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Understanding how animals utilize their habitat provides insights about their ecological needs and is of importance for both theoretical and applied ecology. As changing seasons impact prey habitat selection and vegetation itself, it is important to understand how seasonality impacts microhabitat choice in optimal foragers and their prey. We followed habituated bat‐eared foxes (Otocyon megalotis) in the Kalahari, South Africa, to study their seasonal habitat selection patterns and relate them to the habitat preferences of their main prey, termites (Hodotermes mossambicus). We used Resource Selection Functions (RSFs) to study bat‐eared foxes’ 3rd‐ and 4th‐order habitat selection by comparing used locations to random ones within their home ranges. Third‐order habitat selection for habitat type and composition was weak and varied little between seasons. We found that patterns of fox habitat selection did not mirror habitat selection of Hodotermes (quantified using RSFs), even when feeding on them (4th‐order). Taken together, these results might indicate that bat‐eared foxes’ food resources are homogenously distributed across habitats and that prey other than Hodotermes play an important role in bat‐eared foxes’ space use.  相似文献   

Bat-eared foxes were studied for eight months at four sites in Kenya and Tanzania with the main study in the Masai Mara Game Reserve. Eleven foxes were caught and four fitted with radio-collars. Foxes in Masai Mara feed mainly on ants and termites. They showed a marked preference for short grass habitat, and their range expanded when wildebeest lowered grass height by grazing and trampling. Foxes lived in groups (= 2.8) with overlapping home ranges, and relations between groups were usually amicable. Foxes gave birth from September-December and all members of the group provided some care to the cubs.
A review of Bat-eared fox ecology from other studies reveals a consistent picture of this aberrant insectivorous canid. The species foraging strategy involves locating social insects by sound in short grass areas. The species is able to find suitable habitat and multiply rapidly. Although usually living in monogamous pairs, reports of polygyny, and non-reproductive males in groups also exist. Living in groups may increase each fox's chance of feeding on insect swarms, and also provides protection from predators.  相似文献   

We incorporated radio‐telemetry data with genetic analysis of bat‐eared foxes (Otocyon megalotis) from individuals in 32 different groups to examine relatedness and spatial organization in two populations in South Africa that differed in density, home‐range sizes, and group sizes. Kin clustering occurred only for female dyads in the high‐density population. Relatedness was negatively correlated with distance only for female dyads in the high‐density population, and for male and mixed‐sex dyads in the low‐density population. Home‐range overlap of neighboring female dyads was significantly greater in the high compared to low‐density population, whereas overlap within other dyads was similar between populations. Amount of home‐range overlap between neighbors was positively correlated with genetic relatedness for all dyad‐site combinations, except for female and male dyads in the low‐density population. Foxes from all age and sex classes dispersed, although females (mostly adults) dispersed farther than males. Yearlings dispersed later in the high‐density population, and overall exhibited a male‐biased dispersal pattern. Our results indicated that genetic structure within populations of bat‐eared foxes was sex‐biased, and was interrelated to density and group sizes, as well as sex‐biases in philopatry and dispersal distances. We conclude that a combination of male‐biased dispersal rates, adult dispersals, and sex‐biased dispersal distances likely helped to facilitate inbreeding avoidance in this evolutionarily unique species of Canidae.  相似文献   

A sleeper shark, genus Somniosus, was observed in the Colombian Caribbean. A Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) recorded a sleeper shark specimen during an inspection while drilling a hydrocarbon exploratory well at 1,820 m water depth. This is the first record of a sleeper shark for the southern Colombian Caribbean. The previous most southern records of Somniosid sharks in the tropical and subtropical western Atlantic came from the western and northern Gulf of Mexico, and from Cuba.  相似文献   

Cutaneous neoplasia is common in non‐human primates. We describe the gross and microscopic features of multicentric cutaneous keratoacanthomas in a free‐living marmoset (Callithrix sp.). Immunohistochemistry for human papillomavirus and herpes simplex virus type I and simplex virus type II was negative. Keratoacanthomas should be included in the differential diagnosis for cutaneous masses in non‐human primates.  相似文献   

Common vampire bat populations distributed from Mexico to Argentina are important rabies reservoir hosts in Latin America. The aim of this work was to analyse the population structure of the rabies virus (RABV) variants associated with vampire bats in the Americas and to study their phylodynamic pattern within Argentina. The phylogenetic analysis based on all available vampire bat‐related N gene sequences showed both a geographical and a temporal structure. The two largest groups of RABV variants from Argentina were isolated from northwestern Argentina and from the central western zone of northeastern Argentina, corresponding to livestock areas with different climatic, topographic and biogeographical conditions, which determined their dissemination and evolutionary patterns. In addition, multiple introductions of the infection into Argentina, possibly from Brazil, were detected. The phylodynamic analysis suggests that RABV transmission dynamics is characterized by initial epizootic waves followed by local enzootic cycles with variable persistence. Anthropogenic interventions in the ecosystem should be assessed taking into account not only the environmental impact but also the potential risk of disease spreading through dissemination of current RABV lineages or the emergence of novel ones associated with vampire bats.  相似文献   

Recently, natural stocks of the Manila clam, Venerupis (=Ruditapes) philippinarum, have been drastically reduced in Japan. To clarify the reason for this decline in number, clams were sampled monthly from Yamaguchi and processed for histological observations, during which three protozoan parasites were discovered. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that these parasites were unidentified haplosporidian in the connective tissues, Marteilia sp. in the digestive gland and Marteilioides sp. in the oocytes. Histopathological observations suggest that Marteilia sp. and Marteilioides sp. were not pathogenic to the host. However, infection with a haplosporidian may have a negative impact on the clams. The prevalence of these parasites was low and further investigations should be undertaken to clarify their taxonomic status and establish any pathogenicity to clams.  相似文献   

Nematodes similar to Oxyspirura sp. were recovered from the cornea and nictitating membrane of a fulvous owl (Strix fulvescens). The bird had been captive for several months, but died suddenly. It had no clinical history of prior diseases, including ocular lesions.  相似文献   

Specimens of Ligidium sp. (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea) collected from Kanagawa Prefecture in Japan were found to be infected with parasitic nematodes. We have obtained two Mermithidae (Nematoda) by dissecting the fresh specimen and from the dead specimen of Ligidium, which marks the second known discovery of a mermithid infection in the order Isopoda. Herein, a report on the nuclear 28S rDNA and 18S rDNA sequence of the isolated Mermithidae nematodes and on the morphology of the juveniles is provided.  相似文献   

Spirometra sp. is a diphyllobothriid cestode which reproduces mainly in cat-like carnivores and canids. Several animal species that are not definitive hosts function as paratenic hosts, in which plerocercoids migrate to other tissues causing sparganosis. In this paper we describe the first case of sparganosis (Spirometra sp.) in Eurasian badger (Meles meles). It was found in an adult female Eurasian badger killed on the road in the Białowieża Primeval Forest (north-eastern Poland) in April 2013. At necropsy, 128 complete and 40 fragments of plerocercoids (spargana) were found and were located subcutaneously, mainly on the hind legs and along the spine. The average length of spargana was 87 ± 38 mm. No adult Spirometra sp. tapeworms were found in the animal intestine, indicating that the investigated badger was a paratenic host for Spirometra sp. Analysis of 18S rRNA gene sequences combined with morphological examination confirmed affiliation of the concerned plerocercoids to genus Spirometra.  相似文献   

Montagnea arenaria (D.C.) Zeller (Agaricales), an interesting basidiomycete adapted to arid environments is recorded for the first time from a sample collected on sandy soil in the northern zone of Chile. Its mature fruiting body is described. Taxonomic and ecological comments are also addressed.  相似文献   

Although sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is common among mammals, there is no clear explanation for its maintenance in nature. Bats are one of the few groups of mammals where reverse SSD appears. In this group, the size of individuals may have very important ecological consequences related with flight. In this study, we examine sexual dimorphism in the wing measurements of 195 adult individuals (141 males and 54 females) of the greater mouse‐eared bat Myotis myotis in the south‐east of the Iberian Peninsula. We also investigated size differences between paired and single males in a swarming roost. The results indicate that there are significant differences in the wing measurements between sexes, females being bigger than males in this respect. While no significant differences in the wing measurements of paired and single males were observed, significant differences were found in their relative weight and fitness, single males being significantly heavier and having a better physical condition. We discuss the implications of SSD for the female of M. myotis in terms of reproductive advantages, trophic niche segregation and a greater ability to move, which may favour gene flow between populations.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is rare in New World primates. We report the gross, microscopical, and immunocytochemical features of a spontaneous HCC in a free‐living marmoset (Callithrix sp.). Hepatitis B and C virus and aflatoxin immunohistochemistry were negative; however, concomitant intra‐ and extrahepatic biliary trematodiasis could have played a role.  相似文献   

We investigated the parasite communities of introduced Iberian hares (Lepus granatensis) and native European hares (Lepus europaeus) in southern France, where Iberian hares were introduced locally 20 yr ago as a game animal. Parasite communities of sympatric populations of the two hare species and of allopatric populations of European hares were compared. Iberian hares in France harbored a depauperate community of parasites relative to the population in its native habitat in Spain. European hares in areas of sympatry also were infected by Nematodiroides zembrae, which normally infects Iberian hares on their native range.  相似文献   

Wetlands Ecology and Management - Microplastic pollution in marine environments has increased rapidly during the last decades. These microplastic particles are transported into the coral...  相似文献   

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