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Purine salvage enzyme activities in normal and neoplastic human tissues   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The enzymatic pattern of five enzymes involved in the purine salvage pathway, namely purine nucleoside phosphorylase (EC, adenosine deaminase (EC, 5'-nucleotidase (EC, alkaline phosphatase (EC, and hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (EC has been evaluated both in human intestinal and breast carcinomas and compared to that of normal tissues. A higher level of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase was associated with tumor tissues. This metabolic alteration should lead to an elevated synthesis of nucleotides in cancer cells, might confer selective growth advantages to neoplastic tissues, and account, at least in part, for the difficulties encountered in the chemotherapy of human tumors, by using compounds affecting only the purine de novo biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Deficiencies of adenosine deaminase (ADA) and purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) result in distinctly different immunodeficient states. In order to better understand the roles of these two purine salvage pathway enzymes in normal immunity we have characterized their activities in peripheral blood T-, B-, and null (non-T, non-B) cell populations. We have found that T lymphocytes have significantly higher ADA activity than B or null cells (P < 0.001) only when expressed as a function of cell protein. Contrary to other reports B lymphocytes cannot be distinguished from T lymphocytes on the basis of PNP activity. When the enzyme activities are expressed per cell number null cells have a much higher PNP activity (mean ± SD = 461 ± 174 ng/hr/106 cells) than either T (57 ± 10) or B (93 ± 51) lymphocytes (P < 0.001 and 0.002, respectively). Null cells also have a significantly greater protein content per cell (55.0 ± 9.6 μg/106 cells) than T (13.3 ± 4.6) or B (18.7 ± 13.8) lymphocytes. When expressed as a function of cell number null cells have a higher mean, though not statistically significant, ADA activity than T and B lymphocytes. These results indicate that normal human peripheral blood T, B, and null cells can be distinguished on the basis of their ADA and PNP activities and that the method of expression of the activities is critical. The significantly higher PNP activity and protein content per cell in null lymphocytes is compatible with a less differentiated cell population which may include B- as well as T-cell precursors.  相似文献   

Pulse-labeling of the nucleotide pool in Entamoeba histolytica with radioactive precursors, and subsequent high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) analysis of the radiolabeled nucleotides, indicate that E. histolytica is incapable of de novo synthesis of purine nucleotides. Hypoxanthine, inosine and xanthine could not be converted to nucleotides in E. histolytica, which suggests the absence of interconversion between adenine nucleotides and guanine nucleotides through formation of IMP. Adenosine was actively incorporated into nucleotides at an initial rate of 130 pmoles per minute per 10(6) trophozoites. Adenine, guanosine and guanine were also incorporated at much lower rates. The rate of adenine incorporation was enhanced by the presence of guanosine; the rate of guanine incorporation was significantly increased by adenosine. These stimulatory effects suggest that the ribose moiety of adenosine or guanosine can be transferred to another purine base to form a new nucleoside, and that the purine nucleosides are the immediate precursors of E. histolytica nucleotides. HPLC results showed that the radiolabel in adenine was exclusively incorporated into adenine nucleotides and that guanine was found only among guanine nucleotides, whereas the radioactivity associated with the ribose moiety of adenosine or guanosine was distributed among both adenine and guanine nucleotides.  相似文献   

Purine deoxynucleoside salvage in Giardia lamblia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Giardia lamblia is dependent on the salvage of preformed purines and pyrimidines, including deoxythymidine. Dependence on deoxynucleoside salvage is extremely unusual among eucaryotic cells (Moore, E. C., and Hurlbert, R. B. (1985) Pharmacol & Ther. 27, 167-196). The present study investigates the possibility that giardia lacks ribonucleotide reductase and depends entirely on deoxynucleoside salvage. A ribonucleotide reductase inhibitor, hydroxyurea, at concentrations up to 2 mM had no effect on the growth of giardia. This is 15-20 times the ED50 of hydroxyurea for the protozoans Trypanosoma cruzi, Trypanosoma gambiense, and Leishmania donovani. A lysate of giardia had no detectable ribonucleotide reductase. Although radiolabeled adenine, adenosine, guanine, and guanosine were readily incorporated into RNA by cultured cells, no adenine or adenosine and only trace amounts of guanine and guanosine were detectable in DNA. This is in contrast to deoxynucleosides, where 58% of deoxyadenosine and 10% of deoxyguanosine incorporated into nucleic acid were found in DNA. Phosphorylation of both deoxyadenosine and deoxyguanosine was catalyzed by a cell lysate of giardia when nucleoside kinase co-substrates were included in the assay but not when phosphotransferase co-substrates were present. The absence of detectable ribonucleotide reductase, the failure to incorporate purine nucleobases and nucleosides into DNA to any significant extent, the ready incorporation of deoxynucleosides into DNA, and the demonstration of a purine deoxynucleoside kinase suggest that giardia are dependent on the salvage of exogenous deoxynucleosides.  相似文献   

Trophozoites of Acanthamoeba castellanii were found to incorporate a range of purine bases and nucleosides into parasite nucleic acids. Results from competition studies suggest that A. castellanii is capable of interconverting purine nucleotides. The amoebae contain deaminase, phosphorylase, kinase, phosphoribosyltransferase and 5'-nucleotidase activities towards a number of purine compounds. The results of both the incorporation studies and the enzyme analyses suggest that hypoxanthine is of central importance in the parasite's purine metabolism.  相似文献   

Purine salvage pathways in the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We have exploited a variety of molecular genetic, biochemical, and genomic techniques to investigate the roles of purine salvage enzymes in the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. The ability to generate defined genetic knockouts and target transgenes to specific loci demonstrates that T. gondii uses two (and only two) pathways for purine salvage, defined by the enzymes hypoxanthine-xanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HXGPRT) and adenosine kinase (AK). Both HXGPRT and AK are single-copy genes, and either one can be deleted, indicating that either one of these pathways is sufficient to meet parasite purine requirements. Fitness defects suggest both pathways are important for the parasite, however, and that the salvage of adenosine is more important than salvage of hypoxanthine and other purine nucleobases. HXGPRT and AK cannot be deleted simultaneously unless one of these enzymes is provided in trans, indicating that alternative routes of functionally significant purine salvage are lacking. Despite previous reports to the contrary, we found no evidence of adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) activity when parasites were propagated in APRT-deficient host cells, and no APRT ortholog is evident in the T. gondii genome. Expression of Leishmania donovani APRT in transgenic T. gondii parasites yielded low levels of activity but did not permit genetic deletion of both HXGPRT and AK. A detailed comparative genomic study of the purine salvage pathway in various apicomplexan species highlights important differences among these parasites.  相似文献   

J Allsop  R W Watts 《Enzyme》1990,43(3):155-159
Extreme degrees of hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) deficiency in man are associated with gross sex-linked neurological dysfunction, gout and urinary stones (the Lesch-Nyhan or 'complete HPRT-deficiency' syndrome). The less severe degrees of enzyme deficiency (sex-linked recessive gout and/or urolithiasis or the 'partial HPRT-deficiency' syndrome) may be associated with minor neurological manifestations. Whole body purine synthesis de novo is accelerated in both these groups of patients. A strain of mice with an experimentally produced mutation at the HPRT locus showed some residual 'apparent HPRT activity' in brain, liver, testicular, splenic, kidney and ovarian tissues but not in erythrocyte haemolysates. The mutation removes exons 1 and 2 of the coding region of the gene together with the promotor and about 10 kb of upstream sequence from the gene. It is therefore possible that the observed 'apparent HPRT activity' in these mice is due to the operation of an alternative metabolic pathway. Purine synthesis de novo was markedly accelerated in their brain, testicular, splenic and kidney tissues. It was not accelerated in the liver tissue of male mice hemizygous for the mutation and the degree of acceleration in the female homozygotes only just reached statistical significance at the p = 0.02 level. This observation casts doubt on the importance of modulations in the rate of hepatic purine synthesis de novo as a mechanism for maintaining a steady supply of purines for translocation to other organs.  相似文献   

Rates of purine salvage of adenine and hypoxanthine into the adenine nucleotide (AdN) pool of the different skeletal muscle phenotype sections of the rat were measured using an isolated perfused hindlimb preparation. Tissue adenine and hypoxanthine concentrations and specific activities were controlled over a broad range of purine concentrations, ranging from 3 to 100 times normal, by employing an isolated rat hindlimb preparation perfused at a high flow rate. Incorporation of [(3)H]adenine or [(3)H]hypoxanthine into the AdN pool was not meaningfully influenced by tissue purine concentration over the range evaluated (approximately 0.10-1.6 micromol/g). Purine salvage rates were greater (P < 0.05) for adenine than for hypoxanthine (35-55 and 20-30 nmol x h(-1) x g(-1), respectively) and moderately different (P < 0.05) among fiber types. The low-oxidative fast-twitch white muscle section exhibited relatively low rates of purine salvage that were approximately 65% of rates in the high-oxidative fast-twitch red section of the gastrocnemius. The soleus muscle, characterized by slow-twitch red fibers, exhibited a high rate of adenine salvage but a low rate of hypoxanthine salvage. Addition of ribose to the perfusion medium increased salvage of adenine (up to 3- to 6-fold, P < 0.001) and hypoxanthine (up to 6- to 8-fold, P < 0.001), depending on fiber type, over a range of concentrations up to 10 mM. This is consistent with tissue 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate being rate limiting for purine salvage. Purine salvage is favored over de novo synthesis, inasmuch as delivery of adenine to the muscle decreased (P < 0.005) de novo synthesis of AdN. Providing ribose did not alter this preference of purine salvage pathway over de novo synthesis of AdN. In the absence of ribose supplementation, purine salvage rates are relatively low, especially compared with the AdN pool size in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

A new culture medium, ZH1%, for Drosophila cell lines is described in which treatment of cells with the folate antagonist methotrexate (MTX) leads to overt double auxotrophy for both purines and pyrimidines. Using this medium the response of a clonal Drosophila cell line, KcAlo, to various purines and pyrimidines was measured. Guanosine was found to balance the toxicity of adenosine (AR), and vice versa. In addition AR toxicity was shown to be strongly dependent on the pH of the culture medium. Using ZH1% supplemented with MTX + thymidine (TdR) or with MTX + inosine (HR) several purines or pyrimidines, respectively, were tested for their capacity to support cell proliferation. This provided evidence for pathways for the salvage of thymine, TdR, thymidylic acid, adenine (A), AR, and HR. Bromodeoxyuridine and fluorodeoxyuridine are very active and specific TdR analogues inhibiting Drosophila cell proliferation. Of the many purine analogues tested the only potent growth inhibitor with demonstrable pathway specificity (antagonizable by A only) was methylpurine.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli is not known to utilize purines, other than adenine and adenosine, as nitrogen sources. We reinvestigated purine catabolism because a computer analysis suggested several potential sigma(54)-dependent promoters within a 23-gene cluster whose products have homology to purine catabolic enzymes. Our results did not provide conclusive evidence that the sigma(54)-dependent promoters are active. Nonetheless, our results suggest that some of the genes are metabolically significant. We found that even though several purines did not support growth as the sole nitrogen source, they did stimulate growth with aspartate as the nitrogen source. Cells produced (14)CO(2) from minimal medium containing [(14)C]adenine, which implies allantoin production. However, neither ammonia nor carbamoyl phosphate was produced, which implies that purine catabolism is incomplete and does not provide nitrogen during nitrogen-limited growth. We constructed strains with deletions of two genes whose products might catalyze the first reaction of purine catabolism. Deletion of one eliminated (14)CO(2) production from [(14)C]adenine, which implies that its product is necessary for xanthine dehydrogenase activity. We changed the name of this gene to xdhA. The xdhA mutant grew faster with aspartate as a nitrogen source. The mutant also exhibited sensitivity to adenine, which guanosine partially reversed. Adenine sensitivity has been previously associated with defective purine salvage resulting from impaired synthesis of guanine nucleotides from adenine. We propose that xanthine dehydrogenase contributes to this purine interconversion.  相似文献   

Nearly 30 years have passed since purine salvage enzymes were first proposed as targets of drugs in the chemotherapeutic treatment of diseases caused by parasites. The rationale behind a structure-based approach to the design of chemotherapeutic agents involves the use of information about substrate preference and the three-dimensional structure of a target enzyme to design potent selective inhibitors of that enzyme. This approach is outlined here by Syd Craig and Ann Eakin, as it applies to the possible design of inhibitors of a purine salvage enzyme, the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase.  相似文献   

The major physicochemical properties of human erythrocytic purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNPase) have been described. The molecular weight, estimated by ultracentrifugation, molecular sieving and sucrose density gradient centrifugation, ranged from 87 000 to 92 000. Other physical constants of erythrocytic PNPase were: sedimentation coefficent (s20, w), 5.4 S obtained by sedimentation analysis and 5.5 S by the sucrose density gradient procedure; Stokes radius, 38 A; calculated diffusion coefficient (D20, w), 5.7 X 10(-7) cm2 s-1; frictional ration, 1.29; and partial specific volume calculated from amino acid analysis, 0.73 cm3 g-1. The CD spectra of the human erythrocytic and bovine spleen PNPases were almost identical and indicated a very low alpha-helical content. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate indicated that the molecular weight of the PNPase subunit is 30 000 +/- 500. These results corroborate earlier reports that the native enzyme is a homologous trimer. Comparative studies with crystalline bovine spleen PNPase confirmed that it is also a trimer but is somewhat smaller than the human erythrocytic enzyme with a molecular weight of about 86 000.  相似文献   

In peripheral human blood lymphocytes the uptake and metabolism of adenine, guanine, and hypoxanthine was investigated. This was achieved by incubation of purified lymphocytes with 14C-purine bases, separation of cells from the incubation medium by a rapid filtration technique, and subsequent separation of the acid soluble material by thin-layer chromatography. No perferential uptake for one of the purine bases was observed. In all cases only traces of 14C-purine bases not added originally and labeled nucleosides could be demonstrated. Approximately 2/3 of adenine and 1/2 of guanine or hypoxanthine were converted to nucleotides. Separation of formed nucleotides showed that adenine and guanine were metabolized mainly to their corresponding nucleotides; hypoxanthine was converted to a considerable amount to adenine nucleotides and only to a small proportion into its own nucleotides. These results demonstrate the predomonance of adenine nucleotide formation in normal human lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Theobromine and caffeine in the flush shoot leaves of hybrids of tea and other camellia plants were assayed by HPLC. In C. sinensis and C. taliensis of section Thea the caffeine content exceeded 2% and the theobromine content was below 0.2%. However, in C. irrawadiensis of the same section, the theobromine content was more than 0.5% while the caffeine content was below 0.02%. The theobromine content of tea hybrids was also below 0.2%. In sections other than Thea, C. sasanqua, C. japonica and C. vernalis did not contain detectable amounts of theobromine or caffeine.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common tumors worldwide affecting preferentially patients with liver cirrhosis. The studies were performed on tissues obtained during surgery from 50 patients with HCC, 40 with liver cirrhosis and 40 control livers. It was found that arginase activity in HCC was nearly 5- and 15-fold lower than in cirrhotic and normal livers, respectively. Isoenzymes AI (so-called liver-type arginase) and AII (extrahepatic arginase) were identified by Western blotting in all studied tissues, however the amount of AI, as well as the expression of AI-mRNA were lower in HCC, in comparison with normal liver, and those of AII were significantly higher. Since HCC is arginine-dependent, and arginine is essential for cells growth, the decrease of AI may preserve this amino acid within tumor cells. Concurrently, the rise of AII can increase the level of polyamines, compounds crucial for cells proliferation. Thus, both arginase isoenzymes seem to participate in liver cancerogenesis.  相似文献   

Incubation of human peripheral blood T-lymphocytes with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) resulted in increased rates of metabolism of the purine bases adenine, hypoxanthine, and guanine. The respective rates decreased to unmeasurable levels in cells incubated without PHA. [14C]Adenine was converted predominantly into adenine nucleotides, with slight catabolism to hypoxanthine and very low conversion into guanine nucleotides. [14C]Guanine labeled predominantly the guanine nucleotide pool, but some adenine nucleotide formation also took place. From [14C]hypoxanthine, adenine nucleotides in the soluble pool were more heavily labeled than the guanine nucleotides, whereas in the nucleic acid fraction the latter contained more radioactivity. Adenosine at low concentrations was mainly phosphorylated to adenine nucleotides, but at higher concentrations this process leveled off, while deamination continued to increase linearly. PHA-stimulation resulted in an increased rate of adenosine metabolism but no qualitative differences in comparison to unstimulated cells were observed. Enzyme assays indicated that after PHA-stimulation the activities of adenine and hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferases, and those of adenosine deaminase and kinase, increased with a peak at 48 h, when expressed on a per cell basis, but not at all when expressed per mg of protein. We conclude that stimulation of human T-lymphocytes with PHA increases the capacity of the cells for purine nucleotide synthesis from all the directly re-utilizable catabolic products, namely the purine bases and adenosine.  相似文献   

The potential proliferative activity, expressed as labelling index, has been studied in 24 cases of bladder transitional cell carcinomas. The data showed a wide range of values, varying between 0.4 and 36%. The average proliferative activity was 3.2%. An analysis of the connection between the labelling index and the histological grading has also brought out the existence of a gradient of proliferative activity; average values of 1.6-2.53% and 3.49%, respectively, were found for grades I-II and grade III.  相似文献   

Binding of [3H]flunitrazepam to benzodiazepine receptors in brain from several species, including human, was measured in vitro in the presence and absence of purine-metabolizing enzyme inhibitors. Incubation with potent inhibitors of either adenosine deaminase (2′-deoxycoformycin and erythro-9-(2-hydroxy-3-nonyl)-adenine) or guanine deaminase (5-amino-4-imidazole carboxamide) failed to alter [3H]flunitrazepam binding in homogenates of several different regions of human, rabbit, rat or guinea pig brain. These findings are in contrast to those of Norstrand et al. [Enzyme 29, 61–65 (1983)] who reported substantial alterations in [3H]flunitrazepam binding to human brain membranes in the presence of erythro-9-(2-hydroxy-3-nonyl)-adenine (increase) and 5-amino-4-imidazole carboxamide (decrease). In our studies, [3H]flunitrazepam binding was also unaltered in more anatomically intact brain sections following treatment with purine enzyme inhibitors. Furthermore, in vivo administration of erythro-9-(2-hydroxy-3-nonyl)-adenine to mice at a dose (200 mg/kg, i.p.) known to almost totally inhibit central adenosine deaminase activity also failed to alter brain [3H]flunitrazepam binding measured ex vivo, 30–120 min post injection.

While previous studies have shown that purines such as inosine interact with benzodiazepine receptors, our results raise some questions about the role of endogenous purines in regulating benzodiazepine receptors, at least in vitro and also acutely vivo following purine enzyme inhibitor administration.  相似文献   

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