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  1. The optics of the corneal facet lenses from the dorsal rim area (DRA) and from the dorso-lateral areas (DA) of the compound eye of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus were studied.
  2. The DRA of the cricket eye contains quite normally shaped facet lenses. The diameter of the facet lens in the DA is 2-fold larger compared to that in the DRA. The radius of curvature of the front surface is distinctly less in the DA facet lenses, as the surface of the facet lenses in the DRA are virtually flat.
  3. The averaged axial refractive index of the facet lenses of Gryllus bimaculatus, measured by interference microscopy, was 1.496 ± 0.008 (n = 42) in the DRA and 1.469 ± 0.004 (n = 39) in the DA. The geometrical thickness of the lenses was calculated to be 77 ± 3 μm (n = 42) in the DRA and 56 ± 1 μm (n = 39) in the DA.
  4. Analysis of the diffraction pattern obtained with a point light source revealed distinct focusing properties of both the DRA and the DA facet lenses; striking Airy-like diffraction patterns were obtained in both cases.
  5. Focal distances measured directly at the backfocal plane were 40 ± 8 μm (n = 84) in the DRA of all the animals studied, and 60–90 μm (n = 62) in DA depending on the animal. Analysis of the diffraction of the point light source yielded very similar focal distances: 40 ± 5 μm (n = 10) in DRA and 81 ± 8 μm (n = 11) in DA. In the DRA, focal distance of the facet lenses was smaller than the cone length, 58 ± 3 μm (n = 9) while in the DA the focal distance matched the effective cone length, 71 ± 5 μm (n = 16).

ABSTRACT. The effect of diet on the activity of male Calliphora vicina R.D. (Diptera, Calliphoridae) was studied. Protein–fed males (PF) were significantly more active than males fed only on sugar and water (NPF); as a consequence they ingested more sugar. The phenomenon was probably due to PF insects spending more time in flight than NPF, as no significant differences were found between the wingbeat frequencies and flight speeds of tethered flies of the two treatments. Protein ingestion also had a physiological effect, as PF flies had heavier thoraces than NPF flies with increased titres of protein.  相似文献   

采自广州的两种丽蝇--宽额丽蝇Calliphora latifron_xs Hough,1899、红头丽蝇Clliphora uicina Robineau-Des-voidy,1830,宽额丽蝇为我国新记录种,分析认为这两种丽蝇为入侵种.  相似文献   

1. The relative abundance of the blowflies Calliphora vicina (R.-D.) and Lucilia sericata (Meigen) in carrion was considered in relation to inter- and intraspecific larval competition and the distribution of adults between habitat types. 2. In mixed and pure laboratory cultures of L. sericata and C. vicina the mortality of both species increased and adult size declined as the initial larval number was increased. However, for L. sericata at initial numbers greater than ten larvae/g of liver, the effects of competition on adult size and mortality were greater in the mixed cultures than in the pure cultures. In contrast, for C. vicina at numbers greater than ten larvae/g of liver, the effects of competition on adult size and mortality were greater in the pure cultures than in the mixed cultures. 3. The laboratory data suggest therefore that for L. sericata the effects of interspecific competition with C. vicina on size and mortality were greater than the effects of intraspecific competition in a pure culture at the same initial number. Notably, however, the intensity of interspecific competition was not sufficiently asymmetric to allow C. vicina to exclude L. sericata even at the highest numbers examined. 4. In the field, higher numbers of adult L. sericata emerged from the carcasses of laboratory mice placed in open pasture than in woodland or hedgerow sites. In contrast, higher numbers of C. vicina emerged from carcasses placed in woodland and hedgerow sites. 5. Trapping showed that in the field adult L. sericata were relatively more abundant in open pasture than in woodland and hedgerow sites, while C. vicina were more abundant in woodland and hedgerow sites than in open pasture. 6. It is concluded that the low numbers of L. sericata that emerge from carrion relative to the numbers of C. vicina may, in part, be the result of asymmetric interspecific competition, but that the uneven distribution of adults of the two species among habitat types also plays a major role in shaping the blowfly community in carrion.  相似文献   

In flies with an intact brain-corpus cardiacum system, the haemolymph trehalose concentration is kept near the resting level (~23 g/l.) during continuous flight for at least 45 min. Upon cardiacectomy or corpus cardiacum denervation haemolymph trehalose decreases during the first 15 min of flight to one-third of the resting level, and complete flight exhaustion occurs within 45 min. In such flight-exhausted flies a slow, apparently hormone-independent, increase of haemolymph trehalose occurs during subsequent rest. Squeezing of denervated (i.e. non-secreting) corpora cardiaca in situ in flight-exhausted flies leads temporarily to a steep rise of haemolymph trehalose level and restoration of flight performance.  相似文献   

Summary The maintenance of photoreceptor cell membranes in the blowfly was investigated in relation to the diurnal cycle, age, and therpa (receptor potential absent) phototransduction mutation. The effect of disturbed membrane assembly on the electrical membrane properties was examined using single-electrode discontinuous current-clamp techniques. In wild-type flies the cross-sectional dimensions of the rhabdomeres were markedly reduced with age, and the quantity of synthetic organelles decreased concurrently, whereas no correlation was found between the diurnal cycle and membrane turnover. Therpa mutation is thought to block the visual transduction cascade in photoreceptor cells and to lead to degeneration of the photoreceptor cell bodies. The volume of rhabdomeres decreased markedly inrpa mutants and the quantity of synthetic organelles was reduced significantly, indicating an imbalance between photoreceptive membrane renewal and degradation. Also, the plasma membrane underwent degenerative changes. The passive electrical properties of photoreceptor cells — resting membrane voltages and input resistances — were only slightly changed from those of wild-type flies, although the photoreceptive membrane did not depolarize in response to light. This indicates no apparent disturbance in the function of the ionic channels in these membranes. Taken together, these results suggest that the photoreceptor cells need a functional phototransduction cascade with its feedback controls to maintain continuous renewal of rhabdomeres, but that the plasma membrane maintains its normal electrochemical properties despite extreme morphological degeneration of photoreceptor cell.  相似文献   

The orientation sensitivity of the visual movement detection system relative to the axes of the eye was investigated for the landing response by changing the direction of movement of a periodic striped pattern (unidirectional movement) and a two-stripe pattern consiting of two stripes moving apart (bidirectional movement). In the momocular, equatorial regions of the eye progressive motion proves to be most effective, whereas in the frontal (equational), binocular region descendive motion is most effective in eliciting the landing response, probably caused by binocular interactions. A strong enhancement of the response is induced by stimulation in the binocular region of the two eyes. The orientation of elementary movement detectors relative to the axes of the ommatidial array is discussed. The findings are summarized in a functional model of the landing response.  相似文献   

Male blowflies chase and catch other flies in fast acrobatic flights. To unravel the underlying control system, we presented a black moving sphere instead of a real fly as a pursuit target. By varying the size and speed of the target, we were able to systematically analyse the decisive visual determinants that guide chasing behaviour. Flies pursue targets of a wide range of sizes and velocities. The percentage of pursuits resulting in target capture decreases with increasing target size and speed. Chasing male flies adjust their forward velocity depending on the retinal size of the target, indicating that retinal size is a relevant input variable of the control system. The chasing fly focuses the target with great accuracy in the frontal part of its visual field by means of a smooth pursuit control system using the retinal position of the target to determine the flight direction. We conclude that for a comprehensive understanding of chasing control different time lags in the control systems of angular and forward velocity together with the impact of inertia on fly movements need to be taken into account.  相似文献   

In situ hybridisation studies using a digoxigenin-labelled DNA probe encoding the Leu-callatostatin prohormone of the blowflies Calliphora vomitoria and Lucilia cuprina have revealed a variety of neurones in the brain and thoracico-abdominal ganglion, peripheral neurosecretory neurones, and endocrine cells of the midgut. With two exceptions, the hybridising cells are the same as those previously identified in immunocytochemical studies of sections and whole-mounts using Leu-callatostatin COOH-terminal-specific antisera. Within the brain and suboesophageal ganglion, there is a variety of neurones ranging from a single pair of large cells situated in the dorsal protocerebrum, to the several pairs of neurones in the tritocerebrum, some of which, in immunocytochemical preparations, can be seen to project via axons in the cervical connective to the thoracico-abdominal ganglion. In the medulla of the optic lobes, numerous small interneurones hybridise with the probe, as do clusters of similar-sized neurones close to the roots of the ocellar nerves. These results indicate that the Leu-callatostatin neuropeptides of the brain play a variety of roles in neurotransmission and neuromodulation. There are only three pairs of Leu-callatostatin-immunoreactive neurones in the thoracico-abdominal ganglion, at least two pairs of which project axons along the median abdominal nerve to provide extensive innervation of the hindgut. The Leu-callatostatin peripheral neurosecretory cells are located in close association with both nerve and muscle fibres in the thorax. In addition to neuronal Leu-callatostatin, the presence of the peptide and its mRNA has been demonstrated in endocrine cells in the posterior part of the midgut. These observations provide an example of a named brain/gut peptide in an insect.  相似文献   

Female Phormia regina, in general, were found to utilize more oxygen than males especially after approximately the sixth day of adulthood on both a μl/specimen and μl/mg basis. The females exhibited cyclic respiratory rates which correlated with the gonadotrophic cycles. Following its final gonadotrophic cycle the respiratory rates of females progressively declined. The male exhibited its highest respiratory rates during the fifth and tenth days after emergence; thereafter, there was a general decline in respiratory rates. Females have a significantly higher fresh body weight than males when both sexes are fed on a protein diet.Females fed on a protein-deficient diet exhibited significantly higher respiratory rates on a μl/mg basis than females fed on a protein diet. This extremely high respiratory rate was directly correlated with the occurrence of a protein hunger drive. Males fed on a protein-deficient diet also exhibited higher respiratory rates on a μl/mg basis than males fed on protein diet. However, the differences were not as great between the males as compared to the female comparison.  相似文献   

The engagement of male and female parts during copulation is described in detail for Lucilia sericata Meigen. The occurrence on the phallosome of lateral ducts and apertures for accessory gland secretion is reported for a number of species of Calliphorinae.  相似文献   

The movement of the halteres during fixed flight was video recorded under stroboscopic illumination phase coupled to the wing beat. The halteres swing in a rounded triangular manner through an angle of almost 80° in vertical planes tilted backwards from the transverse plane by ca. 30° (Figs. 1, 2).The physics of the halteres are described in terms of a general formula for the force acting onto the endknob of the moving haltere during rotations and linear accelerations of the fly (Eq. 1). On the basis of the experimentally determined kinematics of the haltere, the primary forces and the forces dependent on angular velocity and on angular acceleration are calculated (Figs. 3, 4).Three distinct types of angular velocity dependent (Coriolis) forces are generated by rotations about 3 orthogonal axes. Thus, in principle one haltere could detect all rotations in space (Fig. 6).The angular acceleration dependent forces have the same direction and frequency as the Coriolis forces, but they are shifted in phase by 90°. Thus, they could be evaluated in parallel and independently from the Coriolis forces. They are, however, much smaller than the Coriolis forces for oscillation frequencies of the fly up to 20 Hz (Fig. 5). From these considerations it is concluded that Coriolis forces play the major role in detecting body rotations.  相似文献   

We quantitatively analysed compensatory head reactions of flies to imposed body rotations in yaw, pitch and roll and characterized the haltere as a sense organ for maintaining equilibrium. During constant velocity rotation, the head first moves to compensate retinal slip and then attains a plateau excursion (Fig. 3). Below 500°/s, initial head velocity as well as final excursion depend linearily on stimulus velocities for all three axes. Head saccades occur rarely and are synchronous to wing beat saccades (Fig. 5). They are interpreted as spontaneous actions superposed to the compensatory reaction and are thus not resetting movements like the fast phase of vestibulo-ocular nystagmus in vertebrates. In addition to subjecting the flies to actual body rotations we developed a method to mimick rotational stimuli by subjecting the body of a flying fly to vibrations (1 to 200 m, 130 to 150 Hz), which were coupled on line to the fly's haltere beat. The reactions to simulated Coriolis forces, mimicking a rotation with constant velocity, are qualitatively and to a large extent also quantitatively identical to the reactions to real rotations (Figs. 3, 7–9). Responses to roll- and pitch stimuli are co-axial. During yaw stimulation (halteres and visual) the head performs both a yaw and a roll reaction (Fig. 3e,f), thus reacting not co-axial. This is not due to mechanical constraints of the neck articulation, but rather it is interpreted as an advance compensation of a banked body position during free flight yaw turns (Fig. 10).  相似文献   

用致死剂量盐酸吗啡注射家兔,处死后用其肌肉在恒温25℃条件下饲养大头金蝇Chrysomyia megacephala初孵幼虫,研究吗啡对大头金蝇生长发育的影响,及其用于法医学中推断死者死后间隔时间(Postmortem interval,PMI)方面的初步探讨.结果 显示,在25℃下孵化64 h后,处理组大头金蝇的体长、体重及蛹长、蛹重明显大于对照组幼虫(P<0.05),这种趋势一直持续到羽化.吗啡缩短了大头金蝇的发育历期,根据大头金蝇发育历期进行PMI推断时,吗啡可使PMI推断值缩短14.7 h.  相似文献   

Five species of Calliphoridae, mostly females, were collected using fly-traps baited with freshly killed rodent carcasses. Female blowflies were examined to determine the stages of ovarian development. The traps were selective for certain ovarian stages which varied according to the species. Phaenicia eximia (Wiedemann) was attracted to the traps mainly to oviposit, whereas females of Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann), C. putoria (Wiedemann) and C. megacephala (Fabricius) were captured in intermediate stages of oogenesis but seldom with eggs mature for oviposition. It is concluded that this kind of baited trap is unsuitable for the collection of male blowflies and that samples of female blowflies are specifically biased in favour of certain ovarian conditions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Tethered Glossina austeni Newst. males and females were tested for daily and starvation-related changes in their probing responsiveness to a warmed sponge surface presented to their tarsi. The change in responsiveness of the two sexes was indistinguishable, both following a marked V-shape pattern across the photophase of LD 12:12 and an increase from a mean of c. 5% responding on day 3 after a blood-meal to over 60% doing so on day 6. Sublethal doses ( c. LD15) of endosulfan had no detectable effect on this pattern, but of DDT caused a temporary doubling of responsiveness, and of permethrin caused a marked and long-lasting reduction in responsiveness. Tethered Protophormia terraenovae (R.-D.) tested similarly for changes in threshold to tarsal stimulation with sucrose solutions (assessed by whether or not they extended the proboscis), showed a marked threshold decrease following LD15 diazinon treatment and, like the tsetse, no effect of LD15 endosulfan treatment, though unlike tsetse they showed no increase in threshold following permethrin treatment. The results are discussed in relation to what is known of the mode of action of these four insecticides, and in relation to circadian rhythm physiology in insects.  相似文献   

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