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In the present study we tested the hypothesis that memory formation during visual imprinting might be related to generation of new cells in the brain of newborn domestic chicks. Cell proliferation was examined in the intermediate medial mesopallium (IMM), arcopallium intermedium (AI), medial part of nidopallium and mesopallium (MNM), nidopallium dorso-caudalis (Ndc), hippocampus (Hp) and area parahippocampalis (APH), as well as in corresponding ventricular zones. Number of new cells was measured by BrdU incorporation 24 h or 7 days after training, BrdU was injected before training. 24 h after imprinting the number of BrdU-positive cells increased significantly in IMM. 7 days after training no changes were observed in IMM, while the number of new cells decreased in MNM and Ndc in comparison to the control group. These data suggest that newly generated cells in the brain of young chicks are influenced by imprinting procedure, which has opposite short-term and long-term effects. A possible reason for such double action of imprinting in contrast to conventional learning can be its additional stimulation of development of predisposition for features of natural parents.  相似文献   

Bolhuis JJ  Cook S  Horn G 《Animal behaviour》2000,59(6):1153-1159
In the investigation of the neural mechanisms of filial imprinting, neurochemical measures are often correlated with preference score (PS): approach activity to the training stimulus/total approach in a test. In a previous study, domestic chicks, Gallus gallus domesticus, that had a PS under 65% were classed as 'poor learners' and those with a PS greater than 65% were called 'good learners'. We tested the effects of continued imprinting training in chicks from these two categories. After exposure to an imprinting stimulus for 30 min on day 1 after hatching, preferences were tested and then the chicks were exposed to the same stimulus for either 90 min, 3 h or 4 h on the next day, followed by a second preference test. In all these experiments there was a significant improvement in mean PS in the 'poor learners' between the first and second test, such that these chicks acquired a significant mean preference for the training stimulus. There was no such improvement in chicks that did not receive further training on day 2. When absolute approach was analysed, there was no significant difference between 'poor learners' and 'good learners' at the second test, after 4 h of retraining. Overall, mean preference scores increased with length of training. These results suggest that 'poor learners' are better characterized as 'slow learners', and that their initially low PS is not caused by, for example, a lack of motivation to express a preference. Preference scores reflect the strength of learning during imprinting. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

In vivo microdialysis and behavioural studies in the domestic chick have shown that glutamatergic as well as monoaminergic neurotransmission in the medio-rostral neostriatum/hyperstriatum ventrale (MNH) is altered after auditory filial imprinting. In the present study, using pharmaco-behavioural and in vivo microdialysis approaches, the role of dopaminergic neurotransmission in this juvenile learning event was further evaluated. The results revealed that: (i) the systemic application of the potent dopamine receptor antagonist haloperidol (7.5 mg/kg) strongly impairs auditory filial imprinting; (ii) systemic haloperidol induces a tetrodotoxin-sensitive increase of extracellular levels of the dopamine metabolite, homovanillic acid, in the MNH, whereas the levels of glutamate, taurine and the serotonin metabolite, 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid, remain unchanged; (iii) haloperidol (0.01, 0.1, 1 mm) infused locally into the MNH increases glutamate, taurine and 5- hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid levels in a dose-dependent manner, whereas homovanillic acid levels remain unchanged; (iv) systemic haloperidol infusion reinforces the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor-mediated inhibitory modulation of the dopaminergic neurotransmission within the MNH. These results indicate that the modulation of dopaminergic function and its interaction with other neurotransmitter systems in a higher associative forebrain region of the juvenile avian brain displays similar neurochemical characteristics as the adult mammalian prefrontal cortex. Furthermore, we were able to show that the pharmacological manipulation of monoaminergic regulatory mechanisms interferes with learning and memory formation, events which in a similar fashion might occur in young or adult mammals.  相似文献   

How the complexity of food webs relates to stability has been a subject of many studies. Often, unweighted connectance is used to express complexity. Unweighted connectance is measured as the proportion of realized links in the network. Weighted connectance, on the other hand, takes link weights (fluxes or feeding rates) into account and captures the shape of the flux distribution. Here, we used weighted connectance to revisit the relation between complexity and stability. We used 15 real soil food webs and determined the feeding rates and the interaction strength matrices. We calculated both versions of connectance, and related these structural properties to food web stability. We also determined the skewness of both flux and interaction strength distributions with the Gini coefficient. We found no relation between unweighted connectance and food web stability, but weighted connectance was positively correlated with stability. This finding challenges the notion that complexity may constrain stability, and supports the ‘complexity begets stability’ notion. The positive correlation between weighted connectance and stability implies that the more evenly flux rates were distributed over links, the more stable the webs were. This was confirmed by the Gini coefficients of both fluxes and interaction strengths. However, the most even distributions of this dataset still were strongly skewed towards small fluxes or weak interaction strengths. Thus, incorporating these distribution with many weak links via weighted instead of unweighted food web measures can shed new light on classical theories.  相似文献   

Morphogenetic competence (MC) exists in embryonic limb tissue once thought to have lost this property as a consequence of cytodifferentiation. By stage 25 of chick embryonic development, cells in the proximal core of the limb have committed to the cartilage phenotype and are producing their characteristic extracellular matrix. Recombinant limb-bud grafts constructed using isolated fragments of this tissue produce outgrowths with a limb-like skeletal pattern. Inclusion of proximal peripheral tissue in the grafts (with or without the polarizing tissue) inhibits outgrowth and skeletal morphogenesis, explaining the failure of earlier studies to reveal the MC of the proximal core (chondrogenic) cells. Since definitive chondroblasts express MC in more permissive surroundings, it appears that Zwilling's assertion, that the onset of cytodifferentiation causes the loss of MC, is an oversimplification and that complex tissue interactions are probably involved.  相似文献   

Previous reports have described that neural activities in midbrain dopamine areas are sensitive to unexpected reward delivery and omission. These activities are correlated with reward prediction error in reinforcement learning models, the difference between predicted reward values and the obtained reward outcome. These findings suggest that the reward prediction error signal in the brain updates reward prediction through stimulus-reward experiences. It remains unknown, however, how sensory processing of reward-predicting stimuli contributes to the computation of reward prediction error. To elucidate this issue, we examined the relation between stimulus discriminability of the reward-predicting stimuli and the reward prediction error signal in the brain using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Before main experiments, subjects learned an association between the orientation of a perceptually salient (high-contrast) Gabor patch and a juice reward. The subjects were then presented with lower-contrast Gabor patch stimuli to predict a reward. We calculated the correlation between fMRI signals and reward prediction error in two reinforcement learning models: a model including the modulation of reward prediction by stimulus discriminability and a model excluding this modulation. Results showed that fMRI signals in the midbrain are more highly correlated with reward prediction error in the model that includes stimulus discriminability than in the model that excludes stimulus discriminability. No regions showed higher correlation with the model that excludes stimulus discriminability. Moreover, results show that the difference in correlation between the two models was significant from the first session of the experiment, suggesting that the reward computation in the midbrain was modulated based on stimulus discriminability before learning a new contingency between perceptually ambiguous stimuli and a reward. These results suggest that the human reward system can incorporate the level of the stimulus discriminability flexibly into reward computations by modulating previously acquired reward values for a typical stimulus.  相似文献   

Several species of simultaneously hermaphroditic seabasses living on coral reefs mate by alternating male and female roles with a partner. This is known as egg trading, one of the classic and most widely cited examples of social reciprocity among animals. Some of the egg-trading seabass species, including the chalk bass, Serranus tortugarum, switch mating roles repeatedly, having subdivided their clutch of eggs into parcels offered to the partner for fertilization. Here we attempt to understand these dynamics as a pair of evolutionary games, modifying some previous approaches to better reflect the biological system. We find that the trading of egg clutches is evolutionarily stable via byproduct mutualism and resistant to invasion by rare individuals that take the male role exclusively. We note why and how parceling may reflect sexual conflict between individuals in the mating pair. We estimate evolutionarily stable parcel numbers and show how they depend on parameter values. Typically, two or more sequential parcel numbers are evolutionarily stable, though the lowest of these yields the highest fitness. Assuming that parcel numbers are adjusted to local conditions, we predict that parcel numbers in nature are inversely related both to mating group density (except at low density) and predation risk.  相似文献   

Aims Mechanisms contributing to species coexistence have at least one of two modes of action: (i) stabilization of populations through restoring forces and (ii) equalization of fitness across individuals of different species. Recently, ecologists have begun gleaning the relative roles of these by testing the predictions of neutral theory, which predicts the properties of communities under pure fitness equalization. This null hypothesis was rejected for forests of southern Ontario based on large-scale (~100 km) spatial synchrony evident in the fossil pollen record over the entire Holocene, and the argument that a species' relative abundance would instead vary independently at such distances in the absence of stabilizing mechanisms. This test of neutral theory was criticized based on the idea that the synchrony might be produced by dispersal alone. Here, I revisit this test of neutral theory by explicitly calculating the synchrony expected in these forests using a novel simulation method enabling examination of the distribution of a species over large spatial and temporal scales.Methods A novel neutral simulation algorithm tracking only the focal species was used to calculate the neutral expectation for spatial synchrony properties examined empirically by Clark and MacLachlan [(2003) Stability of forest biodiversity. Nature 423 :635–8] using fossil pollen data from eight lake sites. The coefficient of variation (CV) in a species' relative abundance across the eight sites (initiated at about 10% with a small CV) was calculated for 10 runs over a 10?000 year time interval. The CV reflects the level of spatial synchrony in that less synchronous dynamics should lead to more variation across space (a higher equilibrium CV), and in particular, a greater increase in the CV over time from a small initial value. A 'two dimensional t' fat-tailed dispersal kernel was assumed with parameters set to the median derived from seed trap data for deciduous wind-dispersed trees. Robustness of results to assumed dispersal distance, density of trees on the landscape, site sizes, age at maturity and starting spatial distribution were checked.Important findings In contrast to the prediction of Clark and MacLachlan that, in the absence of stabilization, the CV across the sites should increase over time from levels observed at the beginning of the Holocene, under fat-tailed dispersal my neutral model robustly predicted only a brief (50 years) and small increase in the CV. I conclude that purely fitness-equalized species coexistence cannot be rejected based on the observed lack of increase in the CV across the eight sites in southern Ontario over the Holocene. Synchronous variation in environmental factors could alternatively explain the observed synchrony without the need for stabilization. However, neither dispersal nor environmental synchrony seems likely explanations for the quick widespread recovery of Tsuga in the Holocene after its seeming decimation, likely due to a pest outbreak.  相似文献   

Electrical and mechanical properties of the distal canine lower esophageal sphincter were studied in vitro to investigate possible means of inducing pacemaker activity. Both direct excitation and block of potassium conductance were investigated. The acetylcholine analog, carbachol, induced tissue depolarization and increase in tone but no electrical slow waves. Tetraethylammonium (TEA) chloride induced depolarization and evoked continuous spiking activity and increase in tone. BaCl did not depolarize the tissue but low amplitude spiking activity developed and increased tone. The putative potassium channel blocker, aminacrine at 2 X 10(-4) M, induced electrical slow wave activity in the distal lower esophageal sphincter, with or without superimposed spikes, accompanied by phasic contractile activity. This activity closely resembled the spontaneous pacemaker activity observed previously in the proximal lower esophageal sphincter. The aminacrine-induced activity was abolished by calcium influx blockers. Aminacrine, but not TEA or BaCl, abolished the nonadrenergic nerve-mediated inhibitory junction potentials. In conclusion, block of inhibitory innervation, and induction of electrical slow waves as a control mechanism for phasic contractile activity, seems to require blockade of an aminacrine- but not TEA-sensitive potassium conductance.  相似文献   

In research regarding postural stability, leg preference is often tested and controlled for. However, leg preference may vary between tasks. As athletes are a group of interest for postural stability testing, we evaluated the effect of five leg preference tasks categorization (step up, hop, ball kick, balance, pick up) on single-leg postural stability of 16 field hockey athletes. The ‘center of pressure speed’ was calculated as the primary outcome variable of single-leg postural stability. Secondary variables were ‘mean length of the GRF vector in the horizontal plane’, ‘mean length of the ankle angular velocity vector’, and ‘mean length of the hip angular velocity vector’, as well as the separate outcomes per degree of freedom. Results showed that leg preference was inconsistent between leg preference tasks. Moreover, the primary and secondary variables yielded no significant difference between the preferred and non-preferred legs, regardless of the applied leg preference task categorization (p>0.05). The present findings do not support the usability of leg preference tasks in controlling for bias of postural stability. In conclusion, none of the applied leg preference tasks revealed a significant effect on postural stability in healthy field hockey athletes.  相似文献   

Cannibalism of small numbers of offspring by a parent has been proposed as an adaptive parental strategy, by providing energy to support parental care. There are few empirical studies, however, to support this hypothesis. The beaugregory damselfish, Stegastes leucostictus, is a marine teleost that does not actively ventilate its eggs by fanning them. Partial cannibalism is common in this species, but in field studies was found to be unrelated to ration level. Filial cannibalism differed from predation in the pattern of egg eating; filial cannibalism was characterised by a random pattern of egg loss from a clutch rather than an aggregated distribution. Embryos developed quicker and had higher survival rates when they were at low densities and in nest sites where oxygen levels were high, and experimental reduction of oxygen levels increased rates of filial cannibalism. Here I present a hypothesis for filial cannibalism in the beaugregory damselfish; males cannibalise egg clutches in order to reduce clutch density and improve oxygen supply to the remaining embryos. I use a model of filial cannibalism to demonstrate how oxygen mediated cannibalism may be adaptive, and discuss the evolution of filial cannibalism in the beaugregory damselfish and other teleosts.  相似文献   

The data obtained suggest a use-dependent inhibition in the skin terminals of the C-fibre sensory units. The terminals are discussed in respect to search of efficient local anaesthetising agents as well as cardiac anti-arrhythmic agents with obvious neurotropic effects.  相似文献   

The tendency of atrial or ventricular fibrillation to terminate spontaneously in finite-sized tissue is known as the critical mass hypothesis. Previous studies have shown that dynamical instabilities play an important role in creating new wave breaks that maintain cardiac fibrillation, but its role in self-termination, in relation to tissue size and geometry, is not well understood. This study used computer simulations of two- and three-dimensional tissue models to investigate qualitatively how, in relation to tissue size and geometry, dynamical instability affects the spontaneous termination of cardiac fibrillation. The major findings are as follows: 1) Dynamical instability promotes wave breaks, maintaining fibrillation, but it also causes the waves to extinguish, facilitating spontaneous termination of fibrillation. The latter effect predominates as dynamical instability increases, so that fibrillation is more likely to self-terminate in a finite-sized tissue. 2) In two-dimensional tissue, the average duration of fibrillation increases exponentially as tissue area increases. In three-dimensional tissue, the average duration of fibrillation decreases initially as tissue thickness increases as a result of thickness-induced instability but then increases after a critical thickness is reached. Therefore, in addition to tissue mass and geometry, dynamical instability is an important factor influencing the maintenance of cardiac fibrillation.  相似文献   

The relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, and the mechanisms underpinning the food web stability, have been intensively investigated in ecological research. The ubiquities of generalists in natural food webs and its important role in dictating these ecosystem properties have been generally recognized. However, how competition between multiple top predators shape these ecosystem properties and determine the success of invasive predators remain largely unexplored. Here, we use a well-developed food web model to investigate the effects of prey preference of top predators on ecosystem functioning and food web stability in both local and invasive conditions. We design several modeling scenarios to mimic combinations of different types of top predators (specialist/generalist) and their origins (local/invasive). Our model theoretically shows that lower exploitation competition for prey between top predators (with distinct prey preferences featured by higher attack rates) would be beneficial for the ecosystem functioning and food web stability. We also demonstrate that the success of top predator invasion depends on the prey preference of both local and invasive top predators. Sensitivity analysis on the model further supports our findings. Our results highlight the importance of prey preference of multiple top predators in manipulating the properties of multi-trophic ecosystems. Our findings may have important implications because the current ongoing global changes profoundly change the phenology of many biological systems and create trophic mismatch, which may manipulate prey preference of top predators and in turn deteriorate ecosystem functioning and food web stability.  相似文献   

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