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Previous work suggests that short‐term changes in feeding rate are usually produced by the parent‐offspring interaction. However, few studies have properly tested this assumption. In this study, we attempt to explore the short‐term consequences of daily (within‐pair) brood size manipulations (reduced, original, and enlarged) on feeding behavior (provisioning rates, prey size, and prey type) of Mediterranean blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus. Total provisioning rates were lowest when broods were reduced in size and greatest when broods were enlarged. Mean prey size was also affected by the brood size changes: parents tended to bring larger prey when confronted with low brood demand reinforcing the view that a trade‐off exists between minimizing foraging time and maximizing food quantity. Such differences in feeding frequencies and the load sizes delivered may be explained by changes in the parents’ foraging tactic. Increase of brood size compelled parents to work harder and be less selective in prey choice; we found that stressed birds with a high level of feeding responsibility (hungry nestlings) opted to concentrate on more readily available food items (Tortricids). On the other hand, their immediate reaction when faced with a low level of feeding responsibility was to decrease this prey type in the diet, so that the percentage of other preys (Noctuids) in the diet increased. There was no intersexual difference in the way in which parents responded to the manipulation. In sum, our results revealed a flexibility in foraging strategies of blue tits to cope with changing scenarios, which supports the idea that provisioning behavior is largely governed by nestling demand.  相似文献   

Individual offspring within a brood may receive different amounts of provisioning from the male and female parents. Some hypotheses suggest that this bias is the result of an active and adaptive choice by parents. An alternative hypothesis is that feeding biases arise as a result of a constraint of fitting large prey items into small gapes. In an experiment with pied flycatchers, Ficedula hypoleuca , we tested for sex-biased allocation to junior nestlings in asynchronous broods and whether this could be explained by active parental choice or by passive allocation according to prey size and gape size. In both control broods and broods with experimentally increased degree of asynchrony, prey types did not differ between parents but females brought smaller prey than males at younger but not older nestling stages. At younger but not older nestling stages, the majority of feeds to junior nestlings were from females, and the smaller nestlings consumed smaller prey than older siblings. However, there was no evidence of active preference of small nestlings by females as parents did not differ in the tendency to bypass a begging senior nestling in order to feed a junior nestling. Provisioning rates by females were lower than those by males when nestlings were young and we suggest that foraging time constraints caused by the need to brood offspring result in females bringing smaller prey than males. In turn, the larger prey brought by males was more often transferred to larger offspring after the smaller ones failed to swallow it. In such cases, 'preferential' feeding of small nestlings by females may simply be a passive side effect of foraging constraints and gape-size limitations.  相似文献   

T.R Royama 《Ibis》1966,108(3):313-347
SUMMARY Observations were made on feeding rates and food-consumption of nestling Great Tits Parus major mainly in Larch plantations at lake Yamanaka, Japan. Feeding frequencies were recorded by an automatic recorder. There were marked differences between early and late broods; the feeding frequencies were twice as great in early than in late broods of the same size. No clear tendency was observed in the variations of feeding frequencies in relation to brood size. There was, however, a clear inverse relationship between the frequencies and the average size of food brought to the nests. The males' share in terms of feeding frequencies is described. These figures, however, did not follow the males' contribution in terms of weight of food, which was nearly always higher than the females'. It is pointed out that feeding frequencies are far too variable to be used as a true index of food consumption by nestlings, and are not reliable. Attempts were made to measure the weight of food; the method is described. The average weight of food brought by males was lighter in early than in later broods. The total weight of food was estimated. The trend of daily food consumption per chick was similar to that of the chick's growth curve. It was found that up to about the tenth day of the nestling period daily food-intake per chick increased linearly as body weight increased. At some nests, rate of defaecation was observed. This was at first low, but it increased steeply on the third day, with a steady increase thereafter. By comparing the rates of food intake, faeces output, and weight increment of a chick, it was found that only 20–30% of digested matter (the difference between food-intake and faeces-output was used up daily (for body temperature regulation various external effort, etc.). The factors responsible for this high efficiency of growth in nestlings are discussed. There was a clear inverse relationship between the total weight of food brought per chick per day and the brood size. This is largely because the heat-loss is greater in small than in large broods, so that a chick from a small brood in fact needs more energy to maintain its body temperature after a certain age than one from a large brood. This is discussed in detail. Factors which caused variations in size of food are discussed in relation to feeding frequencies. It is pointed out that, because of the inverse relationship between energy requirement by each chick and brood size, the total food requirement by a brood as a whole did not vary directly in proportion to the brood size. An estimation showed that a b/3 still required about 75% of the total food required by a b/8. A smaller brood is less advantageous than expected to parents feeding nestlings when they encounter adverse conditions, e.g. food shortage in the habitat, or a lack of help by their mates, etc. On the other hand, it is suggested that once they have left the nest, the food-demand by a brood of fledglings the parents have to feed, so that, in the fledging period, in times of food shortage it would certainly be advantageous to have fewer young. It is suggested that, although fledglings may consume three to four times as much food as nestlings, the parents, in providing this food, would not work proportionately harder, since the parents' efficiency of providing food could be higher in feeding the fledglings, which always follow the parents as they are hunting, than in feeding the nestlings to which food has to be brought. On this basis, the adaptive significance of the length of the nestling period in nidicolous species is discussed in relation to clutch size, brood size and food requirement.  相似文献   

Begging behaviour by the young affects parental food distribution among nestlings of altricial birds. We present an analysis of two types of begging behaviour (assuming the front nest positions and gaping) based on videotaped natural nestling feeding in European common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus). We test whether these types of begging support the predictions of two mathematical models: scramble competition with competitive asymmetries between nestlings [Anim. Behav. 27 (1979) 1210] or honest signalling model [Nature 352 (1991) 328]. None of the measured variables of nestling or parental behaviour were affected by body weight differences between siblings. In contrast, both gaping and nest positioning were affected by individual differences in nestling hunger. In agreement with the honest signalling model, hungrier nestlings gaped with higher probability and started to gape sooner after the arrival of the parent than did their less hungry nestmates. Those nestlings with the shortest latency to gape also received food more often. Nest positioning was related to nestling hunger in a way unforeseen by the existing models. The intervals between nestling position changes were several times longer than the intervals between parental feeding visits, and parents preferred to feed nestlings in front positions, so nestlings in front positions were always less hungry than nestlings in back. Hence the pattern of movements influenced the feeding decision in favour of the more satiated nestlings and acted against the effect of gaping. Nestling movement seemed to be caused by the less hungry nestlings moving actively from front to rear positions. Low mortality of individual nestlings within broods that survived to fledging and small within‐brood variation in fledging weights indicated low competition among nestmates. We suggest that there are two behavioural mechanisms that contribute to the equalization of fledging weights in common redstart nestlings: the signalling of need through gaping and the regular turnover of nestlings at front positions.  相似文献   

It is common in birds that the sizes of nestlings vary greatly when multiple young are produced in one nest. However, the methods used by parents to establish size hierarchy among nestlings and their effect on parental provisioning pattern may differ between species. In the Azure‐winged Magpie Cyanopica cyanus, we explored how and why parents controlled the sizes of nestlings. Asynchronous hatching was the main cause of size hierarchy within the brood, although the laying of larger eggs later in the laying sequence reduced this effect. Parents with asynchronous broods produced more eggs and fledged more nestlings than those with synchronous broods but their brood provisioning rates, food delivery per feeding bout and feeding efficiency did not differ. We performed a cross‐fostering experiment to synchronize some asynchronous broods. Provisioning rates of asynchronous broods were lower than those of synchronized broods, but the daily growth rates and fledging body mass of their nestlings were not different. Our findings indicate that parents of asynchronous broods can achieve higher reproductive success than those of synchronous broods based on the same parental care, and the same reproductive success as those of synchronized broods based on less parental care. It appears that parent birds can better trade off reproductive success and parental care by establishing a size hierarchy among nestlings.  相似文献   

The predator avoidance hypothesis suggests that the failure of subordinate birds to provision nestlings in communally breeding species is a consequence of increased predation risk. Parents exclude subordinates from the nest area and thus reduce the frequency of predator-attracting visits when the nest is most vulnerable, leading to increased reproductive success. I evaluated this hypothesis for the speckled warbler Chthonicola sagittata , a group-living member of the Pardalotidae in which subordinate males never feed nestlings or fledglings even though they are unrelated to the primary pair, compete for copulations and sometimes sire young in the brood. Parents did not modify provisioning behaviour relative to the risk of nest predation; provisioning rates to 10 d-old nestlings were similar on high and low risk territories. Furthermore, there was no evidence that parents modified the timing of deliveries or adjusted the relative size of deliveries in relation to predation risk. The condition (residual mass) of nestlings differed between high and low risk territories because nestlings on high risk territories had smaller tarsi but similar body mass to those at low risk. Tarsus length was the result of parental phenotype, not modified provisioning behaviour. Given that parents were unresponsive to predation risk, it seems unlikely that predation can account for the failure of subordinates to provision at the nest.  相似文献   

Altricial nestlings in structured families show a diverse array of behavioural mechanisms to compete for food, ranging from signalling scrambles to aggressive interference. Rates of filial infanticide are moderately high in white storks. It has been hypothesized that this unusual behaviour is an adaptive parental response to the absence of efficient mechanisms of brood reduction (aggression or direct physical interference) by nestlings. To test this latter assumption, we analyzed video recordings of 41 complete feeding episodes at 32 broods during the first half of the nestling period, when nestlings complete 90% of growth and chick mortality and size asymmetries are highest. Parents delivered food to all nestlings simultaneously by regurgitating on the nest floor. No direct (bill to bill) feeding was recorded. Senior nestlings were never observed to limit their junior nestlings from eating food, either by aggression or physical interference. Experimental feeding tests revealed that heavier nestlings handled prey items more efficiently and ate food at a higher speed. The high degree of tolerance shown by senior nestlings is unusual among birds with similar ecological and phylogenetic affinities, such as herons. Tolerance by seniors cannot be easily explained by absence of parental favouritism or proximate factors known to affect the occurrence of sibling aggression in other species (rate of food transfer, brood size, hatching asynchrony or length of nestling period).  相似文献   

Parent birds show a continuous spectrum of breeding strategies, ranging from a low‐fecundity and high‐survival pattern to a high‐fecundity, low‐survival pattern. Investigations of parental breeding strategies under variable environmental conditions can illustrate how parents trade‐off the benefits and costs of these two extreme strategies. White‐collared Blackbirds Turdus albocinctus can breed twice a year on the Tibetan Plateau. We show that both life‐history traits and parental feeding behaviour differ between these two breeding attempts. In the first attempt, the birds produced small clutches and fledged a small number of nestlings of high body condition. In the second attempt, they produced larger clutches and fledged more nestlings of lower body condition. Males made greater contributions to brood provisioning compared with females in the first attempt but there was no sex difference in brood provisioning in the second attempt. In the first attempt, producing smaller clutches can shorten the nestling period, and the increased male contribution to brood provisioning can protect the energy reserves of females. Thus, females can begin a second attempt sooner and produce larger clutches. During the second nesting attempt, when conditions are warmer and wetter, parents rely on a broader array of food types (both invertebrates and plant material, primarily berries) than during the first attempt, which includes only animal food such as arthropods and annelids. We suggest that this difference in breeding strategies between nesting attempts and sexes is in part influenced by marked seasonal variation in food availability.  相似文献   

Previous work on food-provisioning behaviour in blue tits suggested that the parents could gather larger prey items only by making longer foraging excursions, for example, by being more selective or by reaching more distant (and less exploited) feeding sites. Here, I show that within-nest, within-day variation in size of prey delivered by the parent could be explained by the time since its last visit. In unmanipulated conditions, size of larvae tended to increase with the time spent away from the nest. A significant positive relationship was more likely at high provisioning rates, suggesting that periods of intense feeding limited the size of prey delivered to the brood. To assess the effect of less intense feeding on prey size, I experimentally increased food availability to the tits. The parents could decide whether to eat the extra food or feed it to the nestlings. In both cases, food supplementation could result in longer time lags between natural feedings. Food-supplemented parents consumed the extra food and fed it to their nestlings, made longer foraging trips and delivered larger natural larvae than controls. In this group, size of larvae was more constant during the observation period and was independent of the time since the parent's last visit. This suggests that, below some value of visit rate, prey size is no longer limited by the duration of the foraging trip. The results support the view that tits continually vary visit rate and prey size. There is some evidence that these adjustments are made by changing food selectivity in response to changes in the state of the brood and of the parents.Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved .  相似文献   

In altricial birds, the great effort involved in supplying food to nestlings can create trade‐offs in the allocation of resources between the current brood and parental self‐maintenance. In poor foraging conditions, parents have to adjust their energy expenditure in relation to the increased foraging costs. However, intra‐specific variation in parental energy expenditure has rarely been evaluated in the context of these trade‐offs. Here, we quantified the daily energy expenditure (DEE) of parent Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica during the nestling period in relation to foraging conditions while controlling for differences in brood size and nestling age. DEE varied substantially with environmental conditions, increasing by 10 kJ/day per 5 °C in ambient temperature, and by 11 kJ/day per hour in day length. Parent birds did not compensate for a poor aerial insect supply on cool days, but reduced their DEE. Parents only slightly buffered a negative energy balance during chick provisioning with stored body reserves. They did not sacrifice their own energy demands to keep up a high energy flow to the brood when foraging conditions were poor. Instead they worked harder when foraging conditions allowed a surplus intake, fully compensating for their additional efforts, and made maximum use of the rich food supply, allowing the brood to accrue body reserves to compensate for low food intake on cold days. This strategy of energy management may have evolved in the context of the adaptation to the aerial foraging mode and to the ephemeral nature of aerial food resources.  相似文献   

Nestling development is among the most energy‐demanding periods of a bird’s lifetime and altricial species require extensive parental energy investment in the form of feeding and heating. In the present study I analyze the relation and trade‐offs between nestling growth, development of thermoregulation and feeding rate in blackcap Sylvia atricapilla, a species suffering from high nest predation. Nestlings were characterized by rapid growth but they achieved only 80% of adult mass prior to fledging. Body mass showed highest relative growth rate before nestlings achieved homeothermy. The onset of endothermy, indicated in day 7, coincided with 90% of nestling fledgling weight, indicating that the two processes are separated in time. A strong negative correlation between feeding rate and growth rate demonstrates that blackcap nestlings develop their bodies under relatively low feeding rates and more feeding is needed for maintenance of body temperature than for body growth. The study indicates high cost of endothermy for parents – endothermic nestlings received over 100% more feedings than ectothermic ones. The findings are discussed in the light of adaptation of the species to high predation risk.  相似文献   

In birds, asynchronous hatching typically leads to lower growth and survival of last-hatched chicks. However, all crimson rosella Platycercus elegans, chicks grow at the same rate, although first-hatched chicks can be as much as seven times heavier than last-hatched chicks at the end of hatching. We examined the delivery and distribution of food to 18 rosella broods by videotaping feeds and simultaneously recording mass changes in the nestbox using a digital balance. Parents visited the nest infrequently and delivered loads of up to 25% of their body weight during a feeding visit. Male rosellas consistently delivered larger loads and consequently had higher feeding rates (g/h) than females. Parents distributed food between chicks by direct regurgitation in a series of up to 51 food transfers. Overall, chicks of all hatching ranks received equal numbers of transfers, but parents differed in how they distributed food within the brood. Males fed first-hatched chicks more than last-hatched chicks, whereas females distributed food equally to all chicks. Selective feeding of small chicks might be costly to females since they delivered food more slowly than males and spent more time in the nestbox. Thus female rosellas may invest more in current reproduction than males. Parents also distributed food differently to male and female chicks. Large males were fed more than all other nestlings, while female nestlings were fed equally irrespective of size. This study confirms that complex patterns of parental allocation occur in wild populations. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

We manipulated brood sizes to promote different levels of parentaleffort in the common swift (Apus apus). This provided a powerfulmethod for testing hypotheses regarding parental investmentdecisions concerning optimal allocation strategies between parentsand young. Data were analyzed on a visit-by-visit basis regardingchanges in parental and chick body mass, the mass of prey delivered,and the estimated mass of parental self-feeding. Our resultswere consistent with current theory in that food delivery increasedwith brood size, whereas the food received per chick, and hencemean chick body mass, decreased with brood size. Parental bodymass decreased with brood size and increasing parental effortbut recovered quickly during lower levels of chick feeding immediatelybefore fledging, suggesting some short-term cost of reproduction.Parents feeding at the highest level experienced criticallylow body mass and responded by a temporary cessation of chickfeeding. On any one foraging trip, total mass of prey captureddid not differ between brood sizes, but load mass deliveredto the young was negatively related to the amount of estimatedparental self-feeding. Allocation decisions of parents feedingthemselves and their young matched differential allocation theories,but estimated provisioning efficiency of parents at differentbody masses did not suggest any adaptive advantage from parentalmass loss.  相似文献   

Male investment of time and energy in caring for offspring varies substantially both between and within bird species. Explaining this variation is of long-standing interest to ornithologists. One factor that may affect male care is breeding site altitude, through its effects on climate. The harsher, less predictable abiotic conditions at higher altitudes are hypothesized to favour increased male investment of time and energy in offspring care. We tested this hypothesis by comparing male parental behaviour in Mountain Bluebirds (Sialia currucoides) nesting at 1500 and 2500 m a.s.l. in the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming, USA. We compared rates of prey delivery to nestlings at these two altitudes at two times: 1–2 days after hatching, when females spend much of their time brooding young, and 12–13 days later, when brooding has ended and nestling energy demands are peaking. High-altitude males fed nestlings 18 and 28% more often than low-altitude males early and later in the nestling stage, respectively, but only the difference in late-stage feeding rates were significant. Like males, females at the high site also fed nestlings significantly more often than females at the low site later in the nestling stage (45% difference in feeding rates). Consequently, the proportion of all feeding trips made by males at the high site (40%) did not differ significantly from that at the low site (44%). Parents at the high altitude may feed nestlings more often to compensate for their greater thermoregulatory costs. Parents may also be attempting to assist nestlings in storing fat and/or attaining a large size and effective homeothermy as quickly as possible to enhance nestling ability to survive bouts of severe weather which are common at high altitudes.  相似文献   

Manipulations of brood size measure the willingness or ability of parents to invest in offspring and different reproductive roles may lead to differences in feeding effort between the sexes. Parental investment in birds is usually assessed by quantifying feeding rates, but this provides an incomplete picture of parental effort because it fails to account for how parents collect food on the landscape. We studied northern flickers (Colaptes auratus), a woodpecker in which males provide the majority of parental care and used a repeated measures design and short‐term (24 h) brood enlargements (N = 35) and reductions (N = 27) to assess effects of treatment on feeding rates to nestlings and parental foraging behaviour. Parents of enlarged broods did not significantly increase feeding rate, resulting in a decline in nestling mass. Parents of reduced broods decreased their feeding rates by 84%, but increased per capita feeding rates, resulting in nestling mass gain. The variation in feeding rates to enlarged broods was not influenced by feather corticosterone, body condition, feather re‐growth rate or mass change between the incubation and nestling periods. Foraging pattern on the landscape remained the same during the enlarged treatment for both sexes. We conclude that flickers respond to proximate cues in brood demands, but do not increase feeding rates to enlarged broods, at least in the short term. A literature review suggested that this lack of response is atypical for short‐lived species. We hypothesize that parents in species with large home ranges and long nestling periods face energetic limitations that constrain their ability to respond to enlarged broods. We encourage future studies to assess foraging behaviour on the landscape to document important trade‐offs for parents such as predation risk and energy expenditure while feeding offspring.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict is magnified during the post-fledging period of birds when the sexes face different trade-offs between continuing parental care or investing in self maintenance or other mating opportunities. Species with reversed sex roles provide a unique opportunity to study the relationship between mating systems and investment in parental care. Here, we provide the first detailed study of the length of care by males versus females (n = 24 pairs) during the post-fledging period, assessing factors that may promote care within and between the sexes. In the northern flicker Colaptes auratus, a species with partly reversed sex roles, males cared longer than females (average 16 versus 12 days, respectively). Overall, 36 % of females but no males deserted the brood prior to fledgling independence. Parents that provisioned nestlings at a high rate also spent more days feeding fledglings. Among males, age and nestling feeding rates were positively associated with the length of care. Among females, a low level of feather corticosterone (CORTf) was associated with a longer length of care. About 45 % of fledglings died within the first week, but fledglings with intermediate body mass had the highest survival suggesting stabilizing selection on mass. Fledgling survival was also higher in individuals with larger broods and lower levels of CORTf. We demonstrate that because females can be polyandrous they often desert the brood before males, and that the sexes respond to different cues relating to their energy balance when deciding the length of care given to their offspring.  相似文献   

We investigate the trade-off between reproductive effort, health status and T-lymphocyte acquired immunity in female and nestling barn swallows Hirundo rustica using a brood size manipulation experiment. Maternal and total feeding effort increased with experimental brood size. Parents did not fully compensate for the increased food demand of the enlarged broods and as a consequence the per capita feeding rate of nestlings decreased with increasing experimental brood size. Body mass and a measure of T-cell mediated immunity in 12 days old nestlings also decreased with increasing experimental brood size. Different leucocyte concentrations and the heterophile/lymphocyte ratio – an index of stress – of nestlings did not change in relation to experimental brood size, suggesting that within brood competition did not affect stress to nestlings. The brood size manipulation had a significant effect on maternal T-cell mediated immunity, measured by the phytohemagglutinin skin test, but not on maternal body mass, haematocrit or differential or total white blood cell counts. Our results seem to support the prediction that under mild work stress females respond first by reducing the energetically expensive acquired immunity. Different leucocyte types and the heterophile/lymphocyte ratio appear less sensitive to parental workload.  相似文献   

In species with biparental care, males and females share the benefits of investing in offspring but pay the costs individually. As a result of these evolutionary conflicts of interest between the sexes, it is expected that the two parents should follow different behavioural rules when providing food to the young. Such a discrepancy may be accentuated when parents have to choose between different subsets of offspring (e.g. large and small nestlings). We manipulated the degree of hatching asynchrony in Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus and quantified male and female feeding behaviour when nestlings were 7 and 10 days old. First, we tested for a difference in the role of the sexes during the nestling rearing period between experimentally asynchronous and synchronous control broods. We then used experimentally asynchronous broods to assess differences between the sexes in the pattern of food distribution in terms of number of feedings and prey types, between junior and senior siblings. When nestlings in experimental nests were 7 days old, females fed young more often than did males despite facing a trade‐off between brooding the smallest nestlings and bringing food to the nest. At this age, there was also a skew in food delivery in favour of senior siblings, whereas food was more evenly distributed across the brood when nestlings were 10 days old. We found no difference in how male and female Blue Tits distributed feeding visits among junior and senior nestlings. However, females fed the smallest nestlings with more spiders in comparison with their senior siblings. This could be related to their more suitable size relative to other prey types, their high content of essential nutrients, or both, and may represent a more cryptic form of parentally biased favouritism. We compare these findings with previous work on other species and discuss why parents did not feed junior siblings more frequently.  相似文献   

Some studies suggest that offspring might coordinate their begging displays to send a more effective brood signal, which in turn, could increase parental feeding rates. In tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor , when nestlings call together, their calls are more similar in structure than when they call alone. Here, we tested the hypothesis that call convergence enhances the overall brood signal, thus increasing parental provisioning rates. We played back similar and dissimilar calls (as measured by cross-correlation) to parents during a one-h playback period, and filmed the response of parents and nestlings. Contrary to our hypothesis, parental feeding rates did not differ in relation to call similarity. Based on these results, call similarity does not appear to function as a coordinated brood signal in tree swallows.  相似文献   

Summary First clutches of double-brooded eastern phoebes Sayornis phoebe were manipulated (up two eggs, down 2 eggs or no change) to test for intraseasonal reproductive tradeoffs and to test whether size of first brood influenced food delivery rates to nestlings and nestling quality in second broods.Considering all nests from both broods, rate of feeding nestlings increased linearly with brood size but nestling mass per nest decreased with increasing brood size. High nestling weights in small broods may have resulted from parents delivering better quality food, but we did not test this.Among treatment groups in first broods, nestlings from decreased broods weighed more than those in control or increased broods. Treatment did not influence the likelihood that second nests would be attempted after successful first nests nor did it alter the interval between nests. Nestlings of parents that renested weighed more than those of parents that did not, regardless of treatment, suggesting that post-fledging care may preclude renesting. Mass of individual females did not change between broods, regardless of brood size. Clutch sizes of second attempts were not affected by manipulations of first broods but increasing first broods reduced the number of nestlings parents were able to raise to day 11 in their second broods. However, manipulation of first broods did not affect mean nestling mass per nest of nestlings that survived to day 11.In phoebes, parents of small first broods are able to raise nestlings in better condition. We predict that in harsh years, parents of small first broods would be more likely to renest. Parents of enlarged first broods sacrificed quality of offspring in second broods, which seems a reasonable strategy if nestlings from second broods have lower reproductive value.  相似文献   

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