degrees C, were compared to three mesophilic Rds of known X-ray crystal structure. Simulations covering the limits of known Rd thermostabilities were carried out at temperatures of 300 K, 343 K, 373 K, and 413 K. They suggest that Rd stability is correlated with structural dynamics. Because the dynamic behavior of three Pf Rd models was consistently different from the dynamic behavior of the three mesophilic Rd structures, detailed analysis of the temperature-dependent dynamic behavior was carried out. The major differences between the models of the protein from the hyperthermophile and the others were: (1) an obvious temperature-dependent transition in the mesophilic structures not seen with the Pf Rd models, (2) consistent AMBER energy for the Pf Rd due to differences in nonbonded interaction terms, (3) less variation in the average conformations for the Pf Rd models with temperature, and (4) the presence of more extensive secondary structure for the Pf Rd models. These unsolvated dynamics simulations support a simple, general hypothesis to explain the hyperthermostability of Pf Rd. Its structure simplifies the conformational space to give a single minimum accessible over an extreme range of temperatures, whereas the mesophilic proteins sample a more complex conformational space with two or more minima over the same temperature range.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) II proteins bind peptide fragments derived from pathogen antigens and present them at the cell surface for recognition by T cells. MHC proteins are divided into Class I and Class II. Human MHC Class II alleles are grouped into three loci: HLA-DP, HLA-DQ, and HLA-DR. They are involved in many autoimmune diseases. In contrast to HLA-DR and HLA-DQ proteins, the X-ray structure of the HLA-DP2 protein has been solved quite recently. In this study, we have used structure-based molecular dynamics simulation to derive a tool for rapid and accurate virtual screening for the prediction of HLA-DP2-peptide binding. A combinatorial library of 247 peptides was built using the "single amino acid substitution" approach and docked into the HLA-DP2 binding site. The complexes were simulated for 1 ns and the short range interaction energies (Lennard-Jones and Coulumb) were used as binding scores after normalization. The normalized values were collected into quantitative matrices (QMs) and their predictive abilities were validated on a large external test set. The validation shows that the best performing QM consisted of Lennard-Jones energies normalized over all positions for anchor residues only plus cross terms between anchor-residues.  相似文献   

Nonsymbiotic hemoglobins (nsHbs) form a widely distributed class of plant proteins, which function remains unknown. Despite the fact that class 1 plant nonsymbiotic hemoglobins are hexacoordinate (6c) heme proteins (hxHbs), their hexacoordination equilibrium constants are much lower than in hxHbs from animals or bacteria. In addition, they are characterized by having very high oxygen affinities and low oxygen dissociation rate constants. Rice hemoglobin 1 (rHb1) is a class 1 nonsymbiotic hemoglobin. It crystallizes as a fully associated homodimer with both subunits in 6c state, but showing slightly different conformations, thus leading to an asymmetric crystallographic homodimer. The residues that constitute the dimeric interface are conserved among all nsHbs, suggesting that the quaternary structure could be relevant to explain the chemical behavior and biological function of this family of proteins. In this work, we analyze the molecular basis that determine the hexacoordination equilibrium in rHb1. Our results indicate that dynamical features of the quaternary structure significantly affect the hexacoordination process. Specifically, we observe that the pentacoordinate state is stabilized in the dimer with respect to the isolated monomers. Moreover, the dimer behaves asymmetrically, in a negative cooperative scheme. The results presented in this work are fully consistent with our previous hypothesis about the key role played by the nature of the CD region in determining the coordination state of globins. Proteins 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

OpcA is an integral outer membrane adhesin protein from Neisseria meningitidis, the causative agent of meningococcal meningitis and septicemia. It binds to sialic acid (SA)-containing polysaccharides on the surface of epithelial cells. The crystal structure of OpcA showed that the protein adopts a 10-stranded beta-barrel structure, with five extensive loop regions on the extracellular side of the membrane. These form a crevice structure, lined with basic residues, which was hypothesized to act as the binding site for polysaccharide ligands. In the current study, a distinctly different OpcA structure has been obtained using crystals grown from a lipidic mesophase. Comparison of the two structures shows that the largest loop (L2), which closes over the end of the beta-barrel in the original crystal form, adopts a much more extended structure by reaching outward and away from the protein. The difference in conformation may be attributable to the absence of zinc ions from the crystallization conditions for the in meso crystal form: in the original structure, two zinc ions were bound to the external loops. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations performed on the two OpcA models in a lipid bilayer environment demonstrated pronounced loop mobility. These observations support the view that the loop regions of OpcA are capable of a high degree of conformational flexibility. The original binding site for polysaccharide is not present in the in meso crystal form, and is disrupted during MD simulations. Docking analysis suggests a putative alternative location for the SA ligand in the new crystal form of OpcA.  相似文献   

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