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Podocytes are highly differentiated and polarized epithelial cells located on the visceral side of the glomerulus. They form an indispensable component of the glomerular filter, the slit diaphragm, formed by several transmembrane proteins and adaptor molecules. Disruption of the slit diaphragm can lead to massive proteinuria and nephrotic syndrome in mice and humans. CD2AP is an adaptor protein that is important for the maintenance of the slit diaphragm. Together with its paralogue, CIN85, CD2AP belongs to a family of adaptor proteins that are primarily described as being involved in endocytosis and downregulation of receptor tyrosine kinase activity. We have shown that full-length CIN85 is upregulated in podocytes in the absence of CD2AP, whereas in wild-type cells, full-length CIN85 is not detectable. In this study, we show that full-length CIN85 is postranslationally modified by SUMOylation in wild-type podocytes. We can demonstrate that CIN85 is SUMOylated by SUMO-1, -2, and -3 and that SUMOylation is enhanced in the presence of CD2AP. Conversion of lysine 598 to arginine completely abolishes SUMOylation and leads to increased binding of CIN85 to nephrin. Our results indicate a novel role for CD2AP in regulating posttranslational modification of CIN85.  相似文献   

Defects in podocyte signaling are the basis of many inherited glomerular diseases leading to glomerulosclerosis. CD2-associated protein (CD2AP) is highly expressed in podocytes and is considered to play an important role in the maintenance of the glomerular slit diaphragm. Mice deficient for CD2AP (CD2AP(-/-)) appear normal at birth but develop a rapid onset nephrotic syndrome at 3 weeks of age. We demonstrate that impaired intracellular signaling with subsequent podocyte damage is the reason for this delayed podocyte injury in CD2AP(-/-) mice. We document that CD2AP deficiency in podocytes leads to diminished signal initiation and termination of signaling pathways mediated by receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs). In addition, we demonstrate that CIN85, a paralog of CD2AP, is involved in termination of RTK signaling in podocytes. CIN85 protein expression is increased in CD2AP(-/-) podocytes in vitro. Stimulation of CD2AP(-/-) podocytes with various growth factors, including insulin-like growth factor 1, vascular endothelial growth factor, and fibroblast growth factor, resulted in a significantly decreased phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/AKT and ERK signaling response. Moreover, increased CIN85 protein is detectable in podocytes in diseased CD2AP(-/-) mice, leading to decreased base-line activation of ERK and decreased phosphorylation after growth factor stimulation in vivo. Because repression of CIN85 protein leads to a restored RTK signaling response, our results support an important role of CD2AP/CIN85 protein balance in the normal signaling response of podocytes.  相似文献   

To decipher the global network of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor-mediated signaling pathway, a large scale proteomic analysis of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins was conducted. Here, we focus on characterizing a novel protein, CFBP (CIN85/CD2AP family binding protein), identified in the study. CFBP was found to be phosphorylated at tyrosine 204 upon EGF stimulation, and the CIN85/CD2AP family was identified as a binding partner. A proline-rich motif of CFBP is recognized by one of the three Src-homology 3 domains of CIN85/CD2AP, and the affinity of the interaction is regulated by the tyrosine phosphorylation of CFBP. They co-localize in actinenriched structures, and overexpression of CFBP induced morphological changes with actin reorganization. Furthermore, CFBP accelerated the EGF receptor's down-regulation by facilitating the recruitment of Cbl to the CD2AP/CIN85 complex. Two spliced variants of CFBP lacking either exon 5 or 8 are also expressed, and the variant lacking exon 5 without the proline-rich motif lacks the ability to bind to the CIN85/CD2AP family. The CFBP protein seems to play a key role in the ligand-mediated internalization and down-regulation of the EGF receptor.  相似文献   

The Drosophila expanded (ex) gene encodes a protein thought to play a role in signaling at apical junctions of epithelial cells. Previous studies have characterized this gene as a tumor suppressor involved in regulating the growth of a subset of Drosophila imaginal discs (Boedigheimer, M., Laughon, A., 1993. expanded: a gene involved in the control of cell proliferation in imaginal discs, Development 118, 1291-1301); although ex negatively regulates cell proliferation in the developing wing, it appeared to have a conflicting role in the eye. In contrast, our analysis of the loss-of-function phenotype indicates that ex does, in fact, regulate growth in the eye. We also show that this gene plays a role in patterning of the eye, mainly at the level of planar polarity. Our studies further demonstrate that, contrary to what was expected based on loss-of-function data, the tissue reduction phenotypes resulting from Ex overexpression are attributable to the induction of apoptotic cell death. Taken together, our data suggest that Ex is a versatile molecule that plays a role in most of the processes that govern disc development.  相似文献   

Drosophila nemo was first identified as a gene required for tissue polarity during ommatidial development. We have extended the analysis of nemo and found that it participates in multiple developmental processes. It is required during wing development for wing shape and vein patterning. We observe genetic interactions between nemo and mutations in the Notch, Wingless, Frizzled and Decapentaplegic pathways. Our data support the findings from other organisms that Nemo proteins act as negative regulators of Wingless signaling. nemo mutations cause polarity defects in the adult wing and overexpression of nemo leads to abdominal polarity defects. The expression of nemo during embryogenesis is dynamic and dsRNA inhibition and ectopic expression studies indicate that nemo is essential during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The Drosophila egg chamber is an organ composed of a somatic epithelium that covers a germline cyst. After egg-chamber formation, the germline cells grow rapidly without dividing while the surface of the epithelium expands by cell proliferation [1, 2]. The mechanisms that coordinate growth and morphogenesis of the two tissues are not known. Here we identify a role for the actomyosin cytoskeleton in this process. We show that myosin activity is restricted to the epithelium's apical surface, which is facing the growing cyst. We demonstrate that the epithelium collapses in the absence of myosin activity and show that the force that deforms the epithelium originates from the growing cyst. Thus, myosin activity maintains epithelial shape by balancing the force emanating from cyst growth. Further, our data indicate that cyst growth induces cell division in the epithelium. In addition, we show how apical restriction of myosin activity is controlled. Myosin is activated at the apical cortex by localized Rho kinase and inhibited at the basolateral cortex by PP1beta9C. In addition, our data indicate that active myosin is apically anchored by the Baz/Par-6/aPKC complex.  相似文献   

By combining in vitro reconstitution biochemistry with a cross-linking approach, we have identified focal segmental glomerulosclerosis 3/CD2-associated protein (FSGS3/CD2AP) as a novel actin barbed-end capping protein responsible for actin stability at the adherens junction. FSGS3/CD2AP colocalizes with E-cadherin and α-actinin-4 at the apical junction in polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. Knockdown of FSGS3/CD2AP compromised actin stability and decreased actin accumulation at the adherens junction. Using a novel apparatus to apply mechanical stress to cell–cell junctions, we showed that knockdown of FSGS3/CD2AP compromised adhesive strength, resulting in tearing between cells and disruption of barrier function. Our results reveal a novel function of FSGS3/CD2AP and a previously unrecognized role of barbed-end capping in junctional actin dynamics. Our study underscores the complexity of actin regulation at cell–cell contacts that involves actin activators, inhibitors, and stabilizers to control adhesive strength, epithelial behavior, and permeability barrier integrity.  相似文献   

Mammalian oocyte maturation is distinguished by asymmetric division that is regulated primarily by cytoskeleton, including microtubules and microfilaments. Small Rho GTPase RhoA is a key regulator of cytoskeletal organization which regulates cell polarity, migration, and division. In this study, we investigated the roles of RhoA in mammalian oocyte meiosis and early embryo cleavage. (1) Disrupting RhoA activity or knock down the expression of RhoA caused the failure of polar body emission. This may have been due to decreased actin assembly and subsequent spindle migration defects. The involvement of RhoA in this process may have been though its regulation of actin nucleators ROCK, p-Cofilin, and ARP2 expression. (2) In addition, spindle morphology was also disrupted and p-MAPK expression decreased in RhoA inhibited or RhoA KD oocytes, which indicated that RhoA also regulated MAPK phosphorylation for spindle formation. (3) Porcine embryo development was also suppressed by inhibiting RhoA activity. Two nuclei were observed in one blastomere, and actin expression was reduced, which indicated that RhoA regulated actin-based cytokinesis of porcine embryo. Thus, our results demonstrated indispensable roles for RhoA in regulating porcine oocyte meiosis and cleavage during early embryo development.  相似文献   

Ruk/CIN85/SETA/CD2BP3 and CD2AP/CMS/METS-1 comprise a new family of proteins involved in such fundamental processes as clustering of receptors and rearrangement of the cytoskeleton in regions of specialised cell-cell contacts, ligand-activated internalisation and targeting to lysosome degradation pathway of receptor tyrosine kinases, and apoptotic cell death. As typical adapter proteins they execute these functions by interacting with other signalling molecules via multiple protein-protein interaction interfaces: SH3 domains, Pro-rich region and coiled-coil domain. It has been previously demonstrated that Ruk is able to interact with the p85alpha regulatory subunit of PI 3-kinase and that the SH3 domain of p85alpha is required for this interaction. However, later observations hinted at a more complex mechanism than simple one-way SH3-Pro-rich interaction. Because interaction with p85alpha was suggested to be important for pro-apoptotic activity of the long isoform of Ruk, Ruk(l)/CIN85, we carried out detailed studies of the mechanism of this interaction and demonstrated that multiple domains are involved; SH3 domains of Ruk are required and sufficient for efficient interaction with full-length p85alpha but the SH3 domain of p85alpha is vital for their "activation" by ousting them from intramolecular interaction with the Pro-rich region of Ruk. Our data also suggest that homodimerisation via C-terminal coiled-coil domain affects both intra- and intermolecular interactions of Ruk proteins.  相似文献   



The Rho-kinases (ROCKs) are major effector targets of the activated Rho GTPase that have been implicated in many of the Rho-mediated effects on cell shape and movement via their ability to affect acto-myosin contractility. The role of ROCKs in cell shape change and motility suggests a potentially important role for Rho-ROCK signaling in tissue morphogenesis during development. Indeed, in Drosophila, a single ROCK ortholog, DRok, has been identified and has been found to be required for establishing planar cell polarity.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that inflammatory compounds that increase nitric oxide (NO) synthase expression have a biphasic effect on the level of the NO messenger cGMP in astrocytes. In this work, we demonstrate that NO-dependent cGMP formation is involved in the morphological change induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in cultured rat cerebellar astroglia. In agreement with this, dibutyryl-cGMP, a permeable cGMP analogue, and atrial natriuretic peptide, a ligand for particulate guanylyl cyclase, are both able to induce process elongation and branching in astrocytes resulting from a rapid, reversible and concentration-dependent redistribution of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and actin filaments without significant change in protein levels. These effects are also observed in astrocytes co-cultured with neurons. The cytoskeleton rearrangement induced by cGMP is prevented by the specific protein kinase G inhibitor Rp-8Br-PET-cGMPS and involves downstream inhibition of RhoA GTPase since is not observed in cells transfected with constitutively active RhoA. Furthermore, dibutyryl-cGMP prevents RhoA-membrane association, a step necessary for its interaction with effectors. Stimulation of the cGMP-protein kinase G pathway also leads to increased astrocyte migration in an in vitro scratch-wound assay resulting in accelerated wound closure, as seen in reactive gliosis following brain injury. These results indicate that cGMP-mediated pathways may regulate physio-pathologically relevant responses in astroglial cells.  相似文献   

Recruitment of CD2 to the immunological synapse in response to antigen is dependent on its proline-rich cytoplasmic tail. A peptide from this region (CD2:322-339) isolated CMS (human CD2AP); a related protein, CIN85; and the actin capping protein, CAPZ from a T cell line. In BIAcore analyses, the N-terminal SH3 domains of CMS and CIN85 bound CD2:322-339 with similar dissociation constants (KD = approximately 100 microm). CAPZ bound the C-terminal half of CMS and CIN85. Direct binding between CMS/CIN85 and CAPZ provides a link with the actin cytoskeleton. Overexpression of a fragment from the C-terminal half or the N-terminal SH3 domain of CD2AP in a mouse T cell hybridoma resulted in enhanced interleukin-2 production and reduced T cell receptor down-modulation in response to antigen. These adaptor proteins are important in T cell signaling consistent with a role for CD2 in regulating pathways initiated by CMS/CIN85 and CAPZ.  相似文献   

Lateral inhibition is critical for cell fate determination and involves the functions of Notch (N) and its effectors, the Enhancer of Split Complex, E(spl)C repressors. Although E(spl) proteins mediate the repressive effects of N in diverse contexts, the role of phosphorylation was unclear. The studies we describe implicate a common role for the highly conserved Ser/Thr protein kinase CK2 during eye and bristle development. Compromising the functions of the catalytic (alpha) subunit of CK2 elicits a rough eye and defects in the interommatidial bristles (IOBs). These phenotypes are exacerbated by mutations in CK2 and suppressed by an increase in the dosage of this protein kinase. The appearance of the rough eye correlates, in time and space, to the specification and refinement of the 'founding' R8 photoreceptor. Consistent with this observation, compromising CK2 elicits supernumerary R8's at the posterior margin of the morphogenetic furrow (MF), a phenotype characteristic of loss of E(spl)C and impaired lateral inhibition. We also show that compromising CK2 elicits ectopic and split bristles. The former reflects the specification of excess bristle SOPs, while the latter suggests roles during asymmetric divisions that drive morphogenesis of this sensory organ. In addition, these phenotypes are exacerbated by mutations in CK2 or E(spl), indicating genetic interactions between these two loci. Given the centrality of E(spl) to the repressive effects of N, our studies suggest conserved roles for this protein kinase during lateral inhibition. Candidates for this regulation are the E(spl) repressors, the terminal effectors of this pathway.  相似文献   

The in vivo functions of ARF-like members of the Ras superfamily of GTPases are relatively unexplored. Here we describe the analysis of C. elegans evl-20 gene that encodes a functional homolog of human ARL2. Elimination of evl-20 function results in abnormal vulval, gonad, and male tail development and disrupts embryonic proliferation, hypodermal enclosure, and elongation. Loss of evl-20 function causes specific defects in the microtubule cytoskeleton, which is the likely molecular basis for the observed defects. EVL-20 is closely associated with both the cell cortex and astral microtubules, suggesting that it may directly interact with microtubule structures at those locations. Our data indicate that EVL-20 functions in the cytoplasm and at the plasma membrane to regulate cytoskeletal dynamics during cytokinesis and morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Podocytes are insulin-sensitive and take up glucose in response to insulin. This requires nephrin, which interacts with vesicle-associated membrane protein 2 (VAMP2) on GLUT4 storage vesicles (GSVs) and facilitates their fusion with the plasma membrane. In this paper, we show that the filament-forming GTPase septin 7 is expressed in podocytes and associates with CD2-associated protein (CD2AP) and nephrin, both essential for glomerular ultrafiltration. In addition, septin 7 coimmunoprecipitates with VAMP2. Subcellular fractionation of cultured podocytes revealed that septin 7 is found in both cytoplasmic and membrane fractions, and immunofluorescence microscopy showed that septin 7 is expressed in a filamentous pattern and is also found on vesicles and the plasma membrane. The filamentous localization of septin 7 depends on CD2AP and intact actin organization. A 2-deoxy-d-glucose uptake assay indicates that depletion of septin 7 by small interfering RNA or alteration of septin assembly by forchlorfenuron facilitates glucose uptake into cells and further, knockdown of septin 7 increased the interaction of VAMP2 with nephrin and syntaxin 4. The data indicate that septin 7 hinders GSV trafficking and further, the interaction of septin 7 with nephrin in glomeruli suggests that septin 7 may participate in the regulation of glucose transport in podocytes.  相似文献   

The role of Dpp and its inhibitors during eggshell patterning in Drosophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Drosophila eggshell is patterned by the combined action of the epidermal growth factor [EGF; Gurken (Grk)] and transforming growth factor beta [TGF-beta; Decapentaplegic (Dpp)] signaling cascades. Although Grk signaling alone can induce asymmetric gene expression within the follicular epithelium, here we show that the ability of Grk to induce dorsoventral polarity within the eggshell strictly depends on Dpp. Dpp, however, specifies at least one anterior region of the eggshell in the absence of Grk. Dpp forms an anteriorposterior morphogen gradient within the follicular epithelium and synergizes with the dorsoventral gradient of Grk signaling. High levels of Grk and Dpp signaling induce the operculum, whereas lower levels of both pathways induce the dorsal appendages. We provide evidence that the crosstalk between both pathways occurs at least at two levels. First, Dpp appears to directly enhance the levels of EGF pathway activity within the follicular epithelium. Second, Dpp and EGF signaling collaborate in controlling the expression of Dpp inhibitors. One of these inhibitors is Drosophila sno (dSno), a homolog of the Ski/Sno family of vertebrate proto-oncogenes, which synergizes with daughters against dpp and brinker to set the posterior and lateral limits of the region, giving rise to dorsal follicle cells.  相似文献   

Rab40b is a SOCS box–containing protein that regulates the secretion of MMPs to facilitate extracellular matrix remodeling during cell migration. Here, we show that Rab40b interacts with Cullin5 via the Rab40b SOCS domain. We demonstrate that loss of Rab40b–Cullin5 binding decreases cell motility and invasive potential and show that defective cell migration and invasion stem from alteration to the actin cytoskeleton, leading to decreased invadopodia formation, decreased actin dynamics at the leading edge, and an increase in stress fibers. We also show that these stress fibers anchor at less dynamic, more stable focal adhesions. Mechanistically, changes in the cytoskeleton and focal adhesion dynamics are mediated in part by EPLIN, which we demonstrate to be a binding partner of Rab40b and a target for Rab40b–Cullin5-dependent localized ubiquitylation and degradation. Thus, we propose a model where Rab40b–Cullin5-dependent ubiquitylation regulates EPLIN localization to promote cell migration and invasion by altering focal adhesion and cytoskeletal dynamics.  相似文献   

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