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Jach  M.E.  Ceulemans  R. 《Photosynthetica》2000,38(1):57-67
Dark respiration rate in the night (R D) was measured in five-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees grown for two years under ambient (AC) and elevated (AC + 400 µmol mol–1 = EC) CO2 concentrations in open top chambers. Two needle age classes (i.e., current-year and one-year-old) were measured at AC and EC in both AC- and EC-grown pines. Additionally different chemical characteristics were determined on the needles, such as nitrogen (N), carbon (C), starch, and soluble sugar concentrations as well as specific leaf area. The direct, short-term and indirect, long-term effects of EC on R D for the two needle age classes were examined. R D was expressed on a per needle area, needle mass, N, C, and C/N bases. Direct effects were only pronounced in the AC treatment where inhibition of R D was found at EC in both current- and one-year-old needles. Indirect effects were only significant in one-year-old needles where a decrease was found in the EC grown trees as compared with AC ones when R D was expressed per unit needle mass, C, or C/N. R D per unit needle area and needle N were not sensitive to long-term EC, in any needle age class. Long-term EC treatment also influenced the response of the two needle age classes. One-year-old needles from the EC treatment had significantly lower R D than current-year needles, but no such response was observed in the AC treatment. Our experiment re-emphasised the importance of expressing R D on different bases for a correct interpretation of the responses to EC. Moreover, we showed that different needle age classes can respond differently to a CO2 enrichment.  相似文献   

Two fungal species were isolated with different frequencies from pine tissue cultures originating from buds. One species was detected in 33.1% of the cultures initiated in March, and another was present in 1.7% of cultures initiated in June. Based on analyses of phylogenetic and physiological characteristics these fungi were identified as Hormonema dematioides (isolated in March) and Rhodotorula minuta (isolated in June). Probes targeted towards the 18S rRNA of H. dematioides and R. minuta were made. When in situ hybridizations were performed on pine bud tissue, R. minuta was detected inside the cells of meristematic tissue in 40% of the samples, in contrast to H. dematioides, which was not found in this tissue. Using light microscopy, H. dematioides was found to be localized in the scale tissues of the buds. Fungal endophytes have previously been detected in scale tissues, but not in the meristematic tissues of buds. The habitats of these fungi may reflect their different roles in the plant.  相似文献   

The effects of doubled ambient [CO2] and different temperature levels on young Pinus sylvestris growing in phytotron chambers were studied. Five chambers were supplied with ~380 (‘ambient air’) and five with ~700 μmol mol−1 CO2 (‘elevated [CO2]’). Temperature levels in the chambers ranged in increment steps of 2°C from −4°C to +4°C relative to the long-term monthly (day and night) average air temperature levels in Berlin–Dahlem. Substrate was medium fertile; soil moisture and air humidity were kept constant. After three vegetation periods twigs and stems were harvested, weighed, homogenized, and analyzed chemically. There was no significant temperature effect on wood mass accumulation, clearest positive [CO2] effect occurred in the youngest twigs. In total, wood mass increased by 28.5% at doubled ambient [CO2]. N-contents (percentage) decreased at elevated [CO2] in the uppermost stem sections and not in twig wood causing wider C/N ratios in total. In response to elevated temperature, N-contents decreased slightly in twigs (~0.3%). Traces of free glucose, fructose and sucrose, which decreased from the top to the bottom, were found in stem wood, in contrast to traces of starch that increased from the top to the bottom. In response to elevated [CO2] only a little more (0.05%) was accumulated in the top shoot and in tendency; glucose, fructose, and sucrose contents were lower at the bottom of stems as compared to the control. There was no obvious response of these non-structural carbohydrates to elevated temperature except for starch that decreased to half of the content from the lowest to the highest temperature level. Among the hemicellulose compounds, rhamnose and arabinose declined from the top shoot to the bottom of stem, whereas 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic-acid, mannose, and xylose increased. Contents (percentage) of galactose remained approximately stable along the stem. The clearest positive effect of elevated [CO2] along the whole stem was found for mannose with differences of 0.6–0.3%. In contrast to rhamnose and arabinose that showed a negative response to elevated [CO2], mannose was reduced towards the uppermost stem sections. The 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic-acid was slightly lowered at the bottom, and galactose and xylose showed no [CO2] response. The only hemicellulose compound which reacted to temperature elevation was galactose. It increased slightly (~0.1% per 1°C). Cellulose and lignin (Klason) behaved oppositely: cellulose increased and lignin decreased from the top to the bottom. These structural components behaved reversely also in response to elevated [CO2]. In stem parts above the bottom section, cellulose content was slightly higher at elevated [CO2], and lignin content was slightly lower at the bottom. Lignin reacted to temperature elevation by a very slight increase on the average (~0.1% per one 1°C). Cellulose, however, decreased by ~0.2% per 1°C temperature elevation. The importance of persistent sinks of carbon in woody plant parts is discussed in respect to the greenhouse effect.  相似文献   

Summary The amounts of starch, soluble sugars, triacylglycerols, diacylglycerols and free fatty acids were studied in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) during an annual cycle in current-year needles and in 1-, 2- and 3-year-old needles collected shortly after bud break. Determination of the compounds was performed using specific enzymatic assays, capillary gas chromatography and thin layer chromatography. Newly emerging needles contained relatively large amounts of starch, but only trace amounts of fat. During autumn and winter, fat content rose, while starch content decreased; amounts of both these reserve materials were very high the next spring shortly before bud break and decreased again during shoot elongation. Concentration of intermediates in triacylglycerol biosynthesis (diacylglycerols and free fatty acids), were low in summer and high in winter. The same pattern was observed for fructose and glucose (the predominant soluble sugars), galactose/arabinose and raffinose/melibiose. In contrast, sucrose concentrations were highest in spring and in autumn. Mature needles of different ages collected in May showed significant differences only in their triacylglycerol and starch content. Concentration changes of reserve materials are discussed in relation to season, mobilization and translocation processes, dormancy, frost resistance and the possibility of carbohydrate-fat interconversions.  相似文献   

Combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry has been used to identify indole-3-methanol in a purified buffer extract from etiolated seedlings of Pinus sylvestris L. Quantitative estimates obtained by high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection, corrected for losses occurring during purification, indicated that etiolated seedlings of P. sylvestris contained 19.7 ± 1.4 nanograms (± standard deviation) indole-3-methanol per gram fresh weight. The stability of indole-3-methanol at different pH levels was investigated. The rate of conversion, to a less polar unidentified substance, was enhanced with increasing acidity.  相似文献   

The effect of potentially toxic concentrations of ammonium on root development of Scots pine seedlings raised on Perlite was investigated during growth periods of 3 or 10 weeks after sowing. It was shown that imbalanced ammonium nutrition led to conspicuous changes of root morphology provided the pH value in the medium was allowed to decrease to 3.9 due to the NH+4-dependent proton excretion into the rhizosphere. Ammonium toxicity could not be observed with seedlings treated either with ammonium nitrate or with ammonium chloride at pH 5.3 ? 6.8. While the supply of NH+4 considerably inhibited root development the biomass production of the shoot was increased. Determination of the endogenous level of ammonium in roots and the leaf whorl exclude a simple causal correlation between ammonium toxicity and accumulated ammonium as has been postulated for herbaceous plants.  相似文献   

T. Fagerström  U. Lohm 《Oecologia》1977,26(4):305-315
Summary A theory of mechanisms underlying growth response to nitrogen in Scots pine is developed. Nitrogen in needles is considered as distributed in two mutually exclusive pools, viz. mobile and structurally bound. The size of the former pool, relative to total needle biomass, determines the rate of production of new needle biomass; this process decreases the pool size due to immobilization of mobile nitrogen. Some implications of the theory are derived and compared with published experimental results. It predicts a one-year time delay between a pulse fertilization and commencement of growth response, the latter having a total duration of about ten years with a maximum after about three; these predictions are not contradicted by available data.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term effects of elevated CO2 concentration (doubling of ambient CO2 concentration) and temperature (2–6°C elevation) on the concentration and content of secondary compounds in the needles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) saplings grown in closed-top environmental chambers. The chamber treatments included (1) ambient temperature and CO2, (2) ambient temperature and elevated CO2, (3) elevated temperature and ambient CO2, and (4) elevated temperature and elevated CO2. The needle sampling and analyses of monoterpenes, HPLC-phenolics and condensed tannins in current- and 1-year-old needles were made in two consecutive years. The results showed that the effects of elevation of CO2 and temperature were greatest on the monoterpene concentration in the needles while the concentration of HPLC-phenolics remained almost unaffected by the changed growing conditions. Most of the observed decrease in monoterpene concentration was caused by the CO2 enrichment while the effect of elevated temperature alone was not as significant. The accumulation of condensed tannins tended to increase due to the elevation of CO2 alone compensating the reduced carbon allocation to monoterpenes. Overall, the responses of the concentrations of secondary compounds to the elevation of CO2 and temperature are variable and depend strongly on the properties and characteristics of each compound as well as on the interrelation between the production of these compounds and the primary production of trees.  相似文献   

Eighty megagametophytes from each of 24 Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) were subjected to horizontal starch gel electrophoresis. The trees were from crosses among widely separated provenances, and each was polymorphic for 8 to 14 loci. Evidence for linkage among 275 two-locus combinations was tested using chi-square analysis. Data from different trees were pooled to calculate map distances for the species. Nineteen of the twenty-nine loci tested were linked in one of six groups; the groups varied in size from two to seven loci. Similarities in linkage relationships among Scots pine, other pines, and other species within the Pinaceae support karyological research that suggests extensive conservation of the conifer genome.  相似文献   

As shown before [C. Ottander et al. (1995) Planta 197:176-183], there is a severe inhibition of the photosystem (PS) II photochemical efficiency of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) during the winter. In contrast, the in vivo PSI photochemistry is less inhibited during winter as shown by in vivo measurements of deltaA820/A820 (P700+). There was also an enhanced cyclic electron transfer around PSI in winter-stressed needles as indicated by 4-fold faster reduction kinetics of P700+. The differential functional stability of PSII and PSI was accompanied by a 3.7-fold higher intersystem electron pool size, and a 5-fold increase in the stromal electron pool available for P700+ reduction. There was also a strong reduction of the QB band in the thermoluminescence glow curve and markedly slower Q-A re-oxidation in needles of winter pine, indicating an inhibition of electron transfer between QA and QB. The data presented indicate that the plastoquinone pool is largely reduced in winter pine, and that this reduced state is likely to be of metabolic rather than photochemical origin. The retention of PSI photochemistry, and the suggested metabolic reduction of the plastoquinone pool in winter stressed needles of Scots pine are discussed in terms of the need for enhanced photoprotection of the needles during the winter and the role of metabolically supplied energy for the recovery of photosynthesis from winter stress in evergreens.  相似文献   

Torgny Näsholm 《Oecologia》1994,99(3-4):290-296
The concentrations of arginine, protein and total nitrogen (N) and the abundance of15N were measured in 3-and 4-year-old needles of Scots pine trees fertilized with either 0 (C), 36 (N1) or 73 (N2) kg N ha-1 year-1 annually for 22 years (average doses of N). Remaining green needles and needles that were shed were compared and removal of N from total, protein and arginine pools was calculated. Earlier investigations had shown that high arginine concentrations are found in needles of trees that have an excessive N supply (Näsholm and Ericsson 1990). This study aimed to elucidate the fate of the accumulated arginine during needle senescence. It was speculated that a low removal of arginine during senescence would implicate that the primary function of arginine is in N detoxification and not in N storage. Moreover, litter quality would be altered if needles are shed with high concentrations of arginine and this might affect the turnover of N in forest ecosystems. In remaining green needles, the concentration of total N increased with increasing N supply. Protein N concentrations were higher in fertilized trees, but did not differ between the two N treatments. Arginine N was low in C and N1 trees but high in N2 trees. Senescent needles from C and N1 trees had about equal total N concentrations while in N2 trees this concentration was significantly higher. Protein N in senescent needles did not differ between treatments. Arginine N, however, was less than 0.1 mg g–1 dw in C and N1 trees but was higher than 1.5 mg g–1 dw in N2 trees. Removal of N was highest in N1 trees followed by C trees while N2 trees removed least N from senescing needles. The high concentration of total N in senescent needles from N2 trees was to a great extent explained by a high arginine concentration.The 15N value of remaining, green needles was higher (less negative) in N2 trees than in C and N1 trees. The same pattern was found for senescent needles. Comparisons of 15N values between remaining, green and senescent needles within each treatment showed a significant increase in 15N for all treatments during senescence possibly indicating losses of N as NH3 (g) from needles during senescence. It is concluded that arginine, accumulated in response to high N supply, is retranslocated only to a small extent during needle senescence. The ecological and physiological implications of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

Subsurface bacterial growth occurred in an N-free medium inoculated with interior tissues of big non-mycorrhizal roots (7 to 8 mm diameter) of 15-20 years-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing on sand dunes at the Baltic Sea of Poland. The bacteria were not N2 fixers as determined by the acetylene reduction method. Light microscopic and scanning electron microscopic observations revealed massive bacterial clusters residing in the cortical cells underlying epidermis and parenchyma. The bacteria produced yellow-green pigments on King's medium, which fluoresced under ultraviolet (UV) irradiation at 366 nm wavelength, and could be a siderophore-producing Pseudomonas.  相似文献   

Two of four isozymes of superoxide dismutase (SOD) (EC were purified from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) needles. One form was cytosolic (SOD-1) and the other was associated with chloroplasts (SOD-3). The holoenzyme molecular masses was estimated at approximately 35 kilodaltons by gel filtration. The subunit molecular weight of the dimeric enzymes was estimated to 16.5 kilodaltons (SOD-1) and 20.4 kilodaltons (SOD-3) on sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gels. The NH2-terminal sequence of the pine enzymes showed similarities to other purified superoxide dismutases located in the corresponding compartment. The cytosolic form revealed two additional amino acids at position 1 and 2 at the NH2-terminal. Both forms were cyanide- and hydrogenperoxide-sensitive and SOD-3 was found to contain approximately one copper atom per subunit, indicating that they belong to the cupro-zinc SODs. The isoelectric point was 4.9 and 4.5 for SOD-1 and SOD-3, respectively.  相似文献   

In the present study ectomycorrhizal development of Laccaria bicolor, Rhizopogon luteolus and Suillus bovinus associated with Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedings was studied as affected by primary stand humus, secondary stand humus, podsolic sandy soil or peat in perspex growth chambers. After 9 weeks, ectomycorrhizal development with S. bovinus was significantly greater in peat and primary stand humus than in secondary stand humus or podsolic sandy soil. Ectomycorrhizal development with R. luteolus in secondary stand humus was higher than in primary stand humus. Degree of ectomycorrhizal development of L. bicolor, R. lutuelus and S. bovinus on Scots pine was related to potassium concentration, organic matter content and pH of the soils suggesting that chemical composition of the soils affects ectomycorrhizal development.  相似文献   

Formation of the stilbenes pinosylvin and pinosylvin 3-methyl ether, as well as the activity of the biosynthetic enzyme stilbene synthase (pinosylvin-forming), were induced several hundred- to thousandfold in primary needles of 6-week-old pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings upon exposure to a single pulse of ozone of at least 0.15 microliters per liter. The seedlings required 4 hours of exposure as a minimum for the induction of stilbene biosynthesis when exposed to 0.2 microliters per liter ozone. Both stilbene synthase activity and stilbene accumulation increased with the duration of ozone treatment. The activity of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and the activity of chalcone synthase, a key enzyme of the flavonoid pathway that uses the same substrates as stilbene synthase, were also stimulated about twofold by ozone. Stilbene biosynthesis appears to represent the first example of a dose-dependent biochemical response to ozone in a conifer species and may serve as a useful biomarker to study stress impacts on pine trees.  相似文献   

Gielen  B.  Jach  M.E.  Ceulemans  R. 《Photosynthetica》2000,38(1):13-21
Six-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings were grown in open top chambers (OTCs) at ambient (AC) or elevated (ambient + 400 µmol mol–1; EC) CO2 concentration for three years (1996–1998). Chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence of current and one-year-old needles was measured in the field at two-weekly intervals in the period July–October 1998. In addition, Chl, carbon (C), and nitrogen (N) concentrations in both needle age classes were determined monthly during the same period. Chl fluorescence parameters were not significantly affected by EC, suggesting there was no response of the light reactions and the photochemical efficiency of photosystem 2. Chl concentrations were not significantly different but a reduced N concentration was observed in needles of EC treatment. Significant differences between needle age classes were observed for all parameters, but were most apparent under EC and toward the end of the growing season, possibly due to an acclimation process. As a result, significant interactions between CO2 treatment, needle age class, and season were found. This study emphasizes the importance of repeated measures including different leaf/needle age classes to assess the photosynthetic response of trees under EC.  相似文献   

The physiological mechanisms leading to Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) decline in the dry inner alpine valleys are still unknown. Testing the carbon starvation hypothesis, we analysed the seasonal course of mobile carbohydrate pools (NSC) of Scots pine growing at a xeric and a dry-mesic site within an inner alpine dry valley (750 m a.s.l., Tyrol, Austria) during 2009, which was characterised by exceptional soil dryness. Although, soil moisture content dropped to ca. 10% at both sites during the growing season, NSC concentrations rose in all tissues (branch, stem, root) until the end of July, except in needles, where maxima were reached around bud break. NSC concentrations were not significantly different in the analysed tissues at the xeric and the dry-mesic site. At the dry-mesic site, NSC concentrations in the aboveground tree biomass were significantly higher during the period of radial growth. An accumulation of NSC in roots at the end of July indicates a change in carbon allocation after an early cessation in aboveground growth, possibly due to elevated belowground carbon demand. In conclusion, our results revealed that extensive soil dryness during the growing season did not lead to carbon depletion. However, even though carbon reserves were not exhausted, sequestration of carbohydrate pools during drought periods might lead to deficits in carbon supply that weaken tree vigour and drive tree mortality.  相似文献   

Unfavorable anthropogenic factors, such as air pollution, lead to biochemical responses in trees. Changes in the amounts of secondary metabolites may be early indicators of invisible injuries. The aim of this study was to evaluate composition of the essential oils in the needles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing in the areas affected by pollutant emissions of main factories in Lithuania: a nitrogen fertilizer factory (NFF), a cement factory (CF), and an oil refinery (OR). Totally, 14 pine stands were examined along transects from the factories (July 2005). Volatile components of the needles were extracted and analyzed by GC and GC/MS. Over 70 components of the essential oils were identified in current-year and 1-year-old needles. Along the CF transect for current-year needles, the percentage of diterpenes was decreasing with the increasing pH of the pine bark (r = -0.582; p < 0.05) or with the increasing concentration of SO2 (r = -0.573; p < 0.05); for 1-year-old needles, the percentage of diterpenes was decreasing with the increasing pH of the bark (r = -0.534; p < 0.05). Along the OR transect, in both the current-year and 1-year-old needles, the percentage of diterpenes was decreasing with the increasing SO2 (respectively, r = -0.773; p < 0.01; r = -0.486; p < 0.05); an opposite relation was true for sesquiterpenes (respectively, r = -0.751; p < 0.01; r = 0.785; p < 0.01). The view was different along the NFF transect. For current-year needles, the percentage of monoterpenes was decreasing with the increasing NH3 (r = -0.669; p < 0.01); while the percentage of sesquiterpenes or oxysesquiterpenes was increasing with the increasing NH3 (respectively, r = 0.540; p < 0.05 and r = 0.688; p < 0.01). For each transect, cluster analysis of the percentages of components of essential oils in the needles allowed us to distinguish the most contrasting stands according to the concentration of air pollutants. Current-year needles were more effective as indicators of the effects of pollution than 1-year-old needles in the case of the NFF and the OR transects, and both-aged needles were equally valuable in the case of the CF transect. The changes detected in the proportions of components of the essential oils in the needles of the trees affected by the industrial emissions may play a significant role in modifying the susceptibility of the pine stands to the biotic factors, and also may alter emissions of terpenes from the stands to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

The effects of enhanced UV‐B radiation on the needle anatomy of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) were studied in the field under supplemental UV‐B radiation supplied by a modulated irradiation system. The supplemental UV‐B levels were designed to simulate either a 16 or 25% loss of stratospheric ozone over College Park, Maryland. Enhanced UV‐B radiation caused different responses in these two species. The needles of loblolly pine had larger amounts of tannin in the lumen of epidermal cells and more wall‐bound phenolics in the outer epidermal walls of UV‐B‐treated needles, whereas the most pronounced effect on Scots pine needles was increased cutinization. In both species, the outer epidermal cell walls thickened and the needle cross‐sectional and mesophyll areas decreased (statistically significantly only in Scots pine). This suggests that more carbon may have been allocated to the protection mechanisms at the expense of photosynthetic area. The difference in response between these species suggests that the response to UV‐B radiation is not mediated by a single mechanism and that no generalization with regard to the effects of UV‐B on conifers can be made.  相似文献   

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