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We have characterized divalent-cation-stimulated nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase activity of the excitable ciliary membrane and compared it with a soluble Ca2+-ATPase released upon deciliation of Paramecium. The membrane-bound activity is strongly dependent on a divalent cation; calcium stimulates the basal activity of this enzyme at least 10-fold; magnesium and manganese stimulate less well, and strontium and barium, although less effective, also give measurable stimulation. This membrane-bound activity prefers ATP and GTP as substrates but also hydrolyzes UTP and CTP at measurable rates. The maximum velocity at saturating ATP concentrations and optimal calcium concentrations is 0.3 mumol/min per mg. The pH optimum for the membrane-bound activity is broad and centers around pH 7. From the temperature dependence of ATP hydrolysis, we calculate activation energies of 14 and 11 kcal/mol for the Ca2+- and Mg2+-stimulated activities, respectively. The Arrhenius plot is linear over the temperature range of 4 to 25 degrees C. The membrane ATPase is relatively insensitive to ouabain, oligomycin, N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, vanadate, Ruthenium red and two calmodulin antagonists. Polyclonal antisera raised against the purified soluble ATPase from the deciliation supernatant show low reactivity with the membrane-bound ATPase. We conclude from the comparison of properties of the two activities that the ciliary membrane-bound ATPase is distinct from the soluble ATPase released by deciliation.  相似文献   

A novel method for isolation of cilia and ciliary membrane vesicles from Paramecium tetraurelia has been developed. Using a continuous Percoll gradient of low osmolarity after fragmentation of purified cilia by French Press treatment two membrane fractions with different buoyant densities were obtained. These fractions were further purified by conventional discontinuous sucrose density gradients and characterized biochemically and by electron microscopy. Guanylate cyclase, a membrane bound enzyme, was found almost exclusively in membrane vesicles of high buoyant density while the voltage-sensitive calcium-channel of the ciliary membrane was predominantly localized in low density vesicles. Examination of both fractions by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed only minor differences in protein pattern in the 34 and 64 kilodaltons range. Morphologically both membrane vesicle fractions had a diameter of about 300 nm, however, the high density vesicle fraction contained a considerably larger amount of multilamellar structures with a multishell, onion-like appearance. Freeze-fracture analysis failed to detect differences in intramembrane particle content between low and high density vesicles. The possible biological relevance of the spatial separation of the calcium-sensor enzyme guanylate cyclase and the voltage-sensitive calcium-channels in the ciliary membrane is discussed in terms of a diffusion controlled mechanism for graded signal transmission.  相似文献   

Ca2+-regulated guanylate cyclase in ciliary membranes from Paramecium contained tightly bound calmodulin. Antisera against calmodulin from Tetrahymena and soybean inhibited enzyme activity. EGTA did not easily release calmodulin; however, La3+ inhibited guanylate cyclase by dissociation of calmodulin. While La could not replace Ca in the activation of guanylate cyclase, it substituted for Ca2+ in the activation of calmodulin-dependent phosphodiesterase from pig brain independently of whether homologous or Paramecium calmodulin was used. After removal of endogenous calmodulin from guanylate cyclase, reconstitution was achieved with calmodulin from Paramecium, Tetrahymena, pig brain, and soybean. Ca2+-binding proteins lacking trimethyllysine like calmodulin from Dictyostelium, parvalbumin, and troponin C failed to restore enzyme activity. The properties of the native and reconstituted guanylate cyclase/calmodulin complex were compared. Reassociation of calmodulin with its target enzyme was weak since all calmodulin remained in the supernatant after a single centrifugation. While most enzyme characteristics remained unchanged in the reconstituted complex, the inhibition by Ca greater than 100 microM was of a mixed-type compared to noncompetitive inhibition in the native enzyme. The regulation of the enzyme by cations was also altered. Whereas Ca was the most potent and specific activator of the native enzyme, in the reconstituted system Sr was far more effective.  相似文献   

To date, the calcium-regulated membrane guanylate cyclase Rod Outer Segment Guanylate Cyclase type 1 (ROS-GC1) transduction system in addition to photoreceptors is known to be expressed in three other types of neuronal cells: in the pinealocytes, mitral cells of the olfactory bulb and the gustatory epithelium of tongue. Very recent studies from our laboratory show that expression of ROS-GC1 is not restricted to the neuronal cells; the male gonads and the spermatozoa also express ROS-GC1. In this presentation, the authors review the existing information on the localization and function of guanylate cyclase with special emphasis on Ca2+-modulated membrane guanylate cyclase, ROS-GC1, in the testes. The role of ROS-GC1 and its Ca2+-sensing modulators in the processes of spermatogenesis and fertilization are discussed.  相似文献   

Regulation of ciliary adenylate cyclase by Ca2+ in Paramecium.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
In the ciliated protozoan Paramecium, Ca2+ and cyclic nucleotides are believed to act as second messengers in the regulation of the ciliary beat. Ciliary adenylate cyclase was activated 20-30-fold (half-maximal at 0.8 microM) and inhibited by higher concentrations (10-20 microM) of free Ca2+ ion. Ca2+ activation was the result of an increase in Vmax., not a change in Km for ATP. The activation by Ca2+ was seen only with Mg2+ATP as substrate; with Mn2+ATP the basal adenylate cyclase activity was 10-20-fold above that with Mg2+ATP, and there was no further activation by Ca2+. The stimulation by Ca2+ of the enzyme in cilia and ciliary membranes was blocked by the calmodulin antagonists calmidazolium (half-inhibition at 5 microM), trifluoperazine (70 microM) and W-7 (50-100 microM). When ciliary membranes (which contained most of the ciliary adenylate cyclase) were prepared in the presence of Ca2+, their adenylate cyclase was insensitive to Ca2+ in the assay. However, the inclusion of EGTA in buffers used for fractionation of cilia resulted in full retention of Ca2+-sensitivity by the ciliary membrane adenylate cyclase. The membrane-active agent saponin specifically suppressed the Ca2+-dependent adenylate cyclase without inhibiting basal activity with Mg2+ATP or Mn2+ATP. The ciliary adenylate cyclase was shown to be distinct from the Ca2+-dependent guanylate cyclase; the two activities had different kinetic parameters and different responses to added calmodulin and calmodulin antagonists. Our results suggest that Ca2+ influx through the voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels in the ciliary membrane may influence intraciliary cyclic AMP concentrations by regulating adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The effects of Ba2+ and K+ ions on the membrane currents of Paramecium tetraurelia under a voltage clamp were investigated.
  • 2.2. External Ba2+ suppresses the inward-going K-current and the Ca-induced K-outward current and changes the activation and inactivation kinetics of transient inward current through the Ca-channel.
  • 3.3. K+ increases the Ca-induced K-conductances but little affects the leakage conductance.
  • 4.4. The resting potentials by changing those ionic concentrations shift the voltage sensitivities of all voltage sensitive channels, simultaneously.
  • 5.5. The competition between ions to the channel responses was discussed.

A novel Ca2+-dependent protein kinase from Paramecium tetraurelia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The ciliated protozoan Paramecium tetraurelia contained two protein kinase activities that were dependent on Ca2+. We purified one of the enzymes to homogeneity by Ca2+-dependent affinity chromatography on phenyl-Sepharose and ion exchange chromatography. The purified enzyme contained polypeptides of 50 and 55 kDa, with the 50-kDa species predominant. From its Stokes radius (32 A) and sedimentation coefficient (3.9 S), we calculated a native molecular weight of 51,000, suggesting that the active form is a monomer. Its specific activity was 65-130 nmol X min-1 X mg-1 and the Km for ATP was 17-35 microM, depending on the exogenous substrate used. Kinase activity was completely dependent upon Ca2+; half-maximal activation occurred at approximately 1 microM free Ca2+ at pH 7.2. Phosphatidylserine and diacylglycerol did not stimulate activity, nor did the addition of purified Paramecium calmodulin. The enzyme phosphorylated casein and histones, forming primarily phosphoserine and phosphothreonine, respectively. It also catalyzed its own phosphorylation in a Ca2+-dependent reaction; the half-maximal rate of autophosphorylation occurred at approximately 1-1.5 microM free Ca2+, and both the 50- and 55-kDa species were autophosphorylated. After separation by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and renaturation in situ, the 50-kDa protein retained its Ca2+-dependent ability to phosphorylate casein, suggesting that Ca2+ interacts directly with this polypeptide. This was confirmed by direct binding studies; when the enzyme was subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis transferred to nitrocellulose, and renatured, there was 45Ca2+-binding in situ to both the 50- and 55-kDa polypeptides. The Paramecium enzyme appears to be a new and unique type of Ca2+-dependent protein kinase.  相似文献   

Previously, the guanylate cyclase activity of Tetrahymena pyriformis was shown to be activated by an endogenous modulator (calmodulin)-like protein (Na-gao, S., Suzuki, Y., Watanabe, Y., and Nozawa, Y. (1979) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 90, 261-268). This protein has now been identified as the modulator protein. The identification was based on the capability of this protein to activate the brain modulator-deficient phosphodiesterase and the mobility of this protein upon polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The activation of guanylate cyclase was specifically attributable to the Tetrahymena modulator protein since other modulator proteins examined (bovine brain, sea anemone, and scallop) were ineffective. Under the conditions where the activation of Tetrahymena guanylate cyclase occurred, guanylate cyclase activities from other sources, that include rat brain, rat lung, and human platelet, were not affected. In the phosphodiesterase activation, the potencies of scallop and Tetrahymena modulator proteins, which are represented by reciprocals of the quantities of proteins required for half-maximal activation of enzyme, were 66% and 55%, respectively, of that of the brain protein. The same decreasing order was seen for the affinity of these proteins for Ca2+ in enzyme activation. The results suggest a directional change of the modulator protein during the molecular evolution toward an increase in the capability in Ca2+-dependent enzyme activation.  相似文献   

Vertebrate phototransduction depends on the reciprocal relationship between two-second messengers, cyclic GMP and Ca2+. The concentration of both is reciprocally regulated including the dynamic synthesis of cyclic GMP by a membrane bound guanylate cyclase. Different from hormone receptor guanylate cyclases, the cyclases operating in phototransduction are regulated by the intracellular Ca2+-concentration via small Ca2+-binding proteins. Based on the site of their expression and their Ca2+ modulation, this sub-branch of the cyclase family was named sensory guanylate cyclases, of which the retina specific forms are named ROS-GCs (rod outer segment guanylate cyclases). This review focuses on the structure and function of the ROS-GC subfamily present in the mammalian retinal neurons: photoreceptors and inner layers of the retinal neurons. Portions and excerpts of the review are from a previous chapter (Curr Top Biochem Res 6:111–144, 2004).  相似文献   

Frequenin is a member of the neuronal Ca2+ sensor protein family, implicated in being the modulator of the neurotransmitter release, potassium channels, phosphatidylinositol signaling pathway and the Ca2+-dependent exocytosis of dense-core granules in the PC12 cells. Frequenin exhibits these biological activities through its Ca2+ myristoyl switch, yet the switch is functionally inactive. These structural and functional traits of frequenin have been derived through the use of recombinant frequenin. In the present study, frequenin (BovFrq) native to the bovine hippocampus has been purified, sequenced for its 9 internal fragments, cloned, and studied. The findings show that structure of the BovFrq is identical to its form present in chicken, rat, mouse and human, indicating its evolutionary conservation. Its Ca2+ myristoyl switch is active in the hippocampus. And, BovFrq physically interacts and turns on yet undisclosed ONE-GC-like ROS-GC membrane guanylate cyclase transduction machinery in the hippocampal neurons. This makes BovFrq a new Ca2+-sensor modulator of a novel ROS-GC transduction machinery. The study demonstrates the presence and mechanistic features of this cyclic GMP signaling pathway in the hippocampal neurons, and also provides one more support for the evolving concept where the Ca2+-modulated membrane guanylate cyclase transduction machinery in its variant forms is a central operational component of all neurons.  相似文献   

Duda T  Pertzev A  Sharma RK 《Biochemistry》2012,51(23):4650-4657
Photoreceptor ROS-GC1 (rod outer segment membrane guanylate cyclase) is a vital component of phototransduction. It is a bimodal Ca(2+) signal transduction switch, operating between 20 and ~1000 nM. Modulated by Ca(2+) sensors guanylate cyclase activating proteins 1 and 2 (GCAP1 and GCAP2, respectively), decreasing [Ca(2+)](i) from 200 to 20 nM progressively turns it "on", as does the modulation by the Ca(2+) sensor S100B, increasing [Ca(2+)](i) from 100 to 1000 nM. The GCAP mode plays a vital role in phototransduction in both rods and cones and the S100B mode in the transmission of neural signals to cone ON-bipolar cells. Through a programmed domain deletion, expression, in vivo fluorescence spectroscopy, and in vitro reconstitution experiments, this study demonstrates that the biochemical mechanisms modulated by two GCAPs in Ca(2+) signaling of ROS-GC1 activity are totally different. (1) They involve different structural domains of ROS-GC1. (2) Their signal migratory pathways are opposite: GCAP1 downstream and GCAP2 upstream. (3) Importantly, the isolated catalytic domain, translating the GCAP-modulated Ca(2+) signal into the generation of cyclic GMP, in vivo, exists as a homodimer, the two subunits existing in an antiparallel conformation. Furthermore, the findings demonstrate that the N-terminally placed signaling helix domain is not required for the catalytic domain's dimeric state. The upstream GCAP2-modulated pathway is the first of its kind to be observed for any member of the membrane guanylate cyclase family. It defines a new model of Ca(2+) signal transduction.  相似文献   

The characteristics of Ca2+ transport across the excitable membrane of Paramecium aurelia were studied by measuring 45Ca2+ influx and efflux. The intracellular concentration of free Ca2+ in resting P. aurelia was at least ten times less than the extracellular concentration. Ca2+ influx was easily measurable at 0 degrees C, but not at 23 degrees C. The influx of 45Ca2+ was stimulated by the same conditions which cause membrane depolarization and ciliary reversal. Addition of Na+ and K+ (which stimulate ciliary reversal) resulted in a 10-fold increase in the rate of Ca2+ influx. An externally applied, pulsed, electric field (1-2 mA/cm2 of electrode surface), caused the rate of Ca2+ influx to increase 3-5 times, with the extent of stimulation dependent on the current density and the pulse width. Ca2+ influx had the characteristics of a passive transport system and was associated with the chemically or electrically triggered Ca2+ "gating" mechanism, which has been studied electrophysiologically. In contrast, Ca2+ efflux appeared to be catalyzed by an active transport system. With cells previously loaded at 0 degrees C with 45Ca2+, Ca2+ efflux was rapid at 23 degrees C, but did not occur at 0 degrees C. This active Ca2+ efflux mechanism is probably responsible for maintaining the low internal Ca2+ levels in unstimulated cells.  相似文献   

The intent of this work was to evaluate the role of cAMP inregulation of ciliary activity in frog mucociliary epithelium and toexamine the possibility of cross talk between the cAMP- andCa2+-dependent pathways in thatregulation. Forskolin and dibutyryl cAMP induced strong transientintracellular Ca2+ concentration([Ca2+]i)elevation and strong ciliary beat frequency enhancement with prolongedstabilization at an elevated plateau. The response was not affected byreduction of extracellular Ca2+concentration. The elevation in[Ca2+]iwas canceled by pretreatment with1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid-AM, thapsigargin, and a phospholipase C inhibitor, U-73122. Underthose experimental conditions, forskolin raised the beat frequency to amoderately elevated plateau, whereas the initial strong rise infrequency was completely abolished. All effects were canceled by H-89,a selective protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor. The results suggest adual role for PKA in ciliary regulation. PKA releasesCa2+ from intracellular stores,strongly activating ciliary beating, and, concurrently, producesmoderate prolonged enhancement of the beat frequency by aCa2+-independent mechanism.


In nonexcitable cells, we had previously established that Ca(2+)-sensitive adenylyl cyclases, whether expressed endogenously or heterologously, were regulated exclusively by capacitative Ca(2+) entry (Fagan, K. A., Mahey, R. and Cooper, D. M. F. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 12438-12444; Fagan, K. A., Mons, N., and Cooper, D. M. F. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 9297-9305). Relatively little is known about how these enzymes are regulated by Ca(2+) in excitable cells, where they predominate. Furthermore, no effort has been made to determine whether the prominent voltage-gated Ca(2+) entry, which typifies excitable cells, overwhelms the effect of any capacitative Ca(2+) entry that may occur. In the present study, we placed the Ca(2+)-stimulable, adenylyl cyclase type VIII in an adenovirus vector to optimize its expression in the pituitary-derived GH(4)C(1) cell line. In these cells, a modest degree of capacitative Ca(2+) entry could be discerned in the face of a dramatic voltage-gated Ca(2+) entry. Nevertheless, both modes of Ca(2+) entry were equally efficacious at stimulating adenylyl cyclase. A striking release of Ca(2+) from intracellular stores, triggered either by ionophore or thyrotrophin-releasing hormone, was incapable of stimulating the adenylyl cyclase. It thus appears as though the intimate colocalization of adenylyl cyclase with capacitative Ca(2+) entry channels is an intrinsic property of these molecules, regardless of whether they are expressed in excitable or nonexcitable cells.  相似文献   

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