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We investigated how free-ranging mares of two species of equids (donkeys and Shetland ponies) modify their foraging behaviour to meet the increased nutritional requirements induced by lactation. We initially hypothesised that lactating mares would graze for a longer time and/or graze faster than non-lactating (dry) mares. The grazing behaviour of free-ranging animals, foraging in two low-productive dune areas, was recorded during 1 year. Results show that in both species lactating animals did not spend more time grazing than non-lactating mares. However, lactating animals took more bites, and therefore achieved a higher bite rate than dry mares. Several factors affected the differences between lactating and non-lactating animals. Lactating mares took more bites only in grassy and rough vegetations and they did this only in patches with a short sward height. In addition, lactating mares took more bites of grasses only and not of forbs or woody plants. We conclude that the extra grazing effort of the lactating animals was not distributed randomly. Lactating mares invested their extra grazing effort principally towards those items that are the most grazed by the equids in general. We propose some hypotheses to explain why lactating mares increase their bite rate instead of augmenting the time spent grazing.  相似文献   

Q fever, spotted fever rickettsioses and equine piroplasmosis, are some of the most serious equine tick-borne diseases caused by Coxiella burnetii, Rickettsia spp., Babesia caballi and/or Theileria equi. This study surveyed and molecularly characterized these pathogens infecting horses in ten ranches from XUAR, China using molecular technology. Among 200 horse blood samples, 163 (81.5%) were infected with at least one of the pathogens. Rickettsia spp. was the most prevalent pathogen (n = 114, 57.0%), followed by C. burnetii (n = 79, 39.5%), T. equi (n = 79, 39.5%) and B. caballi (n = 49, 24.5%). Co-infections were observed in 61.3% of positive samples in this study. Statistically significant differences were observed between the sampling regions for C. burnetii, B. caballi and T. equi, and also in different age group for C. burnetii and T. equi. The genotype analysis indicated that C. burnetii htpB, Rickettsia spp. ompA, B. caballi rap-1, B. caballi 18S rRNA, T. equi EMA-1 and T. equi 18S rRNA gene sequences from horses in XUAR were variable. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first report of C. burnetii and Rickettsia spp. infection and co-infected with piroplasma in horses in China. Overall, this study revealed the high infection rate of the pathogens in horses in XUAR, China. The current findings are expected to provide a basis for better tick-borne disease control in the region.  相似文献   

Since host immune reaction to ticks interferes with tick-borne pathogen transmission, it is important to recognize naturally occurring tick-host immune relationships to better understand the epidemiology of such infectious diseases. Amblyomma cajennense is an important tick-borne disease vector in the Neotropical region and horses maintain it in domestic environments. In the present work intradermal testing of A. cajennense tick exposed horses and donkeys using crude tick antigens was used to evaluate the type of hypersensitivity induced by infestations. Animals sensitized by A. cajennense infestation displayed an immediate hypersensitivity reaction at the antigen inoculation site. Foals sensitized with experimental infestations and field sensitized horses presented the most intense reactions (40% of ear thickness increase). Field sensitized donkeys presented less intense reaction reaching no more than 22% of mean thickness increase. Control horses (non-sensitized) had the least intense reaction, with a peak of no more than 12% of increase. The presence of a prominent immediate hypersensitivity in equids sensitized experimentally or by field infestations indicates that A. cajennense ticks induce in this host an immune response that is associated with IgE production and which is known to be inappropriate against intracellular pathogens. Differences observed between horses and donkeys are discussed.  相似文献   

During 2010, a new foliar blight was detected on potted Dodonaea viscosa cv. Purpurea plants in two nurseries in Catania (Italy). On the basis of morphological and cultural features, the pathogen was identified as Phytophthora palmivora. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS)‐rDNA sequence of a representative Phytophthora isolate from hopbush showed 99% identity with other ITS sequences of different P. palmivora isolates available in GenBank, thus confirming the morpho‐cultural identification. Koch’s postulates were fulfilled by pathogenicity tests on potted Dviscosa cv. Purpurea seedlings. To our knowledge, this is the first report of P. palmivora foliar blight disease on Dviscosa.  相似文献   

Toxocariasis is one of the most frequently reported helminth infections worldwide. Eosinophilia is a common finding of parasitic infections. This study assessed the levels of IgG antibodies specific to Toxocara spp. by ES-ELISA method in an eosinophilic (n=350) and non eosinophilic group (n=350). There were IgG antibodies specific to Toxocara spp. in 114 (32.6%) of the eosinophilic group and in 71 (20.3%) of the non-eosinophilic group (p<0.001). Toxocariasis may be an important problem in the region and should be kept in mind for patients with eosinophilia.  相似文献   

Genetic structure of Italian population is described as regards the level of inbreeding measured through the frequency of consanguineous marriages during a long period of time in different geographical areas. Analyses of spatial and temporal variation of the different types of marriages between close biological relatives allow us to point out the major factors responsible for the availability of cousins to marry within a specific area: population size, fertility, mortality and migration rates and, in general the demographic structure, changing over time and greatly affected by variation in the socio-economic structure. A deepened analysis, within each consanguinity degree, of the various pedigrees differing in the sex of ancestors, give information on the type of migration (patrilocal or matrilocal) occurred in various parts of Italy, as probable consequence of differential type of economy (for instance: pastoral or agricultural in Sardinia). Moreover, a cultural factor of varying intensity could be recognized in the greater observed frequency of marriages in which the nearest ancestors are females, interpreted as a tendency to maintain family ties by mothers of consanguineous mates.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidiosis is a worldwide-diffused protozoan disease causing important economic losses to animal husbandry and livestock production. Additionally, several species/genotypes of Cryptosporidium have a relevant zoonotic potential and ruminants may be important sources of infection for human beings. Nonetheless, in Europe, little is known of the presence of Cryptosporidium in sheep nor on the species/genotypes involved. To obtain information on the occurrence of cryptosporidiosis in lambs and the potential zoonotic role of the Cryptosporidium isolates, one hundred and forty-nine faecal samples individually collected from lambs in central Italy have been examined for the presence of Cryptosporidium. All faecal specimens were processed with a commercial ELISA kit immunoassay and all ELISA-positive samples were further analyzed genetically. Twenty-six ELISA-positive samples scored positive at the PCR and the sequences obtained displayed 100% identity with the zoonotic Cryptosporidum parvum. This work suggests for the first time that lambs in Italy may shed C. parvum, thus representing a potential public health hazard.  相似文献   

Abstract. Sera from 41 horses and 159 donkeys, from twelve States of México, were tested to ascertain anti-Gasterophilus circulating antibodies by double immunodiffusion (DD), counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIE), indirect haemagglutination (IH), thin layer immunoassay (TIA) and diffusion-in-gel ELISA (DIG-ELISA) methods using crude somatic antigen from third instar larvae of G.intestinalis (DeGeer). At necropsy, 33/41 horses and 24/159 donkeys were found to be parasitized by G.intestinalis and/or G.nasalis (L.). Gasterophilus intestinalis was the species most commonly found in the equines. Analysis of the sera from the infested animals by DD showed positive results of 21.2% in horses and of 8% in donkeys. Screening the sera with CIE gave sensitivities of 69.7% in horses and of 32% in donkeys. Examination of the sera by IH showed positive results of 87.9% and of 48% in horses and donkeys, respectively. Testing the sera with TIA gave sensitivities of 93.9% in horses and of 96% in donkeys. Analysis of horses' sera by DIG-ELISA showed a sensitivity of 93.9%.  相似文献   

A total of 1045 milk samples collected from infected and non infected quarters of 269 cows were investigated. This study showed that 4.7% of samples possessed cells of Prototheca spp. (106cells/ml). The presence of other pathogenic microorganisms was also monitored. Prototheca spp. isolates were classified on the basis of current taxonomic guidelines and identified as P. zopfii. Susceptibility tests carried out in vitro by using 25 antibiotic compounds revealed that the strains of P. zopfii. were susceptible only to nystatin and amphotericin B (58 and 33% of total strains, respectively). The present study represents the first large-scale investigation carried out in Italy on the isolation of this achlorophyllous yeast-like microalga in milk samples produced by dairy herds.  相似文献   

The systematic and taxonomic position of Geum micropetalum, a controversial species currently treated as endemic to Italy, is discussed. The name G. micropetalum is here typified and shown to be a heterotypic synonym of G. urbanum. Herbarium survey evidenced the historical presence in Italy of G. heterocarpum. During ad hoc field investigations carried out in 2012, we were able to confirm the presence of this species in a single small population, the only one known from Italy.  相似文献   

Aim:  To evaluate the reliability of culture-independent methods in comparison with culture-dependent ones for the detection of Arcobacter spp. in estuarine waters of Southern Italy.
Methods and Results:  PCR and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) procedures were used to detect arcobacters directly in water samples and after enrichment cultures. The samples totally were positive by molecular methods (PCR and FISH) but only 75% were culture positive, confirming the limitation of these latter to detect Arcobacter spp. in natural samples. Culturable arcobacters were retrieved in all times except in July, and isolated species were ascribed only to Arcobacter cryaerophilus .
Conclusions:  Culturable and nonculturable forms of Arcobacter in the estuarine environment were present. PCR assays were more sensitive than traditional culture in detecting Arcobacter butzleri and A. cryaerophilus . FISH comparatively to PCR technique may provide information about cell morphology and viability of single cells.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Our investigation indicates the existence of an environmental reservoir of potential pathogenic arcobacters in an estuarine Italian area, which may survive under a viable but not culturable state.  相似文献   

An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using rigid polystyrene microtiter plates was adapted to detect specific gonococcal antibodies against outer membrane-complex antigens extracted from Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The concentration of antigen to obtain maximum coating of the well was 10 micrograms protein per millilitre. The optimal binding of the primary antibody and enzyme-conjugated antimmunoglobulin was achieved after 1 h at 37 degrees C. Under these conditions using gonococcal antisera, no cross-reactivity was observed with outer membrane antigens extracted from Neisseria meningitidis serogroups B, C, X, Y, and W135. Neisseria meningitidis serogroup A demonstrated low levels of cross-reactivity. All the non-pathogenic Neisseria spp. tested were negative (absorbance value at 400 nm/30 min less than 0.15). The reaction of immune serum against outer membrane complex absorbed to the microwells was completely inhibited with soluble-specific antigen but not with purified N. gonorrhoeae lipopolysaccharide. Quantitative inhibition permitted the measurement of low levels of antigen (0.5 microgram/ml). The detection of N. gonorrhoeae antibody with ELISA is specific and highly sensitive.  相似文献   

食品中沙门氏菌分子检测靶点的筛选与评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
[目的]发掘新的沙门氏菌分子检测靶点,筛选检测性能优秀的引物.[方法]利用BLAST程序比较沙门氏菌属内基因组DNA序列的同源性以及沙门氏菌与非沙门氏菌基因组DNA序列之间的特异性,发掘出100多个检测沙门氏菌属的特异性片段,并从中随机挑选出15个片段作为候选靶点,一共设计了27对引物(FS1~FS27),对它们的特异性、灵敏度加以评价,从中筛选检测性能最好的引物.[结果]在27对引物中,检测性能最优的引物为FS23,采用该引物对供试菌株的相应检测靶点进行PCR扩增,44株沙门氏菌都能扩增到一条492 bp特异性片段,而22株非沙门氏菌则不能扩增出这一特异性片段.以FS23为引物建立PCR方法检测猪霍乱沙门氏菌基因组DNA的灵敏度为11.9 fg/μL,细菌纯培养物灵敏度为4.9×102cfu/mL;用猪霍乱沙门氏菌人工污染牛奶样品,如果接种起始菌量为100 cfu/25 mL时,只需要增菌5 h,采用上述方法即能检测出沙门氏菌.[结论]引物FS23对应的基因序列是一个性能优良的新分子检测靶点,具备很高的特异性和灵敏性,能够广泛应用于食品中沙门氏菌的快速检测.  相似文献   

Using a PCR based method, we determined hypervariable markers of the Thyroid Peroxidase gene (TPO-VNTR markers) by size classification of alleles in a total of 146 blood samples (76 from Sicily and 70 from Lombardy, South and North Italy respectively). A total of 22 alleles were identified. They varied in size from 6 (0.4 Kbp) to 27 (1.5 Kbp) repeats and showed a unimodal distribution (peak at 15 repeat number). Data were compared with those previously obtained in two other Italian samples from Calabria (South Italy) and from Sardinia. Heterogeneity G tests on allele frequency distributions led to the following conclusions: 1) as observerd for the majority of the known polymorphisms, the Sardinian sample is clearly distinguishable from all the others; 2) although on the whole no significant heterogeneity emerges from the comparison between southern and northern Italians, certain allelic frequencies are able to distinguish between groups.  相似文献   

A PCR procedure has been developed for routine analysis of viable Salmonella spp. in feed samples. The objective was to develop a simple PCR-compatible enrichment procedure to enable DNA amplification without any sample pretreatment such as DNA extraction or cell lysis. PCR inhibition by 14 different feed samples and natural background flora was circumvented by the use of the DNA polymerase Tth. This DNA polymerase was found to exhibit a high level of resistance to PCR inhibitors present in these feed samples compared to DyNAzyme II, FastStart Taq, Platinum Taq, Pwo, rTth, Taq, and Tfl. The specificity of the Tth assay was confirmed by testing 101 Salmonella and 43 non-Salmonella strains isolated from feed and food samples. A sample preparation method based on culture enrichment in buffered peptone water and DNA amplification with Tth DNA polymerase was developed. The probability of detecting small numbers of salmonellae in feed, in the presence of natural background flora, was accurately determined and found to follow a logistic regression model. From this model, the probability of detecting 1 CFU per 25 g of feed in artificially contaminated soy samples was calculated and found to be 0.81. The PCR protocol was evaluated on 155 naturally contaminated feed samples and compared to an established culture-based method, NMKL-71. Eight percent of the samples were positive by PCR, compared with 3% with the conventional method. The reasons for the differences in sensitivity are discussed. Use of this method in the routine analysis of animal feed samples would improve safety in the food chain.  相似文献   

During the 2009 and the 2010 growing seasons, a root rot disease has been detected on young potted Persea americana plants in two nurseries located in the Catania and Messina provinces (eastern Sicily, Italy). A Cylindrocarpon sp. was consistently recovered from pieces of symptomatic tissues on Petri dishes containing potato dextrose agar. On the basis of morphological characteristics and molecular identification by DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of internal transcribed spacer and β‐tubulin gene regions, the causal agent was identified as Ilyonectria (=Neonectria) macrodidyma. Koch’s postulates were fulfilled by pathogenicity tests carried out on potted P. americana seedlings. To our knowledge, this is the first to report worldwide of the occurrence of a disease caused by I. macrodidyma on P. americana.  相似文献   

During 2011, Fusarium rot of stored garlic was detected on bulbs of ‘Aglio Bianco’ (white garlic) in Piacenza, Ferrara and Rovigo districts. Bulbs, harvested in July, were asymptomatic. During conservation in the drying sheds, approximately thirty percent of bulbs appeared emptied and softened. Fusarium proliferatum was consistently recovered from infected bulbs. The morphological identification was confirmed by Translation Elongation Factor 1‐alpha gene sequencing. Koch postulates were checked through pathogenicity tests. The disease has already been reported in Serbia, Germany, Spain, United States, China and India, but to our knowledge, this is the first report of F. proliferatum garlic bulb rot in Italy.  相似文献   

F. Pedrotti 《Plant Ecology》1993,109(2):187-190
A brief history of the vegetation mapping in Italy is described. The principal types of maps are physiognomical, of vegetation belts, of vegetation series, phytosociological, of dynamical tendencies in vegetation, ecological, of potential vegetation and environmental. The first botanical map of whole Italy was made by Fiori in 1908 and it is of physiognomical type. The last one was realized by Pedrotti in 1989 and represents the natural potential vegetation (in 1:1 500 000 scale).This report was oral presented at the Vth International Congress of Ecology (August 23–30, 1990 - Yokohama, Japan).  相似文献   

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