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生物医学信息资源的整合和导航系统的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
生物医学信息资源的大量涌现,带来了一些问题。为了节约读者检索时问,提高查全率、查准率。我们有必要利用现有的技术条件对大量有用的生物医学数据库进行收集、整合、加工,形成具有实用性、系统性的新的有机整体。针对各类数据库建立生物医学信息的导航系统。两者的结合可以有效、系统地满足医务人员和科研人员对信息的需求。  相似文献   

Summary The rufous horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus rouxi, was trained to discriminate differences in target distance. During the discrimination trials, the bats emitted complex FM/CF/FM pulses containing first harmonic and dominant second harmonic components.Loud free running artificial pulses, simulating the CF/FM part of the natural echolocation components, interfered with the ability of the bat to discriminate target distance. Changes in the frequency or frequency pattern of the artificial pulses resulted in systematic changes in the degree of interference. Interference occurred when artificial CF/FM pulses were presented at frequencies near those of the bat's own first or second harmonic components.These findings suggest that Rhinolophus rouxi uses both the first and second harmonic components of its complex multiharmonic echolocation sound for distance discrimination. For interference to occur, the sound pattern of each harmonic component must contain a CF signal followed by an FM sweep beginning near the frequency of the CF.Abbreviations CF constant frequency - FM frequency modulated  相似文献   

The interneuronal network that produces local bending in the leech is distributed, in the sense that most of the interneurons involved are activated in all forms of local bending, even those in which their outputs would produce inappropriate movements. Such networks have been found to control a number of different behaviors in a variety of animals. This article reviews three issues: the physiological and modeling observations that led to the conclusion that local bending in leeches is controlled by a distributed system; what distributed processing means for this and other behaviors; and why the leech interneuronal network may have evolved to be distributed in the first place. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

During the course of information processing, a visual system extracts characteristic information of the visual image and integrates the spatial and temporal visual information simultaneously. In this study, we investigate the integration effect of neurons in the primary visual cortex (V1 area) under the grating stimulation. First, an information integration model was established based on the receptive field properties of the extracted features of the visual images features, the interaction between neurons and the nonlinear integration of those neurons. Then the neuropsychological experiments were designed both to provide parameters for the model and to verify its effect. The experimental results with factual visual image were largely consistent with the model’s forecast output. This demonstrates that our model can truly reflect the integration effect of the primary visual system when being subjected to grating stimulations with different orientations. Our results indicate the primary visual system integrates the visual information in the following manner: it first extracts visual information through different types of receptive field, and then its neurons interact with each other in a non-linear manner, finally the neurons fire spikes recorded as responses to the visual stimulus.  相似文献   

During stridulation in the gomphocerine grasshopper Omocestus viridulus the leg movements, sound pattern and either summed auditory nerve activity or single interneuron activity were recorded. Simultaneous laser interferometric and vibrometric measurements of the displacement and velocity of the tympanic membrane were performed at the pyriform vesicle (d-receptor group). Slow displacements of the tympanic membrane occur in phase with the ventilatory and stridulatory rhythm and reach 10 mpeak-peak and 1–3 mpeak-peak in amplitude, respectively. Additionally, the tympanic membrane oscillates maximally in the range 5–10 kHz. These high-frequency oscillations are due to sound production and motor activity and correspond in amplitude to oscillations evoked by sound pressures of 90-dB SPL. They activate the auditory receptors during most of the stridulatory cycle even during mute stridulation. Only at the lower reversal point of the leg movement are membrane vibrations and receptor activity at a minimum. As a consequence the response of receptors and interneurons to auditory stimuli are generally impaired and an auditory response of receptors and interneurons can be elicited only during a short period at the lower reversal point. Although in this phase of the stridulatory cycle auditory sensitivity is present, males do not show phonotactic responses towards female songs during ongoing own stridulation.  相似文献   

随着以多媒体技术、网络技术为基础的信息技术的迅猛发展,运用现代信息技术促进教育改革与发展是必然趋势。遗传学是一门前沿的生命科学学科,内容庞杂、枯燥难懂。如何针对本门课程的特点,构建有效的教学模式,是广大教师面对的一项重要课题。因此,更新教学理念、探索以信息技术为载体的遗传学教学新模式意义深远。  相似文献   

结核病仍旧威胁着全球人类健康,中国是结核病高发国家之一,寻求新的药物和疫苗势在必行。随着对噬菌体研究的深入,分枝杆菌噬菌体成为结核病新型药物发现和药敏实验的研究热点之一。噬菌体进入宿主菌体内,以裂解和溶源两种途径进入循环。以分枝杆菌的溶源性噬菌体为例,综述了分枝杆菌噬菌体整合和裂解分子机理。分枝杆菌溶源性噬菌体的整合需噬菌体基因组的附着位点attachment site(attP),宿主菌分枝杆菌基因组的附着位点attachment site(attB),整合酶integrase(Int)和整合宿主因子integration host factor(mIHF)。部分溶源性噬菌体如Ms6进入裂解循环,复制转录组装成新的子代噬菌体,在裂解素(Lysin)和穿孔素(Holin)的协同作用下裂解宿主菌,释放子代噬菌体。目前国内未见对分枝杆菌噬菌体的研究报道。研究分枝杆菌噬菌体整合及裂解机理对结核病治疗新药开发有一定的启示。  相似文献   

Many different neural models have been proposed to account for major characteristics of the memory phenomenon family in primates. However, in spite of the large body of neurophysiological, anatomical and behavioral data, there is no direct evidence for supporting one model while falsifying the others. And yet, we can discriminate models based on their complexity and/or their predictive power. In this paper we present a computational framework with our basic assumption that neural information processing is performed by generative networks. A complex architecture is 'derived' by using information-theoretic principles. We find that our approach seems to uncover possible relations among the functional memory units (declarative and implicit memory) and the process of information encoding in primates. The architecture can also be related to the entorhinal-hippocampal loop. An effort is made to form a prototype of this computational architecture and to map it onto the functional units of the neocortex. This mapping leads us to claim that one may gain a better understanding by considering that anatomical and functional layers of the cortex differ. Philosophical consequences regarding the homunculus fallacy are also considered.  相似文献   

无数证据表明,地球可能正经历着有史以来的第六次物种大灭绝。在这一背景下,研究生物多样性丧失机制及其对生态系统功能的影响具有重要意义。从先前的相关研究中,已逐渐清晰地认识到造成多样性丧失的几大机制,并对这些机制发生的空间尺度有了一定了解。然而,空间本身对多样性丧失研究的影响仍被该领域的很多研究所忽视。因为生物多样性丧失过程发生在不同空间尺度中,所造成的多样性丧失格局也具有不同的空间尺度特征。忽略空间信息很可能会对多样性丧失等相关研究造成很大干扰,甚至得出错误的结论,其结果也很难正确地运用于不同空间尺度的多样性保护当中。整合空间信息已成为当前生物多样性丧失研究,乃至整个生态学研究的前沿和热点之一。为促进这一趋势在国内的发展,将结合多样性丧失的估计与监测、几大多样性丧失机制(全球环境变化与生境片段化、生物入侵等)来阐述空间信息对当前及今后多样性丧失机制研究的重要性,并用实例展示未充分考虑空间信息而可能造成的后果。最后探讨我国当前科技条件下进行整合空间信息的生物多样性丧失等研究的可行性。  相似文献   

Information is often encoded as an aperiodic chain of building blocks. Modern digital computers use bits as the building blocks, but in general the choice of building blocks depends on the nature of the information to be encoded. What are the optimal building blocks to encode structural information? This can be analysed by substituting the operations of addition and multiplication of conventional arithmetic with translation and rotation. It is argued that at the molecular level, the best component for encoding discretized structural information is carbon. Living organisms discovered this billions of years ago, and used carbon as the back-bone for constructing proteins that function according to their structure. Structural analysis of polypeptide chains shows that an efficient and versatile structural language of 20 building blocks is needed to implement all the tasks carried out by proteins. Properties of amino acids indicate that the present triplet genetic code was preceded by a more primitive one, coding for 10 amino acids using two nucleotide bases.  相似文献   

视觉信号在中枢的整合:同步振荡产生的机理和功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Xie XH  Lu HD  Wang L  Diao YC 《生理科学进展》1997,28(2):108-112
神经系统内各信息通道的信号间如何整合?一个可能的途径就是通过同步振荡来协调。本文对同怕研究进展作了回顾,侧重介绍了视皮怪内同步振荡的提出、实验依据、产生的机理和功能意义,并对可能的进展作了展望。  相似文献   

Three qualities of sound—the directional, the temporal and the spectral—are important for intraspecific communication in Orthoptera. The neural mechanisms employed by identified interneurones for encoding these sound qualities are illustrated by examples of physiological processes found at different levels of the CNS. Discussed are: (1) the creation of directional information by local interneurones in the thorax, and the use of time-intensity trading in sound location; (2) mechanisms for encoding the temporal parameters of sound by interneurones ascending to the brain; (3) frequency-dependent neural filtering of auditory information by local interneurones.  相似文献   

Evidence for signaling, communication, and conductivity in microtubules (MTs) has been shown through both direct and indirect means, and theoretical models predict their potential use in both classical and quantum information processing in neurons. The notion of quantum information processing within neurons has been implicated in the phenomena of consciousness, although controversies have arisen in regards to adverse physiological temperature effects on these capabilities. To investigate the possibility of quantum processes in relation to information processing in MTs, a biophysical MT model is used based on the electrostatic interior of the tubulin protein. The interior is taken to constitute a double-well potential structure within which a mobile electron is considered capable of occupying at least two distinct quantum states. These excitonic states together with MT lattice vibrations determine the state space of individual tubulin dimers within the MT lattice. Tubulin dimers are taken as quantum well structures containing an electron that can exist in either its ground state or first excited state. Following previous models involving the mechanisms of exciton energy propagation, we estimate the strength of exciton and phonon interactions and their effect on the formation and dynamics of coherent exciton domains within MTs. Also, estimates of energy and timescales for excitons, phonons, their interactions, and thermal effects are presented. Our conclusions cast doubt on the possibility of sufficiently long-lived coherent exciton/phonon structures existing at physiological temperatures in the absence of thermal isolation mechanisms. These results are discussed in comparison with previous models based on quantum effects in non-polar hydrophobic regions, which have yet to be disproved.  相似文献   

Khrennikov A 《Bio Systems》2011,105(3):250-262
We propose a model of quantum-like (QL) processing of mental information. This model is based on quantum information theory. However, in contrast to models of "quantum physical brain" reducing mental activity (at least at the highest level) to quantum physical phenomena in the brain, our model matches well with the basic neuronal paradigm of the cognitive science. QL information processing is based (surprisingly) on classical electromagnetic signals induced by joint activity of neurons. This novel approach to quantum information is based on representation of quantum mechanics as a version of classical signal theory which was recently elaborated by the author. The brain uses the QL representation (QLR) for working with abstract concepts; concrete images are described by classical information theory. Two processes, classical and QL, are performed parallely. Moreover, information is actively transmitted from one representation to another. A QL concept given in our model by a density operator can generate a variety of concrete images given by temporal realizations of the corresponding (Gaussian) random signal. This signal has the covariance operator coinciding with the density operator encoding the abstract concept under consideration. The presence of various temporal scales in the brain plays the crucial role in creation of QLR in the brain. Moreover, in our model electromagnetic noise produced by neurons is a source of superstrong QL correlations between processes in different spatial domains in the brain; the binding problem is solved on the QL level, but with the aid of the classical background fluctuations.  相似文献   

The article makes use of three different examples (sensory information processing in the rat trigeminal complex, intracellular interaction in snail neurons and multimodal dynamics in nephron autoregulation) to demonstrate how modern approaches to time-series analysis based on the wavelet-transform can provide information about the underlying complex biological processes.  相似文献   

Abstract: As a tool for determining the topology of the small, 91-amino acid ΦX174 lysis protein E within the envelope complex of Escherichia coli , a lysis active fusion of protein E with streptavidin (E-FXa-StrpA) was used. The E-FXa-StrpA fusion protein was visualised using immune electron microscopy with gold-conjugated anti-streptavidin antibodies within the envelope complex in different orientations. At the distinct areas of lysis characteristic for protein E, the C-terminal end of the fusion protein was detected at the surface of the outer membrane, whereas at other areas the C-terminal portion of the protein was located at the cytoplasmic side of the inner membrane. These results suggest that a conformational change of protein E is necessary to induce the lysis process, an assumption supported by proteinase K protection studies. The immune electron microscopic data and the proteinase K accessibility studies of the E-FXa-StrA fusion protein were used for the working model of the E-mediated lysis divided into three phases: phase 1 is characterised by integration of protein E into the inner membrane without a cytoplasmic status in a conformation with its C-terminal part facing the cytoplasmic side; phase 2 is characterised by a conformational change of the protein transferring the C-terminus across the inner membrane; phase 3 is characterised by a fusion of the inner and outer membranes and is associated with a transfer of the C-terminal domain of protein E towards the surface of the outer membrane of E. coli.  相似文献   

The review focuses on some of the high value-end biocommodities, such as fermented beverages, single-cell proteins, single-cell oils, biocolors, flavors, fragrances, polysaccharides, biopesticides, plant growth regulators, bioethanol, biogas and biohydrogen, developed from the microbial processing of fruit and vegetable wastes. Microbial detoxification of fruit and vegetable processing effluents is briefly described. The advances in genetic engineering of microorganisms for enhanced yield of the above-mentioned biocommodities are elucidated with selected examples. The bottleneck in commercialization, integrated approach for improved production, techno-economical feasibility and real-life uses of some of these biocommodities, as well as research gaps and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

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