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Summary Development of the nervous system of the pluteus larva of Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis was investigated using indirect immunofluorescence with antibodies against dopamine, GABA, and serotonin, and glyoxylic acid-induced fluorescence of catecholamines. Serotonergic cells first appear in full gastrulae; dopaminergic and GABAergic cells are present in early four-arm plutei. The number of neurons and the complexity of the nervous system increases through development of the pluteus. In the pluteus the dopaminergic component of the nervous system includes a ganglion in the lower lip of the mouth and a pair of ganglia at the base of the post-oral arms which extend axons along the base of the circumoral ciliary band. The distribution of cells visualized by glyoxylic acid-induced fluorescence is similar to that of dopaminergic cells. GABAergic neurons occur in the upper lip and in the wall of the esophagus. Serotonergic neurons are present in the lower lip; the pre-oral hood contains an apical ganglion which extends axons along the base of the epidermis overlying the blastocoel. The dopaminergic and GABAergic components of the nervous system are associated with effectors involved in feeding and swimming. The serotonergic component is not associated with any apparent effectors but may have a role in metamorphosis.  相似文献   

In the developing pluteus larva of S. purpuratus, the initial morphogenetic event in the formation of a functional gut is the appearance of two constrictions in the archenteron. These two constrictions become the cardiac and pyloric sphincters. During the 2 h in which the constrictions form, the sphincter cells change from cuboidal to wedge-shaped, and the apical ends of the sphincter cells develop an electron-dense region in which microfilaments can be resolved. Constriction of the archenteron was reversibly inhibited by cytochalasin B, although cytochalasin B had no effect once the constrictions had fully formed. Neither the electron-dense region nor the microfilaments were observed after cytochalasin B treatment. It is suggested that sphincter formation is initially accomplished by a microfilament-mediated contraction of the apical ends of the sphincter cells, which changes their shape and constricts the archenteron.  相似文献   

The 3 elements of the digestive tract of the pluteus larva (esophagus, stomach and intestine) acquire their characteristic shapes between 60 and 72 h after fertilization (15°C). The number of cells in the developing gut increases sigmoidally from about 100 at the completion of gastrulation to about 425 in the feeding pluteus. Embryos in which cytokinesis was inhibited with colchicine were able to form typically shaped guts comprising about 150 cells. Autoradiographs of embryos that had been cultured in sea water containing [3H]thymidine during shaping of the gut indicated no regions of enhanced thymidine incorporation. The hypothesis that shaping of the larval gut is due to regions of allometric cell proliferation was rejected. Measurements of the length of the developing gut indicate that the bending of the gut is facilitated by a doubling of the length of the digestive tract between two fixed points, the mouth and the anus.  相似文献   

The distribution patterns of three sea urchin species of the genus Strongylocentrotus in relation to depth, type of substrate, surf action, and to some hydrological parameters were studied along the coast of eastern Kamchatka and in adjacent waters in 1984–1996. The sea urchin Strongylocentrotus polyacanthus dominated the open coast on rocky subintertidal sites with increased surf action and standard oceanic salinity. S. droebachiensis prevailed in shoals with lower salinity, higher water temperature and lower turbulence (enclosed and semienclosed bays). S. pallidus dominated at depths corresponding to the position of the cold intermediate layer deeper than 30–50 m with normal oceanic salinity and lower temperature.  相似文献   

Summary Mitotic recombination was induced, by X-irradiation at the blastoderm stage, in flies heterozygous for one of the temperature-sensitive paralytic mutationsshibire andtp-2. The results show that these mutations can be used to detect the presence of clones in the central nervous system through the temperature-sensitive paralysis of individual legs. Mitotic recombination can also be used to examine the effects of these mutations in the peripheral nervous system; shibire is thus shown to affect the function of sensory neurons.  相似文献   

Summary The nervous system (NS) of Microstomum lineare (Turbellaria, Macrostomida) was studied by electron and light microscopy, combined with fluorescence histochemistry (Falck-Hillarp method for biogenic monoamines). The NS is primitively organized, with a bilobed brain, two lateral nerve cords lacking commissures, and peripheral nerve cells scattered along the nerve cords. The stomatogastric NS, with a pharyngeal nerve ring, is joined to the central NS by a pair of connective ganglia. A green fluorescence in all parts of the NS indicates catecholaminergic neurons as the dominant neuron type.Ultrastructurally, two types of neurons were identified on the basis of their vesicle content: 1. Aminergic (catecholaminergic) neurons containing densecore vesicles of varying electron-density and size, i.e., small dense-core vesicles (diameter 50–100 nm), vesicles with a highly electron-dense core (60–140 nm), and vesicles with an eccentric dense-core. 2. Presumed peptidergic neuro-secretory neurons containing large granular vesicles (diameter about 200 nm) in the stomatogastric NS and peripheral parts of the central NS. In light microscopy, paraldehyde-thionin stained neurons were observed in the same areas.  相似文献   

Summary An antiserum raised against gamma aminobuyric acid (GABA) was used to stain the thoracic nervous system of the locust. It stained both neuronal somata and processes within the neuropile. Among the stained somata, those of the three pairs of common inhibitory motor neurones could be identified in each of the three thoracic ganglia. In the pro- and mesothoracic ganglia five discrete groups of somata are stained, four ventral and one dorsal. In the metathoracic neuromere, an additional second dorsal group can be identified. In the abdominal neuromeres of the metathoracic ganglion both dorsal and ventral somata are stained but the latter cannot be divided into discrete populations. In each ganglion, dorsal commissures (DC) IV and V are composed of stained neurites, DCVII, the supramedian commissure, the perpendicular tract, and all the longitudinal tracts contain both stained and unstained neurites. DCI, II, III and VI, the T and I tracts are unstained. An abundance of GABA-like immunoreactive processes is found throughout the neuropile except for the anterior ventral association centre where stained processes are sparser. Some of the stained cell groups contain neurones that have been studied physiologically. The function of these neurones is discussed.Beit Memorial Fellow  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of octopamine in the metathoracic ganglion, brain and corpus cardiacum of Locusta migratoria and Schistocerca gregaria was investigated by means of immunocytochemistry with an antiserum against octopamine. The dorsal unpaired median (DUM) cells of the metathoracic ganglion were found to be strongly octopamine-immunoreactive. In the rostroventral part of the protocerebrum a group of seven immunopositive cells was demonstrated. Stained nerve fibres of these cells run into three directions: circumoesophageal connectives, midbrain, and optic lobes. As far as the protocerebrum is concerned, immunoreactive fibres were found in the central body, the protocerebral bridge, and in other neuropile areas. In the optic lobe a dense plexus of immunopositive fibres was found in the lobula and in the medulla. In the brain one other immunopositive cell was demonstrated, situated at the lateral border of the tritocerebrum. Octopamine could not be shown to occur either in the globuli cells of the mushroom bodies or in the dorsolateral part of the protocerebrum, where the perikarya of the secretomotor neurones are located that innervate the glandular cells of the corpus cardiacum. In the nervi corporis cardiaci II, which contain the axons of the neurones that extend into the glandular part of the corpus cardiacum, and in the corpus cardiacum proper no specific octopamine immunoreactivity could be found.  相似文献   

Summary Development of the esophageal muscles in embryonic sea urchins is described using light- and electron microscopy. The muscles develop from processes of about 14 cells of the coelomic epithelium that become immunore-active to anti-actin at about 60 h (12–14° C). Initially, eachmyoblast extends a single process with numerous fine filopodia around the esophagus. By 72 h the processes have reached the midline and fused with those from cells of the contralateral coelomic sac. Myoblasts begin to migrate out of the coelomic epithelium between 72 and 84 h. By 72 h the processes stain with the F-actin specific probe NBD-phallacidin. The contractile apparatus is not evident in transmission electron-microscopic preparations of embryos at 70 h, but by 84 h the contractile apparatus is present and the muscle cells are capable of contraction. Because the myoblasts migrate free of the coelomic epithelium and are situated on the blastocoelar side of the basal lamina, it is suggested that that they should be considered as a class of mesenchymal cells.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of FMRFamide-like immunoreactive neurons in the nervous system of the slug Limax maximus was studied using immunohistochemical methods. Approximately one thousand FMRFamide-like immunoreactive cell bodies were found in the central nervous system. Ranging between 15 m and 200 m in diameter, they were found in all 11 ganglia of the central nervous system. FMRFamide-like immunoreactive cell bodies were also found at peripheral locations on buccal nerve roots. FMRFamide-like immunoreactive nerve fibres were present in peripheral nerve roots and were distributed extensively throughout the neuropil and cell body regions of the central ganglia. They were also present in the connective tissue of the perineurium, forming an extensive network of varicose fibres. The large number, extensive distribution and great range in size of FMRFamide-like immunoreactive cell bodies and the wide distribution of immunoreactive fibres suggest that FMRFamide-like peptides might serve several different functions in the nervous system of the slug.  相似文献   

Summary The terminal organs of the cephalic lobes of the house fly larva, Musca domestica L., were studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Six different types of sensilla were found: (1) papilla sensillum, (2) pit sensillum, (3) spot sensillum, (4) modified papilla sensillum, (5) knob sensillum, and (6) scolopidium. The papilla, pit, spot, and modified papilla sensilla have the essential structure of contact chemoreceptors, i.e., the unbranched dendritic tips are exposed externally through a single opening. However, a tubular body, which is a characteristic structure of tactile setae, is also present in some of the dendritic tips. We assume these sensilla serve a dual function—contact chemo- and mechanoreception. The role of the knob sensilla is obscure. The scolopidia present in the dorsal and the terminal organ are probably stress detectors. Two basal bodies occur in the dendritic ciliary region of all sensilla. Both of the basal bodies (except in the scolopidia) give rise to the distal ciliary microtubules as well as the proximal rootlets.This research was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research, PHS Research Grant EC-246 and NIH Training Grant ES-00069. Paper No. 3608 of the North Carolina State University Agricultural Experiment Station journal series. The advise of R. A. Steinbrecht is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-like immunoreactive neurons were studied in the central and peripheral nervous system of Helix pomatia by applying immunocytochemistry on whole-mount preparations and serial paraffin sections. GABA-immunoreactive cell bodies were found in the buccal, cerebral and pedal ganglia, but only GABA-immunoreactive fibers were found in the viscero-parietal-pleural ganglion complex. The majority of GABA-immunoreactive cell bodies were located in the pedal ganglia but a few could be found in the buccal ganglia. Varicose GABA-ir fibers could be seen in the neuropil areas and in distinct areas of the cell body layer of the ganglia. The majority of GABA-ir axonal processes run into the connectives and commissures of the ganglia, indicating an important central integrative role of GABA-immunoreactive neurons. GABA may also have a peripheral role, since GABA-immunoreactive fibers could be demonstrated in peripheral nerves and the lips. Glutamate injection did not change the number or distribution of GABA-immunoreactive neurons, but induced GABA immunoreactivity in elements of the connective tissue ensheathing the muscle cells and fibers of the buccal musculature. This shows that GABA may be present in different non-neural tissues as a product of general metabolic pathways.  相似文献   

Enzyme histochemistry and immunocytochemistry were used to determine the distribution of neurons in the snail Helix aspersa which exhibited nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) diaphorase activity and/or immunoreactivity to nitric oxide synthase (NOS). NADPH diaphorase-positive cells and fibres were distributed extensively throughout the central and peripheral nervous system. NADPH diaphorase-positive fibres were present in all neuropil regions of the central and peripheral ganglia, in the major interganglionic connectives and in peripheral nerve roots. NADPH diaphorase-positive cell bodies were found consistently in the eyes, the lips, the tentacular ganglia and the procerebral lobes of the cerebral ganglia; staining of cell bodies elsewhere in the nervous system was capricious. The distribution of NOS-like immunoreactivity differed markedly from that of NADPH diaphorase activity. Small clusters of cells which exhibited NOS-like immunoreactivity were present in the cerebral and pedal ganglia; fibres which exhibited NOS-like immunoreactivity were present in restricted regions of the neuropil of the central ganglia. The disjunct distributions of NADPH diaphorase activity and NOS-like immunoreactivity in the neurvous system of Helix suggest that the properties of neuronal NOS in molluscs may differ sigificantly from those described previously for vertebrate animals.  相似文献   

Summary The ventral organs of the cephalic lobes of the house fly larvae, Musca domestica L., were studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Four sensilla were found. Three of them are each innervated by a single dendrite whose ending possesses a tubular body and communicates to the exterior through an opening. These sensilla are assumed to be mechanoreceptors. The 4th sensillum is supplied by 2 bipolar neurons with the unbranched dendritic tips (without tubular bodies) exposed to the exterior through a single opening and is probably a contact chemoreceptor.This research was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research and NIH Training Grant ES-00069. Paper no. 3724 of the North Carolina State University Agricultural Experiment Station journal series.  相似文献   

SchistoFLRFamide (PDVDHVFLRF-NH2) is one of the major endogenous neuropeptides of the FMRF-amide family found in the nervous system of the locust,Schistocerca gregaria. To gain insights into the potential physiological roles of this neuropeptide we have examined the distribution of SchistoFLRFamide-like immunoreactivity in the ventral nervous system of adult locusts by use of a newly developed N-terminally specific antibody. SchistoFLRFamide-like immunoreactivity in the ventral nerve cord is found in a subgroup of the neurones that are immunoreactive to an antiserum raised against bovine pancreatic polypeptide (BPP). In the suboesophageal ganglion three groups of cells stain, including one pair of large posterior ventral cells. These cells are the same size, in the same location in the ganglion and have the same branching pattern as a pair of BPP immunoreactive cells known to innervate the heart and retrocerebral glandular complex of the locust. In the thoracic and abdominal ganglia two and three sets of cells, respectively, stain with both the SchistoFLRFamide and BPP antisera. In the abdominal ganglia the immunoreactive cells project via the median nerves to the intensely immunoreactive neurohaemal organs.  相似文献   

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