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Pancreatic organogenesis relies on a complex interplay of cell-autonomous and extracellular signals. We demonstrate that the morphogen sonic hedgehog (Shh) is required for pancreatic development in zebrafish. Genetic mutants of Shh and its signaling pathway establish this dependence as specific to endocrine, but not exocrine, pancreas. Using cyclopamine to inhibit hedgehog signaling, we show that transient Shh signaling is necessary during gastrulation for subsequent differentiation of endoderm into islet tissue. A second hedgehog-dependent activity occurring later in development was also identified and may be analogous to the known action of Shh in gut endoderm to direct localization of pancreatic development. The early action of Shh may be part of a more general process allowing neuroendocrine cells to originate in nonneuroectodermally derived tissues.  相似文献   

Sonic hedgehog expression during early tooth development in Suncus murinus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tooth development is a highly organized process characterized by reciprocal interactions between epithelium and mesenchyme. However, the expression patterns and functions of molecules involved in mouse tooth development are unclear from the viewpoint of explaining human dental malformations and anomalies. Here, we show the expression of sonic hedgehog (Shh), a potent initiator of morphogenesis, during the early stages of tooth development in Suncus murinus. Initially, symmetrical, elongated expression of suncus Shh (sShh) was observed in the thin layer of dental epithelial cells along the mesial-distal axis of both jaws. As the dental epithelium continued to develop, sShh was strictly restricted to the predicted leading parts of the growing, invaginating epithelium corresponding to tooth primordia and enamel knots. We propose that some aspects of Shh function in tooth development are widely conserved in mammalian phylogeny.  相似文献   

The Hedgehog signaling pathway is critical for a significant number of developmental patterning events. In this study, we focus on the defects in pharyngeal arch and cardiovascular patterning present in Sonic hedgehog (Shh) null mouse embryos. Our data indicate that, in the absence of Shh, there is general failure of the pharyngeal arch development leading to cardiac and craniofacial defects. The cardiac phenotype results from arch artery and outflow tract patterning defects, as well as abnormal development of migratory neural crest cells (NCCs). The constellation of cardiovascular defects resembles a severe form of the human birth defect syndrome tetralogy of Fallot with complete pulmonary artery atresia. Previous studies have demonstrated a role for Shh in NCC survival and proliferation at later stages of development. Our data suggest that SHH signaling does not act directly on NCCs as a survival factor, but rather acts to restrict the domains that NCCs can populate during early stages (e8.5-10.5) of cardiovascular and craniofacial development.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to investigate the direct role of Shh molecule on cytodifferentiation and cusp formation. Affi-gel blue beads soaked in exogenous Shh-N, Shh antibody or BSA control protein were implanted between the epithelium and mesenchyme of isolated molar germs at the cap stage. The recombinants were grafted for culture under the kidney capsules respectively. In compared to the control, additional Shh-N protein could not enhance the ameloblasts and odontoblasts differentiation of the explanted tooth germs. While, application of Shh antibody retarded these events. After 4 weeks of subrenal culture, the teeth dissected from the explants treated with Shh-N were multicuspid. Most of the teeth harvested from the Shh antibody group were small and single irregularly shaped cusp was visible. The main cusp height in this group was reduced. The results indicated Shh signaling pathway is critical for odontoblast and ameloblast differentiation and patterns cusp formation. Lu Zhang and Fang Hua contribute equally.  相似文献   

Coordinated growth and differentiation of external genitalia generates a proximodistally elongated structure suitable for copulation and efficient fertilization. The differentiation of external genitalia incorporates a unique process, i.e. the formation of the urethral plate and the urethral tube. Despite significant progress in molecular embryology, few attempts have been made to elucidate the molecular developmental processes for external genitalia. The sonic hedgehog (Shh) gene and its signaling genes have been found to be dynamically expressed during murine external genitalia development. Functional analysis by organ culture revealed that Shh could regulate mesenchymally expressed genes, patched 1 (Ptch1), bone morphogenetic protein 4 (Bmp4), Hoxd13 and fibroblast growth factor 10 (Fgf10), in the anlage: the genital tubercle (GT). Activities of Shh for both GT outgrowth and differentiation were also demonstrated. Shh(-/-) mice displayed complete GT agenesis, which is compatible with such observations. Furthermore, the regulation of apoptosis during GT formation was revealed for the first time. Increased cell death and reduced cell proliferation of the Shh(-/-) mice GT were shown. A search for alterations of Shh downstream gene expression identified a dramatic shift of Bmp4 gene expression from the mesenchyme to the epithelium of the Shh mutant before GT outgrowth. Regulation of mesenchymal Fgf10 gene expression by the epithelial Shh was indicated during late GT development. These results suggest a dual mode of Shh function, first by the regulation of initiating GT outgrowth, and second, by subsequent GT differentiation.  相似文献   

During development of the cerebellum, Sonic hedgehog (SHH) is expressed in migrating and settled Purkinje neurons and is directly responsible for proliferation of granule cell precursors in the external germinal layer. We have previously demonstrated that SHH interacts with vitronectin in the differentiation of spinal motor neurons. Here, we analysed whether similar interactions between SHH and extracellular matrix glycoproteins regulate subsequent steps of granule cell development. Laminins and their integrin receptor subunit alpha6 accumulate in the outer most external germinal layer where proliferation of granule cell precursors is maximal. Consistent with this expression pattern, laminin significantly increases SHH-induced proliferation in primary cultures of cerebellar granule cells. Vitronectin and its integrin receptor subunits alpha(v) are expressed in the inner part of the external germinal layer where granule cell precursors exit the cell cycle and commence differentiation. In cultures, vitronectin is able to overcome SHH-induced proliferation, thus allowing granule cell differentiation. Our studies indicate that the pathway in granule cell precursors responsible for the conversion of a proliferative SHH-mediated response to a differentiation signal depends on CREB. Vitronectin stimulates phosphorylation of cyclic-AMP responsive element-binding protein (CREB), and over-expression of CREB is sufficient to induce granule cell differentiation in the presence of SHH. Taken together, these data suggest that granule neuron differentiation is regulated by the vitronectin-induced phosphorylation of CREB, a critical event that terminates SHH-mediated proliferation and permits the differentiation program to proceed in these cells.  相似文献   

Apaf1 is an evolutionarily conserved component of the apoptosome. In mammals, the apoptosome assembles when cytochrome c is released from mitochondria, binding Apaf1 in an ATP-dependent manner and activating caspase 9 to execute apoptosis. Here we identify and characterize a novel mouse mutant, yautja, and find it results from a leucine-to-proline substitution in the winged-helix domain of Apaf1. We show that this allele of Apaf1 is unique, as the yautja mutant Apaf1 protein is stable, yet does not possess apoptotic function in cell culture or in vivo assays. Mutant embryos die perinatally with defects in craniofacial and nervous system development, as well as reduced levels of apoptosis. We further investigated the defects in craniofacial development in the yautja mutation and found altered Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling between the prechordal plate and the frontonasal ectoderm, leading to increased mesenchymal proliferation in the face and delayed or absent ossification of the skull base. Taken together, our data highlight the time-sensitive link between Shh signaling and the regulation of apoptosis function in craniofacial development to sculpt the face. We propose that decreased apoptosis in the developing nervous system allows Shh-producing cells to persist and direct a lateral outgrowth of the upper jaw, resulting in the craniofacial defects we see. Finally, the novel yautja Apaf1 allele offers the first in vivo understanding of a stable Apaf1 protein that lacks a function, which should make a useful tool with which to explore the regulation of programmed cell death in mammals.  相似文献   

Development of the cartilaginous capsule of the inner ear is dependent on interactions between otic epithelium and its surrounding periotic mesenchyme. During these tissue interactions, factors endogenous to the otic epithelium influence the differentiation of the underlying periotic mesenchyme to form a chondrified otic capsule. We report the localization of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) protein and expression of the Shh gene in the tissues of the developing mouse inner ear. We demonstrate in cultures of periotic mesenchyme that Shh alone cannot initiate otic capsule chondrogenesis. However, when Shh is added to cultured periotic mesenchyme either in combination with otic epithelium or otic epithelial-derived fibroblast growth factor (FGF2), a significant enhancement of chondrogenesis occurs. Addition of Shh antisense oligonucleotide (AS) to cultured periotic mesenchyme with added otic epithelium decreases levels of endogenous Shh and suppresses the chondrogenic response of the mesenchyme cells, while supplementation of Shh AS-treated cultures with Shh rescues cultures from chondrogenic inhibition. We demonstrate that inactivation of Shh by targeted mutation produces anomalies in the developing inner ear and its surrounding capsule. Our results support a role for Shh as a regulator of otic capsule formation and inner ear development during mammalian embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Sonic hedgehog signalling in T-cell development and activation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The production of mature functional T cells in the thymus requires signals from the thymic epithelium. Here, we review recent experiments showing that one way in which the epithelium controls the production of mature T cells is by the secretion of sonic hedgehog (SHH). We consider the increasing evidence that SHH-induced signalling is not only important for the differentiation and proliferation of early thymocyte progenitors, but also for modulating T-cell receptor signalling during repertoire selection, with implications for positive selection, CD4 versus CD8 lineage commitment, and clonal deletion of autoreactive cells. We also review the influence of hedgehog signalling in peripheral T-cell activation.  相似文献   

Spinal cord oligodendrocyte precursors arise in the ventral ventricular zone as a result of local signals. Ectopic oligodendrocyte precursors can be induced by sonic hedgehog (Shh) in explants of chick dorsal spinal cord over an extended developmental period. The role of Shh during normal oligodendrocyte development is, however, unclear. Here we demonstrate that Shh is localized to the ventral spinal cord immediately prior to, and during the appearance of oligodendrocyte precursors. Continued expression of Shh is required for the appearance of spinal cord oligodendrocyte precursors as neutralization of Shh signaling both in vivo and in vitro during a defined developmental period blocked their emergence. The inhibition of oligodendrocyte precursor emergence in the absence of Shh signaling was not the result of inhibiting precursor cell proliferation, and the neutralization of Shh signaling after the emergence of oligodendrocyte precursors had no effect on the appearance of additional cells or their subsequent differentiation. Similar concentrations of Shh induce motor neurons and oligodendrocytes in dorsal spinal cord explants. However, in explants from early embryos the motor neuron lineage is preferentially expanded while in explants from older embryos the oligodendrocyte lineage is preferentially expanded.  相似文献   

Sonic hedgehog (Shh), both as a mitogen and as a morphogen, plays an important role in cell proliferation and differentiation during early development. Here, we show that Shh inhibits glutamate transporter activities in neurons, rapidly enhances extracellular glutamate levels, and affects the development of epilepsy. Shh is quickly released in response to epileptic, but not physiological, stimuli. Inhibition of neuronal glutamate transporters by Shh depends on heterotrimeric G protein subunit Gαi and enhances extracellular glutamate levels. Inhibiting Shh signaling greatly reduces epileptiform activities in both cell cultures and hippocampal slices. Moreover, pharmacological or genetic inhibition of Shh signaling markedly suppresses epileptic phenotypes in kindling or pilocarpine models. Our results suggest that Shh contributes to the development of epilepsy and suppression of its signaling prevents the development of the disease. Thus, Shh can act as a modulator of neuronal activity, rapidly regulating glutamate levels and promoting epilepsy.  相似文献   

Critical to the exchange and metabolic functions served by tissues like brain choroid plexi and lung is the coherent development of an epithelial sheet of large surface area in tight apposition to an extensive vascular bed. Here, we present functional experiments in the mouse demonstrating that Sonic hedgehog (Shh) produced by hindbrain choroid plexus epithelium induces the extensive vascular outgrowths and vascular surface area fundamental to choroid plexus functions, but does not induce the more specialized endothelial cell features of fenestrations and bore size. Our findings indicate that these Shh-dependent vascular elaborations occur even in the presence of Vegf and other established angiogenic factors, suggesting either that the levels of these factors are inadequate in the absence of Shh or that a different set of factors may be more essential to choroid plexus outgrowth. Transducing the Shh signal is a perivascular cell—the pericyte—rather than the more integral vascular endothelial cell itself. Moreover, our findings suggest that hindbrain choroid plexus endothelial cells, as compared to other vascular endothelial cells, are more dependent upon pericytes for instruction. Thus, in addition to Shh acting on the progenitor pool for choroid plexus epithelial cells, as previously shown, it also acts on choroid plexus pericytes, and together serves the important role of coordinating the development of two disparate yet functionally dependent structures—the choroid plexus vasculature and its ensheathing epithelium.  相似文献   

Sonic hedgehog and the molecular regulation of mouse neural tube closure   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Neural tube closure is a fundamental embryonic event whose molecular regulation is poorly understood. As mouse neurulation progresses along the spinal axis, there is a shift from midline neural plate bending to dorsolateral bending. Here, we show that midline bending is not essential for spinal closure since, in its absence, the neural tube can close by a 'default' mechanism involving dorsolateral bending, even at upper spinal levels. Midline and dorsolateral bending are regulated by mutually antagonistic signals from the notochord and surface ectoderm. Notochordal signaling induces midline bending and simultaneously inhibits dorsolateral bending. Sonic hedgehog is both necessary and sufficient to inhibit dorsolateral bending, but is neither necessary nor sufficient to induce midline bending, which seems likely to be regulated by another notochordal factor. Attachment of surface ectoderm cells to the neural plate is required for dorsolateral bending, which ensures neural tube closure in the absence of sonic hedgehog signaling.  相似文献   

To directly test the requirement for hedgehog signaling in the telencephalon from early neurogenesis, we examined conditional null alleles of both the Sonic hedgehog and Smoothened genes. While the removal of Shh signaling in these animals resulted in only minor patterning abnormalities, the number of neural progenitors in both the postnatal subventricular zone and hippocampus was dramatically reduced. In the subventricular zone, this was partially attributable to a marked increase in programmed cell death. Consistent with Hedgehog signaling being required for the maintenance of stem cell niches in the adult brain, progenitors from the subventricular zone of floxed Smo animals formed significantly fewer neurospheres. The loss of hedgehog signaling also resulted in abnormalities in the dentate gyrus and olfactory bulb. Furthermore, stimulation of the hedgehog pathway in the mature brain resulted in elevated proliferation in telencephalic progenitors. These results suggest that hedgehog signaling is required to maintain progenitor cells in the postnatal telencephalon.  相似文献   

Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS) is an autosomal dominant or spontaneous disorder characterized by multiple cutaneous basal cell carcinomas, odontogenic keratocysts, skeletal anomalies and facial dysmorphology, including cleft lip and palate. Causative mutations for NBCCS occur in the PTCH1 gene on chromosome 9q22.3-q31, which encodes the principle receptor for the Hedgehog signalling pathway. We have investigated the molecular basis of craniofacial defects seen in NBCCS using a transgenic mouse model expressing Shh in basal epithelium under a Keratin-14 promoter. These mice have an absence of flat bones within the skull vault, hypertelorism, open-bite malocclusion, cleft palate and arrested tooth development. Significantly, increased Hedgehog signal transduction in these mice can influence cell fate within the craniofacial region. In medial edge epithelium of the palate, Shh activity prevents apoptosis and subsequent palatal shelf fusion. In contrast, high levels of Shh in odontogenic epithelium arrests tooth development at the bud stage, secondary to a lack of cell proliferation in this region. These findings illustrate the importance of appropriately regulated Hedgehog signalling during early craniofacial development and demonstrate that oro-facial clefting and hypodontia seen in NBCCS can occur as a direct consequence of increased Shh signal activity within embryonic epithelial tissues.  相似文献   

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