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Zinc is essential for cell growth. Previous studies have shown that zinc concentration in breast cancer tissues is higher than that in normal breast tissues. Zinc cannot passively diffuse across cell membranes and specific zinc transporter proteins are required. Two gene families have been identified involved in zinc homeostasis. ZnT transporters reduce intracellular zinc while ZIP transporters increase intracellular zinc. In this study, three human zinc transporter members: ZnT-1, ZIP2 and LIV-1 were chosen. We aimed to determine the effect of flaxseed lignan on the growth of ER-negative breast cancer cells in a nude mice model and observe the effect of flaxseed lignan on the regulation of the three zinc transporter in mRNA level. Nude mice were xenografted with human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 and 6 weeks later were fed either the basal diet (BD) or BD supplemented with 10% FS and SDG for 5 weeks. The SDG levels were equivalent to the amounts in the 10% FS. RT-PCR was performed. Compared with the BD group, the tumor growth rate was significantly lower (P < 0. 05) in the FS and SDG group. ZnT-1 mRNA level in mammary tumor was increased in SDG group and decreased in FS group, but no significant difference was found. Extremely low amplification of ZIP2 from mRNA was detected, with no difference between the treatment groups. LIV-1 mRNA expression of SDG group increases compared with BD group. In FS group, it significantly increases nearly 9 times than that in BD group (P < 0. 005).  相似文献   

Evasion from apoptosis is one of the hallmarks of cancer. X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP) is known to modulate apoptosis by inhibiting caspases and ubiquitinating target proteins. XIAP is mainly found at the cytoplasm, but recent data link nuclear XIAP to poor prognosis in breast cancer. Here, we generated a mutant form of XIAP with a nuclear localization signal (XIAPNLS-C-term) and investigated the oncogenic mechanisms associated with nuclear XIAP in breast cancer. Our results show that cells overexpressing XIAPΔRING (RING deletion) and XIAPNLS-C-term exhibited XIAP nuclear localization more abundantly than XIAPwild-type. Remarkably, overexpression of XIAPNLS-C-term, but not XIAPΔRING, conferred resistance to doxorubicin and increased cellular proliferative capacity. Interestingly, Survivin and c-IAP1 expression were not associated with XIAP oncogenic effects. However, NFκB expression and ubiquitination of K63, but not K48 chains, were increased following XIAPNLS-C-term overexpression, pointing to nuclear signaling transduction. Consistently, multivariate analysis revealed nuclear, but not cytoplasmic XIAP, as an independent prognostic factor in hormone receptor-negative breast cancer patients. Altogether, our findings suggest that nuclear XIAP confers poor outcome and RING-associated breast cancer growth and chemoresistance.  相似文献   

Dressing GE  Thomas P 《Steroids》2007,72(2):111-116
Novel membrane progestin receptors (mPRs) coupled to G proteins recently identified in several species, including humans, are potential intermediaries in rapid, nongenomic progestin actions observed in a wide variety of tissues. Here we demonstrate mPR mRNA and protein expression and specific membrane-associated progestin binding in MCF-7 and SK-BR-3 human breast cancer cells. Interestingly, human mPRalpha mRNA expression was higher in breast tumor biopsies than in normal tissue from the same breast. Recent studies indicate intracellular signaling pathways initiated by the mPRs are broadly similar to those induced during breast cancer growth and development. Taken together these results suggest a potential involvement of mPRs during the development or progression of breast cancer.  相似文献   

The correlation between diet and variation in gene-expression is an important field which could be considered to approach cancer pathways comprehension. We examined the effects of lycopene on breast cancer cell lines using pangenomic arrays. Lycopene is derived predominantly from tomatoes and tomato products and there is some epidemiologic evidence for a preventive role in breast cancer. Previously, we investigated lycopene in breast cancer using a dedicated breast cancer microarray. To confirm these results and explore pathways other than those implicated in breast cancer, for this study we used pangenomic arrays containing 25,000 oligonucleotides. This in vitro study assayed two human mammary cancer cell lines (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231), and a fibrocystic breast cell line (MCF-10a) treated or not with 10 μM lycopene for 48 h. A competitive hybridization was performed between Cy3-labeled lycopene treated RNA and Cy5-labeled untreated RNA to define differentially expressed genes. Using t-test analysis, a subset of 391 genes was found to be differentially modulated by lycopene between estrogen-positive cells (MCF-7) and estrogen-negative cells (MDA-MB-231, MCF-10a). Hierarchical clustering revealed 726 discriminatory genes between breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7, MDA-MB-231) and the fibrocystic breast cell line (MCF-10a). Modified gene expression was observed in various molecular pathways, such as apoptosis, cell communication, MAPK and cell cycle as well as xenobiotic metabolism, fatty acid biosynthesis and gap junctional intercellular communication.  相似文献   

Cancer is one of the major life threatening diseases, with higher mortality rate and morbidity. It is always a challenge for effective drug delivery and release of drug in specific tumor sites. Therefore to identify the synergistic effect of chemotherapeutic drug and photo thermal agent on tumor area, Doxorubicin (DOX) acts as anticancer agent but it has low aqueous solubility so its clinical application is limited. The present study developed doxorubicin (DOX) were designed to be with the poly ethylene glycol (PEG) functionalized copper and selenium (Cu-Se) nanoparticles (PEG@Cu-Se+DOX) and it is efficiently synthesized and enhance its aqueous formulation and improve the prostate cancer (DU145 and LNCaP) activity. The characteristics like mono dispersity, size stability and constant spectral of as-synthesized nanoparticles are comparably excellent than DOX alone. Also the enhanced cellular uptake and in vitro cytoxicicty suggests these nanoparticles selectively killing prostate cancer. In this present study explained that PEG@Cu-Se+DOX as a safe and hopeful strategy for chemotherapeutics of photothermal therapy and deserve for further clinical evaluations.  相似文献   

A coculture system was developed to investigate the interactions between MCF-10A breast epithelial cells and MCF-7 breast cancer cells stably expressing the green fluorescent protein (MCF-7-GFP). Studies with this MCF-10A/MCF-7-GFP coculture system on microtiter plates and on reconstituted basement membrane (Matrigel), revealed paracrine inhibition of MCF-7-GFP cell proliferation. Epidermal growth factor, which in monocultures modestly enhanced MCF-7-GFP and markedly increased MCF-10A cell proliferation, greatly inhibited MCF-7-GFP cell proliferation in MCF-10A/MCF-7-GFP cocultures. 17beta-Estradiol, which stimulated MCF-7-GFP but not MCF-10A cell proliferation in monoculture, inhibited MCF-7-GFP cell proliferation in MCF-10A/MCF-7-GFP cocultures, an effect that was blocked by the antiestrogen, ICI 182,780. On Matrigel, complex MCF-10A/MCF-7-GFP cellular interactions were observed in real time that resulted in the formation of acinus-like structures. These results indicate a role of normal epithelial cells in inhibiting tumor-cell proliferation and demonstrate the utility of this coculture system as a model of early paracrine control of breast cancer.  相似文献   

Previously, we have shown that progestins both stimulate proliferation of the progesterone receptor (PR)-rich human breast cancer cell line T47D and protect from cell death, in charcoal-stripped serum-containing medium. To lessen the variability inherent in different preparations of serum, we decided to further characterize progestin inhibition of cell death using serum starvation to kill the cells, and find that progestins protect from serum-starvation-induced apoptosis in T47D cells. This effect exhibits specificity for progestins and is inhibited by the antiprogestin RU486. While progestin inhibits cell death in a dose–responsive manner at physiological concentrations, estradiol-17β surprisingly does not inhibit cell death at any concentration from 0.001 nM to 1 μM. Progestin inhibition of cell death also occurs in at least two other human breast cancer cell lines, one with an intermediate level of PR, MCF-7 cells, and, surprisingly, one with no detectable level of PR, MDA-MB-231 cells. Further, we have found progestin inhibition of cell death caused by the breast cancer chemotherapeutic agents doxorubicin and 5-fluorouracil. These data are consistent with the building body of evidence that progestins are not the benign hormones for breast cancer they have been so long thought to be, but may be harmful both for undiagnosed cases and those undergoing treatment.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of intracellular metabolism by non-targeted, high-throughput metabolomics profiling of 18 breast cell lines. We profiled >900 putatively annotated metabolite ions for >100 samples collected under both normoxic and hypoxic conditions and revealed extensive heterogeneity across all metabolic pathways and cell lines. Cell line–specific metabolome profiles dominated over patterns associated with malignancy or with the clinical nomenclature of breast cancer cells. Such characteristic metabolome profiles were reproducible across different laboratories and experiments and exhibited mild to robust changes with change in experimental conditions. To extract a functional overview of cell line heterogeneity, we devised an unsupervised metabotyping procedure that for each pathway automatically recognized metabolic types from metabolome data and assigned cell lines. Our procedure provided a condensed yet global representation of cell line metabolism, revealing the fine structure of metabolic heterogeneity across all tested pathways and cell lines. In follow-up experiments on selected pathways, we confirmed that different metabolic types correlated to differences in the underlying fluxes and difference sensitivity to gene knockdown or pharmacological inhibition. Thus, the identified metabotypes recapitulated functional differences at the pathway level. Metabotyping provides a powerful compression of multi-dimensional data that preserves functional information and serves as a resource for reconciling or understanding heterogeneous metabolic phenotypes or response to inhibition of metabolic pathways.  相似文献   



In previous study we showed that caspase-2 plays the role of an apical caspase in cell death induction by taxanes in breast cancer cells. This study deals with the role of other caspases. We tested breast cancer cell lines SK-BR-3 (functional caspase-3) and MCF-7 (nonfunctional caspase-3).

Methods and results

Using western blot analysis we demonstrated the activation of initiator caspase-8 and -9 as well as executioner caspase-6 and -7 in both tested cell lines after application of taxanes (paclitaxel, SB-T-1216) at death-inducing concentrations. Caspase-3 activation was also found in SK-BR-3 cells. Employing specific siRNAs after taxane application, suppression of caspase-3 expression significantly increased the number of surviving SK-BR-3 cells. Inhibition of caspase-7 expression also increased the number of surviving SK-BR-3 and MCF-7 cells. On the other hand, suppression of caspase-8 and caspase-9 expression had no significant effect on cell survival. However, caspase-9 seemed to be involved in the activation of caspase-3 and caspase-7. Caspase-3 and caspase-7 appeared to activate mutually. Furthermore, we observed a significant decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential (flow cytometric analysis) and cytochrome c release (confocal microscopy, western blot after cell fractionation) from mitochondria in SK-BR-3 cells. No such changes were observed in MCF-7 cells after taxane treatment.


We conclude that the activation of apical caspase-2 results in the activation of caspase-3 and -7 without the involvement of mitochondria. Caspase-9 can be activated directly via caspase-2 or alternatively after cytochrome c release from mitochondria. Subsequently, caspase-9 activation can also lead to caspase-3 and -7 activations. Caspase-3 and caspase-7 activate mutually. It seems that there is also a parallel pathway involving mitochondria that can cooperate in taxane-induced cell death in breast cancer cells.  相似文献   

Breast cancer has a diverse aetiology characterized by the heterogeneous expression of hormone receptors and signalling molecules, resulting in varied sensitivity to chemotherapy. The adverse side effects of chemotherapy coupled with the development of drug resistance have prompted the exploration of natural products to combat cancer. Lactoferricin B (LfcinB) is a natural peptide derived from bovine lactoferrin that exhibits anticancer properties. LfcinB was evaluated in vitro for its inhibitory effects on cell lines representing different categories of breast cancer and in vivo for its suppressive effects on tumour xenografts in NOD-SCID mice. The different breast cancer cell lines exhibited varied levels of sensitivity to apoptosis induced by LfcinB in the order of SKBR3>MDA-MB-231>MDA-MB-468>MCF7, while the normal breast epithelial cells MCF-10A were not sensitive to LfcinB. The peptide also inhibited the invasion of the MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-468 cell lines. In the mouse xenograft model, intratumoural injections of LfcinB significantly reduced tumour growth rate and tumour size, as depicted by live imaging of the mice using in vivo imaging systems (IVIS). Harvested tumour volume and weight were significantly reduced by LfcinB treatment. LfcinB, therefore, is a promising and safe candidate that can be considered for the treatment of breast cancer.  相似文献   

He L  Fan C  Ning X  Feng X  Liu Y  Chen B  Tang D 《Cell biology international》2008,32(10):1302-1309
We report an association between p14ARF and Brca1 in which both proteins co-immunoprecipitate (co-IP) in DU145 cells. The N-terminal 64 residues of p14ARF encoded by exon 1beta are sufficient for this association. Inside the cell, ectopic p14ARF co-localizes with ectopic and endogenous Brca1 in A375 cells. Endogenous p14ARF co-localizes with endogenous Brca1 in DU145 cells but not in H1299 cells. Since p14ARF interacts with B23 in the nucleolus, Brca1 co-localizes with B23 in DU145 but not in H1299 cells. While ectopic ARF potently inhibited DU145 cell proliferation, it had no effect on the proliferation of H1299 cells, suggesting that the interaction between ARF and Brca1 contributes to ARF-mediated tumor suppression. Consistent with this notion, ectopic p14ARF modulates endogenous Brca1 expression in MCF7 breast cancer cells and p14ARF co-localizes with Brca1 in normal breast epithelial cells. This co-localization is enhanced in primary breast cancer. Taken together, the results show that p14ARF associates with Brca1, which may play a major role in tumor suppression.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cryotherapy ablation is a minimally invasive procedure being investigated as an alternative to conventional surgery. There are few reports in breast cancer. AIM: Evaluate the histopathology of tumoral and normal breast tissue after cryotherapy. METHODS: Eleven patients with clinically <2.0cm and ultrasound visible tumors were studied. Invasive carcinoma was documented by preoperative mammography, magnetic resonance imaging and biopsies. Cryotherapy needles were inserted in the tumor under magnetic resonance guidance and deep freezed with a CRYO-HIT TM System-3. Lumpectomy was performed within 4-5 weeks following cryoablation and submitted for pathological examination including immunostaining of keratins. RESULTS: The tumoral response after cryoablation was variable. In 4 cases there was no viable invasive carcinoma left and focal DCIS only in 2. In 6 cases, residual invasive carcinoma of various size was present with DCIS inside or outside the cryozone. One case could not be evaluated because the cryozone was adjacent to the tumor due to technical problems. Histologically, the normal breast parenchyma of the cryozone showed dense fibrosis, fat necrosis, xanthogranulomatous reaction, endovascular fibrosis and haemorrhages in all cases. The positive immunostaining of keratins revealed remnants of cytoskeleton of carcinomatous cells in the necrotic areas without any viable tumoral cells on routine stains. Skin ulceration and/or necrosis were observed in five patients. CONCLUSIONS: Cryotherapy allows tumor destruction of variable extent in breast carcinomas <2.0cm in diameter. Immunostaining of keratins is useful to identify cytoskeleton remnants of tumor cells in devitalized areas.  相似文献   

Expression of tissue factor (TF), the cellular receptor of clotting factor VII/VIIa, is a feature of certain malignant tumours. The TF gene has been classified as an immediate early gene responsive to serum and cytokines. Thus, the regulation of TF gene expression seems to play a role in cell growth. Recently, we have shown that constitutive TF expression in MCF-7 breast cancer cells is modulated by such growth factors as EGF, TGFα, and IL-1. The present study deals with the immunocytochemically detectable cellular distribution of TF in human breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and MaTu stimulated by EGF and TGFα. In MCF-7 cells growing logarithmically, stimulation led to a significant increase of TF mRNA after 2 h (in situ hybridization, Northern blot) and to maximum TF expression after 6 h (immunohistochemistry). When decorated by monoclonal antibodies, TF protein showed a pronounced localization at ruffled membrane areas, cell edges, and processes of spreading cells after 6 and 20 h. In more flattened cells TF was concentrated in peripheric lamellae and microspikes communicating with neighbouring cells. After epithelial colony pattern had established, TF was predominantly accumulated at the intercellular boundaries. The vary same distribution patterns as seen in MCF-7 cells were true for the stimulated MaTu cell line. The dynamics and cellular distribution patterns of stimulated TF expression support the hypothesis that TF could be of importance for morphogenic events associated with the growth and differentiation of breast cancer cells in culture.  相似文献   

A series of cinnamylideneacetophenones were synthesized via a modified Claisen–Schmidt condensation reaction and evaluated for cytotoxicity against breast cancer cells using the Alamar Blue™ assay. Derivatives 17 and 18 bearing a 2-nitro group on the B ring, exhibited sub-micromolar cytotoxicity in MCF-7 cells (IC50 = 71 and 1.9 nM), respectively. Derivative 17 also displayed sub-micromolar (IC50 = 780 nM) cytotoxicity in MDA-MB-468 cells. Additionally, 17 and 18 displayed significantly less cytotoxicity than the chemotherapeutic doxorubicin in non-tumorigenic MCF-10A cells. This study provides evidence supporting the continued development of nitro-substituted cinnamylideneacetophenones as small molecules to treat breast cancer.  相似文献   

Humoral tumor-specific immunity has been investigated as a potential tool to identify tumor-associated antigens and evaluate cancer diagnosis and prognosis. Using SDS-PAGE and western blotting techniques we investigated the humoral immune response against tumor cell antigens in 36 breast cancer patients, 17 node-positive (NP) and 19 node-negative (NN). As a source of antigens, we prepared protein lysates from four breast cancer cell lines (AU565, BT474, MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231) which in vitro exhibit different features of invasion, estrogen receptor/progesterone receptor status and HER2/neu expression thereby potentially representing mild to aggressive forms of clinical disease. A higher number of immunocomplexes Ag–Ab were formed when serum from NN patients was immunoreacted against lysates from AU565 and MCF-7 in comparison to serum from NP patients (P < 0.01). BT474 cells were not a good antigenic source. MDA-MB-231 cells could not significantly discriminate between NN and NP patients since both groups showed higher amounts of reactivity against the lysate. However, comparative analysis of protein preparations purified from MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells and immunodetected concomitantly with the same serum samples showed that serum from patients with cancers with worse prognosis (stage, nodality, HER2/neu and hormonal status) reacted more intensely to proteins purified from the relatively more invasive cell line MDA-MB-231 compared to MCF-7. These findings suggest that the study of serum antibody reactivity to antigens purified from breast cancer cell lines with different invasive properties should be further investigated for its potential in providing beneficial prognostic information in breast cancer. Supported by the United States Military Cancer Institute and the Department of Clinical Investigation at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private views of the authors and are not to be construed as official or reflecting the views of the Department of the Army or the Department of Defense.  相似文献   

Drug resistance to tamoxifen (Tam) is a significant clinical problem but the mechanism through which this occurs remains elusive. We have developed a number of xenograft models of Tam-stimulated growth that model breast cancer progression using estrogen receptor positive MCF-7 or T47D breast cancer cells. When estrogen-stimulated T47D:E2 tumors are treated long term with Tam, Tam-stimulated tumors develop (T47D:Tam) that are stimulated by both estrogen and Tam. When HER-2/neu status is determined, it is clear that the T47D:Tam tumors express significantly higher levels of HER-2/neu protein by immunohistochemistry and mRNA as measured by real-time RT-PCR. The T47D:Tam tumors also express higher levels of estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor protein than their estrogen-stimulated T47D:E2 counterparts. We compared out results to the MCF-7 model of Tam-stimulated growth. The MCF-7:Tam ST (estrogen- and Tam-stimulated) and MCF-7:Tam LT (estrogen-inhibited, Tam-stimulated) were bilaterally transplanted to account for any mouse to mouse variation and characteristic growth patterns were observed. TUNEL staining was performed on MCF-7:Tam LT treated with either estrogen or Tam and it was concluded that estrogen-inhibited tumor growth was a result of increased apoptosis. Three phases of tumor progression are described that involve increases in HER-2/neu expression, de-regulation of estrogen receptor expression and increases in apoptosis which in concert determine the phenotype of drug resistance to Tam.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether biocompatible and biodegradable vasoactive intestinal peptide-grafted sterically stabilized phospholipid mixed nanomicelles (VIP-SSMM; size, approximately 15 nm), a novel nanosized actively targeted drug delivery platform for breast cancer, accumulate in human MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Using hydrophobic CdSe/ZnS quantum dots (QD), we found that QD-loaded VIP-SSMM accumulated significantly faster and in greater quantity in MCF-7 cells than did QD-loaded SSMM alone (p<0.05). This process was mediated, in part, by VIP receptors because excess human VIP, but not PACAP(6-38) or galanin, significantly attenuated this response (p<0.05). Taken together, these data indicate that VIP-SSMM are actively targeted to human breast cancer cells through VIP receptors. We suggest that VIP-SSMM could be used as an actively targeted nanosized drug delivery platform for breast cancer cells over-expressing VIP receptors.  相似文献   

Breast cancer angiogenesis is elicited and regulated by a number of factors including the Notch signaling. Notch receptors and ligands are expressed in breast cancer cells as well as in the stromal compartment and have been implicated in carcinogenesis. Signals exchanged between neighboring cells through the Notch pathway can amplify and consolidate molecular differences, which eventually dictate cell fates. Notch signaling and its crosstalk with many signaling pathways play an important role in breast cancer cell growth, migration, invasion, metastasis and angiogenesis, as well as cancer stem cell (CSC) self-renewal. Therefore, significant attention has been paid in recent years toward the development of clinically useful antagonists of Notch signaling. Better understanding of the structure, function and regulation of Notch intracellular signaling pathways, as well as its complex crosstalk with other oncogenic signals in breast cancer cells will be essential to ensure rational design and application of new combinatory therapeutic strategies. Novel opportunities have emerged from the discovery of Notch crosstalk with inflammatory and angiogenic cytokines and their links to CSCs. Combinatory treatments with drugs designed to prevent Notch oncogenic signal crosstalk may be advantageous over λ secretase inhibitors (GSIs) alone. In this review, we focus on the more recent advancements in our knowledge of aberrant Notch signaling contributing to breast cancer angiogenesis, as well as its crosstalk with other factors contributing to angiogenesis and CSCs.  相似文献   

目的建立稳定高表达人核糖核酸酶抑制因子(hRI)的真核细胞系:乳腺癌细胞系,为进一步研究hRI抗肿瘤、抗氧化的作用机制奠定实验基础。方法将hRI通过逆转录病毒载体(pLNCX-hRI)经过病毒包装细胞(PA317)包装后的高滴度病毒上清,感染乳腺癌(MCF-7)细胞系,经G418筛选后,运用RT-PCR、Western blot等方法进行鉴定hRI在MCF-7中的高表达。结果hRI克隆到乳腺癌细胞(MCF-7)基因组,并随着基因组稳定高表达hRI。结论利用逆转录病毒载体感染真核细胞后获得高表达hRI的肿瘤细胞株,从而为进一步研究真核细胞内hRI的抗肿瘤作用机制提供条件。  相似文献   

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