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光周期和温度对亚洲玉米螟滞育诱导的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée)属兼性滞育昆虫, 其滞育特性与种群利用适生境的最大化和季节性活动密切相关。解析季节性因素如光周期和温度对其滞育的诱导作用可为预测种群发生动态提供科学依据。本实验在HPS 500型和HPG-320H型自动控制环境气候箱中, 测定了RH 80%下温度20℃, 27℃和30℃与11个光周期组合对吉林农安(NA)、 河北衡水(HS)、 广东惠州(HZ)和海南海口(HK)等4个地理种群的滞育诱导作用。结果表明: 光周期、 温度及其交互作用均对亚洲玉米螟滞育诱导具有重要影响, 其中光周期在滞育诱导中起主导作用。在20℃条件下, 其光周期反应曲线属典型的长日照反应型, 临界光周期随种群分布的地理纬度降低而缩短, 4个地理种群NA, HS, HZ和HK的临界日昼长依次为14 h 3 min, 13 h 59 min, 13 h 32 min和13 h 7 min, 最有效的滞育诱导光周期是日昼长12 h。另一方面, 随种群分布纬度升高, 其对光周期诱导滞育的敏感性降低。温度为27℃时, 其光周期反应曲线为短日照 长日照反应型, 各种群有两个临界光周期, 临界日昼长依次为12 h 50 min和13 h 32 min, 11 h 35 min和13 h 8 min, 12 h 58 min和13 h 1 min, 以及11 h 50 min和12 h 26 min, 且最有效的滞育诱导光周期范围的滞育率明显低于20℃。一定温度范围内(20℃~27℃), 随温度升高, 临界光周期缩短; 温度达到30℃时则滞育显著被抑制, 滞育率仅为4.3%或更低。这些结果说明温度对亚洲玉米螟滞育的光周期诱导具有很强的补偿作用。因此, 在自然界亚洲玉米螟的滞育属具有温度补偿作用的长日照反应型昆虫, 临界光周期随地理纬度北移而增长; 种群滞育的短日照 长日照反应型特性可能是产生局部世代种群的重要内因。  相似文献   

滞育是昆虫长期适应不利环境的重要对策之一,对昆虫的生存、繁衍和进化都具有重要意义.滞育一般分为滞育前期、滞育期和滞育后期3个阶段,其中,滞育前期包括滞育诱导期和滞育准备期,是确保昆虫顺利进入滞育的重要时期.本文首先简要概括了光周期、温度、湿度、食料等外界环境因素在不同昆虫滞育诱导中的作用;然后系统综述了滞育激素、保幼激...  相似文献   

滞育(Diapause)是昆虫发育停滞或减缓的生理状态,家蚕Bombyx mori作为卵滞育的代表,其滞育过程已得到广泛研究,但诱导滞育发生的分子机制尚不清楚。二化性家蚕滞育性由遗传和母系在胚胎期所处的环境条件决定,25℃催青蚕卵孵化后的家蚕产滞育卵,15℃低温催青则诱导家蚕产下非滞育卵。本研究分别用25℃和15℃催青蚕卵,在发生滞育诱导的温度敏感期取样,抽提蛋白质通过非标(Label-free)蛋白质组定量技术进行质谱测序。筛选出具有明显表达差异的蛋白104个,其中56个蛋白上调,48个蛋白下调。通过生物信息学对差异蛋白进行GO分类和KEGG功能富集分析,结果显示差异蛋白主要参与生长发育、物质代谢和胁迫应答等生物过程;同时差异蛋白主要参与胰岛素信号通路、乙醛酸和二羧酸代谢等相关途径。分别选取上调基因和下调基因进行qRT-PCR验证,其趋势与蛋白组学结果一致。该研究将为进一步解析家蚕滞育诱导发生机制提供靶标蛋白和数据参考。  相似文献   

光周期诱导棉铃虫滞育的生化基础   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗马  郭郛  马世骏 《生态学报》1983,3(2):131-140
滞育,是有规律地发生在昆虫的某一世代中某一虫态的一种生理生态特性,是昆虫种群适应不良环境的一种生理过程。由于其重要性而得到了生态学家、生理学家、物候学家们的极大重视。通过大量研究,对环境因素诱导、保持和终止滞育的作用,对激素调节滞育的作用,已经有了基本的认识。肯定了光周期和温度是诱导、保持和终止滞育的主要环境因素,  相似文献   

光周期和温度对大猿叶虫泰安种群滞育诱导的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了明确光周期和温度对大猿叶虫泰安种群滞育诱导的影响,在实验室恒温和变温条件下,观察了该虫滞育诱导的光温反应。滞育诱导的光周期反应表明,大猿叶虫泰安种群滞育的发生与光周期无关,主要取决于日平均温度。当温度20℃时,全部个体进入滞育;在温度25℃时,仅有极少数个体发育;在温度28℃时,发育的个体也没有达到40%。对温度的敏感虫态包括幼虫期、蛹期和成虫期。在缺乏光信号的条件下,温度本身也能诱导滞育发生。在平均温度24℃、26℃下,温周期变化幅度对滞育的诱导有显著影响。在相同的温度下,有光参与的温周期的滞育率比全暗的温周期的滞育率明显低。结果表明,温度是大猿叶虫泰安种群滞育诱导的主要因素。  相似文献   

江西农业大学昆虫研究所是由老一辈昆虫学家、原中国科学院学部委员、江西农学院院长杨惟义教授和章士美教授等创建的,为我国的昆虫学事业的发展和江西农林害虫的防治做出了较大的贡献。江西农业大学昆虫研究所现有四个研究方向:1、农林昆虫滞育的研究,主要从事“昆虫光周期反应类型及诱导条件”、“滞育控制的光周期时间测量机制”、“滞育的地理变异”和“滞育的亲代效应”等四方面的研究,  相似文献   

光周期和温度对草地螟滞育诱导的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
草地螟Loxostege sticticalis以老熟幼虫滞育越冬。在室内通过人工诱导的方法对其滞育的光周期和温度诱导条件进行了研究。结果表明:草地螟是一种典型的长日照发育型种类。光周期、温度及其交互作用均对草地螟滞育诱导具有重要影响, 其中光周期起主导作用, 温度伴随着光周期起作用。对幼虫滞育诱导最有效的光周期是L12∶D12; 随着温度的升高, 临界光周期呈缩短趋势(18℃除外)。18, 22, 26和30℃条件下幼虫滞育的临界日长依次为13.97, 14.48, 13.92 和12.88 h。光敏感实验揭示:21℃时草地螟对光照反应最敏感时期为幼虫孵化后的11~17 d(约5龄幼虫), 但孵化后7~11 d(约4龄幼虫)的短光照积累对提高滞育率也有重要作用, 可以将滞育率从40.0%提高到90.0%。  相似文献   

为了阐明环境因子对草地螟阿格姬蜂Agrypon flexorium (Thunberg)滞育诱导作用, 测定了5个光周期和4个温度处理对阿格姬蜂的滞育诱导和该蜂感受光周期的敏感虫态以及不同时间段低温贮藏对滞育虫茧的影响。结果表明: 在17~23℃、 光照时间10~14 h范围内, 随着温度的降低和光照时间的缩短, 滞育率明显提高。高温能抵消短光照对滞育诱导的影响, 在26℃下, 短光照不能诱导滞育。因此, 低温和短光照是诱导草地螟阿格姬蜂滞育的主要因子。草地螟阿格姬蜂感受滞育信号的敏感虫态为卵和1龄幼虫。卵和1龄幼虫感受滞育信号以后, 需要在滞育环境中发育到老熟幼虫才能全部进入滞育。将室内诱导的滞育茧在4℃左右环境条件下冷藏80 d, 成蜂的羽化率和寄生能力与没有冷藏的非滞育茧差异不显著, 冷藏120 d, 滞育茧仍有71.7%可以正常羽化。结果说明,可在17℃,光周期8L∶16D条件下对寄生后3 d内的草地螟Loxostege sticticalis幼虫进行滞育诱导, 滞育后的虫茧最佳贮藏时间为80 d, 不宜超过120 d。本研究为室内扩繁、 防止蜂源退化、 控制寄生蜂发育时间以便适时释放提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

白蛾周氏啮小蜂滞育诱导及滞育后发育   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
孙守慧  赵利伟  祁金玉 《昆虫学报》2009,52(12):1307-1311
本研究针对人工繁育白蛾周氏啮小蜂Chouioia cunea Yang过程中出现的小蜂滞育现象, 对其滞育诱导的光周期反应及敏感光照虫态进行了调查。结果表明: 沈阳地区的白蛾周氏啮小蜂属长日照型昆虫, 以老熟幼虫进入滞育状态, 但在不同的温度条件下诱导滞育的临界光周期不同, 在18℃时诱导滞育的临界光周期处于13L∶11D和14L∶10D之间; 在21℃和24℃时诱导滞育的临界光周期变短, 处于12L∶12D和13L∶11D之间。白蛾周氏啮小蜂滞育诱导的敏感光照虫态为幼虫期, 且以幼虫的后期最为敏感, 但整个幼虫期接受短光照对滞育的形成更为有利。通过观察白蛾周氏啮小蜂滞育后在18℃, 21℃, 24℃和30℃的恒温条件下的发育历期, 由最小二乘法计算出白蛾周氏啮小蜂老熟幼虫滞育后发育起点温度和有效积温分别为14.60±0.31℃和209.38±8.72日·度。这些结果可为进一步研究白蛾周氏啮小蜂的种蜂长期保存技术和指导商品蜂生产, 正确把握放蜂时机提供理论依据。  相似文献   

光周期和温度对东亚小花蝽滞育形成和解除的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
东亚小花蝽在北京地区为多化性兼性生殖滞育的捕食性天敌昆虫,在田间9月下旬大部分雌成虫进入滞育状态。短光周期是诱导其滞育形成的主导生态因子,高温具有抑制滞育的作用。若虫期是感受滞育信号的敏感虫态,若虫期连续接受短光照其滞育率明显提高。长光周期是东亚小花蝽解除滞育的主要生态因子,高温可缩短解除滞育所需的时间。  相似文献   

翅多型现象是昆虫非遗传多型性的一种表现,包括不具飞行能力的短翅型或无翅型,以及可以进行长距离迁飞的长翅型或有翅型。翅多型现象常发生在可以携带病原并将其传播给植物宿主的媒介昆虫中,对植物病害的时空分布与暴发有重要影响。本文从翅型分化的遗传规律、诱导因素、分子机制和伴随翅型分化的其他生理表现4个方面,对植物病原主要传播媒介蚜虫和飞虱的翅型分化研究进行综述和梳理。昆虫翅型分化的诱导因素主要包括温度、湿度和光周期等非生物因素以及虫口密度、宿主营养、病毒等生物因素;而其内在的分子机制大多是通过胰岛素/胰岛素样生长因子信号(IIS)通路、c-Jun氨基末端激酶(c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase, JNK)信号通路、Wingless和嗅觉受体SaveOrco等调控。翅型分化的同时伴随着生理状态的变化,表现为短翅型具有更强的繁殖能力和长翅型含有更丰富的飞行肌结构成分。目前,昆虫翅型分化的研究尚不够完善,有许多需要解答的问题,如找到胰岛素/胰岛素样生长因子信号通路中真正发挥功能的靶基因,JNK如何调控翅型分化以及虫媒病毒影响媒介昆虫翅型的分子机理。本综述可为控制虫...  相似文献   

Diapause is one of the adaptations that insects have evolved for the synchronisation of their life cycle with seasonal climatic changes and resources. In aphid parasitoids, univoltine species have an obligatory, genetically determined diapause. Polyvoltine species, on the other hand, use a variety of abiotic (temperature, photoperiod) and biotic (host insect or/and host plant) signals for the induction of diapause. We present an overview of the role of these environmental cues in diapause induction in specialist and generalist aphid parasitoids, and discuss possible endocrine factors that may be involved in diapause induction.  相似文献   

Although the regulation of reproductive diapause by environmental factors has been extensively studied in a variety of insect orders, sexual differences in the regulation of diapause are still poorly understood. We examined the effects of environmental factors including photoperiod, temperature and food on the regulation of reproductive diapause in both sexes of the rice bug Leptocorisa chinensis (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Alydidae) in the laboratory and under natural conditions. There was no significant difference in critical daylength (CDL) for diapause induction between the sexes. The CDL corresponded to the daylength in which development of the gonads was suppressed in half the insects caught in the field. Both sexes enter diapause at the same time in successive seasons. In diapause insects, on the other hand, there were sexual differences not only in retention of responsiveness to photoperiod and temperature but also in the food requirement, and these sexual differences lead to different timing of the resumption of reproductive development after overwintering.  相似文献   

Diapause in insects occurs in response to environmental cues, such as changes in photoperiod, and it is a major adaptation by which insects synchronize their activity with biotic resources and environmental constraints. For multivoltine agricultural insect pests, diapause initiation is an important consideration in management decisions, particularly toward the end of the growing season. The grape berry moth, Paralobesia viteana (Clemens), is the main insect pest affecting viticulture, and this insect responds to postsummer solstice photoperiods to initiate diapause. Because the range of grape berry moth extends from southern Canada to the southern United States, different populations are exposed to different photoperiodic regimes. We quantified the diapause response in grape berry moth populations from Arkansas, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Virginia, and observed latitudinal variation in diapause initiation. Populations from Michigan, New York, and Pennsylvania responded significantly different than those from Arkansas, Texas, and Virginia. We also observed, as a consequence of our experiments, that the timing of our laboratory studies influenced grape berry moth's response to photoperiod, ceteris paribus. Experiments that were conducted when grape berry moth would be naturally in diapause resulted in a significant higher proportion of diapausing pupae at photoperiods (i.e., >15 h) that generally do not induce diapause, suggesting that attention should be paid to the timing of behavioral and physiological experiments on insects. This relationship between photoperiod and diapause induction in grape berry moth across geographic regions will provide applicable knowledge to improve pest management decisions.  相似文献   

丽蝇蛹集金小蜂可以蛹外寄生多种双翅目蝇科害虫,在防治卫生害虫及牲畜害虫方面效果显著。该蜂是实验室内研究寄生蜂的理想模式昆虫,其发育学、行为学、生态学以及遗传学等的研究已有70多年的历史,近年来,随着金小蜂基因组测序的完成,系统的RNAi方法和CRISPR-Cas9技术在丽蝇蛹集金小蜂中的成功应用,该蜂现已成为优良的新型遗传学研究模式昆虫。丽蝇蛹集金小蜂以末龄幼虫进行兼性滞育,其滞育由母代经历的短光照和低温决定,研究该蜂的滞育,不仅有助于揭示昆虫滞育的分子机制,也可帮助解决有益昆虫实际应用中的贮存、运输和适时防治等问题,为提高天敌昆虫的应用效果提供技术支撑。本文总结了近年来丽蝇蛹集金小蜂的研究文献,主要介绍了该蜂的基本生物学特征,概括了现代分子生物学前沿技术在金小蜂研究中的应用情况,并重点讨论了丽蝇蛹集金小蜂滞育的最新研究进展,以期为深入金小蜂的滞育研究和促进该蜂其他研究领域的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

昆虫滞育持续时间的影响因子及其对滞育后生物学的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
滞育持续时间(diapause duration)是昆虫的一种生理特性,它主要由特定环境条件下的滞育强度或滞育发育速率来决定,滞育强度或滞育发育速率通常以将滞育状态的昆虫转移至解除滞育的条件(如低温处理、光周期的转换)后,滞育消除所需时间的长短来衡量。文章系统综述昆虫滞育持续时间的影响因子及其对滞育后生物学的影响。  相似文献   

The effects of photoperiod and temperature on the induction and termination of facultative pupal diapause in Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were investigated under laboratory conditions. Exposing H. armigera larvae to both constant and fluctuating temperature regimes with a mean of 25°C and 20°C resulted in a type-III photoperiodic response curve of a short-long day insect. The long-day critical daylengths for diapause induction were ten hours and 12 hours at the constant temperatures of 25°C and 20°C, respectively. Higher incidences of diapause and higher values both for the longer and the shorter critical photoperiods for diapause induction were observed at fluctuating regimes compared with the corresponding constant ones. At alternating temperatures, the incidence of diapause ranged from 4.2% to 33.3% and was determined by the temperature amplitude of the thermoperiod and by the interaction of cryophase or thermophase with the photoperiod. Helicoverpa armigera larvae seem to respond to photoperiodic stimuli at temperatures >15°C and <30°C; all insects entered diapause at a constant temperature of 15°C, whereas none did so at a constant temperature of 30°C under all the photoperiodic regimes examined. Although chilling was not a prerequisite for diapause termination, exposure of diapausing pupae to chilling conditions significantly accelerated diapause development and the time of adult emergence. Therefore, temperature may be the primary factor controlling the termination of diapause in H. armigera.  相似文献   

This review briefly describes characteristics and occurrence of diapause in phytoseiid mites. This is followed by a discussion of factors involved in induction, maintenance and termination of diapause (e.g. photoperiod, temperature and food availability), of the physiological mechanism of diapause induction (photoperiodic perception and comparison of photoperiodic and thermoperiodic induction mechanisms), and of applied aspects of diapause in phytoseiid mites.  相似文献   

This review highlights a number of reasons why insect diapause merits attention. Knowledge of diapause is essential for understanding the seasonal biology of an insect species, and such information is also required for the development of effective pest management strategies; manipulating domesticated species used in pollination and silk production; developing accurate predictive models used to forecast periods of pest abundance; and increasing the shelf‐life of parasitoids and predatory mites used in the biological control industry. Mechanisms used by diapausing insects to survive low temperature may provide tips for cryopreserving insect stocks, a vital need within the research community. Diapause also presents an interesting model for probing fundamental questions in development, and we are indebted to diapause studies for early insights into insect hormones. In addition, I argue that insect diapause may provide insights into questions on aging, obesity and disease transmission, and diapausing insects offer a potentially rich source of pharmaceutical agents that may contribute to improvement of human health.  相似文献   

Facultative winter diapause in species of the genus Trichogramma Westw. (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) is regulated, like in the majority of other insects, by photoperiod and temperature. In trichograms, prepupae are diapausing, but sensitivity to length of the light day and to temperature as to the cue factors inducing diapause is characteristic of all stages of development from embryo to the egg-laying female. The action of the cue factors affects not only the current, but also the subsequent generations. Under natural conditions the photothermal regulation provides the timely induction of the diapause coordinated both with astronomical year time (the photoperiodic reaction) and with specificity of this season (the temperature reaction). In the course of special experiments in trichograms there are also revealed the "rudimentary" reactions that have lost their adaptive role. Results of these studies prove once more that specificity of photoperiodic and temperature reactions inducing diapause and their relative importance and confinement to certain sensitive stages are determined not only by peculiarities of ecology of different insect taxa, but also by the course of their previous evolution.  相似文献   

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