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Thomas  Alerstam 《Ibis》1975,117(4):489-495
The detailed process of Crane Grus grus migration over sea and land, respectively, was studied from films of a radar station in Skåne, southernmost Sweden, during the spring migratory periods in 1972 and 1973. The true air speed for travelling over the sea was 67 km h-1, whereas over land the Cranes made use of thermal air to soar and gain height and the true air speed was 44 km h-1. Soaring lasted on the average 6.3 min and the distance travelled between the soaring interludes was 13.3 km. True air speed during the flights between thermals was about 70 km h-1. The Cranes compensated completely for wind drift over land, but only incomplete compensation took place over the sea. The angle between the Cranes' heading and track directions over the sea was composed of 68% compensation and 32% drift.  相似文献   

E. MARJORIE NORTHCOTE 《Ibis》1982,124(2):148-158
The giant extinct Maltese Swan is shown in this work to have been a land-feeding bird, well adapted for walking but with little or no ability to fly. Fossils of the swan prepared during this study comprise the most representative remains in existence; the greater part of the foot skeleton and the frontal part of the cranium are described for the first time. By comparison of the bones with those of living swans I estimate that it probably resembled a scaled-up Whooper Swan weighing about 16 kg and with a wing span of about 3 m.  相似文献   

John  Gibb 《Ibis》1951,93(1):109-127

C. De  Lucca 《Ibis》1969,111(3):322-337
The present paper is based on data obtained during several years' observations and three recent surveys. Little has previously been published on migration through the Maltese Islands. The geographical, vegetational and climatic factors of the islands are discussed in so far as they affect the migrants. Visible migration is seen with anticyclonic weather and westerly winds. Birds are found grounded after night migration in cyclonic weather with southwesterly or easterly winds, much larger numbers and variety being seen with the latter. When there is a deterioration in the weather during the night, a large influx of birds is seen on the following morning, and in addition large flocks of migrating Turtle Doves are seen. Several trans-Saharan migrants may pass in smaller numbers during autumn than spring, but the difference may be more apparent than real because in early autumn the birds may depart after only a very short stay, and a few conspicuous species are absent or scarce. By contrast several species which winter north of the Sahara pass only or in much larger numbers during autumn, and these more than make up for those which are absent or rare. There is no evidence from bird ringing that in spring Malta regularly gets birds from Tunisia, at any rate from that part covered by the ringing stations (Cap Bon, Enfidaville, Gabes). The migrants which pass through Malta probably originate from an area in North Africa around Tripoli and some way westwards of it. During autumn the bulk of recoveries is from eastern European countries with a smaller percentage from northern and central Europe. Several species or groups of species are dealt with individually. In the discussion stress is laid on the very close relationship between migration and weather, especially the wind component. The comparatively small numbers of birds seen at Malta probably form part of a larger movement travelling on a broad front. It is argued that the large “falls” of migrants in bad weather result from drift acting on a mass passing mainly to one side or the other of the islands. Since much larger densities are seen with easterly than with westerly winds, it follows, if the hypothesis of drift be correct, that the numbers of birds travelling to the east of Malta are larger than those to the west of it. Moreover, since day migrants are seen with westerly winds and the bulk of night migrants with easterly ones, it is inferred that day migrants normally pass to the west, and the bulk of night migrants to the east, of the Maltese Islands. A parallel is drawn between the autumn migration and the performance of racing pigeons which are flown from the north and NE at this season.  相似文献   

Mark  Beaman  Charles  Galea Mark Beaman 《Ibis》1974,116(4):419-431
Whilst the large migrations of raptors at the Bosphorus and at the Straits of Gibraltar have been documented in some detail, the movements which take place across the Mediterranean itself have been neglected. This paper reports observations of the visible migration of raptors over the Maltese Islands during 1969–73. The largest numbers of raptors were recorded both in spring and autumn during contrary winds or overcast conditions. Normally very few were seen before the early afternoon at either season, in spite of the much shorter minimum sea-crossing in autumn. Large passages occurred in winds with easterly or westerly components. It is therefore concluded that eastward drift does not greatly affect the numbers seen in Malta, as had been suggested by De Lucca (1969); rather that most influxes occurred in the late afternoon during unfavourable meteorological conditions. At other times most migration was probably above the visible range. The number of raptors observed on passage in the Maltese Islands was small compared with movements at the Bosphorus or at Gibraltar. Nevertheless, the numbers of the narrow-winged species (i.e., Ospreys, harriers and falcons) compare favourably with records at the narrow crossings. The only large soaring species commonly seen in Malta was the Honey Buzzard. Evidence is presented which suggests that the volume of Honey Buzzard migration across the central Mediterranean may be much larger than was formerly realized.  相似文献   

丹顶鹤胆囊的显微观察   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
应用光镜及透射电镜观察一例成体雄性丹顶鹤胆囊。结果表明,丹顶鹤胆囊粘粘膜、肌层和外膜三部分组成。粘膜上皮高柱状、游离端有密集排列的微绒毛,胞质面端有许多粘液颗粒,说明上皮细胞具有吸收功能并可分泌粘液。  相似文献   

1. Whatever heirarchical system of classifying graptolites is adopted, perhaps even raising them to the rank of phylum, the hemichordates including Rhabdopleura and Cephalodiscus remain their closest relatives. 2. Benthonic graptolites preceded and outlasted the planktonic graptolites which exhibited spectacular morphological changes related to a change to a holoplanktonic mode of life and a probable hermaphroditism. 3. The resorption of the narrow-end of the larval skeleton (prosicular cauda) enabled the construction by an outer layer of secreting tissue (extrathecal tissue) of a hollow nema, the dark hollow rod which supported gas-filled tissue and which in turn conferred buoyancy on the colony. 4. The nema provided access to the exterior of the colony for extrathecal tissue which began to strengthen the outside of the prosicular and metasicular parts of the larval skeleton with laminated cortical deposits before the first non-sicular individual of the colony was budded. 5. Attachment of the larval stage in those graptolites having a basal disc or ‘roots’ was by the first-formed extrathecal tissue through a resorbed cauda. 6. Initial attachment of the larval stage in certain encrusting graptolites such as Idiotubus may have been by a larval individual lacking any scleroprotein periderm as a skeletal sheath. 7. After initial attachment the extrathecal tissue continued to secrete additional layers of cortical tissue mostly for the purposes of strengthening the colony. 8. Feeding in graptolites was by ciliated lophophore often positioned so as to take maximum advantage of currents flowing from the dorsal to the ventral side of the colony, for example in Dictyonema and Monograptus. 9. The main function of the nema, particularly of those nemata bearing vanes, was as a support for vacuolated tissue which imparted a holoplanktonic mode of life to planktonic (sensu Zato) graptolites. 10. Attachment of colonies (rhabdosomes) as groups of colonies (synrhabdosomes) was by the extrathecal tissue issuing from the tips of the nemata: such associations were probably sexual rather than for reasons of buoyancy. 11. Attachment of planktonic graptolites to floating algal fronds is an unnecessary hypothesis. Although an undoubted occurrence of graptolites in rocks containing large quantities of carbonaceous matter is beyond dispute, the plant or animal nature of this material has never been established. A symbiotic relationship of planktonic graptolites with a marine, formless alga, perhaps involving the extrathecal tissue, remains a possibility. 12. Although different species may have lived at different depths, the full vertical range of the holoplanktonic graptolites was probably small. The evidence advanced for depth zonation is considered inadequate. 13. Planktonic graptolites were essentially tropical to temperate in distribution with the bulk of the species and individuals in the former environment. 14. Automobility of graptolite rhabdosomes was an unlikely mechanism and does not readily account for the morphology and distribution of the graptolites. 15. Most planktonic graptolites were suspended beneath a nema coated in extrathecal, vacuolated (gas-filled) tissue: changes of position in the water were by passive response to ocean currents. 16. The nature of the graptolite zooid is considered unsolved, although it may have been essentially like that of the extant Rhabdopleura in having paired lophophores. 17. It is possible that a modified pre-oral lobe was capable of secreting both fusellar (inner) and cortical (outer) layers of the periderm. 18. The extrathecal tissue itself would in that case have been derived both from the nemal tube and the thecal individuals.  相似文献   

Fruits, catkins, and associated leaves of at least two extinct trigonobalanoid taxa have been discovered at an Oligocene fossil plant locality rich in fagaceous remains. These fossils exhibit a mosaic of fruit and pollen characters found in the two extant subfamilies Castaneoideae and Fagoideae of Fagaceae. Comparison with cladograms based on modern taxa suggests that these extinct taxa were similar to the ancestors of subfamily Fagoideae and may have been intermediate between Fagus and the modern trigonobalanoid genera. Pollen types isolated from the fossil staminate catkins provide unique character states that are transitional between modern pollen types in Fagaceae and are important in understanding the evolution of exine micromorphology within the family. This analysis provides a striking example of the use of character data from fossils to determine character-state adjacency prior to polarization of characters using outgroup comparison. Because of the mosaic nature of their character complexes, these fossils support monophyly in both the family Fagaceae and the subfamily Fagoideae. In addition, the occurrence of trigonobalanoid fossils in the Oligocene of North America has interesting biogeographic implications and provides insights into the nature of North American Fagaceae during the Tertiary.  相似文献   

Summary.  The recent decoding of a painting-by-numbers technique used in the Pacific over two hundred years ago has allowed the first complete portrayal in colour of a long-extinct island endemic, Solanum bauerianum Endl., restricted to Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands.  相似文献   

本研究据已收集到的数据,用非参数统计方法确定了黑颈鹤种群的性比为1:1,避免了大量取样。根据黑颈鹤的特点,我们将其种群分成4个年龄组,并求出了各年龄组的存活率和繁殖率,据此建立了描述黑颈鹤种群动态的数学模型。用模型计算得出在乌蒙山区越冬的黑颈鹤种群的自然增长率为1.85‰;理想的种群结构为幼鹤、亚成鹤、成鹤、老鹤分别占总数的15.5%、21.5%、60.2%、2.8%,最后预测了乌蒙山黑颈鹤种群在1988~2000年越冬期的数量。1989年1月经实地调查该种群总数为310只,而预测值为303只,误差约2%。  相似文献   

The southern African endemic Short-clawed Lark Certhilauda chuana has two geographically isolated populations. Little is known about the smaller eastern population, which is restricted to the Polokwane Plateau, South Africa. To provide input for a conservation strategy for the eastern population, this study evaluated its habitat preference. Territories previously supporting Short-clawed Lark (1995–2005) were visited in the 2008/09 breeding season. Biophysical habitat parameters were measured at each site to determine the differences between active territories and those no longer active. Active territories had significantly less grass cover, more bare ground, shorter grass, smaller trees and had burned more recently. Bush encroachment and a reduction in the fire frequency were identified as serious threats to the Short-clawed Lark. However, overgrazing and harvesting of wood in rural areas may benefit the species.  相似文献   

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