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Conversion of discoidal phospholipid (PL)-rich high density lipoprotein (HDL) to spheroidal cholesteryl ester-rich HDL is a central step in reverse cholesterol transport. A detailed understanding of this process and the atheroprotective role of apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) requires knowledge of the structure and dynamics of these various particles. This study, combining computation with experimentation, illuminates structural features of apoA-I allowing it to incorporate varying amounts of PL. Molecular dynamics simulated annealing of PL-rich HDL models containing unesterified cholesterol results in double belt structures with the same general saddle-shaped conformation of both our previous molecular dynamics simulations at 310 K and the x-ray structure of lipid-free apoA-I. Conversion from a discoidal to a saddle-shaped particle involves loss of helicity and formation of loops in opposing antiparallel parts of the double belt. During surface expansion caused by the temperature-jump step, the curved palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer surfaces approach planarity. Relaxation back into saddle-shaped structures after cool down and equilibration further supports the saddle-shaped particle model. Our kinetic analyses of reconstituted particles demonstrate that PL-rich particles exist in discrete sizes corresponding to local energetic minima. Agreement of experimental and computational determinations of particle size/shape and apoA-I helicity provide additional support for the saddle-shaped particle model. Truncation experiments combined with simulations suggest that the N-terminal proline-rich domain of apoA-I influences the stability of PL-rich HDL particles. We propose that apoA-I incorporates increasing PL in the form of minimal surface bilayers through the incremental unwinding of an initially twisted saddle-shaped apoA-I double belt structure.  相似文献   

The genus Praecambridium , from the Late Precambrian of South Australia, represents a segmented organism which appears to be related to early trilobites or chelicerates or both. A Late Precambrian fossil from Northern Russia which was recently named Vendia sokolovi Keller resembles Praecambridium.  相似文献   

The origin and evolution of the gastropod order Neogastropodawas investigated using an iterative, two gene (18S rDNA andcytochrome c oxidase I) approach to phylogeny reconstruction.Partial sequences spanning approximately 450 base pairs nearthe 5' end of the 18S rDNA gene confirmed the monophyly of Apogastropodaand its two subclades, the Caenogastropoda (including Neogastropodaand Architaenioglossa) and the Heterobranchia, but were incapableof resolving relationships among neogastropod families, or betweenNeogastropoda and higher Caenogastropoda. The monophyly of Heterobranchiais additionally supported by the presence within this groupof a large insert of variable length in the 18S rDNA gene inthe region corresponding to the E-10–1 helix of the RNAmolecule. Cytochrome c oxidase I sequences were able to resolvefully the relationships among representatives of ten familiesof Neogastropoda. Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood andneighbor-joining analyses of these data all revealed that Buccinoideaand Muricoidea [sensu Thiele, 1929] each represent a clade,while the families assigned by Thiele and some subsequent authorsto the superfamily Volutoidea comprise a grade. Although thetwo toxoglossan taxa included in our study emerged as a graderather than a clade, denser taxonomic sampling of this groupwill be undertaken to investigate further the paraphyly of Conoidea.Based on percent transversions at third codon positions of theCO I gene, differences among neogastropod families as well asthose between the neogastropod families and Cerithium are comparableto genetic differences between orders of mammals, but are onlyslightly greater than differences between genera of penaeidshrimp.  相似文献   

A negative relationship between cetacean body size and tonal sound minimum and maximum frequencies has been demonstrated in several studies using standard statistical approaches where species are considered independent data points. Such studies, however, fail to account for known dependencies among related species—shared similarity due to common ancestry. Here we test these hypotheses by generating the most complete species level cetacean phylogeny to date, which we then use to reconstruct the evolutionary history of body size and standard tonal sounds parameters (minimum, maximum, and center frequency). Our results show that when phylogenetic relationships are considered the correlation between body size (length or mass) and minimum frequency is corroborated with approximately 27% of the variation in tonal sound frequency being explained by body size compared to 86% to 93% explained when phylogenetic relationships are not considered. Central frequency also correlates with body size in toothed whales, but for other tonal sound frequency parameters, including maximum frequency, this hypothesized correlation disappears. Therefore, constraints imposed by body size seem to have played a role in the evolution of minimum frequency but alternative hypotheses are required to explain variation in maximum frequency.  相似文献   

Molecular studies based on small subunit (SSU) rDNA sequences addressing euglenid phylogeny hitherto suffered from the lack of available data about phagotrophic species. To extend the taxon sampling, SSU rRNA genes from species of seven genera of phagotrophic euglenids were investigated. Sequence analyses revealed an increasing genetic diversity among euglenid SSU rDNA sequences compared with other well‐known eukaryotic groups, reflecting an equally broad diversity of morphological characters among euglenid phagotrophs. Phylogenetic inference using standard parsimony and likelihood approaches as well as Bayesian inference and spectral analyses revealed no clear support for euglenid monophyly. Among phagotrophs, monophyly of Petalomonas cantuscygni and Notosolenus ostium, both comprising simple ingestion apparatuses, is strongly supported. A moderately supported clade comprises phototrophic euglenids and primary osmotrophic euglenids together with phagotrophs, exhibiting a primarily flexible pellicle composed of numerous helically arranged strips and a complex ingestion apparatus with two supporting rods and four curved vanes. Comparison of molecular and morphological data is used to demonstrate the difficulties to formulate a hypothesis about how the ingestion apparatus evolved in this group.  相似文献   

Abstract— A cladistic analysis of chordates is presented, based on some 320 nested characters. All the principal higher taxa are defined by synapomorphies, including extinct acanthodians and placoderms. The data base draws broadly from adult anatomy (including osteological data for Recent and fossil taxa), embryology, physiology, and biochemistry. A conventional sequence of chordate higher taxa is generated (hemichordates, urochordates, cephalochordates, craniates). Among the craniates, cyclostomes are considered paraphyletic. Gnathostomes are monophyletic, but two fossil "agnathan" groups (galeaspids, osteostracans) are regarded as stem gnathostomes. Chondrichthyans and osteichthyans are monophyletic. New arguments for osteichthyan affinity of acanthodians are presented. The phylogenetic position of placoderms is still problematic, but they can no longer be perceived as stem chondrichthyans or even as "elasmobranchiomorphs." Recent dipnoans and tetrapods are sister groups, but new paleontological discoveries refute many of their supposed osteological synapomorphies, thereby reopening the possibility of a closer relationship between tetrapods and osteolepiform rhipidistians.  相似文献   

Eighteen new 16S rDNA and 16 new 18S rDNA sequences from 24 strains, representing 23 species of photoautotrophic euglenoids, were obtained in nearly their entire length. Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses were performed on separate data (39 sequences of 16S rDNA and 58 sequences of 18S rDNA), as well as on combined data sets (37 sequences). All methods of sequence analysis gave similar results in those cases in which the clades received substantial support. However, the combined data set produced several additional well‐supported clades, not encountered before in the analyses of green euglenoids. There are three main well‐defined clades (A, B/C/D, and G) on trees from the combined data set. Clade G diverges first, while clades A and B/C/D form sister groups. Clade A consists of Euglena species sensu stricto and is divided into three sub‐clades (A1, A2, and A3). Clade A3 (composed of E. deses and E. mutabilis) branches off first; then, two sister clades emerge: A1 (composed of E. viridis‐like species) and A2 (consisting of E. agilis and E. gracilis species). Clade B/C/D consists of the Strombomonas, Trachelomonas, Cryptoglena, Monomorphina, and Colacium genera. Clade G comprises Phacus and Lepocinclis, as well as the Discoglena species of Euglena, with Discoglena branching off first, and then Phacus and Lepocinclis emerging as sister groups.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic comparative methods (PCMs) have been used to test evolutionary hypotheses at phenotypic levels. The evolutionary modes commonly included in PCMs are Brownian motion (genetic drift) and the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process (stabilizing selection), whose likelihood functions are mathematically tractable. More complicated models of evolutionary modes, such as branch‐specific directional selection, have not been used because calculations of likelihood and parameter estimates in the maximum‐likelihood framework are not straightforward. To solve this problem, we introduced a population genetics framework into a PCM, and here, we present a flexible and comprehensive framework for estimating evolutionary parameters through simulation‐based likelihood computations. The method does not require analytic likelihood computations, and evolutionary models can be used as long as simulation is possible. Our approach has many advantages: it incorporates different evolutionary modes for phenotypes into phylogeny, it takes intraspecific variation into account, it evaluates full likelihood instead of using summary statistics, and it can be used to estimate ancestral traits. We present a successful application of the method to the evolution of brain size in primates. Our method can be easily implemented in more computationally effective frameworks such as approximate Bayesian computation (ABC), which will enhance the use of computationally intensive methods in the study of phenotypic evolution.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic distances between 34 of the 37 extant species of Felidae were estimated using albumin immunological distances (AID). Albumins from ten cat species were used to prepare antisera in rabbits. A consensus phylogeny was constructed from a matrix of reciprocal AID measurements using four distinct phylogenetic algorithms. A series of one-way measurements using the ten index antisera and those 24 species for which albumins were available (but antisera were not), permitted addition of these “species' limbs” to the previously derived phylogenetic trees. The major conclusions of the derived topology were: 1) the earliest branch of the feline radiation occurred approximately 12 million years B.P. and led to the small South American cats (ocelot, margay, Geoffroy's cat, etc.); 2) the second branching occurred 8-10 million years B.P. and included the close relatives of the domestic cat (wildcats, jungle cat, sand cat, and black-footed cat) plus Pallas's cat; 3) the third lineage which began to radiate 4-6 million years B.P. was the pantherine lineage, which included several early branches (cheetah, serval, clouded leopard, golden cats, and puma) and a very recent (2 million years B.P.) split between the lynxes and the modern great cats (Panthera). The topology of the Felidae derived from albumin immunological distance is highly consistent with the karyological disposition of these species, as well as with the fossil record of this family. Because of the recent divergence of this group, the presented data set and the derived topology contain certain unresolved phylogenetic relationships which are so indicated.  相似文献   

Male gain curves describe the relationship between allocation to sperm production and male reproductive success and are central to models of sex allocation in hermaphrodites. Sperm competition is expected to result in more linear gains and select for increased allocation. We hypothesized that high sperm production in passively mating systems may also be the result of selection to enhance the ability to fertilize distant ova. Consequently, we explored the effect of distance on male gain curves in a free‐spawning colonial ascidian. The performance of focal males that varied in sperm production was assayed at three distances via microsatellite markers. An advection‐diffusion model was used to estimate sperm concentration gradients, to predict male reproductive gain integrated across multiple downstream females, and explore effects of hydrodynamic conditions. As distance increased, male reproductive success decreased and empirical gain curves became increasingly linear. Our model predicted that the expected net gain curve is relatively insensitive to variation in flow regime and will saturate much more slowly than if only a single, nearby distance is considered. Thus, high levels of sperm production may enhance fitness both in competitive situations and with increasing fertilization distance, highlighting the need to consider distance effects when evaluating gain curves.  相似文献   

Restriction-endonuclease-site variation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was used to investigate patterns of geographic and phylogenetic divergence within the rodent genus Onychomys. Onychomys has occupied arid habitats in the western North American deserts, shrub-steppes, and grasslands since the late Tertiary. A phylogenetic analysis of the total mtDNA restriction-site variation throughout the range of Onychomys suggests that the distribution of this genus has been affected by the same Quaternary pluvial-interpluvial climatic fluctuations that have resulted in the periodic fragmentation of arid habitats in western North America. Onychomys mtDNA haplotypes define at least five discrete geographical subsets, suggesting that there are five areas of endemism for biota restricted to arid and semiarid habitats in North America. The mtDNA-haplotype phylogeny can be used to infer an hypothesis of historical relationships among the five areas of endemism as follows: ([{(Wyoming Basin + Interior Plains + Colorado Plateaus) + (Columbia Basin + Great Basin)} + Gulf Coastal Plain] + Chihuahuan) + Western Deserts. The results of this study point to the potential use of mtDNA-haplotype phylogenies to reconstruct historical biogeographic events in Quaternary time. The utility of mtDNA variation depends in part on the ecology and distribution of the species being examined. Therefore, our hypothesized area cladogram can be tested by investigating regional relationships in other western North American taxa with distributions similar to Onychomys.  相似文献   

The Dobzhansky–Muller model of speciation posits that defects in hybrids between species are the result of negative epistatic interactions between alleles that arose in independent genetic backgrounds. Tests of one important prediction from this model, that incompatibilities “snowball,” have relied on comparisons of the number of incompatibilities between closely related pairs of species separated by different divergence times. How incompatibilities accumulate along phylogenies, however, remains poorly understood. We extend the Dobzhansky–Muller model to multispecies clades to describe the mathematical relationship between tree topology and the number of shared incompatibilities among related pairs of species. We use these results to develop a statistical test that distinguishes between the snowball and alternative incompatibility accumulation models, including nonepistatic and multilocus incompatibility models, in a phylogenetic context. We further demonstrate that patterns of incompatibility sharing across species pairs can be used to estimate the relative frequencies of different types of incompatibilities, including derived–derived versus derived–ancestral incompatibilities. Our results and statistical methods should motivate comparative genetic mapping of hybrid incompatibilities to evaluate competing models of speciation.  相似文献   

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