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A variety of methods are commonly used to quantify animal home ranges using location data acquired with telemetry. High‐volume location data from global positioning system (GPS) technology provide researchers the opportunity to identify various intensities of use within home ranges, typically quantified through utilization distributions (UDs). However, the wide range of variability evident within UDs constructed with modern home range estimators is often overlooked or ignored during home range comparisons, and challenges may arise when summarizing distributional shifts among multiple UDs. We describe an approach to gain additional insight into home range changes by comparing UDs across isopleths and summarizing comparisons into meaningful results. To demonstrate the efficacy of this approach, we used GPS location data from 16 bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) to identify distributional changes before and after habitat alterations, and we discuss advantages in its application when comparing home range size, overlap, and joint‐space use. We found a consistent increase in bighorn sheep home range size when measured across home range levels, but that home range overlap and similarity values decreased when examined at increasing core levels. Our results highlight the benefit of conducting multiscale assessments when comparing distributions, and we encourage researchers to expand comparative home range analyses to gain a more comprehensive evaluation of distributional changes and to evaluate comparisons across home range levels.  相似文献   

Understanding patterns of animal space use and range fidelity has important implications for species and habitat conservation. For species that live in highly seasonal environments, such as mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus), spatial use patterns are expected to vary in relation to seasonal changes in environmental conditions and sex‐ or age‐specific selection pressures. To address hypotheses about sex, age, and seasonality influence on space‐use ecology, we collected GPS location data from 263 radio‐collared mountain goats (males, n = 140; females, n = 123) in coastal Alaska during 2005–2016. Location data were analyzed to derive seasonal and sex‐specific fixed‐kernel home range estimates and to quantify the degree of seasonal range and utilization distribution overlap. Overall, we determined that home range size was smallest during winter, expanded coincident with the onset of green‐up and parturition, and was largest during summer. Home range size of males and females did not differ significantly during winter, but females had larger home ranges than males during summer, a relationship that was switched during the mating season. Pairwise comparisons involving individual females across subsequent years indicated home ranges were significantly smaller during years when they gave birth to offspring. Mountain goats exhibited a strong degree of range fidelity, and 99% (n = 138) of individual animals returned to their previous year''s seasonal range with an average annual Bhattacharyya''s affinity utilization distribution overlap index of 68%. Similarity of seasonal home range utilization distributions varied in relation to sex and season in some respects. Home range overlap was highest during the summer vegetation growing season, particularly among females. These findings advance our understanding about how environmental variation and sex‐ and age‐related reproductive constraints influence space use and range fidelity among alpine ungulates. Documentation of the high degree of range fidelity among mountain goats has important conservation implications in landscapes increasingly altered by anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   

Shiny Cowbirds Molothrus bonariensis and Screaming Cowbirds Molothrus rufoaxillaris are closely related brood parasites but the former is socially polygynous or promiscuous and an extreme host generalist, whereas the latter is socially monogamous and parasitizes almost exclusively one host. Females of both species lay in relative darkness, before dawn, relying for host nest location on previous days’ prospecting activity, or possibly on following better‐informed roost associates. We studied the temporal and spatial patterns of roosting behaviour in these species to test the hypothesis that roosting behaviour of cowbirds is related to their breeding strategy (brood parasitism) and reflects differences in strategies between species. We recorded fidelity to a roost, location fidelity within a roost, inter‐individual spatial associations and timing of roost departures and parasitic events, using tagged individuals. Female Shiny Cowbirds and both sexes of Screaming Cowbirds showed marked fidelity in roosting location, and roost departures occurred both during and after the known time window for parasitism, with earlier departures probably corresponding to laying days. Screaming Cowbird females and males that were trapped together and showed high levels of association during the day, also showed high levels of association in the roost. We describe the spatial and temporal patterns of a relatively poorly known aspect of avian ecology in general and the behaviour of brood parasites in particular.  相似文献   

The home range and characteristics of Cottus koreanus were investigated using passive integrated transponder (PIT) telemetry in the Gulji Stream, Korea, where the target species was artificially translocated. After release, tagged individuals moved up to 78?m away from the release site in search of proper habitats. The average distance moved until settlement was 17.1?m. The observed home range of settled individuals had longitudinal sections of 9.9?±?3.6?m and surface areas of 7.2?±?2.7?m2. This is comparable to congeneric species that inhabit similar ecological habitats. Once individuals had settled, they rarely moved from that site except during the spring season. The typical microhabitat characteristics of the sites where the released individuals settled are: water depth of 5–10?cm, water velocity of 0.1–0.3?m?s?1, and the size of boulders and cobbles of 10–20?cm in diameter. This study of translocated C. koreanus individuals provides detailed information about habitats that can be used for effective habitat restoration and successful translocations attempts of this species.  相似文献   

Understanding the movements of animals in the wild is critical for providing important information regarding their conservation and management. With this aim in mind, we studied a population of Testudo hermanni in their natural habitat using micro GPS devices. Additionally, using VHF transmitters we tracked six individuals (four females and two males) from May to August 2015. The overall home range size varied from 813 and 123,567 m2. Home range size did not differ significantly between males and females, and was also independent of the size of the individual (expressed as straight carapace length). Individual movements were confined to short distances (males 25.7 m; females 18.5 m). Activity levels were highest in July and August for males and May and July for females.  相似文献   

Home range (HR) size variation is often linked to resource abundance, with sex differences expected to relate to sex‐specific fitness consequences. However, studies generally fail to disentangle the effects of the two main drivers of HR size variation, food and conspecific density, and rarely consider how their relative influence change over spatiotemporal scales. We used location data from 77 Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) from a 16‐year Scandinavian study to examine HR sizes variation relative to prey and conspecific density at different spatiotemporal scales. By varying the isopleth parameter (intensity of use) defining the HR, we show that sex‐specific effects were conditional on the spatial scale considered. Males had larger HRs than females in all seasons. Females' total HR size declined as prey and conspecific density increased, whereas males' total HR was only affected by conspecific density. However, as the intensity of use within the HR increased (from 90% to 50% isopleth), the relationship between prey density and area showed opposing patterns for females and males; for females, the prey density effect was reduced, while for males, prey became increasingly important. Thus, prey influenced the size of key regions within male HRs, despite total HR size being independent of prey density. Males reduced their HR size during the mating season, likely to remain close to individual females in estrous. Females reduced their HR size postreproduction probably because of movement constrains imposed by dependent young. Our findings highlight the importance of simultaneously considering resources and intraspecific interactions as HR size determinants. We show that sex‐specific demands influence the importance of prey and conspecific density on space use at different spatiotemporal scales. Thus, unless a gradient of space use intensity is examined, factors not related to total HR size might be disregarded despite their importance in determining size of key regions within the HR.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the residency patterns of marine mammals is an important element for management and conservation strategies. Here we investigate a population of Grampus griseus off Pico Island, Azores. Our data set covers the period 2004–2007, based on at‐sea observations of 1,250 individually identified animals, 303 of known or assumed sex. Using photo identification and GPS locations we calculated mean monthly sighting rates and lagged identification rates to analyze temporal patterns, and estimated kernel density to study the home range. Our results show site fidelity and relatively restricted home ranges, which corroborate the existence of a resident population on the study site. We further document sex differences, including a higher number of males present in the area at any given time but females staying for longer consecutive periods, and male home ranges with significantly less overlap than those of females. These observations are consistent with a mating system based on multimale pods defending areas where females periodically return. We hypothesize that squid distribution is a major factor in structuring these patterns. These findings reinforce the need for a precautionary management approach that would include limiting pressure from commercial activities.  相似文献   

Hawaiian monk seals (Neomonachus schauinslandi) began recolonizing the main Hawaiian Islands (MHI) roughly 20 yr ago. The species’ abundance is still declining, but the subpopulation in the MHI is increasing by 6.5% per year. This difference may be due to differences in prey availability or habitat quality between the northwest (NWHI) and main Hawaiian Islands, which could be reflected in the movements and behavior of the seals. For example, foraging trip durations may be shorter in areas with higher forage quality. From 2007 to 2014 we deployed GPS phone tags on the islands of Molokai (n = 7), Kauai (n = 6), and Oahu (n = 6) to study movements and dive behavior. Foraging trips typically lasted 0.57 d (IQR: 0.34–0.83) and seals traveled 18 km (IQR: 10.2–30.5) per trip. Seals began benthic dives shortly after entering the water, with most dives to depths of 12–32 m. The median 95% and 50% kernel density isopleths for seals in the MHI were 149.2 km2 and 23.2 km2, respectively. The duration and distance of foraging trips in the MHI were shorter than that observed in other studies from the NWHI, suggesting that foraging habitat is currently better in the MHI.  相似文献   

Between 1997 and 2003 mortality and yearly movements including homing (philopatry) of long-lived Placostylus ambagiosus and P. hongii land snails were studied when left in situ or exchanged between nearby sites in New Zealand. Harmonic radar transponders, attached to shells, increased recapture rates but might have increased emigration. Manipulation (translocation exchanges vs. control) caused no detectable changes but sample sizes were small. At Cape Maria van Diemen, 20% of P. ambagiosus homed after translocation although 90% died during widespread mortality. No P. ambagiosus snails homed at Surville Cliffs where 2.4% died and 26% emigrated. At Whareana Bay, 23% homed, 19% died, 8%–15% stayed where released and 58% emigrated. Mortality of P. hongii on Tawhiti Rahi Island, Poor Knights Islands, was 2% after 1 year. When transferred 10–84?m, 78% homed within a year, 2% went elsewhere and 20% were not found. However, 24% of those transferred 30–84?m returned to their release sites after homing. When left in situ, 60% remained nearby, 8% moved elsewhere and 30% were not found. There was an indication that habitat quality might influence emigration. Results are briefly discussed in relation to possible future translocations to conserve genetic variability and restore faunas.  相似文献   

In many bird species, parents adjust their home‐ranges during chick‐rearing to the availability and distribution of food resources, balancing the benefits of energy intake against the costs of travelling. Over recent decades, European agricultural landscapes have changed radically, resulting in the degradation of habitats and reductions in food resources for farmland birds. Lower foraging success and longer foraging trip distances that result from these changes are often assumed to reduce the reproductive performance of parents, although the mechanisms are not well understood. We tested the behavioural response of chick‐rearing Little Owls Athene noctua to variation in habitat diversity in an agricultural landscape. We equipped females with GPS loggers and received adequate range‐use data for 19 individuals (6063–14 439 locations per bird). In habitats dominated by homogeneous cropland habitats, home‐ranges were over 12 ha in size, whereas in highly diverse habitats they were below 2 ha. Large home‐ranges were associated with increased flight activity (117% of that of birds in small home‐ranges) and distances travelled per night (152%), increased duration of foraging trips (169%) covering larger distances (246%), and reduced nest visiting rates (81%). The study therefore provides strong correlative evidence that Little Owls breeding in monotonous farmland habitats expend more time and energy for a lower benefit in terms of feeding rates than do birds in more heterogeneous landscapes. As nestling food supply is the main determinant of chick survival, these results suggest a strong impact of farmland characteristics on local demographic rates. We suggest that preserving and creating islands of high habitat diversity within uniform open agricultural landscapes should be a key target in the conservation of Little Owl populations.  相似文献   

By combining behavioural observations on adult resident brown trout Salmo trutta in the laboratory with radio telemetry studies in a natural stream, information on movement and space use in relation to social status was obtained. Dominant individuals moved longer distances and also tended to have larger home ranges than subordinates during the summer. In general, home ranges were larger during daytime than at night. Fish were not strictly territorial since the average overlap in interquartile range was 36% during the summer. During the spawning period, the brown trout moved to specific spawning areas resulting in an increased overlap (89%) in space use. Subordinate individuals now tended to increase both home range and interquartile range and were also less frequently observed in spawning areas relative to dominants.  相似文献   

Obtaining longitudinal data about the feeding ecology of long‐lived iteroparous mammals is rare, but enhances our understanding of how the environment influences niche breadth and dietary diversity within a species. We analysed forty years of feeding records obtained from a population of Thornicroft's giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis thornicrofti) living in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia. Giraffes are browsers that have been reported to feed primarily upon Acacia leaves, but their feeding ecology in some locations conflict with this interpretation. Giraffes in the Luangwa Valley fed on 93 identified plant species, but only a few contributed to the bulk of the diet. Niche breadth was quite large (Shannon‐Weiner Diversity Index H′ = 3.699) and about 13% more diverse during the dry, than wet, season. Key species eaten during the dry season were very consistent across decades, with Kigelia africana and Capparis tomentosa prominent at this time. The evolutionary ecology of giraffes has probably benefitted from a foraging strategy that includes a variable and high‐quality diet during the hot, dry season, when feeding pressures are greatest. Giraffe feeding ecology has evolved in conjunction with their physiology, anatomy and morphology, resulting in an animal that is well adapted for survival in an arid environment.  相似文献   

Climate warming is occurring at an unprecedented rate in the Arctic and is having profound effects on host‐parasite interactions, including range expansion. Recently, two species of protostrongylid nematodes have emerged for the first time in muskoxen and caribou on Victoria Island in the western Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Umingmakstrongylus pallikuukensis, the muskox lungworm, was detected for the first time in 2008 in muskoxen at a community hunt on the southwest corner of the island and by 2012, it was found several hundred kilometers east in commercially harvested muskoxen near the town of Ikaluktutiak. In 2010, Varestrongylus sp., a recently discovered lungworm of caribou and muskoxen was found in muskoxen near Ikaluktutiak and has been found annually in this area since then. Whereas invasion of the island by U. pallikuukensis appears to have been mediated by stochastic movement of muskoxen from the mainland to the southwest corner of the island, Varestrongylus has likely been introduced at several times and locations by the seasonal migration of caribou between the island and the mainland. A newly permissive climate, now suitable for completion of the parasite life cycles in a single summer, likely facilitated the initial establishment and now drives range expansion for both parasites.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Prescribed burning is essential for maintaining suitable habitat for Bachman's Sparrows ( Aimophila aestivalis ), but burns conducted during the breeding season may lead to site abandonment and low survival or productivity. We monitored a color-banded population of Bachman's Sparrow in Georgia for four breeding seasons to assess home range size, site fidelity, and survival in an area managed primarily using breeding season burns. Our study area was one of the last remaining tracts of old-growth longleaf pine ( Pinus palustris ), and alternating halves of the tract were burned during the breeding season during each year of our study. Mean home range size for males ( N = 46) during the breeding season was 3.1 ha based on 95% fixed kernel analysis and 1.8 ha based on minimum convex polygons. Breeding season burning had no effect on male site fidelity and home range characteristics. The proportion of males remaining on burned areas was similar to the proportion remaining on unburned areas. Shifts in home range centroids pre- and postburn were also similar for males on unburned (median = 49.7 m) and burned (median = 65.6 m) areas. In addition, the size of home ranges that were burned ( ha) was similar to that of home ranges that were not burned ( ha). Estimated annual survival for males was 0.59. The median shift in annual home range centers calculated for 38 males observed during multiple breeding seasons was 63 m and, coupled with our survival estimates, suggest greater site fidelity than previously reported. These results suggest that breeding season burns were not as detrimental to Bachman's Sparrows as reported at other locations, and such burns may be helpful in maintaining suitable habitat.  相似文献   

The solitary larval endoparasitoid Eadya daenerys Ridenbaugh (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a proposed biocontrol agent of Paropsis charybdis Stål (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Chrysomelinae), a pest of eucalypts in New Zealand. Eadya daenerys oviposition behaviour was examined in two assay types during host range testing, with the aim of improving ecological host range prediction. No‐choice sequential and two‐choice behavioural observations were undertaken against nine closely related species of New Zealand non‐target beetle larvae, including a native beetle, introduced weed biocontrol agents, and invasive paropsine beetles. No behavioural measure was significantly different between no‐choice and two‐choice tests. In sequential no‐choice assays the order of first presentation (target–non‐target) had no significant effect on the median number of attacks or the attack rate while on the plant. Beetle species was the most important factor. Parasitoids expressed significantly lower on‐plant attack rates against non‐targets compared to target P. charybdis larvae. The median number of attacks was always higher towards target larvae than towards non‐target larvae, except for the phylogenetically closest related non‐target Trachymela sloanei (Blackburn) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Chrysomelinae). Most non‐target larvae were disregarded upon contact, which suggests that the infrequent attack behaviour observed by two individual E. daenerys against Allocharis nr. tarsalis larvae in two‐choice tests and the frass of Chrysolina abchasica (Weise) was probably abnormal host selection behaviour. Results indicate that E. daenerys is unlikely to attack non‐target species apart from Eucalyptus‐feeding invasive paropsines (Chrysomelinae). Non‐lethal negative impacts upon less preferred non‐target larvae are possible if E. daenerys does attack them in the field; however, this is likely to be rare.  相似文献   

Although genetic diversity provides the basic substrate for evolution, there are a limited number of studies that assess the impact of recent climate change on intraspecific genetic variation. This study aims to unravel the degree to which historical and contemporary factors shape genetic diversity and structure across a large part of the range of the range‐expanding damselfly Coenagrion scitulum (Rambur, 1842). A total of 525 individuals from 31 populations were genotyped at nine microsatellites, and a subset was sequenced at two mitochondrial genes. We inferred the importance of geography, environmental factors, and recent range expansion on genetic diversity and structure. Genetic diversity decreased going westwards, suggesting a signature of historical post‐glacial expansion from east to west and the presence of eastern refugia. Although genetic differentiation decreased going northwards, it increased in the northern edge populations, suggesting a role of contemporary range expansion on the genetic make‐up of populations. The phylogeographical context was proven to be essential in understanding and identifying the genetic signatures of local contemporary processes. Within this framework, our results highlight that recent range expansion of a good disperser can decrease genetic diversity and increase genetic differentiation which should be considered when devising suitable conservation strategies.  相似文献   

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